Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 8

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BRUCE MINN'S Breslin's Men's Wear Under New Ownershi 0f Former Oshawa Mc The boys' and mens' wear by Mr. Breslin. In additio store operated in Bowmanville will have several well-ki for the past five years by Mau- lines of ready-to-wear lo' rice Breslin was taken oveig ncluding Warren K. lait Frlday by Biuce Mirins, a suits. former Oshawa man who is Mr. Minns plans altera well known in this district. to the rear of the store m~ Mr. Minns bas been a tra- a suit department wit' veller for varlous firms i the changing room will be sel clothing fiel&~ for the past 16 *New shelves will bea years afid at aresent represents there and louvers will b( Tooke Shirts in Hamilton and stalled to partially screei the Niagara Peninsula. He this department from the lans -ta keep his present job proper. The store wi]l utwill be working at bis new known as Bruce Minn's J store on Pridays and Satur- #id Boys' Wear and hîsi days. GaM Venning, who work- friends in this district wisl edfor Mr. Breslin for twvo Minns every success witl years, will be Manager of the new business venture. store. Mr. Breslin, wbo has been in the mens' wear busi- nesshere for 22 years, wili con-L calC O centrate on bis ladies' store. Éorn and educated in Osh- Oc O F in the office of General Motrs BaillTearn for six years after Ieaving school. While living in Oshawa he was a member of the Bow- Loses Mondeê rnanville Badminton Club and hrtnsCnesdf viade many friends here. He thorntons leCoesof rioved to Aldershot, nearth Bo avie0F : * *Hamilton, seven years ago. Mr. team three games to one tc Minns plans to move ta Bow- the Oshawa 00F League cl manville with his wife and son, pionship. The final game John, 9, next summer. He is a played at the Cream of Bý nieberoftheScttih iteofPark Monday evening, anc the Masonit c orin Haiton score was a one-sided 8-2. th aisoa i reriof aithCon- Bowmianville had a bac anercisa Traellersoiat on nng, and the Thornton's of Cian ada. rsAscito ners squad scored seven rui ofCarda. n Lne the top of the third. A 1 Carriz Man Unes run in the fourth gavet At his store Mr..Minns will their eighth. specialize in smart clothes for Bowmanville came back young men and will carry a two runs in the fifth, but fi *fulli une of clothlng for boys to catch up to their rivais, and youths from 6 to 16. He Hank Jantzen pitched will continue to seil the popu- Bowmanville until the1 lar lines of tailored-to-measure when Mel Burgess took ovi mens' clothing such -as Warren Thornton's Corners were K. Cook, Tip Top and FIeet top two tcams in a sixt Street suits, formerly handlcd league. 4 UNDEI 'iNEW OWNI We wish to. announce that*we h aw feated cham- was arlev Id th e d in- Cor- ins iin home them with failed for third ver. ethe team PHONE MA 3-5423 In two vcry keenly contcsted games Courtice eliminated Ma- pie Grave by scores of 3-1 bath gaines. They are naw awaiting the outcomc of the Zion end Soina semi-finals in which Saline went a game aead Sat- urday night by a, score of 4-2. They played their third game lest night, but paper deadline would flot ellow us to procure the score of this game. In the Junior league witth schedule completed Zion hv * ~. ~Z~5TI cin on he nowzi othin~ Cook -tions where th a et Up. added :e in- m off store MIens' many à Mr. ih his '-M______ 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE NE WTON VILLE Mr. Harold Stewart is a Ëatient at Memorial Hospiîtal, Master Kenneth Whittaker, Toronto, is spending a few days. with bis grandmother, Mrs. John Pearce. Mrs. Arnold Coulter, Minden, spent a few days with Mr. anid Mrs. Wm. Milligan., Mrs. David Merrill and Mrs. Jas. Towns, Warkworth, spent Thursday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Willis Jones. Mr. Andrew Reichrath wh'o is stiil in Oshawa hospital was reported as having had a set back over the weekend but wc hope he will soon be able to retur?# home. Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Coultas and son Eric, Farnham, Que., spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Pike. Mr. and Mrs.. C. J. Moase of Lindsay with his sister, Mrs. G. W. Joncs, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloý'd Burley and family have moved into the cast haîf of bis father's residence. Robert Qegema, *Bowman- ville, spent a few days with Johnnie Walkey. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter and daughters Sandra and Donna spent Sunday with Mr. ènd Mrs. Blair MacDonald. Kingston. Mr. Bill Thompson, Chicago, who came east for the C.N.E. dropped down to sec his ajint, Miss Bertha Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb, Montreal, are spending a few deys at their cottage here. They have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Noel Brooks end family. At the regular Sunday morn- ing service, Aug. 28th, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Oudshoorn presented their infant son David for baptism. Visitors with Mns. Andrew Reichrath on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris of Cobourg and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adamis of Toronto. Miss Carol Reich- reth returned with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. ERSHIP LVe purchased M TEM CANADIAN STAMEMAIt EOWMANV!LL. ONTAMO ll1'IMRfAT. P. u.1053 - - ~-------- '- --------- r--- - - - Bruce Minns, who bhas taken over the men's clothing business at 29 King Street East, operated for the past f ive years by Maurice Breslin, is shown at right above pointing out the label of one of the many lines of clothing he will handie, to Gary Vennîng, who will manage the store. Mr. Minns is a native of Oshawa and is well known in Bowmanville. He has been *a travellër for various men's clothing firms for the past 16 years and will keep his present position with the Tooke Shirt Company, but will be at his new store on Fridays and Saturdays. Roses A gain Champs By Defeatin'g Orono Af 1er Lengthy Series The Roses are champions once egain. Tbey won thp "B" section of the Intermediate Lakeshore League by defeating the Orono Orphans for the fourth time in the playoff series lest Thurs- day in Orono. The score of the game was 5-3, and the Brookdalé squad led ail the way. Bowmanville scored two runs in the first inning and got ewey ta a kood stert, pleying à good brand of hasebal. They nab- bcd two marc in the third and then hcld the field down until the eighth when, Orano pushed in tbrec with their bigge.st thret of the game. A lincher in the ninth i- ning sewed u p the game for the Roses. George "General" JoxA's, a left-handed hurler, allowcd only anc hit until the eighth inning, wben Wiener West drove in two runs with a dou- ble. The runners had reached the bases with a walk and a hit. Wekely, Orono's speedy shortstap, tappcd a double car- ly in the game forOrono's first hit. Lloyd Hamilton's spectacu- 1er catchiflg in centre field for Bowmanville saved-the Roses morç then once. Yourth andi Cowlc had bits that scored a victary for their squad. No announcement of who the Roses will meet next bas yet been made. Fifth Game Town Soft ball Tonight at 6.30 The fifth, and possibly the final game of the Town Leegue softbell playaffs will be play- ed tonight (Thursday), weath- er permitting, at the Cream of Barley Park. Tom Cowan's Harvesters, who won the regular schedule play, have won three games ta anc for Ken's Men's Wear. Ken's men ivili have ta win this on.? ta remain in the running ini the bcst-four-of-seven series. Geme time is 6:30. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin spent the weekend at Ottawa with Mr. and Mns. Alec Mc- Neil. Miss -Doris Martin re- mained for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Martin called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow at Kingston. Mrs. Gardon Martin held a tea i bnor of Mrs. Alec Mar- tin last Thursday afternoon and evening. Mi. and Mrs. George Ingle- hart and Sharon,' Mrs. Roy Mc- Kay and Mrs. Jack McKay and family, Bronte, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robin All- dred. Mr. and Mrs. AUf. Wilkins and family, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas:- Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow, Brown's, were Slinday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bedwin. Mrs. Jack Hoinies and fam- ily spent a few days at Chat- eau Wembley, Haliburton. Miss Hazel Barrie, Osbawa, and Miss Tucker Couch, Ton- onto, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Gra- hîam, Nancy and Barbara, of Pontiac, Micb., are, visitons et Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes'. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown and Jack, Bowmanville, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Master Raymond Twist of Bowmanville spen't a few days last week witb Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery. Miss Blanche Wotten, Oshawa, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Avery. Nice to know that Mrs. W. A. Adams is home from Bow- manville Hospital, and is feel- ing better.- Bantams Enter First Round Ont. PlayQ>ffs* The Bantam Legionnaires basebail team, winners of the John Foote Lakeshore Tropby and the Lakeshore Bantam "B" chempionship, will meet the winner of the Paris-Miltan ser- ies in the first round of Ontario playoffs, manager Murray Mc- Knight has announccd. A phone caîl from the chair- mani of games in Fort Erie in- formcd the manager of the ar- rangement this week. The Par- is-Milton series will nat be fin- ished until Septemben 3. In the meantime, the Bowmanville Bantams will be practising ne- gularly at Memorial Park. The senies will consist of thel best two-out-of three games. I The bulletin board at the Ps Office, and the Canadian. Statesmhan, will carry an an- nouncement of the first game. Local 8owIers Win Fýrst Prize Mix eci Trebles A Bawmanville teain, skip. ped by Ow'en Nicholas copped first prize at a mixed trebies tournament held on the greens of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club Friday evening. Teams vere entered frorn Kitchener, Port Hope, Bow- nianville, Oshawa 'and Whitbye The other raembers of the win- ning rînk výere Mrs. 0. Nlcho-< las and Nin E. J. Gibbs. Their score was 3 wlns. 43 plus 4. The weec previous, Mr. and 'Mrs. Nichdflas bad the highest score for otie game win at Port Hope. Fife and Drum HoId Corn Feed Near Hampton A corn roast and draw put on by the Bowmanville Fife and Drum Band Satpirday ev. ening, by the crcck bebind Baden P[ngle's and Allan Brown's at lHampton was an Iývening packed with fun and frolic. Music for round and square dancing was supplied by Jim, Stainton, Len Summerscales and Stan Roy, with Jack Jfohn- son calling The Colbary bro- thers played same tunes on their files and drum. Jack Colbary of Brooklin was the inner of an electric kitchen cdock. There werc people from New- tonville, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Wbitby, erooklin and Toronto present. along with some visit- ors froiM Newcastle, New Brunswick The band would like to thank the wives and any of the people who hclped make the event a success. That pari of Quebec lying north of the Saguenay River is largely unexplored. Oskawa Nemoriui Service Natural stoxe monuments markers an« corner atones No. 2 HIGIIWAY E. -OF CITY IIMItS Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 auj time and reverse charges J emerged as leegue champion5. Countice in- second place, Mapie Grave thîrd and Tyrane fourth. The following schedule is set' Up for semi-finals in this ser- ies. Sept. l-Courtice at Tynone -Meple Grave at Zion Sept. 6-Tyrone et Courtice Zion at Meple Grave The senies is a- home and home games, goals ta caunt. Games are scheduled for 6.45 p.m. OnIy Two Hits But Roses Take Game 4-3 Although they got only two1 Shetier to score. hits off Mike Harrison, 0O1rona's mast effective hurler, the Bow-1 menville Brookdele Rases madel them count as they edged out a 4-3 win aven the Orana Orphans et Memorial Park before a large crowd last Wednesday night. The win put the Rases eheed three games ta twa in their best- of-seven series with the Orpha*is for the "'B" championship of the Lakeshone Intermediate Basebal League. Playing-manager Frank Hoop- er's bard drive through short in the sixth frame which bit Ray Wakely's glave but was toa bat to handie, was the vital blow of the game. It scared Don Gil- hoaly and Lloyd Hamilton ta tic up the hall ganie 3-3. Gil haci welked and stolen second, and Hamilton hed reeched first when Ron West nîiscued et third base on his grounder. They wene advanced ta third and second by Buck Cowýle's sacrifice bunt, and Hooper's single brought them across. Scores Winning Run Hoop then stale second, and when Orono catcher John Shet-i l er droppeâ a pitch be drove for third. He hit tlîird baseman Hon West bard while sliding into the sack and knocked thel bell out of his bend. He .then beadcd for home and West could not recoven the ball in time tai cut off the winning run. Bowmanvilc's only other bit - wvas registered in the third in-1 ning by Pitchen Gond Sellers.1 Althougb Sellers gave up nine hits ta the Orono batters he kept them fairly wvell scettered and it was mostly poor fielding by the Roses thet gave Orono their three runs. Two of these came in the second stanza when Carmeni Cornish singled, and John Shet-I 1er was safe on a graunder1 wheni Roses third-baseme n Royli Falls made a bad throw ta first. Mike Hlarrison drove a tlv ball ia lett field that bauneed pasti Buck Cowle when he attempted tg lied it, alJowjnz g Crnùsbanid The visitons got their third run in the third inning on e double by Ray Wakcly and a single by Bobby Trawin. Orono sent Hec West and Keith West in as pinch-bitters in the top of the seventb ta try and pull the game out of the fine but aec gnounded out ta third and the geme wes called due ta dankness by Umpire Mick raevine while Keith was still at bat. Touching AUl Bases Manager Frank Hooper took over the catching chores and shifted Roy Fells ta third and Maxie Yourtb ta second for this game. This is the same infield used lest yeer and seems ta be a wise move . . . Buck Cowle and Hooper turncd in the field- ing gems of the nîgbt. Haap made a diving catch of a papup by Dean West in the top o! the sixth, and on the nexi play Cowle made a difficult running catch o! a fly inta left field by Hon West . .. What wouild bave been a long triple into centre field by Junior West was nul- lified whcn be failed ta touch second base. The bell wes thnown ta Gilhooly on the second sack and Bus Cane, the base umpire, callcd him out... The Roses are not fielding or hiting up to lest scason's play- off standard. Orono - _. 021 000 0 3 9 3 Bawmanville 000 103 x 4 2 1 Orono-D. West, rf, Ron West, 3b; Wakely, ss; Armstrong, If, Junior West, lb: Trawin, cf; Cornish, 2b; Shetler, c; Har- rison, p. Bowmanville - Gilhooly. 2b; Hamilton, cf; Cowle, If; Hoopen, c; Gallagher, lb; Yourth, ss; FeUs, 3b; Cox, rf; Sellers, p. It is estimated that for every Canadien employed in the min- ing industny, four athers are emploN ed in related or supply induztries. . j - Breslin's Men 's Wear This business will now be known as I I 'i MENS AND BOYS' WEAR .GARY VENNING, Manager We carry a complete stock of men's and boys' wear and a complete line of i.-iberdashery from leading inanufacturers. TIP TOP and WARREN K. COQK Made-to-meesure Suits, Topcoats and Slacks Courtice Win First Round Eliminating Maple Grave To my many .men customers Iwish to thank ail my f riends and customers for the patronage they have given me during the past 29 yrears 1 have been selling Men's andi Boys' Wear. Because of other interests, I arn now retiring f rom the Men's and Boys' Retail Business, and wish the new owner, Mr. Bruce Minns, every success ini his new venture. Your continued patronage at Bruce Minn's Store will be greatly qppreciated by me. Yours truly, M.Brestin

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