Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 7

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* -.-. THURSDA%~ SEPT. Ist, 1955 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 l E Ç N z i 1 - J IA N S T . A T E S M A Ni ' B W M A N V I L L E ' O N T A R I O P G E Mr. L. B. Niciols bas been. fire on the roc! cf Stan b vîsitiug Mr. snd Mrs. Douglas tsen's garage, HorseyE Nichois, Kingston. ~ The brigade secu had it j Mn. sud Mrs. $t n ey Corden ceutrol before extensive Visited with triends in Parry age had been doue. Sound on Saturday.. The Ontario Training S Mn,. Charles Rýantree, Lynd- for Boys will place au e: hurst, spent last *'eek with Mrs. lu tbe Orono Pair, Sept.1 Harold Lake, Elgas St. 10, for the !irst tirne. A Mrs. E. J. Ziunenty, San nastirs display by a chair Francisco, Calif., speut a few sbip-wiuning tearn from days with Mn. a4d Mn,. Wnî. B.T.S. Cadet Corps will alý Prower.. presented at the Fair. Miss Elizabeth Prower snd Mr. n r.Jh a Miss Janet McGregpn attended Ar~sdMs onC the Shakespearean 'Festival ac kro, Ohio, are Visiting Str&tford. sud Mrs. Carles Cattran, te Sre. Their daul Mrs. James Reid, Reu!rew, Irene, sud lber husband1 has' returned 'borne .after visit- Stepheus, o! Columbus,1 ing. Mrs. Nettie Cbe sud Miss are staying with Dr. sud Estella Blackburn. Charles Cattran, Beech Av ndMastersDodnedAnder-n Recent visiter, with andMaser avi To Aner-Margaret Allen, "Drurr son spent the weecend visitîng Beh Ave., were: Mr. sud relatives in Toront o. J.L.eenadMseBil Mr.an Mr. . R Hrnelbourg; Mrs. Douglas Fc Toronto, were guests o! their Fredenicicton, N.B.; Mn,. Cu brotber-iu-îaw, Pcntmaster sud Hamnilton, Miss Catherine Mrs. George Vice this week. Richmond Hill, sud Mr. É Miss Pst Phirabgek, Peter- Ball, Toronto. borough, speut a week's holi-- day, with Mr. sud Mn,. Lau Dr. sud Mrs. L. B. Willi Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. W. J« Rev. J. L. H. Ilenderson and attended the annual pilgrir Mn,. Heuderson of Huron Col- sud service on Suuday at ]age, London, were recent vis- Bay United Churrb, the itors with Mr. sud Mrs. G. E. Mèthodist Cburch built lu C Moody. da lu 1792, sud the oldest Ur Mr. sud Mrs. J'ohn Cattran, Church lu Canada. Shawinigan Falls, are visiting Mr. John Stutt bas rece his parents, Mr. sud Mrs. mrvdteaprnc Charles Cattran Sr., Centethe irn ireved t he p es Street.by painting tha walls an Misses Helen Maguire, Boiv- tractive light green shade manville, sud Barbara Evans, giving the railing a cosl Oshawva, left Saturday for a white paint. He aise pali two weeks' vacation lu Miami,' the display windows at Florida. front e! the store. Mn. sud Mrs. E. W. Foiey,. Word wss recaived biere Mrs. Mina Colwelli Mn,. Bert waek that Mrs. John Shac Colweil, Edward and Irwiu bave ton, Libenty St. S., arrivac returned from s Yieeks holiday, i'rolonSua.O et Twn Laes. ast trip te Euglaud, a cou Mr. sud Mrs. G. Tbrasher, e! years ago, she had te Mn. J. W. Miller aud Miss Lin da home suddenly wbeuî ber 1 Miller were in Trenton attend- baud took ill. Her many frie ing the funaral- cf their aunt, wiîî wisb bier better luck Mrs. David Harrison. tima. Summer visitars witb Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. Thraâher were Mrs Visiter, with Mr. sud D A. A. Tbnasserand Mrs. A. L.HrySib ee n Tbrasben, Oshawa, sud Mrs. Jack Hales, Mr. sud Mrs. Samn Co Bell, BirnighaM, Mich. er sud !amily, Toronto; Mrs Kentuer, Mr. sud Mrs.1 Messrs. M. Brock, L. B. Nich- Marrbment, Acton, Mr. Ha eis sud Fred Cole won the Lawn Sturkcy, Mrs. Walter Masý Bowling touriMment at Stouf!- Bapon; Mr. sud Mrs.1 ville last week with a score o! Stuckey, Georgetown, Mr.i 61 plus 5 for thrae games. 'Mrs. Bill Stuckey, Arthur, O1 The excell«nt baud of th Te omnil La Ontario Training Srhoolfe BoThe Cbowmveb s'h Boys bare wâll take part lu a Beewling wClub imem e baaud display it William, Poiiî,bendon wl'l e on Lake Scugog, Sunday, Sei;.. touruarnenta. At the Bîr 4. Memonial Tounuament lu terbonough on Weduesday Visiter, wiih Mr. sud Mns. J. last wcek Iunrnixed doub Living were Jean sud Michael competitien Mr. sud Mn,. 0w Borian, Ottawa; Mr. sud Mrs. C. Nirbolas won two games a MýacLeod, Nçrth Bay, anîd Mrs. lest oue, Mn. sud Mrs. Clarer to. Halladay 1 ad Barbans, Kings- Oke won oeeasd lest fwo, s: ton. Fred Cole sud Mrs. Deug C. Mrs. Mabil L. Bagnell, Mrs. fer won two sud lest eue. W. A. EdgDr, Mr. Stuart e. Caudler anA daughter Sandra, Mn. sud Mn,. Charles C. left Mondat' by motor for a tran returued Auguat 22 frc visit with relatives lu Det roit, a visit te the British Iles. Th Micb. wene acrompanied by their t' Mn.sudMrs Jak Mntycungest sous, Douglas a] Mr. nd rerougck Mnt-uDan. Tbey sailed frorn Quel: goiery Peerbrouh, r. nd City ou the S.S. Homerir Jui Mrs. Alan Thessen sud childreu, 14 sud landad lu Cornwa St. Catharines: Mr. sud Mn,. M.Egad hr teyvso Terr, Ohçw, wee gest ofMr. Cattran's brother, Thcm, Mvrs. R. L. Worden. The boys stayed for a whi Mn. Wilired Clara,' Corby- with their cousin, Richard Ca ville, Mn. Denek Henry, King- tran. Frein bere, they weut( ston, Mr. sud.Mns,: Leslie Darrh te Scotland, whene fhey visite aud childrn with Mr. sud Mrs. Mrs. Cattran's aurit, Mr. ar Walter Oke at their cottage, Mn,. Peter Darroch, at Milpo: East Beach, Bowmanville. on the Isle o! Cumbrai, ar 0r the Ijsbour Day Holiday, toured tbe bighlauds of Sre tfonay, Séptember S5tb, wickets! ]and. Affer retunning te Loi tt tl4e BoW'manville Post Officet don sud Cornwall, fhey can will . be opén from 8:30 te 10:301 back to Canada on the sanr a.m. ouly. The lobby will ba boat. inen from 8 .m. until A n m'.1 i. Mn,. R. E. Turner snd daugh- ter q ail, Montreal. visited Mn. aud MMl. Wm,. Roberts, Church St. L4urain*'Turner who bas been visiting Mr. sud Mn,. Roberts, returned home witb ber inother. The week praviously Owen Nichàlas won a trcpby lu a teurnameut at Whitby, sud a week ealier Mn,. Owen Nich- olas sud Eddie Gibbs took a nixeçl doubles trephy at Stouffville. Rqtary visitons were Rotarians Syd'Ballard, Oshawa, sud Alex Hegg, Woodbridge;* Milton El- liott and George Van Bridger o! tise Bowmanville P.U.C., Roy Horheil, Tenonte sud Jack Moir, Ottawa. Sparks from s boufire oun Wednesday atfernoon caused El UNITED' CHURCH !<ev. T. A. Morgan, Pastor st. Paul* aud Trinlty Centregations Woruhip in Trinity. Sitting Service for Babies ad Youug (hluren -Ne xvening Service - Last week, at the 3th Ai niverary cf the Boys Traini] Sehool, the Editor while in coi versa tien',with Major A. R. Vi: gin, former Superintendent4 the School, asked the prese. whereabouts of hi, son, John1 Virgin. Formerly a Statesma apprentice, until he moved1 Toronto with hi, father ar mother, John is now Editorc * "Restaurants and Institutions' an AGE publication with a ci.r ulaticu cf. 18,000. He write, h own sparkling column "Virgin Retreat" and quite apparentlyj doing a fine job o!f.editing a attractive publication, packe with newg and colorful advertisç ing. Hi, many friends here wil wish *hîm iwell as we do in hi journaliktic career. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buxtor Edmonton, Alberta, have bect guests of, their cousin, M-s Chas. Baguell wbile visitini ether relatives here. It is ovei 50 years ago since Mr. Buxtor left hi, native town for Wes I I ST.I JOHN'S CNMURCH (Anglican> 13f1h Aller Trinit7 HOLY COYMUNION Evenin.r Service Withdrawn IV DEMA disciple! of Christ, rifted, privileged, trusted, - but Hear Pastor Has. Sept. 4, 7 p.m. at BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHIIRCH Nelson at Liberty Sunday School at 3 MIorri Streeý .unde dams ,chib. 9 ang gym, 'pion ithg ittrar Mr Cen. ightei Mark Mrs e. Misý -alla", SMrs. udlip, Bal A. F. iams, t and ýames mage Hay f irai ana- rited ently Sof store at- It o! ýntedt thîe tisi's Akle- ber f ly hus - ends fuis W. bop- S.J. Ken arry ;sey, Bud aud ýnt. wn lave ýack Pc - o! ven and ;nd 1 Stay alive this weekend! The Corporal poin ts out that, ýar- Last year, over the Labouir as of last week, a radar speed Da' weekend, 15 people were trap has been operating in this killed in traffice accidents in On- area, and will be operated1 ,otârio. This was an improve- from now on. e meqnt over previous years, when Police Chief Sid Venton of woneither the traffic or the mile- the local force will be return- ind age travelled was as high. ing from holidays today tioHNso.' ec The Hon. Jas. N. Allan, Min- (Thurs day) and will be on duty 1J0NNS0N' tn ister of Highways, is making a along with the other offi cers' i'. special holiday appeal to mio- on the long weekend. Deputy ecd torists and others to drive safe- Chief Alan Densem, who hm~ eB a.-. ly, play safely, and stay alive. been in charge during the past i le weeks, states that there have IN A NEW "t- Our great Labour Day cele- been no acciden~ts ln Bowman- UNREAABL on bration, the last public holiday ville, other thn woveymi- AKPAIC L edof the smei always a cri- or ones Saturday, during t-le PAT ndticai period for accidents," Mr. past week. He urges motorisf s SQUEEZE BOTLE rt. Allan points out. "With both t0 "use extra caution over the ý Canada and the United States long holiday, and don't forgot, II -~celcbrating this holiday, in that on Tuesdav, the kid dies tnoc RC )n- honour of Labour. the week- will be going back to school neend builds up a huge combina- ...T'ake extra precautions!'" netion of accident hazards. Mil- rlions of people are on the move. Border traffic, is excep- I ,n- tionally heavv. There la a big riaap l al in- fron- the Canadian 'National AL r- Exhibition.' Thousands a ndiM te 6 e of thousands of vacationers and1~ e 6 e r ýnt holidayers will talle advantacre R. of the last weekend o! summer O f Real er ic te Death Rate Down An unheralded and unpub_ nd_ of The Minister cf Highways lirszed historical event took 1believes that there are "hope- place at noon on Tuesday cful signs" that more and more an event that will be of iuter li people are giving public sup- est to thousands of natives o 1, port to safe driving and walk- 'Bowmanville who have atten- B l ce . ing. and for this reason, he be- ed Central Public School dur-*RI âlieves, the death rate per hun- ing its 66 years o! existence. d dred millioim miles of travel is While Statesman editor Geo. ins Snow onîy about haîf ef what it W. James, and public schoo iwas a few years ago.1 superviming principal Andy M. is '0ver this coming weekend, Thompson stared in awe, aE 1 0 the province faces a big battie flagpole at least twenty feet ~ AA5 ~against accidents. Everyone ran long came hurtling toward the PLERJRND ___ Shelp by being safety minded Ierhfo h o !teb~ ,and by flot taking chances" tower like a ioustiug lance fromntATN thS i se paie. a high flying knight. ýg h' ite mhsze.Te flgoe h-hhsl ýr Traffic offirers of the local sTrthed!laoe, ich has10 n~ Ontario Provincial Police and srem t h maescht ally lte _________________ TownPolce dd heirendrse Uromnitschkgh er ic to b.ea- men oltie addteir end.or-UinJc ve ic .D don Keast o! the 0.P.P. state s vdo rnia n Cr, that this area has been romn- poral" Hobbs was janitor, 'way TO provent and treot paraivey fee romserousac- Pack ln 1889, pierced the earth' io parant vefe ro serios nlfront o! the two spectators, I i!f-deficiency oneriai cidntsovr pstlong week. after the topmost knob had and dionrhea end, cnsierig te h g ySplit in haîf and rolled merrilv volume of traffir here. Dui aside. One bal! of the knob thepas wekhowver 13ornow serves as a paper weight cidents have occurred in the on the editor's desk. territorv patrolled bv the Bow- The cause of this awesome. manville O.P.P. CpI. Keast spectacle o! historical signifi-i urges ail motoristes to use extra cnei h epeadGo- rare this weekend. when, it is rance i the d Sepe nd Good- expected, the traffic will rearh CroaofTrntoSheet Meta a ea o vlue.stripping the lid of the beill tower of its old-fashioned (and lwcnf.Ias 1vim nB, teru Canada where be and his expensive) clothing o! siate i:ji odditim o"o'hN, family have prespered. "Billy". and rep laring it with asphaît i co&i ond '.Donio, a as he was known iu his school shingles, The cost of .slate lo days, called ou the editor and replace that now being foin in p@Sft farfi reminisced considerably on the down would be about 75e a'i day, when his family lived on sheet, an increase of about 65c' Scugog Street. He said he bard- over the original cest. ly recognized the old Street! Besides repairing the roof cf: with its many beautiful mcd-' the bell' tower, the samne rom-' ern houses, which in hi, day1 pany has been tarring other 1V2 OZ. tube ...... $1.30 were mostly vacant fields. Mr. sections of the roof of the (nuhfr2 is IBuxton is a great booster for' school. (nuhfr2 is bis adopted province cf Alber- Work being done inside the ta, known as "The Sunsbine building te prepare it for the Province", as he left several opening o! the school termn Sep- bookiets with the editor, which tember 6 includes painting in publicize the many features of the basement. installation of Alberta. He has aise kept up- new bock shelves and construc- to-date on the goings-on back tion of a new teachers' room at i bis native town by being a the west end cf the second stor- regular subscriber o!. The ey of the building. The rarpen-l x Statesman. In fart, in his con- try work has been done by A!,e x versation we came to the con-,lin and Hetherington, and the clusion bie knows more abouti painting i being done by~ S. G. \A/ what goes on bere thani sonue1 Preston and Sons, assiited by eDeie 01 the citizens Who lave here.. SLP" Rowe, 3Oth Anniversary Open Hot >e ,n ýs Kiwanis House, typical of the many f ine buildi School for Boys, east of Bowmanville, wvas one of the bi to the school last Wednesday afternoon, on the occasion the opening of the school. The spacious, well-kept groun comments from the large ýnumber of guests. A completi open house appears on another page of this paper. Utilif les Wi Two-way Rc At a Cosf il Instili idio Sysfem of $2,168 The Bowmanville Public Util- this Company was the lowest cl ities Commission will instaîl a three tenders received. A 12- two-way radio communication 1 foot mast for transmission wi]l systemn betweeu the office aud beerected ou top ef the P.U.C. twc o! its trucks, it was decided building sud two-way radio at t he last meeting o! the cern- sets will be iustalled lunthe missieners held lu the P.V.C. elertrir truck sud the water- office hast Friday nîght. works truck. A lireuse for the .Manager George Van Bridger transmitter bas been recived had recommeuded installation from the Department o! Trans- o! a two-way radio systern some port. time ago. The system will en2 t wss Ise decided to raîl for able the P.U.C. office te kaapins tepders frein local painters on dloser touch with the workers the jobs of painting the extenjor on the electnicai sud waterworks e! th, P.U.C. office sud the trucks sud save many trips back pumpheuse ou Cburh Street. te the office to obtain instruc- tions. It will also enable the Waten arreunts o! $17.870 foi trucks te get te trouble spots the montb o! July were passed quîckly ýdurng stonms or emer- ford'paymeut. These inrluded a genries.. debeuture payment o! $13,100 The systern will be iustailed in on the new water supply systeu2 fnom four te six weeks time by1 from flic lake. Electr'ical ar- the Rogers Majestic Company, roui-ta e! $23,367 .wera alsc at s coat cf $2.168. The bld o! passed. i cocaI £ersonal 'f -Phone MA 3-3303 - of Ill ie r- ie' )r Il 1 1 Stay Alive Over Holiday Last Year 15 Killed - - -- -.,- -,- 'M j COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE]ý SPECIAL VALUES AND ]REMINDERS EFFECTIVE School Time is Vitamin Timeî I.DA. BrandViaDe Specials! 7 essntal Minerais and CdLvrO Casls Vitamins - 100 caps., 4.50 10 ',reg. 1.19 --- 89 e ID A. Brand Cod Liver C'od Liver 011 B.P. Stan- 011 (Hlgh Test) v dard, reg. 16 oz. 89e 69e 8 OZ.,9() 16 oz. 1.50 IdamaitCExtract of Malt I.D.A. Brand and Cod Liver Oil Idafer Liquid Iron and il.jar reg, 75e 59e Vitamin B-CompIlex Tonie 2 lb. Jar reg. 1.29 98c Liquid ------------- 1.50 Mead's Ayerst Alphamettes- Oleum Percomorphum 1.00, 1.85,13.50, 8.00, 15.00 Caps------ 1.25, 3.75 Ayerst One-A-Day Multiple Aqueous Alphamette- Vitamins 1.40. 2.50, 3.95 1.45, 2.65, 4.85 One-A-Day A & D Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Tablets -. 1.35, 2.50 011 - 1.00, 2.25 Seott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 4Dr. Chase Enerjets 5.95 Scott's SFrosst Neo-Chemical Emulsion Caps, 1.65, 3.00 Food -- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Squlbb 10-D Cod Liver SFrosst Neo Chemîcal 011----- 1.00, 2.25 Food Caps. 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Wampole's Cod Liver Horner's Infantol- Extract . 1.35 1.00,.2.00, 3.25 Waterbury's Compound Horner's Maltlevol -- 2.00 1.25 Kepler's Malt and Allenbury's Haliborange Cod Liver 011 . 1.75 Vitamins A & D - 4 s1zes Mead's 10-D Cod Liver 1.00, 1.75, 3.25, il.50 011--------- 1.00, 2.25 I.D.A. Brand Halibut Mead's Liver 011 Capsules Olepm Percomorphum- 100's 1.15 250's 2.2, 1.10, 3.00, 4.75 500's 4.29 Bohi PERN EN * No Neutralizer * No Re-setting * No tiresome windint! 1.75 complete kit ISchool Opening Specials! ZIPPER BINDER S2 inch rings Trlgger Closure SHeavy Zipper Wide Tapes SWater Resistant 2 Pockets 29 3.29 Value 2098 SOther Zipper Binders 3.95 and 5.95 Eclipse Fountain Penn Discontinued models 1.00 ta 1.95 values Speclal 59c, "Vacmnaster" CaVacuum Bottie Cnadian made 15 ounce: ibottie with red plastic cap: S98e value - Speial 79c: Cleanor Tooth Brush 2 for ---------------33e ~Dr. West Tooth Brush 2reg. 29c for ---- ,49ef PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY For Fast Relief from Headaches - Stomach Upset Bromo - Selizer * I.D.A. Brand ID AS AL TABLETS 5-grain acetylsalicylir acid for relief of head- aches, neuralgia, pain in general. 300's reg. 89e . - ------59c 1.D.A. Brand Milk of Magnesia Tablets 100's reg. 39C ----29e 300 reg. 89e ----- 59e I.DA. Brand Beef, Iron & Wine wlth Vitamin BI 16 oz., reg. 1.00 î 9C Da" Crack ett Lunch Kils A genuine Thermos lunch kit includes 10 oz. Polly Red Top Davy Crockett Vacuum37 bottle .-- -- 37 McGregor, Your Local IDA. Drug Store' NEEDS NO NEUTRALIZERI " 6"T k*s" .v.ry tlm . " W.v.s wif h any pI.*iu <urlers« only 17 D r Druge MA359 Phon MA ~5792 I 1 i a. 01 a r IL 1. t: 4, s s w t t i là use at O.TS.. of iti the northern section of point where a filtration plant use t O T.S.. te twn bfor itreaches the is needed te preveut turbîditv elevater tank. of the water there will be su!- I n the 30's water meters were firient revenue coming in froni S installed because the P.U.C. water rates te take rare of the - .~ felt that those wbo were using cost cf building it wUhout a - - more Water should psy ini pro- beavy increase ln rates. . ~ portion. There was consider- In the preseut system, Mr. alahe objection te this at the Strike said, the water passes timre but the meter systemn has through three sections under- been rontinued and the P.U.C. neath the lakefront pump- S' .believes it is the fairest sys.. te h c c ssetig tem.-Wefee tht te moey ins Asthewater passes slow- Elvtd akBuilt cleared. Wbeu the dernand fer The elevated tank was beoeshave-l h ataledii 190 t gve reaeryeArs te come it willp move 1 stagled i ap0 aciy sud als e-more quirkly tbrough thee 1 s t o a g - a p ci t a d l s o b e s e t l n g b a s in s a nd m a y n o cause the P.U.C. knew that it have time te clear. A filtration Iwould be necessary wben the plant will theu be uecessary. '.5' towu went te Lake Ontario for ýwater. Installation o! the tank Have a Standby Systcm gave-th ton a sterage capa- He poiuted eut that wbeu the city of 900,000 gallons lu the turbidity becornes tee ýad equalizer tanks in the nerth, wbile a southeast wind is blow- the storage tank at the Church ing the standby system from St. pumpbouse and the elevat Soper's. Creek ran be used. It ed tank. caunalso0 be used sbould there By 1953, however, the de., be abreak, lu the pipeline from m and for water bad passed thie the lake or trouble with the million-gallon mark daily in pumping equîpment. "It is nice the summer time sud the situa- te have an are like thîs up our tien was again beromiug acute. sleeves in case anytbing hap- s It was then that the long-plan- peus", be stated.1 ned move was made te obtain He also revealed that tb2 at te Onario . . water from Lake Ontario. This 'Provincial D ep ar t me nt of i .ngs atteOnai rainling new system was construecd Health has given the presentt uildings inspected by visitors last year with a pumphouse at water supply a Grade A ratin.,r1 Sof the 3th anniversary of Lake Ontario and a 16-iich trom. the outset-a mucb bet- ids drew many admirîncr pipeline !rorn this purnpbouse fer rating than waa formerly Ste the base hune where it joins obtaiued from the rreek water. te story on the anniversary an 8-inch. main which bad been The P.U.C. chairman statod: laid previousl. This system, that although the commission built at a cost O! $320.000.,13 . bas had te build twvo new wn-1à capable o! putting 3,000,000 fer suppîy systema lun th e pa3t i .SyStern gains per day into Bowman- 25 years, the fiuauciug has f W at r ile's water system with very .btien conservative, aud waterj (Coninud fom age ne)ditre.with t bose in Whitby, Oshawa, , aud pumpmng station lu Happy Peak Consumption Heavy Cobourg and Port Hope. p Valley. The 365,000 gallons The peak consunîption this Mr. Strike was introducedi per day obtaiued from this summer was 1,300,000 gallons sud thanked for bis very in- source were pumped into the on Juîy 6, the speaker said, aud formative address by Rotary C 8-iurh mains from Skinner the tewn is thus assured jf President Keith Jackson. He d Springs, with the 185,000 gaI- plenty e! water for many years also reminded members o! the fi Ions frorn the sprngs, gave a te reme. The P.U.C. chaurman visit o! the District Goveruor C total o! 550,000 gallons per day. ipointed eut, however, that the on Sept. 9 sud the club assemn- ti The first dam at Soper's present lake system bas ne fil- bly ou September 8, C Creek did net last very long as tratcyn plant snd te build one Atteudanre Chairman Brune dý it bad not been put down te will cost $330.000. At the pres- Miller annoured that the club hi bedrock, Mr. Strike said. How- eut time and for seme years had a perfect attendance of tu ever, a second dam was built 'te corne, the P.U.C. feels tbat members bath for that meeting G aud this is sf111 lu use lu th,, demand for water will net be sud the meeting on August 19. iu present standby systemn. He great euough te necessitate tho President Jackson thanked the IN pointed eut that the water! building e! a filtration plant. If members for making these two n from the spriugs la still being hopes that by the time the de- perfect attendanre meetings fr used lu the town system, most mand bas increased te the possible. b( GarntnuedCim ah- West o! Oshawa,the hune. 49w; as ompetitien ù-rom ciý,bù44s lu the a nexed se tion froi n, Westmeunt te a point on No. 2 Highway midway througiî Mount Lawu Cemetery'. Thýis bas ut seriously into the re- venue o! is operafion. Mr. Garten said. Still more serious, i bowever, is the fart that should - he arept the $23000 pmpeni- e sation awarded he would have te give up entrely is present' right o! piking up passengers iu the new annexed 1 3/10 mile * sections. He would also lose nis present privilegé e! picking up passeugers any.where from theà new rity boundary at the Dar- lington Township Line right te the four corners lu Oshawa, s well as the right to pick up passengers anywhére inside the new rity.v limits, on the West side cf the citv. Iu pratice, Mr. Garton sad, the bass e! bis lhue', preseut rigbts te pick up pas$enger from Harmony into downtow.n Oshawa would not hurt it s great deal. Hi, firm wbu'd suffer a heavy loss o! revenue, hewever, lu losiug the righ i - t piik up passengers in the heav- ily populated 1 3/10 mile sçc- lions on the east sud westlp proarbes f0 Oshawa whirh zare annexed city territory. Will Lose Heav4ly Mr. Garfon estimates 't'ba.. is loss o! the right ta pick lup passengers within, the citv Iim- i fas will rest him $12.000 a year jn revenue indefiuitely sud he . feels that the $23.000 awarded by the Ontario Municipal Board is nt adequate compen- it ation. He is ronsidering ap- ealing the award on these. grounds. At the preýent time Garton Coach Lines eperates 21 tripsa si day into Oshawa aud retur'i from Bewmauville, while the iM Canadian National Transporta- ion Ltd <Osh awa Railway . Company) perafes 24 trips a Jay from Oshaa ~te the Dar-A ungtou Towuship LUne sud re- * ,r. On the west of the city. rarton's operates 24 trips a day -ute Oshawa sud return froun Xhitby wile the city buse i rake ouly five retu rn fripa 4vî ensm Oshawa te the western ioundary o! the -city. 1 fumaumanmommm 1 IM» r-Alvanrau àý,.J ý

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