Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 6

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OM M T CLNrAamN TATES!gIM. DOWMArvLLp, ONTAM! WRDY UT 4 U ~~' Stores w ere filmed so many years ago j" low roses. smlrOeain ao 000K ~~~that it Is probable tha-t fai W a if uet ' r m n Miss Maxine Wood, maid-of- Menra Hospitami>r1 "'reparea etiresent hgh Uchoal stu- J in mauve and had vveekly .- Reeenposrt dentshave neen them. "1Julius ÂI.I O ._____ Caesar". "Moonfleet", "Ham. m tching hoe.Her at was To Flan die B ig R ush . let" and "'Random Harivest" are the same as the brides. Rer Fortewk o Auustiscrrnnt wt h of fairly recent vintage, how- .o eo g ~ wel i nef; oaqan I n c u d i g "h o d n it " e ,rsag ebesst edma .w hibrte cr-D lrh, 28:6 o c n od nations. Adrdissions tioned above are contained in Miss Doris Martin, a sister of Dlscharges- Pariants of teen-age children classes in Grades 9 ta 13 In On- a textbook "The Detective in the grom played the wedding Who abio have a taste for good tarlo hlgh schools this term , Fiction" which will'be studied march and during the signing of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ detfttiVe tories, sophlsticated and are evidence that the De' in Grade 10 for the first timre. the register.1 8ly, and, ery modern no- partxent of Education la sck- A total af eight detective stor- Pollowing their trip of New E r21 velu are iIna l earing into ing ta keep hlgh school studies ies in this text will give the York Sttind Niagara Falls IN F EU N R5r, their own. ini step with modern devclop- students knowlcdge of thia par. t ano lvngatA e à's WWE Instead of having ta Join the nients in literature. Many of ticular type af fiction writing home. near Newcastle. book - of - the - month - club or te r e hsya u hc as amna iea Marilyn Bath attended Easta te te pulic ibr they are cantlnuing a trend turc today. Tbcy wiIl study theYokHg ScalnTrnt j 0o u r o t h p b l c i b a r y o rY o k H g c ol i T r n t 0a DOOX store t aiyhrtste wh ich bas been noticeable In technique and style af these oe wilh unas HFC banfo for such literary tare they wilî recent cars. Latya he no- detective stories written* by treyaaa od ud ceal.oc coltrs vl"onlet" by J. Meade such famous authors as Edgar Ca. Ltd. CENU l hs b. bl e, a o c hoo S t t, . Falkner was studied in Grade Allan Poe, A. Conan Doyle and Alec M artin attended New- g t $ 0 u a $O O a o s h l i a c ih u meilrelya pic ok s. n a h i 9 and it is be ng us d again Baroness Orczy. ca te High School,. Re la verys ~hi dre 's ext oco a.this year. This Io a "hist rical" 'The trend for studying m ore inter sted in badeba Ul and is a endorsers. Take up t a t we t - o r m n ha t e a . t r Depending on what higb nov.el af smuggling and der- modern ilterature doea not member of the Newtonville bail fresh with a loan from HC hn rcrei gchool grade their childrcn are ring-do in the l8th ccntijry mean bawever, that the older team.tdy iithywill have available when smugglers inicsted the masters ai English literature Several Showers,~~oe frm hi source such detective coasts af France-and England. arc being abandoned. For cx-- MONiy WM ~' u stonles as "Silver Blaze" by A. "onle" hs rcnl mloeo hkser' Prior ta ber marriage on Aug- Conan Doyle and "The Wrong Monfmaeit as oenî ape, ancai Sakcspare'suidi alo h ust 6th ta Alec Gardon Martin Shape" by G. K. Chesterton: be aeit oiadwrk r tde nala h of Newcastle, Miss Marilyn suchpuysas "mperr Joi ndeed many of the novels and five high school grades andBahwsgetohnort o'N ly&a "meI ons"h: lys which wllbe:studied in "A Tale o woMies yBahs JoyeWl ohI USEH LD F NANC o Or Teth byThon-the higb schaols of Ontario this Charles Dickens has been re- "Rand m Har eat" y "Ja es (or t l st partly recogniz- w orks of the ader po ts as c n T r n o a t f h w ai th aret"b Jmse nTotaff wberesMarilynwr- 7 otnS. eodfoe hn U55 Milton and "Cue for Treasan"' able) ta the students via the well as the more reoent are be-- er at ber home. PR by cofry Teae.Hollywood treatment. "Julius ing studied. Such texta aS bGefryTes.aOn ber arrivai she neceived a 5WABNCE Caesar", "The- Emperor Jones" "Poems ai Yesterday and Tu- beautiful corsage ai white Tet Dreugbt Up To Date 'Random Harvcst", "A Tale oi day" and "A Book of Classical Iusadcrain.Te 4Kn tetfet r These modern short stonies. ITw Cities", "Hamiet" and Stonies" show that the Depant- presented her with many beaut- 11 Ki ng oeStret bfSeunl eupooS842 m u m s n d c a n a ti o s. T b y a r e t e x t l s:. .me n t ho f. .. d fl e siip h o n R A S nI f no~Plsan iss rctctooksI "urders in the Rue Morgue"netofEuaindsnt iful things for the kitchen, ail --or are included In textbooks have ail been made ýinto mov- plan ta stress the modern liter- John B. Hughes and his bride, the former Margaret '0f which wrc in yellow. Oth- -which wil be used in Engiish ing pictures, althaugb sorné-à ar3r works to the exclusion of groms Brideestearae Mr. Los Wnght - - tho e w ic ba e sood t e est ith Br cé, are sh w n following their wedding July 22 ers assisting were M iss D arothy 4 U U u nUUU àU M MU UM U UU UM UUUnM UU U those hl ave sGood thu tes at the home ofthe goo's arentsand andLogroomht orom Bowmnv _paeents. Brideand romare On Friday, July 2Pth, Marilyn StrsHv Go u 1Ybothf41- mnile Te wl rsde In Toronto., had been invited ta Miss Maxine 1o, ee rwi a ea Bath Bowmanvillc book-1 --- Wood's homne for the weekend For Hay Fve soe;Rickaby's "Big 20" and T TITi Iaren and Brenda, were inl Newtonville. Berry's Bookatore, bave their S LiJIl. Sunday visitors at Mr. Bruce iE 000oodandrownie - mt3.50ien stocks of textbooks ion the Harisonstouara coming tenm on their shelves The Temperance program on Hrl elweshda n n h anr hyrtre Ca-Pyronil 2.5 BoneRaky1 19 and are prepared for the tr2- Sunday mamning at Sunday joyable holiday witb bis cousins, ta the house ta find the living- mendous rush af boak-buying Scbool was prepared by Ms. Robent and John Allin, BW- nomfhe ihmn ncd. Ailertltabu -10 loni ufe 79 students whicb always cornes Bruce Montgomery. It inciuded manville. yiezmnTas The gîfts were ail sa beautiful PrbeainTb. eHakyOtft- 155 the day aiten Labour Day. Mrs. a vocal solo "Beside Still Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh-adusu.MssW dwste R. P. Rickaby stated that hast Waters" by Patsy Davis and a lin and childrenl, Nestlcton, visit-brieatndtatheedng year this opening day rush stary read by Patsy Knox. cd at Mn. Lloyd Bnoome's. On Ieaving the office Marilyn FIy-ToxFrs kept eight clerks at the store Mn. Stan Coverley, Ebenezer, Mrs. Amnot Wotten attended a pesne wt lvl working steadily iram rmid- conducted the church service shower for Miss Shirley Hele, acrner otabe fram the steealBobStc mornlng until 9 p.m. and the and presentcd a stirring mes- Oshawa, a September bride-to- a8ap90?ta tanesste O - 1.39 4 WocdburSa -1c12 crowds ai students buying text- sage, basing bis -intenestlng re- be. coe skilletxfrom the girls of ______ books will prabably be just as marks aôn the motta:- Mn. and Mrs. Tommy Ander- teofc.6e.egnsLto large this yean. The "Big 20" "You are writing a gospel, a son and daughter, Scarboro, Onc Trsa, ugs25hSeex1eWoobr' oa d-o store bas been offering ta eni- chapter each day, visited àt Mn. John Knox's. M et idjom boss the name a! the student By the deeds that yu do and M. and Mrs. George Hamlin at a tea in honur of her daugh- 6eaS 9?e0 buying a looseleaf binden be- the things that you say; viisted relatives at Milton. ter-in-law. Many friends and 1.69 Antizyme ot at -fore September 1 on it frec of They are reading that gospel, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Pascae relatives came to sec the bride 1 a .charge and tbis bas induced be it iaithless or truc, attended the funerai af Mrs. and ber gifts. Mrs. George 14 DayfriiSeFat mnany students ta buy their Say, what is that gospel accord- Hector Naylor at Lindsa., wascohotess t e M rs. m ,Sry2tbsMs blnders-and in same cases ing to you?" Gail Baker spent svrldays w _________________MrtinSpayNoxzema hv ra their textbooks - earlier than The éhoir selection was "Go with ber cousin, Joan Ormiston 35c-59e-98e Both for-------9 usual. Mr. Berry bas aiso noted and Tel," at Bawmanville. He that does goad for good's10z.Nxearem .2 somne tendency on the part ai Next Sunday, Septemben 4, Wayne Ormiston, Harmony, sake, seeks neither praise nor Fly ~Colis 20oz.CoitsFae,3eseASd students ta buy their bobks Rev. Reed wili again be in the enjoyed holidays with Honnie neward, but he is sure o! botlh2Clae - 1 eraltoug t is isnet pulplt for the ch"rch 'service inthBaker.lim Pnn ea~ir ~iouuaLIiS~.-* - iBteandWieim.en.3 Both for- -----4 e Can neryas manked is, he would 9:30 a.m. with Sunday Scbool at Mn. and Mrs. Tom Baker and fo 0Irlre like. 10:45 arn. Mn. Robent Scott Jr., Grand ~ "I race for home whcn school is out The two, bookstones get ta- Many saccer fans fr'am ail Prairie, were Saturday Bvnn FAST RELI EF FOR Ifr1e BycemadCm 9 3-5 gether on the- sale ai schuol directions atténded the Zioil vs. guests o! Bryce .and Ruth Brown, FOR 59e DO And at, the dean I always shout, textboaks and try ta handle it 'Sahina game here Saturday even- Oshawa.YORDGil.eahSae on 5-5 bsi. Enl i te ng when the home team were Mrs. S. E. Wermy spent the fl UiE TEi ergeant's Flea Powder 49cEo at - -9,10 'Mom. I'm back. 1'm hungry, toq. osumme-5tbai.ey obt int ne the victors. weekend at Mns. Jack Shortts, P1Uli ~ 'MiIk's the very thing for you,' shig r hb o a i o the x Coming from Valentia ta sec Courtice. lL I li ' Fica Collar 59c SiHptc -4e 5.10 Says M om te m e, and ivih a w ill books whicb wili b c usd. They he g m we e M . a d M s J. n. nd M s C a ls S it ,F ia Bom b - 1.2 A dr ws S ts -- 49 , 9 also get an estimate af how Grills, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills Oshawa, wene Sunday visitons 1 get a glass and drink my fi. many students will be ennolled and Carolyn, wbo were aiter- at Mn. Harold Pascoe's. l MiIkbasa favo I urefavn!"in cach grade. Prim this they wamds entetained at the home Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bromehl, 5E Milk figure out ap1psurimatel hofaiMr. and Mns. Wes. Yellow- Tononto;' Mn. and Mrs. Jack fangu ext b aoxill be sol lees. Lange, Bawmanville, wene at PAIN- Baby ScalsfrRn making ailowances for the use Mn. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis a! Mr. W. Pannindcn's. Robbic and 0 of second-hand books, ifth Oshawa wene Saturday evening Janet returned home with thcm. G l n R e D i ytextbook as beenî4nuepo a guests at Mr. Ralph Davis'. r and Ms o Gerrow and"KN oL .i i s G eR uD u 1rviusly. Each store then ores M.adMs Norman Yellow- children, Sugog Island; M. and I * Y afofo tes.tiatgatb ered amtoenhorme Sny Glenn nDR at, A avisited M.-WDIi aimv le e h t ne t e il b e t em o n t o o h n n E de R b ns, O h w .M - 6 5L i iJ Texe Nt Rturabi thin 4Othw cdding leaanivcsar- n. ndyaMr . ih Whisit adMGMMu MuuuM....u.....*U*****C o** tht t simorat ha he a hi seiagoc Sionw io MrndtM. Stan Misns * i. sane th puisheswi nt grandh lre n a nd a chrome, vilay len a Grt, visited at Mn. A. l * L stae bck ay coiwhced ukwichei n stembeir 1.biensciln, saas rcn to he itis aimaposstattLu he ni c ccson thera itostM.San ilo' NdW samebu loal ay ents u fom uptetaer rw hir 1 rwasr amBomn bsi fo their clihihren in To- tnditb en td hr-te le . -datM. .J.Bl S * mta, sick ncohepieas trie a edigc ak ie frmd theirid- sn'.MATN-B H L e e t e nsae Th lshne. st daMr.htellwJes' se, rs. Ian ecsl nte-nhpr set a ihed riore theuns out a ivEhlctPtrbruh.h AVE A p ies a a lertai n etkteand Lu hina fnns e te ndest wedin a ec IGdon Martin rlal wull adelthal por sents wisrm he ndcataul aionsontzaehBhS- bok onccd chlrn nT- etre ih thesal itrti apy cso.Thae turdayatnon uut6h N e w W a y 0 0 0 rontist cen w t h rie iother' tcding cfkemSadn e n e Mn. A RTN-BT iI~loc:Ierrj ~ Mare textre sl orGa estGlays Yeiolee, M. dIvsandNewcstlGardniMtin ai Newpa- store ta sec if it bas a capy. and Mns. J. Ycllowlees, Miss Alec Martin is the son ai Mn.; M o d e n F eez r Mre exisa tebo b fo 1 lWes Yellowlees, r and Mr castle. Marilyn Bath is the' 9and 10 than fan he aghen Mn. J oles ndMurdaughtcn of Mrs. Alex Foldeak grades as these classes are us- and M ns. Ralph D avis and P t , aiah mu h l n e a d tl eI M . nd M s U rv y elo 1 s or n o t e x t b o o k s a r e t- c h a n d r e f K a r n n d Br 1 fTre no nM nt od I c . F s e c i r e JUrRYa&L Or SEahLp withL AV PutiifornweNtlhirdaeFi'n 3owmnanvillie Il /OP ilJ ugr aet irletSede A MAA 1 KngS. W. MA 3-5778 JI L I GRAPES21623 Enjoy our guaranteed food service that is available 4 aiv rw o ,E wiih'cath fzeeter purchased frorn us. IVLONDON lüTme and weather can't mau the.................. PLUMS e6qbsc9 H EIN ZPerennial goad looks af alufni. Ex hi b i t ~~nuM Icren cloth. It Sets starj AETSEIL Unbiing among buildersand home CAVEA Eyur fteezr boe where'you can be assured of a Owners both because it lasts Sa eIo S AVE se Jame Parker oenutant spply'of foo>d now and in the yeas t. cornm<~ i ae .1 -1 IN II A ney ner a n rd î sos u-DL E E KY P Eeu 5 LowRal Fre nvcrMans r isolos ur CORN FLAKES LE R I - r~~ounding waadwark.45 Jan* Parker Orange CV 0 nenl-rusting insect screen on the Coach maket. And that adds point ta HFF N Good golng Sat., sept. 10 te th ap atta aaa a*Pre liCn K IT SN 'Sthe worid's Most efficient alum K IT S O N - ~ I turPark. Slapt. 17nainclusive r. SAVE o Sauray ep. 7inluiv1.. uni Praducer. And that fc A&P Nectar BAVE 2c CAKEDO AMANA PLAN ____main rmwnowfareT.rm n A - -ofth- wfl afl F.gd ..,Sstnsbuilding industry can -do oac 73________S_.__W ._______________ Wa lot af money. _____ ____ ____ ____ALUMINUM COMPANy OF - CANýADA, LT]). (ALCAN>

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