Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 2

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Next Monday, millions of arkers in Canada have a day off ta celebrate, relax and contemplate. In the past, this has been an- occasion for arganized labor to review its gains during the Yean; for unorganized worlçers ta ponder haw they can do better; for industrialists, business- mnen, professional and amnatur econamists ta wrondeÉ where it xiii end; an-d for farm- ers ta depiore their unfavonable position -1-while harvesting their crops instead of hoiidayîng. in this ares, as we approach Libor Day, General Motors of Oshawa, a large employer of labor from Bowmanville and Durhamn Countv, once again is experiene- ing contract difficuities with the United 'Auto- Workers' Union rcpresenting its ~empioyees. As this is being written, -negotiations have braken off and xve, along - with every other interested persan, hope they xil have been resurncd before this appears in print. Wc don't believe any one wants a castly strike. We have no intention ofparticipating -in1 this particular dispute. Labor-inanage- *ment relations in large companies have reaclîed the point of specialization whcre anyonle un trained should hesitate before becorning in voived. WTe. of course, have opinions on suc-h subjec-ts as the gugran- teed annual xvage and can see cansiderable mentin ny o thse security àches if Next week, students al aver Canada wiil be returning ta school ta resurne their studies. New courses and ncw textbooks wvill be put ta use as aur rnethods of teach- ing progress. 'tPossibly it is time ta take another look< xwhen school. kids seem ta be having it easier and casier and appeai- ta be ernjoy- ing scholfàr -more than we evet did, a remrakable idea has carne frorn Dcarborn, Michigan. As we understand this radical approacbh, the sp(?nsor's--are atteri-ptîng ta overcorne an eid prab lern. You'll recal the story about the lad who was asked: "If John had six appies, etc." and couldn't do the probiern because he'd alxvays work- -èd with pears. This new systern is design- e d ta overéCmre that diffic-ultv by setting ùip "sloaglcs" as a word" ta represent There always seems ta be someone eagcr ta take the joy out of life by insert- ing an eleinent of fear or danger in any pleasures yau eniay. If you love food, in large qua ntities, somebody will warn you agains t over-eating and a heart attack. Too rnuch strong drink and you'lI become an alcohollc; too rnany late nights anxd you're' asking for physical trouble; too rnuch exercise at your age and you rnay drop dead in yaur tracks; too rnany cigarettes and you'l die frolm cancer. Always, somnebody wants ta spoil things. The latest effort cornes in a bulletin from the International Science Press Service gf England. Some Prof essor is warning orninously that "Your television screen znay be a source of physical danger to you." Rie continues that the soft X-rays îïf ie (Igattztiztl ý$tt t2111 S£tabliahsd 1854 with' which tu inccSporaed rh. Bowanvin. ewa The Newcaste ladependont and TIi. Orono News 10 lai Yeoi 01 Continuous Service ta the Taown of SowmazxivilJe and Durham County AN INDE PENDENT ?JEWSPAPER 4? SU4jCMITION RÎTES 34.03 a Yeur, eIrictly in advc. $5.00 a Yom in the United $ttuîea THE tlIZm PUBLISIIJI4 cOlAnY lowma=vl1à. ôut«rio Authoied cm &*onda Gos MUII Poof OUic Deiotaat. Ottowm GED. W. JMES, £»rro they can be achieved wiLhout putting the price of products beyond saleable heights locally and on export markets. Organ-ized labor evidently is quite capable of loaking aftei, its own affairs, but there is one group of hard-workers of particular interest ta us in this area who rnust be puzzling what their next move should be in this race-for împraved finan- cial standing. We refer to farmers, a graup 50 fre quently rnisunderstood -by every other body of citizens in the country. While 'almost everyone else's econornic position has been bettcred, they continue to face uncertainty, insecurity and lowered standards of living xith no immediate prospect of improveeret. This condition applies not only ta Canada but United States as well. Sooner or later, if the trend toward higher, wages 'and profits continues for most groups, whîle net incarne draps steadily for aur basic food producers, farmers will be forced ta follow the pattern of organizcd labor in getting together ta present a solid, aggressive, unyielding 'front to those who m ust buy their products te exist. Then. and only then, will they be able ta contrai their awn destinies and reccive returns commen- surate with thieir investment and energy cxpended. Then, the dawn ta dusk faî'm- crs undoubtedly wi]l be the highest, paid workers ini Canada. evcrything and at-aid confusion. The purpose is ta heip students understand that symbols are More important than wor-ds. The nan-rneaningful word is supposed ta help themn realize that they are deaiing with neither appies nor sioogles but withi abstract mathernatical symbois. This is cxpected ta assist scholaî-s in higher mathematics. For variety, they can also use such indefinabies as "zileh. zumsi or gerf ". Who can tell,i a few \'ears w-e may hear aur young hopefuls a skîn 'g as the 'v ponder their homework: "Dad, do votu know how rnany sloogies Joc tvould have left f he soid five "gerfs", ate anc "zurnsi" and gave three "zilches' away?" Beîng a propen father, 3-ou undoubtedly would asic the pointed question, "How can 1 give you the answer if I don't know how many "On.Again, Off Again, On Again, Finnegan"1 H-ow an3-one is supposed ta keep up- ta-date on international affairs is beyond us. Especialiy, on aur relations with the Russian Soviets. During the recent 'vorld war, we were in love with aur good, aid Soviet pals whose cornmunist forces caused aur mut- tiai Gerrnan enerny cansiderable grief. We Couldn't do enough for thèri. Th4y xVre wonderfui fniends i-n tirne of need, although many Canadians undoubtedly had tangues in cheek wh ile singing praises. The war ehded and. soon alter we iearned that aur pals al.along had weii- formulated plans foi- worid canquest - including us. Cold wars, slaps in the dipld- matie fac-e, hot wans and plain landi grabs convlnéed us that the warlords of the Kremnlin had pulied a Dr. Jekyli and Mn. Hlyde act. With Korca in 1950. w'e began a rnad scrambie ta baisten western defenses. Deveioprnent ai the H-bornb as rushed and once more we prepared for war. NATO came into being and ail free peapies were scared inta paying hcavy taxes ta buiid up aur defense rnachinery. As ne- cently as this spning, the wonid situation showed evenv indication of bloxving up again aven the Formosan Straits. Possibly, the Amreican Scventh Fleet is stili stearn- ing up and down there, ready ta hait any MOVe at conquest by Commnst Chinesý or invasion bv Chianlg's forces. We evei agnecd ta rearn' our ex-enemies., th( Germans ta hclp stave off the Russiar armies. Now we're in love again. lt's "Or again, Finnegan" as the Russians makE trade and diplornati.c aventures witl, srniies, hand--shakes ' 'and "back-siapping cordiaiity. Our Ministen af Fisheries re. ceives the red carpet treatment whil' visiting Russia, aur Extennal Affairs Minl -ister icaves shor tly on a follow-up invita- tion thnaugh the recentiy opened Irai Curtain. Agnicuiturists from United States have aiready toured Ru'ssian fanm- lands and at the moment a gno up af Soviet àgicuituralists are touring Canada. News- papers have been scaiding, for lac-k of courtcsy, a few former Soviet victims who dîdn't receive them with open arms at Mon treal. Ail in all. it looks like the daN io a new era xvhich everyone hopes will continue. Until we are completely con- vinced that this is an affair of the heani and not of the strategists, we'Il play alonp whîic keeping our defenises intact and resisting those who in their great eager- ness far lower taxes and peace at an3, price wouid immediatelv disband the army and throw away the H-bomb. cmitted frorn television screens cause great concern arnong radiologists because tve are hËre probabîy for the finst time dealing Ivith radiations ta which large groups of people, and especially children, are sub- mitted for long periods. The Professon xvants the gcnetic- aspects of this ncw source ai radiations ta be ioaked at carc- fuily. As if that weren't enough ta scare you away frorn your TV scneen whiie on pins and needles waiting ta icarn if the littie girl was goîng ta speli "chrysanthenurns" carnectly for $16,000. the British Dental Society also has ta get into the act. They are worried about children's teeth. When children ait for long hours watc-hing tele- vision with their jaws thrust into ±heir hands, they are siawiy pushing thein teeth out of alignment. Apparentiy, they co-- pictely disregard benefits frorn the increas- cd exercise the teeth neceive whiie rnunch- ing great arnaunts af papc-orn during the jaw jutting proccss. Sa. mothers, these items from a highly autharitative source wiliprovide you with ail the officiai support you need ta pny your children away from those western progranis and inta the yard ta play. Now, pcrhaps. you'Il have a chance ta watc-h the pragrams yau enjay - but be careful you dan't overdo it. Surely, there mnust be sanie harrnful effects for aduits, too. Observations and Opinions WT dan't know what advertising man dreamncd up a necent camparison betwveen a harnrnock and a new Buick, bdf he certainly ac-cornplished his purpose in getting aur attention. The main reason for aur attraction ta the advertisernent was because a couple of days previousiy - we had split nur hammock in twain. resu it- ing in a spine-tingling jlt as half-asleep we ' hit the graund beiow. - The Buic-k is &tJ.L raning- fine. TU UÀN.U-A--4---O-iTALjN mJWMANVILLE, ONTARI'o TUS of Hampton;, aIBO ta the Sam* girls af Bo*wmanville. JAdamns'. Visitars a± the Dave Wilsons adtMessrs. bave and Floyd Wil- this week were Mr. and Mrs. adr 108 ornao Tedy CecilArcher of Brighton, Mr. eonreturn Vance Wilson te his and Mrs. Richard Archer and Onl dear wie On Thusda night Beverley afCooug the Néý the David Wlsons and Mrs man Edgertons of admus,i [ Jnl McQuade attended a shower ouý, J for Miss' Jean Warren of' Part In net, value af Produc%6n Hope. Annie and Floyd rerdiain- construction accounted for 14.4 ML dfor a lia. per cent' of Canada's industriel tordf Visitors at the 'Murray Mal-, output in '1952, agriculture ac- en colms t his wee% included Métà: voi.uted for 18.0 per cent, and 1mer viGarry MeMullen 0of Jand er anfct.ures accounted for 54.3 road I\t1 uIIJ0U S gl &Cqmlpany In ItheDi Distant Pc Fiz h ttsa Z5 YEARS AGO (1930> Bnookdale Nursenies ai Bo manville entered an exhibit the C.N.E. for the first tii and won finst pnize in the Nq ural Décorative Display ci, in keen compétition. M.' Hanc-ock ai Part Crédit, fi menly af Bawrnanville, and si associated with the iirm, c signed the display portrayi "A Brook in a Dale"'. E. Wood was manager at the tir Interesting e v e n t ait t C.N.E. was a anc mile invit tion race in which AI!. Shrul ai Bowmanvilie, then manag of the Crcam a! Barlce' Par deieated Tom Langboat, t: famaus Indian marathon ru ner. The sad death occurrcd l0-year-oid Joc Wightma from polio. Joe was the s, af Major and Mrs. H. D. Wigl man. Mn. Wigbtman was memben of The Statesnm. staff. Howard J. Philp, a son Richard W. Philp and the la rMî-s. Philp af Nestieton Statio ivas appointed superintendej of the Brantford iactony o! ti Massey-Haî-nis Ca. Ltd. tGoodyear Tire & Rubber C cçîmpletcd 20 yeans ini Bai manville on Aug. 15. The pa cnt company at Akron. Ohi was 12 yeans aid when the started the plant here. In 191 the New Toronto plant was e. tablished. D. R. Mornison, Sr., reminii ced an the aid days when Bon' inanville Fair day was anec the highlights ai the yca. causing bornming business -i thle stores too. Advcnt of th automobile changed the pictur considcrablv. In 1930 the Bow mnanvilie Fair ccased ta oper ate. - ~_ 'ýFr,,m sauP to Iisuts" a lîea ing obvlausly chosen rby -l mae ef the speeie, -ho hpn s sidle main: m cacies to tickie his palate. [i A strange phenomenon ae tplace eachi summner in erN ýn town acnass this American con- ,e tinent. I cail it "The Migratior hof Students of Life in the Raw' Fan ten nontg ai the year thE g ouug husband slaves cndless- ly ta buy everything afic ýe very Iatest in timc-saving de- vices for bis home and busi- Iness. He paints, he builds, hie re pairs. Then when ' his twc n gloriaus wceks of vacation ar- il rives hc dashes off ta -the wild. st, most unciviiized spot fie c-an find. Ahi, you say, hie wants ta study the beauties af nature ta find innei- strength ta con- ftinue the fight. But, I want ta 0 know if it ever warks'out that th es bene as becu that liehasto orktwice as hard. Itmates me thiuk that while we lotk bac-k ai- the goad aid days with nostalgia we shouid tais o givc thants for the maod- cmn conveniences which w.e ttake sa much. for granted. Fifty -twa weeks ai the year, I lite ta tumn on a tap ai-d have hobt and cold water. I lite ta turn the thermnstat ta just the ight temperature. 1 lite ta wash my clothes in a machine (cleaner than by old fashioned scrubbing). I lite vacuurnm cicanens snd floor polîshers. Ij lite clectric stoves. I lite ne- frigerators and' freezers. I arn so giad ta be alive in this I have no desire ta pî-etend for anc minute that I arn a pioncer. The ateat "Do-It-Your. selfý"kit cantains lnstruc- ans an how ta, make an od orange crate laok like a new orange crate. nýo that the C.N.E. h-a3 started, al cyes are on Toron- and etr hlrnaeax ious Io sec the hero ai thein fa- vounite television show "Las-! sice". Parents arc snxious ta se eveny anc ai the thousands of ehis.Bowrnanviile - houldi be proud ta have ber Pitie9 Band thene as anc afIlber 1 representatives. Bawmanvillc's1 Downhamn Nursery looked a£- ter the marvellous landscaping arouud the model home. Many local people exhibit handcrafts and show their produce at this, the worid's iangest annual exhibition. I like the renîark miade by Jimmy Durante referr- lng ta the Ex "lThat stage 14su big, just don't get f cautht eut there wltholzt food and water." Taiking ai Lassie 'mnakes me tiiltoa Television and the change it bas brouglit to fam- iiy lufe. There are the disadIvan- tages suc-h ag children staylng a] I ndoons when they should be v outside, guiping meals down, si etc., but 1 rmust say that 1 thint b, T.V. is just great. Ycar by ycar t the pr-ogrammes are Imrpoving I and this wintcr by ail accauràts hi wiii be the bept yet. Most of jC the aid faith'fuls xiii be baci n( plus 'stibi more spectacuiars. 1;1 soite af the adverse criticism w af many I stili feel that the po- Fi tential cultural influences are w almost unlimited. The most jPt autstanding .c-asgic o! laslý year hi was "Peter Pan". starring Ma- jc-c ry -Martin. It is gaing ta be an C annual event aud I shall be l happier thati ever ta weîcome' an televisioîî ta rnw home if therce are mnore shoWs of' this calibre. th, sympathy à wkat eue el Labor Day - A Time , for, Serious Thought Purpose o f the outing was tri nspect the fine Hereford and Shorthorn herds at the twvc tarms and ta do some practice AT ee! catte judging preparatioi IA tor the Inter-Club Conipe,4.- ions at the Ontario Agi-icultur- I Coliege, Guelph. this faîl. 1'lsit Kayvaie Farm In thc morning the gî-oup of ibout 70 c-al club members j isited 'Kayvale Faizm" to in- pect the Hereford cattie raisp.d )y the owncr. Mr. Neale. Herie -iey judged two classes ai [erefords and inspected thc- lerd sires. The boys then en- Dyed a picnic lunch at Bridge-K e irth near Laite Chaumong. In the altennoon the graip 71A KINGe -cnt ta "Louada M a n or .arms", owncd by Mr. Cadesky, hich is 20 miles nartheast of leterbarough. They inspcctea is fine herd a! Shorthorns, nsidered anc oi the best ini snada, and judged thre'ý lasses af Shorthorn heif2l*- nd anc ai buls. i The club meinbers icftfo i cir homes at about 4 pi.li_ ---------- tUr a very intereâtsng outizng.- YELVERTON ,7fl Congratulations ta Mr. Mrs. Glen Gibsoyn (nec Auc Larmer) who were married Saturday, Aug. 27. We at7 verton hang out the welt Mait ta welcome Audrey tai zst neighbourhood. Filesr. and Mr$. Marshal-i coin and Ann of! Stratfi were recent dinner guesta 49 YARS GO (906) Mrs. Harry Henders while I 49 Y~A S AG (1 06) route hom e fro mn a 'trip ta IW hita Maritime Provinces. They - jChistanGuardian contairi- joycd a trip acros "ther at cd portraits of 1906-7 presideûts to the Isle"-the newly-opel ime of Conferences of Canadian cause*iay between Nova Scg at- Methodism. The Statesman car- and Cape Breton Isle. ýas rled on the front page, pictures L. of Durhamys twav representa- ManY Yelvertanians atteri or- ti s, R v J. J Ra, Pct i the "do" held in honour tili Pres. of the Be yoaiQuinte Cont- Bneywcds Mln. spd ms de- ferience, and Riev. David Rog -Baly(eEaieTap ing ers, T o nae rs f tt- held in Blsckstock Recreat J. London Conference. Mr. Ra-,Cnr a ensdy u ,ne. was born in Orono, Mr. Rogers 24. Misa Lorraine MeGilI he in Darlington. Mr. Lloyd Wilson contribu ta- Mr. Ro bert Beith's string af a duet tçý the pragram. Neil ý ibb Hackney hanses wcre carrying a formeî achool teacher atY gen off pizes and being greaty ad 9 verton for twa yers and rit. mired at Cobourg Horse ShW. token of his papularity amin lie r. . M. Tod Osh wa, had young and aid alike, the ne the Mr. ocD a.very Odeaw, up- lyweds were presented with a-daut oenbaev ter oe. u-hostess chair as inidication f~ Frank H. Morris won over the sicr go sesa û $70 and a gold medal at On omunty ;on tario Rifle Association Mýatchcs Two Yeiverton couplesi h- In Toronto. Geo. J. Ro we, Capt. efljoyiflg their second boni W. C. King and Capt. W. C. nmoon this weck-the Norm anl Frankt also made good records. Wilsons, the twins, Anna 1 Newtonviiie - i,î. Aif Hu]'- Norma, and Barbie ta Markci of ness had his barns xith entily'e (near Owen Sound) for a fi tc harvest and Young stock des- days with Isabelle's sister, fvj 'ni trovced by fire. .garet, Mr. anîd Mrs. Norm !t Mason & Co. had carrnage Neals; the Ray Robinsons ha rie rugs, at $1.00 and corded vel-1 ]eft via Castieford in compa veteen at 50c a y-ard. 1 Ôf the Bill Humphries for o. Newcastle - Mr. G e o r g e motor trip through the Adirc y- Richard's horse v'as frightened dcacls and home via Montre ir- by a dog when returning home Bon voyage to these footiar o. from the village. Mr. Penny and fancy free inmates of Y, ey who was driving was pitchedIvertot. 7, out but Miss Rickard escaped Recetît guests at the Ral by climbing out over the back Malcolms included Mr.a af the buggy. Mî's. Clar'ence Porter and gi I Bowmanville High School i of Peterboro; Mr. and Mv e- opened ori Sept. 4 with Mr. J. 1 George Bail also af Peterb( of Elliott the new principal, and ough.,h Mr. Bail is principal r, staff of Miss E. A. Allun, Mr. Mays School in that city. il W. G. Carpenter, Mr. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson r2Caeon Sunday with Mr. and M, v- W ow nopast nofutraWardell White of Uxbnidge. - Wv pesownlnows. noftrv With their cousins, Misses Li *~~~~~~~ deasesol nw ay~ Rowan at Kedron, with Do Baker Eddr. _____ aid and Dennis Werry; i jElizabeth Rowan with Shii Row~ait of Enniskillen. Mr.aand Mns. Balfour Moo to tu~sand Nancy, at the Jas. Sidma: jMiss Emma Henders, i Beptha Lane, accornpanied i li ts cama, (SoonCbe able ta taï 1IFl their skates). M.Geany af Toronto at tl G. E. Wilsons. girl gives anatiser in ex- Harvey Malcolms on Sundz change for details. evenigg at Vic Malcolm's. 1 can'lt help wondering if tii-b M. and Mrs. Donald Stinsc relationship betwveeni Ontal_ and Caroi of Cornwall. Mr and Quèbec would not be ini-Rbt Stinsn of Lotus, with tf proved if more of the Englishi Harold Stinsons. speking Canadians learnnd tri Master Dale Stinson on hio ýs speak French. I find that the~ days at the Walter Wrighi y' attitude seems ta be 4WI)à Misses Lamna and Lois Wrigl L_ don't they learn to speak Eng- retuning for a holiday at tl- lish" It reminds me of the stor- Stinson's domicile. ies they used to tell between* M.ad rsFed tc the wars in England about te and family entertained th etwe English ladies in a store Ralph Malcolms ta Sunda -in France and on~ said to the evening dinner. other "What 'did those for- Mrs. Murray Malcolm n a eigners say?" . girls accompanied Mrs. Bei - An ad hinese proverb MeMullen to visit Mrs. Fre say .a, "When the tge Bailey of Blackstock n Mor - wgs as, te ect liu day'; also Mrs. Harold Quarr out." *Talking of France reminds ie, sthat the "ýComedie Francaise' is caming to the Royal Alexani- dra and I 'would strongly re- commend it. WIether or fot, b you c-an urtderstand French you will be able to foilow the action of the Plays and appre- ciate the superb acting. There là a "Very fine aid proyerb whleh goes somle- thînt like this "DON'T"'. It is not too early to star! thinking about Christmas pi-e-. sents. I have seen onefidea for a girl's roomn that is unusual. inexpensive. and in i ts wayj quite attractive. It is an acta- pijs made out of black wool a'nd used solely as a bcd orna- ment. It might not be recom- mcnded for slecpwalkers. For the head you cover a small bard bail with wool leaving the long ends af wool to be pfleat-e Licenaud Truste, in Daukreptai 'Mcle? Not on your life! I'm just shouting Ioud enaugh so's everybody can hear what I have ta say. Au4 what 1 have ta say is this: Neyer overlook the importance of your estate." Our Tigerish friend is so right. Fortunately, today, rnany wise men and women rcly on the experience and co-operation of The Sterling Trusts Corporation -ini niatters concerning thieir estate. Our free bookiet. 'Blueprint For Your Family,- çovers many aspects of estate administration. Write for your copy today. THE STERLING TRUSTS CO P O RAT 1ION HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICEÎ 372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St., berris I -rAC _ __ 147 Spgdina Ave. Shall We Study" Apples or "Sioogles"'? Tak ing the Joy Out of Life RESIDEINT PARTNERS: J. Rumapk. C.A. W. L. Oetgçl, C.A. - ,- 4--"--- --- i - - Il. Tejispie, CA, J. Runaaok A. Efandel, C.A. Charterod. Acoountents 1- -En- inm. rAliAnTAM dzIrAmvolArAl ý- plicilb rie naa to start wlth7'.

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