Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 18

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1A E E GH N-W!-VAV-* A P s ~- -- I L LAim.Ldwz9mV LLmOwT K OT L7 U Â . Z T lt U Turn Page for Art--icles For Sale- Articles For Sale 300 POTATO bags. Phone 12 GAUGE pump gun, good con. A dllinalClasifed Orono 16 r 42. 35.1 dition. Phonie MA. 3-5804. AddiT RESHED baled straw35-5e BIRT bae honae A 3-2743. 35-1 FIVE beagle hounds, two xnonths B aibl. hn A3273 51od, $5.00 each. Phone MA 3- MARTIN-Hugh and Norma WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. 2898. 35-1 Martin are happy to announce H. Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf THREE-piece bathroom set, one daugter at IL ange lie ne. Aplydoor 2' 6" x 6' 6", one front the arrivai of a agtr tOLrne i ew Apl double door with transoin. Tele- Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, lo1 Scugog St., Bàwmanville. hone MA 3-5830. 35-1 August 30, 1955. A lister for 35-1* Lona and Marion. 35-1- 1953 FORD Jubilee tractor, in METALFDonandDorenBUFFET with mirror, in good good côndition, will be offered reThapy ton annune te riv condition. Phone MA 3-2526 for sale at Orono Sale Arena on al of a son on Friday, August 35-1 Mofiday, Sept. 5th. 35-1 26, 1955, at Memorial Hospital, ONE pair boy's skates, sîze 5. CLEAN swamp muck, suitable Bowmanville. A brother for Terry Black. Phone A 3-3512. for tobacco greenhouses, or ideal David 35-4* 35-1* for top dressinig, at Pontypool. ENG GE EN S GOOD used balloon-tired C.C. Samn Manetta, Pontypool. 35-9* ENGAGEMENT________ M._ boy's bicycle. Phone MA 3- 15 TONS timothy straw at $3.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Mar- 3050. 35-1* per ton; also No. 1 fence rails Iow, Blackstock, wish ta an- ONE ail heater, practically new; suitablePfornence psts. 9r. ilaunce the engagement of their also one coal heater. Phone MýA Wry hn Baktc 3 yaunger daughter Clara Sophia, 3-3273. 35-1' 54 ta Mr. Ewart Annis Leask, only . ONCRETE sta-ve silos manu- son af Mr. and Mrs. F. Gardon BICYCLE, girl's, C.C.M., in new factured and erected by Camp- Leask, Taunton. The marriage condition. 252 King St. E., MAbefodSlsL.Prcdro will take place an Saturday, 3-2456. b35-1 rdWSlo ter F c rakBoan Octaer stat p..,3n5_ac, SEED fçr sale, Genesee Faîl ville. MA 3-2403. 3. stock United Church. ~'wteat . Apply R. Stenger, En- HEARING aid service, testing Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Moffatt, niskillen. 35-1 service and complete stock of BowmanviIle, announce the en- ONTARIO patatoes, 75 lb. bags, batteries and cords et Higgon gagement of their daughter delivered in Bowmanville. Phone Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Shirley Elaine, ta James Lionel MA 3-2473. 31-tf Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. Tennant, son af Mr. and Mrs. 0t Arthur Tennant, Leskard. The COMPLETE thermostat for coal2-t wedding wili take place on Sat- furnace; changing ta ail. Phone PRINTS of photos of public urday, September 24, at 2:30 MA 3-5991 after six. 34-2* events appearing in this paper o'clock in Trinity United Church, taken by Carson Studio may be Bowmanville. 35-1 REFRIGERATOR, F r i g Mdaire, obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch mediuin size, gaod condition. glossy prints.. Carson Studio, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arthur Phone MA 3-3378. 35-1* Port Hope. 48-f Gibner, Bowmanvîlle. announce FARMALL Cub tractor with ahl USED farin machinery-Case the engagement of their daugh- attachments, in Ai condition, forage harvester, Model "B"y ter Carole Rasemary. ta Gardon Phone MA 3-2993. 35-1 Allis-Chalmers tractor, Case Latuis Ritter, son of Mr. and Mrs. ________________ t ractor, Cockshutt "30" tractor, Louis Ritter. Bowmanville. The TWO boys' brown suits, size 12 Allis-Chalmers "66" All Crop7 marriage will take place on Sat- and 14, odd pants; girl's clathes, harvester, at Palmer Motor urday, September 17, at Il a.m., size 5. Phone MA 3-5718. 35-4* Sales, 20 King St. E., Bowman- at St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. 35-1 CAMERA, folding Kodak with ville. Phone MA 3-5487. 35-1 case, f 7.9 Kodar lens. 252 King DRAPERIES and venetian blinds Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp- St. E., Telephone MA 3-2456. customn made, or draperies sold son Roblin, Picton, Ontario, an- 35-1 by the yard. Our representative riaunce the engagement of their P daughter Ellen Elizabeth Marie, SAVE on lumber, direct froin wil caîl at your home aytm ta Mr. Glen Arnold Turney, son Milta you. Phillips Lumber with a complote range of samples o! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Claude Ca., Kinniaunt, Ont. Phone and suggestions without obliga-2 Tuny omnile nai.17r11. 13-tf tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St.1 TureyBowanvlle Onari. ______________________W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- sq The marriage will take place at KEYS eut autamatically, while ville. 48-tf t] Milford United Church, Satur- owata Msn&Dl rd 35 1* ware,36bKing tt.E.1955,man-G.E. IRONS $9.95. kettle $9.95, P 3 p.m. 3-1*ville. 46ig§. . Bwa-fpolishers $42.50, full line of - vile. 6-tffurniture with trade-in allow- For Rent KITCHEN cabinet, in very good ance, prcd oselI. Trai THREE-room .apartment. Apply Mrs. Ray Walker, 39 Elgin St., Astral refrigerator, new guar- 42 Liberty St. S. 35-1 Bowmanville. 35-1 antee, Kelvinator refrigerator, COMBNATIN Mffatelecriceasy ternis, no finance company. THREE-raamed heated apart- OBNT NMoftecrc Murphy Ca., King W. 35-1* Mient, downstairs. Apply 47 stove, automatie aven cantrol,& Horsey St. 35-1 ini gaad condition, must bo sold. M A L ON E -Phone MA 3-3847. 35-1 A L UMI1N UM DO0ORaS THREE-roomed apartinent, ail heating, privato entrance. pas- VENETIAN blinds-Newest cal- $55-00 - Installed Fro. session Oct. 1. Phono MA 3- ours with plastic tapes. We 3927. 35-î* measure and instaîl. Morris Ca. es lr HOUSE, 5 raams, al Phne A -540. -t 71 Rint St. E. Bownianville ioncos, $35 month, at Ponty- CEDAR posts, mixed sizes, dry, Phone MA 3-3801 ' pool, or for sale. Apply Sam appraximately 600, ready ta load,- 28-tf 11 Manetta, Pntypool. 35-2' 20c each take ail. Apply SamnIN APARTMENT, 3 roams, bath, Manetta, Pontypool. 35-2' Singer Sewing Centre - heatod, built-in cupboards, tule SINGER s e wi ng m ach i ne, floors, heavy wiring and laundry. treadle, gaod condition, $20; two For Used ,or New Apply Apt. 4, 63 King W. 35-1 pairs satin toe shoes, sizes 2 and Sowing Machines -4. Phono Newcastle 2816. 35-1Reaioreaî FOUR-room aparment in States- etlorRpi man block, flot suitable for McCORMICK-Deering ensilage Phone OSHAWA 5-5448 young children. Apply at The cuttor, No. 7, practically new; for Prompt Service Canadian Statesman, Bowman-. quantity of registored Genesee 4t ville. 27-tf-f wheat. A:, L. Blanchard, Hamp- 4t FiVE-roomed frame bungalow tn 51 D C R TN an East Beach in Bowmanviile COLEMAN space heater, 50,000 D CR TN with sunraam, hardwood floors, b.t.u.'s, complete with set of * For the Latest Papers water insido. Phone MA 3-2692 pipes, used three months, $50 or MA 3-3306, after sic. 35-1' Phono MA 33810. 35-1* * For the Finest Paints SEVEN-roomed bouse, hydro, DO your own floors -rent a 0 For the Best Workmanship bathroom, hot and cold water, sander or a floor polisher froin garage, stable il desired, Conces- Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E.So sion 10, Clarke; rent reasanable. Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-577ï: S. G. Presf on &,o Available Sept. 5th. Milton 3-tf Tamblyn, Orono. 35- 2 Phones INSULATION, blowing method, MA 3-591Z MA 3-3701 FOUR-raom bouse in Bowman- with rock wool. Workmanship 4t ville, bathraom, hot and cold guaranteed. Free estimates. 4t water, lurnaco, hardwoad floors, Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke built-in cupbaards. Apply 4 2420. 39-tf D OIT YuURSELF Veterans Ave., alter 6 p.im, orMCLR 4bunr ectiTIL 'pon roa114 stave, heavy duty wiring, in very TILE FOUR-roomed heatod epart- goad condition; also G 7c ah n U -Al idi2 mient and bath, buit-in cup- Electric ironer. PhonoenrAl3 Ycec n p-Alknsz boards, washer, janitar service, 2703. 35-1 Expert instructions supplied centrally located, private en- trance. Available Sept. l6th. REGISTERED No. 1 Genosse CUSTOM FLOORS LAID - Appiy Apt. 1, Arthur Apts., 90 winter wheat froin winning field G lA Queen Street, Bani in crop campotitian. Bagged H.G.H A owmnvîle and treated. Jas. T. Brown, __ Newcastle. 34-2* phono MA 3-2902 Bowmanvllle RA W anhted To Buy CORDWOOD, $3 ýa ordAd-cut28-tf Pr( oeitea te past 10 weeks we- are ale-_______________ rc Win a large number af used MILKING goats, ycrlns ndSri DEAD STOCK removed from ovtraors e ago dsannts aIl this year's kids. Apply Mrs. M. Sep your farin promptly for sani' vchuld opite ndga- Bleecher, R.R. 3. Cobourg, High- 7 tc dipsi oehn oleet: Co antood: McCormick W-4, Farrn- way 4.3-*te bourg 1266 or Toont olE 33 all H", Super "A" with hydraul- 4~3-'te Gaurd 6o onmtod. l -3636 ic plough, McCormick 0-6 Orch- - sary Godo Yun Lmied 5. fard modol, Massoy Standard Personal 01 Seed Cleniùg ::B", i ::n"H",#oInternaiona HYGIENIC supplies - (rýUb er Mr. 15-30 with gaod power unit. gaods) mailed postpaid in plain be WE have now installed a new Terms may be arrangod for any sealed envelope with price list. fricr Mist-O-Matic seed treûter, the af the above tractars et Farin Six samples 25c, 24 saniples day Moast inodorn on the market. et Equipinent and Autamotive. 134 $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, anàa Swain Seed Cleaners, Phono King St. E., Bowmnaavile. Telo- Nov.-Rubber Co. Box 91, Bain- Roci Blakstnc-k 89 r Il. "-a DhOlleM& 14089-1. t06 -21t- 1-_ C - .- . - - - -- - ~.I1iEI'KIflI A&rticles For Sale SH-OES-Tho fallowing brand- naine shoos are now in stock: cbildron's Savago shoes, Brouw- or Research shoos, Sisman work boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- McHalo shoos, Dack shoo, Grobb erch support work boots, Foam, Tread slippors, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logrollors, Dr. ,5chol's foot remedios and sboc supports, plus meny othor linos; Kiwi, Esquire, -Pende, Holly- wood Sani-white and Properts sboe polishýes; inodore sboe re- pair service in the rear o! store. Lloyd Ellis Shoos, 49 King St. W., Bowmanville. Ehone MA 3- 5941. 26-tf 13ACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS 1Help Wanted TOMATO picers. Apply J. H. Davoy, Phono 36 r 5, Orono. 35-2' WAITRESS, six deys a week, goad weges. Olympia Restaurant MA 3-9003. 35-1 Boys' Jeans' Il oz., heavy duty Saforized Sîzes 10, te 18 $1.95 pair Davy Crockeit T-Shirts Sizos 6 te 12 49c each KEN'S MEN'S WEAR 71A Ring St. E. Bowmanville 351jPhono Orono 300 for Interview .Cars For Sale '49 CHEV. 3-ton dump truck. Clinton Farrow. Phono Clarke 2823. 35-1' 1950 AUSTIN A-40 four door sedan, in excellent condition throughout, must soîl, $275. ,Teie- phone MA 3-3701. 35-1' (Reposseýsed Vehicle For Sale> 1947 G.M C. Pickup 1 /-TON Serial No. 1942401201 955 Liconse Plates No. 85901B ro be sold by publie auction to the highost bidder at the STIRTEVANTS AUCTION ROOM 13 HALL ST., OSHAWA, ONT. boginning at 7:30 p.m. on Sepfember 8, 1955 ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W. Bowmanville Re- Build - Better - Customers PALMER MOTOR SALES USED CARS 1953 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 FORD SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS 1952 1953 1950 1947 G.M.C. 14-ton PICK-UJP CHEV. Sedan Dclivery DODGE 1/-ton PANEL G.M.C. %-ton PICK-UP PALMER MOTOR SALES Ring St. E. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5487 35-1 Repairs AflIO and television repaîrs. rompt service. Pick up and livery. Lamne Domeen, 85 King ,Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf OOVER service man will be et ir store overy Thursdey. Bring ars in or Phono Higgon Elec- iLimited, 38 King St. E., Bow- anville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf EPAIRS toalal mekes of refrig- ators, domestie and comnier- al, milking coolers. Higgon ýctric Limited, 42 King St. E. 'ono MA 3-5438. 25-t! TAYLOR Repair Shop- ,ADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANFki RECORING Goferai Solderlng Repairs leen St W. flowmanville Phono MA 3-3459 32-tf* Reception Nir. and Mrs. John Daveyj own will be et home ta theýir ends et their residence, Main set, Orono, on Tuesday, ptomber 13, Iran 3 ta 5 end WOMAN or reliable girl ta look alter children while mothor works. Phono MA 3-2707. 35-2 GIRL for cleaning and carrying trays et the Stratheven Rest Ho~me. Phono .iMA 3-5555. 35-1 PIN boys. Earn good money dluring' tho. coming bowling seasan. Apply Martyn's Bowl- ing AlIey. 33-4 WANTED at once, Rawleigh dealer in 136wmanville. Write Rawleigh's Dept. 1-140-R, Mont- real, P.Q. 35-1 Rewa Estcrte For Sadl R eal Estate for Sale1 SUPERVISOR o! boys required for Ontario Training Sehool for Boys. Apply in persan ta Superintendont. 35-1 RELIABLE girl for housework, sleep in, state experience and wages. Write Box 401, c/o Canadien Statesman. 35-1' HIGH school boy ta work in grocory store alter 4 every night and ail day Saturdays. Write Post Office Box 137, Bowman- ville. 35-1' LICENSED mechanics - Top salaries paid. Apply Mr. Steven, Robson Motors Limited, Pontiac and Buick cars, G.M.C. truck dealer, Bwmanvile. '35-1 Telephone Operalors for the Alter 5 p-m. Phono, Orono 186 Good Hours Good Wages for lte rlght girls OPPORTUNITY for- young man. Large. Co-aUeretive arganization requires a junior accounting clerk for the Toronto head office. We aller good wamking con- ditions, 5-day week, pension plan, sharing of eemnings, and a permanent înteresting career. We require a keen aiert young man, 16 ta 19 with Junior Me- triculation or equivelent. Apply by letter stating ege, education and experience ta Personnel Dept., United Ca-opematives aI Ontario, 28 Duke St., Toronto. 35-1 FEMALE HELP for Light Clean Factory Work Permanent Employment Specialfy Paper Producis . Lid. 63 Temperance St. Bowman-,lle Ali applicants interviewed will be given* coasideration. 35-2 A large cansigninent aI furr iture, dishes, stoves, etc., th entimo contents af twa estete will be sold by public auction i the Durham County Sale Amenî Orono, on Friday evening, Sep tomber 2nd, commencing a 8 pin.: Chesterfield suite, E piece dinette suite, upmight pian( hedroom suites, electric stovt Cook stave, dishes, glesswar( dozen af other items. This be ing a large sale you would b woll advised ta corne early. Jec] Reid, auctianeer. Ternis cash. 35- Mr. J. E. Van Allen, firs bouse west of the Nowtonvilli Cemetery, bas soid bis bous and will offer for sale by publi, auction on Priday ovening, Sept 9, canmencing et 6 pin., hi: entire household effects. Thi: sale wiil include such items a~ Beach white enaniel electrii stove with annex, iiearly new Frigidaire eleetric refrigerator large size; Admiral 21" tele. vision, 3-.piece cbestemlield suite Chrome kitc 'hen suite, bedroorn fumniture, sevemal pioces aI gooè walnut lumniture, e large quant. ity af silvemware, glassware drapes, linen, bedding, etc.-Fai particulars see bis. LawrencE Harris, clerk; Jack Reid, eue- tioneer. 35-2 The undersigned auctianeer will seîl by public auction for the estate o! the late M17s. John Dorland, al ber housebold effects, in the village af Ennis- killen, an Satumday, Soptember 3rd: Findlay, Oval eook stave, Quobec beater, large size, coucb, 3-piece chesterfield, sideboard, six chairs and dining-roo- table, six kitchen chairs, rock- ing chair, 3-piece bedroon suite, toilet set, settee, dresser, wasbstend and 3/ bed, childs falding cot, sinaîl table, dlock, lerri stand, wardrobe, wall lemp, sinaîl cook stove, hotplete, ld- ing iraning board, 2 ciathes hors- os, fruit jars, a fow dishes, electrie iran, radio, rug 9x12, bodding, quilts, piliows, chest, gardon tools. 2 lawe mawers and other articles. Sale et 1:30. Ternis cash. Property sold. No reserve. C. Petbiek, auctiancer. 6u zyP-rn, unne ccason-o ir Fiftieth Wedding Anniver- Y._ 35-2' Wanted To Rent 'n the occasion cf their FURNISHED roon with 'phono ieth 'Wedding Annivorsary, priviieges, etc., iinnediately. and Mrs. J. H. Needharù will Write Box 400, c/o Canadien pleased to redoive their Statesman. 35-1 nds and relatives on Setur- iSeptember 10, Iroin 3 ta 5 HOUSE with three bedroons, 17 ta 9 p.m., in the Green desperately, good relerences. nm of the-Lions Community Apply Robson Maora Lixnited. sbe. . &Z Ph'oe- M8.8. - 3&e SIX room brick bungalow on gaod size lot on Concession St., new ail furnaco. Phono MA 3- 2439. 33-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properticu Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraiscd L, M. ALLIISON Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 - Ncwcasflc, Ont. Two blocks nôrth of traffic signal, Newcastle 2t LEAK REAL ESTATE 7-roonied bouse in excellent condition, 3-piece bath, sun- parch, ail furnace, divided base- ment, cupboards, 4 bedrooms, extra lot included with this pro- perty; central location. Full price $8,500. Torms. 5-roomed bouse, ail furnace, cupboards, heevy wiring, un- mediate possession, $5,500. Torms. 5-roomed bouse, cupbaards, 2- piece bath, 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, 2 sun porches. insulated, $5,000 with $500,00 cash. Easy paymonts.. 5 roomed cottage, sunporch, heavy wiring, good location, partially insulated, completely furnished, $3,000.00. Terins. Good building lots, centrally located, 66x160. Inquire about these. Owner must soul. We have farins, houses, lots, etc., not listed.. Cansult us belore buying. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5919 3- Pedwel RealE 35-1 De2 WcrehfReCaresTown- ship, with 120 acres under culti- vation, 20 acres valuable mixed wood, creek, wells, good fonces, benk barn, drive-in shed, pig pns, silo; 10 roomed framq bouse witb running bot and cold weter, furnace, bathraoin, bard- wood floors running wator and weter bowTs len barn. Price $17,000. 50 acre farm, medium clay- oain, al workeble, ceek, well, 2 benk barns, steel stanchions,I 1wter bowls, milk coler, hon bouse, drive-in shed, 7 rooned clpbard bungalow with il fumnace, w'ter pressure, electrie heater. Situted 2 miles Iran Newcastle. Price $7500. 165 acre fam, 90 acres work- able dlay-boan land. 30 acres valuebe wood, cmek, wells, ,L- shaped 72'x36' and 40'x25' benk barn with wter bowls, steel drive-in shed, garage, hen bouse, pig pens; 8 roomed clpboard ouse with ardwood floors, heavy duty wired, bsenent, cistern. Situatèd 10 miles Irrn Oshawa four corners. Price $15,000. Torms. 200 acre fanm, whereaî 1401 acres workabe land, 40 acres j wood, ceek, wells, 75'x34'.bank barn with L-shaped extension, hon bouse, machine shed, etc.; 9 raoned fraeine ouse (5 yeers ld) witb umnace, 4-pieco bath- raom, pressure systei, electrie heater, full basement. Running wtem in stable. 3/ mile roin a highway. Price $11.000. 100 acre farmmt Newtonviile, 75 acres wokable, 23 acres valuabe wod, ceek, well, 100'x32' bank barn, drive-in shed, garage, bn ouse; 11 roomed Irame bouse, newly plastered and decomted, heavy wired. Price $12000. Torms. 6 roomed ranch stylo bun- galow in Bowinnville with 3- piece bathroom, running hot and cold weter. Hes 3 bedroons, utility roon, etc. Price $5,500. Temms rranged. 8 rooned fraene ouse in Oshawa with 3 bedroois, 3- piece bethroom, ail furnace, running hot and cod wter, kitchen cupbords, garage. Price $9,000. $1.500 down. Full running snack-ber and Supertest gasoline station on Highway No. 2 with expansion possibility. Has living quarters, wîth 4-piece bathroom, store- roap, garage,, wshroo. Is heavy wired, etc. Largo lot.t Asking price $20,000. Temns arranged.E 5 raomed freine bungalow an East Beach in Bowmanville with sunroom, kitchen cup- boards, bardwood floors, wetem inside. Price $3000. $600 down. 7 roonied Imame bouse in New- castle with thre extra lots, !urnae, garage, fireplace, wter a insfde. Price and ternis amrang- ed. 5 rooned 1 'h~ storey bouse onf ighway with bthroom, furn-a aee, water pressure system, elec- trie heater; 1 acre lot. Price $4,500. $1,000 down. Besides above nentionod wg have approximately 85 more praporties ta choose Iran in the- Oshawa, Bownanville, Cobourg C 10 room cemont block bouse, 3-piece bath, built in cuphoards, oak Iloors, ail in good condition. Largo lot with double garage and chicken bouse, very central, in Newcastle. Torms. 150 acres all equipped with the latest machinery, including 22 bead af purebred Hereford cattle. Good 8-room bouse with modemn bath, pressure systein, hardwaod floors, ail furnace, situated along Lake Scugog, partly divided in lots along the lake, adjoining village. Torms. 95 acres, large fraee ouse in two apartinonts; 2 bathrooms, built-in cupboards, double ga- rage, largo bank barn, all new roofs, steel implement shed, good land. This is an o,utstand- îng farin. A rare opiiortunity for anyano with a sinall down payment. We have a large list of fatins, businesses, etc. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phono 3856 ORONO REAL ESTATE New six roon home with 4- pico bath, furnace, 2 pre*sure systeins, built-in cupboards, fire- place, garage, warkshop, on two acres, in town, with several choice building lots. Iminodiate possession. 7-room brick, centre hall plan, 3-piece bath, ail furnace, lire- place, oak llooring, garage, land- sceped lewn. Immediate pos- session. 6 raam brick, central location with garage. A real buy for cash custamer. 8 room insu! brick, 4 bed- roonis, sunporch, hard and soIt water, garage, in central loca- tion. 6 room freine, 3 bedroom home, freshly decorated; bard- wood floors, herd and soft water, furnace. garage; possession lst o! October. 6 room fraee ouse, good barn, on 4 acres with spring creek. Close ta town. 7 room freine, hardwood floors, forced air heating, Iroshly decorated, bard and soIt water. Contact me for cash or terins on these extra low-priced homes. W, C. Evans, Broker Orono 35-1 0. E. CARSON LTD. Do you want ta farm? Are your finances limited? Do you want a place within easy driving distance af Oshawa? Are you one aI those hendy menn, who take pride in iniprov- ing your awn property?ý Home is the oppartunity of a lifetimo. r 75 fertile acres, free o! stane texcellent niixed soit, ai gayoc tractor land, 4 miles Iran En- niskillen. One large benk barn, stoel roof, in excellent condition; at- teched L-bemn needs rIepairs.ý Seven roon freine house needs repairs. Hydro in ail buildings. Electric water pump, and the price is Qnly $5,000,00. Act quickly if you want tlîis ane. Or- do you want a good home et an aniazingly low price? 16 miles Iran Oshawa an paved road in nice village. Adjacent ta sehool, church and stores. Bus service et door, 6i rooms, insul brie, beavy wired, 1/ acre land, nice barn. Only $3.500,00 wîtb $1,000.00 down. 250 acres, perhaps the finest famin in Durham County, ait chaice land, beautifully coni- structed stane bouse, 10 rooins, lumnace and electrie bot water. Bank barn 45x100 plus two I- barns. 10 acres weil tendedc orchard. Only 4 miles from Bow - manville. Asking $35,000.0 52 King St. W. BSOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 Atter hours caii: Chas. D. Rankine MA 3-2762 or Alvin floyd, MA 3-2487 Contact John F. De Wiih REALTOR Newcastle Phone $341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Rowmanfflel MA 3-3950 Paul Dlamand, Port Perry Phono 0.46 R 35-11 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 150 acres tvitb 15 aIvmes buskh. ready for lumber. Hus twQi barns. 60x30 and 27x30, also' fine 8-roam frame bouise. Cnip proves soil. Creek throt!gh propemty; in toac-'-o grovwii district near Newtonville,.4 A;k- Welcome. 30 aRtses gix'd eday ioam rigbt on hgw .offlv a mile Ironi Port FHope, I (as ol type 8-roon iA%k tth 5e pressure; large sttrat% hed saine fruit tveeit. Bused p door and school 2o vtti WeIteome. 7o aý'%.ea '~ go. Clay loani, one barît. th1s ,, stabhng, anothev e(os (ced 3t,>. barns; on ~ 4 v ' i b g 117 acltýes t1% ei bush, 8- roum à tosse hqo js two v reu k s lcIi iud lIAert. î É îsîos 4ui. acets svelsete oiu h. (o 1 U 5 1. I t tf t4 ý î k . y tstà wa.ys. Ss thibs wîbsîivI andi t*d'I. w 4st ,1v y, bet, l yeas' ol. Içdesi #' ti'bi* % w moutel. Ps içtýOÇt II sîileh Af . Iouft OWIKN WitIIuL»a MA 3.3ma Oltmu "XXII * ORONO ilsi 37 Kinga M. W. Powmauvtil, 35-1I Additional Classif lods Tura Page for ~ATCH RPOII 43 King l;-fWRlL=y ADVERTISING RATES uAltua=FOR mmL c4" I al. . . se pftWord 'fflh a ni"m o f s80 dby date ofimartlon c*S ill be dd*d. A" Cd %SC3 WIU b. made fos ou replî- duoci,< edtbla"office. troll ~. c0xmni VE A» ISCAVES0For ARE 3c qWord wit a misimum 00 tu r33 wo,â.Cu ., $1.00 Ponsrto 83.00 Plus WD a lino les vesse tlud* cail adyqîtl.gln1 SOI d*weu00of 0% t 1 ierrî. 73ecash bwith aîdp,.2 *dvggtSeag OapebIe ""el A Mntlo* tnt (111li USIou t t o t* itfé I I. -J- De With Real Estate Real Estate for Sale, NIXON REAL ESTATE 7-roon Ifraeineouse, bydro, 3-piece bath, extra lots. gobai soil, sinaîl fruit, possession aru rengod. $6,500. Ternis. New 4-room frpinè homeeOR highwey between BowmnanvlW and Oshawa, hedvýy wlring, 3. piece bath, furnece, venetian blinds, gas stovo, electt-ic fix. tures, saine floor covoring sgtorm doors, windows and Ècreens. $1.500 down, Possession errang. crd. 4-room freine house, hydror besensent, built-in cupboarda, ýgardon, iMmediate possession, $3,800. 6-roam solid brick on Cburch St., good besenent, new oi 4eating, heavy wiring, bot water beater, 3-piece bath, largo -lot, immiediate possession, $8,0ÔO. 3-roon freine bungalow, base. ment, hydro, water, on 1 acre witb saine wood, not fer from, Bowmanville. Priced ta sell. 43/4 acres in town, barn, bon hfuse, garage, ail kinda of fruit, 7-roon fraeine ouse, basemont, hardwood floors, built-in cup- boards, fully insulated, bot and cold water, modemn 3-pioce bath, $9,000. Possession arranged. 1 acre in Newcastle, plantedi in apples, pears, pluins, peacbes,$ raspberres; 7-rooin insul brick, 1ý. bydro, barn, stable, implement,,- shed, bard and soft wator, $8,000, hall cash. Lots 66xl50. Priced ta soul. 7-room 1 i/2 -storey brick bouse 3-piece bath, hydro, water and' sewor, on Ring St., $3,000. 116 acres dlay land, barn, plg * pen, hen bouse, silo, iniplenent shed, stable, pressure systein, water bowls, creek, electrie banner miii, milking machine, 5 acres reforestation, 8-roorm fraeine ouse, water, hydro, base- ment, furnaco. Pmiced to soul, $8,500. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., BcwmanvM&i MA 3-5682 35-14 J. VAN NEST Real Estaf e Broker 5-roon brick wîth ail con.1 veniences, well located. Askjr $9000 wîth sanie terni. 4-roon stucco with anl con voniences, in nice condition esking '$8.650 witb tori-s. 5-roon freie et Kurv-Inn - vemy nice condition, close to 40 Highway. To sell quickly $3,70 total price. Vrcoe's Rod, near oshaw 6-year-old freine on large la priced ta seil. $7.500, $4,000 down, sîr-ro-o miodern bungalow, q&cOndition ing furnace, tule floorg: Service station with 5-roo living quarters, greese pît an repair entrances. A good bi at $6,800.00. Approxiniately down. We also have ferins te frorn $6.500 ta 338,000. Cill and talk it ave-. No obligatio 11s Ring E., Bo,, anvilei P>hone MArkct 3-3234, amytlm 35- Lost CHILD'S C.C.M. tricyce, iri ity of Contre St. Phoneý MA 566. 35- SUM af money in Bank Montreai, Mandat-, Augut 2 eward. Phone-NU 3-2217. 3 SXALL red leather walet co ""'nng SuM of inaney. ara ~uut8, un Port Hope dsr Àbrj reward. Write Box 40o c/ Catadien Statesznay 35- Tenders Wcmte Tenders wili ho received te undersigned up unril Se tember 10 lor- cmnnlete plum àg installaton, îVwo basins, toleti. kit Men sxn.k M0 foot kvater pipe. 3ffl feet ff soul pi 'onim.aitv all. Riackstclek. H. hortrÎdge. Blacks Phonze 3qj. 35 35-1* 1 . 1 Il qwz PAGE METMÇ t - - - - - . ---- , tlutýNb * MA 3-3517

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