Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 17

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,.~.,, .1 THRS>Ay, SEPT. lut, 1955 CM&d of Thanlo _ COMING EVENT I would like to extend my Orono Fair Concert - Drema sincere thanks to ail my neigh- Festival. September 9 anel 10. boursand11 frlends for flowersi, One-act plays. Friday night, 1'u'* cards ;nd good wishes, so1 Oshawa and Orono compete. klndlY sent *to me during my'Saturday night, Lakefleld and recent 111ness. Peterborough Little Theatre Mr$. Rowland Bate Sr. Groupa. Admission, 50c and 3.1125c. 35-2 PrIwould like to thank Drs.. Plan to attend the Frolic night 7Runidle, McKenzie, nurses and in 'Iyrone on. Friday evening, !attof Menlorial Hospital, Rev September 9th, 1955. Dancing ËÏirbert, friends, neighbours and in hall to Stainton'a Orchestra. relatives for their kindness irb Bingo and other games under visitâ, cards, fruit and flowers the stars. Fish pond for the during rny. stay in hospitgl andi children. Refreshmants. At- ýWhlle at home, tendance prize. Admission: Harry Smith. ladies, single, 50t; gents, 75c; 351couples, $1.00. 33-4 and my The annual house-to-house 1would lika to thank y canvass for' the Bowmanville friendsan neighbours for their Hospital Auxlliary will be held acta -o!4indness, cards and flow-1 in Bowmanville,. Newcastle, hospduilnd sinrcetrnsing Orono and surroundlng districts hosita, ad snceretrniglbetween 6 and 8 pm. on Mon- home. A special thanks to &)r.! day, September 19th. This will Miklos, nurses and staff of'be the onlv appanfoPl r u ind V-JfAlV A UA 5 TA TEBMAN BOWMANV -' N M. W. Now8k' Wjn s Prizes For Eggs C.N.E. M. W. Nowak, proprietor o! Nowak's Chicken Fanm, RL R. 1, Bowmanvllle-, bas again wen prizes on bis egga exbibited at the Canadian ational Exhibi- tion, Toronto. He won three firat prizes on one case o! large and two cases of mediumi, Grade A, egga. It is the fifth year ini succession that Mr. Nowak bas exhibited at the CNE and each year h. bas had several prise winners. He sella eggs at wholesale te bospitals, restaurants and stores in Bowmanville and Oshawa. Tennis Club Plans Tourney Next Weekend Another FHampton,- Trophy Winner vÂgonj~ IasptaiTOi thinmade by this organization this lbtuumn vh . ~ 'r hougtfunes audcan. Iyearai-tecari-v on thain woi-k at played 'at the Bowmanvilie .~ Arthur Bell, Newcastle. the Memrnoial Hospital. 35-1 Tennis Club courts at the Lions Commuuity CentreFriday, Sat- Elaine aud Neil 'Bailey wishi NOTICES - urday and Monday, Septanbai- 9, 10, and 12. This will be the to thnk their mauy fiends who Ir Dr. C. W. Slemon's office willl first club tournament complet- ' e . vlda suca r emorable av-1 be lsc mi-r Septembe 7 toij ed within the past tbree years. nigfor them in Cartwright Septemben 30 inclusive (Autumn, A social evening aud alection Itecietioala Centre. Spacial hl as.3521o fieswlb hdflo. thanks te those who organized hhdy) _________ J0 fiaswl ehl olw thebowen, collected. taok parti Park View Snack Bai-, tari - g ouhyeveounn t finals on-CÏ ng! ondy evnin at9:00o p.m. or on the program, pnovidad rmusic Tuesday, Saptamber 7wîrll bcha and cups and pnizes will be and lunch aud alI the folk who' open fi-rn 8 p.m. ta 1:5 a.m.1pentd atteuded sud gave such beautiful daily. Sundays, 1 p.rn. te 12:15'ltteeet frit à~ and useful gifts, especially Black- a.n. 3-1clb n eent ow in, tehede,; stock sud Nestleton for the grand rthe - club taurua ekwl en hel chrome kitchen set, sud Yelven- Any ladies wishing ta bowl lutcionwn weed ton for the lovely hostess chair., the Ladies' Major Bowling 35 1* League are askad ta leave thein naines with George Elliott at tVîe W. wlsb ta thank oui- rela- bowling alley today (Thursday) K D O tives, friands sud ueighbons for Ina r anna. 342 l attendanica at tba Sti-at- their msny acta of kinduess to Tap, ballet, baton - Register fard Festival during titis past Mrs. Margpi-et E. Brown during' ekwrM.adMs .C hei- long îllness, sud for kiîîd- Saturday, Septemben 10, 10 - 12 Bwew were n sudMns.H. C liumesgsofsmatyadnoon, foi- lassons, at Cana4lianBoaewbwrepvied Siflsmesage o!symath an rLegian Hall, 84 Queau Street, ta sea 'Julius Caesai", sud Miss the begutiful floral tnibutes ne- Bowrnanville. Teacher, Dw Olive Luke, wbo inu campaîîy casved at the time o! lier daath. Wit secal haksta heQuenJoues Abnamoff. 35-2 with Mrs. Laureuce Allen, Withspecal tanksta te QuenQshawa, sud the Misses Manie Elizabeth Hlospital, nursessd1 . anaeuow maiufacturing and Helen Cale. o! Markharn, staff for kindness sud cane the: cernent blocks, bath iutenlocklng saw "The Marchant of Vanice". ,pst nearly eigbt years, and 1 sud standard, sud would be The latter graup also visited âr.Nancy Day, banr dean friand'ipleased te serve yen with a good Oshawa Scouts lu atteudance and patient lu the sanie rnom, product at a reasenable price. at the World Sçout Jamboree -for her kindnass ta mothar aud Tipp Construction. Phone 392W, at Niagara. to us; aIse ta the Newtonvilla Pont Penny. 40-tf Just happened te be at Camp Hampton and district entries took a large share W.A., Specialty Papar Co., Rev. Samac on Sunday afternaon Horticultural' Society's Show on Saturday, including this D.R.pedlny y, daur Nurse wbeuthe bus cama in, bringing heled s n ay wyoursii- ursry Schol thé Oshawa lads back ta the Chllne Trophy. The winner was Mrs. Chai-les Wai ceetAn. dBetBrw. I Any parents lnterested in -local basa. Aften a wondenful building cantrâtton in this,- anea. Hen lovely rock garder Alf an Bety row. 3-1 Nursery School for the week, the boys lookeci a mite propenty in Hampton, won the appnoving eyes of the -- re-ehol bil, ontct weay-in fact aona yeung lady other pnizes as well, for floral arrangements and a mixe pre-chol c iGcotct walcomlng han brother was Clarence- Tink, also of Hampton, was an other top pni2i Wvork, Wanted MRS. RUTH IH heard ta say: "Boy, they sure çTitrpy.adheoewnb M.ad i là Elgin St. Phone MA 3-2222 don't look ike they did when , getables.Titrpyadheoe onb Mrad SELDERTY man wants a job onj 35-1* thay laft!" but the boys repont display at Barnon's Store, Hampton. a quiet fan bhorne doing choras, a r- a efrote ek ood teanisten, good w'. al SIIERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS a neyrateporftnaoten wak listock. Write XVilli. Wil- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Setari the por emonan sou, 580 Veterans Road, Qsha- a Writ of Execution issued ont o! r sec.utapens !Hn ---h Counties of N'orthuburelaud sud Mrs. Allaii Wenry aud Sandra M n e r o S i Durhm inan ctio wheeinhave beau bolidaying iu Mus- Masonry, Costructi ha Tai-ut tar Limited is the kaka at the Staluton summen u i g S me l s e BIRICIC CiL0CK - CONCRETE Plailttiff sud Ronald P. GibbshoeBrwigIlnLk Èiree Estimatea h eedn t edrceMuskoka. against the goods sud chattels Mavis Tragunua sud little ANGER BROS. ansd lands sud tenemauts of thea isJn rnBoki, r n T a n n c o lP o * said Dafeudaut, I have seized ss ne a nt, Bahme ez 'I MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 sud taken lun exacutian ai thae iig~amuha oewt n2t ight, titie, iutenest su-d equityMn u Mrs. A. Tregunua, The swimmiug instruction mioved up fast iu thair ability of redemption of the said De- wbile Dr-. sud Mrs. Gi-sut an- pnagram spausaned hy the te swim. Duo ta, thei- lateuass endaut Ronald P. Gibbs lu sud joy a vacation trip ta the west. Bowrnanville Depantmeut of in acqniinug the kuack of Concree ad asonry ta:Mns. Milford Shephard, the Recreation bas beau completed swirnming a reasouable dis- Aittyps ! Al sd ingla t os crtanormer Danothy Clugston, of for this yean, sud a lange nurn- tance, it was impassible tu CONCRETE - BRtICK - BLOCK pancels on tracts af land sud Preston was a weakeud guest ber of children from the five move tbam into the "Red Crosis WOR prmiss itutelyig ud aiu;of the Halad Werrys, sud an- Vlaygnouuds lu Bowmanville Beginnens" test bnackat sud L. TURNER inl the Towuship o! Clark. lu thej joyed visiting with foi-ner have completed thain tests, i teacb them ai the varions tcsas Emitirnt.a Fre. P.O. Box 177 C ounty a! Durham sud beiug friands at Kedron, sud meeting raugiug fi-rn Tadpale Awards,, laid down. ELMNV.LE parts o! Towuship Lot Nnýmbai- saine o! the uew folk.vBetty ta the Red Cross Senior Smn- Tadpoles-Boys 35tBNnOi haFrs onesina Hoskin, Harmouy, aîso v!site mer Awards. The'counses last- 3the idn ouhpe!Cak at Sunnysida, a gnast of Jean- ed fan seven weeks, nuder the1 Foui- lengths-David Alli- she sd owschihodlrke stru- iaWerny, fan a !aw days. instruction o! Bill Bagnell, phy-solit.. A E. C0Lmeut registened ln the Rcgistry, Mrs. W. Mouliîtoy enjoyed a sical education insti-uctor ait thTe -elnth-aidKir PLUMBIN AI ? EATING Office for the West Ridiîtg of1 week's holiday at Port Ci)l- Training School, sud hlî assist- Vîua ihe- baa the Caunty of Durhami an the. borne with ber cousins, Mr-. sut Bill Lepper, wha was life-HosdeDaiHgo. Authorized Twanty-third day of Deceniber, aud Mrs. Harold Trahie, whilie guard at Bowrnvîhle Beachi Two lengths-David McFee- Mar-Sun and Lennox Dealer O ne Thausaud Nine Hundrad on a matai-ttip with Mns. Ja-. durng the summer. tans, Rouuy Luxtoît, Bob Hait- sud Fi! ty-two, as Number 15796 bez Wright, sud the Misses Ef- The Red Cross awards for dansait, Jian Handny, Victor 2e Ontario St. Bowmanviiie sud whichi description may algo fa sud Annie Wright o! Osai- feginners, Junior, Intai-madi- Hancock, Fred Graham, Jint tPhoal Nlght or Day MA 3-37 hab seau at my afice; said laucis awa. The party wene also guests ate sud Senior swimmens wen-', Moorecra!t, Joc Hofstade, Dav- 16-tf a- uteSubsd !p-~of Mrs. Dinsmore, St. Cathar- awanded ta the folawiug suc- id Woolnan, Wayne Haucock, vnilHighway No. 2 in.Iles. cessfnl candidates: Gary Rickatt, Chnis Quintan. TILE BEU - TRENHING ' of Newtonvilansd thera ha WltT aisfmi' Beainners - Girls OnQe sud 8/,&langths-John SEPTIC TANKS lare no buildings on the*property wara diuueî- guasts on ubrý hrnLah as il -e ap ae ee uk 1 xetau old bai-n. day o! Mn. aud Mrs. Ed. Davis, Karen eacbPatsiby CGui, Oe, ap ClPte u CONCRETE WORK AIl o! wbich rigltt, titie, in-Qshawa. rKaS.ran McArtBety hu, Crl by a-, ,Onkndl3'.gh-E BARRY & LEE terest sud aquity o! redemption Mi-. sud MMs.S CoactBatsria liep,CaaVadr ca, Que La su GadonCo leugtMs-c BA R E ftesaid Ronald .Gbb nspent Satunday a!tarnoon ariwap cdh iais aelso sell.u avil, i the said lands sud tanarnants, I Brook Park b ara, guests fSojîKhDon 3Mgie, Oue sud 1/4langths-Bruca ?IA 3-3693 MA 3-3828sahaerorslbypbiMr.JcBok. Ada Scbaafsma, Bavanly îeP, calRsal ________ 3tfactin a Maday tf.o2ths aye ypble Mst ack Jo ow Qh-Yekki Rikker, Jesse -Barr, Milîs, Irwin Colwell. SAE ONY Tf ata nMba, t e 1955, aryawasited aJoh Hrvay ,Osh July Walsh, Rita Jacksoaki Su- Ouae length-Ross Turner, SV OE AT officepi tr A.D H ,all Cbongcy hm ncnîsan Shialds. Nornis Turner, Bnian Hsucack, QuE SOittrio, al the ono 23 u W. regret haviug news o! the Biinr oaRny aal oneGr the afternoon. iluess a! Mn. Arthur Wray, Wayne Wray, , Ted Brown, , ock. Dated at Cobourg, titis Ath sud o! bis sisten -Miss Mai-gar- John Allun, Jeui HangCock, Doug , ý length-Cbai-les Evatis, H E R E P A I R dlay of Juna, AD. 1955. et Way-both patients in Qsh- Gibson, Arnold Dernan, Arthur Trevai- Jackson, John Russell,1 FRED C RICHARDSON, i awa Ganraa Hospital. Naigh- Foran, Bihl Sheehan Wayne 1 John Dapew. Prm t evCe Shent!, United Counties a!f boni-s sud friands baeeaxtaud Devitt, Alan: Hoopar, Brisa ast Pomp Srvi1 estwihPaulxJiDean. ,DanyJons, ' . langth - Allen Browl,f TEMERNC ST iran Noîthumbaland sud Durham bt ste.udCxJmCoeDuyonGai-ny Waoluar, Eric Fai-nhand Ï523-tf EST (nrer)354 Mns. James Paugelly jn Pu Dean.ai HaesGorg David Brent, Gai-ny Giffilu, t 2--fJimmy, hava netnrned hoe.aes, Geodrge on.Dong Nichols, Jim Brown, Kar Local and Long Distance ia-ubn i a Juniors - Boy s ry Dickens, Gary Ja!!any,1 P lc Re o t nontb assigumneut. Lon Thompsot, Dauny Chai-les Evans, Bille C Sevenal Kedron fl noe my Callan, Lai-na Walker, itis McFaaters, Bar-y Browes,i andFuily IsrdtheDnkyBsea.gaea Licesed nsurd lso ~B okli yon Baalgm John Webb, Lai-ry Rogers, Bob Ronnie Garbutt, Terry Nichais, Licnse an13 ccidents I evenîug. Sleep, Dayvoki o odyid Williams, Paill Duncan Syer, John Allen,1 GE'NEAL TUCKIN It as panticulan fun ta sei-a- Hancock, David Presson, Larry John Sommanscalas Keith Bantý- * P.C.V. lass "C", "F" aud "H" I AI.L latives, frinds sud !amily doc- Thonipsan, Henry Sinedstna iîtg, Robent McAtbur, Ronald Contact In O n Wk tarsi-sl the team's lin-up-tun Johu Goode, Donald Riekard, Wilson, Reunie Hafstade, Ron- Thîrteen accidents lu oefte M.sud MatrsStaley sOgl George Rickard, David Thornp- nie Wilson; Allen Raby, Paul1 Preston Trýanisporti wack wei-e repartad yestendav sud family eujoyed a oo son, Bradley Yourtlî. Michael Buckly, Brian Fansytha, Mur-1 phone MA 3-2493 Bownanville by thte Ontario Provincial De- trip around Lake Erie.Dni-mg lkn.ry BowMcalLdy 33-t!'ahethr.teotnteyvstdfinsJno il Walter Rickand, Jim Kituay,c s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i S________-- tcretbn.t. a tutaisi.te frianD xieuil or GrlsPaul Bai-lay, Otto Richter, J. Mos wee nt erinssudluSt.Catanles Mn Jese n ixi Gu, Li-ana Brock, Bensma. Mos wee nt srios, nduott, London, sud Mn. Ogle's Ursula Scblingensiepen, Lynna 3/ width-Teddy Bates, Da-à BULLDOZING thera were ne daaths nesultlug former hoe nsd family at Frost, Glenna Fi-ast, Jeanf vid Werry, Wayne Beckett, E XCAVATING froru any of the. accidents. Bleuheiru. Thentell, Sharon Bruce, Evelyî eryMvillWan I EXCAVATING In ~the early eveuiug o! Au- eany Kedroni-cidants hava jouies, Evelyn Hughes,. Canol Jry coad.,Wyn l T~ECHNG - LADNG gus 2th ti. irt acien ~aready had a day in Toi-enta, Greenhami, Robants Hetberng- là wldthî - Richard Perfect,a CRNHI ýLADIN WOR th the i-ou hy-accnt nid at the Canadian National Exiii- ton, Gabrielle Dsvldson. iC-sRbnoPtikVn LIRAGLINE -CL f or x te nsive passnty dgabitioxi sud sevenai moi-e ar-e lmdit.-Bosis, obaidsoMarichardn Trucks and Loader fr Etnie poet aaeplanning te attend. Itreits os !nsh ai aure ihr Gravel and Fil1 Jobs was causad whan cans diven Ni-rs. B. Stan- sud Bnian, M;ss, David Nadlwn GiRons, George Saunders,F FR££ ESTIMATES b James Flannagan, Peterbor- Olive Luke, Ni-s. F. Wanny and Robert Aflin, Don Kerr-. Bnian Ar-mstrong, Deug. MINI- y 04 - ogh, 'sud James Fostan, To- .Wmam--4Ni-s.H l.Wrysd Itreits- dGir1.s 1Featars, Stphenî Wrigb BnianE - of the prizes at the Oshawa Ilarge C. Ewart McLaughlin arrefi, wife of the well-known m, situated at the end of their judges. Actually, she won cd basket of flowers. Mi-s. ze winner wvi±h flowers and Mrs. W. Chapman are on gifla Osmnond, Gail Kilpatric, Susan Rivers, Linda Cameran, Betty Luxton, Jean Colc, Diane Biggs.* Qne width Daisy Reader, Judy Scott. % width - Rose Robinson, Donna Rogers, Bannie Mutton. 12 width-Jean White, Caro- line Stacey, Barbai-a Bothwell, Marlene McDonald, Judy Pae-. den, Jennifer Purdy, ICheryli Luxtori, Lmnda Myles, Tina Westover. MAPLE GROVE Syînpathy is exteudad ta Mn. sudMrs. James Pattai-sot, Mi-s. Lewis Pattai-son sud !amily aiso brothans o! the. latter ini tce fatal accident wbich hefeîl Mr. ILewis Pattai-soit whcn lha was kilhed in a truck accident in N.B. Tii. farniiy nasidad bei-e fox- a few yaars sud about titi-c rnths ago ratuned te thein horne lu N.B. whîeree h ad se- curcd steady empioymcnt. Miss Carmn Bunrison, Han- waod, speut the wcekeud witlb Miss Canal. Gnaauham. Canal. neturnad with hanr fan a visit. Mr. sud Mns. Gardon Baci, Janice sud Bannie enjayad a visit at Caesanea with bis sisters, Mrs. H. Larmen, South Mon- aghau, Mns. Ross Richards sud famiiy, teWu, at the Lai-mar cottage.' Miss Mlldi-ed Snowdcn lias i- tuned alter a very pheasaut holiday with frieîîds sud rel- atives sud slgiît-seeing at Que- bac City, Moutreal sud Manotick. Miss Dorean Lai-mer, South Mouaghsu, lbas naturncd home af tan a pleasaxît visit witb lier cousin, Janice Beach. Mi-. antd Mns. Ross Wi-ight sud !amihy, Pickering; Miss Bei-tha Smîith, Harnilton, wrc Sunday cahiers witb thain cousin, Mrs.ý Aylmer Beach. Mn. Albert Brown, Haîmilton, visited at Mn. C. H. eiio\vden's. His wifa' snd !amily ratui-ned home with bxm. Miss Mai-ion Suowdeu, Toi-enta, spaut the. we.kand st home. Miss May Vu-tua, Mr-. sud Ni-s. Sam Johustan, Rav. sud Ni-s. Engene Beach, son Deris,j Toi-onto, vislted Mn. sud Mrs.1 Gai-don Beach. Mn. sud Ni-s. Harold Qirn- iston, Enfleld, with their sisten, Ni-s. Aylmer Beach. Ni-s. D. Kube sud daughtar Mary are visitiug lber mather Ni-s.-Kozyulak, Deneross, Man.,1 sud othar relatives.1 Miss Canolyn Car-, Mastersi Leon, Kenneth, baby Ivan Carri, Hampton, spcut the waekendi with thair graudmother, Mns. A. Beach. Mn. Han-y Pearson. Lakefield, with bis cousins, Masters Bill aud Bob Laird. Mn. aud Ni-s. Lloyd Beach sud son, Bunketon, visited Mrs. A. »eech. Mn. Elgin Greenbam, Miss Phyllis Bolton, Harwood, with' is panents, Mn. sud Mrs. Charles!I Greenham, sud took lu the Ex. Mrs. A. Beech visîted Mn. sud M~rs. Austin Lai-mer, towu. Ladies, pleasa ramemban the IV.M.S. meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 7th, lu the basarnt of the, church. Congratulations te Mr-. sud Mrns. David Kennedy (ne. Jean Rahm) on their racent mar- Conýgratulations te Barbai-!sil Joyce Mihîs, Sharon Gimbiatt, Marie Cooney sud Fay Holtby; on1 complatiug thair gai-dan club Achievemnent Day at Orono, I SEVINTEEM Saf et y Elephant Elm er Will- be FIying FIag When Schools Re-open Elmer the Safety Elephant who neyer forgets goes back ta school with ail the childi-en 0! the three public achools un Tuesday, September 6th. Elmer has been watching al the iiddies all summer long, and they have helped hilm by staying out of accidents. Be- cause o! this, Elmer flags will be flying when the schools open. The eowmanville Kinsmen Club, who helped bring Elmer to Bowmanville, is making plans for keaping Elmer anad the safety rules be signifies lu the spotlight, cemmittee chair- inau Jack Lander bas stated. Elmer is proud of ail the chlldren who attend the three Bowmianville publice'schools, and o! the parents, of ail these childi-an who hava helped ta keep their sens and daughters alive and happy, with no brok- en- limbs caused by accidents on HAMPTON Sunday visitera w,,ith Mi-. aud Mlrs. 1Iosken Smith, wvere Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and family, Pickering, Miss Bertha Smith, Haîniltoni, Mn and Mrs. Edgar Pi-escott, Mi-s. Donald Pnescott, Marlon and Janice, Enfield, Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezei-, Mi-. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Eleanor and Gladys, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Harland TrulI were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Robent Shields, West Hill. Mrs. K. Caverly has return- ed fi-rn the west coast where she visited ber daughter and athan friands. Mr. and Mns. Frank McCul- lough of Essex, visited Mn. and Mrs. Robent McCullough. Misses Sandr-a aud Canal Johnston have been holidaying, jwith Mn. and Mns. Gea. Maos and Karen, at Little Britain,' and othen relatives at Seagrave and Blackwater. Ralph Power returued with them for a visit with bis cousins here. Mrs. Joa Cbapman visitad fniends in Oshawa on Sunclay. Mr. sud Mns. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mrs. M. Goodman and Miss Louise Goodman visited Mn. and4 Mrs. Allen Parker, Taio-au to. Glad ta know Mn. Panker who was in the East General Hospital, having undergone an apet-atian, is impnoved and is now at home. Miss Eva Yeo is holidaying with Mn. sud Mns. Eluter Hawes, Gail and Chenyl at Whitby, and attended the Ex- hibition. Mr. aud Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toroanto, ai-e spending this week with the Saltens. -Mrs. E..S....Naylon.-Mr, andi Mns. Jack Brdgeland aud Ralph, Bowmanville, -'visite-i Mr. and Mi-s. Harland Truil. Mi-. sud Mrs. Hoskan Smith halidayed at Hall's Lake. The Women's Institute meet-1 ing will be hald Wednesday, Sept. 7tb instead o! this Thurs- day. Church service will beha ba 1 an Sunday uaxt at 12 o'clock1 and Sunday School at 10.45. 1 ENFIELD Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Stinson and family, Mi-. EarI Leth, Ta- ranta, wei-c at the Stinson home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. John Mallette, Tyrane, visited at A. W. Prescott's. Mr-. and Mrs. Eric Smith and family, Toronta, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantfard, wei-e visitai-s et W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Cawling and childi-en, Peterboro; Mr. ai-d Mrs. Howard Cowling, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling, Whil- by; Mi-. and Mns. Will Whitt, Oshawa; Mrs. Keith Hobdon, Bi-ookliu, were with the Elmer Lee family. Miss Evelyn Peel, Oshawa, was a weekend visitai- of Miss Mai-y Helen Bowman. Mrs. J. Pearce, New Jersey; Misses MeLean and Stevens, Toi-onto; Mrs. F. Abernethy, Mahilla, visited with Mr. and Mi-s. Milton Samis aud Miss Elsic. Mn. ai-d Mrs. Donald Pi-es- cott and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott enjoyed a few hali- days recently when they mo: tthe roads. Hi l looking tun- iward to continuîng this fine 1record aIl yea- round. 1 Once aga in Elmer la remind- ing the pupils and the p4renis, 1and aloo the drivers o! cars &rd trucks end bicycles of his tive isafety rules: 1. Look both wavs before you cross the street; 2. 1 Ceep out from behind parkel icars; 3. Rilde your'bicycle sal- ly and obey £1 ll gn and slg- 1riaIs; 4. Play gameg lni a ,f place, away from traflic; 5 Walk . . . dion't run . . . when you leave the curb. 1 Once sçhool starts, chjIdi-en will be crossing streets on their way te and from school. Driv- ers of cars should' be extra careful when achool is golng ln or coming out and shodld re- member t1ýat Elmer's rules a- lane caniot prevent accidents. Drivers should always b. on the lookout for anyone wvho breaks Elmfer's rules. tored te Montreal, Ottawa, Ai- gonquin Park and other places en route. Miss Laura Bowman is hav- ing a few holidays with cou- sins at Qi-oa. Mr. Harry Stephenson, Mr. J. Stephenson, Whitby, were Sunday visitons at L. Stephen- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Çx, Bowman spent Saturday w1tlî Rev.. and Mrs. H. A. Mellew at 5r'esque Isle Point. Mr. and Mrs., Bob Smith, Larry and Ralph, Mr. Brent Bradburn, Toronto, have been holidaying at the Taylor home. Miss Beth Powell, Pete-rboro, stayed a few days with Mdâs Marion Pascoe. Miss Elsie Samis enjoyed a niotor trip with friends te Al- gonquin Park. Several fi-rn here attendai a shower for Miss Marjorie Me- Lean at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. George .Gilroy, Columbus. ýOui- morniùg church services have commenced again after a three week holiday for aur pastor, Rev. R. B. Green. Morn- ing services will continue through September. LONG SAULT Mi-. and Mrs. Bill Johnson wvere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer, Burke- ton. Mr-. and Mrs. C. Penwarderi aind Wade with Mi-. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk on Sunday. Sunday visitai-s at the Murphy home were: Mr. and Mrs. Eari Penwarden, Mi-. and Mrs. W. Murphy and f arily. Shelaghi remained for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vanc ký were Sunday supper guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo. aitn.... Mr. and Mrs. W. Blaney, David and Ann, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson. Sunday visitons at the Gibson home were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Williams, Mrs. M. Fisher, Mr. Clem Du Fresne, Lynne Fisher and Janice Rear, Aldenwood; Mr. and Mrs. J. Par-kinson, Agincourt, Sandra returning home after holidaying at Agin- court and Fenella. The many friands of Mr. Hl. Fraser, Orono, %#lll ha pleased to know hie is improving after bis .recent heant seizure Saturday ee'ning. Miss Beverley Bradley, Bow- mariville, spent sevenal days with ber uncle, Mr. Robt. Sim. Miss Kay Davey visited Beverley while at the Sim home. Mrs. Orme Miller attended the funeral o! hier brother-m-. law at Tara last week. Syni- pathy of the'community is ex- tended ta MrÉ. Miller. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mns. Bert Murphy and Garry, Mrs. Pithie, Scot- land, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Murphy and Mr. and MIrs. Hanold Murphy. Mr. and Mns. Bull Johnson and family were Sunday visitons of Mr. aud Mrs. H. Wotten, Purple Hill, Davey retunning home after spendlng holidays with Willla. Mr. Frank Peterson and Ronny. Oshawa, were Frîday evenhîîg visitors of Mi-. and Mrs. R. Gibson. Mi-. and Mrs. J. R. Pýarkinson and faipily, Agin. oucit-tpnt Sundlay atfth b- r1 e n c si h Labour Day Holiday,', STORE HOURS FOR BOWMAN VILLE STORES Iý CLOSED ALL DAY Monda y,_Sept. 5th SClosed Wed.- Afternoon September 7th Your co.operation is apprecamted Publiulied by the HETAIL NEECHANTS# CONNITTE- of the Bowmanville Chamber of Comnmerce 'f J m I

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