Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 16

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à,PAGESIXEEý BymL..w Mo. 1581 (Continued fîom page fifteen) In the eastein haif of said Lot in said Concession from the southern limit of said Lot to a line running across said easternn al! of said Lot and panallel ta southenn limit theneof, distant fnom said southern limit 29l'2 chains, in __- -- In said eastern hait of said Lot in said Concession and lyang northerly o! the line last above-mention- ed and extending nqrtherly ta a line dnawn acnoss said Lot and paraflel wi tb said southenif limit theneof and distant from said soutbern limit 78 chains, in ------------------------------------- ----- AIl remainder o! said Lot in said Concession, in IN TOWNSHIP LOT 9: In the Broken Front Concession- From Lake Ontario extending northenly ta a line drawn acnoss said Lot and parallel ta nortbern limit thereof and distant from said nonthern lim it 66 ebains, in -------------------1--- -- - - ------- AUl o! said Lot in said Concession lyiog nonthenly of said last-mentioned line ta nonthern limit of said Lot, in said Concession, in - In Concession 1: From the soutbern limit of said Lot and extendîng nontbenly ta the soutberly limit of a cneek running theretbnaugb, in -------------------------------------- Al of said Lot in said Concession lying notberly and westenly of said cneek and lying sauthenly af N o. 2 H igbw ay, in ------- ---------------------- EXCEPT: 300 feet frontage on Higbway No. 2, by 800 feet fnom Simpson Ave., and 300 feet frontage on Simpson Ave. by 800 feet soutbenly from No. 2 Highway, ino ----------------------------------------- NORTHERLY 0F NO. 2 HIGHWAY suggested wcsterly 66 feet af ail of said Lot lying narth o! No. 2 Highway reserved for and as a continuation of Simpson Ave, ta Concession,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,---------- 300 feet nortberly of No. 2 Higbway in said Lot in said C ancession, in .. ----------------------- Remainden af said Lot in said Concession ta nortberly limit thencaf, in0----- - -------- ------- In Concession Il: Ail of said Lot in said Concession lying nortberly o! sauthern limit theneof and extended to a lino running across said Lot in said Concession and parallel ta southern limit of said Lot and distant 2912 chains fnomn said southonly limit, in---------- Al of said Lot lying nothorly of said last-mcntioned lune and extending nontherly to anothon uine drawn across said Lot and parallel .to said sauthero limit of Lot and distant '78 chains framn said southern lim it, i - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ail of said Lot in said Cancession lying nortberl *v af said last-mentioned line ta nonthomo limit o! said - Lot. in said Concession, in .- - ...----- -------- ZT IN TOWNSHIP LOT 8: In Concession 1: From southern limit of said Lot extending northerly ta soutbern limit of a creek running thenethnough, in -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- _ _ - Z o n e Ail of said lot in said Concession lyinit northerly andi westerly of said creek and lying southerly of said Highway, in--------------- -------------------___ Zone1 AIl of said Lot lying northerly of No. 2 Highway and extending northerly to a line drawn across said Lot and parailel to northern limit of said Lot, which said line is distant 150 feèt from northenn lîrit of said Lot, in -------_--------- ----- -----------___Zone1 Ail lyîng nortberiy of said iast-mnentioned line 150 feet more or less to northern limît of said Lot in said Concession, in -------Zone In Concession Il: Ail, in -------------- -------- ---- - ----- Zone B LAC STOCK Park, Sudbury and Quebec. BLACK TOCKMr. and Mns. Arthur Bailey Mrs. Howard Bailey, left lasi Mrs. S. A. Devitt and sister, Thursday for a trip to Winni. Mrs. David Hill, lef t Owen peg. Sound on Monday for a five Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfý day cruise on the S. S. Nongo- wene. guests of the Torotl nia to Sault St. Marie, White Canadian Women's Press Clul Fish EaY and Lake Supenior. at the opening ceremonies ol Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart the Exhibition, ând the girls left on Saturday Miss Doris Griffin is in To- for a moton trip to Agonquin ronto with Miss Gertrude Hen- Zi Zq z Zo Zc Z( b This Weelk at the Royal THURS.-FRL-SAT.- SEPT 1 - 2 -3 "Run For Cover" (Technicolor and Vista Vision) starring JAMES CAGNEY, VIVICA LINDFORS and JOHN DEREK also "Black Fury" (Technicolor) Featuring the adventures of Naturalist David Da Lie in the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia, as he pursues a rogue bear Thurs., 7 and 9:10 Fr1., 7 and 9:30 Sat., 6:30 SUNDAT MID-NITE SHOW, SEPT. 4 "The Blue Gardenia" (Aduit) Murder Mystery, starring' ANNE BAXTER, RICHARD CONTE, and ANN SOTHERN and featuring NAT KING COLE NONDAY - TUESDAY- SEPT. 5 - 6 "The Prize of GoId" (Technicolor) Postwar Berlin drama, starring RICHARD WIDIMARK and MAI ZETTERLING Filmed on location in Germany Time - 7 and 9:10 WED). -THURS.- SEPT. 7 - 8 Nàiinee Wednesday -2 pm LORETTA YOUNGk JOSEPH COTTEN If ETHEL BARRYMORE "fiie Vaxmor's Dauglte] mCHARLES BICKFORD i s £ omsSCHAly PRODUCTION -- imne- 7and 9p.ni. r Zon( ;one Zone Z.one ,one 'one one one mne one ,ne )neJ Lockye ---Bn..kl-.. Miss Anna Samelîs spenta week witb ber gnandmnothen, Mns. Wm. Smith, Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. M. Emersoai visited Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Solina. Mn. and Mi.s. Marshall Mal- colm and Miss Ann, Stratford, calIed on Mrs. John -Proutt-and M¶iss Ruth Proutt and Mrs. T, George Proutt and Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mn. and Mrs. Wilmeî Fitze, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. George ohns and Mn. and Mis. L. Job- lin, were suppen guests with P] Rev. Hanry Atkinson and Mis. Atkinson at their cottage, Sunl- ;et View. Mn. ênd Mrs. Ralph Sadien. lljoria and Janice. visited Mr. ad Mrs. Robt Sadien, Bow- rianville. Mn. Ernest Matchett, Toron- o, spent the weekend with his on, Mn. Walter Matchett. Don't forget W.I. meeting at drs. Wm. Steeles Sept. 7th, L& ýhange of Mrs. John Hooyer's P roup. Ail ladies welcome.. - li s ai M to 54 m TmE CANADIAN STATESMN BlC)WMANV=L ONTAMO THURSDAY, SEPT. ldt,. 193 Build Largeqàý Addition ry and the *;ommers famfly. Rev. George Nicholson ai Mrs. Nicholson are staîti their holidays this week ai will vîsit Cartwright cottage the Haliburton Area. Mrs. Fred Bailey is in Jane ville, with the N. Henry far ily. e 1 Mrs. Douglas Mackie, Mi Bud Thompson arfd Russell e: joyed a trip to Haliburton. Mr. Don Bradbury, Scug( Potnt, and Toronto, pýayed t] organ at St. John's Anglicé III church on Sunday mnorning. e V Sorry that Mrs. Walter Lav rence is in St. Michael's Hosp taI, Toronto, for an operatio: Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Ea Dorreli, Mrs. Ernest Larm( andi Mrs. Cecil'Hill attende the Tuesday sessions last weE V o f the Schooi for Leadersà Whitby Ladies College. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Swai Saccompanied Mr. and Mîr Clare Vernon, Prospect, on motor trip in the United State Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Marlov Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey an V Miss Catherine Biiley sper the weekend at Mis. M. Wei don's cottage, at Nottawasag River. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Holme. Detroit; Mrs. Robert Garret and Evelyn, Mrs..Aibent Blac4l IlMidland, were guests of Mi and Mrs. Lewis Fitze last week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Côoo Beaverton; Mr. Thomas Vin cent, Sask., were Sunday, visit ors wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wilber îArcher. Miss Hazel English and Mr SDalton English visited Mn. anc Mrs. Wesley Montgomery a Cedar Crest Park near Lindsa: on Sunday. The Brown farnily are on a trip to Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mns. Jack Waldon, Morrey and Debra, Toronto, with Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mrs. Jim Gaine, Mrs. Law- 1er, Jimmie and Sheni, Wb7itby, IVvisited Mrs. Earl Dorneil, Mrs, N. Mountjoy and Mrs. Ceci] Hill. vj Mrs. Grant Ferguson and Ian, Miss Mona Fenguson, To- ronto, -with the Roy Fergusons last week. Sandra went to To- ranto with them at the week- c ndr nd. Ms ibr rhr v Mr. and Mrs. Wlbert Archer were in Toronto last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith. Miss Lorraine and Master Jim Dayes in Orono last week with relatives. Local friends were enter- [tained at the Lawrenson Cot- tage, View Lake on Sundaý'. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Dawson, I Jane, John and Anne, Bailie- boro; Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowmanviile; Mr. and Mrs. V Don Pargeter, Port Perry, at M. Graham's. Guests with the Charles Wil- ,,sons - Mrs. Harold Clarke, ýt Pinedale; Mn. Hillilard Martyn i- and bis mothen, Mr. Norman Palmer, Sonya and Master Bri-ý an Fuiford, Scugog.z Mn. Allan Bannes, Wilfridl b took the service at the United ýf Church Sunday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Walter David- -son and Bob, Mns. Richardson, Toronto, with the Orr Ven- nings. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Hall *spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Leigbton. Allan and Clifford Dayes, Bert and Jerry Bowens and Donnie Elford enjoyed a trip last week to Midiand. Mn. and Mns. Stan Raeburn, Sheibourne; Mn. and Mrs. Ike Davey, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy at Earl Dorrelîs. Congratulations to Mn. and iMrs. Ray Bnadburn on the an- rival of a son; and to Mr. and Mns. Ray Gilbank on the arn-j val of a daughter. Mr. Dîck Poiley, Weston, vii. ited the Earl Dorrelîs. Honor Newlyweds Cartwright Recreational Cen- tre was ovenfiowing last Wed- nesday evening when Black- stock, Nestieton and Yelverton communities gatbered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey (Eiaine Thompson) on thein recent manniage. They receivcd a lovely kîtchen table a.nd chairs set, an occasional chair and numerous other gifts. Mr. Jim Marlow made a very cap)- perous and successful it is odd ta taik 0f failune, but a declinje cao lie abead. The chiof failuno 0f the Conservativiz Party today mnay ho its inability ta attract, its refusai ta accept, an its pro- motionai neglect o! young men of abiiity wbo in due course wouid mise ta cabinet rank and carry on the Party fortunes in Ontario. seit was wnen ne became a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowland, Ministen (at the age of 47)j Ottawa, visited witb Mn. and shows a weakness in the On- Mrs. Walter Rowland sevenai tania Cooservative ranks, if days last week. flot in the Cabinet. The Conser- Mrs. B.*- J. Malcolmson, Bur- vatives bave been in powen for lington is witb Mns. Thomas twelve consecutive years. This Maicolmson for halidays. power bas been sa avenwholm- Miss Evelyn McKinnoii ne- ing that 0ne migbt have ex- tumned ta hem home in Mon- pected that the panty's existing treal an Sunday, havîng speot security would bave attnacted the past week witbhone parents able young men ino politicai Mn. and Mns. James McKinnon. life on ts side. It cauld offen' Ms agrtRc fOe almost certain advancemenit me ns. Marg r Rich o! Ome and cabinet îank ta bright mee spet se.enaldayrsBrst young men; after ail, almost wyekwtyn.ndMs rc e v ery fountb Cooservatîve Rîy memben o! the Legisiatune is Mn. and Mrs. Roy Monk, Sun- a cabinet minister. derland, were Suoday guests Wbere are the ybuog, able with Mn. and Mns. A. H. Monk. Conservatives? Do they exist? Miss Laura Hutchinson o! Is there sometbing in Ontario Toronto, spent last week wîtb Consenvatism inimical ta youtb- Mn. and Mns. Henb Kennedy. fui ability? On is this ability Mns. R. McKnight and son being overioaked? The Ontario Paul o! Oriilia and Mns. M. Mc- Consenvative party may ho Daweii, Millbnook, visited wlth pneparng its owo doom by flot Mn. and Mns. Reg. Edmunds1 seeking a transfusion a! yautlî- during the weekeod.1 fui blood. When t is sa pros- Hany Joboston, Woodstack-, 'r dining( bargains a FORDMOAC!ELe3 'As Con gregation ,Grows ' At Local Dut'ch Church! Cootracts for the construc- orium will be sub-dîvided ito tion pf a large addition ta the new Sunday School rooms, - Christian Reforxned Chuîch on washrooms, kitchen, etc. Two ,i Scugog Street have been 1et, new entrances will be located and the congregation bas been in the north east corner of thc -meeting in the Town Hall while building fîom which new - work is going on there. stains will give access to the The large coognegation of new finst- floon cburcb. Dutch-Canadians from Boiv- The building when complet- * manville and many suîround- ed wiil have side wallîg twenty- 1 ng areas is under the religious ive feet high and will be 45 cleadership of Rev. A. W. %eet above grade at the main Schaafsma. peak o! the roof. The new au- Herbent G. Cale, anchitect fur ditorium will be lighted by the chunch, has îeleased thé Ian e windows on the nanth details of the work whîch Will ang soutb 'sides, seven feet be a large and attractN-e strue- wide'by 4,fteen feet bigb. Twc ture. large wizfdows will appear di- The new superstructure of rectly-above the new main en- the cbunch will be buiit, oven trance. tbe entine area o! the existing The new finst floor auditor- basement. A pitcbed roof will ium wili bave three seating be supported on tbnee main aneas; the main floor seating and two minor lamînated wood about 450 people, and two side arches. These anches will in apse aneas seating about 200 tuin be supported on riew steel people. In addition a second basement columns and new floor balcany at the near o! the reinforced concrete footings. Chunch will seat an additional The existing roof will be coin- 90 people. The inside walls of pleteiy nemoved and replaced the Cbunch will be plaster and witb new steel beams and floon birch plywood, the ceiliog will joists. The extenion of the be exposed wood decking, the cburch will be iigbt beige brick floors thnougbout wiii be vinyl- matching the existing wank. A asphait tule. The Cbunch will new entrance vestibule approx- be beated witb an entirely imateiy 20' x 20' will pnaject new hot air beating unit. beyond the present front of the The Genenai Contractor for new Chunch building and wiJi the altenations and additions to cantain stains leading ta the the Chunch is Mn. Roy Duno of new finst floor and the oUd Oshawa; sub-cantnactans are basement. 1fnomn Bowmanvilie and Osh- The existîng basemeot audit- awa. spent the weekend at hi. home in the village. Mi. and Mis. F. Barr, Toron- to, were weekend guests with SMr. and Mrs. Mervyn Porteous. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to the family of the late Mns. Wellington Fallis who died suddenly idl Civic Hospital. Pe- terborough, on Fîiday after a tobief illness. e, Mn. and Mis. J. Ahren and In daughter Sandra, of Toronto, Sspent the weekend with Mr. 1and Ms. James MKinnon. w Bethany, Girls Softbali tearm Lewon their games in Countice on Friday night, with the score. t-8-4 in their favor. i- Watson's store window decor- 15ation is attracting attention 11 this week. It includes the Pice 1- Memnoial tnophy for girls' soft- ybal competition, seerai old hfootball cups and trôphies won by the Bethany team, and pie- tures' of the champion football, basebali and softbaîl teamz, aven a period of fifty years. Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Reynolds, Mrs. Clana Armstrong, Dr. Gi. M. Longfield and Mansel 9Wright spent Sunday at th-2 9Black Rock Island summer cot- 0tage of the Reynolds famly in àStoney Lake. e Rev. Porteous Returns 1--- Rev. Alvin Ponteous, B.A., B. fD., of New York, N.Y., was 1guest minister at the United JChunch service Sunday mon- eing and it was with real delight -and pride that the large con- 1gregation beard his message. i Mn. Porteous was born a, Bethany, son of the late rClaude Ponteous and bis wifc ithe former Ruth Veals. He sat- ftended the local school and was a great heip in Sunday Scbooi, Young Peopie's union and gen- enal cburch work in his boy- hood yeans. In bis pneliminary remnanks Mn. Ponteous paid tri- bute ta the encouragement ne- ceived fromn the Sunday Schooi teachers and chunch officers in enabling hlm, ta make bis deci- sion ta enter the ministry. Taking bis text from. the Book of Daniel "If it be so, aur God wbomn we serve is able ta deliven us fnom. tbe fiery fun- nace. But if not, be it known unto tbee, that we wiil not serve thy gods, non wonship the golden image wbich. tbou [hast set up". Enlanging on this theme of Daniel's faith in an Almighty God ta, deliven him fromn evil, Mn. Ponteous said, "We are living in an age of un- rest. discontent and fear, Wc need more neal faith in the powens of a loving Heavenly Father, a faith that wili not shrink in spite af disaster, grief and pain. Too many people consider religion as a bangain counten. True faith can neyer be purchased cbeaply. We must trust and believe that God wonks often in mystelous ways, but aiways for aur own gond. We cannot bargain witb God." 1 Durîng the service Mn. Par- teous, who is also a talented > musician, sang "The Ninety and Nine" accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Clarence Rowan. > ýPeople in Britishs Columbia eat more ice cneama and drink, less miik than Canadians in any othen province, while peo- pie in Quebec drink the most )ý milk and eat the least ice the Oshawa Fair on their ex- er 2nd aredevil Fords. WflOA'e e Genert xhibiti. Iight -ai NIGHT in USED CARS and TRUCKS ,OnIy-your -FORD-MO NARCH Dealer seils .0' USED- CARS and TRUCKS Z&~ tA7Y';'ç £/"?h Ail through Septeniber Ford-Monarch Dealers are offening the year's best and biggest values in their «Septemben Shower of Bangains"! You'l find a wonderful selection of cars and trucks- ail makes and models-some of them A--* niean that Ford-Monarch Dealers have the finest selections of good used models in their history! Drap in soon--look them over and takeyourpic-you'1l drive a bargain!1 EEYUSED CAR AND TRUCKTA ATR. K AES If A- SGN HAs BEEN: L~L *R econdiioned by expert servicemnen for aPPecrance and Performoance. j * fsP e c te d a n d c h e c k e d fo r su fe ty K I *Priced10fo tfnigvle I Truthfu fl and cua ea dv rî and bocked by his ro&pu - archDele DEAL,,*.e.AYOU'LL DRIVE -AWAY A. WINNER!I 1954 METEOR SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN rwo tone, radio $,9 19 53 CHREV. SEDANl DELIVERY -oic --- --- - $1,195 P r ic e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 1 , 2 5 0 P r ic e - - - _ __ _ Price - ------$-~O9 Price - .- CAR VETH Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle '-'i 3251 1j $550 ZION Qu ite a number trom the community gathened at the homne of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe on Saturday evening in bonon of their daughten Bertha and ber husband, Mn. and Mrs. Morris Sleep. Alex McMaster was master of cenemonies. Thc bride and groom were present- cd with a card table and four chairs, a clothes hamper and a picture. They bath expressed j their thanks for the lovelyj gifts. The ladies scnved del;- cious refreshments and al en- joyed the social time togethe n. The senior football team los' the game te Sauina an Satun- day evening 4-2. The Septemben group for W.i A. anc Mrs. Percy Davidsorî, Mrs. Stanley Ogle, Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Mns. Robert Kil- len. MnPGortcauHcyan Friday Ih Septemb Canaidiain Di using 1955 Saturday, Si E: HORSE, RACES ! DANCE AT Mark, Oshawa, at Russell Perk. 'ns. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sleep, Tgronto, at Frank Pascoe's. Mfarilyn Paseoe returned hôm2 with them to spend a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M -'t1 cheli and Terry, Toronto, à Russell Perkins. Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Lau- rel visited her grandmother, Mrs. A. E. Gallagher. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and Ross, Kingston Road, at Wcs Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner and family, Oshawa, at in Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law~~ Whitby, at Russell Perkins. Mmr. Elmer Wilbur, Mrs Gordon Wilbur and family. Hampton, at Frank Pascoe's. Congratulations to the W.A. group on winning first prize at hibit. 1 1 Premier Frost's l9th Century sCabinet Shift (Potenborough Examiner) 'The collective agýoaf the On- tario Cabinet and the fact tbat Mr. Frost could cail no men ta bis cabinet as young as ho hlm- $825 3251 9 NIGHT 1951 PLYIqOÙTH COACH 1952 CHEVIOLET COUPE f 1947 CHRYSLER SEDAN MOTORS

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