Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 15

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~pRBD Y, 81 '?. ît. 19 5 ~-- RA ~ ~? A- A *tD M - - - By-Law N.. 1387 (Continued trcrn page fourteen) (10) Sign used only for advertlslng the sale or rental property te which it Is attached, pravlded uame la More than four square 'feet ln area. (11) An eilstlng dwellng May be couiverted Junta dwe1l units having net es than six hundred square1 et floor ares each. <12) Accessory buildings incidentai te any af the al> uses. (13> Pravlded that nathing ln this by-law may be c strued ta intorfere wlth gardenlng or tarming ope tiens presently carrled on, or sny extension of thq within the present limita of the properties where tl lie no* carried an. <)Nothing lu thia section shaîl prevent a person residlng # a dwelling unit irom carrying on any domestie or hou hait art whlch does flot affect the amonlty ai the neighboi haod or, if a professional persan, resident lu the buildl tram uslng ane or mare raoms as an office, pravlded th (1) There shahl be ne display cf gooda or advertising otl than an unillumlnated sign net over two square Iý la area. (à) Na persqnî other than those resident in the dwell] is employed therein and not more than 25 per ct of any storey ai any building la used other than ai dwellng. (c Minimum arca cf building: FPor a single family dwolling, à one storey building slh have a ground floor area of net less than 750 square fi ild for a 1% and 2 starey building a ground floor area net less than 600 square feet, a dwelling unit in a setl detaclned duplex or double duplex cf net b than 600 square feet, and a building unit in a multil dwelling cf net less than 500 square foot. (d) Na dweiling including sccossary building shall occupy mi than 34% af the aresai the building lot an which it (e) Minimum area sud frontage of residential building 1( wherc there is neither public water supply nor sanita sewer shall be net less than: (1) For a anc iamlly dwelling: 100 fit. frontage with a minimum arcs cf 15,000 sq. Minimum area froc tram buildings, 66% of total1 area. ()For a tWo iamily dwelling 100 ft. frontage with a minimuro ares cf 15,000 sq. Minimum ares froc from buildings, 66% ai total1 ares. (3) For a multiple family (3 or more units): 100 ft. frontage with a minimum ares oi 15,000 sq. The minimum ares free from buildings for this ty] is te be 12,000 sq. it., plus 2,000 sq. fit. for each additio ai dwelling unitin excess cf 3 units.' (4> For a boarding or rooming house containing up te persons, includlng fsmily: 100 ft. frontago with a minimum area of 15,000 sq. Minimum area free from buildings, 66% of total1 area. (F ~or boarding or rooming houscs cantaining mare th& 8 persans, includlng family: 100 ft. frontage with a minimum area of 15,000 sq.J Minimum area froc from buildings for this type, 10,01 sq. fit., plus 500 sq. fit. for cach additional personi 1,000 sq. fit. for each additional room. (1) Where there is a public water supply, but ne sanitary sewe (1) For a anc famîly dwellîng: 50 ft. frontage with a minimum area of 7,500 sq.1 Minimum area fre cf building, 66% oi total lot are (2) For a twc tamily dwolling: 75 ft. frontago with a minimum area oi 10,000 sq.1 Minimum ares free of building,, 66 % of total lot are (3) For a multiple family, (3 or more units): 80 ît. frontage, with a minimum area cf 10,000 sq. :t Sut 3,000 sq. it. for each unit aver 3 units. inimum area fre cf buildings, 8,500 sq. it., plus 2,0( sq. fit. for each additional dwelling unit iu excess 3 units or 66% whichever bo the lesser. (4) Fer bosrding or roomlng house containing up ta persans, including family: 80 It. frontage, with a minimum area oi 10,000 sq. 1 ýMinimum area freeocf building, 66% of total lot arcý (5) For boarding or rooming house containing more tha 8- persons, includîng family: 80 ft. frontage with a minimum arcs ai 10,000 sq. 1 Minimum ares froc cf buildings, 66% cf total lot aree plus 500 sq. it. for each additional room. (g) Wherc there in s public water supply and sanitary sewert (1) For a anc tamily dwelling: 50 fit. frontage wlth a minimum ares of 5,000 sq. fi Minimum area free from buildings, 66% ci total 1< arca. (2) For a two family dweihing: 75 it. irontage with a minimum aresai 6,000 sq. fi. Minimum area froc tram buildings, 66% oi total Io (3) For a multiple famlly, (3 or mare units): 80 fit. irontage with a minimum arcsai 7,000 sq. fi Minimum arcs iree from buildings, 66% af total Io (4) For a .boarding or rocming house cantaining up ta persans, including family: 80 it. trontage with a minimum arcs cf 6,000 sq. fl Minimum area free tram buildings, 50% ai total Io ares. (h) Minimum yards for dwellings: (1) Front yard - 20 ft., .(or not nearer street liue thai 4estabhished building lne"), whichever be the greater (2 ) No anc side yard shall be less than e It. ln width, anc the aggregate width cf the two aide yards shahl no be lois than 30% of the width ai the building lot. (3) Rear yards - cue-third cf the depth cf the building lot but in no case, less than 35 it. in depth. (i) Minimum yards for hospitals, churches, schools, cemmunit3 centres, ublic buildings: (1) Front, ide and rear yards, esch 25 fi. COMMERCIAL ZONE 10. In the Commercial Zone, herein referrcd ta as Zone Il, the requirements shahl be as follaws, and no buildings or structure, or part thereof shaîl be erected, altered, or uscd, sud no, land Èhall be used except for oue or more of the iollowing uses - sud only whero net prohibited under Provincial Regulations: (a> Perniltted Uses: All uses permitted ln Zone I prcvided that they con- form ta all requirements herclu set out fer ZoneI sud the failowing. (1) Any retail store nlot engaged Iu manufacturing on, the. promnises, unless such manuiacturing in (29). Parking Lot. MINMUM BUILDING LOT ARIA ()Where there is neither a public water supply, nor sanltary uewer:1 (1) A business employlng up ta six persans: Minimum lot ares, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum ares free cf buildings, 6,000 sq. ft. (2) A business employing more than six persans, in- cluding employer: Minimum lot ares, 10,000 sq. ft. Minimum ares froc oi buildings, 6,000 sq. fi., plus 500 sq. ft. for each additionsl persan over 0' in numfber. (3) A business aécommodating more than six tran- sfeut persons and staff, (such as hotels): Minimum lot area. 15.000 sq. ft. Minimum area froc oi buildings, 10,000 sq. fi., plus 500 sq. it. for each additional persan aver six, or 1.000 sq. it. for each additional room. (c) Where there - la public water supply, but no sanitary - m - - -- 1.(c) MINIMUM BUILDING LOT AREAS AND YARDS s: (a) Whcre there is neither a. public water supply uer Et. sanitary sewer: (1) A business employing up te six persons: ot Minimum size cf building lot, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum area froc cf buildings, 8,000 sq. ft. (2) A business emplaying more than six persons lu- ot cludiug employer: Minimum lot ares, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum ares froc cf buildings, 6,000 sq. ft., t. plus 500 sq. it. for each additional persan over :>t six in numnber. (b) Where there is a public water supply but no sanitsry 8 sowcr: !t.(1) A business employing Up ta six persans: Minimum size of building lot, 6,000 sq. ft. t Minimum ares froc cf buildings, 4,000 sq. fi, (2) A business employing more than six persens in- n cluding the employer: ýn Minimum sizeocf bulding lot, 6,000 sq. ft. r. Minimum.- ares frec of buildings, 4,000 sq. il., td plus 500 sq. ft. for each additlonaL, persan over )t six in number. t, (c) Where there is a public water supply sud sanitary scwers: y (1) A business employing up ta six persons: Minimum arcs troc cf buildings, 25% cf building lot. (2) A business employiug mare than six persans Iu- cluding employer: r Minimum ares froc oi buildings, 25% ai building 1, lot. e (d) No building iucluding sccessory buildings thereto, shall r occupy miore than 75 % cf the arcs cf the lot, or parcel oi land on which it is situated. (e) Regulations for minimum yards shail be as tollows: Front Yard- 50 ft. 1 Rear Yard- 25 ft. Side Yard- 25 ft. 9 but where adjoining a rosidential ares: 5 Front Yard- 50 ft. 1 -Rear Yard- 50 it. 9 Side Yard 25 it. 1 sud if fronting a residential area: Front Yard - 50 ft. Rear Yard - 25 ft. Side Yard - 25 it. HEAVY INDUSTRY ZONE 12. lu the Heavy Industry Zone, hereinaiter referred to as Zone IV,, the requirements . shaîl be as. - ollows, sud ne buildings or structure, -or part thereof shahl be crocted, altered, or used, sud ne land shah hoe used except for ane or mare cf the followiug uses: (a) Permlitted Uses (Industry): 1. Iu the Heavy Industrial Zone: No industrral build- ing or part thereof shaîl bc used for human hab- itation, except la the case of su essential watchmïau, sud any dwelling erected for the sale use cf such watchman or other employee, whose rosidence on the promises is essential, together with such cm- ployee's family, shah cauform toalal the require- monts for a dwclling lu Zone I. 2. No industrial building or part thereci, shahl be used for auy .purpose which tram is nature or j the materisîs used therein is. under The Public Health Act or regulations thercunder, declared to be a noxiaus trade, business, or generality of the foregoiug, none of. the following trades, businesses, or manufacturers shaîl be carried on without the causent cf the local Board cf Health, as provided la Section 89 cf the Public Health ActL (1) Blood boiling (2) Boue boiling (3) Refining coal oil (4) Extracting ail from iish (5) Stcriug bides (6) Soap baîling (7) Tallow mclting - (8) Tripe bailiug (9) Slaughtering animals (10) Tauning hides or skins (11) Manufscturing gas (12) Msnufacturing glue (13) Manufacturing or storing of fertilizers irom dead animaIs or from human or animal waste. (14) Explosives or firewÏorks (15) Glue manufactory or collection i (16) Storago or reductian cf dead-sufruals (17) Wrecking of matar vehicles (18) Junk yards (19) Dunp (20) Sewage disposai (b) Minimum Yards; Reqwirementâ as in Section 11, 1 (1) A business- employlng up toasir persanis: Minimum building lot ares, 6,000 sq. ft. Minimum area free,of buildings, 4,000 Ni. * (2) A business empioying more than six persona, it cludlng employer: Minimum building lot ame, 6,000 sq. it. Minimum area free cf buildings, 4,000; sq. f plus 500 sq. fIt for each additional persan avt six in number. (3) A business accommodatinig more than six trar sient persons afid staff,' (such as hotels): Minimum building lot area, 10,000 sq. ft. Minimum area free af buildings, 6,500 sq. fl plus 1,000 sq. ft. for each additlonal person ove six, or 1,000 sq. It. for each additlonal roomn. * In Sections 10 (b) and 10 (c) marked thus 9, living quarters are combinied with a comnmercli bulding, the requirements as ta miz 4mumn si2 *,cf lot for residential. use shahl apply. (d) Where there is a publie watgr supply and sanitar sewers: (1) A business employing up to six persoas: Minimum lot area free of buildings in Éq. it 25% of building lot. (2) A business employing more than six persona, Ini cluding enîployer: Minimum lot a rea, free of building 4n s4. il 25% cf building lot. (3) A business accommodating more than six tran sient persona and staff, (such as hotels): Minimum lot area. free of buildings la sq., Lt 25% of building lot. (e) Minimum Yards: Front Yard - 20 ft. Rear Yard - 25 ft. but where adjoins a residential area, a side yard o 20 ft., rear yard cf 50 ft. and If fronting a residentia area a minimum front yard cf 50 ft. (f) Space for off-street parking and loading shaîl be pro vided within the limits of the parcel, or lot in accord ance with Section 13 below. LIGHT INDUSTRY ZONE 11. In Light Industry Zone, heýrelnafter referred ta as Zone III the requirements shahl be as follows, and no buildings oi structure or part thereof shaîl be erected, altered or used and no land shaîl be used except for one or more of th( following uses: (a) Permlitted Uses: (1) Any use permitted in the Commercial Zone. (2) Any Light Industry, except junk yards, salvagi yards, automobile wrecking yard or shop. (3) Blacksmith's shop or horseshoeing shop. (4) Bottling Establishment. (5) Building for the storage of coke, coal, Wood, o1 bùilder's supplies, and the sale thereof. (6) Chick hatchery, poultry dressing. (7) Cooper's establishment. (8) Dog or Cat home, kennels, veterinary hospital. (9) Dyeing or dry cleaning establishment. (10) Egg Processing. (11) Furniture manufacturing or furniture repairing establishment. (12 ) Laundry. (13) Leather goods rnanufacturing. (14) Machine Shop. (15) Milk bottling establishment or milk distribution station. (16) Soft drinks manufactory. (17) Textile manufactory. (18) Transport depots. (19) Ice Cream manufacturing. (20) Ice manufacturing. (21) Baker, (as in industry). (22) Bill-boards. (23) Accessory buildings incidental ta any of the above uses. 11. (b) No industrial building or part thercof, shaîl be used for human habitation, except in the case cf an essentiai watchman, and any dwelling erected for the sole use of such a watchman or other employee, whose residence on the premises is essential, together with such em- ployee's family, shahl conform toalal the requirements for a dwelling in Zone I. n- t., :e yr (1) A business emplaying up ta six persons: Minimum size of building lot, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum ares froc ai buildings, 6,000 sq. ft. * (2) A business employing more than six persans lu. cluding employer: Minimum lot ares, 10,000 sq. it. 9 Minimum aroa iree of buildings, ,000 sq. It., plus 500 sq. it. for cach additions rpersan, ever six in nu.mber. (b) Where there is a public watcr supply, but no sanitary n ~ sewlr: * (1) A business employing up te six persans: Minimum sîze ai building lot, 6,000 sq. it. Minimum area frec ci buildings, .4,000 sq. ItL * (2) Abusiness employing more than six persans in- cludîng the employer: Minimum sizeofa building lot, 6,000 sq. fi. Minimum arcs free cf buildings, 4,000 sq. it., plus 500 sq. it. for cach additianal persan aver six in number. (c) Where there is a public water supply sud sanitary 1 seWer: 1 ~(1) A business employing up ta- six persons: C Minimum arcs froc cf buildings, 25% ai building lot. (2) A business employing more than six persans: 9 Minimum ares free cf buildings, 25% ai building lot. In Sectiofis 12 (a) sud 12 (b) marked thus, *, If living quartors are combincd with industrial build- ings, the requirements as ta minimum size of lot for residential use shaîl apply. Sce Page 6-A, etc. 1d) No building iucluding accesscry buildings thereto, shall cccupy more than 75 % ai the arcsaio the lot, or parcel oi land on which it is situated. (e) For Employee PrMing and Company Lading facil-, ities, requirements shahl be as lu Section 13 below. (SECTION 13) ]PARKING AND LOADING FACILIT IES 13. Oti-street parking facilities an the basis cf 3 square feet ai parking ares for 1 square foot ai ground flear ares shahl be provided for bath employees' and customners' parking. i EXCEPT for light and heavy industry where the minimum parking requiroments shaîl be:- One parking space for every four employces. Minimum ares for anc parking space shahl be 200 sq. f t. with access theroto. For ail places cf assembly-1 parking space for each 10 zests. For restaurants-i parking space for each 100 sq. tt. For hotels sud lodging houses-- 1 parking space for esch 3 guest rooms For motels-i parking space for each guest room. For hospitals-1 1 space for each 4 beds and 1 space for each 4 empîcyces Iu this By-Law, ofi-street lcading facilities for beth Com- mercial and Industrial use, shaîl be provided s falows: Number of Loadlng Total Floar Ares Bertha Requfred 3,000 sq. it. ta 25,000 sq. fi 1 25,000 sq. ft. ta 80,000 sq. it. 2 80,000 sq. ft. te 150,000 sq. ft. 3 150,000 sq. ft. ta 240,000 sq. ft. 4 240,000 sq. it. ta 320,000 sq. it. 5 For each additional 100,000 sq. it. oificaor ares over 320,000 sq. ft., anc additional loading bcrth is required. tach such berth should have minimum dimensions aif 25 it. x 10 tt. with s vertical clearance ai 14 it. RURAL ZONE 14. In the ]Rural Zone, herein reierred ta as Zone V, the require- monts shall be as fehlows, sud no building or structure, or part thereof, shahl be erected, altered or used, sud no land shahl be used except for anc or more oi the following uses: (a) Permltted Uses: (1) Agriculture. (2) Farestry sud the proessing of forestry praducte. (3) Mining, quarrying sud the operatian ai gravel pits. (4) Hunting, fishing aud trapping.> (5) The production and transmission ai hydro-electric power. (6) Recreation. (7) Summer cottages with accesaory buildings, (8) Airparts. (9) Dwellings and staff houses iorming an integral part cf any oi the above uses which must noces- sarily be lacated at the site cf the wark as an integral part ai such sctivities, provided that such buildings, in sa far as they are.applicable, con- form te requirements for buildings of similar use as set out elsewhere lu this By-law, aud are eqipd with water and sanitary facilitiez satis- ftort the Medical Officer cf Heahth. ilo) Any dwelling not an integral part ai, and noces- sary for the csrrying out af any ai the above uses, shahl be locsted on an individual holding or build- ing lot, having a minimum 'areâ ai 2, acres, and: a minimum frontage cf 200 ft.; except that where a building lot hsvîng s lesser ares la held under distinct sud separate cwnership from adjacent building lots at tlie time of the passing of this By-law as shown by the recordis cf the Registry or Lsnd Titles Office, a dwelling may bo erected sud uscd au such smaller building lot, prcvided that it conforma te ahl other requirements ai this By-law. (b> Minimum Lots, Yards: -(1) Front Yard: 40 foot for a dwellîng snd 100 foot for ail other buildings, (2> Side Yard* 2V' foot fer a dwelling sud 100 teet for aIl other buildings. 15. The purpese for which any land or building is used shall not be chauged, no new building or addition ta any existing building shah hoe erected, sud no land shall be severed from su existin.g building lot, if the effecta af such change, erectian or severance is ta croate a situation in which any oi the requirements cf the Py-iaw lu regard ta each i.pdividual remainlng building, accessory buildings, or buildihg lot la contravenied. 16.This By-lsw shahl not apply ta any land or building which, au the day*of the psssiug ai . By-law, laused or erecteit for any purpose-'prohibited b y this By-law, sn long as it con- tinues ta be used for that pUrpose, uer Shall this Il aw apply ta any building. theplns nfor whc- hve pior 1a1_ Ay ai lw4vý aga NOTICE IN THE. MATTIR 0F Section 390' of "The Muni*cipbl- Act" (R.S.0. 1950 Chapter 243) and IN THE MATTER OF an application of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowinanvilie for apptoalof its Restricted Area By-Law Number 1587 =nitld: "A by-law to regulate and restrict the use and loca- tion of building and promises, the.height and bulk of »buildings and the occupancy of lots within the Town Qf Bowmanville and for the division of the said Town into use zones for such purposeo." Appointment- for Hearing THE ONTARIO -MUNICIPAL.-ROARD -hereby appoints Thursday, the I5th day of September, A.D. 1955, at t he hour of ton o'clock in the forenoon E.D.T. at the Council Chambers in Bowmanville for the hearlng of ail parties interested in support of or opposing this application. Dated at Toronto this 26th day of July A.D. 1955. Owen R. Chapman Secretary. MINIMUM BUILDING LOT AREA AND YARDS 12. (a) Where there is neither a public water 'suppiy nor If.AyPe rson conicted of a breach of the provisions 01 this Belaw, shali frfeit and pay, at the discretion ot the tonvit- ing mnagistrate, a penalty flot exceedlng théettiumof $80,00 for each offense, exclusive cf costs. 18. This By-law shalr corne into effect on thé day it Ia passed by cauncil, subject ta the approval in writing of the MUnicipal, Board cf the Province of Ontario. READ a first time this Srd dey of January, 1968. READ a second timne this 3rd day cf January, 1955. .,tREAD a& third tirne and flnally psssed this nit dey of Agt,1955. NELSON E. OSBORNI! A. J. LYLI: (Mayor) I(Clerk) EXHIBIT"A" The description of the lande hereinabove referred to as EXHIBIT- "A"', that is te say, the Municipalty of :the ToWn of Bowmanville, is as follows: ALL 0F'THE LANDS OUTLINED IN LOTS 8 9 l' 1,.12. 13 and 14 in the 2ND CONCESSION 01PTilà tOWËeÜSIP 0F DARLINGTON. - and- ALL LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS 8 9, 10, 11, -là là and 14 IN THE lST CONCESSION 0F ýH£ TOWNSShI? 0,F DARLINGTON. - and - ALL LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS 9, 10 andi IN 1 THE BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION 0F THE TOW14BRIP 0F DARLINGTON. EXHIBIT «Ir" This is the plan EXHIBIT "F", referred to In thé %Within By-law: TMIS 1 A SCREDULE 0F ZONES REFERRED TO IN BY-LAW No. 1587 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THIE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, BEING: A By-law to regulate and restriet the ne and location of buildings and premises, the helght and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots withln the Town of Bowmanvlle, and for te division f te sald Town Into use Zones for such purposes. IN TOWNSHIP LOT 14: In Concession 1: All southérly of No. 2 Highway, In ____ Zone I EXCEPT the northerly. 10 rods thereof, in Zone II Ail that portion lying northerly cf No. 2 Hlghway, ta the northerly limit cf Lot 14, in ---- Zone III In Concession I: Ail lying westerly of creek te the easterly boundary cf Lot 14, in -------Zonae V Ail lying northerly cf Creek te Scugog Street, in.... Zone I Aillcf said lot lying northerly cf said Scugog Street to the northerly limit of said lot, in______ Zone V I-11 TOWNSHIP LOT 13: In Concession 1: From the southern limit cf the lot ta a line drawn across said lot, parallel to said southern limit, at a distance cf 45 chains therefrom, in-------- ---- Zone III Aillcf said lot in said Concession lying northerly cf the line Iast-mentioned, and extencling to north- erq limit of said lot, in said Concession, in Zone I EXCEPT: A portion immediately westerly cf Scugog Street to a line parailel with Seugog Street and 6 chains therefrom and lying between the no;thern lImrit cf King Street and the southern limit -ai- Concession Street, in Zone Il IrConcession I. Aillof the said lot in said Concession, in Zone I EXCEPT: That portion thereof lying nertherly of Scugog Street, ta be Zone V TOWNSHIP LOT 12: In Concession 1: That portion cf said Lot in said Concession lying westerly and southerlyý of creek, in------------ Zone III That portion of said Lot lying northerly and east- erly cf said creek, and southerly of the southern limit cf Queen Street, in --------------Zone IV That portion cf said Lot lying ncrtherly cf north- ern limit of Qucen Street and extcndlng northerly to southern limit of Wellington Street, lnu------- _ jne Il That portion cf said Lot in said Concession lying northerly cf northern limit of Wellington Street te northern limit cf said Lot in said Concession, in- ---- -» -------- --~------- Zone I r EXCEPT: That pdttion or block afiland contalned thserein by the easterly limit ai Temperance Street southerly limit cf Wellington westerly limit of Division SJreet and northern limit of Church Street, in ------~ Zone III in Concession II: Aillof said Lot in said. Concession from the south- ern limit cf said Lot f6 lune running acrcss said Lot parallel with said southern limit thereof and distant northerly -from said southern limit 52 chains, in--------- Zone 1 All cf said Lot in said Concession, lying northerly of said last-mentioned line to northern limit of said Lot, in said Concession, in Zo'ne V IN TOWNSHIP LOT Il: In the Broken Front Concession: From the lake to a line runnmng across sald Lot and parallel te northern limit of said Lot, which Uine is distant from said northcrn limit of lot, 66 chains, in --------- ----------- ----- -- - --Zn Aillof said Lot in sald Concession lylng ncrtherly of said last-mentioned Une ta northern limit of said Concession, in ----------Zone 111 In Concession 1: AIllcf said Lot in said Concession lylng westerly cf Canadian National Railway,. in---- -------Zone IV EXCEPT: A portion imfmediateîy westerly of Hunt Street te a line parallel thcrewith and therefrom westcrly 21/ chains ahd éxtending from the north- ern of the roâd allowance bctween the Broken Front and lst Concession and continuing 21/. iii Or LotL, in ------ ---- --------........ ........ ---Zonie I Ai cf said Lot in said Concession lying noîrtherl of the lino Iast afaremontoned and extending nartherly te northern limit of said Lot, In - Zone V IN TOWNSHIP LOT 10: In The Broken Front Concession: Fram Lake Ontario northeriy te a Une runining acroas said Lot which said lino ls parallel ta north- ern limit qf said Lot and is distant 66 chains tram raid narthern limnit, in .. -- ------------- Zone V Ali cf said Lot in said Concession lying northerly of said last-mentianed lino ta northern Ihit of said lot, lu Zone 111 In Concession 1: The whoie thoroof, la Zone 1 EXCEPT: That portion cf land lying easterly cf St. George Street ta eastern limnit ai said Lot narthcrly cf the northern limnit of the easterly projection cf Queen Street southorly cf the eastern projection cf the northcrn liînit of -Church Street ta the eastern limnit cf said Lot, in ----- -*---- Zone Il la QoncessioqH: Eh the weste'rn'falf theréàf from the southern limit cf ssid Lot in said Concession ta a Une running acrcss said Lot and parailci with southern hirnit thoreof and distant from said southora himit 52 chains,_ in--------------------------- ------.------.. Zone I - .- - --- --~.CoàUjgfd c i nut- ige)- 1 - ý li - int iess 'l'iq nAVAINTAV ImAqq»»Ru

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