Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 13

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--f ~ ?R~DU8DAy, SEPT. lit, 1955 Tfl~E ~ANAMAI wrA9'U!rnsAw Itf'IW~IAWTV?.V VI~.I9~AU?~ Traffic Accidents Sénd- Two People to Hospitat' As a result af. two local tra f ic accidents 'during* the pa week two persons wece hospi alized and one driver convict( on an impaired. driving charg The - first socident, reporiq at 12.05 p.m. Thursday, Augu 25th occurred *'et the entrari ta the Elmhumst Hotel on Kir Street East when a car drivi by Elbèrt Waite of Bowmiý ville, collided with a vehie driven by Mrs. Myrtie Nayl( of Church Street, Newcastl Minor damage, estimatedi from $35 ta $50 by Police Chi Randail, was done ta bath car As a resuit af this acciden Waite appeared in Courti Bowmnanville and was convie ed on two charges, drivir wbile hîs ability was impairc by alcohol and driving withci a permit. He was fined $50 an costs on the first charge an $10 and costs on the secon count. w nue Fr rank Patteson bas re- turned té bis home in Seghill, Northumberland, England, foi- lowing a two years, stay in Newcastle with bas sister and brothèr-in-l'at, Mr. and Mrs. Allin-Rowe, and family. Mr.. and Mrs. George Stapie- tonof Newtonville and Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell ef Starkville were recent visit- Ors with Mrs. George Smith. Master Gerald Kiopper of Bowmanville, spent last week vlsiting wlth his uncle and aunt, M r. and Mrs. S. Bierste- ker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stone- burg of Oshawa, were Sunday 'Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Partrîdge. Archdeacon and Mrs. Balfour ni Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Miekie of Montreal W ere recent visitors with Mrs. P. F. LeGresley. An MM~-air Worship service wlll be held at the Newcastle ]Beach on Sunday afternoon a, the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Fox. . The service which will be conducted by the Rev. F. B. Fifield af the Pentecostal Church in Bowmanville will include a Baptismal Service in the lakte. The service is open te the general public. A farewell party was beld at the home of Mrs. Thos. Brown on Tuesday evening last, wvhen about a dozen fciends of Mrs. Frank Patteson gathered ta bidi her adieu on the eve of her de- parture for her home in Se g- hil, Northumberland, England, :rollowing a six months' visit with ber daugbter and son-mn- law, Mr. and Mrs. Allun Ropwe and ' family. Mrs. Patteson thaniked ber assembled friends :for their gifts and good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gallant and Mrs. Walter Bernard of Summerside, Prince Edward Is- land, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ber- nard and famlily. Mr. Arthur F. Allun af Ai- hambra, California is visiting with his brother, Mr. George E. Allun and family. Mrs. Thos. Brown and daugh- National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Le- Gresley and daughter Susan \have returned home follawing an enjoyable mator trip through Quebec and the Mari- times accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Vierkoetter o! To- onta. Mr. George Stoneburg mo! Wellington visited with his ïis- ter, Mrs. Frank Partridge m Tuesday. Carol Partridge wîho0 bas been visiting witb ber grandparents in Wellington, re-1 turned home with him. OBITUARY SPORTS BRIEFS The local Bantarn Baseb.- Club, 1954 Bantam "D" Chan tpions of Ontario met the Lanj don team in the South Weste Ontario village on Saturday a ternoon last in the first gar of the O.B.A. playdowns. T] Langdon team took this fixtui by a score of 9 to 7 with the r -turn game scheduled for la night (Wednesday). The th;i game, if necessary to decide winner, will be played in Ne castie in the near future. The round robin series f( the South Durham Rur' League has bit two snags a ready de1aying the declarlng( a winner. The first game, We corne at Newcastle, last Tueý day evening was called at th end of six Innings with th score deadlocked at 6-ail, an was, therefore, called no cor test. On Thursday evening the 1c cal squad journeyed ta Covei dale where they were trounice ia the tune of- 7 ta 2, by th home team. The Coverdal crew repeated this performan< on Saturday when the Welcorr teamn visited the eastern villag and came home on the sho: end of an il ta 6 score. Coverdale was scheduled t visit Newcastle on Tuesda evening but the afternoon rai caused this game ta be pasi poned. Se the score ta datei Coverdale 4 points, Newcastl and Welcome a big blank. The remaining two game scheduled in the Round Robii Series are Newcastle at Wel corne toriight (Thursday) ani Coverdale at Welcorne on Sat urday. The two postponei games will be played, if neces sary ta declare a winner. mome time next week. No dates havý been decided at time of writ ing. Remioved Highest prices paid for Dead, 01<1 and CrIppled Farm Stock. TELEPEONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 ed -ge. ed nce ing ,or le. at ici trs. in King and North streets whdn cansiderable damàge was do'~ ta vehicles driven by Garê Gamnet of Ottawa and Roy Atl- drus of Hastings, and two psr- "dons wemé senlt ta hospital. ' .The Garnet vehicle pracee- ing south on North street fail- ed to stop according to police when tmntering' the throuài street and coflldced' with thle Andrus vehicle proceediai west on King street. The iÏ~ pact Was s0 forceful that bat véhicles piled up against a hy- dro ploe which they broke off on trhe south side of!0King street. As a resuit of this accident In the reported occurreci second local accîdex at 1.10 arn. Monda at the intersection( DONT BLOW A TUBE WH-EN VOUJR S(T'DOES..CAU. US TO REPAIR. IT! MYLE*S RADIO TV SERVICE' k --Expert Repaira to Ail Makes à Silver St. MA 3-3482 MRS. MARGARET E. BROWN After an ilinessof nearly eight years in bospital, Margaret Eiaeh_ Elliott, beloved wife of ll lteAlfred Hammond Brown, passed away in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toron- ta, on August l2tb, 1955, in ber 73rd yeam. Mrs. Brown was bamn in Toronto, tbe daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elllatt and lived thece until she mac- ried Hammand Brown in 1908. He pcedeceased ber in 1941. Mrs. Brown spent al ber mac- ried life and tirne until ber iii- ness on the farm at Newcastle R.R. 3. She was affectionately known as "Gcandma Brown" ta the neigbbours, children and young people. Surviving arc ber son, Alfred J., and one grandson, Jack, af Bowmanvilie;,aiso two brothers, William and Henry Elliott a!ý Toronto. The funeral was beld from the Morris Funecal Chapel, Bow- manville, August lStb, with Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. George's Anglican Cburch, Newcastle, off iciating. Intemment took place in St. George's Cemetery. The paîl- bearers were ahl former neigh- bours: Harwaod Elliott, George Kimbali, John Kimbaîl, Harry Wade and James Imlacb. Flow- er bearers were also neighburs and frienda. The many beautiful floral tributes testified ta tbe esteem in which the deceased was held by ahl who knew ber. Relatives from Toronto, Ro- chester and Syracuse, N.Y., attended the funecal. et- two peràana were admttdto The--- maài--- Ing Memocial Hospital. HeatherTh wmnilC red McGregor of the RCAF Statiqn Knight and followed by a g: ut at Downsview, a passenger in the Warriors' Day Paradea ýnd the Ottawa car, suffering fromn the pipers are shown short], ndl a fractumed leg and Daniel group oý-pr nams ýnd Longaver of Oshawa, a'passei- pt~pr nams ger ini the Hastings car, suifer- by none. ing fromt a fractumed nib and- nt sbock T R N lay Police Chief A. R. Randatll T R N ai investigated bath accidents. lsnnihfoTeDay .18 Vacation Bible Scbaol will be N ewtonvî lle W lI this Friday night. Ail are wei- came ta came and see what the P resents rin cbiîdren bave accompanied. Mrs. Alma Yellowlees -and To Mirs. Gilmer girls attended the 4th wedding all anniversary af Mc. and Mca. N. m- , The Womnen's Institute was C. Yellowlees, Hampton. ig held at the home o! Mcs. Sid- Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters ând ýrney Lancaster Wednesday ev- girls, Bowmanville, visited Mc. If ening, August 24tb, witb 27 and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. nepresent. , Mca. Ray Paterson and girls, 'he Most o! the business was lelt Maple Grave, spent a few days tr over for aur September meet- wîth Mr. and Mca. C. W. Waad- eing. Mrs. Ferguson spoke ia a ley. ls ew womds ai the dte Mca. Carol Donna and Marilyn *. Frank Gilmer bas performed Yellowlees are holldaying at ad foc the Institute and Mca. A. their aunt's Mca. Mary Cann, aw Wade pcesented bier with a Bowmanville. '~Life Membership Pin. She re- Violet Jones spent twa weeksj plied in a graciaus manner. at Camp Pretoria, Noth Oshi- Our guest speaker, Mr. G. awa. !or Wilson o! Oshawa was intro- Mr. and Mca. P. Byers, Bow- .a duced by Mrs. Milligan. He manville, Mr. and Mcs. T. Find- al spoke ai tbe work o! educating lay, Tbocnhill; Mrs. L. Rainey, ai retarded cbildcen. Unionville, visited Mca. Otto 1- Mca. S. Lancaster and ber Victue. Sgcoup secved a dainty lunch. Diane Siobodian visited Mich- lie ael Kowalski, Maple Grave. heMca. Margaret Wooduey, WESEYVILESanta Monica, California; Miss ville, wece Sunday visitors with« 0- Congratulations agaîn ta Mr. Mca. Ann Phillipa. ýr- Leonard Oughtred and daugh- Mc. and Mca. G. Kehoe ançi d ter Donna foc their auccess at family are visiting friends at àe the Gladiolus show at the Belleviuue.t le C.N.E. This is the ficat time Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron ce sucb. a show bas been besd and Raymond, with Mr. and ne thece. Glad displays have been Mca. Harvey Pactnec. e held previously in -the flowen Mc. and Mca. R.eVirtue, Mra. rt building but this yeac a show O. Victue, called on Mca. John 1was held in thec east annex -if Tbompson, Orono, Saturday ta the coiiseum under tbe -direc- evening. yI tion o! the gladialus gcawers' Wendy Pactnec is bolidaying itj cauncil. *- wit h,,I ç.grandparents, Mr. and t- Lebônard ii lYanfa 'had iver 'McsÎ. Cynîl'GQuînney, Newcastle. i80 entries, winning prizes on Mca. V. Milîson, Bowmaa- e two thirds of then, of which ville, with Mc. and Mca. Leon es and third in corsages, and pri- Mc. and Mca. R. Burgess vis- in zes on spikes o! some of bier ited Mc. and Mca. H. Stevens, 1- glads. Enniskillen. id This outstanding succesbas Recent visitora with Mca. S. +- not been won by chance but by T. Hoar wece Mr. and-Mca. L.c ýd study and bard wark and is E. Gcosakuctb, Guelph. Mca. s-well deserved. Hoar ceturned home with thein The hast weeks o! the hall- for a week. re days find many folk trying ta Mc. and Mca. Henry Stain- tget away witb the famiiy be- ton, Douglas and Lynne, visit- fore school begins. Mca. Shir- ed Mc. and Mca. E. Carlson, To- - ley Mackenzie and members of onta. Douglas emained foc a hec farniiy fmom Utterson visi- holiday. ted bier parents, Mc. and Mca. Warren Cross, Toronto; Miss Chas. Beigbton ducing the Joyce Hopkins, Oshawa;.'Mr. weekead. Hec son, Jimmie, bas and Mca. J. Bird, Cadeington, been hece asslsting bis grand- vlsited at Howard Philps'E father pick tamatoes. Mr. and homec Mca. Harold Best spent last Mr. andMca. A. Yaungrnan0 week toucing the noth and and boys visited Mr. and Mr-*. b east ai the province. Mc. and N. Leach, Taunton, and also Mca. Arnold Austin, Muriel visited Mc. and~ Mrs. A. 'Wilson, 8 and Marie left bere hast Thurs- Oshawa. s day for vaiaus points in the Quite a aumber attended theP province and Mr. and Mca. charivari of Mr. and Mca. Mat-J Trunman Austin, Bannie and thew Smuley, nec Dameen t Paul went the ficat o! this Rahm, Hamilton, late Saturday ' week. evening at Walter Rabm's. h Mca. Tutt returned fcom Ut- Mm. and Mca. Lloyd Hoar and tg terson recently wbeme shee bad family, Beleoil, Quebec, spent P rspent some time with Mrs. S. a few daya wit r.ST.i Mackenzie; Mcs. F. . Hayden Hoar. a 0Mm.S.T returaed ta Toronto on Tues- Master Thomas Motiock, 1 day and moat ai the cottagera Ottawa, retucned from the 51 at the sevecai local beaches are Scout Jamboree at Niagara and i pcepacing ta leave for the city. is spending the cernainden ai Ic A few ladies spent Wednes- bolidays with bis grandparents, i day aitemnoon quilting on a Mr. and Mca. T. Gibbs.h Red Cross quit at Mca. E. Bar- Visitors with Mr. and Mca. ti rowclougb's as a change frorn James Deiancy wecc Mr. andT pickiing and canning, and Mca. Mca. James Aiston and Morris,n Ken. Asbby was busy quiiting Herman Keown, Herb Hum- si on Monday. mel, Ronald Vanevecy, Powas- san. Mc. and Mca. A. Christian- ti - son, Shaccon and Brodie, Ka- i cen Piper, Sudbury; Mc. and f SALEM Mca. Aubcey Hickson, Lindsay.S Mr. and Mca. Len Brock and Mm. and Mca. E. Stephens, a family, London, wece Sunday Louise, Camai and Brady, Sut- bi visitons with Mr. and Mca. F. ton, visited Mr. and Mca. W. ti Blackburn and Mrs. E. Sayer. Park, Sr., and Mm. and Mms. W. B Misses Beatrice and Gerda H. Taylor.c Cmaig. Grace Blackbucn and Marie and Janice TaylorV Marion Buttecy attendcd the spent a few days with Joan aad Junior Farmers' picnic and Denine Ray, Canal Lake. ti churcc service at Campbellcroft MIss Margaret Crowe, Wht- vv on Sunday. by, is spending a wcek witb st Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coilacott Mca. L. Boumne and Mca.T and famnily have been vlsiting Crowe. hec sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mca. J. Hathemhy and Baker, Ottawa. Miss Joyce Coi- family, NewtonvIlle, visîted i hacott returned home after visit- Mca. Annie Hathecly on Sun- L ing thece. day. V Mca. E. Twist accampanjed a Mr. W. J. Tape returned to 'carload of ladies ta attend thej his home in Fart Erie last week ci Vigor 011 Co. Ltd. Reduces the Prices on FUEL QIL and STOVE QIL STOVE CIL 19 8 FUEL CIL 16 cents per gai. cents per gal. RED SCHOOL BOUSE 2-Sfrap Shoe Neolitesole, brown and black. Sies 8%to 12 12% ts3 4.25 4.45 BOYS' IBLACK Moccasin Vamp Oxford Goodyear wfeit and Neolite soles. Sites 3 te 7, 7.95 B and D wldths--_ RED SCHOOL BOUSE Party Shoes lu ted, black and browu Sites Sites Sites 4 teSa S'2te11 12% to 3 3.95 4.25 4.85 Saddle Oxords by SAVAGE 124 ___________4.25 Sires 12_______ 4.45 SENIOR GIRLS' Sires 4 te 10- 4.95 and 6.95 Lloyd Ellis ShoesI 49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-594t :)n Band in Warriors Day Parade Canadian Legion Pipe Band, led by Drum Major Jack group of veter ans from Branch 178 drew a big hand in at the Canadi an National Exhibition, Saturday. Here ly before passing the grandstand. The Bowmanville parade with s everal other pipe bands, and was outclassed ,year attended the Field Trip of the 4-H Club ta "Louada Farms"', Buckhorn, last Wed- nesday. Grade and Jean Webb, Pan- typool, spent a week with Au- drey Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bignell and Linda, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. Lamne Annie. ,Billie and Cheryl Sprage, Hamilton, visited at Haorace Hall. Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott and family enioyed a' holiday at a cottage at Caesarea. Mca. W. Penwarden la with ber daughter, Mrs. R. Camneron wvbo has been convalesclng after a recent apeî'ation. Mrs. Annie Hatherly and grandson, Glen, with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hampton. Mc. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Hector, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mca. J. Wilson Mcs. C. P. May, Windsor; Mr. W. H. Hooper, Toronto; Mrs. C. F. Awde, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Orono; Mr. H. V. Hoaper, Sal-I mon Arm, B.C.; Mc. and Mca. C .Rowan, Bethany, were re- cent visitors af Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wermy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Glaspeil, Grant and Gwen, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Kedran. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mr.! and Mcs. D. Stainton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBcide at their cottage, Georgian Bay. Mc. and Mrs. W. Vivian and family attended the Viviani picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vi- vian 's, Blackstock. Mc. and Mrs. Gardon Whit- taker and Eva Ann, Mr. and Mrs. M. Smilcy. Hamilton, wlth Mr. and Mca. Waltec Rahm. St. Saviour's W.A., -Orono. lield a picnic at tbe home of Mrs. L. Boumne. Mcs. L. Bourne spent a cou-,j pie of days at Bicch Island. Mr. and Mca. Roy Spcy arm spending a week camping at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Rul- dreth, Stoney Creek, spent a couple of days with Mms. L. Boumne and Mc. and Mrs. Roy Spcy. OBITUARY MRS. WELLINGTON' FALLIS Mca. Wellington Fallis of Bethapy, aged 45 yeacs, died in CItcHospital. Peterborough, on Friday night, followîag a briel ilîneas. Hec sudden paasing decply shocked thia .conrmunity where she bas been known and mes- pected since childbood. Bamn,l Jean Marie Thorndyke, she .was the aldeat daughtec ai the late William Aiva Thoradyke and is wife the former Ona Par- teous. Sbe attended Galloway'a public achool and Bethany Cn tinuation School. Fahlowing graduation froni Peterborough Business Collegeý she did seccetacial work la To-1 ranto. She ceturned ta Betbany to macmy Walter Bigelow, wvbo died 17 yeacs ago. Followingc his,-deatb she was employed in the local bcancb o! the Bank ai Toronto, being teller foc a number of yeacs befoce ber' second mammiage. Mrs. Fahlis bas been moat ac- tive in the community, a mem-1 ber ai the United Churcb, a faithfui teacher la the Suna School, treasucer ai the Wom an 's Association, a valued mem- ber ai the cburch choir, secre- tamy ai Manvers Township, Bmancb ai the Canadian Red ý Cross Society, also active in the' Women's Institute. The funemal service beld from' the United Chucch on Manday, wras a ceai tribute ta ber out-j standing community services.' The churcb was filled far be- eond scating capacity. Rev. R. ~. Bonsteci canducted the sec- vice assisted by Mc. Mervyn, Love ai Janetville and Rev. AI-, van Porteous ai New York, N.! Y. Mca. Clarence Rowan was: organist and accompanied Mr and Mca. Raiph Preston singing Good Morning Up Thece". Thle' Manvecs Community chair were also in attendance. Palîbeacers were Basil Earle, slington, Mervyn Pocteous and Carl Porteous. Cavan; Harold Pocteous, Nestieton; Jlack Whit-' field and George Whitfield ai' Peterborough. The entice altar was banked with the many beaetiful floral tributes. Immediately surviving amé. cmr mother, Mca. Ona Thorn-' lyke ai Millbcook; ber hUE- and, Welington Fallis; t1wol aughters, Grace Bigclow and!I lanc Fallis; one sister, Mca. Ba- ;il Eacie (Pauline) ai Islingtoxî id two brothers. Keith Thon- l-,ke of Mimico. Kenneih hacadyke oi Brampton. Bur. al was in Fallis Ccmnetery. _ STARK VILLE Mr. W. A. Haliowell,,. New- tonvilie, spent a few daya hast week ia the distrfct. Mr. and Mca. Keitb Rowe, Kenny and Linda, Bawman- ville, at Mc. Howvard Farrow 's. Shiloh Sund.ay Schooi picnic at Kendal Saturday was wel attended witb all baving an enjoyable time. Mca. I., Plum, Toronto, is spending a iew days with ber brteMr. Arthuc McKày. Mc. J. Hallowell accompan- FAUJGI5 iUmTin ied Mr. and Mxs. Delbert Hâl- lowell on a visit to frlends at Shannonville, recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. Millson af Newcastle visited at Mr. Lor4e Todd's, Sunday. Guests with Miss Norma Hallowell Sunday were Mtés Tyler, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hailowell, Gerald, Nancy, Mr. Lloyd Hallowell, 14iss AI- ice, Hailowell, -Miss Helen H3 1- lowell, Mr. Ted Boughen, Mr. and Mrs. Llew H-allowell. Jirn, Maurice, Miss Beulah Hafla- well and Jim Westheuser. KEDRON Morning worship at Kedron was well attended, and agajin conducted by Robert Werry of London, who chose for bis text Chrlst's comnmand toalal who would be His followers--Go ye, and teach ail nations. In his sermon, Robert made referencc ta the lufe ai a great Christian, a Korean efugee who hiks suf- fered much in his own wver- tomn land, but bas written: a bookiet, "My Cup Runneth Over". A specific personal appeal was made ta assist in til- building of a newv unshakable faith ta carry on bis wor. "Unlesa we believe in missions, wve cannot say we -believe tri God, the father of ail mAil- kind," he said. .1 A speclal story for the chil- dren was given rapt attention., and was drawn from persorial experience in aur Northland. Next Sunday, Rev. R. li. Rickard plans ta conduct the service at the usual bour, RA34 a.m., foliowing his return frrn a splendid holiday spent with bis family at Oak Lodge, dur- lng the montb af August. There was an especially large attendance for the Aduit Bibl& Ciass perîod led by Mr. Baba- ker. During Septemnber, clkiss discussions wvill be led by Mrs. Hiarry Rose. Neigbbours enjoyed a j o)1v get-together at the Robert Fra- ser's on Saturday evenfng wben a barbecue was featured, and a corn coast was held. Our stocks ""re compicte for- the youngster' going back ta school next week. Corne in and Iookl' over aur quality merchandise and sce how much.', you can save by outfitting your boy heme. "BUCKEYE" JEANS Size's Sec these styles la thea 6- 16 Years aIlvays popular "Buckeyr" Jean,7. deslgned for long, rough wear.4 Smamtly tailored ion those Fal'ý,4 .outdoom actlvlties. Get him twoiý pairs at leant at this special, price. "«BLACK RIDER" JEANS ' 4 Stucdy 9-oz. black cotton . denim in smart "sateen" fin.i: ish. * Bac tacks and rivets for' extra stcength. * Heavy duty zipper and fîve,. pockcts. * Triple stitch seams. $I .95qea "BUCKEYE IMUSTANG RIDER* JEANS *Popular 'White-back" blue cotton denima. *Stucdy 8-oz. weight *Authentic western styling *Triple stitcb seama and heavy duty zipper. $p2.9 Girls' or Boys' Jeans, Trigger Brand Shirts Dress Pants T-Shirts Windhreakers Eunning Shoes Raincoats Socks Double knee Nifty plaids Nylon, long-weacing White or coloced 'Lined - All shades Reg. 2.95.- SPECIAL Rubber Many fine patternis $1.95' $1.25 $2.95* 694 $1.79 35é, Bowma nvi lie, Surplus Sales. 42 King St. East Phone MA 3-3211 U. / I he 7/ 1veaýC"i/ 4e4# Gordon Àgnew, Editor Phono 3621 Social and Personal. FOR DELIVERY PHONE OSHAWA 5-1109 Ready.'to take school days in stride, and go to parties, too . . . our selection of boys' and girls' shoes that rate "A" for comfort as well as good looks. And you'Il like the comfortable way they fit your budget! Lýý>, 7riau MAT, VCPT. ist 1953 THE CANADUS STATEMLAN- BOWIL&Wvntr- nmT,&wtn MN

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