Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1955, p. 11

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¶7<URSDAY, SEPT. lst. 1955 The Orono News M1r. and Mrs. Ralph Virtiie, St. Jozeph*s Hospital, Toronto. Enniskilen, visited on Sund3y Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Simpson WîthMr.andMrs.Jams Bil.and family, Toronto, visited; Mns, Wallace Scott, Coluim- Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mr. and Mrs. bus. visited her aunt, Mrs. 1%. D. Hooper and Mrs. Cliffo.rcl G. Mcculloch. fMay of Windsor, who retusned Miss Gloria Pigott is visitin-g to Toronto after visiting in Miss Pauline Dupis in Wind- Orono the past few weeks. sor. Mrs. Ceciu Jones returnedi Mr. Ray Burgess has joned home on Wednesday froru the Provincial Police i the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Kenora district, ville. ~, Mr. and Mrs. Ivason Tamb- Mrs. J. C. Gamey visited last »lyn, Judy. Brian and Grant week at Rice Lake. spent a week et a cottage aI Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sargent, Lakeside Beach, Lake Scugog, Peterborough, visited on Sun- and had as their guests Mss. A. day with Ms. and Mss. R. E~. Hoskin, Port Hope; Mr. Bert Logan. Northcott, Hamilton, and Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton, Bowmen, Enfieid. Mrs. Lawrence Harris and Ms. Alex Watson is visitiIg daughters visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson,! with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Me.- Toronto. tin, Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgscn, Mrs. M. Sherwin and Miss Bowmenville: Mr. and M!-s.lBertha Cain seturned home on Raymond Clapp, Tyrone. visit- Monday from visiting relativesý ed Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper. and friends in Sask.. Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allil and North Dakota, U.S.A. attended the Gilbank- Taylor Miss Roberta Hoskin, Port p:cnic et Bleckstock last Sun11- Hope, and Mr. Ken Go'an, day.Cobourg, visited on Satusday Mr. Harold Lunn is visitin.cwith Mr. and Mrs. Ivason relatives in Orono.1 Tamblyn. Ms. and Mrs. Alan Duesbury, Ms. and Mrs. Don Duncan Dunnville, visited Mc. and Mrs. aId familY moved to Ottawa Jack Hudson. this week. Mrs. Harvey uts pn a Miss Mildred Holdaway, of week with. hec sistes, Mrs. R. Waskworth, visited Ms. 'and A. Delve of Hamilton. Mrs. Egerton Hencock. Mrs. .1. F. Demaray (the Mr. George Wilson who was former Miss Leta Stutt of a patient in Memlorial Hospital, Orono> and her daughter, Bowmanville, returned home Elaine, Detroit, visited friends on Tuesday. in Orono last Thussday. . Mr. and Mss. Dane Found, Miss Madeline Cowan bas daughter Mary and Heether entered the Fail Class as a Rutherford spent the weekend student nurse at Ontario Hos- at Lake Plecid. pi'tal, Whitby, and Miss Marie M.an r. ar Taylor Lewis. as a student nurse at and son Mark, Napanee, visited on Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allin, and Mr. and Mss. Norman Allin.4 '<OU 1<4W W~hERE 'TO Rev. John Kitchen returned lfflIN~TIS PRESCRPTiON home on Monday efter visitinil 1ON7 OU. ONY Dr. and Mrs. T. Armstrong and D0ýN'Y0U. OHNNYfamily in Niagara Falls.a 3 R 1) 'fMr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, t SUR£ I 00- . Oshawa, visited on Sundaya with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. s Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough, LuVELLS Trenton; Ms. Arthur Clough, IBelievilie, visited Sunciay with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major. SAM[ AS ALWAY5.' Ms. irence Allin, Mrs. E.q Gilbank and family, Mrs. Alex t Prout, ecastle, visited Mr. ar nd Mrs. Percy Gilbank ate Balsam Lake.u Mrs. Adwe and Mrs. C. Mayd visited Mr. and Mss. Frank i 'n ~Werry, Bowmanville, lest week.n Services will be held as f usual on Sunday, Sept. 4th, at Orono, Kirby and Leskard United Churches. Ms. John Harris and deughi-t 1 Iters of Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. 9 Sidney Scott and Mr. and Mss. t a. ~DM5 ~ Milton J. Elliott of Bowman. vile, ereguetso! Mrs. F. J.r Brimecombe lest week. t PHONE TO-DAY We wiliIbe pleaied te supply you with on your ifeatlng or Plumbiri For Good Television WE -RECOMMEND 05//l -By Electrohome 22 Tubes Heev y Transformer Chassis ALL the Latest Featitres s339.oo We guarantee this sel fulIy for Oie Full Year IN WRITING Tele vision Servicec.,. 33 King St. West MA 3-3883 Expert Television Service im THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONO AIR CADETS AT SUMMER CAMP: These twa Hall, and ACi Sandy Richie, bath of Orana. The supply air cadets from 595 Squadron, Osono, are issued with their offices je P/O R. B. Belanger, af R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. bedding and summer uniforms, upon arrivai at the air The camp which, aperates during the manths of July and cadet summer camp, which is held annually at R.C.A.F. August, is open ta cadets from ail parts of Ontario and Station, Clinton. From ]eft ta right, they are: ACi Don Quebec. -National Defence Photo Orono Ai r Cadets Attend Summer Camp ut Clinton Six youthful air cadets froin .595 Clarke Squadron, Orono, arrived at RCAF Station Clin.- ton recently to begin training at the last of four air cadet summer camps to be held here durîng the months of July and August. After a hearty lunch, upon arrivai, the cadets were issued theid bedding and sum- mer uniform, and were subse- quently allotted their respec- tive barracks. The cadets will undergo a comprehensive, training sched- ule, comprising such courses as drill instruction, flying famil- iarization, leadership, and ar- rnament training to liat but a few. They will be conducted on guided tours of outstanding industries i the neighboring ,rea such as the General Mo- tors Plant, at London. Ont. A good deal of time is also allot- ;ed to sports and recreation. For many of the Air minded boys, the camp wiil be the realization of a dream corne true, as four RCAF -Expeditor aircraft have been made aveul- able to the camp for the dura- tion o! the summer. Eacb Ca- det will have the apportunity to- act as co-pilot under, of course. the watchful eye of the pilot. The Co-ordinators of the Flymng Commnittee are Flying Officer W. G. Duncan of Wel- land and P/O R. O. Reiber of Leamington, Ont. The boys are given a map briefing by the pilot, preceding evesy takeof!. The Orono air cadet squedron was formed in Oct. 1954, under the' auspices of the Orono Citi- zen's Committee, and has et- tained a home strength enrol- ment of 45 cadets. The Com- manding Officer of 595 Squa- dron, F/L R. J. Taggart, o! Or- ono, accompanied the cadets to camp. The Offices Commanding the camp is W/C C.. E. Burns, o! Mimico, Ont., and the Chie! In- structor is F/L J. A. Davy of RCAF Stn. Trenton, Ont., F/L J. H. Moss and F/L J. B. Siny- ard are the Roman Catholic and Protestant Chapleins res- pectîvely. Orono Police Trustees HoId Lively Session The Police Trustees a! the Village o! Orono met Mondey evening last week when a live- ly and debating session wes held and a number of projets came up foc an aising. Urging of varions works ta be started by the varions members often ran into opposition fromn one or two of the Trustees. Ms. Woodyerd, in reporting on the psogsess of a new stree'. east of Churcb St. South, stat- ed that the project would have ta rest for the time until some property in this erea wes legel- ly cieared. It is expected that the scheme will follow sbortiv after certain matters are set- tied. the Forestry Station was coin- pleted. The chali-man stated thet the Department would flot Pave the village road and1 fus- ther said that the Trustees would be lax ta let this work go un!inished and leave the entrance into the park continue in its present condition. Ms. Woodyard and Ms. Mercer feit that the Township sbouid pave this short section of roed. This, the chairman tbougbt would bcý quite setisfactory, however ail costS of susfacing was shared three ways, by the Depertmerbt Of Highways, Township and «Village. The mettes efter con- siderable discussion was drap- 8e . ure R. C. Forrester stated t' The. chairman, R.C. Forres- no word had been recei% tes, said contact had been made from the Township on rc ta two consulting Engineers se work sequested by the Tr a preliinary sewage survey tees. Ms. Woodyerd was au for the Village. A reply bcd orized ta contact the road si been seceived frorn Mr. W. T. erintendent on this work a Dempsey of Oshawa, quoting a to see if some action couIc price of $500 for the survey be taken. Ms. Woodyasd a which wonld include e sewege snoved that "no dumping" siî plan, a disposai plant with la- be erected on Churcb Street cation, generel ]ayout, an esti- Ms. Orme Gersy's and a mate of cost. and advice in the 'Not a through street" ett legal appsoach and carryingj cornes of Church and Park a ont of the projeet. Word is be- also et Churcb and Cenl ing waited for fram Gare and1 Street, Storrie. cansulting Engineers Seek Incorporation from Toronto. Mr. Woodyard steted that he bad in bis pos During the course o! t session contour maps of the meeting Mr. Woodyesd repoi area from the Department of ed that he had done same wc National Defense. These maps onsegifraino werereqeste at the estcorporation. Mc. Mercer a meeting and necessarv ta carry Mc. Wood vard steted that t ont preim~nrv srvev Village was hampered thsouý out prlimnar suvey ifnet being Incarporated a] The chairman feit that ~wudlk asetepa these were flot edequate thut wudlk esetepa Ms. Perrin of Kisbv would sun ncsortnfooed the levels foc the Trustees. An namnsdcio Bath Mcr. Mercer and Mr. erect thsee new street lights Wood'.ard feit that the work the Village passed. These ligi shonld be donc but Mr. Mercer are ta be erected at the ee wauld like ta tee the Villag lend of Centre Street, et t] fisst inicorporated .Mc. Wood- Telephone Office and haif w; yard wanted first ta onsu p the Milison Hill. with Mr. R. R. Weddall edi The Chairman reposted th' Incoportio semedposibethe fire hall roof leaked ai tInoohatin ith theossile\vas antborized ta have san liminary survev. The chairman, fixed. The chairman %vas a] couid sec no reason. if aIl the given permission ta have wi Trustees agreed, that a surve *vscreens and glass windows iý should be mae. why it lied ta stalled in the alley-way jJas be held up oves Incorporation, tion in the Community Buill Il was finallv decided ta await ing. New eaves tsougbs wei word from Gare and Storrie authorized ta be installed c 1and also ta meet with Ms. R. the Commnnity Building. R. Waddell ta find ont the paw- I N ced Caretaker fers of the Board in relations tae R. C. Forrester stated th; the vasions works o! the vil- the High School wisbed ta n. lage. the Commnnity Building thi Urge Pavlnt year as a gymnasium and th; The urging o! paving the if sa nsed, e caseteker woul raad from the Orono Park ta be necessarv. Il was learnV. iHigahway 35 by the chairnian that Ms. Chas. Wood ar was oppascd by Messrs. Wood- Mt!ssss. John and Roy Patte yard and ,Nercer. The chaismen have intimated that they migi, felt this sbould be done when be intesested in the work. Th the section is done fsom the chairman is ta contact the ib Park into the Fosestry by the tesested parties. Mr. Woodyar Depertment of Lands and Foc- steted that a new rate woul estýz.Msl. Mercer wvas o! îîýj have ta be set if the schooli opinion that the soad would ta use the building as a gym. not be left withaut a sur-face if AIl Trustees sanctioned In the section from the Park into need o! toilet facilities in th bhat' ived road rus- uth- ýUp- and Ln't alsa igns te itre Community Building. Messrs. Woodyard and Mercer were o! the opinion that the first floor east room should be used for this purpose. The chairman stated that this would eut down useful space in the building and could see no reason wby the toilets could not remain in their present location ir. the basement. Ms. Woodyerd urgerl that the toilets be instalied this Year and arrangements -be made later for sewege disposai. Under such a scbeme the rooin would have to be put under lock and key until a disposai system was mnstelled either ta a community sewer or to a septic systemn instailed near the building. New Sidewalka New sidewaik construction was bsought up by the chair- Osbawa Brandi: JOHN HUGHES, Managea man who pointed out that a walk had been promised, by last year's Trustees, on the Milison Hill. Ail Trustees could flot see how such a sidewalk could be construtted. R. C. For- rester suggested that Mr. Per- rin be contacted in this matter and have him view the prob- lem and plan a walk. This sug- gestion carried. B- iE CARIS PARYNII "lm Values effective at your Dominion Store Limited, Bowmanville, Thurs., Fni., Sat., Sept. lst, 2nd, 3rd Il Garden Fresh Vegetables Ontario No. 1 - 6-qt. BLUE PLUNS Ontario Pascal - Size 36 CELERY STALIKS 2 Fo.r 25c Ontario Fancy - 6-qt. COGKING APPLES 55C Ontario No. 1 ATTRACTIVELY FIREESTONE PEACHES PRICED KAM - 12-oz. tin PGRK LOAF ]BUDGET - 100-ft. roll WAX PAPER 29c CIROWN SnmaII Mediumî GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS DEVON BRAND BACONlb55 Cooper's HoId Family Reunion At.Orono Park One o! the largest famfly gatherings ever held in Orono Park took place Sunday, Aug. 2lst. wben 160 descendants of the late Robert and Jane Coop- er ceiebrated their first famlly reunion. Members attended f r o mn niany distant parts of Onteria. Frencis Cooper from Portland, North Dakota, was guest of honour, meeting his Ontario relatives for the first time. Mrs. Laura Cooper, the eld- est member present, was pre- sented with a beautiful basket of giadioli and a box o! candy. The efternoon was pleesani- ly spent renewing femily tiec.;. A deliclous picnic supper was enjoyed by al. OBITUÀRY Jack, Oscar. Fred, Mabel, Mar- ion. Nell and Gertrudie. Surviving her are her hus- band and two sons, Gordon of Bowmanville, and James of Orono. Rebekah Lodge. No. 334. had a very nice service on the eve of her funeral which w-as held from the Barlow Funeri Home on the 4th of August with the Rev. John Kic~i officiating. Intermerit to"k place ini Orono Cemetery. The many beautiful floral offerings bore silent tribute 4o the esteem in which the de- ceased was held. Palîbearers were William Riddell, Gordon Watson, James Tamblyn, Richard Logan, Char- les Cooper and Carmen Corn- ish. J Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Vhitby MO0hawk 8-3552 318 Dundas, St. E.. WVhltby FINE QUALITY. r-- 1 Puts New Life lnt. Your Farmi A SWhy Wait ... go aherd with FI L See your nearest Bank of Montreal manager 'NY SNI{'about a Faim Improvement Loan. BA&NK or~ MONTRIEAIL worklne wyth esegudisna le *ve.Fy walk of tif* IeleUvoi Bowmanville Branch: GEORGE MOODY, Managet DOMINON fatum h. produels et ONTARIO. -, fer Ibis e y goc rea»"a. iret of aIL the localproducts that &te rulhed te DOMINON fromneurbi tarim and factoris e . resher whsn Yeu ac theo. Nemi. bfey art iewe la Pr.oeIl.ohmgminimm ntanf4lehOMn ctcOsts. And SnallY. DOMINION beinq a part of thoir cemmunity beltevea ln suppoulm9 local »sit».le..Ulow ame jui a isw of là#e any Ont"ulopreducts you'U Uindail jour DOMMNON gStob CHICKEN NOODLE or TOMATO.VEGETBLE - 2½-oz. pkg. Lipton'Is Soup Mixes 2 for 2.3c Howe's C & M Squares DARE'S LEMON'N ORANGE- 34 Biscuit pkg. Sandwich Biscuits 29c SAVE ON MOTOR OIL - Grades 20-30-40 6..qt. MOTOR OIL___n l.9 CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED - lO-oz. tin Soup Iforl5c 8-oz. Bottie CERTO LIQUID PARA WAX I.h 16c Rubber 1.,.16 SWFOODS PREMIUM BLDG SWIFT'S COTTAGE STYLE - SMOKED PORK ROLL lb. 75 SHO * . aE I I2YAR 191» 1 ý - 1- 1 1 ' Eliza Gould beloved wife of Precise workmanship and Russell Major passed away on caeful attention to detail August 1, 1955, t her esid- ar vour assurance wen ence, in er 59th year. van choose from the wide .Ms. Major w.s bon at election of imported and Aurora, Ontario, one of a fam.. domestic Granites and ily o! eleven brothers and sis-Masbles in stock. ters. Harold, Robert, William., _______________ 1 1 a: 55C 29c 1 PAGE EtEVEN 29C 43C 1 IPARAWAX Pkir. 19C

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