-------------------------------------------------------------------------------i TI AI'BAU ~~UIv jW1AI W ---- ----f,- r-'j é&uSbA PAGZ Ev Mrs. Jack Lander and family Miss Coleie n Hutehin-1 holîdaying et Pigeon Lake. Ison ha, r e tur n ed homel Mary Lau Marr is et Pigeon fromn Bolton whcre she was a, Lake visiting Miss Leslie Lan-1 section head lover counseflors der. at a childrcn's camnp. She wLU Miss Mergie Giffen, Niagara bc attcndirlg Petcrborough Falhs, visiting Mn. and Mrs. Art Teachers' College this feUl. Hoopen. Mn. and Mn,. Art Haciper and Miss Dareen Covenly, Osh-' family visited bis.- sister, Mn. awa, iu visiting ber cousin, and Mns. Jack Giffen, Niagara 'éSheila Coveriy. Flls, lest weckend. While Mnu. J. B. E. Stapîcu, Toron- there, they vlsitcd the Interna- toha ben istin hr sstrtional BOY Scout Jamboree Mrs. N. S. B. James. 1Cm tNaaao-h-ae Miss Deanne Woodward, Deep' The Steteumnan received a card River, is visiting ber cosis from Father P. K. Malane, who Bob and Gloria Smiîth. 'is holidaying in Italy and thc Police Chief and Mns. Sid * Continent. Re states the tcm- Venton are holidaying et Big perature at Cannes, where 'he Bob Lake, nean Minden.J went swirnming, was 104. Rev. SMalane is expected home atter Dr. and Mns. Chas. Austin Lbo Day. end femily are hoiidayizxg et1 Crow Lake, near Marmoa. Miss Junc Franklin, South- Miss Lorraine Turner, Mont- amptan, England, arnived Sun- real, is visiting ber aunt end' day via the Scythia and is va- uncle, Mn. and Mrs. William' cationing with ber aunt, Mn.î Roberts.1 and Mrs. E. Wilatts. Visiting .,also on Sunda3r were Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Wrn. Robertà,,Mrs. James Robinson, Toronto, Cbunch Street, have returned ealso newly arrived from South- aiten a two weeks' holiday in: amptan, England. A femnily re- Midiand. union was held et Mrs. Gea.' Mns. Pearl Bell, Vienne, Forseyes, King Street. Ont., visited her sister, Missi Recent visitons witb Mn. and Ruby Aldwortb et the home ai, Mrs. D. R. Mornisan, Concession Mr. J Bird Street; Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Misses Ruby Aldwontb, Joan ISbaw, Toronto; .Mn. and Mrs. Fowher, Jacqueline Bird and Mn.1 Wesley Shaw and famiy, Gar- J. Bird bave been bolidaying et: field, Denis and Larry, Toronto; Wasaga Beach. Mn. and Mn,. Robent Morrison, Mn. ançi Mrs. Art Humpage Des Moines, Ioa; Mrs, A. 0. and farnily, Kitchener, are bhl- Tbornpson, Mns. L. A. Derby- daying witb friends and relatives sbire and famiiy, Manwin and in Bowmenviihe. Jernie, Cbaffey's Lock. Miss Gloria Srnith bas retunn- Mn. Ernie Rundle, ai Dar- ed aiter spending an enjoyableJ lington Twp., entered bis ban- holiday witb Mr. and Mrs. Bll tam chickens and rebbitu in Stephens, Meritton. five classes et Belleville lFair Miss Joyce Bragg, necent lest week, and came away witb graduate ai Oshawa Geenel four firsts and ane second. Mn. Hospital, bas joined the oper-- Rundie, fiormerly ai. Bowman-i ating room staff ai that hospi- ville. started naising chiekens tel. and rabbitu about 12 yeers ega Recent visitons witb Mrs, . W as e hobby. He retired from L. Paterson were Mn. and Mrs. General Motors about two1 E. A. Fleming. ai Perth, and yeers ega. Miss Constance Davis,' Hamil- A picture pest card to the tan. editor from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mn. and Mrs. David Park. 'Nichols wbo are enjoying. their Tom, Kennetb and Glenna, and first maotar trip te Western Master Donnie Tondifi are hal- Canada ta visit their daughter idaying et Hiawatba, Rice Margaret, Mns. Jack Sornner et Lake. Calgary, Alta., states: "We are Mn. and Mrs. Clarence oke having a wonderful tinte in the and amiy, nd r. nd rs.West. Just now w. are located Carldsfaily, ad r.aond rs. et Banff for a couple, ai days CarstCarter., ae nho a nd then w-e are moving on ta days bis eek.Lake Louise for several days Visitons witb Mns. J. Elmo before returning ta Calgary." Anderson for the weekend wene Afrnpae htonte n. Jan MSn.a. LubrMyStratferd Beacon - Herald, oai andJeni, Srna.August lth shows His Excel-% Mn. and Mrs. Greg W. Cal- lency Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey,, mer and Donalda, Bracebridge, C. oenr-Gnnla an r.A. Tharnpson, Osh- Canada being intnoduced tu awa, visited Mrs. Fred Calmer. several of the players takingc Mn. and Mns. Jack Lindberg, part inithe Shekespearean l'es- 1 ~'inie a nd Mrs. Tekoif, tival. Amang the players beingb Toronto, were Tuesday visitons presented was Miss Lynn Wil- i oi Mn. and Mns. Gea. W. son, gnanddaughter ai Mn. W.c Grahami, Jane Street. J. Mihis ai St. Mary's, wbo bash Mrs. S. G. Chartran and been a member of the carnpanYb Mrs. Gea. W. James wene in inc. it started thnee years ega Stratiord Tuesdey and attend- Mr. Jack Parker will b. leav-v ed the Shakespeareen FestIval ing Bowmanvile. around Sep- play, "Jülius Ceesar". tember lst te open a plumbing, Mrs. J. Elmo Anderson bas beating and tinsmithing business0 been visiting et tbe sumnmen et Ajex. He has been a memben f home ai Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ai the farnily iirrn af L. A. Park- i Mecereth, Pigeon Lake. Jen & Sans ber. for several years S Miss,- Joan Hutchinson and'and is a hard-wonking memben a Mrs. Bernice Beaupre attended ai Bowmanville Lions Club. We the wedding ai a classmate undenstand b.e heu obtained a fnom- Peterbonough Civic Hos- Jhuse and aise wiil b. mnoving a pital in Oillia yesterday (Wed- jhîs family toAjMax wîth him. His b nesday).' J father, L. A. "Bert" Parker and b Misss Babar Batgateandson Lionel wiil continue ta ap- Mises arbreBatgat an cet. theur plumbing business Grae Blackburn have retunn- bere..s ed borne front Arundel Lod ge l on Lake Muskoke wbere tey Mrs.W . Paterson, while = bave been eniployed ion the bolidaying in Lindsay necently, ci sum mer. noticed a beautiful mural, an p the wal ai Douglas Caruthers'm Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wel- Drug Store there. She discavi bf den. sens Donalai and Michael, cned that the store is apcrated j( New Westminster, B.C., left by a brother afI Mrs. Elsie Car- tt Mondey by car for their home rutheru Lunney, social editor ai th aiter e visit with ber mather, The. Statesmnan (presenthy on i Mrs. C. H. Mason and othen ne- bhidays), and the mural wes latives. painted by Arnold Hodgkins, in- SI Miss Olga Tad broke both. structor ai the Art Chass in of wnists wben she fell in ber JBawmanville, af whicb she is an h yard. Her many iniendu will be active member. The. mural wes h pleaséd ta knaw that she i., painted this Year, in colouru th convaiescing corniortebhy et Ihenmonizing with the attractivey home after tneatment in the cohour schene ai the. rest of the ti Memanial Hospital. store. t:l ___________________ A meeting ofa the Durhamrt îCounty District Hîgh Schaol hL Board was heid ini Bawmanville W ST» j HNS lest week. Architects and con- th ST.JO N' Istruction engineeru attended the meeting. Officiels nevealed a'i thet the new addition to the th hîgh schoal wil fat be corm- th CHURCHplete by the time the schooh s! Re X . .Monkan, Paster Cloilissues, j uret h Iy Prouident e BWmn I narn - nSVille Stamp CI "c in Durham Co a nd othersuc St. Pulai'.an areaas well,a fletnr Trinity Congregatiena in 'resting public on a tin wide range of s' ets. R.eje tu werahlp la Trtty. an avid reade a kentu SItaI ericefo Rabi dent of natol world af- ed te former May aw, who je ter an accompished aniat. have N.e vening Soevhe - a fine home on Concession 1 j -st. and om.et hho~buies je 5 gardnin an wo on the u apaclouw grounds.fo T hirt y Yea, ReCEhbïe Si Fr om Gooc Lester Hlihfield Two 30-year employees o the Goodyear firm bere; Ro3 Hall and Lester Higbfield ¼vere pnesented with their 30 y7ean service pins et ceremon. ies held et tbe plant recently. Mn. Hall lneceived bis pli fnom, bis forernan, Hi Ormis. ton. Born in Monrnoutbsbint Wales, Mn. Hall cerne ta Cený ada et the age af 10, and af tei finishing bis educetian wonkec on a fanm before joining Good, year in July, 1925. Aiter beine ernployed et punching beel. and on the beel cure, be wa. made an inspector in 1928 anc Nigbt Inspector of the beel de pantment a yeen -laten. He ne- mained an'tbis job until 1944 when be transferred ta thc sbipping roam, whene he i5 stili -working. Mn. Hall bas two marniec daughtens and one son, elso mannied. He takees great pride ini bis home and genden anc rnucb of bistume away fran' wonk is spent in looking after tbern. MIr. Highfleld's Çareer Mr. Highfield neceived his Lions Carnival (Continued frani page ane) shorts and jackets tnimmer witb purphe and gold. Pollowing this ententeinrn the buge crowd took full. ad vantage of the lange numbez ai bootbs set. up on the midway The bingo bootb was on. of th( main attractions and ti( crawn-and-enchor booths alsc pnovcd populen. On. ai th( busiest booths was the one givx ing attractive aluminum iawr chairs as pnizes. Because cf th. hot weatber the soft dnin- baotbs wene kept busy, and thE merry-ga-round was populai with the youngsters. Shirley Makes Appearance Miss Campbell, the 19-yeer- oid Fergus girl whq barel' !eiied -in ber" 'effori' ae-fexv iweeks ega ta be tbe second pen- son ta conquen Lake Ontario, arrived et the cennivai about 10.00 p.m. She neceived e warni weicome irom the créwd, and aiter eppeering at the bingo bootb, went to the car drev booth whene she was kept busy intil the time ai the draw signing eutograpbs. Attractive- y dressed in e dark blue sum- mer dress, Shirley made e bast of iniends with ber friendIb personehity. Witb ber was ber nother, Mns. Florence Camp- bell, and bier yaunger sister, roan, 18, who wili teke part in the Lake Ontario swim during bL.. Canadien National Exhibi- tin. Shirley toid The Canadien Statesman that she bed tbougbî f entening the C.N.E. swim but had been advised 'ay those handling ber affeirs not to try th grueiling swim egain this year. "I won't be satisiied un- il I have crossed Lake Ontario thugh", shé declaed. She was introduced ta the uge cnowd by Lions President Vally Braden wbo declarea nIet she hed thrilied everyone i. Canada by ber couregeous ttempt ta swim the leke. H. ;hniked ber for appeaning eti he carnivai and stated thet te bad made it a memorable vent by ettending. Presented Wtth Bouquet Miss Campbell wes presented uith a bouquet of giadioli by ttle Elizabeth Braden. 7, 'hich she accepted graciouslv. It is a pleesure ta be ber. asîc4 o be essociated witb the Lions iub", she seid. "I bave deaIt itb Lions Clubs tbrougbout )ntario and iound them ta be andenful arganizations." The tractive swirnrer tbanked he people present for thein uppont and good wishes. "I dn't quit. make it the lest iue, but I amn sure that I iil wbcn I tny agein", she de- lared. Lion Dave Preston, who d an excellent job as Cha ir- an af the Cernival Commit- ee, expressed the gratitude ai ýe Bowrnenviilc Lions Club r the large tumnaut and the ilendid support given the 'cent by the people ai Bow- enville. He steted that the àons had' received wanderful o-operation front the other rvice clubs in town and anked those who had hehped e Lions in the vaniaus baatbs. -cusident Braden aiso express- b is thenks toalal those wha id helpcd make tue cernival ch an outstanding succesu. Dur prajects could not con- nue witbout your support ai ul carnivais ycar etter yeer" tated. "The rnoney reehiz- cl thr0ug)h the carnival wili id ta Way baek into the corn- lunîty ta hi1 e pîrcake it abet- During Wenld War l mater tonnage, 0f, woodU ...a sed in the Canadtia War Ef- W4,than steel. nt d- Y. e e e ik e r t 'il it v wmRp»mmmmmý 1 E as t Beach ( Continued from Page One) N Ifthey'd only try to do a Ifew tbings," she seid, "the 2 people (et the East Beach) 2 wouid get together and hieip them." She steted that a gnaupF R af cottagers bad gonie together necently to put in a new pump FO et the well, wbich is now the Cj4R subject ai some ai thein com- È*, 29Lc plaints. Mns. Oke, who seenis ta he 'O51 the person ta wborn ather cot- ~tagers express their dissatis- faction witb the Beach, steted thet some cottagers throw their weste water in e Plot of land K E E near the PUMP, et the back of L EX the group of 12 cottages "in question, and cause an unplea- sent odor. She herseif tbnows 1waste weten on the roedwey in1 front of ber cottage, she said. J1 "tI SPTE Others Agree STRONGEif Severai other nesidents af the Icornmunity were interviewEd M Jby the Statesman, in an. attempt ta discover the exact nature ai thein complaints, and te tny ta present their prablem te the proper authonities. Ahi agreed that the water,i tbougb stili fit fon wasb watcn.J lu not gaod fon drink' g. Somne of the chihdnen in the anea stllh use the water occassiopaîyM «UOF tbey said. ýbé6f. 20 "It wouhd be nice if we could' 2e0lun "z 0 get town. water," a reuident NSsz1?x2 stated. Others ouggested a new ar i rS 5 well be bufit where all cot-- tagers wouhd have eccess to it. Fred Depew, a member cf the Delington Harbouir Com.- mission, which owns thc land an which the cottages are built.: serts, ."If I'm ging to bc held responsibie for thc we1, lfil is there for the convenlence of the cottagens, if they wish ta yeDeie use it. It i their responsib!-l ityr to maintai it. He does noi i. ýiýmpi&ow im *-m ' Upsuje ----- 79c, 1.50, 5.00 î'rosst's Pynithen ComPound Table ts 65c, 1.90 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 65c Corleidin Tablete (Schering) - 1'. 70c, 25's 1.15 FACE-ELLE-Best iniend yaur noue ever had 23e, 2/45o f 1 -- ' SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS SACCHARIN TABLETS 1'4 gr., 100's, reg. 20c -- 15c .500's, reg. 55c - 39e l gr., 1009s, reg. 23ec 19c 500's, reg. 65ec__ 49e HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 az., reg. 19e _____ 5c 8 oz., reg. 29C _____23e 16 az.,nreg. 45e ____39e STOMACH POWDER 4~ oz., reg. 75c __ __So9, 16 oz., reg. 1.95 ____ . 1.49 CALANRNE LOTION 8 oz., reg. 50e -_____39c EPSOMI MALTS 16 oz., reg. 25C ______19 I.D.A. Brand Paper Napkins 70 white emhassed lare sze napkns, reg. 17 , 2/33c -15c 2 ror,29c SLEEP TONIGHT Tae SEDICIN Tablets 1.00 - 4.95 I.DA. Brand COLD CREAM SOAP Finest quality toilet soap highest fat content - con- tains Lanolin - e guaranteed I.D.A. Product 2 bath size cakes 25c I.D.A. Brands TOOTH PASTE 32e - 57o SHAVING CREAM for a dlean smooth sheve '41) I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS 1 lb. tin 59e I.DA. IDASOR Diarrboa remedy 75c, 1.251I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local. I.D.A. Drug Store .300 Balancod - Fitness * - MIESANT ' Drugs Phone MA 3-î792 TRUMEIVAueA~. 281s, lmB 14ttay* eeu rom the welI. YI1TIL auint Mr$. William Werr and rg C re ýranrvnerLUlr afi. Emp Ioyèes Town Watar Avallable HERNfr o T George Van Bridger, man- Fse nodnhsMr." and Mrs. T. C. nixliie, ce a eager of th~e Public Utilities Fte w1 bs gone on, i Vista. Torontowr Mon- H ce e r ervice P inrîs cul b tpp h Im the wit his praeitors with the Harold 'Changes: Owne r town sy.stem i to the cottages, A former, resident of Kedron Mr. and Mrs. jack E1liot, TeCbugCont,> h ifa petition was reces.ved. He passed1 away recently in thei Robert andNra eeguests Th Cour mesfte Iyeqr, H ère ~SUi the rate would probablyprn of Soloffon Hooper! on Sunday of the C. WiltonLaeheHke Lage lyeqr, H ére be higher, however, since the Hancock. whbse death occurrcd family, Uxbridge. went some $2,000 in the red Srnaorty of the cottages using in his- 82nd year on, August1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose ]ast year while beingý operated iawuld flot be year-round 18th, after an iilness of more i and family spent a day with by the Cobourg Arena, wil be homies. Cottages toafthe eas than three years. During muhtçHyadMrdc aiyhnldthswne yRbr of this group use water from I0ahi iete eesd tw Hercaa nd urh amiyhadedtiswntryRbe * the an almost helpiess invalid. tterctaeli r tpe arelCugnoela oa- tetown system.ana sent visiting Mrs. Knowles, irwai announced in 'the cun- Bealth Officers Check issrvived by his wife and one Dundas.tistwnrent. AuthoritiesofteDrrn Leslie Hancock. He iived whiie M n r.Hre ace T ftienjoyed a motor trip to Hunts-h ece lb t curred b itu Northumberland Health Unit t Kedron, on the farm flOwi ville arId Algonquin, Park overbepiofbyCbugTw -stated that, according ta the occupied by Frank Hancock. In; the weekend. epi f yCbugTw Puli Halh ct te fls 5attendance at the funrli __1_______ Council, the report said, allowv ~" " ~upon the owner of a house +O Rochester, were Leslie acokig Mr. Pane-lito start off pavide sufficient water supplY and his sos Frank, Mark and M Awih dansiae.Th ta' P ~ ~ ~ Yr drinking and sanitary pur-> Robert. .Ur.LU1V goes to' him under a 50-50, gat, ~i ose fo th reidets. Mr.receipt agreement with the paes so the sietnspecMr. Born on June 1, 1874, Mr. i Mure 7 Wtésýth sniar ispctrHancock had lived a long and I Sympathy is extended to Mr. arena.Ji Mnre coach of -~said that if the cottagers wereteCms a yr wlm '7 nfot.satisfîed, they should go ta useful life, and his passing is dadMn. o y Connat ers oglnd.the theorn ts ea.will mr i A the Board of Health for an in- mureMbrrlties Aldet bo er ftheronEgan.Bgihelelhi xnr ~~*V vesigaton f th mater. friends of many years.Mr.AbtBonB, vestigaMnsnJockheGloverrand rs.Betty Ann, Hamilton, visiting 7- with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. jTests of -the water in the well Jack Brooks were tee guests of ISAHLnEMen were taken by the sanitation Mrs. Norval Crossman, Osh- C.H. anodeMr. Dnl er officers lest Wednesday, but to: awa, on Wednesday. -' M M . date, no resuits have been, r,-fmfy Hmtoacnpaid .and fmly rs. KencSheei. . ceved romthe aboatones. Mr. and Mrs. William Werry,;i by her mother, Mrs. Aylmer tnadfmlM.adMs hedfacof the moattre Donald and Dennis, were Sun-JBecsntSdyafron G. Shackleton and familyr _t. ~ hre. Wha ca b doe t daguetsof the Art Rowans, at Lynnbrook Park, also visit- tended a family picnic et Co- imprve he atersuply 1 Yelverton. ed Mr. Glenn Cerr, Whîtby. bourg on Sunday. Roy Hail now up ta the cottagers, who Mr.Hre Cosa a Recent visitors with' their Mr.ad rsF.facbr )f 3-yer pi frm Poducionaredefinitely in need of proper'; as ber guest at dmnner recenty cousin, Mrs. F. Swallow, Mr. and family spent Sunday at drnfn 30-year pinL.J. froksmOarea. and iMrs. Basil McMaster, MissWalker's Point. M-ises Grace 'Y Superintendent Bob Watt be- Souto Yt Marilyn Booth and Douglas Jennie Marquis, Wellington, Blackburn and Barbare Bath- fore a large gatbening of long- NoLv, eeamn eeget Mrs. A. Phipps, Mr. and Mrs.gaeetrdhoe ihten "'Ie are the facts: The cot-: of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Down,'R. Griffitbs, John, David, To- after spending the summer -service employees. Ron Aider tages, 12 in ail, are buit on Brooklin, on Sunday evening. ronto.te. gave an outiine of Mr. High- land rented from the Darling- We are glad ta know that Smah of this community Ms v hiteadMs n f ield's career, stating that he ton Harbour Commission, at.-a: Mrs. Russell Down is feeling 1 i extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Gea.. Pirie, Toronto, were re- - ws onninPot Hpebu ne vrylow rate. The cottages much better afteber recent ceived osi t Hobi euto iré erondbyom eiets lns.Russell W alls and Iamiy in cent visitons' with Mvr. anad Mrs. ceve Bo mnviflle. butionin reoned by sm re i is the ee esstso.n n rs udnpssing of bis fath- W. Craig. e, Bwm anvlle butrened y moe. t isthe Teaguess o Mr.andMri er, Mr. Wm. Walls, et bis son's Larry Welsh, Bob Blackburn, L_ His first job was with the owner of every nesidence who B. Starr on Sunday includeu horne. Jirn Collacott and John Twist, Ir Bnookdale Nursery, but be îe±t must .supply the weter. Town Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Curry anci Sym patby of this community accompanied a bus load af d there to join the local Good- water is available. at a price.j Lorrie. Oshawa, and Mn. and is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. AI- Cubs and Scouts to visit the> year plant in July, 1925. Lester If the well is polluted, it is Mrs. K. Ziembicki, Toronto. . bert Spencer and femily in the Boy Scout Jamboree at Niagara 9 went ta work in the belt de- dangerous ta use water frorn Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowden: loss of his sisten, Mrs. Currie on Wednesday. Is partment ta work on building it. The welI is pnivately own- and David, attended a Knawles' neSecr of Toronto. Intended For LastWeek 's transmission and conveyor ed, and is being used by the family reunion. at the Roi ( Mr. SpnceMr.H . re d beits. He was promoted'to the cottegens et tbeir own will and Simocoe Hotel, Keswick, *On wee anda itowh Mrs. H.r.remnnd r.Rnl al -final inspection table in 1949 thein own isk. Such is the Sunday. S ndy vi-srswita. Nanc and Jmmrs Rnd Hal -and has done an excellent job problem. Visitors of Mr. R. J. Luke Mr. and Mns. C. H. Snowden ICahan on Bna fe 4there. He also perforrns some Cen tl7e water if the well be and Olive, on Sunday were Mr.! Miss Marion Snowden, bave spending a week's holiday witli efield splicing wben needed. impnoved? Can a new source and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Mr. and' returned home alter a pleasant Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. ýs Mr. Highfield bas a fine ne- of water be found? What is Mrs. Arthun Wright, Mrs. Ja-1three week's motor trip ta the Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton cord et Goodyear, neyer hav- the solution ta the problem? bez Wright, the Misses Eue and' as oat and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. ding been late for wonk ini bis This is just one of the manv Annie Wright, all of Osbawa, i __________ Sbackleton, Hampton, attended 030 years service and missing9 complicated situations facing and Mr. Frank Wtight of St.- "Derry Day" celebrations at eonly a few shifts due ta illness. municipal and local authorities Catharines.1 The firgt great gift we cen Haliburton on Saturda.v anîd dHe is -married and bas tbrce in dealing with the residents Elizabeth Rowan, Yelverton, 1 bestow on others is a good ex- spent the weekend visiting et acbildnen. He lias been a memn- of their communities. has enjoyed bolidays with ber ample.-Sir Charles Mareli. Huntsv'ille and other places. rber of the Goodyear Recreetion Club for meny yeans, and for e hobby be relaxes in bis well- COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE sequipped worksbop. C ot ta geF-it (Continued from page one) 1ricane came up sbortly before seven and lested for only 15 tminutes. Roy Swindells, who DU SOE -owns the cottage immediat.ely rwest of the Carruthers cottage, justt the tunn where the West i Beac road swings eest ta gao ..mda SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE down ta the pavilion. stated that be beard e particulerly AliIace ALL THIS WEEK loud clap of thunder and then the crash of the fallinà tree. He ren outside end sew that the on the nortb side of the Carru-F IS S1CA therscottage, bed fallen direct- RYLCK E BIYI isb the annoyence and .- in half and smasbing the cen- THE PER:ECT Bhran of goo re abeI -- ly on it, precticaliy cutting 'traset.dise go e ha bev ~v g a...... tre of the farne building right HAIR DRtESSINO killrse. .:With 10 IN DURABLL tah ud.Ohe Inge "'/Bridgeport Aer-a-sol Gitiette Blue Branches of tefligte bid,.lr om 8,15 lades In riped he lecnicconuitoî ~ '~Green Cross Inseet FIy-Tox Spray 39e, 59e, 98e i thpe e e i Mn. cnduistotf Bomb----------- 89c, 1.39 FIy-Tox Bomb 89c, 1.39 Dispenser tage and puncbed holes in the lud oe re rs oshl ah roof of the neighboring cottage * Spray 43c, 62c, 99c Fly Spray ----43c. 62c,98ce on the east side, owned by Jackero om - 19 SahBob13- Gay of Oshawa.He AI b The accident cut off theB euo power ta the West Beach but pca! .DABRN W X P PE Zz_ Bowrnenville P.U.C. workers Moen I were on the job quickly and' boy SRLCR1N 2 HSeci gadl If.D.. rANWAP R $2OOVa bed bydro service restored in hf n tmhi rsigi l oi lethnsmy han tairdr hsngiii . Ulddispenser box with metal 2c 2F-or9 less than two baurs. cutting ledge. Reg. 29e roll 2c 2 4c I C E N The intenior of the Carru- thens cottage wes completely A C E M demolisbed and the bed in n~ff I ,i~ XI of tbe bedrooms was dnivIen FOR NAY EYKoR rigbt. through the floon ta thel ground bSr the terrific impact. 1 GET FAST RELIEF with Your I.D.A. Druggist bas e TOOTH PASTE Mr. and Mns. W. H. Cenruthens wide range ai preparations for _;l bougbt the five-nooni cottage mi the relief of Hay Feven. à Ti e. s A, Floyd Dudle2 y 2ine eet r gaj IL SAli tabs20,6',$1,25 Flicydwasud2ey 2 fe et rsao egs-, 0's 6Os,$1 50F and it was newly built et that Super Anohist 12's 65c, 20's $1 CEK A time. Their loss, both tot FORenTHdr& -nhaer ______ 75 building and , contents, ws K ID N EYPrbenze aer ____ 1-s6e15o O covened by insurance and Mrs. Prbnaie1, 5,50320 Carnuthers said that they wil -.__ Slz1i 59KE____ ________; buid notercotagRoeth EhazneTale59e___ _.__ __ .6, -7, .5 1 M.ýý i 1 TM UNABUR BTATIM£àm. llewmAwvrrjLle- M",àlem