Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 1

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£.rna.Ôumn tDurham Cout'sGeat Family Journal" VOLUME 101 BOWMANVILLE.T~ lrARIO(' rPTTnorQ A Àr A TTr¶TTL4r" 14.L wimmer Shirley Campbell 4oming to Lions. Carnival r-crciie VII DTarT t T àaD Shirley Campbell,' of Fergus,! and the squad of high-steppinge Ontaria, the 1 9-year-old swim- girls. The band will parade mer who swam across Lake from the Lions Communityfl Ontario early this manth, will Centre at 6:45 and wlll marchLDr. A yv se ano uncew Frday, t asbnta the scihool grounds. The Ope ns Practice, Shirley, wha failed ta estab- and temjte will preetacner-t Iish an officiai mark for cross- majoaft rtesn arriveIn Oli ver Home ing the Lake when she was Spectatars are requested ta 1 pulied from the water about a keep ail cars off the' public Allan B. Sylvester, M.D., has mile from the nearest land, bas school graunds, until after the set up a general medical prac- captured the hearts of peaple performance. tice at 156 Church Street, in everywhere, just as Marilyn Ail the booths which wi]l the- Cavcrly' house. formerly Bell, the only persan ever ta bouse games of chance and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. EQi- camplete the swim across the skill have been painted in sali "Bill" Oliver. Lake has done. bright colours and will sparkle Bowmanville's newest a1nd Shirley Campbell, an attraL- with attractive prizes of many youngest doctor is fulfilling an tive brunette, has been win- kinds.1 ambition ta work as a sinall- ning prizes for her swimming, This year's carnival is shap- town family doctor. He was since she was 13, and at 16 ing toa ah predictions, and born in Toronto and received turned prafessional and won promises ta be bigger and bet- his education there, graduatingC the rworld champianship three- ter than ever before. With ail as a Medical Doctor from th'FE mile professional race at the the regular attractions and University of Toronto.s ONE. Her timie was one haur mare for the carnival itself, He is the only son of a for-t 21:41, the fastest time since plus the two feature attrac- mer Enniskillen resident, Allans 1937,' and, only 17 seconds un- tions, the Leaside Lions Club G. Sylvester. His father xvzîst der the world record. Band and Majorettes, and Miss raised with Dr. J. C. Mitchells Competing for the major at- Shirley Campbell of- Fergus, there after his grandfather traction spot-at the Lions Car- the crawd will, no doubt, bE died. Allen is the first doctor nival, to be held in the Cen- very large, sa you had better in a family which was once tral Public School Grounds, get thereý early if YOu must mainly farmers. ,will be the famous Leaside find a parking spot. Lions Club Band and Major- Parking on the grounds wilî The new physicien, wha is ettes. This group has won flot be aliowed until after tne 25, is married ta the former many awards in international performance by the band and Martha Mulholland of Toronto,,j competition both for the bandi majorettes.1 Crop and Fruit Dama gei, -- - . '..'-----.~, 1L A ~U LU ..U b 8t'195 10e lfj4,lcPERIICOPY hTlfP~ 4 "Open House," at B.T.S. On T hi rtiet h Birthfday Wednes.day, Aug. 24th The 301h Anniversery of the tar mechanies, sheet metal apening in Bowmanviilcaof the work, machine shop work, Ontario Training Sehool eor Boys, known more familiarly shoemaking ansi other trades as the Boys' Training Sehool,' are laugbt. The visit6rs will will be celebralesi next Wed- also be taken on a tour of the nesday, August 24, by an B.T.S. farn adjoining te "Open House" from 2 ta 4.00 sehool itsd1. A special swim- p.m. ta whicb the generel pub- ming display will be stegesi in lic are consiiaîîy invitesi. the gymnesium by a group of A special 'campetition wl boys.- Tee will be servesi et Ki- also be belsi among the boys ta0 wenis Hlouse, anc of the com- select the' aulstanding boy. Fac- fortable dormitaries on the tors in the final judging, which grounsis. lwiil be helsi et 10 a.m., wilh be Plan Presentation eppeerance, olcanliness, mani- At 4.30 p.m. t ,he winner ansi ners, character, pensanality ansi nunners-up fii the campetition ability ta get alang wilb other. ,ta select the mast autstanding The publie is also invitesi toaet- boy wil be conductesi into th2 tend ibis event.- assembly hall by the B.T.S. Conducted Tours bandi ta receive their presente- Visitors duning the "Open tians fron a bigh officiel. of the Hlouse" will assemble in the au- flepertment à f Refarmi Institu-, ditorium et 2 pan. ansi he form- tions. cd int groups ta tour thp Ail residentý of this district sehoal. They will be sbown arc cordially invitesi ta attend through -the nîany buildings by these 3Oth Anniverpary ectivi- staff nembers ansi sece ctivi- tics ta sec aI first bensi the tics in the classrooms, gynna- fine work being donc by the sîum. andi the shops wbere mo-. Boys' Training 'Sebool. Charnber Wants Slogan For Town Approaches Asks Citizens to Help Tests Prove Water in Pier Not Pollufed Water lIn<the pier at Bow. mnanville Beach is stili safe for swimmin, reent tests by the Durham-Nortmmb- eriand Heaith Unit have revealed. This Is the first time ini severa.1 years that the wa- ter here bas not been con- demnned as Poliuted.- How- ever, authorities stili do fot regard the water in this section as completey clean, and consider it a ",freak" that the water hes eonsistentiy tested sae this year. Another test was, taken lVednesday morning, and If the 'acteia count is over 1,000 units (it has been as high as 100,000 in recent ycars> cards wilI be posted informing the pub- lie tht the water is con- demned. This is the first year tbet chlonination lies heen conducted at the scwage disposai plant loca- ted on the creek, and ths probabiy affects the clean- iiness considerably. Waten in the leke at bath the East and West Beach is, as usul, elean and ex- cellent for swimming. Wa- ter temperatures this year have gencraiiy been highcr than usul, and mny pe- Pe have taken efvntage of the hot weather and spent holdays and after- naons on the sandy beach- 1 lo,ýe d--exten dcd ta Temt perance St.-- S., - The merits of such slogans would be very ftting. "You runi mended that these be 60 feet hour i elitshudb n for the Town of Bowmanville into nurseries no matter wýhich i D oev r blengthanduthgecturb bepaint- fýviored o asprigo as "A Good Place To Live", "The waY You enter the town," ei dylov ugse trsi' e t aycr r akn E t n i e i D i t i tTown That Satisfies" and "The pointed out. frnFo hchteycud eoniiesretalda e ad Nurer Ton"wee al ar Ths loan eeedta e avlocated were Cawker's I.G.A. Ken Cvryfi flyweighedd considered yoal received b eea mem-T e ev Market, the A. & P.S hudbasortieiita From Safurday's Sf orm ] hab~ee(ofbers and Pesidegnt Bning eC-Yeo's Groceries, t thBomnrkig, a tePot ffc ing Monday night in'the Bal-, citizens net present at the meet- inmen athe reallMrktynd bado'jro Hurricane Connie didn't hit foot high waves washed ia moral Hotel. ing would let the Chamber have iin Store. lhested Prsen Bain es hard as ber cousin Hazel did et least three cottages and.) The Chamber is seeking a their suggestions for a sloglan ta The RCAF bas made n BuoMle asdtepitfl te fi-m utpakn ]ast year, but she cast Durhani flooded the floor. At the East short, snappy slogan for the two identify Bowmanville. agreement with Fred Dpw that the police would have ta i uî hreiih mrlg farmers a good deal Saturdey Beach store, "curb service"~ signs which it will ereet at the Favor Speciai Account Bomnvles y proeon check these loading areas ofien mighthlihsstain - therg n was of 0more value of the snack bar was flooded itown on No. 2 Highway. Presi-Idsra omte ofTwfih mn t cmpst rvrs eentprkginPk than t e damage caused. with three inches of water. dent Elmer Banting reported Idsra omiteo onhlm for the loss of his fishlc drvsweentpking i akn omte o hi H o w ar Gib on o the D ur- R ubb r bo ts w re a neces ity. ~ th t th sig s ha e be n cu out C oun il h ad agreed ta set aside grou n ds in L ake O ntario due ta them . "T he police aren 't check - good w o k n in e t a i g h 'ham Growers' Co-ap Storage After the huge waves re- and a coat of base paint applied. thin 5O0arc ocnurateby rounilte0i-n ane Tic ascîn arkin. n"The rt oop eprigstainadterfn Ltdin Newcastle, estimates 10 ceded, a sandy beach remained All that is needed naw is a inMrhfridsre rmo up in the Lake fromn Oshawadeied hyre dng arpot tieoad andiityinaere Depa Clb rnent ee!e>ta fthe apple crop was where once was gravel. Drift- / catchy slogan and the signs can ationt. Hpuiiy in ouptciataCbrn.o Tas.Iw ;rýte a h gond arywodan ube trs eebe èe e.They wllbear HethitedThe eatn o Trs. apple whih ar read ta ick ashe onto the each butname of the town and the Cham _ any cheques drawn from this c- port has taken stock of all hs IA DE If ~ " wppee - not aetedy any more seed ot hbe ccentrts ber of Commerce, plus the sîo- caunit would recquire the signa- nets and equipment, and havei Tw nVI Id e tha netfethe lakr v orietieshe eaiîyo t a ll cton of tedn'an d h nomtoture of a council -representative thanthelaýy vaietes, hemainy o 'asmal setio ofand the nfomatonin addition-toa aChamber repre- promised Édmpenisation. sae.The trees' themselves the- East Beach' "Industrial Sites Available". ettv. . The introduction of the Fi r-f4 n o%,týe ne ocarly dm etweDmg Sa Dr. Allan B. Sylvester *Town That 6atlsfies igrne sdb icatsa re flot bady damaàed.Calvin Breen reported for thetin rage tonsedubtarraft e sta- I PJte '44ewcastle and Bowmanville, The Bell Telephone and Ru- and they have one son, Don- BiC Mto nore h 2taia mercgha' amte e toe t rnoeu eeu Mr. Gibqon estimated 5,(000 ral Hydro reported very minor ald, age 9 months. Mrs. Syl- Came members present that ta etn a enhl from lake fish by from 50t bushels pl apples were on the damage, with minor line breaks vester Is a graduate of the Sick a contesita0 select g slogan hadirecently and another would be 75 per cent, Mr. Depew stae ground., caused by falling limbs causîng Children's Hospital, and work- been held a few years ega and helsi in the near future ta décide The firing range is li opera-R e turning to? ria r Pear trees and fruit, suffer- mast of their trouble. Frank ed as a public heelth nurse be- "The Town That Satisfies" had store clasing hours on holidays tion from 10 e. m. ta 4 p.m., ed even more than the apples. Williams, manager of the Bell fore their marriage. Bath bus- been chosen. Art Hooper e in September. As soon as this and fisbing- was restricted ta "Willow Acres", the oldest1I after bigascae it Corn nocke Doi~ Telephone office here, said the band and wife belong ta frater- marked that this smacked ofwas beld, a calendar coulsi be the lin% before 10. Mr. Depew and nost historie home in 1 'eterinra nOhw o Corn Knoked Dowb tree damage was much lighter niuies of the University of Ta- Chesterfield cigarette advertis- printed and distributed ta Cham- approacied the Air Farce au- Bwavle hc a en e Corn whieh stood ten feeti than during Hurricane Hazel, rente. ing, and Treasurer Gea. Moody ber members ta detail closing thorities end arranged ta have Bwavle hc a enifewmaxh mvdt al hîg pio toth sorm wa bcause "H el pctahy D.Svseram taB - then suggested "Make This Your hours for the remainder of the privileges in the range until 12 owned for the past six yearsveenainpctein a- flatened ta essthan hre clened nt il te aittrTswmnvi.e iis yar, fie firttTon".PresdentBanîng tatTheas Ths cnmitee bs a- fanltus ivin bm- lie taby Frgu E.,orril, as ben fxtad nerby arjoutxana feet, Earle Brown, assistant thernedweret alstte wit." eomnsrdleîng s e u acte i c d that the executive hasi felt ready basi preliminary discussion take in bis "gang" of nets. He soldFta Dr. .ohn E. Hendry, a was o rtn eeiayhs Agiehurlrersettie e wr asatwt. osieigstigu rciethat since Orona uses the slogan regarding deeorating the town bas agreesi ta work ta the west ntv fNwatewobspitals i ahtçecis r Bawmanville, stated. This wrî h ubi tltisCmi- nNwasl.H atcdto "A Good Place ta Live", Bow- for the Christmas season, Mr. of the mauth of Bowmanville's returned te Durham Caunty ta Hc1ndr sodteetohp. make it diffieult ta harvest, sien reported two major Bawmanville Memorial Hospi- manville should nlot adopt this Breen reported. barbour, away fram the central ivlPe tais bfr eunn aDr and may reduce the size of the breaks, on Queen Street andi tal served that con munity as phrase. The President remarked that section of the firing range. Thie graciaus white dwelling hemCutyamnh g.H crop considerably, depending Liberty Street, wbîch eut off well, andi decided be wauldI George Haekîng feit that since several local businesses have re- The RCAF notifies Mr. De- et 252 King St. E. wbieh bas bas ntmd n ein on wbether the roots were rip- power. Crews bad completed like ta work as close as passible the tawn bas large nurseries et eently been painted and tbis pew of changes in their sched-j been known variausly et The plansasytrgdngpci- ped from the ground, and tieir repair work andi were fin- ta the bospital. the eastern approaches from adds greatly ta the appearanee ules, and tbey have left smoke Manar. the Qid Scobell home, ing hs poeso n ii wbetbcr tbe cobs had develop- Gseorg by :' a.m., manager He startesi practising with Ibath Highways 2 and 401, as of the town. The flerehents flares with himi for use in case andi Willow Acres thraugh the district ed. GereisbBrersae . Di.eith Slemon a. Lhe iatter's well as in other locations witbin wbo have donc ibis deserve ta the machine gun fire fron th- century and a haîf since il was Dr. -ndyimiredtth I ree branches aver power office while Dr. Siemon was the limits, "The Nursery Town" be complimentesi, he said. plnscmst-coet in buili in 1800 will be given yet formerDrty sheeMo- Ten Foo Wa1es nes caused most of the damý on holidays. Dr. S yl ese i Fred Depew as been fishing another n me. Dr. Hendry, gin w aim aiv f L n n AtBowmanville Beach, ten age here aise. distant relative of 'the two Dr. aut of Port Darlîgo ic~wbo bas been a prominent vet- burg, N. n hybv S ickness cording ta Mrs. Sylvester, an S t19l19ISfom ham ie .first came here eri NS. sin ceal 1940,ad wia.l Joh .Lnnu- safm attractive ansi friendiy young cl i Erskine HalseatTMrs Hendryso inrHalîflvanderat- daugter, Mare.h9; ani a son Mao F o 'sA5ff10-i *, Çn .Industrial Site to Orono Tem Lii i arri ate ora en B rin s B ac M em o ies total number of medical dc home built fromn virgin timbe. from ii niohrNv B i g a k M m r etors serving BowmanvillQ ta ofeemsamUtapproprie for a me" hensalin shooer eight, enjoys tennis, golf andP l n ning L ?ep artrnent W/in First onba Uendtesilerer.yait ti e arsplembewe skiing. He does net know very Famnous For Gladioli Her gradahrwsteon O n D iepp e A ni ernr any pol eey is h. ulemeig ôdsusmn o herfls uigteaatfwyas ra /* IIII~ I LIy ounsi thet most of those n Apulceetig10dsus amn frthi fls Majr JhnFooe, .C, O-icenly e~~r~sete eannghas net are xery friendîx'. garbage collection andsi dsposal Membershîp Chairman Art Playoff Garnes Mr.anur~~testfew yel avser nicpan 0 or a joa M ons te a e forms n- c n l t hI tt.H o e r p r e ha 3 8 i taken overnig t cabin guests relativ e f C p a n A g s W l a us," he said. ey ic mth fes inbiiyof atnicîad membcrship fees for 1955 bas Orono Orpbans won the first et Willow Acres ansi Mr. Mer- ters of h leostens ititutians, is resting comfort- fire ahong te beaches, helpiîig "I've alwvavs lookesi fnrward 1 garbage collec,lon system wilî been taken in so fer. Some in- gane of their playaff series nul, wbo is a well-known bort- famous conr bc o tbyi otHp opti ans bevaremnantshembarked fori ta living in- a sinail town," be be belsi in September, Pres; _ dividuals ansi businesses a.-c ageinst Bowmanville Braokdale iculturist, bas grown new var- is reinaverng Hoelyfosp isal nglransi Majo r e i a- 'afoydetEe said, "ansi 1 hope ta mk ydetE rBanting of the willing ta. pay their fées but Rases in Orono Tuesday night, heties of gledioli there. Mr. isret ert attack ourts gln o sfr otemacf-permanent home here." Chamber of Commerce an- bave fat yet been apprtiachesi with a score of 7-4. Mornîll's "Wîllow Acres" glasi- 111s pithysicien tatesctso thet iltmaoren by the Chamber. He saisi he Confusion withîn the league, joli were already famous wben Ili phsicanstaes hatitDr. Sylvester wes e member nouncesi et the Augusi meeting would contact members of bis ansi then the weatber, cause,î be purchasesi the home six %vill be saine tino, however, fS.Gag~ nts brh0 h raiain Mna committee collecting fees ansi a delay in starting the "A" sec-yereg an fotisesn before the Durheîn M.P.P. wl in Toranto befare corning bei-e, niegbtt.iis h oba in fteInemdat ae be able ta get up, as lhe suff2r- I ansi belongesi ta the-Bible claEs Town Couneil have epproved og f osinish.tMe.B ation ote ne rmedipayo .Te Lae- tb calleiilbyat neme, ah- cd e weak spell when he triesi there wbile Rev. T. Artbhur of such a meeting, he saisi. ansi statesi thet he plannesi tanco-in d shor e agu lfs . hedu ec- or the re a r na will talev bsbc afw a ~IMorgan was assistant minister, the Chamber will arrange ta leet the membersbip fees from lest ngne wsbedhesiforndantheir r.ansirsPat will t ea hi I fwdy sbortly before Rev. Morgan have qualifiesi authorities 011 local industries as soon as pas- the tid for tonigbt, bath in mv aSneBrae ai Major Foate. through bis jcame ta Trinity Unitesi Church tesbet fgraecalice- sible. One or twa be basi ap- Memnoriel Park, Bowmanville. fripirt coe.Te~ wife. expressesi bis since ere. t pnrescrit ta answer any (Continuesi on page seven) Games next week are Tucsdey, MorrilIs bave livesi in ibis dus tbanks ta the people af Durham. . The telephone number of the questions which might arise. August 23, in Orono, Wedncs- tniet since 1938 wben tbey pur- who ave ent eleganslot-new siactor is net listesi. It i The Chamber bapes ta bave a dy i amnil, as chesesi the Henderson fern on tesady ads i bin ima. fulll disfrseerloft thrccrupn oy î bjsc ag f S ititd i nno ee thte west boundary of the Boys aniMA 3-3578. Ddiscussionsre Thrsay ar rang. es qarte Te 5y eaîoi r meotr Cbwbile they are on bh- nfns vibeis;ead neesay mile nortb of il. Their nany -- wnThe Victnar Crossor onrhe -deys, ansi s 'gettiîng ta înow îing Ibis cantraversiai matter. r C utFewllb oryI lain intt aaie m woire LossOrono, who enteresite e tinsshe ev.Pwi bcrryta monnyheeVpctorinCrossisnaye Hae a erey tha i league for the first lime tbis see nthe UneverPety oiilie- beaches f Dieppe bas been in haegu f ta mb e s re iha mailyear, ften winning the rural teningSataeraa ile n failing health duning the past bers receive a notice when * t .Crornbies t haponhi es fornia See Babe oiiegtuy ycar. especielly since the On- meetng - ta take place. î. ~fber wBaershientf tenia~~~~~~roe prvical eeeio n tanheaniieeig sentryina Frank taitiS afnmi GoreCrmbc'higbcr icague was no mistake. frbrBceo fSinii une. Thrvinialiéetihdobin uut watstesAtchrepiaGoreî r nDson be y uht nioupaed eNursing degree. tat. The sress s ithadsbibe t utn Pvc r Bnig ateit a S re arout 1 n DimisMondayTleg uwinindostes.Ooo r enrtshe ono n 'I~durd dnig te Depe v mu.s he head furnishesi the Ontaniri was put oui by Pet Yeo, from; toak "A" standing in the ansi Mrs. John Hendry, who j éd drin th DippeDepartment of Planning ansi the groccry store next door, ceague wben tbcy kept e couple 110w live i Oronio, ansi the' aas e prisaner of war ..O». j .jevelopmcnt with np-to-det with begs of sait, before ià of players from Port Hope ta feiyitel nw nIi cintributed ta bis poor bealtrih~~~ie 0! o h coulsi do much damage. srnie the home-ondtrc.HsbthBble- use of industries seking sites An alarmi was turnd in tea, compsesi of the West dry, frms on Concession St. *nd he ece t b art att ck. H on M a er ohn Foo e, .C. F rank S m is, w ho bas been for factor es. T he previ us data from one of the s bny n cW fam ly an si e num ber of w e l- east of L ýberty St., ands is on D . J h . H n r 13th Annlversary of Dieppe gemn fWrd a II far grawing pnize giadioli as ae on Bwavlewbf e De- a '- boxs 'hi-.- ei- k"'.".' 'thlte.the ex~ecu tive of lbhe Durbarnma i Major Foote's mcmary may Canadien troops. was idcntificd hobby for neny years. bes out- pentment usesi hasi stetesi thet stalled recently on the corners Keith 'ýGranp" West pitchesi Federation of Agriculture. An- es in t1 93'.Bfr e gust 19, the 131h afiniv e-r refu sesi ta Ieve bis men. When , dustrial sites. He basi correct- ansi Silver, andi the firemêý fielsi. G orge "Gencral" Jones. is wi-t the National Research, nurse g, of the Dieppe raid ta th t ht" e rmansstrbl a a oms he exhîbitesi et the Pc- esi ibis by giving five listings wr nteseei atr omrsa fteOa Council et Oiîawa ansi ethird connaissance ini farce" in which Egasb tys eis ihterboraugh Exhibition Flowcr of industriel sites oblainesiod oet.Tefnesats i, i incf a b oe. brother. A]-x. lives in New~.-,CntH mu Drese ositl lic andsinoe 6,100 of Canada the waunded, as the Germans Show belsi rccentix. Out of 19 j from local real estete agents e tin of napthbe s sedfor;ca -'JuniorerAnn"eleWeHsitx and ber bus- ansi the Comnmonwýealtb's fin-coeii. o i crimu-blooms be enteresi in the '"Open 'ansi îbree listings from privae cleain wtch ues 'uno" es1ns Cuk arniesita Garnet Rickard, jband w~0 est troaps phayedsi a gellant aelsie innse fi e e wstnu-One Spike" classification hb individuels. 1Amtogwr ev itr;1 rmnn amro .R ,mlo *~~y ~p w ent b iteanishis Mn. anlin alsopoints o To he nsl almboesMondyfor Orono. George' Joncs ansi iBownanvilc, and a secondi- tHe ansi two other Cana- esi the Victoria Cross and was taok rime first prizes, fu e- M.Bnigas one u o h irttm ody o ihoe ih()dul -maspherea hitr Wlo si ou Do Glhole wih dob" Isister, Ecith, is the wifc of Dr. Aces that nearestateagentsso indu-theere înlaCledlsatheifisl stepapiece phayesi welet the Ras- 'BruAcres"rbanlbStefrstnsaw il &long in the landing barges Wer II ta receive this hîghest Mr. Semis also cepturesi Ihelviduals wbo went la list anyI in e replacement program. es home plate,.j rtîc Mua a, terl ingwoi h onhî airnvt with the traaps ta sustein mon- sdecoration. Outboerd Marine Tnophy for industriel landi whicb tbey wisli Two boxes wil be replacesihe15 »je Major Foote vas iot siatesi Ioe Tre en h b___________inte________th eprmeteahyert isrepoprfi Gauaeet V..thyp I aeprinteribtshow ansi won a special pnize mey do so tbnough the Bow- protection. MeGrcgor's Hardware build- Dr. Hendry altendedsi shool originalfrmw kan wis wnled a seat aboard e barge After being teken pisoner in the seedling class for bis! manville Chamber on special Severai new fine hydrants ing et the west ensi of town bas in Newcastle ansi was also a which m e'i nemoiPr bygcelying an officer ta have Major Foate wes an the roasi 30 pink gladioluS. In addition. he'cards wbicb the Chamber xiii have been instailesi necentiv: ioinesi sevenal others along thej student et Kemptvillc A gnic'_J1-. feet st t eo rsnain u ,im arrested. "l'i geîting sieys. Fan two o! these be bad - eix-es a ýýpecjal -Award a' . supply. One. copx' of tbeý listinm for added protection. These are main shopping sîncet in bavinp tural Sebool. Hýý graduated rp-wirnin stl n edexencise, mind ta tramp barefoat ox-er stores1 MenU'" from the fiv'e scedling jis kept by the local Chan erlon Concession St.E.. Prince a face-lifting job apphied witb;-from the Ontarioa einr-plaster:ng h .]xas JU 1 go along'", hom aaked inao- (Continued on pagsev class jusiges. and one is sent to the Depart- St., Scugog and Mlanvera, 1a new coat ci painti Coilege, Guelph. in 1940, arid I Contine npg va I Public Parking Area Specialty Paper Lot The use of the grunds east good a job as they can with the of the Specîalty Paper Products officers thev have but the tawn Ltd. plant for a public parking needs one or twa mare men"'. site was recammended ta the Bernard Kitney alsa agreecd Chamber Of Commerce by te that the town police force Parking and Transportation needs two additional men. "ls Comnmittee at the August meet- a question of finances though", ing of the Chamber held Man- he asserted. "'The couneji just day night. hasn't got the money available Glen Hughes reported for the ibis year ta hire more police- committee that he, Coun. Tom men". Mr. Kitney also believed Rehder, Bernard Kitney and that the present town traffic Ronald Shaw, President of the by-la w does not forbid doub:e Specialty Paper firm, had look-, parking and an amcndnient ed over the site. The parkingj should be passed prohibiting, space available is 55 feet east1 this practice. and west and 185 feet dèep, 1 F1rsPrig ~tr said, and they feit that ibis H space could provide for 4î0 xrse h pno car anlepared in ou that a _4ood way to raise the crws.agepre n fu revenue for extra men onth The camnmittee has obtainedj police force would be by :n- permission ta have entrances i rialli ng par.ing meters. Geor, a from he lt ont Chuch ýHacking hcartily' endorsed titis between the town shed and the'ý propoF:ï. The town shoul I pumphouse, he said, and aiso' hv a e'sln g.Tn onto Wellington St. Cotin. Reih- would Ealve the parking prob- der had felt thet council wauld lems", he decla red. be wjlling ta provide snow President Elmer Banting ask- fencing ta keep those using the ed the Parking Committee if lot from gaing out onto Dvi- they had consdered the mat- sion St. or Temperance St. ter of sxvitA~ing from one-hou? Reeommend Loading Area ta t wo-hour parkeing- on th.> The Parking Committee also main streets. "One haur doesn't recommended that six loadind emlogeo g o1fre- areas be marked off on Kinýand olahers outside of town to 11do their shopping", he saîd. St. in front f local grocery 1 Mr. Hughes repi d t a th stores where produce trucks pledtht h would be allowed toa park ýo Committ hdnot gone ia unload merchandise. Cars dri-~' .that question, but did recomn- en by the general public coubji onn thait anc-hour parking be stopedThe ormic te e ren lodEls ettataoe

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