Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1955, p. 13

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- - -ww~uwwi-~. 'qUESDAY. AUo. ilik leu BigPrograny ,for Plcaygroi E ten I&epBM have been fqr>the liv. Dhprtinnt o r- atition palro nda ow- DiB5yile. The three-daY pro- -m ,'a will start at Central ISChool Tuesday, August 16, ýWith à attball touinrnmerit. Bach lame wilU be five lni- a4ng, w ept for the final.pay 'OU, wlchwill be seven. Thge gaMes will start at 1:30. There Will be et liait nine playens an teeam, adjdndfot more than ncl Xn at least two A Volcybsil eliminatian tour- riament aofrnixed teamu will lma Itart at 1:80. There wili be n-hine players on each team. .A bicYcie marathon with three members of each 'play- ground taklng part will com- mence St 8:30 >p..Wedinesday. The route af the marathon will start at Central School, - go north an Elgin Street to Third *Street, down Third to Manvers, north tc Thistle Valley, east again and then South through the Training School praperty. Final Protram Thuraday, August 18, at Menoiral Park, a games tour- nament Will begin at 9:30 a.m. Othawa Nemorial Service Natural Stone monument$ niankers an4 corner atones No. 2 BIG3WAT E. OP CITY LIMITS Dial OSHAWA RtA 5.6611 1atime and reverue charsea R ftPIICES AR~E FAIR 6, REASONABL MWN7POT OFF TV MNOYMENT Fi LACK OF NECESSAPY SERVICE, MYLES RADIO TV SERVIC Expert Repaira te AUl Mat 8Silver St. MA 3-341 WMAN VILE Skinny men,wopmi '~n5,10, 15 Ibsq Me e PeP, Vlm, Vigor -.What a thîil! 'Bani l Jib, ill11 t;uly h.] JoaB P, neck n ou ; uf irswae m5. who nEycaud ai befare are nmwproaudel sbaZdyý, healthy-lookdng T.bythakQteTo Table,.Conan rn tamin Bi. calcium. lelpi build bload, n~rv ~p f, tite and digesin g a gives yumaetrnl and nuliien;hepau Besh an bare bancs Clet Lovoly Curvez A; Yalu gain paunds, you Sin veiler curves toc. ~'yOTreTonfla Tablets ioa.Sehwquick )=]hl nidupbd "sny' e ta.Iran dfPen."et Ocqualnted'»ire a111Y 600. At ail druggists. '~~7.50 Ever4thingi a complotesetofaiCa"01 "Corn Flawer" pattern luaa1 generations. Yau con add ta "Con Flowie candleWck is end me ktoday. illusu 10 w-aSsd1eci ,aft, 817 m vm W5 4-sectiam réliab. ni 2'hlg lebel lou,,d eaSy on Over 250 gift sefectlc ask ta see thte- Cori <IIARR'S m Planned und Closing' iA doiland atufted animal kshow, and several other noveity *vents will b1hlisht bthe day. phe program fon Thursday Ma as foliowa: Playrrouad Games 9:30 &r. Bean Bg- baga each, 10 teet (singes md doubles, for girls and boys- Quots-20 foot (ingles and doublles, ton girls and boy); Tethtirball-.-slngles mddobes', for girls and boys. Trin Can Cicket-bwo init- igs each, anc out an innlng, (girla, Junior. and senior boys.) Doit & Stuffed Animal Show' 2:00 pani. Prizes ton biggest, amalleit,. prettiest face, best dreaaed, comic, mcmt original, twtns. Fneckle Conteat 1:30 p.. Three childrun tram cacil park. This la ta bo judged by ane square inch ai face only. Bubble Gain Contest 1:45 p-n. Four chidren tram each park bwo stick lirnit, uach chilldemtitlcd ta twa chances. Wldest Gain Contest 3:15 p.m. Three children fromn each' playground. Bicycle Rodeo 3:30 p.m. Pive children tram each playground. Three events, sla- lom, newspaper boys' bhrow, and rail ride. LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. Roy' Aldsworth and Stanley, Courtice, Mr. and 1Mrs. Norman Caflocutt and Jer- ry Giles. Tyrome, with Mrn. G. Kayacs and Gabriel. Mn. and Mns. Dlek Evens and Mn. and Mrs. Dekrijger, Toron- ta, and Mn. and Mrs. Paul Van- eyk, wlth Mn. Robent Slm an Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Ailyn Baker and Janet, Cookstown,__with WESLEY VILLE 1 Mr. and MFE. 0..Baker. wemay Congratulations ta Len Ough retunned home with ber par- te n on o hi u entaceas at the Peterborough Glad Mn. Francis Jabmsbon leit lolus Society Show an Sabuî Saturday wlt t bw ionda for day, Auguat 6. This was bel a two wceks' vacation ln Flan- in conjunction with Peterbor !da. 1augh Exhibition and Len woi Mns. Wilson and Mrs. Cun- bbc bighest points in the show~ ningbam, Toronto, with Mr. Len bad 21 finats, 13 seconds and' Mns. John Jobnsbon. and 7 thirds. Donna exhibitec s.'Mn. and Mrs. Bort Johnson in the junior section, ail o: and Jean, with Mn. and Mrs. which had ta be gnown by jun. Walter Oke. Bul'kebon. iors themseîvos. She won bigh. Mr. nd rs. taney Gbleest pointa in this section; beai Mr. nd Ms. tanly Gale pike in bbc junior section; anu and boys, Tyrone, w1th Mn. and won 5 firsts, 2 seýonds and SMns. A. J. McLaggan, Saburday thirds. Anyone accustomcd t< 71 vening. seeing these beautiful iiowen, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, is quibe sure thîs succesje Muriel and Bobby, Janetile, richly desenved. Thene werc Mn. nd Ms. fye Gbsananddifficulties last Satunday fon a Sandra,nwith Mn. and Mrs. J. severe windsborm struck bhe R. Parkison, Fenella; Mn. and park juat cter thc exhibits bac Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Hampton, boom placed, damagod some 0] :EMr. and Mns. Harry Fraser, tbe tenta, toppled baskets of SOrono, Mt. and Mrs. Frank bloomas and damcged many af IlHolnoyd and son; Mn. and Mrs. them btoa. sw Lnce Plain, Bowmanville, hr we 3 atSny Itwb Mrs. Edibh Murphy and Ter woe3 atSna IMn. and Mns. Harold Murphy. School on Sunday mornnmg witli Mn. and Mns. Morley Hooper many absent on bolidays and and famiy, Saskatchewan, Mn. athens through filmesa. The and Mrs. Art Richards, Tyrone;. Sunday evening congregation Niwith Mr. Rpbert Sim S1'aturday was glad ta welcome back Mn. e enngi- Harding ai ton bis holiday and r:Miss brace Smitb accompan- liaben once again ta bis fine l ied Mn. and Mns. J. C. Cook message. This timo bis message adfamily ta Penebang and cancerned the notion that so spent tbe weekend with Mr. many have who couid do tbc and Mrs. Ted McBride at their work botter - trrm driving a Z' cottage on Pinery Point on crata makn etrjba SGeorgian Bay, John and Lau-Ceaon ' raine nemaining for the week. Canai Tborndyke and Yvomne Mrs. Gardon Fletcher and Parnell reburned home fromn Stanley, apont Monday in To- camp at Tuosday and like aur ronnto. othen two campons reoat a Mn. and Mrs. B. DeVries' neai happy ime. Mn. and Mrs. ýg bwo daughbers, Adianna and Don Carby and Ted oi Toron- Agatha, wore marnied in tbc ta were rocent visitons with 'R. C. Chunch, Bowmamvilie, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Austin. >3 Saburday, July 3Obb. The ne- Mn. and Mns. Conby rctunned ception was held i Tyrane home a week aga but Ted ne- hdCommuniby Hall, Club 49 ca- mained witb Roy. Mr. and Mns. tcneing ta aboût !arby guests. Austin book bîm home lasb Threshing and combining are weekend when bhey spent bbc Rearly complobod in bbc com- day lhe cicty. muniby. The tobacco pickonz Mn. Theyamoyer ai Part Br!- startod Monday s0 the summer tain and bis famiy hav~e beeil lai roaily 'going. baving a happy reunian theso Club 50 will moot Tuosday past few weeks wîbh bis siaben - voning, Aug. 16, at tbc Mur- who is payimg Canada a visit. phy home. She will return ta Holiand in a shart time. *Mn. and Mns. A. A. Martin ai Part Credit, visibed with Han- old Bannawclough's on Friday; Sunday visitons at Ougbtred's wene: Mns. D. Vaninatto and Cecil ai Bowmanvîlie and Mn. and Mrs. Shirley Vannatto ai Pont Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Fursey ai Osh- awa, calied on fionda bore on Q Monday aiternoon. On Saturday aiternoon Aug- ust 6 the annuai Sunday - Schooi picnic was beld at Port Bitain Shores bhraugh bbc kimdmess ai Mn. H. Danke. s4.95Thene may be a ime wben more chiidrem attend bbc picmic than attend Sunday Scbooi ne- 4guiarly but this was not bbc case on Saburday. Thene were i bas than tbc average S .S. at- tendance but this was because ai busy days wben some par- ents wero unabie ta be bbere. Those who wene prosent enjoy- bbcth usuai happy day and butflpienie aupper. Resuits of the games and races wore'aâ follows: Beginners - Suzanne $ 5 ELyden, Leslie Ford and Lanny 3 ' .2~ Dinner. Race-Junior- Paul Austin, Linda and - Sharon a uTborndyke. Inter, girls-Ban- nie 'and Manie Austin. Sn. boys ewick tablewaru in the famnous -David Wyse and Ronnie Dmn- Possession ta b. cherish.d for mer. your net as you wish because Shoe kick--Beginnes- Les- an open stockdesi,>. Crn in lie Fard and Suzanne Eyden. Juniors - Sharon Tharndyke and Paul Austun. Ibten- Girls- rai.d: Bannie, and Marie Austin. Sr. M.!%~ inuhamle luamcetrq Boys-David Wysc and Rannie Dinnen. Bahl Throw - Beginnens - MIN James Nicholle and Leslie Ford. Junior--Paul Austin and Linda Thorndyke. Inter. Girls -Marie and Bannie Austin and Canal Thorndyke. Ladle.-.-Mrs,. Hfanold Best and Mrs. AZ'Thorn- mof ployer'hfie Cui laa.wati dyke. Men-Ctlarnce Nichols psto chocat trom... and Truman Austin. Sr. Boys- David Wyse and Pat Eyden. ,n Flower" catlogjue Shoe scramble-Juniors--Shar- 61-07 an Thorridyke and Wanda Fard. bner. Girls-Manie and Bannie UÀr Austin. Sr. Boys-Davîd Wyse Jeelleyd Rnnie Dinner, J e .. ry Nail Driving-Ladies- Ber- nece Best and r. .Bet *Mn-Harald Best and Mra Id it d 2 j TIE CANADIAI< TATzsmAN. EowmANvE.LE=OETAERO. 01PACN ?Imm Brjti5h Young Farmer in Durham Countv Rare Qbject Brought to Our Atention Mn,. Peter Bradley, 38 Jane St., Bowmanville, uw the pho- tagraph of tbc unusuel object thougbbtat be a klnd ai pntsm i the Canadien Stabeuman ôf July 28, and bhaught asehad samebhig utIlîÙ hIhen pou. session, lb was difficuit ta judge suze from the photo, and- the abject tliat Mn.. Bradley bogti provcd ta bu a vary greât deal unafler, about 9 I- ches long. It containa in bhe middle section, a thermometer regis. tering tram 20 ta 140 degrees, which revolves ta show on the other aide 'Dr. l'orbes Speciti- cations, Germany", and run- ntng opposite the fgreg on the thermomnetor begi1nntng ab the bobtom are: "!Freezing, cold bath,- temp. cool, tepid, warm, hot." The thermometer las&et tIn wood wlth a waoden bandie at tht top and the appearance ai thene having been another handie at the bottom. Trhe thermometen may have beld qulck silvor. Sa bore la anothen puzzle. Wbat was thia ther- niometer used for? Ib came tram an aid bouse In Toronto purchasod by the Bradicys which was full of antique fur- nibure and many old objecta. Mrs. Bradley's mather, Mns. Wm. Whlbtaker, who is 88 and litres with hèr, says that she nemembors sametbing like lb bcing uscd wbon churning to make butter. Have neaders amy confirmation - or other ideas about this? The "fncczing" and "cald bath" would indicate lb must have bcd ather uses, Most Crops Suffering From Hot, Dry Weather No Pasture for Catf le The recent bot, dry weatber has caused muet ai the, crops in Durham County ta produco a belaw-average yield, acdord- ing ta a report by Agricùirie Representative E. A. Summers, thia week. It is expected that tbe nain yesterday will be ai tremendous value in this area. The anly crop which was not seriously affected was say- beans, whicb is expected ta produce an eveni langer yield than usual. Pasture land bas - suffered, and Mn. Summers states, "Most pastures are mot mucb more than exencise for bbe cattle and moat dairymen are stable ieed- ing tbem." Milk flow is beloxv average ion this time ai year. The winber feed crop for livesbock is very limibed, due ta the weather, and there is a passibiliby bhat some farmenis may have ta buy grain ion winbcr ieeding. Howover, quite a number have some hay left and witb this year's limited c.-Jhv 4-cl hae uifi<- 1 ient 'roughage for winter feed- Percent Normal Mr. and Mrs. Norman John- Fall-wheat '00, Spring wheat son and family are visiting re- Infost fields of potatoes and none, Oats 80, Barley 82, Rye latives in Chicago. corn are developing quite sat- 100, Flaxseed nane, Mixed Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tennant isfactorily, but rain is needed grains 82, Dry peas nane, Dry anld family, Mr. and Mrs. R. to finish off. Mangolds antl beans none, ail hay and claver, Poster and family are enjoying turnips appear about average including Aif alfa 75, Pastures holidays in the United States. for this crop. 50, Soybeans 110, Buckwheat Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist land Soul bas been very dry, and none, Mediüm and Late pota- family motored Miss Nellie rain is badly needed for ail tocs 90, Roots 95, Fodder corn, Ridehalgh home ta Kingston crops. One consolation is the 80, Corn for husking 80. on Sunday. Mr. E. Twist, Cape Breton, N.S., returned home with them for a visit. M.and Mrs. G. Shackleton Cartwriht Raises Rates > Mr. and Mrs. 'F. Blackburn, and LA ~ famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist Heus M ny eevtC Sanid family attended the Foley H e rs~pienic at the Cream bf Br Council met on Tuesday, Aug. Williams' Point delegation ne- Par andSatrda. BueLtl 2nd, with members ail presentIquested to be included in gar-anfmiywrSudyvit and Reeve in the chair. bage collection next year; toM. and M rS. K a c ii- Large delegations were pre- have calcium chioride appliéd s it sent, anc from Scugog Point, ta their road; ta have road im ean. Misses Lynda and Jan- Williams' Point, Shady Acres, proved between Williams' Pdint et remained for holidays with Shady Bay and Rowan's Beach. and Shady Acres. and also the their cousins. Scugog Pointwas heard first entrance road ta Jack-rabbit Run ý Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn with Leo Brayiey as chief and at the bend going into the and family enjoyed a picnic at spokesman. This delegatjon Point; ta have the County Raad Cobourg on Sunday with Mr. wanted a building by-law passed from Caeýsarea School ta Caes- and Mrs. Lorne Morton and for~~~ LaeSoebta te raptchdo( eurae.Ti famiy, Toronto, and Mr. and forLae Sor bu a o.he aea a hedorresrfced TisMrs. Francis Thompson an:i Lake Shore cottagers didn't faîl piece of road was pronounced as aiyTon in lime 100 % it was decided ta the .warst piece of road in On-faiyTwn limit by-law ta Scugog Pain tario. They also wanted soe Miss Louise Goddard, Cour- anly. The Clerk had prepared thing done about County Road tcsetTedywt r sample by-law but as sa xnany from Caesarea ta Vîewlake. and Mrs. L. Welsh and family. Master Erie Shackleton is abjections were raised it was The Rowan's Beach Associa- holidaying with bis grandpar- decided that he prepare a new tion deiegation was cbiefiy in- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bail, Provi- by-law and have special meeting terested in their park. This is dence. the next night. a pnivate park for the cattagers There will be no W.A. nmeet- an Plan 14, but it is used by ing in August. everybody until four o'ciock in __________ the norning and the ice in the F 1 N A L spring and waves ail summer are wearlng away the shore and Nestlelon Station soon they wiil have no park. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Eatan, ClIea rance, They had several speakers talk- their daugbter and son aift ing at the same time and ail Mary's brought Mr. and Mit appeared ta want the shore-line Jas. Robertson af Unity, Sask. SU M M EK filled with stone ta stop the ta visit with Mrs. Robertson's erosion. , After a long and in- sisters, Mrs. Joseph Farder and S il ~ ES s discussion a grant of Mrs. John Watson. Hal stnigthat they would get lef t Monday morning with M. someane ta draw the stone. - and Mrs. Rubert Byers ai Bow- Tenders for bridge on develop- manvilie, on a mator trip to mént road East of Blackstocki the east coast. were opened, from Farrell Con-j Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bac ai T-i struction, Warkwortb. and Dur- nonto. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ham Construction, Part Hope. Cut1kbertson ai Oshawa visited' The tender of Durham Construc- Sunday with Mr. and idrs. Mal- tion was accepted at unit bid colm Emerson. o cement and steel. Construction visit with ber brother Orville will be atarted at once and ofa Calgary, ta Vancouver and Whie Pumps bridge compieted by Sept. l5th. ather western pointa. IMr. Edwqrd Sues resigned as Mr. and Mns. Wm. Ferguson Weed Inspector and thc applica- af Oshawa, cailed on friends ti ' / Price tion ai Lloyd Passant at $50.00 the village.I ua per year was accepted. Mn. Mrs. Mlldned Colley an Passant starts duties at once. thnee chlldnen, Patricia, Lynda Y c L J' Sanals By-Law No. 999 a by-law ta and Virginia, bave moved ta ChlîureflsSadl set school rates Jor 1955 was the villag e witb ber parents, given third reading, signed and Mr. and Mrs. T. Langfeid. O ~.$ I~ft sealed. Harvey Rogers ai' Toranto, One rite_ _ I$.50U By-LaW~'908, a by-law ta aet and a boy friend, Lee Barber, General lRateu, given third nead- af Oshawa, visited bi& grand- int ,signed and sealed. mother, lMrs. Jas. Samnells and Ladies' Sandals ¶ates are as iallows: General Norman.. Township Rate il mills, County Mr. -Orton Brodburna cf Jani- Rate 11.1 milla, Road-s and Brid- ebville, visited Mn. Limer Nes- One Price $9 ges 9. mils, Municipal Grght taitt. Scbools 3.6 mils, Higli Schooi Miss Florence Fair, Toronto, Rate 8. mills, Publie choai Area was a weekend viuitor with hen 8. mils..Dcvltt's S.S. No. .3, 6.6 aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Farder; milis, Debenture Rate 2.5 mual, and attended the Bailuy - JO HN STUT - iFederation ai Agriculture kThampson. wedding. mill, Garbage Collection (Lake Messrs. Earl Bowena and Ar- Shore) $1.50 per assesgment; noid Williams are on holidaya SH O ESBlackstack Street Light (village from work in Oshawa titis 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 only) $7.35 per assesament; St. week. BOWMANVILLE Christopher Road. (St. Christp- IMrs. White of' Dubarton is er only) $6.64 Per assessment. visiting Mn. and Mrs. Geoyge Thùtsgivezanara venU lrate of 53.2 Bowers. .. iact that army worms, a scourge in many pasb years, are causing no damage. FaIl Cropa Most ai bbe iali wheat and fali rye bas been harveated. The average yield waa slightly beiow average. A few good fields ai imil rye went ta 60 bushels ta bbe acre, but most 'were fromn 28-30. Wheat was about 20 bushels ta bbc acre. Spring grain harvesting was about ten days early. The bay-Icrop was barvested- in excellent condition. There la practically nd' second bay cut. An estimate af the average yield per acre is 1% tans. New secdings ai alfalfa, hay and claver crops seem ta be fair, but rain will have ta came soan ta save them. An indication ai bbc crop yield may be gained irom bbe iollowing chant, oxpressing the condition ai bbc crop as a per cent ai normal, as ai August mills, an increase aif7V? milii aven lasb year. By-Law No. 1002, a by-law ta exprapniate land - needed fon roadway at Williams' Point, off, Lobs 74 and 75, Plan 137, nead finsb and second imne. By-Law No. 1003, a by-law defining an aresa ai aub-division contrai in ail that Part ai bbe Township ai Catwright im- mediately abutlng bbc ahanes ai Lake Scugag ta a distance ai 2,000 foot from bbc waten lino ai the said lake, unden authon- itY af bbe Planning At1955, Part 2, Section 24; nead a tlnsb and second time. Council adjourned at 2:15 a.m. Special A special meeting was cailed an Wednesday, Auguat 3rd at 9 p.m. ta consider a building by-law for Scugog Point. Pro- sent: tbe Reeve, Depuby-Reeve and Councillor Suggitt and four from Scugog. By-Law read first, 2nd and 3rd time and fin- ally passed, signed and seaied. The debails may be obtained from te'e Clerk. Council adjounned ta Monday, August lSth at 8 p.m., ta con- aider Drainage By-Law and give third rcading ta By-Laws Nos. 1002 and 1003. Henry Thompson, Clenk. any agent f f a p e1 Business School FALL TERM.BEGINS SEPTEMBER 6 For Enrolment write Mrs. C. A. Barileli, Box 487, Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5434 10 to 12 arn. daily or cail for a personal interview at "The Bluffs", Bowmanville Beach East, eveningu. HolidaySpecial! i$40.00 value Aluminurn COOKWARE FREE Corne In... See If Today ! wlth each QUICFREZ REFRIGERATOR Five-year Written Guaraute. O'Three Door Uhelves * fig Freemer Vhest holdi 8n Ibo. * Ro.my Qule-Chhli Tray Lovoly Colon Styhusu Tel.e vistion Service pC'@UPBU 33 King St. West 4 MA 3-3883 Mn. amd Mns. Theodore Wat- son, Norand; Mn. and Mns. Fred raburn, Janebville, were Sun. day guosta with Mr. and Mrs. Eani Bradbunn and bhe boys. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Smith, Toronto, have returned tram their trip ta Newiouridiand and spent the woekend wlth Mn. and Mrs. W. Archer. Miss Joyce Graham in taklng a course at Five Qaks Camp at Paris, Ont. Mn. and Mns. Stan Rabm, Paul and Canal upent the week- end at Perth. The Derry Day annual, chunch parade was on Sunday cvcning ta bbc Unibed Church. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wright spent tbc Clvlc Holiday weekemd with fniemds in Bancroft and attendcd tbe Rutlcdge iamily piculc. Mns. May Pritchard, Toronto, vlibied Mrs. Howard Bailey and tcmily. Mns. Mark Weldan, Uxbrldge, with Misa Eva Parr and other relatiý-es. Several tram bore attended Peterbono Fair lasb week. Mn. Fred Trewin acted as judge ai swime. Mn. and Mna. Bill Rutledge and Ganry, Detroit, vislbed Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wnigh. 'Mn. Merlin Bailey leit Malton on Manday evening ta retunn ta Winnipeg. SMn. and Mrs. Cecil Flett, Osha- wa Ms J . lt owman il Èanio Brown, summer assistant ta L, ci aummers, DunI-am'Coù.nty Agicultural Representative, points out ta Brian Williams a British "Young Farmer" who is stay- ing at Blackstack with Glenn Larmer on the exchange plan, same interestlng places in the county. Pamela Greenslade, who is staying at Welcome, near Port Hoeis also taing part in the exchangc pragram, and accompanied Brian on the variaus tours through the dounty. 1 1 Family Home For 7Oth Bithday mes. .wm. ,cobban Mr. and Mr. William Cob- ban entertained at their ruai- dence, "MarziW d iod HrSt. an August 4, e eîhonr OT hit mother, Mrs. William Cobban af Toronto, who oeebnated hon 7Oth bithday. The PartY was annaned es a completo surprise ta Mr. Cobbari.- Prescrit were membera of her family ler son William, Bow- manvilie; Mm. Eanl Greeftwell, Toronto daugb±er, at.,omnIP- led >Y Wf. Gnuerawell; and an- other son LAC Robert Cobban stationed at Trenton Air Base accampanicd by his wife and chlldren Roberta,ý Penuel, Vic- toria, Candace and David, Mn. and Mn. William Cobban's two sans. William and James, loin- ed in thie fun afid games witil their litre littie cousins. A niece, Mis& Carat Messie, Taronta, i who la spendlng bbé summuer wibh the Cobbans, was aiso prement. A speclal guest was Mn.. Cobilan Sernior's sisten Anne! tram Sydney, Austraia. The1 subters bad flot seen anc aniothen fon over30 ycars. Reirealimenta ticluded a beautiful birtbday cake, spe- cially decaratcd for tbc occa- sion, and bearing a, quota ai candlos whlch tbc guest ai hamar biew out with ane pufi -a good amen ton gottlng the wish anc is aupposed ta niake at such a tjime. a le ville, with the M. Gklm a id B. Harris familles. Congratulations th B& ra>d àks. Neil James Bulhy (tbgZn Thompoon), on their mlftiage 1 audi~. Austina eacock are ln Trnotogmttheir 1. légrand-dau hte h a boniISa Tbured&y to à. and iMrs. John -Mow. k M . ad M rt. Georg Wolfe. Bryan and John;, holiaelye lait iwek at F.rndale, Mukok, and iattended the Canadian IKeswicc Conferenee. Congratulations to ài. ad Mrn. Harold Collins on the blxth of their daughter on. Satarday et Port Penry Mnemor~ialomicpituL. You K'ow, up the dBy yOu bave y aur tinat real laugh--4t yurslf~-Ethe1 flarryMore. WANTED! ?«X - Eandy, wlth a hommer -~ part or tati trne -=forabout six Brookdale Kimgsway Go By Train to the TO RONTOI Canadian National Exhibition, AUG. 26 TO SEPT. 10 Low Rail Faret $2.35 Coach Good golng Thunder, Aug. 25 tb 5Bt., sept. 10 Inclusive Retun Limit-SePt. 14 a a a OTTA&WA Exhibition AUVG. 20 te 37 $10075 Good toint Fridsr, Aug. 19 ta Bat., Auff. 27. Inclusive Return Llmlt-Aut. 29 Parlour Car an Berth Pare Extra Pull Information tram, 1 -ill. ý MA 3'3883

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