JB, W I A V , 'NURDAY AU. lthlm Imm, a?1tA ~ IP If I. I WDAI.V Bantams Win Trophy 1 WiII Now Meet Port Hope l Bowmanvill. Bantams won the John Foote Lakeshore Tro- xhy, defeating the Newcastle team two str'aight last week. .Bowmnanv4lle finished at the top of the league. Newcastle was the highest place team from a village. .The champions now meet Port Hope, the other town team in their four-team league,* to determine who advances fur- ther into the playdowns. Dates. b ave flot yet been set for these games. The second playoff gamne,I last Thursday, looked fdr- a while as if Newcastle, last yegr's Ail-Ontario vilus g e champions, would tie the ser- ies. They scored five runs in the first inning, whiie Bow-, manville got only two. How- ever, the Legionnaires got three batk in the top of the third irining to tie the score. Bow- manvulle scored three more in the fifth, and Newcastle added one in the'sixth to complete the scoring at 8-6 for Bowman- ville. Bill Bates hurled all the wa-y for Bowmanville. Roses WiiI Play Orono' For Lakeshore "B" Titie ,Bowmanville Brookdale Ros- qs. league champions, and the second-place Orono Intermedi- a!tes play off for the "B" sec- tion championship of the Lake- fhore League. e Cabourg and Coîborne, thp two "A" teams, trailed their 4-estern competitors, and wi'll play off against each other for the right to enter the O.B.A. playdowns as an "A" team. Each playoff series is a four- out-of-seven game match, and must be completed by August, 26. Both were schedule dto start Wednesday, August 1'_ The dates have been set for the first five games of the "B"1 INTER-( senies playoffs as follows: Wed. Aug. 10 - Ononoe t Bowrnanville. Thurs. Aug. Il - Bowman- ville at Orono. Mon. Aug. 15 - Orono at Bowmanvîhle. Wed. Aug. 17-Bowmanvile at Orono. Set. Aug. 20-Orono at Bow- 1 manville. Bowmanviile will be out to repeat last year's winning pe- formance, and Orono, last year's Rural Baseball Associa- tion champions. will he aiming for an outstanding fîrst year in this league. OUNTY SHARON MORRIS, Niagara. around the Bell Tele'phone c Draw Winners For Bail Tickets At Rotary Club Winners of the Rotary Club draw for basebali tickets for games from. August 12 to the- end of the season are as fol- lows: Tom Carter, Dave Rey- nolds. G. Burgess, H. Phillips, Dr. D. Hubbard, F. Blunt, W. R. Strike, S. R.,.James, j. Fleit (Oshaw-a), S. R. James. R. Prout, Bob Kent, R. Rickaby, G. Burgess. 'SOLINA NMr. and Mrs. Bruce Tir Neland Herbie and Mrs.- A die Tink, visited at Sunderlar Dianne Tink visited at Per Dewell's, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Coc Susan and Frankie. Mrs. Edi Marlowe, Mrs. George Muti( and famuly, Bowmanville, we at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Jr. Joan Westlake is holidayii at Mr. Frank Cook's, Bowmai ville. Mr. and Mns. D. Flett ar chîldnen, attended the Leafl Youngman picnic et Mr. J. N vell's on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langma attended a picnic at Mr. Eve ett Mountjoy's, at Kedron. Mn. and Mrs. D. Flett ar childnen visited at Mr. Bihl G roy's, Oshawa.' Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires ar family visited at Mn. W. Spires, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cý bonne, Bowmanville; Mr. ar Mrs. Allen Balson and famil Kingston; Mn. and Mrs. AIE Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Bry( SBrown, Oshawa; Mr. and Mr Don Vanderk@ff, Rocheste visited at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Mn. and Ms. Ray Pasco Sand Beverley, visited at M. Bill Moore's, Cobourg andz IMr. J. W. Dyer's, Oshawa. Mrs. Evelyn Bell, Billie ai Donna, Oshawa, were Sunda visitors et Mn. John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer'an children attended a Hame family neunion at Mr. Joà Hamer's, Myrtle.* Gary Ormiston, Bowman ville, visited bis cousin, Ronni Baker. Gail Baker had holîdeysa Mr. Ralpb Ormiston's, Bow manville. Members of the Crydermai family met at Hampton Pari on Su nday to visit with theil cousins, Mrs. Ethel McKague I of San Francisco and Miss Hil de Cryderman of Vernon, B. C Mr. and Mns. George Knox Cenol and Marilyn; Eldon anc Russell Shoan, visited at Mr. H Fanrow's, Starkville. Mns. Bernice Cole, Allar and Jean, Mr. Ralph Simpson Bowmanville, were at Mr. Weý Hilîs'. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Montgom. ery, Dale end Gordon, Oshawa visited at Mr. Bruce Teylor's. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylci were et Mrs. Doneen Brook's Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith -and Anna, Misses-Jean and El- ma Cryderman and Helmei Freitag, Oshawa, visited a, Mr. E. Cryderman's. Maxine end Debore Wray. 1 Oshawa: visited et M'ir. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman's. Miss Luella Hepburn, Osh- awa, spent several days at Mr. Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitst and sons, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs D.Coates and Phyllis, Whiby visited et Mr. Stan Millson's. Mn. and Mrs. Ahf Allun and sons, Bowvmenville. Mrs. 1Hill of Toronto, wene Sunday t-isit- ors et Mr. Wes Yellowrlees'. {Some people bave found I' easier Io wonk for thein wants than outlive them. tnd. ýry ýok, fith ere i n ind Ki- knd 11i- tnd J. rid lv, .ec ce nrs. er, le /Ir. Ukrainian Nite Children under 12 .--iii KINS MEMOF . 7:30 p.m. years of age presenting this advt. 1 be admnitted f ree. ;MEN CIVIC ZIAL STADIUM OSHAWA This Week - at the Royal FRIDAT - SATURDAY - AUGO 12- 13 "The Outlaw Stallion"à* (Technicolor) Starring PHIL CAREY and DOROTHY PATRICK Also "The Pain ted Hils" (Technicolor) 4ction Drama, starring "LASSIE" Fri. Eve and Sat. P.M.- Chap. 8 of "CODY" Friday- 7 and 8:30, Saturday, cont. from 6:30 MGNDAY - TUESDAY - AUG. 15 - 16 Women's Prison" (Aduit) Starring IDA LUPINO JAN STERLING - HOWARD DUFF (Story of women-led revoit and events that brought about extensive refoims) Time: 7 and 9:10 WED. -THUR. - AUGUST 17 - 18 frjATINEE WEDNESDAY 2 P.M. Len Oughtred ,Top Winner At Glad Showj STARK VILLE Mrs. L. Jamieson, Bewdley, and Miss Stutt, Oeono, at Ms'. J. HaUloweil's recently. , Mn. and Mrs. G. Piltz and family visited at Mn., Victor Gladioli growers in this area Ms ole aî,Trno areonc aainmakngthe Mr. Llew Hallowell's. news. The show season has Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Marti started, and several local peo- and daughter Louise, Por ple are winning prizes at the Credit, visited at Mr. Arthui exhibitions. McKay's last Week. 0The Peterborough Gladiolus Miss Lewis, Saskatchewan Show, held last Friday and visited Miss Norma Hallowel Saturday, was the first major --- -- show of the season. Top win- ner was Lenb Oughtred, R. R. 3, Port Hope, who won manv awards, includirsg the Gladia- lus Society award for the most points in the entire show. Hel also won the Canadian Gladio-1 lus Society challenge cup for the best spikes in the show and ',' the Canada P.ackers challenge cup for the best bucket of' glads in the show. Frank Samis of Bowman-' -' . .4 tville won the Outhoard Marine. s cup for the best spike in the' show the first day, and Dr. E.. W. Sisson, of Bowmanville, 1 Iwon the award for the best 1 spike of pure white mn the show. Dr. Sisson is one of the most coisistent winners in g lad shows. This year, he en-' tered only a few blooms, n- cluding maînly seedlings. on-the-Lake Operator, shows 11 -year-old Scout Kent Boucock Dr. Sisson cleaned up in the (Preparaion D y- 1 newintrducton cassDayc ffice set up for the. Boy Scouts'Worid Jamboree at Niagara- faue a spike- of gladiolus, on-te-Lake n Auust.anyvariety, named and intro: I on-heLae n Agut.f -duced to the buying public rrido n since Jan. 1, 1951. Frank Samis was awarded a special prize in Courtice Leads League îas forhis IA UGUST 1 0 Len Oughtred placed first i ai 55 ive of fine sections in the . AsIo r al c e ue Class A oewihicue As F otb ll S hed le everal types of floral arrange- ments. H loe also bas the best iaî ture group of three spikes andi Céme to loseAug,3 inthe three spike class open,, he copped 14 of 16 prizes in anj With the schedule ending1 we will nlot know until after the entry of 35. Mr. Oughtred also! Aug. l3th, Courtice are in top Saturday game this week, the took the most prizes in the one position, and Solina have second definite standings. spike ciass open, with 15, but' place ail alone. Depending on AIl semi-final games will was given a close run by Frank' outeome of games this week commence at 7 p.m. E.D .T., and Samis, who won 1M. j_____ Zion and Maple Grove will have ail final games will start at 6:30 Ed. Summers, another local third and fourth positions. E.D.T. Ail series will be a best gladiolus expert, entered only Playoffs will get underway on' of three with first four points a few and won two first, three Wednesda ' , August l7th, sol a deciding factor. seconds, one third and one please consult members of your The following is the. standing fourth. His entries too were, teamn for location of the game, as1 as of August 6th inclusive: mainly seedlings. Senior League Donna Oughtred carried the! Teamn GP WV L T GIE GA Points family tradition into the show Solria-------------il 0 68 12 1 23 207 15 ample of victory by winning Solia ------------------ - Il 6 2 3 20 15 five prizes in the junior coin- Maple Grove----- 12 .6 4 2 25 21 14 petition, încluding the best Zion - --------- - . il 4 3- 4 20 16 12 spike of the first day. R H-amipton 11-- i 2 6 3 16 28 7 Tl* hot, dry weather of rec- BR Ennikilln il 2 6 ~ 1 ,~ ent weeks bas caused a slight Enrnke- --------- --12l 2 8 2 9 18 7 drop in quantity and quality ofOf Tyoe ------ 8 2 4 8 6 entries, but flot enough toe make a great difference. A to- JUSilOf uen taI of 341 entries was on:y NE WTON VILLE XENDAL down about 25 fromn last year. adBg anratae d st iven J ndHi Mr. nd rs. im.Gilmr M. an Mr. MitonLowe Frtae firdst i eino have taken a cottage at Darkis! and Ronnie, Peterboro, were on the seedling class. which was Wes Beach for two weeks.1 vacation last week with her par- well above average. Miss Barbara Stapleton re- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Patton. turedinhtoeesuwi te r. tosToron Sunday after stngerte Sa evtn. (is D <.q- turndnhomýe we M.it oont Sunday altrMs NnyB ern rtrnged Sh m westar iiin i boh and Mrs. Lennox Vasey of. sevenal weeks with Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Thickson, Osha-T OC Pont MeNicol. Stoker. wcle nM.adMs it Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster Mr. and Mns. George Clark Robinson Sunday evening. and daughter, Dorella, left for spént the weekend at their sum- Mrs. Downer, Peterboro, and£ Port Carling on Monday. mer home here. Mrs. Venman, Toronto, are holi- 2 r Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Manders, daying with Mr. Herb Mercen. Mrs. Sid Brown on the birth of Larny and Dale visited Sunday Mr. George Langstaff enj'oyed a daughter at, Memonial Hospi- in Peterboro. a ride Sunday and visited bis A ah, Bowmanville, on Monday, Mrs. N. Kennedy took four of sister, Mrs. Benny Olan at Mill- AG . 1 5 m Aug. th. the Sixth Line Cubs to Camp brook. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Samac Fridayý for a few days M.ad r.Aywr1Lti ADMISSION (including1 Shaw and family of Beeton outing: Ronnie Gay, Don Dan- and family brought Mrs. Little: No childrer pent the weekend with ber chuck, Bennie Madill and Wayne home froin Chicago last Tuesday mother, Mrs. R. S. Jobnston. Kennedy. and stayed here for a visit. Miss! Mr. and Mrs. P. Beaudnie o!, Miss Katie Stewart, 'her sisten, Molly Murphy and Alec Little,!A pe ar Springbrook, with Mr. and, Mrs. Lofthouse and family had Toro nto, were down Sunday.i vlrs. George Henderson on a very pleasant, cool trip east Mr. and Mns. Graham and fam-l Sunday. last week, through Quebec to ily were down Monday evening. IS CL S Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore of the Maritimes.MradMs.LoW dck FRS Hamilton are with MrndM. and r.LoW d k ans.. Cleland Lane at their Mrs. A. Jackson and Phyllis and David alnd friends, Toronto,FulC rsM 'ottage, Darke's Beach. and Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary' were here for the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Wray Ses. Milliken are spending a f ew days her mother's summer home. roronto, wîth Mr. and Mr.bere. ack Elliott on Sunday. We are pleased that Mrs. Roy Miss Marie Brown is holi- Mercer who has been in Memor-> .aying with fniends at Lake ial Hospital foi- about six weeks, ý )alyrmple. lis able to be home again and, Does the Steeriî Mrs. Eicock. Toronto, js hope she continues to improve. with Miss Bertha Thompson. Mns. N. Kennedy and Wayn e]J n Miss Lorraine Milligan of are visiting at Napanee thisý k Lindsay spent a few days with week, and Mrs. J. Stapleton and ir Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milligan. Billy with Mn. and Mns. Walker, e, Miss Carol Reichnath, Mont- Trenton. real,'is with ber grandmother, Visitons Sunday with Mr. and C. Mns. Andnew Reicbrath. Mn. Mrs. Wm. Mencen were Mr. and. x, Reicbrath who is stili et Osha- Mrs. Chas. Roach and family,' d wa hospital, is progressircg Bolton; Mn. and Mrs, Ted Coath- E. favonably. am and family, Mrs. Vance Allen- Mn. Cecil Burley, Mn. and and Madelon, Mr. Jack ecr in Mrs. Curtis Elliott and Mn. end Stevie, Mr. and Mrs. Edde nand Mrs. Neil McGinn of Couroux, Ray and Marie and s Owasso, Michigan, spent Set- Mn. Wm. Corum. unday evening at Mn. Harold Mn. and Mrs. Orval Zealand I 1- Bunley's, meeting their cousins visited Mrs., Mary Luxon Sun- a, in the Canadian branch of the day evening. .Burley femily for the first Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Matinel )r time. and Miss Lorraine Tbentell spent S, Next Sunday, Aug. 14th- the latter part of the week with Church at 9:30 e.m.; Sunday relatives at Roseneatb. ýh Scbool at 10:45 a.m. and Dec- Mn. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff 1- oretion Day Service et Lake- reQeived a sudden ewakening! nr view Cemeteny at 2:30 p.m. Mondey evening when a char- J à' ivani panty called around to: Ne er scnhe o a opon-serenadethem. Neve asribeto n opon- The W.A. beld a bazaar and ent motiveg meanen then your baking sale Fnidey afternoon mn à ,d otwn.--Jemes M. Barrie. the Hydro office with good ne-1 sults, especially considering the' r. extra bot weather the bouse- '_YOUR EYES and wives bam o ontendwith. Ms. W.Jcsn Mrs. Gor- - Viion s attened thepresentation n in Orono when the Cubs pre- SRe-wnmtten sented Mns. Ralph Phillips (for-'ý d ~from merhy Mauneen McKen.na), with. e previous a beautiful painting. Mauneen I 4 »copyrights is leaving shortly to ]ive at the of West Coast. 4 -~ . H Tuk, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. «ý C H . uck, M rs. P ry B u le y on Sundey t Opometistwere their cousins from Owasso.~ s DineyBld,. MchianMn. and Mns. Curtis 31 Kig E Eliott Mr.and Mrs. NeilMe OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 and Mrs. Earl Bunley and fam- 305. ls ensa etdw h It is a normal sequence to the attendance- et Kendal Field Day- i advance of timefo the powernedo h avvJcsnýý of the eye t0 be deficient in its Memoniel Penk. The first game1 sustaining powers for close was between the Welcome and range vision after the a e of Kendal Bantams with Kendal 4 fortv yeans. Science in s iting winning 11 -3. Newtonville andi itself to the needs of the human Newcastle handball teaiis play- eye when it begins to tire, de- ed first with the winnensde vised the bifocal lens as the best feating Kendal in the next game. means of incorporating in one A good crowd attended the pain of glasses, ease, comfort andt dance in Allen Foster's barn in eve preservation, the thnee es- the evening. Another dance as sentials every wearer of glasses being held there this Fridev should strive to obtain. eveni.ng for bahl team expenses. (Copyrighted) Mr. and Lirs, Bob Searn from p i s a 1 J a r at r Oshawa? nliac last week.- Mrs. M. Tnimble and daugh- ters, Oshawa, at Mr. M ShutN ka's last week. Mr. Jack Hallowell visiter> Mr. W. A. Hallowell, Newtôù- ville, last week. Mr. Allan Haw, Emo, Ontar., in, renewed acquaintances ý4 the community last week while he, Mrs. Haw and their daughters spent a few days at Mr. Sid Hallowell's. Two s company, three's a crowd, unless one la a baby. FAIR Staris L'HURSDAY AUG. 18 - Gales Open 5 p.m.) d Saiturday 19 and 20 NG NC'H iElizabeth Way fhway 27 si of >NTO :) mo - SE PT. 2 Tax).----- %t under 16 -king Space $1.1 RESTAURANT leals from 75c àg and Front End Alignment af Your Car Requirs Adjusiment ? For a Iimited time only We are offering the following - FREE! 3. Check Front ,Wheel 'Caabet 4. Check Steering Gear S. Check Steering Linkage - P I L 15 - j-- Motors Ltd. IBOWMANISLLE MA 3-5583 c - G.N.C. Truck Dealer mmhimmam~--~ a am~a~ ~ SENIOR BASEBALL THURSDAY, AUCUST 11 Cal Terriers vs. Oshawa Merchants LADIES' NITE- LADIES 50c MGNDAY, AUGUST l5 Brantford Red Sox vs. Oshawa Merchants LADIES - 50c Dancers and Ukrainian Music- 1. Check Front Wheel Toe-in (Ad just if necessary) 2. Check Front Wheel Caster N 0 T E - We have the hest equipiuent BEAR TELALINER WH EEL ALIGNNENT SERVICES We also offer F R E E - Estimates of ail Body, Fender FREE! . and Paint Repaira USED CAR BUYERS'- We have a good selection of Goodwill Guaranteed, Eeconditioned Used Cars Coing ai Tremendous Savings DON'T DEL'AY - SEE THEN - TRY THEK - BUY MEN Robsoni 166 KING ST. E. Duick - Pou P-,JGIC TIWILVZ 1