- -~ - .. -.-- - - - -r-r-=~ii~ ~ ~r<-~-- ~ y s~'-. ' .TULy J Y l4th, issu - -- - W W DILAVJJU45 JrÇLONAKIUPAGE TTRTU ,'Or Ihs Bennadine McKinley ai ngstan. spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mc- )Clinley and family. Miss Connie Enwrigbt ac- companied by Miss Georgie Grogleau of Oshawa, are vaca- tianung with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Embley and famlly in Winni- peg, Man. Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Bona- than, accampanied by the Rev. John and Mrs. Bonathan ai Longuille, Quobec, left by lane from Malton Airpont on Wednesday for San Francisco, Calitarnia, whero thoy will at. tend the manniage ai Miss Bar- bare Bonethan on Seturday. Mrs. Jack Robertson and daughter Trudy of Ottawa, were Saturday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Couch and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dudley and family af Toronto, were weekend visitons with Mrs. George Walton. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard, Don and Eric and Mn. and Mrs. Frank Partnidge and Canal, at- tended the Orange Celebration in Lindsay on Saturday. Douglas Jase and Wendell Fisher spont lest week at Quin- Mo-Lac Camp on Moira Lake near Madoc. Quin-Mo-Lac is the camp operated by the Bay of Quinte Conference af the UntdCbunch. There were 120 bays and their leaders at the camp wbich is dinected by the Re4.%JlovS ';hnrt.pn.nf q. fEducetion for the Canadian Na- itianal Institute for the Blind. . Canon Jacques, who bas lost the sight af bis eyes sbouid -have a mast interesting and in- formative message for ail. Il, will be a pivilege ta boar Can- on Jacques speak ai bis expor- iencos. Haliday and weekond visit- ons with Mn. and Mrs. Marshall Pickering and famiiy wene Mn. and Mrs. Robent Ritchie ai Or- angeville, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gordon and Gail ai Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. Volkman and Bobby and Mrs. R. D. Koith- Parkinson, all ai Montreal. Mrs. D. B. Simpson is visit- ing with hoer daughtor and son- in-lew, Mn. and Mrs. Martin Estol in Kingston. Miss Olive Tonne spont a few days with Mrs. A. R. Wynn at ber- cottage at the Lake. Mrs. Norman Grandi ield and cbildren of Gaît, àne visiting with Mrs. Mattson et the Lake. Mr. and- Mrs. Lloyd Stephen- son and famiiy spont the week- end at their new cottage at Belleville. Mns. Rapapont and deughîer af New York are visiting. with ber brother, Mn. Ken Stephezi- son and family., Glorious Twelfth Parade Preview James United Cburch in Pe- Fan the finst time in mai terborough. a year the streets of Newcast Tbe speciel preecher et the resounded ta the music ofaiI n4orning service in St. George's Fife and Drum on the "Gio Çhuncb on Sundey, July l7th ious Twelth"I as the Bowmai %vill ho the Rev. Canon E. 'ville Fife and Drum Bar Jacques, Director ai Public marcbed thnough Newcast -whie enraute ta Lindsay whe: thoy wore engaged ta lead ti Bowmanville L.O.L. and L. B.A. Lodges in the memmci St. Ceorges partadeA cammemarating tý Stge 265tbai ofthe Ba C h rc fe ai t e on ChurchThe band, smartly dresse inwhite uniforms and wearin NEWCASTLE the orange and blue rasottE 17 and seshes used wben leadin Sunday, Jaly 1 Orange parades, alighted inar 8 1 te bus at the conne: ai Kin Sa.m. -and North streots. HOLY COMMUNIO)N Led by the president en a.m. -standard beaner, Fred Fnifi i I OL rn. NI)N cerrying the Union Jack an- HOcl PreCOMMNIO two smatly dressed dum-ma Specal reaherjorettes, the band pnesonted a oxtremely smart eppearancea SRev. it panaded tbrough Newcastl by way ai King, Mili and Mai Canon E. Jacques vers streets LtdSreemark oi 7 p.mn.- are told, it neceived roundso EVENSONG applause as it passed thnougi the hugo crowds linîng tir - streets ai the Scugog town. PHONE TO-DAY We willI be pleased to supply you with F RE E ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumbing John Heatie Fu King Street - Newcastle Washing Mach, Thor CBS Columbia, 21 9 RCA Victor, 17" Jnglis - Norge - from $99.95 Television Bowman ville Woman Wins Lions Grand Priz Good fun, bilaniaus basebaîl, babble ai the midway bar jackesses and prominent mon could h beared thrugout ai Orono and Newcastle corn- park as the Lions mani bined on Friday evoning et the thein variaus boaths and gai Newcastle Cammunity Park ta af chance,; a regular feature provide the sports evont ai the ail service club carnivalsj season as a feeture of the an- the cnowd moved in ta "1t nual carnivai af the Lians Club a change, eet a bot dog or hi ai Newcastle. a POP." Pnior ta the bell game, as The Lionettes booth was the cnowd was gathering, Eric usuai, a p9pular spot with Johnsin, papuler local sports. ladies having its usual -Per man, gave a demonstretion ai Sale",' home made candy, ".P bicycle riding, Nineteenth Cen- col Post Sale", etc., plus1 tury style, as ho node around Shetland pony rides a spec the park dressed in top bat and feature for the kiddies adc tails, percbod etap a bicycle this yeen. of ancient vintage witb a six Arauind 11.30 p.m. the1 foot front Wheei and one foot show was , brought ta a clq reer wheel, ta the amusement witb the annual draw tan af the cnowd. Peterbonough boat, Johns It is impassible ta express in mator and boat trailer me words the hileniaus spectacle by Lion James Marn, a pi presentod as the Orono On- president af the Bowmenvi phans triod ta defeat the New- Lions Club wba drew the tic castle Lions and vice versa et ai Mns. Reg. Robinson ai tnying ta play basebali while Hunt street in Bowmmnvil seated atap stubborn mules The Lionettes Club drawi who tbwerted them et every an electric aven was won turn. The game ended in a Jim Gamsby ai Onono. four-aIl tie witb the winnen The members ai the Lio finally being decided by the Carnivel Committee undert rosuit ai a jackass race wbîch cbeirmanship ai Irwin Col-v was as bilariaus as the game are ta ho cangretulatedf and finally was won by Enic planning wbat is cansidered Johnson of Newcastle playing jbe hemt successful show for the Orono Orpbens. ., te hstry ai the club and1 When the clin ai the "Big fan the most populer tram Game" had died away, the- spectator's viowpoint. Mem bers of Baby Band Are eEntert ained By W.M.S. Auxil. Oh )th The annual Baby Band pic- was read in unison by tl the nie was held in the Newcastle mothers, and a suitable "Gra, at. United Church on Thursday, Before Meals" was learned. July 7th when the members j- The Explorer Girls entertafi edthe Afternoon Auxiliary of the ed the smaller children on tl ni, W.M.S. entertained the mem- church lawn whlle Mrs. Wi es bers of the Band and their Werry of Kedron, secretary ng mothers. Other guests of the Baby Bands forth Osham )m Auxiliary were the members Presbyterial spoke ta the mi ngof the Explorers Group and thers. Mrs. Werry told of t] their leader, Mrs. M. Hancock. project the Gift Boxes are to I nd Mrs. M. Fisher presided, op- used for this year namely, t, in, ening the meeting with a wel- McHarrie Baby's Home in Ir id come to the little folk and dia. She displayed the boa] ýa- their mothers and assuring and pictures suitable for litt] n them how happy the Auxiliary members and made the mot] as ivas to have them at this ani- ers feel the happy and sacre je fluai party. The hymn, "Praise privilege that 15 theirs in cal n- Him, Praise Hlm", was follow- ing for and training the litti )n ed by the repeating of the ones in their homes and havir e Lord's Prayer in unison and a share in giving the Saviouï of a story by Mrs. Chas. Alldread. Love to ail the world. h As Mrs. Ross Allin played Mrs. Fisher thanked Ui le sof t music, the little gift,-boxes Werry for her visit and for he were placed in a daintily de- helpfui message. The meetin -corated basket and received was brought te a close wît' by Mrs- Austin -Turner--- TIhe the singing of the hymnn "Hap hymn "The Wise May Bring py the Home Wben Godi Learning", was sung and the There", and the Benediction. gifts were dedicated by Mrs. Fisher. Sharon Hancock and Fao Rudman, members of the Mr. & Mrs. F. Parkei Explorers Group, each played a piano solo. The Explorers then came ta o red by Fiends the platforrn and formed &n1 arch through which the grad- i n Rece nt Marriage uates came as their naines were called each being presented Somne seventy friends anc Iwith a prayer card. They were neighbours 0f Mr- and Mrs welcomed to the Mission Band Frak arker gathereti at th, by Mrs. S. Brown, Mission Ute Church Parsonage ar Band Superintendent and' the Tuesday evening July 5th tc children sang "Away in a honour them on their receni Manger". The Auxiliary presi- marriage. The bride was ush. dent, Mrs.ý F. Riekard spoke ta ere no, h ivn aof1 the children and their mothem e t capacity with her frionds, who were given the Mothers' to the strains of the Wedding *Prayer Card and the prayer March played by Miss Velda In welcoming the anany te Rev. Mr. Fisher spoke of tepurpose of the gathering ad then called upon Mr. group in a so sng. As Mrs. P. F. Hare readth rsna -6tion address, inscribed wt h Dial3616namnes ofth redcoriu tîng, at lovely five .piece silver tea service and some flatware were presented ta the happy couple on behaîf of their frienids by Mrs. Geo. Smith guest book was presented by Mrs. AIf Adair as those present siiupicilysang very heartily "For They SimplicityAre Jolly Good Tellowsl' Mr. and Mrs. Parker each 111 expressed with . feeling their thanks, neot only for the Iovely and generous gifts, but aisea'for the good wishes of their many friends. A very enjoyable so- cial time was spent by ail as lunch and iced lemonade was 'Lions Club Induct Three, New Members The regular dinner meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club waS held in the dining room of the Queen'g Hotel on Wednes- day evening last with the pre- sident Rod Carveth conducting the meeting. Three new members of -the Club, Lions, Frank Hoar, Har- per Kelsey and Harold Gibson were inducted into club mnerti- bership by four members of the Bowmanville Lions Clu,, including P res id e nt Wally Braedon, Past President Jim Marr, Andy Thornpson and Bob Kent. With the annual Carnival but two days away the large Part of the meeting was taktin up in discussing final plans for the big event af the season. The members were requested to be on hand at the park un Thursday evening to construct their booths and to make it as early as possible on Friday evenîng to put the final touches on the bootha in readliess for the Carnival. - - u - $299.50 - - - - -' $239.50 wih Free 20-fi. Anfenna Usod Refrigeralors, from 4 FulIy R( Norge Jet-D-Frosi - -$ 69.50 teconditioned m - $289.95 9.8 eu. ft. -PAi Colours 24 Months To Puy Ali Coatracis Luie Iasured Fitee ! Pe rkpr the ned mes e af and take tave 9as the -nny Par - the ecial lded big [ose the Mon iade past ille .ck- !20 Ile. for by 'ns the will L.J*IIvenile Band led the parade in Memorial Hiospital UnITUARY which consisted of lodge mm by bers, throughthe town and ta La 'VeIi R pr the Orange Hall. The band con- W eky R p r JAMES COLWILL cluded the large parade by For the week of July 3 - 10: The death occurred at the playing "God Save the Queen". Middle Green Villa Rest Home, The Juvenie Band and all Admissions ----------_ 24 Oshawa, on Wednesday. June the visitors were invited inta Births, 4 maie, 3 fomalo . 7 29th, of James Colwill, Tyrone, the hall whoro a delicious lun- D is e h ar g e s 25 b e lo v e d so n o f th e la te M r. a n d !cn w a e v e o o e n - Mrs. J. D. Colwill and brother, hundred people. Afttr lunch a Major Oper-ations 5> 0f Mrs. Percy Phillips, Maid- vote of thanks was moved on Minor Operations 4 stone. hoEmergency Treatments -.- 17 He was born December 24, kce Tesetacts are published 1884, at Tyrone, and has lived B R E O i.weekly in an effort ta acquaint bore al bis life. The beautiful 'he tbis communlty with the ser- flowers bore tribute to the Mr. Keith Watler, Toronto, he ice ofau hopitl.esteemn in which he was held, spent a day with Mr. M. E. Mc- vice of____________________ in the commuhity. Ho was al Coy, school teacher, when Mr. of rogular attendant at Sunday McCay lef t ta work in Toron- wa Business Direcfory School and church. He had a to during holiday trne. la- quiet disposition and many Mrs. Tom Balley, Oshawa, Lie C Un a C frionds. The last five years he spent a few days at ber home A bcou anc as lived with bis aunt, Mrs. G. rocentîy. PhrdLac. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, WM. 3. M. COGGINS Thefuneral was held at the Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill ksMorsFnrlCaeonF- ta Chartered Accountant Mri uea hplo n Slingorland and Lynda, Osh-, h- 64 King St. E. Bowmanville day, July lst. Tho service was awa, at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hub- td (Above Garton's Bus Station) conducted by Rev. F. J. Jack- bard's. r- Phone MA 3-3612 son, Tyrone. Interment waàia Ir- Botbesda Cemetery. The pall- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Car- ie J. HUNTER AND COMPANy boarers wero Harry Collacutt gi, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. 1g Certified Public Accountants J. C. W. Woodley, Wallace ate n cidrn eror-e 64 King Street E. rfiGronYo'on n ough; Mr. and Mrs. Gog Oshawa 5-1621 Lance Phare. Carterandowmnille wt Ms rs Successors ta O. S.« Hobbs Cre n aiy Miss Mr. and Mrs. Orvillo Greer th Chiva bradley Mr. and Mrs.Fred Ijolroyù, Ch r p a îc Honoreci b y Frie-ncis fJlRee rsd fi;Mn. and Ms is G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ~ À J. A. Tompkins. r adMr. Chiropractor ror to MvariIage Mr. Fred Carter spent the Office: weekond in Toronto and Ham- Speclalty Paper Products Bldg. Nestieton: Mrs. Malcolm Em- ilton. r 63 Tomperance Street erson and ber thnee daughters Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean Phone MA 3-5509 netie vraofMs and family attended the funî- 5 Office Hours: By Appointment vnterained seer and MssEl eral of Mrs. Dean's sister, Mrs. va radey' fiens ad heir Brown, Oshawa. mothers to an enjayable even- We welcomo ta aur commun-; D en tali ing at hier home on Tbursday ity Mr. and Mrs. Daug Lane evenng.Thoe i atendnceand Bnian of Whitby, who are DA. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. wero Mrs.' Hockin and Miss] elblvn nged bo rne wncd fr-. S Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. DmerlyyHbelongeds. ta Mr. R.nd Mrs.l n 40 King St. W. - BowmanvilleDroh HcknMs.E W.tRCana. la Office Houri: Bradley and Miss Elva Brad. Mrs. Walter Bnyan and son~ Lt 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ley and Mrs. Alex Mains, all of Orvillo Greer attended the fun- - 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Bowmanville, - Miss Yvon eoral of their nepbew and cou- Clo'ed 1 sin, Harry Oke, at Coîborne o n ClsdSunday Chant;* Mrs. George Boweras. July 7.Ho was a veteran o Office Phono MA '3-5790 and Helen (Mrs. Wilfrid Vine), World 'War 1 and the funeral 9 Hause Phono - Newcastle 3551 Jean <Mrs. Arnold Williams) was conducted with Logioli Iand baby daughter Janice; Mns. honors. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Cocil Wilson and Misses Gwen Ms o rc ssedn Office In is home and Eunice Wilson; Mrs. Mal- 1 a eks. o liday at i c e Lake' 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvjfle colin Emerson and Elleni (Mrs. wlth Mrs. W. Breck and rela- Office Hours: Mervin Bird) and her thnee tives. * 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily children, Nancy, Janice and __________ 9 a.n. ta 12 noon Wednesday1 Neil,) Gladys (Mns. Donajil - Closed Sunday Stutt)an-d Miss Irene Emer- N s1 Phone MA 3-5604 son; and Mrs. Grant Thompson N eleon Station and Miss Elaine Thompson. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Little Miss Janice Bird Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Knight Office wheoled ini ber deconated doit Of Detroit, visited a few da.ys 23 King St. E. - Bawmnanvile carniage filled with shower: with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Office Hours: gifts and preseîîted them ta the B. R . Knight. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily brido-to-be, who aponed oach Mn. and Mrs. George Bow- 9 a.m. ta 12 faon Saturday gift as Mns. Donald Stutt read ers, Bert and Jerry, spent the Closed Sunday the enclosed good wishes. Miss weekend with Mr. and MrEz. R Telephane: Office MA 3-5459 Irene Emerson made a note of Lonnie Chapman, North Bayj. ail exclamations mado by Elva and Mrs. Cbapman and two E: as she oponed ber gifts andi sons, Paul and Jimmy, return- L aithese were ronead to the amuse- ed wîth themn for a holiday. 3 nient of everyone. The hostess Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, STRIKE andl STRIKE had prepared a gift witb a son- Seagrave, visited Mn. and Mr.I. - Barristens, Solicitors ies Of wrappings and instruc- Bruce Heaslip. Nataries Public tions ta ho passed among the. Miss Yvonne Chant is spend-12 W. R. Strike. Q.C. ladies and finally intended for ing a holiday with ber parent., A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Miss Elaine Thompson wluo Mr. and Mrs. George Chant 40 King St. W. Bawmanville thanked the hostess for ber and family, London. Telephone 1A 3-5791 kindness. Mr. Charles Briggs, Toronto, Elvamadea shrt seechspent a short holiday witb Mr. LAWRENCE C. MlASON . thanking the ladies for thei±-an Mrs. ohReynoldsounio Barrister, Solicitor gifts and Mrs. Emerson for ar- Mr. Jto hson eynolds bas av Notary Public ranging such a pleasant get edoitoebis wn Hquateshorte King St. W. - Bowmanville 1gof the LarmeneHyland hom ones; Office MA 3-56,88 oetherofwith te Nesito where ho purchased a lot and Residence MA 35553 Scbool days. A short sing-song bitasalhue JOHN REGAN, BA.. and music followed after wbich WeMr. el esdt rear tha Barrister Mrs. Emerson and hr daugh- r. EomNveitHostale Notary Publie tors served a most dohîcious f rom wee anvilso fHospil 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville lunch and al onjoyed a happy e, hasawaetnd asoteont w Phone MA 3-3292 visit during wbich timo the eoughta atte Lndsahe or ag - gentlemen joined in the ne- Celebrasin n in odaynSat- MOS APHA I. HODOINS freshments. The very bost wish.-uofdlycas id agaolynumez Bar"ister, Solicitor os for future happiness areex Mr. and Mrs. Grant Th6mp- Notary Publie tended ta Elva by h or many sonwr nPfelwvstn Temperance St. - Bowmianville Nestleton friends! ob ere roth erh ram stta- wa and also attended Decors- - M or g a ge s Pure bumanity, friendsbip, tian services at Cedar Vale -home, the interchange af love, cemotery, Cannington. [EROY HAMILTON - IORONO bring ta earth a foretaste oi Mrs. Robent Bonny and famn- Phone 1 r 16 heaven.-Mary Baker Eddy. ji]y visited Mns. Bruce Heaslip ________________________ and Mrs. Irvine. Mrs. Wesley FReit morgagefuna _______________ Campbell accampanied Dr. Bsiness - ari a Bonny, Mrs. Bonny and family 'B . ta Gaît for a holiday. Darlingt1 i.- Cuncf DalNtes Council boig- a la, ha' wat e caim. is oluionwa tIGHtakROpEaTELEPHONE wt- i.Texein telephoese haens avnd its wrihom etahn foffcebeoetis, bt for oneSigonouheepaigh-oe oe8horash . rnonotonous, he explained. Darlingtan Township Council met on July 7 with li mnembers present. Clerk was instructed ta cmali H. Hoskiru ta arrange for cleaning ditch an J. Crawford Road. Messrs. Graham and Hogarth wore instructed ta contact D. Lamb and C. Dettinger re pur- ,chase of land for raad improve- <ment. Road accounts and vouchers for June af $7,237.16 and general accounts of, $14,743.25 were ondered paid. Clerk was Insteucted ta, bill East Wbitby Township for ane- bahf af cost of advertlsing for tenders re Town LUne paving. Ralpb Tooley letter was refer- red ta Public School ]Board. Clerk was instru-cted ta ar- range a meeting between the Reeve and Mn. Totten re Ennis- killen paving job. - 1 - -- - - %wavv»& %f%.Il .4 à,---i Fili ng Many Engagements Grdon Agnew, Edilor Phone 362 1 behaif of the lodges of Good- Lwood. Very high praise vnas given to the band and their leaders on their xvonderful perforrm- ance by Goodwood lodges and visitors. The Ban-d and their parents journeyed to Lake Scugog where they held their annual picnic. The day being suitable for swimming the children en- joyed themselves, adults wish- ing they were young again. On June 3Oth the Tyrone Juvenile Band filled an en- gagement at Whitby ,Centen- niai where they were greeted with great applause while lead- ing the paradc down the main, streets. After the parade the band members were given tickets by the garden club to buy ice cream, pop, etc. Tyrone Juvenile Band prould#, ly led the Tyrone L.O.B.A4, Lodge at the Orange Walk in Lindsay on July 9th, and weruI successful in winning' the cup for the best Juvenile Band ôn parade, this being the thirl consecutive year. The cup wili. now be held permanelitly byr the Tyrone Juvenile Band. 1 POWERFUL GETAWAYI How "Skinny",Girl.. Cet Lovely Curvet Gain 5 to 10 Lbs. New Pep 571husands vho n yrcoid gai egt bt fore, nowv have sacataciefig-ures. 1' more bon>y limbs tigir hollows. TMicythIf strex, dTonlo,.Iý Tabcs put &IX hon bot Xnn due o im'ale appetite because bloc lacks iron. liproxcs digestion, nouisiuis increases pepi. "Gct-icquiaîntedi" size only 60 Try O)Str.-x lor nrsv pounds, iovely curve -eW pep, todlay, Ail druggisis. MYLES ZADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repairs to Ail Makea Silver St. MA 3-3483 BOWMAN VILLE Will Wipe Oui Ail Old Bis Debts Accumuleting? A' Iow cost loan pays thern Re-pay Monthly Out of Incarne Stop in and discuss your Fiuancial Needs TODAY! Beilvue - CORP. 0. H. WILSON,. Mgr. 29 % Simeoe S. RA 5-11210 OSHAWA Tyrone Juvenile Band led thie Goadwood cburch parade on Sunday, July 3nd. The parade was well under wey at 10.15 a..Tbey marcbed from the nartb end af the town and pro- ceeded sauth ta the United Cburch where Rev. Ray T. Jordisan delivered a very fine Uplomefry KE & RA . ILTI Optometrist 141 "in St. E. - Bowinanvfle Tel ephone MA 3-3252 Office Houra: 9 a.m. ta 6 P. Monday ta Saturday except Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appolntment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bowrnauvles Plione MAt 3-5778 Oshawa Nemorial Servce Natural stone monuments markers and corner itonco No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS DIaI OSHAWA RA 5-6611 au. trne and reverse charges The happiness of maraied lite depends upon makng smnall sacrifices with readiness and cheerfulness.-John Selden. - G'o * iWA[&IMM L Clerk was instructed to write 1Bell Telephone Company ap. proving their estimate of mov- ing line on Lawson Road, alsa to the Hydro Electric Power Commission for estimate of their 1cost on the same job. On motion, $100.00 be paid to W. Johnson as advance pay- ment on land purchased from hlm. Carried. Reeve and Clerk were auth. orjzed to sign cheques to pay school contractors their monthly payments as authorized by the 1architect. The bld of Gairdner & Co. ta purchase 4% debentures for $80,000 at $102.80, xvas accepted. Frank Sobil was appointed ta the Planning Board for balance of one year termn. Clerk will advertise for ten- ders for asphaît siding for the Township Hall. cociai and Personal Chrome Sets kiLFAT m mm 1- m THE CANADUN "*TF-quAv iuwuATqmvig à%wmàmv&% 1 1- 1 1 10