'I -- ---~- -*-- ---*-----'---- ~ ~~'-~-~---. ~ 7~~->--...<-.. '--' - - -- . - r - - - s~~- '1HURSDAY, JULY l4th, 1955 Oackburn - Hardy Family M-,old Annual Reunion MHE CAYADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Survey Re Garbage Collection In Blackburn - Hardy anni tamnily pienic was held Juiy at Solina School grounds w meals served at Solina Hall. wus a lovely afternoon1 there were flot as many presE as usual. About 65 relatii Wefe present for dirner a 135 for supper. .&ilThe afternoon was spent .79fforts. Wlnners of races weý Girls o Years--Anne Mand, L613 Down. Boys 6 years-R< Jamnieson, Murray Yeliowieý -~Girls 8 years-Rose Ann 'W son, Anne Mander. Boys years - Wayne Down, Rc Jamnieson. Girls 10 years-Ro .Ann Wilson, Anne MandE Boys 10 years and under-D 'v, Mander, Brian Down. Gir 14 years-Bonnie Wade, Ro Ann Wilson. Boys 14 years. John Earle, Robert Jamiesc Single girls - Bonnie Wad Xose Ann Wilson. Single Men- John Earle, David Mande Married ladies-Mrs. Georý Wilson, Mrs. Joe Snowdei Married men-oscar Jamiesoi Gerald Shackleton. Ladies lu( ky Spot-Mrs. Sidney Cornis] Men's lucky Spot - Dona] Harcly. Orange relay race-Sam AI lin, Miss Nan Allun. Bov wheelbarrow race-John Alli John Allun. Nail-driving cor test-Mrs. George Wilson, Mr. Oscar Jamieson. Basebali gain won by Brian Alldread's teaiT Horse-shoe pitching - Edgar Latcham, George Wilson. Base 'rhe slick surface o e shl roadways bas sent many a mc- torist imping to the garage with flattened tenders and shattered headamps. But now research engineen have corne rp with bomthing that sbarply reduces ËqSaccident hazard. When their SiZeial aluminum oxide abrasive Is appiied to the road surface, it cuti down by more than 30%0 t1be stopping distance cf your car whrfen you apply th.Irakei at 30 m.p.h. .,.. Sa in addition to saving weight and work ini a thousand sveryday and special applica. bion%, aluminura may prove a suAjor faotor in saving lives, too. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) School Resuits PROVIDENCE SCHOOL Names in onden o! menit. To Grade 9-Allin John T. (Hon,), Cox, Brian G.(Hn, ShirDouglas M. (Han.), Mc- Robbie, Beverley S. (Han.), Leeke, Betty J., Knapp Shirley M., Ellis Donald G., Quinney A. Glenn. Ta Grade 7-Knapp M. JoyceI (Haon.), Quinney, Jeannette L. (H-on.), Locke Murray B. To Grade 6-Cox, CanalI, Shirk, Gerald, Locke, Barry W. Ta Grade 5-Locke, Patricia G. (Haon.), Shrk Shirley D.,i Knapp Freeda M.i To Grade 4-Crago Teresaà (Hon.), Bothwell Peter, Shirki Jimmie H., Lockwood, Evalen D.1 To Grade 2-Gibson Billy H,. Gibson Linda E., Luxton Bob- by W., Caven David M., equal.11 M. H. Cosens, teacher. 1 ier or not ta proceed with setting 'up a nicipally operated garbage collection is a re Town Council at the present Dave Higgon presented à complete report -gular meeting, giving facts- and figures questionnaires sent out ta 74 municipalities. rmary of 34 towns with populations between M shows an average per capita cost Of $1.43 it costs for the privately operated system l run about $12.00 a year per household. 1bail tirrow -~ Bob Jamieson. system cf mu 'Doughnut-eating - Mrs. Alex question befor iEarie. Drapping clothespins in Coun. rnilk bottle - Mrs. Norman at the last ri Earle. Balloon blowing contest gathered from -Mrs. Clarence Allin. Spoon carrying candy contest - Reg A detailed sun Burns. Sack race-Bob Jamip- 4,500 and 13,00 son, Brian Alidread. Tug-of- per year. war ended with a tie. Presen Tire business meeting was in Bawmanvillt conducted at the hall by presi- dent Russell Hardy. Those who had passed on since iast year were remern- Municipality bered: Mrs. Chrarles Knight, Paris ------ Mrs. Orville Whitmer, Baby Leamington Nancy Smale, Rev. H. A. Ber- lis and Miss Lizzie Allun. One Dunnville -.-- minute silence was then ab- Bunlington served. -Oakvilie Officers elected for 1956 are: Trenton Presidents - Harvey Hardy, Farewell Blackburn. Past pre- Goderich --- sident -Russeil Hardy; Presi- Wallaceburg dent-Geraid Shackleton, R. R. Smiths Falls 6, Bowmanville; lst Vice-Bill Carleton Place Ailin; 2nd vice-Lloyd Down; 3rd vice-Joe Snowden; Sec- Perth -------- treas.-Mrs. Carl Down; ass't Gananoque sec. treas.-Mrs. John Pearce. Simcoe --- - Prize was presented ta the Cobour --- - youngest persan present bv rg - Kennetir Brown ta Miss Karen Part Hope - -- Elizabeth Siack, age 5 mantirs Tillsonburg --- and 4 days, daughter af Mr. Port Credit -_ and Mrs. Roy Slack, R. R. 2, Arnpir----- Bowmanville. To oidest mern- no ber present prize was donated Renfrew ----- by Miss Lela Knight-to Wes- Collingwood ey Allin, Bowmanville, 84 Midland ------ years aid. To thre persan coin-Lid ---- ng longest distance, a prize Lnsy------- Aras donated by Fred Hardy- Fort Erie---- :0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earle Port Coiborne . of Grimsby. Oscar Jamieson Thorald donated a prize ta lady who Dundas - had the rarest article in her purse. Tis went ta Mrs. Ste- Newmarket phen Knight who is over 80 New Toronto - and yet cannied a marbie in Weston -------_ her purse.I Long Branch-- Speeches were made by Fare- wrell Blackburn, Harvey Har- Swansea --- - dy, Fred Hardy, Mayor Non- Kapuskasing man Down, Harry Earle and Parry Sound Many others. W ib President read lettens fromiWib [nrs. H. A. Berlis, Vancouver, Total .C., and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bowmanville- De Loge, Windsor, regretting reir absence but extendin )est wishes for a wanderfu'i Newtonville Everyone reportedy a tira- Monthly M nrughly enjoyable a and we ipe ta see evenyone next yean. Newtonvllle: W. he picnic will be heid at Sol- 2t .a Scirool grounds and hall, 9t. rs. Melvili itir President Gerald Sirack- devotionai convenc Dton in charge. Samis gave tire B -Mr. ~Rov aro - SW.A. eeting A. met June le Samis was or.- Mrs. B. ible reading. ---b- y - LC raaLmeCiet- vational leaflet. Barbara Sta- pieton favaured with two pi- ano solos. Two guitar selections were given by Joan and John Walkey. Mrs. Westheuser play- ed several piano selections fram Beethroven. President Mrs. Làncaster took aven for thre business. Tire qulit Mrs. Peance and Mrs. Samis made was said and tire maney tunned over ta tire trea- sury. Thre president and secre- tary WilI approacir the churcir board, regarding the lot at thre back o! tir hurcir, for permis- sion ta have it levelled. Many tirank Yôd - Jrotes were read for parcels recelved. A note o! tiranks was expressed ta tire members ai tire parson- age cominittee, for their efforts, regarding tire parsonage tea. Tire presîdent wisired al membens a happy holiday, as tire W.A. adjaurns during July and August. Mrs. Samis, and hen gnoup served a deliclous WN SOCI No. 1 OUTSIVPS WH 4oePA 1rPm e 5TAYS WHITE LONGER a WONT SU88LE OR CRACK MOFU JS AND MOULO EIrN *FAST DRYwNeEI$AT *EASY TO APPLY You can't buy a better outaide white-any- where! It is Of a conSistentlY high quality. nfat's wýhY Sturgeons No. 1 Outside White is the favourite outside white paint cf so many professonsi painters and homaeowners. Each year Our stock Of Sturgeons Outaide White Paint sels fast. So you'll be sure to get the supply you need, we suggest You corne in today -while w,. haVe, complet. stocks. je.A*WAI Hampton, Ont. 'E PAINT GLossWHITE 1igal........$7.25 q......$2.15 RRACK Phone eMA 3-2562 Acreaqe 685 683 811 776 626 1,360 1,260 843 792 1,025 1,075 1,387 670 2,724 1,173 1,532 610 1,153 1,992 3,933 1,485 1,083 1,438 1,420 587 863 470 622 367 363 1,123' 1,199 3,594 OBITUÀRY JOHN L. METCALF days, Mr. John Luther Metg passed away at bis resider 106 Concession St., Bowm ville, on June 30. He was in 89th year. Until the day was taken 111, Mr. Metcalf 1 been in good health and gre ly enjoyed the cornpany of family and friends. Mr. Metcalf was born Nov. 13, 1867, the son of1 late Isaac Metcalf and A Bell, on a farmn on thre Broli Front of Darlington Townsh In iris turn, Mr. Metcalf far ed the homestead, which south of Maple Grave, and grandson Don Meicalf nq carries on 4ni the same sitt tion. Mr. and Mrs. MetcaLf, 1 former Priscilla Cox of Soli and Maple Grave, moved Bowmanville about 15 yei aga. Mrs. Metcalf predeceas her husband about three yeo ago. There were six sons and o: daughter, ail of wirom survis% rhey are: Noble, Osbaw Bruce, Roy and Norman Bowmanville; William ai Odus (Dick) of Toronto; M J. H. Abernethy (Pearl), Bowmanville. Mr. Metcalf's brother, Isa predeceased him, also iris ti sisters, Mrs. Cory (Mary), Mr C. Stewart (Elizabeth) ani Mrs. E. J. Burk (Margaret>. Mr. Metcalf was a membi of the United Churcir, a form( Methodist, ànd attended churc riren ire was able, at Map] Grove. Funieral service was heldo July 3 at the Northcutt an Smith Funeral Home on Div. ion St., Bowmanville, wit Rev. Harold Turner cf Si 'aul's United Church conduct ng the service. Pallbearers were six grand ;ns: Gordon, Donald, Glenri ,lvin and Paul Metcalf, arn rae Abernetiry. Interment wa nBowmanville Cemetery. There were many beautifu loral tokens, including thost ýfJerusalem Lodge; Palestint 'hapter; Maple Grave Inati. [te; Maple Grove Sunda3 ;hool; Thre Wood Senate; Stali f Metcaif Drug Store, Toron. :Personnel of Kingston Road !fice cf K. Wiles Real Estate, lronto. The funeral was largely at- nded. Among the friends ,m a distance were Mr. and Irs. Russell Metcalf, Moore- eld; Mns. Mary Simpson, Tu- )nto. rousseau Tea iven in Honor of ýary Spencely M4rs. T. E. Spenceiy, Yelver- n, entertained the local la- es at a trousseau tea on Sat- iay ini honour of daughter .ry's forthcoming nuptials. As oken to her popularlty, Mary id been the recipient of Mis- laneous shower in her hon- rat thre homes cf Mrs. Law- nce Staples, Miss Betty Pres. aand Mrs. Noreen Jones of ýonto. Mrs. Ted and Mary Spencely siding at thre guest book lcomed the visitors. 'hase assiting upatairs In playing the articles were sses Catherine McCrae of iday, Jean Omerod of To- ito, and Muriel McGahey of unt Hareh. ire tea table was decoratpd th white candies and bou- ts o! roses and delphinium. se pouring were Mrs. Per- Preston, Mrs. Cepiras St-- sMrs. Lawrence Staples, s.Lockwood, grandmother the groom-to-be. Serving re MisLes Doris Timms, Nar.- Lowry and Ruthr McKinley. st. Mag 15 25 19 19 35 36 44 22 28 23 25 26 25 32 30 32 17 19 31 34 28 36 34 45 19 19 17 16 16 16 15 il 22 39 Citizens are invite as piubished in full in last studying the accompanyinI mnembers of town council lx action wil be taken on tI .The following char pared, deserves intensive si conversant on how civic gaL communities: W.kly COUOCtio i 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 i 2 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 1- 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 5 i 2 1 2 2 2 -1 3 Lalf ,ce, ian- bis had eat- his on tire Inn ken ip. is his ta- the !na to ira sed irs me ve. va; of md Is. of ac, rs. Ld *r -h de id Fi- th ;t. n, is i- No. & Typ, of utite [on* C-Clae.d Von mess O-Opn Truck Mo 30 9 20 - 10 3 2C 3 10 - 20 6 10 3 10 6 10 3 ic 4 10 3 10 - 10 3 20 4 10 4 10. 3 20 4 10 3 20 4 10 - -10 6 20 6 20 4 2C 6 10 3 10- 3 10 3 10-2C 9 10-10 7 20 - 10 4 10 3 10 3 10 - 0-17 0-20 J 10,000.~ ~vI-19 0-15 Xun (es o M 12,00-0 1.41 q .00 1.71 .00 1.30 .00 1.86 )00 1.73 .50 1.24 .00 2.17 .00 2.07 .00 2.40 .00 1.29 .00 1.36 .00 . 1.29 W00 1.29 .00 1.19 .00 1.08 .00 2.29 .00 1.63 .00 2.10 .00 1.57 .0 3.13 .01 2.80 ,00 2.40 .00 1.88 00 2.34 '00 2.20 0o 1.61 m m c m c c c c c c m m m c m m c m 8,000 6,500 8,600 13,000 10,651 14,497 11,900. 12,500. 5,800. 11,000. 9,840. 9,800. 12,000. 9,180. 30,925. 12,000.1 17,763.1 9,500. 31,313.1 23,722J 22,000.1 16,245A 12,500.( 11,760.( Avevanageu U$1'.4l -Fast, îrrenaiY, on-da.y Tobacco Growers veys"; G. F. Manson, Entamai- Wh sH CCndsservice. Sensible teri ogist - in - Charge, EntomologyWh sHC ands with rap to 24 months; F ield Day toJ Laboratory, Chatham, wil largest, most recommended ta repay. Be HeId at Delhi thekControîî", and E. C. Bircir, SFrfiaccmpn E Mnew nouik Tobacco Sub-station, Delhri, O! Interest ta several local will speak on "«How ta Manage tobacco growers is thre an- Your Rye Crop."' A short suni- @H OUSEHOID FINANEWP nouncement of the Twenty-sec- makry cf tire tobacco researchr ond Annual Flue-cured Tabac- being conducted on tire Sub- co Growers' Field Day, to be station, will be cavered by L. 71 w.i,.. St., ...ciid floo., phone TU 3-3030 ireld Wednesday, July 20, at tire S. Vickery, Officer - in - Charge PORT Hoi, ONT., Experimental Farms Station Of the Substation. at Delhri, Ontario. lIn addition ta tire addresses, OSHfAWA SEANCUU, A. H. Ricirardson, Chie! Con- those attending will have an 64 Klug Strt l 1ai, second Ose.r, phone RA 5.4526 servation Engineer and Dlrec- apportunity ta observe tire' 1%lmoStetouhscndforpoeRA-13 tor of Conservation Brancir, field experiments and otirer 1i S..SueSohsodfo@,ho tS-18 plans ta speak on "Water Sur- demanstrations. Populaition 5,404 - ---8,000 4,831 8,060 10,000 __10,300 6,000 7,802 ---- -- 8,503 4,659 5,061 4,676 7,500 --8,570 --- - -----6,700 -- -------5,751 _5,219 -------------4,829 ----8,093 ------------- 7,646 - - --- - - - 1 0 ,10 7 ----- 8,535 - ------- 13,48 1 7,400 8,468 -- 6,067 -----------10,000 8,500 9,200 8,718 ---5,32 1 5,343 -- 6,23 1 6,200 s econds s o m e b o d yIncredible but true- this iss the amazzing rresuit of the ever-growing preference for Chevrole t. Day-in e nd day-out, Sundays only excepted, there's a proud new Chevrolet owner every 4.19 seconds. b u y s You see tbem here, you see them there, you see them ~ flpi~7Chevrolet leads in popularity - value - sales. %AP A A W vVy (Incidentally, whi i. you were reading this, four Chevrolets were b lvluiVR3 ALUE CH ElVROLETi ROY chevrol C w. a Oldimohile DIJITICE DOWNANVILLI NI -HOL NICHOLS SCars r7. 2560 - evolet TruL M ý , - ,- -...- -- .-. . t-fl-, -~~-...-~-~----.*-= OURTICE ý ý ffl 1 I (T TVPT XDV Gerge and Preston, al of Pe- OBJU ARY1Gterbýorougir and 22 grandchild. Bowman vilil ren. MR.ALTON E. TRIPP The memorial service was ed to, study the detailed report IThre passing occurred at Port largely attended. conducted by w e e k s S ate m a n T h e af er P e r~ o m m u ity H os ita on R ev . M r. Hu tto n of B lack stock chk' artepesyri. vews ito Jure. 19,o f FltyoeceitayonUnited Churcir, Port Perry, aot i h r e x r s o r v e s t u e 5 19 5 of F o e c \I y Ju n e 7th . In term en t w as m ad e efore the August meeting, when Trîpp cf Nestieton. She rvas in Pine Grove Cemetery. Pali- ie problem. 'a daugirter of the late Samson bearers mvere Messrs. Joirnstan, rt which Mr. Higgon, chairman Martin and Susan Luke. Thei Fallis, Cates, Toms, McTaggart late Mrs. Tripp was born at and Short. vestigating the question, pre- Columbus on January 24, 1886. ;tudy in order that you may be She was married in Port Perry Lrbage collection works in other on September 9, 1903, ta thed Stc late Alton E. Tripp, who prc- deceased her on June 7, 1941. D a t c She leaves to mourn her passing eight sons and three Removed micipolM daugirters: Elwood ai Shirley'; ontract.c Total cont Comt par Capita Irwin cf Port Perry; Reta, Higbest prices pald for c $ 6,000.00 $1.11 (Mrs. E. W. Berril) of Bow- Dead. Od and Crippici M 17,306.00 2.16 nanvile; Orville, at home; Lu- Farm Stock. ella (Mrs. Percy Waiters) col c 10,000.00 2.07 Oshawa; Gardon, of Little Bni- TELEPHONE COLLECT M - - > tain; Frank of Oshawa; Juro, 1 M 16,331.00 1.63 Bill,' Joe of Shirley; Marie Cobourg 1787 C 11000.0 1.7 t Mrs. Cecil Gibson), cf Purple I NICK PECONI, c 11,00.0 1.0 Hill. Also surviving are tw.> M 9,500.00 1.58 sisters. Mrs. M. Stone, Mrs., PETERBOROUJGH 2-2089 c 11,960.00 1.54 H. ilingbec, two brothers, 1 1 Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years BECAUSE Why do more, Houschoid Finance Luiuuinuuvyou want we o people borwneed extra cash ... 1 m m .r- ipAr-P. PT-IRWWM Whetlit 504 ç v C-i m wght!) VA y rilm m 3-2562! 1