Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 7

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~IJA~AJ~Z, JUL 7tfl, u~s TM CANADIA!f STATESMAN, BOVMANVML, ONTARIOPAESV -SOcia1 &£/-ersonia/ Phone MA 3-3303 Dorothy Virtue ie!t Wedneý day on the night fiight froi Malton for Ha]lif ax. Miss Norma Brooker, Han ilton, spent several days wli ber girl-friend, Miss Dora Forder, King Street West. Miss Edna Hughes, Ottaw was a holiday weekend visitg with ber sister, Mr. and Mr Wilfrid Carruthers, Scugog St Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. liams, Nancy and David, ai spending two weeks' vacatic on Shadow Lake near Norlan, Mrs. Avery Johnston flew1 Windsor last Thursday froi Malton to spend a month wit ber daughter, Mrs. Veal,à Harrow. 'É& Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Minns an son, Hamilton, spent Saturda in town renewing accjuaintanci and noting the many changesi the town. Visitors with Dr. and Mrs.1 W. Sisson are Rev. S. J. Her derson, Mrs. Henderson an Heather, Windsor, and Mrs. 1 Green, Toronto. Miss Margaret Allin and Mr D. R. Alldread have returne from an enjoyable motor trip t Williamsburg, Virginia, returr ing via Washington, D.C. Mr. Edward Colwell is attend ing a six weeks' summer cours at University of Toronto. Mi Colwell will be on the staffo Courtice Public Sehool in th~ Fall. Miss Gwen Bartlett, daughte o! Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bartleti who is a member o! the Centre Sehool teaching staff, is takin a summer course at MeMaste Universitv. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clemer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundi, bave returned from an enjoyabl, motor trip to Quebec City, Port land, Maine, on the Atlanti Ocean, and Boston. Mass. Miss Mildred White, Nev ST.PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Il &.m. - Trinity and St.. Paul': congregations worship ln St. Paul'a. No Evening ServMçç Organist-Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. The Officers and Members of the Eldad United Church,>< cordially invite you to attend ý The Centennialii Services of their Church on Sunday, JuIy lOth 0 '1955 ai Il a.m. CSpeaker SRev. F. M. Cryderman, Toronto Monduy, JuIy llth . I at 2:30 pain. HISTORICAL PROGRAMME I SPORTS AND PICNIC SUPPER Assisting: the President of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference, Chairman of Oshawa Presbytery and former t Sunday, JuIy 171hd at 7:30 p.m.M Speaer:Rev. E. S. Linslead, Paisle y Ilfle,-ft - àmÉm - l )m -àm -'M - à J ý ,- York City, and Mrs. Norman S. estate of the late Dennis White 1 3rd Class Honoi IB. James were weekend guests for a special missionary project Iey, J. Cann, B.1 Iwith Dr. Dorothy James, Toron- in Angola where Mr. and Mrs. Herne (Alg.), L. Ito. Miss White is en route to Ferguson carry on the work of McDonald, G. Mar] Banff for a summer holiday. the United Chureh. At the same ton. I Mrs. John Cattran returned time the White family also pre- Pass-J. Bate holer home in Shawinigan sented $1,000 from the estate toE.Bon(hs) toll over the weekend accom- the Student Aid Fund of Osha- tE r(on Ph.). panied by her mother, Mrs. wa Presbytery. In the photo way (Lat. Fr. Phy Isobel Reynolds and Miss Fae with Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson are E. 'Fairey (Phys.), mReynolds and Mr. Roy Falls. Mr. Everton White who made (Phvs.), J. Fowle] )M Holiday visitors with Mrg. the presentations, and Rev. (Alg.), K. Hensie: IC. J. Smale were, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bury who received the <Fr.), R. Kerr (Ali r- H. R. Smale and family of City gîft on bebaif of the Oshawa B. Mathison (Alg., ith View; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Balson Presbytery. The late Dennîs Nesbitt. T. Price na and family of Kingston, Dr. White of Elizabethville and Port Quinney (Fr.), B.1 and Mrs. Jack Lodge and John- Hope was a devoted church Vondraeek, M. va, ny of Baltimore, Md. member and officiai. Maths.). tr Among those attending the Credit is given tc rd. ay - LaBine wedding last Sat MA ngstuents in su] t.udyat Holy Cross Roman.17JLE UJ.IVE L. Abbott--PhyIs., il- Catholie Church, Oshawa, were L. Biekle-X Fr.. re Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LaBine and Sympathy of this commun- Typing; K. Bragg- on daughter Helen, and Mr. and ity is extended to the Meteai.f Music; B. Grahanu id. Mrs. Malcolm Conroy. family, Mrs. J. H. Abernethy, Jackson-Art. to Robert Cale of Liberty St. N., daughter, in the loss of their Grade XII B mn was fined $1.00 and $1.00 costs, father, Mr. J. L. Meteaif, Town, th Tuesday, for parking his truck a former resident of Base Lin" Prize for General at n te taveledporiono! Miss Mildred Snowden spent The following s, lmi Highway No. 2. An accident the long weekend with her id involving two transports occur- sister and husband, Mr. and receive their Seeon ayred June 16 at Wilmot's Creek. Mrs. Otis Pritchard and boys at Diplomas: R. Asht( es Dr. Ross S. Lang, Chicago, Manotick. Butr, . ate, in 11. inrenwin hi subcrp- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle H. Cole, I. Conway, tion to The Statesman writes: and family, Levack, Ont.; Mr. D. Diîîing, R. Faire, E. Mother who is 89 years of age and Mrs. Walter Doyle, son on, C. Fisk, E. Gil n- is holding hier own well and John, Richvale, were Sunday son, N. Hamlin, L id does enjoy your news each visitors with their brother, Mr. ton, D. Leask, M H. week. Hope to sec you in the and Mrs. Steve Doyle. LnP yet fai.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Mitchell, D. Moorci s. Miss Sylvia Booth, Miss Joan Bill, Betty Ann, Hamilton; Miss ril K. Olesen, J. d Coîburne, Miss Elizabeth Max- Marion Snowden, Toronto. Peel, A. Porter. M. to well, Miss Barbara Cooper and were holiday visitors with their St a pieton, M. Vare( n- Miss Isobel Lowe recently had parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H-. ber, D. Woodloek, several days' holiday with Miss -Snowden. Credits are as fol, d-Jeanette Lobb at hier family's Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent the R. Ashton-Eng. e cottage at Lake Scugog. The week-end o! June 24 to June Geom. 1, Lat. 2, Fr. I.girls are ail student nurses fromn 26 with hier daughter, Mr. and I. Axford-Eng. ofToronto Western Hospital. Mrs. Otis Pritchard and boys, Ceog. C, Fr. C, C] âe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper at Manotick. 9 drove their daughter Miss Myra Pastor Somerville held a P. Eagnel-Eng. er Cooper to Ottawa last Sunday flower service on Sunday when Geog. C, Fr. C, Ch t where Myra bas enrolled in a the children deeQrated the Si 3 afive-week course at Hilton Street Cross with small bouquets, W. Bruint--Eng. g Scbool in primary work and There was also a baptismal ser- Gom. C, Lat. 2, Fr. erGrades 1, 2- and 3. Myra is a vice; the foilowing children J. Buttery-Eng. member of the staff of Vincent were baptized: Dawn LouiseLt.3Fr2,Ce Massey Sehool, Bowmanville. Stevens, daughter of Mr. andLF..Cartr. ,Ceng. '~Major William Brown and Mrs. Harold Stevens; Lorraine Geog. 2, Geom. 1, F e Mrs. Brown and daughters Maxene, Kevin Daniel Holmeýs, 3. enn 't-Penyand Valerie spent the eilîdren o! Mr. and Mrs. Mol- C Chant- Eng. Lholiday weekend here visiting vin Holmes. Church school Georn. 3, Lat. 2, Fr. bc is mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown, next Sunday at 11.1.5 a.m. H. Coie-Eng. C and bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Institute picnic to be Geom. C, Fr. C, Ch WJ E. S. Harnden. Penny remained held on Monday July llth at si C. -with Mrs. Brown and Valerie Lake View Park, Oshawa, wh ý ________ -with Mrs. Harnden for two the members will entertain the weeks' holidays. grandmothers, the children of Mr. and Mrs. David Pethick the members, called three gen- were recent guests of his grand_ erations, dinner to be served parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.c. at noon hour. Pethick en route to their new TalRneswl olc home in St. Clair Shores, Mich., papers on Friday evening July after a wcdding trip to Cape 8th. Will the people please tic' Cod. The bride was the former the papers in bundles and leave Jennifer Allen o! New York outside. City and their marriage took place in St. George's Church, New York, on June 26th. C u cl P se EastCenralOntrioAmaeur (Continued from Page One) Art Display at the Lions Com- returned. This by-law restricts oedn munity Centre. The display Iaeedn whieh has been here aIl week and controls building, accord- O continues to-night (Thursday) ing to size and location. log and Friday night from 7.30 to Anger Bros. were awarded 9.0PM. Pitig y orcontracts for sidewalk con- ______ members of the Bowmanville isrcina 0 e ot it AdultArt lass monga mix of 5 to 1. D tset'chosen f r ehiiton Fire by drants will be in- thos'chsen or xhibtio. 1sta]led at six locations in the IZiLC Ron White, age 18, Bowman- town, as a resuit o! a survey .ville,.RI? R.,,e.5eaped sgrious..ui. by ,Coun... Jack--.Brough and H jury on Tuesday, July 5, when members of the Fire Depart- I bis motorcycle apparently went ment and Publie Utilities Com- out of control at the Bowman- mission. These will be piaeed ville interchange on Highway at the centre of Prince Street, 401. O.P.P. Constable Pat Cor- on Liberty Street north at th.-- à IL neli investigated the accident Tremeer property, on Scugog- and the cyclist was taken to between Edsall and Frederick - Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Ave., and at three locations ville. He; was treated for shock along Concession Street east, Iand brush burns and later ai- where a water main is to be lowed to go home. constructcd in the near future. 0 IMrs. Maud Harris, Tyrrfne, Two extinguishers have been.- Ireceived word last week that purchased for the Town trucks. More men her brother, Mr. Arthur J. Signs at Signais buy BRYLCREEII Bond, 74 years old, had passed Signs will be crected warn- thon any other hoir dre,! a way June 29th in a Winnipeg ing of the new signal lights at hospital after several months' the King-Liberty intersection, illness. Mr. Bond was born in eaeh 500 feet back. Oshawa but went west in early The signal lights wbieh cost manhood. He is survived by $666.14, will bc in operation two daughters living in Winni- when these are put Up.Z peg; also two sisters, Mrs. Har- Coun. Tom Rehder, o! the EEATRL ris, Tyrone and Mrs. Greta Police Committee, asked and Tuck, Toronto, and one broth- was granted permission to meet er, Orville Bond, Oshawa, a with tlie Town Solicitor to draw veteran o! World War I. who up a by-law regarding the 1i N P bas been a patient in Sunny- censing of publie halls, meant brook Hosplial, Toronto, for to give a degree of control over F OR TH E several years. Mr. Geo. W. dance halls at Bowmanvill K ID N E YS James is a cousin of the de- Beach. ceased. A by,-law was read, authociz- Memer ad gess ! aloaling water mains to be con- Reg. Siue 59ç lades'briadgcubenjsoeanalstructed on Edsall, Concession, !,adis rdine ecrute at Haf1 IAshbtur, G. - Bagnehi '(-Mahs.î, ' 0 ST * L. Bagneli (Maths., Fr.), S. Vision Bothwell, J. Brooks, H. Clark (Maths.), R. Clemens (Maths.), WH .~~,-. Re-wrîtten J. Cook (Maths.), C. Cryder- !rom man, D. Forder (Fr.), S. Go- previous gerty, J. Henderson, L. Hen- copyrights ning, P. Hockin, B. Hodgson, o! H. Kennett, E. Leaver (Math. C. H. Tuck, Fr.), P. Leddy (Maths.), R. Me- Gill (Maths., Fr., Lat.), R. Mar- - Optometrist jerrison, M. Mavin, A. Moffatt Disney Bldg,. (Maths.), D. Palmer (Fr.), MI. 31 King E., Richards (Lit.), E. Smale, A. PACKAGI 09 opp. PO. Vermeul ;.J,,J Webb, K. Wil- 300tSSUOS63/4"ýZtq OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143issiamson x 1011, _________ ~Credit 'is given to the follow- 20tss9 0 300. ing students in subjeets listed: MAN'S SIZE 12"xl2" R. Cook-IX Maths., P. Fowler Science p e r f ecet ed down -Agri., P. Gould-Maths., N. through the years what is known VanBidger-IX Maths. as the bifocal lens and for the purposes when it shoulId be used Grade XI to Grade XII t is surely a ver' efcin Prize for General Proficiency metod f cmbiingboth the -James Ferguson. distance and near range correc- j st Class Honours-R. Brown, A l tion in one lens which may be D. Cattran, Bev. Cowling. J. worn in the single frame. Ferguson, V. Fisher, A. Jam- l The scientifie end is really, mer. consideration being given to the 2nd C]ass Honours-D. Aus- methods of wock under which 1 tin, Barry Cowiing, R. Dillin., W he eyes are used.1 W. Hooper. C. Lamb, E. 03- W eie - Çoerghted) 1 borne, T. Park, J. Rozevear. urs-A. Beg- Eldgridge, M. Luffman, M. low, K. Mut- (Alg. Phys.), ýR. Carru- F'r.), P. Con- ys.), N. Dale, ),J. Flintoff r, L. Harris ey, E. Jarvis Ig.), M. Lycett, Fr. Lat.), G. (Aig.), A. Van Nest, M. Walker (X to the follow- bjects listed: Typing, Art;,. Phys., Art., M-Music; B Resufts al Profieiency students wiil ýdary Sehool ton, I. Ax- WV. Brunt, J. 1C. Chant, yS. Coverly, y, M. Fergu- ibson, J. Gib- ý.Hcthering- l. Lewis, J. J.Markle, N. ýaft, P. Mor- Parkhili, M. Richards, L. coe, H. Web- 1. Yurko. .lows: S3, Hist. 2, r2, Chem. 1. C, Hist. C. hern. C, Art .3, Hist. C, 'em. 3, Mu- 3, Hist. 3,1 *2, Chem. 2. 3, Hist. C, 12, Music 2. C, Hist. 3, Fr. 2, Chemn. 1, Hist. 2, 2, Chem. 1. Hist. C, hem. 3, Mu- IS FOR 29c * NE 20c 35c XI B. Colwell-Hist. 2, Geog. C, 2. Art 2. A. Porter-Eng. 1 , Hist.1 I. Conway-Eng. C, Hist. C, Geom. 1, Lat.. 2, Fr. 1, Chern. I., Geog. 2, Fr. C, Chem. C. M. Richards-Eng. 3, Hist. i, S. Coverly-Eng. 3, Hist. C, Geog. 1, Fr. 3, Germ. C, Chein. Fr. C, Chem. 3, Music 2. 2. D. Dewdney-Alg. 3, Geom. L. Stapleton-Eng. C, Hist. C, Chem. C. C, Geom. 3, Fr. C, Chem. 2, D. Dilling-Eng. 2, Hist. C, Music 1.~ Geog. 2, Geom. C, Fr. C. Cheni. M arcoe-Eng. 3. Hist. 2, 2. m Geog. 2, Gcom. 2, Fr. C, Chem. R. Fairey - Eng. C, Hist. C,2.H. Webber-Eng. C. Hist. C, Geog. 3, Geom. C, Fr. C, Cheni. Geog. 3. Geom. 3, Fr. C, Chem. M. Ferguson-Eng. 1, Hist. . F. Wcstheuser-Geom. 2. 1, Geom. C, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Grenk D. Woodlock-Eng. C, Hist. 1, Chem. 2. C, Geog. 3, Geom. C,. Fr. C, C. Fisk-Latin C. Chem. C. B. Gîbson-Eng. C. Hist. C, I~ . urko-Eng. 3, Hist.C. Geom. C, Fr. C. Chem. C, Mu- Alg. C. Lat. 2, Fr. il Gree*k Jic. Gibson-Eng. 2, Hist. Cem, 2 Gcog. 2, Fr. C, Chem. 1, M1u- COMMWERCIAL RESULTS sic 1. Senior Commercial R. Goheen-Greek 1. Prize for General Proficieney N. Hamlin-Eng. 1, Hist. 3, -Marie Hughes. Geog. 2, Fr. 2, Chem. 2. Bn fMnra u o S. Hardy-Eng. C, Geog. C, Bank o& Moreal Cu Tpifor i AI.,. C, Chem. C. Hpeedry Aurac i Tpig L. Hetherington - Eng. CIHnyYro Hist. C, Geog. C, -Fr. C, Chem. Bank o! Commerce Prize in C, Art 2. Bookkeeping-Ross Elliott. W. Kirkton-Eng. 3, Hist. C, The following students will Geog. 3, Chem. C. receive their Commercial Dip- W. Laskaris - XI Eng. C., lomas:--W. Bates, S. Bathgate, Gcog. C, Aig. C. F. Fowler, M. Griffin, M* D. Leask-Eng. C, Hist. C, Hughes, M. Luixton. J. McClIurt', Geog. 2, Geom. 1, Fr. C, Chem. M. Smith, J. Stainton, H. lur- 1. ko. M. Lewis-Eng. 3, Hist. C, Geom. 3, Lat. 2, Fr. 1, Chem. 2. J. Lunn-Eng. C, Hist. «Il 1~lk ( Geog. 2, Fr. C, Germ. C, Chein. YO U N C. P. Lycett-EU. C, Hist. C. Geog. 3, Geom. 'C, Chem.» 3. . T R E S. McManus-Geog. C, Alg. 3, -Chem. C. J. Markle-Hist. C, Fr. C. D. Martin-Eng. C, XI His~t. 2, Geog. 2, Fr. C, Chem. 3. N. Mitchell-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, Geom. C, Lat. 2, Fr. 1, Chem. 1 D. Moorcraft-Eng. 1, Hi.s:. FLAVOR FED C. Geog. 3. Fr. 3, Germ. 3. P. Morrill-Eng. 1, Hist. 2, 8 15Is Geom. C, Lat. 2, Fr. C, Chemn C. 8t iIs K. Olesen-Eng. C. Hist. C, Oven-dressed Geog. C, Fr. C, Chem. C. J. Parkhill-Eng. C, Hist. 2, Geom. C, Fr. C, Chem. 2, Mu- sic 2. PHIL FNNNII E. Paseoe-Eng. C, Hist. C, MAPLE GROVE Geog. C, XI Fr. C. M. Peel-Eng. C, Hist. 3, fiai MA 3-2309 Geog. 2. Fr. C., Chem. C, Art ______________ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PEIR 1ST SPECIAL VALUES AND REMIN ALL THIS WEE ortiSummer Needs Sun GMasses Special Value - Aviation type in leatherette case 99e Kiddies' Glasses --'-25c, 29C Polaroid "Fits-on" clamp over regular eye glasses -----. --------- 2.50 Glaremaster Ciip-over ----69e Polaroid Zephyr or Winsome -- ------ 1.98 Polaroid Flightline - 2.98 Tone-Ray Siipover Glasses - . -------- - 4.00 Tone-Ray Sun Giasses 5.00 to iO.00 I.DA. Brand HEALTH SALTS Refreshing,! Cooling! Really peps you up 59e 1.D.A. Brand PAPER NAPKINS 17C I.D.A. Brand TOOTH FASTE .32e -57e I.DA. Brand WAX PAPER 29C Suntan and Sunburn Preparations Coppertone Oil & Cream 1.50 Spray Bomb - ---- --- 2.25 Skol ---------- 55c, 75c, 1.00 Noxzema Suntan Lotion squeeze bottje- . ------ 1.00 Noxzema Suntan Oil or Lotion ----------- 39c, 75c Acriflex Olntment -----60e Nupercaînal Ointment 1.00 Phofographic Supplies -l .1plit qmr laKodte for above --as-hol 3e 6 fon abeye.Flsh 3.60 ronedH awmeyeFlash outf, batteudes r, flashoblder. aderies lasm ga15ub.5 anerd a il m ers 1-35.750 Fther -oakCaeras 5.5 - 5.7 O CAMERAS Brownie Holiday Camera 3.50 Holiday Flash Camera 5.90 and 620 47c. Duc. Pak 89e - - 42e Duo Pak -----79e ,.1120 127 116 Insect REPELLENTS Velvetta --- ----- - 49e Sta-way, tube 29e Tantoo. tube - 60c Bomb ------.--- 98c 6-12 Insect Repelient 59e INSECT KILLERS Bridgeport Insect Bomb - 98c, 1.59 Green Cross Insect Bomb .--89c, 1.39 Hep Acrosol Bomb 1.39 rSapho .1.39 SPECIAI, VALUE! A.S.A. TABLETS 5-grain aceetylsalicylic acid for' relief of headaches, neuralgia,' pain in general. 100's -. - 19e 300's ------49e Special Value on BRITE LITE FLASHLIGHTS Canadian-made, black and chrome flashlight Thiree-wý,ay switch *Guarantecc b.v mraker *Two-eejllprefocLis and load Feature ----- -49e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M4cGregor, Your Local I.IY.A. Drug Store The following studenxts wiilJ receive their Commercial Certi- ficates:-R. Elliott, R. Wilkins. Gritde UC Prize for General Proriciency -Shirley Abernethy. ist Class Honours-S. Aber. nethy, J .Beckett, O. Hime. 2nd Class Honours-R. Domr, J. Jolinson, F. Piper, M. Sma-e <Shorthand). R. Stacey. V. Ste- ph-r.-ori J. Tayl,-or, D. Thertell. 3rd Class Honours-J. Brock, B. Èisher. G. Gibbs (Short- hand). B. Mutton, C. .Phillips. Pass-C. Bruce (Shorthanctî. J. Cornish. L. Marlow, C. Milne (Shorthand), J. Mutton, D. Quinse\ (Shorthand). ENGRAVED SILVERWARE WeJain Q/ Let us give the deft touch pf fine engroving to your wed- -ding gïfts. Our modern en- graving department serves you ever so prr.mptlyl Itngraving fs o cruf t ... i ond w. ore craftimen " MARR'S JEWELLERY 13 King W. MA 3-5463 RSONAL SERVICE NDERS EFFECTIVE 'SPECIAL LOW.PRICE OFFER!-I Gîllette Blue <' CASE Biades In Dispenser PLEAANTLE---- TSTING *çTE PhoneS MA 3-5792 Specials on I.D.A. Brands MILK 0F MAGNESIA- 29c, 49e 16 oz., reg. 35ec -« 32 oz., re'g, 60<C MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS 29c, 59e Reg. 9, 89c ARIOMATI-C CASCARA .- -23e, 39C Reg. 30c, 50c SPOT REMOVER --- ---33c, 59e Reg. 40c, 75c BEEF, IRON & WINE witb Vitamin BIî--79e Regular S]1.00 OLIVE 01L 29c, 44c, 79e 4 oz. reg.35 - 8 oz. reg. 55e - 16 oz. reg. 98e I. _______ $l à EL'ING?." fil M ._: 1 - r-à ' LIEF with ILLS* e - P-.t -Sý

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