Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 3

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TRTJSDAYJULY7th, 109 Ç$artwrigh f Central .,Public School Resuits 4 Poantedto Grade IX lst 'lass Hon. - Margaret Davison, Sylvia Kozub. Winni- fred Schwartz, Larry Ashton, William Hutton, Jack Swajn. 2nd Class Hon.-Diane Blair, Patricia DeVries, Gerald Assel- stine, John Feddema, Lloyd Wilson. Class Sfanding-Joyce Coch- rafrie, Muriel Forest, June Fow- 1er, Patsy Hoskin, Margaret MCOI, Ruth Prosser, Evelyni Whitfield, Barry Fisher, Glen Wilson.1 Promoted to Grade VII 1sf Class Hon-Gordon Gaà Margaret Hooey. 2nd Class Hon.-Leslie As seistine, Ardis McArthur, Pete 'Van der Huel, Francis Stani land. Class Standing-Allan Assel Amazing New Sanitone Service MAKES COTTON DRESSES LOOK LIKE-NEW AGAIN Neyer again need you spend weary bours washing, iron- ing and starching to keep your finest cotton dresses Iooking the way you want them. Here at last-our revo- lur4p ary "'Cotton Clinic-a ré%*y new, really different cleaning seri'ice for those smart cotton dresses. Every trace of grime, dirt. and spots ...even perspiration ... van- w- lhbtike magic! Colors and patterns spring back in al tbeir original glory! Like-new texture and"feel"are restored. You'I stay crisp and smart looking longer! Get acquaint- ed with our "Cotton Clinic" today! (:DI~ EVELEIGH'S Laundries Cleaners & Dyers OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR y, s- 1- stine, Gerald Brot».n, Margaret Ellis, Doris Griffin, Helen Mc- Leod. Annie Redmond. Maur-, ice Redmond, Elinor Shemiif, Audrey Van Ryswick, Cleim Wilson, Anne Mason. Teachier - Roy F. Turner. Grade VI to VUI lst Class Hon. - Strong, Beth. ' 2nd Class Hon-Befie De Vries. Jopie Duivestyn, Tru- usie Duivestyn. Aylwin Haines, John Hutton, Roberta Mackie,l Bonnie S ay w e l, Shirle%,' Snooks, June Werry, Glenda i Wilson. Pass - Ralph Bowers, Doug Frayer, Ronnie Hoskin, Judy. Judson. Carol Kozub, Edna, Shiemilf, Peter Van Ryswyk. Grade V to VI THE CANADIAN STATESMAK, EOWMANV!LE4 ONTARIO PAGE TomE Decorated Bicycles- Added Colour to Parade '. lst Class Hon.-Joan Brad- -burn, Ian Frayer. Laurel Mac- kie, Marjorie Stewart, Jirn Swain. 2nd Class Hon. - Katherine Cousins, Ruth Duncan, Betty Jean Fallis. Nicole Foe1- Stuart Hedge, Larry Hoskin, Lorraine Judson, Jane Payne, Shrley Prosser, Adrie *Vander- meer.i Nine decorated bicycles, many of themn featuring John Lyle (3rd), David HansP a mes Heyd ilath, Cavin th rd, white and blue associated with Dominion Day, Huffman, Leslie Lander, Kyte, Jim Mason, Patricia, .ul lst, took part ini the Community Picnic parade. Three Hughie Smale. Payne, Leonard Saunders, Bob winners were picked. Left to right are: Sheila Allin (2nd), Strong, Art Van Camp. Teacher - Grant Campbell. rane. Pina Duivestevn,, Chervl Grade IV to V Foet onLnig,Da ,Foes, oa Lasi Dvi ev. E. i. Kersey Accepts Cali 1sf Class Hon. - Buschlen, Il Mackie. Shirley McCoy, Deni He4en; Bvers, Jim; Dayes, Lor- McLaughlin, Douglas Metcal raine; Harris, Vernal- McLaugh- Ronnie Minshall, Brian Mount'T im r H ihs o o t lin, Donna; Sadler, Janice; jov, Donald Saunders, Joan Staniland, Brian. iSîoywell, Nadia Schwartz, Helen 2nd Class Hon. - Bradburn. Swain, Freddy Taylor, Mar- 1 Rev E. J. Kersey was induct- At present the rongregatiort Donald; Forest, Donald; Law~-!I lene Tomchishin, Lloyd Tre- 1 ed loto the Wilmar Heights xorshipping in a portable chu rence, Sylvia: Mantel, Peter,; win: Patsv Wotten. Diane Led- 1United Church, Toronto, on building renfed from the Tor< Poole, Penny:; Rahm, Paul;! ouIX Margaret Argue, Judy Thursday, June 30. Rex'. Ray Home Missions Counicil. TI Rohrer, Leonla; Rowe, Ann; Jones, Margaret Carnaghan. McCleary of Woodgreen United have purchased a two-stc Stinson, Marlyn: Gîbson, Bruce; ReomndtoGaeI Church was in charge of the' in- hoiise for their parsonage Swain, Don; Thompson, Rus- Frances Frayer, Denise Mal- dcinadRx.C .Am aei euiul unse sell. colm, Marilyn Perigue, Rence strong of Kîmbourne Park Unit- their new minister. Pass-Brown, Gordon: Duni- Ledoux ed Church preached the sermon Rev. Kersey formerly ser, can Dnad;Gay Jan Gy, Teacher-Miss Yvonne Chant. the Plainfield pastoral char John; Gay, Peter: Gilbani:, na elvle eoel Carl; Malcolm, Wayne; Me- Grade IH to Grade ifitne a B elvi harg eor.lea Manus, Betty; Minshall. Way- lNf Class Hon. - Clements, Mrs. Kersey were the recipie ne; Passant. Marx : Polach, Brian: Cousins, John: DeYonge, of numerous gifts in appreciat Martin; Tillhrook, Raymond. Shirley- MacLeod, Glenna; Me- .o f their services. The congre Teacher-Mrs. Bruce Heaslip j Coyý, Harle.V: McKee, Leah; b fons gave Mr. Kersey a beý Grade MI to IV Prosser, Joey, Rohrer, Ken- * iful engraved wrist watcha 1sfClss on Bown Lc-neth: Roseboom, Hennie: Stan- Mrs. Kersey a lovely set of har Is ls o.Bon a-iland. Nancy; Van der Meer, painfed dishes. Other gifts w ry; Blyth, Carol; Bradburn, iesj Wotten, David. received from W.A.'s, Y.P. Mary; Byers, Janice; Cousins, Fes; TrailRaerCulsC Robin; Feddema. Grace; Gib - 2nd C lass Hon. - BallingalRnes ope'C sonAnn: Mtcaf, herv' 'avi; Flli, Dogla: Pyne ~.and Sunday School. 1 so, Ane, etclfCherl; avi; Falis Doglas PaneRev. E. J. Kersey is the son Venning, Linda; Watson, Rob- Jaimne; Rohrer, Carol; Vermeer, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kersey ert; Vermeer. Trinette; Bea- John. H m t na d w sod i e h cock, Bruce. Pass Standing - Bayes, Jim;yasgoftrrduin r F2dClIass Hon. - Argue, Forest. France: Gay, Dorothy, maulCllgTrno Foyd; Brdburn, M a r i o n: Prescott, George: Suggitt, Joan.Emne olgTrno ýDowney, Donna; Hughes. Gail:l Teacher- Dorothy Venning. Kye lyd; Lansing, Lorne; Mr& M s.FSmt Rahm, arol; Taylor, Alice.Mr& s.FSmt Psi - Giles, Gerald; Jones.C lbat hi Charles: Mal col m, Brenda.! Sch 001 Resuits C lbae Tii RosebooGraeIJ o o;T11boo, BAKER*S SCHOOL 48th Anniversary 1sfClssHo. -Bresa. Grade 9-Yellowlees, Haroldl (Long Sault Correspo.ndent) ltCasHn- rem,(H); Host, Joe (H). About seventyfred r Martha; Hutton, Nancy: Kyte,1. redfc Lynda: McLaughlini, Donaldf.i Grade 7-Yurko, Mary (H);- Oshawa, Bowmanville, GorE Pas -Huthiso, Bllt'Rogers. Jimmy (H); Irwin, Rev. E. J. Kersey Landing, Orono, Tyrone ai 1 Dona (); iddlton Lesie.surrounding communifyv cal] Prescotf, Donald.Dna(;Mdde.Lsi. to the congregation and the new to ,elebate with Mr. and Mj Teacher -- N. Baiiey. Gr"ade- C ley< - :Kafhleeni; rinîster. Fred G. Smnith their 48th we Promoted to Grade H Moore, Keith t'eahy, John. Following the' service the ding anniversary Safurday e Gerry Bowweester. Dickie Grade 5 - -- Middleton, Cecil ladies of the W.A. secved a de- ening, June 25tb. Bowwmeester, Roy Bradburn, (H): Cayley, Roberf.* licious lunch and a social time Mr. and Mrs. Smith recelv( Ivan Bradburn, Judv Coch- Grade 4 - Burns, Richard was eiijo ' ed. terget ntelvn-o (H); Rogers, David (H). The Wilmar Heighfs United theirgouests ofte lvin-ro Church is sifuated on PharmacY flowecs, assisfed by their on. F A T ELIF OR Grade 3-Murray, Wayne. Avenue, in Scarboro Township, daughter, Grace. Several gif FA TR LEFF R Ge . 2 -Rogers, Dona!d in a nexv, ra pidly growing are a. vrloo ipa nt Grad 113 lrwi Rodeyliving-room. Gi-de lB- rwn ode 0 Mrs. Harry Fraser. Oror T iR E ~ ~~~~Grade 1A-Yellowlees, Mur- Ge Tui IIISLLED RIGMTan Mr.dih upypur T IR E ra, Mrrav Glnda ÂWA. IIS MPORANT ]1 tea at the dining-room tab' ray Mura, Gend. WAY ITS MPOTAT which was covered wifh la( Teacher - (Mrs.) Annett'a t TAT 'fOU START TAKING cloth and preftilv decorate A sh ton. UT IMMEDIATELYI with Pink and white streames A low bowl of red roses pi' ________________ ADO L ITAKE IT TO 'N eftedto the happy couple b 4)u OYS.1 owaSilea- orn e d thi "INiMEr W\hen a %%ell knlown billiards champion joined a rifle shooting club everyonc expected himi to show a high standard of nizrksmianblip. Atler ail, il %%as a steady hand and a good -'eNe" that had made him fainous. But soniehow.% he couidn*t even hit the target.t Then one daN, he scored ten points out of a possible tell at 1,500 Nards. ExerNonc %%anted to know tlie reason for the terrîiimiproxenent in his aim. -S*easy now I've got the hang of it-, he told them. "l'ni piaying it just like billiards. . and bouncing the bulicîs off t 9 that rock out there on the range."î V GOLDEN ALE B R EW E R Y L1M1T ED To Grade 9-Albect Lipta *Erik Olesen, ina Beryl. Read. To Grade 8-Wayne Blac humn, Jean Bertrim, Lync Potts, May' Tabb. To Grade 7-Elizabeth Lil tay, Joan Layng, Brenda Elli Anna Nastoff. To Grade 6--Catherine Lil fay, Russell Tabb. To Grade 5-John Bertrin Jean Piggoit, Patsy Ellis, Carc Blackburn, Frank Colbarý John Jones. To Gr'ade 4--Rena Grahan- Birdie Bertcim, Lily Tabt Richard Swerdfiger, Jame Tabb, Steve Nastoff. To Grade 3-Stephen Liptay Ian Graham, Clark Piggott. To Grade Z-Pamela Layng Doreen. Trewin, Tommy Pot fs Lynne Read. .Nof Promoted - Jimmmi( Jones, Gr. 3; Wayne Piggott Gr. 1: Gerald Layng, Gr. 1. Teacher - Miss M. Bouck. ENNISKILLEN SCHOOL Names are in order of nîerit. Grade 8 f0 9-Irene Fergu. son, Garth McGill, Ted Yeo. Grade 7 to 8-Garx' Beckett, Bruce Ferguson, Dennis Par- sons, Jim Rowan, Linda Stain- to-. Grade 6 t0 7--Douglas Fer- guson, Bruce Milîs, Vicki Pick- ering. Cheryl Rowan. Tom Wil- son. Doris Wright, Linda Yeo. Grade .5 to 6-Lois Ashton, David Ferguson. David Stain- ton. Dennis Stevenson. Grade 4 to 5--Sheilat Cox. Laura Grîffîn. Kathryn. Sic- mon, Mary Yeo. Grade 3 f0 4--James Almev. Jariette AlmeY, Wayne Beckett, Gordon Buyd, Maureen Mc- Jai r. Grade 2 f0 3--Charles Ash- ton, Terrx- Cox. Leowna Fer- guson, IMuriel Griffin, George .eadbeaîer. Reg Pacsons, Rich- ird Pickering, Sharron Steven- on. Betty Jane WKerry, Betty Wright, Neil Yeo. Grade 1Ito 2-Clare Ashton, Lockie McNair. Cheryl Par- ons. Susan Wearn, Lawrencel Wrigh t. Teaehlir-NMrs .Mitchell. The secret of success ir, ;fe. is ,or a inan to be read -v for his nnortuîîx when. at comes.- enl1aiinD aei DOÇTOR. 1 CAN AUNA'<S RELY ON T14EM FOR FAS.T, DEPENDAOII SERVICE! IHead into summer with pride. Get your hair set for fun, now, writh a smart Ipermanent vvave or a loi ely new setting. Corne in today! Rab y's ~Beauty Salon 1 200 King St.F. MA 3-3408 Gob Irvil -Phc urch bhey orey and 1for ved crge, ving and ents lion ega- aut- and ind- ere of ree rom J-i re's nd cld, Irs. ed- om no. iv i SALEM Communion service was held at church on Sunday. Glen Blackburn, Raymond Twist, Ronald Welsh and Donald Welsh were received into the member- ship of the church. Mr. and Mrs. ETwist bad their membership transferred from Maple Grove t0 Salem. There was a lovely basket of flowers placed in the church in loving memory of mM W. Henderson. A number from here attended the funeral of Mr. W. Henderson last week. Sincere sympathy is exfended to members of his famîy. ¶Mrs. Walter Willard. Toronto, spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barrie and Mr. and Ms. W. G. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry, Mrs. W. Willard, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane and famîly were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werry, Shaw's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family are spending holidays this week at a cottage at Minden. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn, Bob and Brian at- tended the Blackburri - Hardy picnic at Solina lasf Frida. Congrtulaios f0 Mc. ena ýienChalote usinBety vWerv neInIdent of the Boys igGi (lst), Carol Me Training School. [ng Mguire We welcome Mr. and Mrs. iot byCaron tudo, ortHop !Delaney and famîly, Hamopton, otoby arsn Sudi, Prt opeto our community. They re- cenfly moved into Mr. Albert Bofhwell's bouse east of the Oshawa Tank Regiment at the school. Petawawa Camp for a week. Mc. and Mrs. L. Welsh and Haydon Sunday Scbool An- family and Glen Blackburn niversary services on Sunday affended the Columbus - Maple and Dominion Day celebration Leaf bail game in Toronto last were a real success. Supper Fridav. was served f0 a large attend- ance. Sports, races and horse' shoe pitching were held on thneT RfM school grounds. At 8 p.m. the YR N comedy play "The Old Man's Mran s.AtuBrb, Money" presented bv' the Wick Mcan Mr.AhuBrb, Y.P.U. was well given. Mr.s. Toronto: Mrs. W. Macdonald, Montgomery, Brooklin, enter- Bowmanville, spent the' week- tained befween acts. We xvould end with Mrs. Florence Scott. like f0 fhank Nestleton quar- Mrs. John Westlake, Bowman- tette and Enniskillen quartette ville; Mc. Artbur Richards,' and Rex'. M. Sanderson, Mî's. Mose Jaw. Sask., Mc. Jack Lloyd Ashton and ail others Richards, Oshawa, were guests who helped to make our anni- of Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Richards. vecsary suih a success. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Beech and children. Burketon, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rabm. Love should be stronger than Measles and mumps still seemn pride, broader than self -ease, and fo be the order of the day. deeper than sentimentality or Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibs and emotion.-Macy Kimbaîl Mor- IMichael refurned homne from a gan. pleasant week's hoiday at Glen- centre 0 the table. Looking after the get were their daughter-in~'gu, Mrs. F. O. Smith, nieces, Mi-. J. C. Cook and Mrs. H. C. M- Clure, and Misses Jane' MC- Clure. Gloria Smith and Laur- aine Cook, and Bobbv Sm;th looking after the guest book. Many congratu7atory cards and telephone calîs were rc. ceived from friends unable to be. present at the happy oc. casion. HAYDON Miss Betty Dawson, Orono, is is holidaying wîth Mr. and M Mr. Ronald Rahm. i Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sheffield, SOshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn ~ ad fmiy, Mrs. B. Henningl and baby, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- -son. Barbara and Allen, Porti IHope; Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Thurston, Patsv and Donald, IDunsford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. I Dr. aiid Mrs. Wm. Corrigan Sand Vilda. Toronto, are holi-' daying with Mr. and Mrs. C., IRankine and Margot.1 gHoliday visitors at Mr. J. iWalker's were: Mr. and Mis. IKenneth Walker and Kenn.-, IBowmanvil]e; Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Barbara, Mr. and> IMrs. MacAlpine and Aileeri, gToronto. Aileen remained for -holidays with her grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson. 5Burt, N.Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Aî- -bert Lock, Port Hope; Mr. Jim: : Ashton, Mr. Cyrus Ashton, St.: SCatharines, called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and at- tended S.S. supper. Nwate is holidaying with Mr. and zMrs. Ross Ashton, IMrs. W. Martin attended the Myles - Cooper wedding a t Orono June 25th. Master Bougie Colbarv whoc holidaved wîth Mr. and Mrs., W. Blackhurn has returned to Toron to. *vl. and Mrs. Leslie Graham called on Mr. and Mrs. Cvruz' Azzhtoîî. Burketon. Saturdax-. Mr. and Mrs. WV. Blackb;urn and famil.v and Mrs. T. Cowl- ing spent Thursday in Toronto. W. A. meeting will be held JuIy 14 at 2:30 pin . at the. home of Mrs. T. Cowling and! Mrç W %&. B]ackburn's. Clayton aeacl s with the - verdean. Hal's Lake. Mrs. Howard Phiilp is attendu ing Summer School at Toronto. Mrs. W. Rahm called on Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins, Burketon. Sunda v isitors at Horace Hall's were Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker and Gordon, Miss Phyllis Maynard and Ethel Hall, Bowv. manville, Miss Glad-vs Maynard. Oshawa; Ross and Russell Hall, Alvin Fisher, ZMon, Mr, and Mrs. R.Maynr and girls. Mr. John Manard, Mr. an dMrs. S. Hall At the Sunday morning service flowers wvere placed in the church in loving memorY of James Colwill. At this service communion was observed and three young people joined the church, Gloria Brent, Ruth Pascoe and John Cook. Mrs. W. Rahm and Clem. Mrs. Ronald Rahm visited the home of Mrs. Alex Perger, Water- dowvn. Several from here attended the Orange Parade at Good- wood and Blackstock on Sun- dav.1 bw'ing f0 the'storm Tuesday evening the hydro and telephone service was affected. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble, Courtice, have bought the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk. Canada's process cheese in- dustry shipped a record $27,- 271,2à9 worth of products in 1953. 'SHACKELTON INHALANT ÇQMPOUNID QUICK delightfuil relief from the eymploms of head rold, minus. catarrh, bronchjtiR, asthma, hay fever. T'he .$hackelton Compound and the easy-to-use Inhaler romplete-5.00. At Drug and Department Storeâ, os QUMMER BARGAINS on New 1955 International Harvester FREEZERS and REFRIGERATORS More room ihan any other refrigerafor 8.2 cu. fi. Refrigeralor 9.6 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top Only 12 cu. fi. Refrigeralor Freezer across the top, rail out shelves, 12 cu. fi. Freezer Now is the time ta get your freezer and stock up with the plentiful suppIlr of fruit and vegetables in the summer so that you can really save nioney and enioy garden fresh produce in the winter. OnIy $2.00 per week FOR ANY 0F THE ABOVE MACHINES $239 $295 $390 Thor Washing Machine .i With Electric Rinse Pump, reg. $17 1.95 for s I13 9.o Philips 21" Television Philipt 21" TV Consoleile ~O' 0 Regular $359 --____fo5'.oài Farm Equu*pment and Automotive. TOIM COWAN, Prop. 134 KING ST. EAST PHON MA -56 1 M "i "f lt 1' i [ lit, "if; 1 amamwïm mlgm F/1 e » est, 0, ý « -- Only 1. Only m 1 1 ---- for $329-95 PHONE MA 3-5689

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