Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 13

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r- AT 7th, 1953 . .- A - lIA NTTl> %7WAM TI lFWf d« LMb4JAI#M Vàyf1 VdM ,4 L44%% r%*l 'wnwriZw G*assified -IN MEMlORIAM gMITT-In loving rnemor dear son Allen, wha paso edaway auddenly July 101t 1953. We laved hlm, ah, no tongu cari tel How much we loved him an, how well; God Ioved him toc, and though it best To take him hoe with Hir to rest. Lovingly remembered by hi mother and Laverne. 27-1 DUMMITT-In loving memaiý of Allen William Dummil (Souchfe> who passed a": suddenly near Welcome, Jui Ilth, 1953. 111s last parting wish We wouid like to have hear And breathed in his ear Our last parting words. Only those who have lost Are able te tel The pain In the heart In flot saying farewell. -Ever remernbered by his wl:i Reta, children Karen and Roddy 27-. FARREL-In loving memoM o! a dear wife and mother Susan Farrell, who passed awa3 July 19tb, 1954. In our beart your memor3 lingers Always tender, fond and true There's flot a day dear mothei We do flot think of you. -Ever remembered by husband William, son Elmer and daugh. ter-in-law Mary. 27-1 MAYNARD - In ever loving niemory cf Susan Ruth, beloved littie daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kennetb Maynard. who died Juiyr 6, 1951. In our hearts she wili ever live - Lovingly remembered by memmy and daddy. 27-1 MAYNARD-In loving mçunory o! cur darling grand-d;>ugater Susan Ruth Maynard, wlio pass- ed away four yeams ago; -Jul, E6th. - A 1w a y remembered b; gramma and grampa Mairs. 27-1* McKAY-In memory cf our father, Wilfred McKay, wbo passed away on July 6tb, 1954. -Remembered by tbe family. 27-1 MOUNTJOY-In ioving memory of my dear brother Cephas J. Mountjoy, who passed away July 1954, and bis wife Margaret wbo passed away September 1954. A token cf *ove and remem- brance ,. 0f those we shall neyer farget, Their memnory ta me is a treâsure Their loved ones will never forget. -Ever ememb ,red by sister Annie ,>intjoy.Y 27-1* PEARCE-In lol.ing memcry of a dear husband and father, John Thomas Per.rce, wbo passed away July «jh, 1951. ~-4»mgry ;as) dear today As Aft the her hé passed away. -Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 27-1* ROBERTS-In loving memory cf Ina, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, sister of George, wbo left us te be with Jesus, July 4th. 1935. Love's best gift, remembrance. 27-1 1TERWILLEGA fý.- In loving memory of a eiear wife and mother, hIâllian YLerwillegar who passed away .J'ly 4th, 1954. Every day in gome small way' Memories of you corne our way, Tbough absent you are ever near Still missed. stili ioved, and ever dear. .-Lovingiy remembered by Bert, Gordon, Mary and Jean. 27-1 Notices 4 Dr. Rundie's office will be ehosed from June 30 to August 1 inclusive. 25-6 Dr. Ferguson's office wilI he closed fnom-Adinlu -- Jn camp period at Pigeon Lake To comPlete staff they require. one retistered nur-se. t ~fiterested, please telephone Mis A. J. Frank, MA 3-3231 BOWMANVILI (BOB IIOR] DouesIic, Cern Judmotrial NO JOB TO( Try Me foi PHONE N Garbage - 'F ~ ('Iiit~ii~ 1Jc 1xS (Ccntmnued from Page One) The OrN.Jno New tiens. 1 A number cf the question- _______________ ________A_____ naires had added notes. with g- pros and cons on Municipal h, Out-cf-town guests at the!Mrs. H. Luxton and sons, Lar- Collection as against Contract Myles -Cooper wcdding weme ry and Donnie, attended the, or vice versa. The conclusion ue Mm. and Mrs. A. Grice, Miss Virtue picnic at Greenwood drawn from the cemments is Gwen Grice and Mr. R. Bebee, Park, Saturday, July 2nd. - ibat the success of a collection nd Cambourne; Mrs. Harry Durfy, Mm. and Mrs. J. ý Lamb and by Contracf is solely dependent Niagara Falls; Mrs. C. A. Myles, daugbters, Ottawa, visited Mrs.liupon the Contractor. ýht Coîborne; Mrs. W. Martin,j Thointon Wilson. J A joint meeting was hehd lmHaydon; Mm. and Mrs. Jack Miss Mabel Challis, Bow- with the above and a commit mCooper, Oshawa; Mr. Gary manville. is with Mrs. Frank tee fram the Chamber o! Comn- lis Cooper, New Hamburg; Mr. Hall. merce, namely Mr. A. H. Stur- Jand Mrs. Donald Myles and1 rock, Mm. B. Kitncy, Mr. L. 1Faye, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryson Lucas and Mr. G. Lander. The Mr. and Mrs. Alain Dues- and family, Windsor, visited falhawing are recommenda- ry bury, Dunnvlhe, spent the long relatives Over the holiday weck- in h omtesaemk t weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. end. inthcomtesae ak LY Hudson and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fagan, ing te the present Cauncil. ly Mr. Roy C. Forrester, Mr. Karen and Michael, Sarnia, ti.on p-assaGrag.aIe Harry Mercer, Mr. E. Dent and Ronnie and Bruce Cooper, Lan- tnbylw Mr. Waters, Cobourg, werc in don, visitcd Mm. and Mms. F. O. 2. To pass a by-iaw te con- rdToronto Menday. Cooper. fraI the dump. Mrs. Wrn. Armstrong enter- Mr. and Mrs. Don Mercer 3. A Garbage Collection to taincd hem Sunday School and Wendy, spent the holiday be arranged for the Town of Class iast weck. weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Er- Bowmanville, cubher by Muni- Mrs. Clarence Duncan was nest Ransbcmry and son, Enter- cipal Empioyces or by Contract, in Memorial Hospital, Bow- prise. at the pleasure oof Council. fe manville, hast week. Miss Brenda Fligg, Oshawa, Until the by-laws are passed1 y. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd and a garbage collection estab-1 'liams, Toronto, visifed Mrs. and Mrs. Ken Gamsby. lisbcd, it will be impassible ta John Morris. ototh, rsn cndin Mm. and Mrs. Art White Mms. G. L. McGee who bascota tepren cndin r, settelnwckdat Red been lu Toronto Hospital for existing in the Town and tbe1 !Spetoe lkenseerl wek isnawinMemdTown Dump. If the above are y Cogtuaions tekMm. and rl wHasil, owminviie. established the dump gate Congatuatins t Mr an oril Hspial, owmnvile. couhd be hocked and only au- ryMrs. Bob Cooper, London, on Mm. and Mrs. Jîm Major, thorized persans would bave ythe birth of their dau hter, a Marilyn and Suzanne, weme inf access ta it. e;sister for Ronnie anduBruce. Huntsville and at Lake Situ- eina afrh u-1 Mm. and Mrs. R. E. Logan coe recentîy.Toeinaeafrbru- are vacatianing at Rice Lake Mrs. George Butters visited sance namehy the bumning at ithis week.Ms.W. ithl Mr. and Mms. Wm. Baîton, the dump. it is suggested that1 Mr. nd Ms. m. Mtchel Nrth ay.the land f111 method be used. spent the weekend with Mr. Mm. and Mî-s. Gardon Watson Wt hsmto rnhi and Mrs. Burns Kittmer and and Mr. Jack Watson ettended used for the disposai of gem- ig famiiy at Elora. tbe Parker-Brown wedding las' bage and then filed in witb dimt, thus the necessity for i ,d Mr. and Mrs. Dane Faund week et the United Church burning wauld be eliminated. 'S and Mary visited Mr. and Mrs. Parsonage, Newcastle. ci Wm. Found, London. Mrs. Harmy Durfy, Niagara If a Cantmact is given for the Mm. and Mrs. Harold Dean Falls, Mms. D. M. ýMyhes end gambage collection, it would be espent the holiday visiting at Mrs. Calvin Myles, visited Mr.s. an edvenfage ta have the saine 5Sharbot Lake. Win. Marlin and Mr. and Mrs. Contrector maint ain the dump. .1Mr. Chas. Awde, Mr. and Jack PolIs, Heydon. As the trend is ta proper Mr.Dave Hooper attended Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe adfm collection vehicles, it is ecam- t .y the funerals o! bath Mm. James; ily. Ottawa, is vîsiting Mm. and meuded that a chosed van be c rCoiville and Mr. Wm. W. M-ms. C. F. Duncan. used.9 _____________________________0 Henderson in Bowmanviile on It is onhy possible ta estab-0 y July 1sf. lish an approximete cast. Ourv Mrs. Harvey L. Brant on and Ju present population is 6,200 . On ison Paul, Windsor, Miss Mer- MO the basis o! the survey with an garet Flintof!, Mr. and Mrs. veaets e aiao 1-i *Cari Flintoff and daugbtems. The community getbered at avethe cost peruld be o$8,0.0 Oshawa, visited Mrs. L. Coop- te scbool bouse on Tbursday 43 the highud est $8igure0me- r tr cm and Mr. and Mms. O. *Cowan. evening, June 30, ta bonar sorne eivged o h$30 er cpiur e -r o Mm. and Mrs. H. Snell end, newlyweds. Mm. Ahex McMaster ceast would300ber 18,600 the. 1sans returned ta Toronto efte e ater o eeais m If the Municipality wou1d Ci visiing rs. en Gmsyforadsk illiMm. PolnacMrSy lia operate the collection the i - f 1several weeks. RaikM.adMs ila tial .cost o! the cquipment coul Mrs. John Morris, Mrs Jack Rutherford (Joan Morgan), Mr. benecd na 0yer debn yr Stapleton and Miss Ann Ste- ad rs awene emy(Ixen rpleton werc in Tomante hast Camemon), Mr. and Mrs. Paul ue y' weck. Sobil Jr. (Shirley Dodweli) were Tbe initial cost of the ecuip- !t M. and Mrs. Henry Junker, presented wth occasionai chairs. ment would be $10,500. 00. On a t ,r resonvistedMis Ala Ct-Tbe Junior Football boys alsc ¶ eu year basis et 4% would rel PreonvtedMssAmaCt presented Mr. and Mrs. Steve total $14700.00. ai telrcnh.Sobil with two pictumes and a Yeerly cast: $147000 - (ten r - Mrs. R. A. Forrester spent the do reet eiiu ers-yeam basis) Equiprnent; $1.6r. weekend in Toronto. IT raet eiiosrfeh ,6. Con rat latons ta r. nd m ents were served by the ladies. 00-(Replacng in tree ears) d1 e Mrs. Relph Charles Phillins Mm. and Mrs. R. C. StaintanLruk $6840-tme en rthe former Miss Maumeen Me- and Laurel spent the weekeud Labor; $500-Ges & Oil;,Total t Kenn) onthei mariageJu-wî lbMr. and Mrs. Hamry Polaz, $ 10.500.00; Wbich is a cast o! e Kv nn aonthGergmesicanJu Midlaud. Mrs. Stainton and $1.70 per capita. a ly nd t S. Garg's nglcanLaurel are staying ail week. On a private contrect basis, Churcb, Newcastle. Rev. D. R. M.anMs.FeByc d the cost wouid be subject ta Dewdney officiated. -Reception M ave mav Fed Bnocentetneso teCncos fi cd nte uioru fSbelby hv oe notii h edr fteCnrcos wa edi h uioimo new bouse. It is suggested thet the faim-S i th Od Fehows Hal, ron. JMr. and Mms. Morley Flintof! est means o! coilecting for thisd 1 Mrs. James Bail, Mms. Harry and Grant, Maple Grave; Mm. service would be to establisb Mercer, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, and Mrs. Stanley Coverly, Ken- a cost per houseboid wbichci neth and Karen, Ebenezem Mr. ill Tiwold eedd trternv hdro0 M U i U iS and Mrs. William Preston, Mm. Bil hi oudaeie b N usc P p Is and Mms. Ivaen Cochrane and 1 expense frorn the rptyS Beverley, Courtice; Mrs. Delbert awner and put the expense an t Il Fliutaff, Michael,, Roy and Camai the househaider wbo is bene- Hoto Recitai Harvey, Kedmon, at Wes. Cern- fitiug fmam the service. Also t erou's. the collection would be flexible S AL ro o Hail T~he Junior Football boys. and could eliminate the places Killen with two pictures and a tion, for example, the femms On Monday evening, June 27, dag onarnent. withiu the Muniripality wbo the pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Miss Eva Caruthers, Cooks- feel that they will ot require Workman, Bowmenville, beld a!ville, spent a few days et Ray this service. piano recitel in the Sunday Carneron's. Taking Wbîtby as a camper- a: School auditorium o! Orono Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henry, isan as their population is near a: United Cbumch. The 48 pupils Mm. and Mrs. Ray Camemon and ours, their ermeage 1,173 acres f taking part in the program were family, Mm. Keifh Pumdy , Miss lalrger and road mileage about Li fmam Bowrnanville and Orono. Eve Carmuthers visited et Osaca. alike. thein cost is appraxi- mi Over 150 atteuded the eital i Mrs. Clarke Moore and grand- mately the seme as the estim- MV Mr. Workrnan acted as chair: ebjîdren Jerry and Kathie ated cast for Bowrnenville. ai man for the evening with the Moore, Oshawa, et Keith Stain- Tbey bave found the closed Ci pupils ennouncing their own ton's. van fa be very setisfactomy. It numbers. Mms. Alex McMaster was wes tound by comparing the ai The children, in appreciation bostess for a W.A. miscellaneous records o! a ciosed van as WV of hei teche'seffrtsdurngshower for Miss Berthe Pescoe against open truck, that the 1M oftheir eacesefforts durn on Mondey eveuiug. The bride- number of trips for a complele th yampesntd m. ar-ta-be was presented with a collection were 17 for the van, ai man witb a travelling alarm1 beaufiful cor-sage o! red roses 26 for open truck and 24 man MV Kenc ad thre. acolmess aend sealed iu a decorated chair boums witb e van. 101 for an me Kenze red te adressandouI ou the hewn. Misses Joan open truck. In addition ta be- M Sharon Allin pesented the gift. 1MMse n aiy is~iigfsei loeiiae The folawing pupils weme'carried ouI the gifts lu e nicehy spillage end garbage distribu- an awardcd Kelly Kirby Kinder- decoreted clothes basket, mekiug tion fbnougbout the town, ga garten Certificetes: Elizabeth sevemai trips. After'opening the whirb are seriaus compleints an Braden, Phylhis Emmerson, Jean npcls Berthe epresedhemwifb aur r pesnt stu.ili mikadthe parents teeaud i Hggon. wt bsrprCu.jA. '- ' / Higgou pesented ta Counicîl ga' "the figures obtaiued frami thne1 31ours of comparable size la the Bowrnenville, sbawing the ap- Sui *- fproximafe rosIs a! municipil Tbý Scollection in relation fa popu- heE ÎE ELE TRIC ltion, area and other factors. the NIGOLD) I is intemesting f0 note that mc PreiqessMY LnairC .ich xas i RADIO TV SERVIC e înt oud go ta ee votedo!tha GMr Expet Rpais t A Maes eie, uncpid hat if haunicicn, iF OUR mucpal collection oiug t a fr W& in 3-60. Sivr t.MA3342-atthe rebyte woundide-pal a 0BOWMALVM YLEofinîtesry yes. butse pib-al r Pice RA IO V SRVIE towould o es. haddvot osteore pepl, elid ha f un- cr Courtice Takes Lead ln Darlington League With one geme te go to, half-way mark in the schedule Courtice have mcved ouf ahead lu the Senior Derlingten Footbal League with onhy eue lossud eue tic. Solina are vcry close behlud sud with a win over Tyrone lest night cen fie Courtice at the helf-wey mark. Press deadlile would net permit us to get resulîs of that gamne. Maple Grave have gone undefeated ln the Junior Leegue with Zion with only oue tic game fer a near perfect record. The Leegue Executive have plauned an ail-star game with C.G.E., Peferboro, who arc playiug lu Toronto Senior League and sboud give our boys e goad game. Sec the disphay clessified advertisemeut for full parficulars. The foihowing are league standings as o! Juhy 2 inclusive: Senior League Team GP w Courtice ----- - 6 4 Saline ----------- 9 2 Mapie Grave 6 2 ZMon --------- --___ 6 1 Tyrone --___ -5 1 Enniskilhen 6 1 Hampton- ------------------ ,6 1 Junior League Team GP w Maple Grove - -- 5 5 Zian --.--..-- ~ 5 4 Courtice.......-- 5 3 Tymone.......----. ---.----5 2 Hampton . . 5 1 Enniskillen 6 1 Bowrnanville --------- 5 0 T GF 0 9 1 20 0 12 i 10 il 4 Exciting Game Ends With Roses on'Top The Brookdale Roses increased their Iead over the second place )rono team to two and a haif games by defeating them 9-7 in one of the most exciting games if the season at Memnorial Park, Wednesday, June 29. The Roses came from bebînd o tie the game at 7-7 in the sixth innirlg, then scored two mlore in the eîghth to win. A fumble by Tim Cox on a high fiy bail to right field almost 'ast the Roses the game in the fifth inning. The bases were loaded, and two men out, with the score reading 5-4 for Bow- nanville. Ail three runners cored, putting Orono on the top end of a 7-5 score. A home run by Maxie Yourth and a double by Roy Falls wbicb was taken the route for another un tied the score in the top of the sixth. Confusion which .eveloped from the erupting tmpers caused by some disput- d caîls made by the umpires llowed the winning runs to scre for the Roses in the eigbth. The winning run started with awalk to Gilhooly. Hamilton ;acrificed to send Gil to second. Abeautiful bunt by Cox sent il ta third. Orono pitcher Keith West was evidently afraid )f Sonny Hooper, who started )ut batting left-handed, and tried in intentianal walk. Hooper ,vitcbed, and the game was îrown into confusion. The Orono catcher threw wild .the pitcher. and Gilhooly rambled home to score the LESKARD Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campkin and daughter, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campkin and îmiiy, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. eo Matthews, Oshawa, were ?cent visitars with Mr. and Irs. Herb Campkin and family )n the occasion of Mrs. H. ampkin's birthda.y. Mr. and Mrs. D. Smeatbers ind Brian, Kingston, were 'eekend v'isitors with Mr. and Irs. A. Loucks and famniiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins id Gail, Toronto, and Mr. and [rs. Bob Moffat, Orono, werle 'cent visitors with Mr. and Irs. Art Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshal id sans, Bowmanville, Mar- iret Everett, Toronto, and Mr. id Mrs. Sid Hughes and fam- y, Orono, were Sunday visit- rs with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Mr. and Mrs. E. Duvali vis- Ld Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duvaîl nd John on the occasion of i ohn's birthday. Many happy eturns John! Mr. Lamne Robbins and Mrs. i. Bradshnw are staying in ýskard for the week. Mrp. Iradsbaw bas sold ber bouse nd will be residing in Oshawa. There was quite a bit of ex- iement here last week whenS e chimney of Green's bouse ught fire. We would like ta ank Mr. Harry Davey, Mr. idr Duvall and Mr. Art Rob- ins for their assistance in pre- enting what could have been much worse fire. We were sormy to hear of the *ath of Mrs. George Bail]. 'mpathy is extended ta ber M mily. We would like fo tbank erybody who belped to, make r strawber social sucb a iccess. We were pleased t.) ýsa many aid friends and re glad tbey spare the time to sit us each year. àpca snks ta the ladies of the W. who worked so bard and ail thase who baked and ive their time. Many people remarked on & nicely painted floors of the nday School and kitchen. he upstaîrs of the school has ~ ?en cornpletely repainted and ikilchen there is nice ly done, ost of this work s done by rs. A. Tennant, Mrs. Mary ; ompson, Mrs. Jean Allen, ~ rs. A. Loucks, Mrs. C. Mar- iMrs. V. Sutcliffe. to thesp. td-working and cheerful dies a very special tha nk yau. We were thankful for thne in on Tuesday night. It Wzis* ýdl needed, but we could .e doue without the wind. arrx' Davey suffered t -.he )rst damage ta bis drive shed of, hydro pale and barn. Ern een's wagon was tumned ripleteiy around and the rack winning run. Hooper eventualiy was given the welk, and Gai- lagber came ta bat. He bit the bell ta the third basemenwb knacked il down, allowing flic- bases fa be loeded agein. Cowle rame up and bit a fluke hunt. Cox, who bed received e body cbeck as be rau ta third hase. in the previaus inning, did flot try,4 ta avoid the catcher, and rau into hlmn as he wes caught out. et the plate. Tempers flared,' and the Orono player thmcw the bail et Cox, who was stili on the grouud effer his slide. Whihe the confusion bcgan aucw, Frank "Souny" Hooper scomed run number fine. The Bowrnenvilhc squad did same heavy bifting lu this garne, led by Mexie Yourtb's home mon ouf o! the park. Playiug-coech Frank Hoopcm and catcher Roy Falls each had two fwo-bese bits, and Cowic and Ferguson eech bad a double. Gord "Wiener" Sellers fook aver frarn Clint Ferguson an [the mound for the Roses in the !iff b inning. Keith "Gramp" West weuf the way for Orono. Umpires were Thickson, bases, end DeVine, plate. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mms. Don Vinkie and Mm. and Mms. 'Roy Hall had a cottage et Sharbot Lake for the holiday. Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Wah- lace and family, Fcnwick, raIl- cd on frîends in -the village on Wcdnesday. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Camp- bell, Wïnnipeg, spent Thurs- day witb Mr. and Mmi. Cecil Robinson. Mm. Allen Joncs, Tomante, spent tbe weekend with Miss Berthe Thompson. Miss Ruth Gardon, Kendal, with ber sis1er, Miss Inez Gar- don. Miss Dmory, Toronto, wif h bier sister,, Mrs. Ernest Eley. Mr. and Mms. Percy Rowe, View Lake, with bis sisteis, Mrs. John Pearce and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, with her sister, Miss Annie Nesbitt. -Mr. Bud Jones, Montreai Miss Shirley Jeffs, Napance, and Mrs. Zena Carlaw, Greens- bora, with Mr. and Mrs. Wl]- lis Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bon- nett, Toronto, spent the week- cnd at the Robb cottage. Mrs. George Stapleton and daughter, Miss Darothy Staple- ton were in Kingston on Satur- day. Master Donny Maulson is spending the summer vacation with bis aunt at Indian River. Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs. Zena Carîaw end Miss Gloria Lane are attendîng summer scbaol in Toronto and Miss Dorotbv Stapleton is taking a summer course at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Wat- ters and son Bruce, Oshawa, spent the weekend at Bancroft. Cangratulations ta Mr. An- drew Bandy and Mrs. Patteri- den who were married at Port Perry on Saturday. Mm. and Mrs. George Staple- ton and son Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hailowell and M-%. Bill Reid pmovided transporta- flan for the senior pupils of Croaked Creek school ta visit Niagara Falls on Tbursday. Mm. Willis Jones was taken ili whiie on a fishing trip noth. He was taken ta Mcm- anial Haspital, Bowmanvilie for a check-up on Manday. Mm. and Mms. Hugb Stapie- tan and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow attended the Bandy- Pattendon wedding at Part Per- my on Saturday. Mr. Cleland Lane bas pur- cbased a lat at Darkc's Beach and is having a cottage con- structed which wiil be eady for occupancy in a few da( Miss M. Forder Guest of Honor At Many Showers On Jonc 15 a delight!ul party iu the fomm o! a miscellaeus showem, was held et the home o! Mms. M. Gray, King St. West, in bonor o! Miss Marilyn Fard- er wbose marmiage ta Mr. Gary Hancack will take place lu Sf. Paul's United Church an July 9. Upon cnteriug the living- raam, a mcd rose corsage was pincd on the bride hy ber elder sister, Mrs. Gardon Stur- rock., She was then escamted ta a chair o! bonor dccorated with pink and white streamers. Affer many lovely gif Is weme opencd, Marilyn thanked everyonc in a few weli cbosen words. Mms. Gray presented Marilyn with a hidc's book. Pirtumesý o! the bride and guesfs were feken by the bide-elecf's youn-ý gem sister, Miss Donna Farder,l and et the conclusion o! the1 evening e deliciaus lunch wasI served by the hast ess, assisted by1 Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Myles.1 The haspital associates o! the 1)))) bride-eiect, who is on the staff of Memorial Hospitai, Bowman- ville, surprised ber with a pantry shower at the home of Mrs. Murray Grant on Tuesdav evening, June 28. The bride-to- be received a corsage from the groom, who then left ber to open the many gally wrapped groceries, which assured bride and groom of a well stocked pantry for some time to corne. Mr. and Mrs. Grant assisted by Mrs. Pat Fowler, Mrs. Allan Mather and Miss Rhoda Gordon, served the 20 guests a delicious lunch. Foliowing work on June 28, the hospital staff presented Marilyn with a lovely end table. Weighty Ramons Aberdeen grocers Oiave some weighty reasons for put- ting sand amongst their sug&,r. Flag Days were lnvented by an Aberdeen lady to keep hus- band at home. TE1C K E T TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steaniship Coinsuit JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Fire Cornes C.O.D. IF yeur home burns tonight, will yen have money for ro- furnlshlng and repairlng? NO . . . if you've Ignored lnsurance or let existing Insurance "do", whether or net lt's adequate. YES.- if you've covered your pro- perty with up-to-date in- surance. Be safe. Let us give you protection check-up teday. STUART B. JAM4ES [Insurance Real Estate Office Resîdence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 King Street E. Bowmanville PHONE TO-DAY We wli be pleased to supply Yom with F RE E ESTIMATES on your Heating or Plumblnt &q -12 . REFRIGERATORS with ail the faf est features A&T GREAT SAVINGS FOR STYLING FEA TURES ECONOMY If s Admirai Refrigerators FROM Tele viin evieProtection Teleisio SericeCompany 33 King St. W. We Service and G ua rantee Phone MA 3-3883 Every Item we Seil Y.- ., - 1, 1 See Our 1956 Models IN [ -4kw, lep 1 SUMMERTIME A COOLINO SHOWER! YOUIL wAhiir ro, LIMOEFZ N COOL" FORAN >» Houp- \à, 1/ýj -ý-r THE CANAIDIAN STATTSMAN. BOV;MANV=M. ONTAIRIO PAOIE TmmrmEn

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