f ~r~y v'~'~w ~c, ~ , Skating Clubs Sign I Jew Pro fessional ~ '7 T h Bow anv mle S at n uity entre Fiday evenig. Fr Club and he Cobourg Saig em rsOf the Bawman- Club signed contnacts with ville Skating Club board, and ' John S. Rodway, who will be representatives of the Cobourg the professional skaten wi+h board were present at the sign-> these clubs, in the Lions Com- ing. This will be Mr. Rodway's first professional work. He has been with the Toronto Skating Club for the past seven years, whene he trained under Shel- W Hy don Galbraith, one of Canada's outstanding professional ska- tens. have John Rodway bêgan skating at the age o! 13 on the advice of doctons. He had contracted hands like these nheumatic fever the previouri yeanan had been left par- tilypanalyzed. He is a double silver medalist, having passed bis seventh figure test and sil- * ver dance test. He bas wonr several dance and figure com- petitions at the Tononto Skat- ing Club recently. During this summer, the new professional skater is tnaining under Sheldon Galbraith in Schumachen, Ontario. Bowmanville Skating Club will be operating independent. ly thi seson, since the Cen- took in Stouffville, Osham'a and Bowmanville, bas beenj- only 9 days with dissolved. The nepresentatives fth ECobourg Skating C luýb present . ... lAeIT'wre Mrs. E. S. Turpin, secre- ENTERS C.N.E. HOME DRESSMAKJNG CONTEST 1H11 tary of the club, Mrs. Clifford PLAYTEXVardy, and Max Smith. The Anna Kaviygoyaituk, Eskimo nTother from Copper- Boar memerspresent wene Canadian National Exhibition Home Dressmaking Contest LWI V.I"NiGl" Bagnel, vice- that ler garment must be made on a sewing..machine preidtHugh.Roesrese latex, fabric lined gan, secretary, Mrs. Jack Mc- is counting on the one 'plane *out of Coppermine this month Nulty, treasurer, Frank Blunt,' to get her dress into the preliminaries of the contest which Don Boe, and M rs. Norm an w iîî be e d i lo a Si g r ew n C nt s, he nd f Mulholland. Directors of îeedinlclSgrSwngC trsa the edo G LO V E Boowmanvil]e club who were June. The grand prizes, a brand-new modern Singer sew- absent were Clarence Good- ing-machine and a free trip to the C.N. E., look pretty man and Don Herne. exciting to Anna. B. H.S. Students Mr. and Mrs. Whyte, Orono At U.N. Seminary Queen's University Honored on Golden Wedding Two girls fnom Fourth Forrn At the borne of the bride's terno bIMr.E Gaa at Bowmanville High Schooi parents, Mn. and Mns. H. By- an Ms. Cecil Graham, Onono, atti1dd a "United Nations ers, Pontypool, June 14th, 1905,jand r.H e rb S mi th, Seminan" at Queen's Univer- Eva Byens was united in mar- To nro ýto, and in the ev- sity, Kingston, fnom June 26 niage with F. Benjamin WhyteseningMby Mrs. George Car- to 29, sponsaned by the local by Rev. Dr. Marvîn of Beth-tson, Mrs. Alex Walker and Rotary Club. any. thir lite granddaugbter, Nancy Mitchell, daughter of A very bappy and informai Bonnie Graham. Mrfs. J. B. Mitchell o! 23 Sil- reception was held at the home In charge of the' guest book' ver Street, and Carol Chant, of Mn. and Mns. F. B. Whyte, in the aftennoon was Norma cndaughter of Mr.and Mrs. T. M. Orona, ta commerorate their Gnaham,,and Mrs. Herb Mur- I V U a ponting to the Rotary Club on The happy couple received thein evening Manlene Graham and thein trip at the meeting on fniends in their living room Mns. Donald Gnaham penform- have softer, July 8. Cal amid golden bued roses and ed the same duties. Nancy adCrlwr mn chnysanthemuns, thein daugh- Guests fnom a distance came, 75 students fnom sehool in Eas- ter Doris, Mns. Donald Graham, frnt Bannie, Richmond Hill,! smoother, lovelier' tenn Ontario and nortbern New assisting. Peterbono, Toronto, Whitby, York state attending the an- In spite of thelr expressed Texas and Millbnook. Many hand lie tese.. itual seminar. wish, no gifts, the flowers and congratulatony cards wene ne.- hans îkethseThe purposes of the pnoject sevenal gifts wene on display ceived from friends unable ta are: to bring togethen a group on a table in the reception hall, attend. o f high scbool students froni A lovely thnee-tiened wed- On the Satunday evening be- Eastern Ontario and Nonthenni ding cake, decorated in white fore a surprise panty was an- shr e aso igiNe York state. To have them and gold, was on the buffet in nanged at thein daughters univ a erit y sfnce.iTo n-a the dining noom with bouquets ihome for between 30 and 40 ablethemto tudyanddiscssof yellow roses on either side. JtIensadrltie.M.Lu 4 ab*the mpotano theUand ited The cake was made by their irence Beal, Oshawa, nead an timotn e the U no itod daughten, Mns. Graham and addns and a beautiful anni- Na u.toseind hmc the heie f l o r s. Laurence Beal o! Osh- vensary ock was presented + chools next tenm better pre- The table covered by a beau- Whitby, while gnanddaughter, pared to give active leadenship tiful lace cloth and deconated Bonnie Graham, pnesented a pluse pscssinooethcUnte talhedisusiono!theUnted with a low bow1 of yellow ras- bouquet o! gold-colauned chry- Nthenspnoghrm clues hc es and four candles was pre- santhemums. The rogam nclues ec-sided over in the aftennoon by The many floral giftslnc1ud- mnanicures!? tunes and discussion groups Mns. Anbenson Gray and Mns. ed a bouquet of golden hýued conducted by authonities in Bertha Best and in the even- roses fromteRbekahLodg variaus fields. igb r.Am oen n fwihbt te be a nd *4elabric-Iined ... no Extra cunnîcular activities ing byM .Argrt-l Beleandoomhcbbhtare bridea clammy perspiration during the trip include splash vils.MagrtTpf!Bel- rom rem brs isoft!parties in the Queen's and RMC vLe. wa eve nth f dsoorlpools, visit ta Old Fort Henry, Lucwasevditha- -~ tuchsensgiv .. dinner at Royal Militany Col- touc-senitiv. ..lege and tour o! the grounds, 1LA K T CGa e ik r can pick up a pin! boat trip among the islands B A K T C a m tRc ar and a picnic, films, and film- ST. JOHN'S W.A. MEETING TeilI of Trip, Ve. non-F1ip surface... strips. f handie delicate Lecture toices scheduled W.A. of St. John's Chunch,es glasswarc safely! wene the following: U.N. 'Tech- Blackstock met in the Parish ITo W es Coast nical Assistance; UNESCO; Re- Hall June 16. Meeting opene.dI .'exralog aalercu . sng the Charter; The Aims with Devotional Exencises. Mn. and Mns. G. B. Riekard agintand Purposes of United Na- Mrs. Nicholson gave an inter- retunned recently after a trip .protects gis tians; The Security Council; esting account of the Board Ito the west Coast, whene they drip and spiatter! Canada and the United Nations, meeting held in St. George's, attended a convention o! Can- Islington, mentioning panticu- adian Seed Growens ini Vernon, ip4Moulided to hand for ]anly Mrs. Bitton Osler's ac- B.C., At last week's Rotary "bare-band" comfort? a 'J count of her mnonth in India. A meeting, Gannet Riekard des- rn i y euno thank you cand was read from cribed some o! the hglgt Miss Ethel and Mn. Henry of the trip, which was-made A Dýu___ *.. .WOTTEN-POWELL pICNIC Thompson for a letten of sym- fnomn Oakvuille oVnnnb 1iww : IE tram Canada.-----« Mn. Holinaty described tbpse ssMblies as part a! a world- sweeping senies o! eleven Chnis- tion conventions. "In 1953,11 be pamnted out, "we had one in- ternational _athering o! min- isters at Yankee Stadîum in New orktha drwhopeaou States and Canada namned as( convention sites are Chicago,] Vancouver. Los Angeles, Dal- las and New York. Those in Europe are Lonidon, Paris, Rame, Nuremberg, Stockholm and The Hague. Arrangements are alreadv under way ta aend aven 4»50 delegates from tie United TifE CIA ET E tates and Canada to the Euro.. MILDESCIGARETTE NGpean assemblies. Delegates MILD ST D ~ II ~ III L~ fnom Latin Amnerca. Africa, Australia and the Far East will laIso attend in Erurope.,-,.. MM Treesweet - 48-oz. tin Orange Juice 39c Heinz - 6/oz W.hife Vinegar Catelli's Coolked - l5-oz. Spaghetti 2 or 29C~ Kraft - 8-oz. jar Pard - l6oz tin Bou Food 25 F51Margarine SWIFT'S PEEN 12o.0ti iSwift's Jonon's Hard Glass - pint tin Glo-Coalt 65c Delsey - (4 colours) Toile! Tissue 2 F'or 37c vB VEGETABLE JUICE 20-oz. tin Seal-A-Wax Salada - 60's Golden Hour (Take ' :ý-ne Pkg.) Cello Candy 29c Lb. 16C Swift's Premium - Pre-Dressed - 21,,àta 3 lb. averm Tender Grown Chickens Swift's Premium - HALF PRICE OFFER! Your Chance to Buy a. Beauti 1 Beach Towel .1ageSize 36" x 60" lb. 49c ouneiess am e lb. 79C BRANDED BEEF Blade Bone Removed B fade Roast lb. 3 7c' NARMALADE f2o. 4ar Stokely's Fancy Honey Pod PEASJ 25oz Zfor 3 Paramount Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON S3 7 Red & White INSTANT COFFEE 2-oz. jar 537C Sweetheart TOILET SOAP (Buy 3 cakes - Get 1 cake Free) FRANKS 3 7c Swift's Premnium - (4 varieties of CoId Cuts) - 12-oz. pkg. Piatfer Pak 4 7c 1 ApS 4 l i i j ap Niagara's Finest Eating and Preser'ving - Large Blacks - 6-qt. basket CHERRIES13 9 Best for Juice and Every Use - 252's size Sunkisi Oranges 2 doz 69C Good for Hot Weather SaIads - Large Green Heads CABBAGE 2forl17c DaiIy arrivais of home-grown LETTUCE, CELERY, CAULIFLOWEK, GREEN AND WAX BEANS, ETC. F RO- E N F nn£ 7 Sunspun Orange Juice, 6-oz. Uns 2 for 33c Birseye Fish Sticks,1 doz. per pkg. 45e Regular $2.98 Value Yours for only W E a$.0De 1.49 There's a Red & White Store near you BOWMANVILLE Y.o's Marketeria ORONO* Cornish Marketerit MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Gro~~et.,fm. EX I,' j.: * . . 'I i * 4' '4 g, A. 1.49 order THE CANADIA B2AEM~ OWMAMLLM, ONTARIO PAOB iri 9 BET ANYany Athietie Association pre- spection tour of thie Coflegiate BETHANYsented Cameron Rowan with a on Thursday alternoon. Mrs. Otto Spencer spent the; smart leather club bag in ap- The Bethany Girls Softball pas wek n Tronothegust!preiaionofvalued member. club won their game against pastwee inTornto theguet Pecitio ofNewcastle here on. Wednesdiy of Miss Edna Kean. ship on their'basebail team. He evening, with the score 5-1 ini Leonard Cavano, G rafton, has been the star pitcher for their favor. was with Mrs. Emma Cavano 'the local club during the past M.adMs reWih fortheweeend two years. Cameron is the sonl and family spent the weekend Cozngratulatirns to Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowan at their cottage near Burnt Ri- D Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy on t1.o of this village, attended the lo- ver. birth of their infant son at Ci- cal school, Lindsay Collegiate M.adMs e.EmnsJ vie Hospital, Peterborough on and Queen's University, King- M and MiymrRegd nundsli Monday, *June 20, ston. He has been accepted as a d fa îy m t ed o Orli Mis Ga le ris ow, Osh wa, a m em ber of the Ro al Cana- on M onday visiting w ith M r. was home for the weekend with d ian Mounted Police foclm nd Ms e. c ngt hermoter Mr. HllardBri-]eft on Wednesday for Regina, Miss Annie Sisson had the ber. mohrMs.Hllad rs-were he will be stationed. misfortune to fail at her home, Sý Willam heanhasretuned Mrs. Ernest Beer as return- breaking her hip. She was tak- Si Will a moSheapoNohsrthuray. ed from a motor trip through 1 en by ambulance to Civie Hos- fro amoor nptoNorh ay Ithe United States. 'pital, Peterborough on Sunday Ti Miss Catherine Earl, Fair- Through the courtesy of the morning. mount, visited with Mr. and Lindsay Collegiate Staff, the Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- Mrs. Allan Beer for several pupils of Grade Eight from son and Mr. and Mrs. T.T J. days last week. Bethany school accompanîed Jackson visited with Mr.-and J .Prior to his departure for Re- ibv their teacher, Mrs. Orlo Mrs. Ross Hall in Whitby on gifla, Sask., members of Beth- Wright were taken on an in- Sunday. er ýW4%%rzi w4yl E: z ýz2 ý:: ýýý School Resuitsý COWANVILLE S.S. NO. 14 REPORT In order of ment. Grade 8 - 9-Evelyn Hicks, David Ogden, Kelth DeMooy. Grade 7 - 8--Bruce Ogdon. John Wagenaan, Ruth Geit.- Grade 5 6 - Carol Hicks, M4ary Reid. Grade 4 5-Diane Burley, Stephen Simpson, Mary Les Simpson., Grade 3 - 4 - Bill DeWitt, Tommy Perrin. Grade 1-2-Bert Reid, Laur- a Bunley, Andy Wagenaar, Tohn Paulesse. Mrs. Theresa Martin, Teach- ýr. 1 Giat5kg 8 2 1 - 2 - for 31c BREEZE B ESI\SFOODV4 V V>lllBilS DETERGENT 1 - ý ai Red &WhtI~ (White or Blute) Red & White Toilet Tissue 2 For 23c Treesweet - 6 oz. Lemon Juice 2 For 25C Shirriff's Good Morning 12-oz. jar Giant Pkg. 79c 1 Lb. 27c 1 FROZEN FOODS For 25C 16C 1 33c 1