Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1955, p. 4

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~ABE 1013E TEE CANADIAK 8TAWESMAN. EOWMANVULE~. OT4TARIO THUUSDAY, JUNE 23r& lUI FURTRER NOTES ON THE Darlington Township in 1869, NAME and according ta the write-up, Bowmanville derived its naine .Our remarks last week an from his family naine. He is "Whny Bowmanville?" seemed the son o! the late Dr. and ta arouse saine intarest, and Mrs. Thamas Bawman Oke. we have received twa letters The question naturally arises with regard ta the subject. Dr. then, was Dr. Thomas Bowman Louis Blake Duif of Welland, Oke a descendant ai Charles Ontario, was kind enough ta Bowman? Direct inquiry ta %vrite and suggest that the Mr. Thomas W. Oke at Keene Post Office Department at Ot- may throw further light on tawa would be able ta give the the subject. We will try and date ai the adoption O! the follow up these leads. But long riame Bowmanville. "It might as these lovely June days are, be,", Dr. DuIf adds, "their files we could wish there were a wauld show somethîng aif the couple a! extra hours which whys show whene!ores." we couîd label "Correspond- This is indeed a sound sug,- ance". At any rate, we do sin- gestion, and if we can ever cerely a.ppreciate the interest salvage some time for carres- which Mrs. Th ickson and Dr. pondence fnam this hectic Duff have shawn and wish ta round which is life in BoNv- express aur thanks. nIanville in 1955, we will pur-* * sue the point. We expect that CHOOSE A SPOT IN THE if the records ai the first SHADE Township Meetings, descrihed In Proiessar Squair's book, We see that the New Yark "~The Townships ai Darling.- Times Book Review for June tan and Clarke", are stili avail- 5 gives a list ai a hundred book able, and one were ta hunt tities slected frein books pub- thraugh them, some reference lished in 1955 up ta the present ta the derivation a! the naine time, as a guide ta summer. Bôwmanville would be found. reading. The Times does this The first Township Meeting avery summer and it is inter- was hald in 1837 in the esting ta glance aver the titles.1 'Schaalhause" in Bawman- We have read hardly any ai ville, Mr. Squair relates. We them, but we don't'know whe- do not know where the ther this is goad or bad. Read- ,Schoolhause was, but that is ing is, aiter ail, a matter o! -bat important. Bawmanvilie personal preference and a good isias under the gavernment ai many a! the books, bath fiction Àthese Township Meetings, and and non-fiction being publish- later of District Counicils. We ed just naw do nat particular- lelieve, however, that old re- ly appeal ta us. We feel, along ýords of the Township were with a good many others, that jost in the fire in the Town- there has been a sad decline in Ibhip Hall at Hampton a few novai writing. y'ears ago. "Sinceraly, Wiilis Wayde" We also receivad a letter by John P. Marquand is listed Irom Mns. Mabel Thickson, of course. and Marquand be- Mowmanville, enclosing a clip- longs ta the ald and polished Z ing irom the Peterborough American school af writers. -xaminer regarding the 654,h By cantrast, ane has "Bonjour -.Wedding anniversary ai Mr. Tristesse" by the teen-age -and Mrs. Thomas W. Oke afJ French girl Francoise Sagan. j(eene. Mn. Oke was bonn in We haven't read it, but it has So many people have trouble carving a turkey that a Manitoulin fariner sent his son to agricultural college to work out an idea fgr simplifying the job. Just Iately the son has hit upon what looks like a promising solution. He bas taken a picture from a cookery book showing a roast turkey with those dotted lines that indicate wherc to cut. And he bas tattooed the saine pattenn of dotted lines on ta a turkey egg. When the bird is evcntually killed and plucked the dotted lines will show up clearly on the carcass. GOLDEN ALE 8RRE W ERY L 1MI1TE D VIGOR OIL certainly .aroused a good dea1I of interest. Kate a In the non-fiction section, tp the news is that Betty Mac- l Doal'ssecond book <gsh f'>flual wrote "The Egg and I") is supposed te be amusing and rs -1'c enoyable. It's called '0ions rs in the Stew." There is still another "father" book. Almost Mrs. Clarenci everyane, both obscure andt elected Presiden unobscure seems ta have writ- Ratepayers and ten one af these. Daesn't the cainfrati reading public ever get sick ofaiciao moeati oetheme? Anyway this one is vertan on Jun 'My Philadeiphia Father' by eighty interested Cordelia Drexel Biddle. Andt upuu îthere are biographies of Garbo teaedbythe la 1and Mary Pickford. Personal. pare y elaon ]y, when we want ta relax, we Thofepesietnt take an Agatha Christie mys- dh eli tsuch tery, or the next best to Aga- ane, gt tebst f tha we can find. But everyone and , hed tfor to hs tate.part. She called Speaking of mysteries thougli Carruthers te gi we thoroughly enjoyed *'The of the O.E.A. Locked Room" by Margaret The panel dis Bell Houston which was ser- the leadership( iahized in McCall's magazine Jordan, superv'x concluding this morith. It Is ofa Port Houe Sci, naw published in book iorm, received. His pi but we believe the book titie af Mrs. Beatty, is "Yônder", which is th2 the Home and name of the island or "key" Mrs. Austin, Gri off Florida forming the weird Port iope, Mr.' and wonderful setting of the Treas. ai the Si story. Hope and Mr. Not in the Times' list, but spectar in EastI just out is a new Phyllis Bent- The chief pain- ley novel which is almast deait with the p bound te be gaod. Miss Bent- contest which is ley is a top-natch craftsman this organization, of the navel and writes about gested that the1 the West Riding of Yorkshire. te choose his ow Her latest is called "Noble In be allowed ta ge Reason". wherever and And we have right now a sible. The speak little book which we are look- should adhere rn ing forward with pleasure ta the time limit, reading. It is "Queen Salote speech with a rn and Her Kingdam," by Sir mum time limnit. Harry Luke. Everyone who that one judgei saw the Coronation pictures, if ter than the uc neot the Coronation procession ten at the finals. itself, fell in love with Queen Salote of Tonga, and this book will satisfy a gaod deal af KEDF everyane's interest and curias- ity in this taîl, smiling queen Rev. R. H. Ric fram the Friendly Islands Of Arthur Smith att the South Pacific. The author ence at Port Ho is well qualified ta write of the ard related highl Queen and this part of the day. world for he was Governor o!f Grant Pascoei .Fiji and High Commissioneri dron friends , for the Western Pacific from Mountjoy, a grc 1938 ta 1942. He visited Queen ranged a stagp Salote seven times while hold- Lawrence an hi; ing this position and entertain- marriage, at the ed her at his home in England Snawden. Girl1 a day or twa prior ta the Car- prospective bride anation. The book is illustrated Mc1nroy, were ej with excellent phatographs sqme evenîng at and also interesting woodcuts. Miss Gladys Mc The South Pacific has intri- awa. gued and entranced people the Mr. and Mrs, world over since Captairi son Wayne, farnr Cook's voyages, in the 1700's. here, weregus He visited Tonga three times, Mrs. Mark HAncs in 1773, 1774 and 1777. Inci- Jim Pengelly hi dentally, We can see aur îi Val d'Or, Que., tereat in the record ai his vOy- in the employ oi ages rapidly returning ta the vices, as pilot fi surface, stimulated by this Chibougamnou a p book an the Queen who made fnorth af Val d'Oi a real conquest of Britain. Cook Mr. and Mrs.( was one ai the greatest British ry, Mr. and Mi maritime explorers. We have Mrs. John Brooks read parts ai hîs "Voyages" Mrs. Harold Werr before. Prabably athers read- af Mr. and Mrs. in Sir Harry Luke's book onl Courtice, and at Queen Salate will be prompt- ezer annîversary. ed ta read or re-read Cook's Mr. and Mrs. D "Voyages." That is one o! the ey andc familyi enjoyable things about books. Mrs. J. Elliat. One thing leadý ta anather. Mrs. W. Davis, We understand that "The man, Mrs. H. Pî Breaking Wave" by Nevil Lee,'Mrs. G. Leaý Shute is mast enjoyable, and wer'e guests ata the review af "The Dinner aring Miss Jean Party" by Gretchen Finletter Mrs. Boyd Ayre's sounds as if this is one ai those day evening. Ja delightful light Englîsh books bride ai Mr. W: dane with a very deft touchi. ford an Saturda, Neither af these is on the wishes for many Times' list, we wauldn't knaov piness. why. Anyway,' take ta the Mr. and Mrs. I- hammack with whatever type spent. the week-er of readîng appeals ta yau, and flying from Malt< enjay yourself aIl you can this Mr. and Mrs. summer. entertained irieni Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-355Z 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are yaur assurance when vou choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies ini stock. Co. announces the opening of ifs New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Free Glassware given away withthe purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline Vigor Gasoline and Motor Oil at reasonable prices ISTOVE OILr-for your convenience, in smail quantities 1 available at the station I Open Evsnings and Sundays -. I ers and' Trustees, Meeting at Yelverton Brence Alun, President e Aflin was nt ai Durham Trustees Asso- ird terrm at the Sheld ini Yel- ne 13. About 1 flk sat down banquet pre- dies of the W. expressed her a gaod attend- lr many years, cantinued sup- 1on Mr. Alex ive his report Scussian, under a! Mr. W. H. isinq gPrincipal ,ools, was weU panel consistad President ai School Club, rade 8 teacher, W. Lord, Sec.- choal Area in Carleton, In- Durham. nt ai discussion publie speaking ssponsored by pupil continues wn subject and et the material hawever pas- &er, they fait, more clasely ta ;keeping his miute ai maxi- It was agreed wauld be bat- isual seven ta ikard and Mr. tended Confer- ope. Mr. Rick- lights on Sun- and other Ke- o! Lawrence *iom-to-be, an- party hanoring is, iorthcanting home ai Bull friends af his e, Miss Marie ententained the tthe home of lountjoy, Osh- 1Fielder and mier residents s ai Mn. and .ck. has returned ta 1where he is fHall Air Ser- for ilights ta paint 200 miles )r. Clarence Wer- ns. Ross Lee, s, and Mr. and ,ry were guests ;Cecil Found, ttended Eben- Norman Moon- with Mr. and Mr&. H. Cross- )ascoe, Mrs. R. sk and Eunice a shower han- in Morgan, at sZion, Thurs- an hecame the Llliam Ruther- y. Our hast years ai hap- Harvey Pascae nd in Buffalo, H niarry Rase ds irom To- ranta on Saturday. SLocal mnembers of the Brooks-Langmaid family en- jayed a picnic Saturday in the Mountjay Grave here, and were among the 84 who assembled for the noan meal. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Watson and four sons, Columbus, spent Saturday avening with the John Elliotts. Mns. R. E. Lee was guest o! her sister, Mrs. T. Sobil, Zion, when the latter entertained with an evening party in honor of Mr. Paul Sohil whose mar.- niage ta Miss Shirley Dodweli is a June avent. Strawberries in local gardens will soon he at their best, and are providing lusciaus desserts for men busy with haying tasks. Mr. and Mrs. William Wer- ry, Donald and Dennis, were wtea guests a! Miss Doris Batty, and Mr. Frank Batty, Braok- lin, on Sunday, and attended Decoration Day services at Groveside Cemetery. Mr. Charles Hamilton has been coniined in Oshawa Gen- anal Hospital iollowing minar surgery. Neighbors here say "Best wishes." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis attended the marriage in To-. ronto on Saturdav o! Lucy Helen Olynyk and George Taras Herniak, in St. Vladimir's Ca- thadra]. They also attendcd! the receptian at Casa Lama.; Mr. Herniak, who for some time made his home at Kedron with the Davis family, as farrni helper. is at present em-ployed by the Federal Governnent. and the bride ai bis choice is a University graduate. Mrs. Murray Mauntjoy at- tended the funaral ai her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. William An- gus, at Mantick on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Snowden' and Ann, and Mns. James Pen- gellv with her baby son, at- tendled Ebenezar Anniversary Sunday, and were guests at the Ross Pearce home. Our sincere gaod wishes with Jhearty congratulations ta Miss Jean Hancock o! Fort William and Kadron wha was anc af the graduating class of nurses at Oshawa Ganeral Hospital. Several Kadron iriends were in attendance on June 8 atp graduation exercises and were guests at the reception. Jean was honored with the award ai the Adelaide L. McLaugh- lin pnize for General Proficien- cy. besides attaining the high-, est standing ini Theary, which earnad her the Mazo William Memorial pnize, gjiven by ne- version ta Miss Ruth Beck ig -làa atoadm a 1*àm Multion Very excellent music was provlded by pupils ai Black- stock school and Fallis S.S. 3, Cartwright, under the leader- ship of Mr. Gay. Mrs. George Stapleton, who has been Sec'y Treas., ai this organizatian for ten years, but has now resigned, was called ta the frant and Mrs. M. Dan- sem tald her how much they had appreciated her capable leadership. Mrs. Clare Allun presented her with an electric clock. Inspector Webster and In- spectar Carleton, made short speeches. Mr. Russell Osborne thsnked the ladies ai Yelver- ton for their baunteaus supper and also thase who had taken part on the pragram. Mr. Merlin Slute presented the follawing slate ai officers: Hon. Pres. - E. F. R. Os- borne; Past Pres.-Alex Ca,.- ruthers and C. R. Carveth; Pres.-Mrs, Clarence Allun, Newcastle; lst Vice-M. Hobbs; Sec. Treas.-Mrs. Clare Allun. Directors - Cartwright-E. Dorreli, W. Jackson; Manvers -Mrs. E. Argue, R. Malcolmo; Cavan - Mrs. W. Waterman, Mrs. H. Argue; Darlingtan, Mrs, O. Ashton, Mrs. O. Osborne; Clarke-Mrs. W. Reid, E. Cap- ping; Hope-Mrs. W. Lewis, A. Peters; Millbrook - Mrs. W. Kennedy; Newcastle-Mrs. S. Hallowell, C. Carveth; Port Hope-W. Jordan, Mrs. Harris; Bowmanville-T. Turner, M. Slute; Boys' Training School- Mrs. M. Densem. ware Jean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hancock from Fort William, and Mr. Wilmer Da- vidson ai McGill University, Montreal-ail guests this past Week ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharp. Some ai the Collegiate stu- dents completed their yaar's work an June 10 and others will. soan ha free, on comple- tion af wniting necessary ax- arninations - sa that what is practically a 3-month holiday is under way and we hope it will ha a very happy one for these yaung people. The 3th Annîversary af Church Union was commemar- ated et Kedron church on Sun- day marning. Rev. R. H. Rick- ard, in his sermon, pointed out the great gnowth there has been since 1925, with 150 new churches having been built within the last five years. In the face ai the remankable pragress made, Mr. Rickard warned against a spirit of camplacency, lest "The gaod becomes the enemy ai the best." He mdvised a reconsecra- tion as we facç the challenge that is ours as memabers af the United Church ai Canada tu- day. Mr. Riekard said hie. look- ed forward ta the day when other' Protestant .churches would jain the United chur- ches, and further the ideal "Ut omnes unus sint" - That al mnay be one. In the chair an- thems, bass solos were sung by Ron Werry. Friends are invited ta join with us next Sunday, June 19, as we celebrate aur annual anniversary services at 2 and 7.30 p.m. W. A. picnic at Geneva Park on Wednesday, July 6 at 3 p.m. Ail ladies o! the commun- ity and their children will join in the fun, sociability and ai course the picnic supper.. Local Jr. Farmers were in attendance at the Ontario Caunty Field Day lield at Can- nington on Saturday. Braoklin Jr. Farmers lost the bail game ta Port Perry 15-12. Bruce Scott, Toronto. As- sist. Agr. Rep., John Gill, Ux- bridge, and Ron Neal, Picker- ing, spent Monday evening at Sunnyside Farin. with lion Xerry, making final arrange- ments for the Ontario County display at the Provincial Dairy Show at Kemptville Agricul- tural College on June 15-16. ]KENDAL (Intended for last wveek) Mrs. Luxan, Mrs. Wm. Jack- son, Mrs. Eddie Couroux and IMiss Theressa Couroux spentl Thursday in Toronto. Miss T.1 Couroux stayed over. enroute ta her home at Cache Bay. i Mr. and Mrs. Gardhouse and" Mr. Wîn. Christie, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer, Mrs. Don Mercer and Wendy, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Finney, Welcome, called on Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mercer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand were dinner guests with Mrs. Mary Luxon and attended the anniversary service. Mrs. Luxon returned home with them. R. Sleep, J. Thompson, A., Wade, Carl Langstaff and Eddiel Couroux took in the Rochester - Toronto games at the Stadium in Toronto, Sunday. Mrs. H. Quantrill and Mrs. Dudlenhaffer visited Mon day night with Mrs. Mary Luxon. Miss Madeline Chapman and Elmer Pattan visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pat- tan. Mrs. D. Vannatta and Cecil attended the anniversary serv, ices and visited Mr. and Mrà. Percy Burley. The Sunday School anniver- sary services were held in Ken- dal Sunday afternoon when Rev. F. J. Reed ai Hampton was the guest speaker. The choir -)! young folks from the Sunday Frain the moment you feel the spirited engines@urge ta life, yau enjoy a différent and exhilarating senne of ma tery ini a Chrysler. T he nighty V-S8 runs as quietly and smoothly as the precision machine it is. Lt obeys your commiand with such effortless ease at the slightest touch of your toal PowerFlite automatic transmission, standard equipinent on eveny Chrysler, rnakes your d.riving wonderfully convenient. In this moat luxurious of all Canadian cars, you ride ini a regal nianner. Your Chrysier is so low and broad, it skinis aven the road with a sure-footed paise that adds greatly ta your comfort. Acoept your Chrysler dealer's appointment for a ride in this matchless car-motion-designed for Tha Forward Look. Perhaps tvou would like to cal hilm tomorrow. Sehoal provided two pleasing selections with Mrs. Westheuser at the organ. We werè pleased ta see sorne fram Kirby and Shîloh present. Sunday School is being held as usual next Sun- day morning with the Orange- men holding their service at 2:30 in the aiternoan. Coverdale bail tqam made their first visit to Kendal lat Tuesday evenhng and suffereci their first loss of the season, much ta the pleasure of Kendal fans. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds, and Peter visited at Clear a Sunday - Get the mnonev vonee $50 to sw $1000. on your own signature. Fast, anc-day servic. Up te 24 months ta nepay on ternis ' you select. Loans aise made for doctar bis, repairs, shopping expenses, any good reason. Phnor come i doy 1 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 71 Walton St., second floor, phone 3030 PORT HOPE, ONT. OSHAWA IRANCHIS: 64 King Street East, second floor, phone RA 1.6126 111/2 Simtue Street South, second flooM, phone RA 8.1139 mm ý m . l Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING HEAIING - OIL BURNERS 47 KING ST. E~. - BOWMANVILLE . MA 3-ý 5651 *5h i Mlanit'facdured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limitcd BEE VOUR CHRYSLER.PLY MOUTH-FARGO DEALER NOW f Palmer 20 King Street E. Motor Bowmanvillie Sales 1-i Phone MA 3-5487 0 THE CANADL4N BTAXZSUM. BOWMANVnj,& OIITArae PAM-FOU 'w TMMDAY, RW 23m, lu$

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