Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1955, p. 5

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r ODA;, ImmI "th, 1"5 - 'JIRU ~AWA1~?A~ RiPA U'1AW ~DA~ -- I~ ~&~Ai~A1. WW.I~5U5I ~ WZTL~ftF PAGE FTV~ First Reunion Since Formation HeJd b Club 15ý Prcscnt and former members of Club 15 which was organized White, secretary; Mrs. Lisa Miller, Mrs. Joan Vinish, âll of Bowmanville. in 1944 as a xvar service club met in the Green Room of the Lions Com- Second row: Mrs. Gwen Varcoe, Oshawa; Mrs. Joyce Chant, Mrs. Lyn nunity Centré on June 4 for the f irst reunion in the club's history. Banting, Mrs. Jean Hay, Islington; Mrs. Aileen Osborne, Ma-s. Mollie Kent Reminiscing and exchange of news took place over a delicious turkey who was first president of the club; Mrs. Betty Depew, Mrs. Lynn Oke, dinner. The club's history was given by Mrs. Aileen Osborne, one of the Mrs. Edie Hanlan, Toronto. Third row: Mrs. Helen King, Lindsay; Mrs. charter members. Those who attended are pictured above, front row, Helen Depew, Mrs. Betty Parker, Mrs. Myrtle Marsden, Mrs. Jean Som- left to right: M,,rs. Eleanor Parrish, Hamilton; Mrs. Lee Mclntyre, Mrs. ersford,-Mrs. Marg Hawthorne, Mrs. Ev Dunn. Dorothy Van Diel, treasurer; Mrs. Freddy Ames, president; Mrs. Helen -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope formation went to Mollie Kent Nvhio was xorking iu General Motors at the time. A charter was taken out ac- cording to the Government re- gulations governing war ser-- i ce clubs.- Membersiîp was c;od S rvce R cod limited 10 15 50 Ibat meic could be held comfortabhy in tbe girls' homes. A gala occasion in the hi3- quels of vcllow roses and blue Charter Members tory of Club 15, an organizati'3n caudles. At each place was a First officers were, Mrs. well known in Bowmanville for tiuy straw basket filled witb Robert Kent -president; Mrs. its many fine projects in the fresb flowers, "and a favor of a Nelson Osborne - secrebary; eleven years since il was fori,, - silver coffee spoon engraved Miss Betty Betties-treasurer; ed, was the Reunion held in witb tbe club name.1 Mrs. Joey Gardiner - social the Lions Comimunity Cenfre Members Not Present convenor; Mrs. L. W. Dippel- on Saturdax- night, Jui i 4. The honorary president. Charter club was formeQd iu Octuber, Former club members wbo members besides these officers 1944, as a war scirvice club and were unable t0 be present were were: Betty flepew, Helen De- contiuuied afîci- the \var as a called to mind by the presidelit pew, Lynu Oke, Edie Carter service organization. as follows: Ada Jobnston and (Hanlan), Dot Brown, Jean Eleven forimmmbers werc Ger Diekens, in Bowman- Steens (S u m e r s f o r d), Ada present. and ail nmembers, both ville; rHilpda Hay, in France; Clarke (Jobnston), Eleanor past and pre4cnt, 25 ini al, were Pat Tait, Saskatoon; Joey Gar- Wight (Parrish), Toots Wynn. weicomed by Prcsudient Freddy diner, Hamilton; Lou Besteman Teclbsoordan - Ames. This xwas the first rc'- and Eileen Rackbam, Belleville; be f ce srdurn artimc union ever hel by tht- club, Tina Gibbis, Ajax; Betty Bel- rIe and following a delicious tur- îles, near New York: Dot going bo a great deal of work kçey. dinner catei-ed bY Jane Brown, Ottawa; Toots, Wynn. in planning decorations, pro- Street GrouP of Trinity Worn-ý Brantfor.. grams etc. These were very en'sAssciaion inrodsuccessful'; 'botb ýas social esAsoitoitrodctions Aileen Osborne gave th,2 events, and lu realizing money'ý were tbe ordcr of the evening.,Club history in most interest- for war service projects. ln Tables were set in the forin ing fashion. Club 15 was pat- the war years 42,900 cigaret es of a sc,.are in tbe Green Room terned after the Victoria Club were sent overseas bo boys an-d were decorated wilh bou- of Oshawa, and credit for its lfrom Ibis community. Club Electronfic brush saves money où Cost1y wire, -Promotes froub le-free telephone service)-« In littie ways as Weil as big we're always on die e éardi for trouble-sixooters that will flot only protect your telephone service but keep its cost down, too, ê,,& Here a Bell technician is testing the telephone lines in your neighiborhood. Careftill- and quickly his hand lirushes the circuits in the telephone hlIdinl witlî an electronie "âue patrol". He i8 huntixg for weather-worn w~ires wlich niay cause a noisy line or ânap during a stonm. F'orcuai-ned hy this periodie testing we @end a man to change the faulty lune - which could lie the "drop uine" running froni your home to the main telephone cable, Becatise-of titis electric detective we eau use expensive w1re miiii its serv ice life expires fullv, withont sacificing material or nîaxîpowcr. Axd that hielpa us to keep your teleplione coës do4n. THE BELL TELEPHONI COMPANY OF CANADA members also did sewing a the Red Cross rooms. Origina membership fee was $1, an( this bas remained the same The club gained an enviabih reputation for the priginalit3 of decorations and themes foi the dances which proved s, popular that on one occasion patrons had to be turned awaý as attendance was limited tc 150 couples by fire regulations Club Projects Sewing was done for Mem. oriai Hospital, and cash dona- tions made to the hospital and various service clubs after thc. war, as, revealed by the finan- cial report. Witb young cou- ples putting money into newv homes, it was found by 1948-49 tbat dances no longer drew crowds, and bridge and eucbre parties were rnstituted instead. Tbe club in 1951 originated the popular Stay-at-Home Bridges, delivering refreshments to the3 homes taking part. A cooking school proved suc- cessful in 1952, also a children's fasbion.-show. The club contri- buted articles for the Hospital Bazaar from the time it was begun. One of the most ou't- standing projects of the club was the March of Dimes tbis year, 1955, in aid of' the Cana- dian Foundation for Poliomye- litis. Public response 10 Ibis canvas was wonderful, $2,104- .30 being received. The financial report for tbe 1l years was given by Dorothy Van Driel, and showed contri- butions made ta such organi- zations as' the Navy League, Care, Kinsmen, Dept. of Re- creation, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Cancer Society, Winni- peg Flood Relief, Hurricane Elazel Relief, Memorial Hospi,- taI, Hospital Auxiliary, Choral Society, and charity donations of food, money and materials for needy families. Those Attending Former members present at the Reunion included Mollie Kent, Bowmanville; Edie Han- lan, Toronto; Jean Hay, lsling- ton, Helen Depew, Bowman- ville; Evelyn Tullock, Oshawa;I Jean Sumersford, Betty De- ew, Bowmanville; Gwen Var- me, Oshawa, Eleanor Parrish, Hamilton; Helen King, Lindsay, Iarg Hawthorne, Bowman- ;ille. Present membership, which :ands at 14 owing to the re- novai of Helen King to Lind- iy recently, consists of Aileen )sborne, Lynn Oke. Ev Dunn, Irace Grombie, Betty Parker, ryce Chant, Joan Vinish, Lee [clntyre, Lisa Miller, Myrtle arsden, Dot Van Driel, Lyn 3anting, Helen White, Freddy ýmes. Reunion Enjoyed Officers for 1955 are, Freddv Ames-president; Helen White -secretary; Dot Van Driel- treasurer. Mrs. Robert Bate. convenor of the group catering dinner, vias thiinked for the delicious meal by President Freddy Ames. A social period follow- ed the entertainment provided by the executive, and évery- body tried bard to get caught Up onl personal news and events of the hast 11 years. The Re- union was thoroughly enjoyed by ail present and a decided success. Since 1949 the gross public debt of the federal government1 bas increased from $16.9 billion In $17.9 billion.1 Oshawa Nemorial Service Natural atone monuments markers and corner atones No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS Mfal OSHAWA RA 5-6611 anaj tipe anid reverse eharges, 3275 Dickinson Cres., West Vancouver, B.C. June 8, 195.3 jDear Mr. James: it was a wonderful surprise to receive a copy of "The Can- adian Statesman", containing a story about myseif. I arn sure that quite a number of close and distant relatives and ac*- quaintances in the area would be quite surprised to hear about me after ail tbese years. Bowmanville, to me, bas al- ways been tbe perfect place in wbich to spend a Summer holiday and I often think that people less fortunate tban my- self missed a great deal in nio. having a Grandmotber and a 'Bowmanvjlle" sucli as 1 had to visit so frequently. My sincere thanks also to the person wlio re-wrote the story wbicb appeared original- ly in the Vancouver Province. It was an excellent piece of i work and I particularly enjoy- ed the closing paragrapbs re- lating to our family ini Bow- manville. One of my favorite mem- orles of our Sumnmer bolidays concerned an incident with Jobnny Jameos, wbo at one tinte was, in charge of our "Trail Ranger" group. 1 only hopeý that you or your son will be attending the Canadian Week- ly Newspapers' Association IConvention, in Vancouver, i September so tbat we eati spend some time together dis-1 cussing my favorite town. r My Motber is now living in Vancouver and I know %vould be very tbrilled to receive a copy of that "special issue" ofa "The Canadian Statesman." t Her address is: Mrs. Mabel0 Beatty, 1210 Harwood Street, Vancouver 5, B.C.h Yours Sincerely. I Bill Belimanh i I 3 Seven of Canada's ten prov- inces are larger in area than' the United Kingdom. The purest pleasures lie with- in the circle of useful occupa- tion.-Henry Ward Beecher. 1Rabiys Beauty Salon 10 King St. E. MA 3-3408 2 1 ilG ie Wind Up Season One of Most Active m Brownies Girl Guide and Browniîe meetings are over for this sea- son and on reviewing the past eight months much bas been accomplisbed. The season opened with Miss Dorothy Evans, Mrs. K. Stock*- er and Mrs. D. MeDonald in charge of Guides and Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. K. Nicks, Mrs. HI. Bennett, Mrs. G. Sparrow in charge of Brownies. A new Pack from the On- tario Street Sehool district was formed with Mrs. K. Johnston and Mrs. Fred Luxton in charge. This Pack is now up bo strength with 34~ Brownies regularly in attendance. Money to carry on activities was raised through the sale of candy at the Rotary Club play, Christmas Novelty boobli, and Cookie Day when 1,000 pack- ages were sold in Bowmanvile and Hampton. Christmas, Valentine, Hal- lowe'eu parties were enjoyed as xvell as hikes, picuies and weiner roasts outdoors. The Guide season closed last Monday nigbt with a weiner roast at the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Coverly. The Trophy cup was presented bo Sandra Can- dier as the outstanding Girl Guide of the month, and camp plans were discussed. The two week summer camp this year will be heid at Pig- eon Lake from July 25th 10 Aug. Sth. Ail Guides are wel- come 10 attend and registra- tion fee of $2.00 must be in by July lst. Tbere is always a need for extr&'staff members and any mother interested iu attending, please contact Mrs. A. J. Frank, and you can be assured of a real happy, out- door holiday. The Brownie season for lst Pack closed last Monday af- ternoon with an enrolment, presentation of Badges and a social haîf hour with a larae number of mothers present. Guests were weicomed in the Green room, where an attrac- tive tea table was set up with Mrs. Nelson Osborne pouring tea. Mrs. Frank presented Mrs. Nicks and Mrs. A. Smith with their Warrants and Mrs. Rance Dilling invited ahl mothers present to become members of the Mother's Auxiiiary. She mentioned the purpose of the Auxiliary and in passing, meii- tioned their part in supplying of Guide and Brownie uni- forms, helping with parties, providing new silverware for camp, cutting out and assisting in the making of 20 new Brownie dresses. The closing for 2nd Pack took the form of a Mother and Daughter banquet when 30 Brownies and their mothers OBITUARY DAVID POLLOCK Following a serious ilhness of two and a haif months bbe ideath boccurred at the Oshawa General Hospital early Satur- day, June 1l, of David Pollock of 132 Stacey Avenue, Oshawa. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock, the de- ceased was born at Banbridge,, Northern Ireland, on July 13, 1904. A resident of Canadaj since 1928, lie had lîved in Oshawa for 27 years. Mr. Pollock was a memberi of the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Baud and formerly was a member of tbe Generai Motors War Veteraus' Pipe Band in Oshawa. He had piped ini Northern Ireland and was very active in baud work in this dis- trict. He had been an employee of General Motors for 15 years. Mr. Pollock leaves bo mouri his passing his wife, the former Marjorie E. Cransberry, whom he married at Sutton West. Ontario, on August 16, 1941: a daughter, Sheila and a son Brian. Also surviving are tbree sis- ters, Mrs. S. Spiers (Margaret) of Scotland, Mrs. T. Black (Sa- die) of Northern Ireland and vIrs. S. McCuliy (Mary) of Oshawa, and a brother, Robert Pollock of Toronto.j nL.~aILLI.UML IA number from bere attend- Ied Cadmus anniversary Ser- 1 vice and report good crowds Iand services. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and No- la, Mr. and Mrs. Hlarvey Mal- colm, Milzi and Mrs. Boon (Mrs. -Malcolm's mother), Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, Cyn- thia and Karen, Yelverton, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin, were pienie supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, the occasion of Wayne's benîli brha congratulations. IMr. and Mrs; Kenneth Sami- Ills Melville, and Anna, visit- efriends at Lindsay bn Sun- day. Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs and Mrs. L. Joblin called on Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Mrs. Neil IMalcolm last Tuesday. IPlans have been muade ta re- pair and decorate the C.O.F. jRev. und Mrs. A. E. MeLean and Mrs. John Dickie, calied Ion Mrs. Jas. Williamsn and jMrs. L. Jobhin. Mrs. George eohns speut last Monday at Cobourg as she JWaS appointed on Jury duty. Mr.- and MrE. Stanley Mal- hcolm spent a day witb Mr. and IMrs. Lawrence Malcolm and Mrs. M. Emnerson arri Mrq. L. IIJoblin called on Mrs. Chas, Fahlis. Mr- and Mrs M. Emerson visited Mr. and Mrs. Mer-vin Bird, Brooklil, also called un Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Mr. and Mrbà. Neil Mal- calu. BlacketoekL à E were guests. Head table guests included Mrs. W. Rudell, re- presenting the Local Associa- tion, Mrs. Rance Dilling, Pre- sident of Mother*s Auxliarv%, Mrs. E. Lunn. tester, Mrs. Al- bert Cole, Mrs. G. Sparrow, Mrs. H. Bennett, Mrs. A. J. Frank. A Warrant was present- ed to Mrs. H. Bennett wbo 1uac been active in Guide and Brownie work for ycars. A toast to the mothers was pro- posed by Judith Ann Sparrow and responded to by Mrs. W. M. Morrison. The evening closed witb a sing-song led by Mrs. Albert Cole with both Brownies and their motbers taking part. During the year the follow'- ing Badges were earned: 19 offers ber sîneere tbanks. j Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years You'II P.xijoymaking JAMS and J *ELLIES thils fasti sure wOy#,O IT TAKES ONLY 15 MINUTES It takes only 15 minutes from the time your fruit is pre- pared ta make a whole batch of jam or J'elly with Certo. For Certo is fruit pectin ... the natural jellying substance extracted from fruit . . . conccmtratcd ta an exact con- sistency for sure resuits in jam and jelly making. Now's the time, as the lovely frcsh fruits corne ini, to start making several delicious kinds. lt's sa quick and easy with Certo because: With Certo you boil for just one minute. No long, tediaus boiling and stirring over a hot stove. 2Yqu gel up ta 50%5ý more glasses froru the same amount of fruit. Your precious juice docs flot go off ini steam as it docs in long boiiing. 3 You use fully ripe fruit instead of the under-ripe fruit called for in "long boiling'" recipes. The lovely, fresh taste and color of fruit at ils very best slay right in your jam or jeily. 4Resultq wilhc sure every time if you follow Certo's kitchen-tested recipes. CERTO FRUIT PECTIN FREE RECIPE BOOKLET with every bottle and in ee" package A Produdct f OnauwI Pied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J g.CIub "15" HoId5 First Re -union of Members '-h1 I Pl ig iI Cooks and Hostesi 12 Chi Nurse, 5 Handywoman, 5 Swvim mer, 4 Laundress, 2 Need- lewoman, 1 Hîker, 1 Pioneer, 1 Athlete. Il Brownie Golden Hand\ Badges, 3 Goldcn Bars, 16 Proficiency Badges. A group of lst Class Guides biave just about completed the requiremnents of the Woodcraf t Badge under the supervision of Mrs. Alan Strike. Two local girls, Ingrid an-i Patricia Con-çay, wvere present- ed with Gold Cord Certificates at Convocation Hall in Toron- to. On May l8th. in the Lions Centre, a derionstration dinner \vas prepared by a group of girls under the supervision of Mrs. D. McDonald, whe in- structed on tbe Cooks Badge. Mrs. Nelson Osborne and Mrs. Rance Dilling complimented tbe girls on their efforts and paid tribute to Mrs. McDonald for lier efforts with sucli a large group of girls. To ail wbo bave assisted iný anv way ini Girl Guide and Brownie program Mrs. Franic a » 'rM-CAMAlffAm VrANimmAw uwmmàlmwr-lv d»wwAý il

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