~UZ ?WNVE "M CA1fAUN STATESM, OWMA2VM=T. ONTARIO Principals in Wedding of Local lnterest .3 ut 94 .3 r' lb SI w-, a-, 49 w- -~.1- Signing the register followi-ng her marriage in John R. Nichols, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son Crescent Heights United Church, Calgary, Alta., is Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Somner of Calgary, Alta. The Jack Clifford Somner, the former Margaret Nichais of brides' attendants were MViss Margaret Stacey, lef t, and Bowmanvi]le. The bride is the daughter of MVr. and Mrs. IMiss Frances Rowe, rigbt, both formerly of Bowmanville. ]POLLACK- HASIUK and back panols of the billow- r'1 ing tulle skirt ihswep! Red and white carnations anîd in a Cathedral train. Her fin- '~peonies decorated the altars of ger .tip veil of tulle illusioi St. George's Greek Catho]ic was hcld by a crow,ýn of peariz Church, Oshawa, for a weddirng and sequins. She wore a golciý last SaturdaT afternoan,Juîîe c-r() s on a fine chain, anid car- 4th, when Sylvia Marie Hasiuk ried a cascade of deep rcc was united in marriagceWtioe with wiesehnts William Pollack. TIhe bride i oe xt ht t.hnts the daughter of Mr. and r.iadohnradtebies William Hbddkof om rts M,C ? sNtbSrcaw and tebiegomi tesnnaidg xvere Miss Sonia Kozak, of Mr. and Mrs. John Pollack iss Re tMprik ofskiorno o.f rya odce the dou- Miss Anita lVotel of Utica, N. C. 01.1 Y. The.\- ail w ni eicet- ble ring ceremany assistedi u the choir under the leadersi *.>ý waltz len.ath gowns of tuîrquoise of Mr. Stanley Mozewsky. isIs (rys"'ýtallettie. tas}îîoned with a Jean Koladize A.R.C.T., presid.- formai bodlice Iopped xith a ed at the organ and accampan- iShrug 'j,îcket, andicileir billow- ied Mr. Raymond Mozewsky of ing skirts wcicr worn ov- Toronto who sang -Ave Ma- crinolines. They wýore match- ria" and "The Lord's Praver." in', petal headdresses and mit- At he los ofthe ~ tnsand carrieci cascades of the traditional "Monoghia Lik" elOvand bronre chrv anthc- was sung. InaMriage by jewe1lery was Given inmrig vler the brides gift, a gold cross on father the bride wore a* gown a finle chain. of carnation wvhite Chantilly Miss Diane Sz viaszck of St. lace and net over satin. The Catharines and Miss Helen .sheath sleeved bodice of lace Str 'vnatka of Whilby Nwere flrw- featured a heart shapednek er girls. anid thev vwore lonp line inset with folds of tullu. frocks of luriquoi>e bIlue T VS- Lace was repeated in the front tallette, stv cd -with billow;n!ý Ail New 1.. Frigidaire Ref rig erators $33 9e95 The New Super 9.1 cu. f t. Frigidaire Refrigerator Available in Stratford Yellow or Glistening White Complete with 38-lb. Food Freezer and funl idth Ilydrator ON DISPLAY NOWV AT Mason & Date 36 King- St. E. skrsgathered ta short bac i ces. Their headdresses an( mnittens matcheci their gown.- and thex- carried baskets o: yellow chrYsanthemums, ant thecir jewellery was a gaic cross an a fine chain. Master Billy Motel of Utica N.Y. w-as ring bearer, and car ried the rings an a wbite saii *and lace cushion havîng clus. tors of white stephanotis in thi, ribbon streamers. Mc. Michae Sirotnik performed the duticç of best man. The ushers werc Mi-. Paul Maher of St. Cathar. ines, Mr. Gerold Hasiuk, broth- or of the bride, Mr. NichoIr, Hast, Mr. Stanley Kitres aný ,tMaster Bill Hasiuk yaungest -brother of the bride. The receptian was held in .s St. Georg&*s Parish Hall, Ai- cl bert Street, whcre the biide'ý - mother received the 500 guests ij wuearing a dress of woodroý;- lace and crepe, a close fitting pirik bat and matching acces- -suries. The bridegroom's maotih er wha assisted, chose air force blue crepe with lace, anda pink bat. They bath wore cor- sages of red rases and white 1 stcphanotis. Mc. George Bo.- echyn of Whitby was master of ceremonies for the present-a- lion. For the honeymoon tripto rNew Yack, Philadeiphia and *other American points the bride donned a turquoise su't f cress with ýmatching top coat. w il hi harmonizing accessaiin and a corsage of red roses anci iw-ite stephanatis. On their ne- lcix the couple mill reside in Os haw\a. Out of iOwkn guests w'eîc present fcom Niagar-a Fal-:, Trenton, N.J.. Toi-no, Utica, N.Y., St. Catharines, ind Cour - tice. KUDLA - EVANS White gladioli, eroft lilies andi pastel hydrangea, beauti- fully decorated Haly Eucharist Church. Toronto, an Saturday, April 23, for the marriage of Dilys Rhona Evans, daughtcr of Mcs. Evans and the late Mn. E. C. Evans, Bo\vnianiville, ta M'vr. William Andrew Kudla, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslic Kudla, Toronto. The Righit Bey. Izidor Borecky, Bishop of Eastern Canada, perfonmed the ceremony. Given in marriage by hec brother, Mi-. Robert L. Evans, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of antique Italian brocade. The sheath', sIeev ed bodice, following the' Empir-e line featured a portrait iîeckline emnbroidered in peat-Is, ai-d the voluminous skirt swept into a chapel train. Her finger- tip veil of French tulle illusion held a small Italian bro - cade bandeaux embroidered lii peai-Is. She carried a cascade bouquet of white starlîte rosesý and white sweet peas. accentedi witb w-ite astnich plumes and foliage. Miss Dorotby Evans, sister of the bride was'maid of honour, wearing a floo r length gown of midnight blue, pure silk crystaltte. The 'permanent pleated bodice .teatured a por- trait neckline with off the shoulder short sleeves. 'The full skirt feli softly from the featured Empire waist line and the back was off-set with a knotted double streamer. The brIdesmaids, similarly1 gaovned, were Miss Elsie Kud- la. Toiono, sister of th2 groom. Mrs. Jane Wilson, Osh- awa, and Miss Linda Tudor, Toronto, the bride's cousin. Thle attendants wore matching pearl studded picture bats, and short white kid plov-es and car-îied colonial bouquets of wiiite car-nations, and w-ite sweet peas. with accents of fniaîue and maiden hair fern. Mcý1 . Lerlie Kudla, Toronto, brother of the groom. acted as best man, and tbe ushers were c.Henr'- Sarnnvsky, Oshawa, Mr. William S-ott, Osha-.,a. and -.cl. Leonard Kudla, North Tonawanda. For the ieepiori held at St. Ccisand Methoditns Haï!, the bride's mather cbxose a heavenly blue zown of Beldiu j daughter and grand-daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc- Kee and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Law- son were guests cf friends in Unionville. On Sunday the Lawson fan- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Franks in Peterboro. Guests of the Floyd Stinsons were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thorndyke, Norma and Marie, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stin- son enjoyed a motor trip thraugh the Ganaraska terri- [tory with the Walter Wrights. The Ray Robinsons enter- tained at noon on Sunday Mrs. Ernestine Henderson and Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm and girls in honour of Judv's birthdaY. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton and familv, Markhamn, witli Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson and Lloyd and Mrs. Annie Mc- Quade were dinner guests at the Norman Edgertons follow- ing Cadmus Anniversary Ser- vices. In the evening the Day- ids entertained Mr. Jack Ar- cher, Miss Rowena Sherry and Beverly Archer of Port Hope. The Maurice Nesbitts were Saturday evening visitors of the Herman Wilsons of Pirt Perry. In honour of Wa yne' s lOth birthday a picnic gathering of the Malcolm tribe, took place at the Victor Malcolms of Nes- tieton on Sunday. Those pres- ent included part and parcel- the Len Joblins the Lloyd1 Hunters, Norman Malcolms, Merlin Van Camps, _Ralph / i,o, .Cashine crepe, the bodice fea- j / 7 1/j/, ' 1tuî-ing French impnrted lace. j A. nax-y straw bat anîd w'hite kid gloves comnpleted lier en- 1semble and she wore a corsa-e 1of white staclite roses ai-d os- I ,, m trich plumes. Assisting ber Wd5 the groom's mother attired in a gown of champagne taffela and match ing nylon lace, witb copper-tan stcaw hat ai-d ac- cessocies. Her corsage w-as of Talisman roses. The bridal couple left ater an a xvedding trip tu Fart Lau-- derdale, Florida, the bride wearing a champagne pure 3ilk dress, witli box style top coat 1of light beige cashmec-e with beadcd lapeis. bli-e wore an olive green picture bat xvUhj Values effective at your Doni' inatching accessanies and cor- . June 16, 17, sage of roses. Mr. ai-d Mrs. William Kudla will reside ini Osiiawa. Telegri-ms of good wisbcs w-ere recciveci fcom Abegele, i N. Wales, Czeclio-Siovalkia, Lcîs DEVON RINDLESS Angeles, Cal., Windsor, Osh- awa, Chicago and Toronto. B GLiests were presen:i ýo Bomavile OhaaToron- B A CONi(.) ta, Wellan-d, North Tonawaiî-. d, Buffalo aîd St. Cathaines. SWIFT'S COTTAGE STYLE- YELVERTON PORK ROLL_ Mi4s. Mable Da-, Niagara UNS - B TH PEC Falls, with lier sister, Mrs: . SBUN -Il IE EC E. Robinson. afteî- attendiig the' Smith XVitesicte nuptials. Mrs. Jean McCabe and Elea- 'O L OGNA nr Jean accompanied by Mrs. Arnold Hickson spent an even- ing at the Win. McCabes. al Lef P c gd Sunday guests of the Gea. Ma e Laf P kgd Heaslips wecc: Mrs. Gillis Pur- cell and Mi-. Peter Purcell, To-- ronta, Mr. and Mrs. Harold IA P ZIO I& CHEI W. Fleming, aIl of H;ilhead. Mcs. Herb Tay lor, Bla ck-K E L A stock, with lier brother, the W. J. Malcolms. M M a - -M- The Clifford Snyders, Toron- to, were guests of the Hugl McGills. The Elwvn Dickeys, Bow- manville, weekend guests of the Don Johnsons. A carload of Yelvectonians attended Farm and Home Week at O.A.C., Guelph, an Wedoas- day-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Jack Wilsons. Tho.y report a pleasant and educa- tional afternoon spent at the College. Church service on Sunday had only a fair attendance ta hear Rev. Bonsteel pravide much fond for thouglit in ms sermon, -Our Need For Faith'X, We congratulate aur pacson on being accorded the honour of being one of the three minis- ters selected as gavernor of Five Oaks Chu rch Vocational Camp, whicb honaur ha in due modesty sbifted ta the shoul- ders af bis capable wife who was studying for her M.A., to serve an staff when ber career was rudely interrupted by marriage. What a "corne- down" eh? Oh well, she bas ber MaMa status anyhaw. Results af aur Provincial election show that the lacka- daisical attempis af the Oppo- sitions failed ta "De-Frost" On- tarin. On "the Major" again we pin aur hopes for an over- due overhauling and paving seheme for 7A highway. As we see it, this wauld not only Senefit we "Northerners" but help, alleviate the congested condition af the 401 highway. Too frequently in the past have elected candidates wha failed to recagnize that we of Cartwright, Cavan and Man- vers Townships still belong to Durhamn Count.v and their in- herent respansibilities of giv- ing us a fair- representation. Admiting the blarne is partly aur awn in remaining inarti- culate wben it -is a well known fact that it is "the squeakv wheel that gets the grease". With the kind permission of the press we will be glad ta provide -a squeak as a prod" whcn such is merited. Mrs. Hank Boon and Mank Boon Jr. were callers at the Harvey Malcolms. Mrs. $oon remained t Vit ier car"iiuL Margarine - Regular MGI 9-À aRcHl Malcolms, Harvey Malcolms and Mrs. H. Boon. Jumping ta conclusions has always been a favoured exer- cise! Today because of these mental acrobatics a local farm- er and his wvell intentioned neighbour are wearing ruddier complexions than what could be attributed to wind, weather or sunshine. It ail started when they noted the seeming lack of material affection of a bossy for her newly born offspring. Two cows with their presumed two juvenile udder chasers wvere rounded Up and the onie delinquent parent coerced into feeding theunwanted one. For twa days they were kept in solitary confinement before being returned one evening to pasture. The next morning a certain red-faced farmer found a new-born calf with this samne cow. You guessed it-the first cow had twins. The problem seems to be ta tell when a con- finement case becomes uncon- fined. A short course in bovina' obstetrics seems to be in orderý for Jack and Art. su E youR CARS$ PART NER IN PO WER OBITUARY GORDON LEONARD SPEER Due to a sudden heart at- tack, Gordon Leonard Spier of 325 Woburn Ave., Toronto, died at the home of bis sister, Mrs. Walter Neals on Wednes- day, June 8th. He wvas 48 years of age and had been spending two weeks' vacation at the Neals home. He was born in Manvers township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Spier and attended the Frank- lin School. Going to Toronto hie became a barber and wma a familiar figure at bis stand in the Union Station. Sunkist Lemons Immediately surviving are his widow, the former Laura Ferry; three sisters, Mrs. Doug- las Deyell (Gladys) of Northi Bay; Mrs. Gervin Mulligan (Jean) and Mrs. Walter Neals (Rita) of Bethany; two broth- ers, Murray Spier of Bethany and Kenncth Spier of Buffalo, N.Y. att:n$j The funeral, largely tè. ed wvas held fr8m the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neals on Saturday. with burial in St. Mary's Cemetery, Bethany. Thirty years ago Canada's wvheat exparts exceeded those of ahl other countries combined. - -. More Good Eating For Your Moneyi These tender, young. Grade A birds have been thoroughly cleaned ... -ail ready to pop int the roasting pan . . . or pieced for deep-fat frying. Better value. because you gem more good eatinq ln less weight. ninion Store, Bowmanville. T18, 1955 - - - - - - - - - lb. 49c SMOKED lb. 65c lb. 25c Cooked Neais 'ESE F 8o. 33C Pkg. 3C Pork Loal with Dressing "': 37c lO-oz. Ro11 33c 1O½,1-oz. pkg. 29C Fresh - Grade A - 21, to 31 PRE-DRESSED CH! CKENS lbs. - huasting or f rying lb. 49c Aylmer - li-oz. bottie TOM-ATO CATSUP 21c Aylmer - Ungraded or size 4 and 5 - 15-oz. tin CHOICE PEAS 2- For 23c. Aylmer - Boston Brown - in Tomato Sauce - 15-oz. B3EANS wilh PGRK 2 For 27c,., Aylmer - Choice - 20-oz. tin CUT WAX BEANS 20r33c Aylmer - Golden - Cream Style - 15-oz. lin CHROICE CORN 2s 025C 7Fresh Fruits & Vegetables FLORIDA - Size 96's Grapefruit for 35C RED, RIPE AND SWEET - FLORIDA - 14 to 18 lbs. Waterme Ions s 1.19 49Ce JUICY - CALIFORNIA VALENCIES - Size 288's Sunkist Oranges 2 doz. 69e TEXAS -. WASHED - TOPLESS - Poly Bag New Carrots 3 îbs. 25c LOCAL GROWN - FRESH DAILY STRAWBER lES ARKET STRAW ERRIEPRICE à-b.28c DOMINION STORES LIMITED 41 BACON and LIVER Serve topped with fresh fruit- CHEERIOS Blue Magic Whitener Detergent- Giant Pkg. BLUE CHEER 77c Clover Leaf Fancy Red - 1/2-1b. lin SOC]KEYE SALMON 39c Club House Homogenized - 16-oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 39c Ocean Spray - 15-ozti CRANBERRY SAUCE 25c Lido - 35 Biscuits to every package - 1-lb, bag Mairshmallow Biscuits 35c Howes Marshmallow Candy - 8-oz. pkg. CIRCUS PEANUTS 25c Aylmer - Fancy - 20 oz. lin TOMATO JUICE 15c 8-oz. bottie CERTO LIBUID 25c RUIlER JAR ]RINGS Pkg. 9c Kra-8-oz. pkg. CHEESE SLICES 31c SERVE COOL LEMONADE - JUICY - Size 3o0's IRA 3-5408 HARDWARE qBowmailville TNUMAIT, -3v" l«Tý ion 1