Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 7

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-- .--- -- --- w--. - .. m-'~ ~~J~ A 5A~~>PAGE s55V.W- kith, the :ity rth, end way Ling bva. aed de- and ;ou, [ns. led nu, ara uci ent -.4-. Nichais han be ¶~d~: àd Mn.. L. Saaa Mis MayiiLeask spentt 09 d, i~dn New York Ci pjng >~d sight-seeing. Umss tt Alan Aldwor utc.spelit the weeke ti-Jacqueline Bird. -M. Mns. Maurice Couv t e weekeud visiti n aid relatives lu Ottam Grace A. Hall retun, n ay sites spending a d visit with relatives ai li Hamilton. and Mn.. Jobu Sandensc ineg,~ suad Mn. and i Werry, Betbesda, visat -and Mn,. W. J. Car nitre St. Mn.. M~ E. Leask, Barba d- Donald, Bowmanville, ai .L. Cassel,, Kitchener, spe ho holiday weekend at Baptis ake and Bancroft, -Mn. and Mn,. Hugh R., Sma nd sons Richard sud Micba f City View, spouf the holid- eokend With their mothE n.C. J. Smala. Mn,. C. Laplain ý(Myrt oie), Dunsford, visit$d Mvi C. Hoan sud Miss Idý Hosi ud - attended the f4eral s. Clans Allen. 1 DO*I Welsb, Keith MoIdgso eau Allun, Bob Carsigher ar M. *,cGregor spcun ihe ho] day ý',*eélend af $e' latter cottag% 'Hawk, Lak?. Muý âýà Mss. Goidon Badgq pet.lbê7 holi'da.y wekend _Qro -e*acb, Lake 5me.I Badgen yas forurýte in haudir sevèrnicg lake.tncut. tCàn4fftuatonW te Miss Jarý Dale 'ý'who hi, successfuil completed bier Ttuth year1 U*c Degree Coirse, Bache]( cf- Science lu Nirsing, af Un vonsity ai Tononib.. Mn. sud Mss. ýmes G. Mari an-d Mn. sud Mjo. R. Evans ai hoilidaying lu :Montreal th Week. Mn. ati Mss. Marti Wil bo guesteat5 the Goodal Itidout weddif thero ou Sai urday. 1 *Mn. sud Ys. Kani P. Har &en, Wluuipg have beau visil lng ?&s. liusen's aunt, Mi W. O. La*ill, for Uic hol day weeloid beoe anleavin fan a tnIl through Kentuck, and Virgillk. Mns. I1V J. Hutcbinson, Mn J. Albeil ,Cole, Mn,. J. W. Jew ell aud X$ss Mary Jewell motor ed ta Noance recenfiy sud spa: the dayW~ith Mn. sud Mss. H.]E Wight>5fl Who, a numbror yrears ago, were nesideutso ]3owelile. SMoirs. Gerahd Marjernison i)ec Bates and Loweil Mac Doibl. town, snd Wm. Reed pf "Hope, enjoyed a mot*r tril .~'ashlugtou, D.C., on tht h a weokend, sud attendec SBoston - Washington bal ~l-e on Ssturday. JCongratulations to EdwardS Coweil, son o! Mss. Bort Col. cil, on graduating from Petl enbOrOugh Teachers' Coflege *£edý has beau engaged by tbE ,South Darlington Scbool Boasd iiud wall commence bis toach. Ing dutles at Court ice nexi Septemben. Bob Galiagber af Bowman- ville, ane o! the top Oshawa bawlers, was anc of a gnaup whc pnesented E. W. "Pop" Bemnis ivîth su easy chair wben the ,Vétéran Oshawa bowling en. thusiast was honored af the. Motor City alleys -ou bis retire. maent, Saturday uight. Mss. George W. James, Mn. and Mrs. William G. James, BoWmaaiville, sud Mn. sud Mrss Ward Hoffma, Bunlingten, were lu Kingston on Saturday attending the Convocation at KST. JOHN'S CHUIRON (Anglican) WHITSUNDAY 8 la.m.- HOLY COMMUNION &1 .m.- CHURCH SCHOOL (Senior) CHURCH SCHOOL (Junior) EVE IG PRAYER 1Trinity Uni SMinuster, Rev. T. Ai 11:00 A.M. #'Love, Power an ýe:0 P.M. "À Fallh for'1 Orgaist, Mr. Arthur Colà i Queen's University when Editor *George W. Jameà, received the honorary degree of LL.D. His many friendsanlad former parishioners of St. John's Angli- can Church here and now Rector of The Church of St. Jude, Toronto, will be pleased ta know that Rev. Warren N. Turner, B.A., B.D., will be heard on the Morning Devotions over CBL at 8:15 a.m., comniencing week of May 3th. Out of town visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey and son Billy, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Symons, Essex; Mr. George Louth, Georgetown; Mr. S. Louth, Brampton; Mr. Barry Inscoe, Cooksville; Miss Joanne Stuckey, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cooper, Toronto. Mr. W. J. Mills and daugh- f Richard R. Hutchluson , 1~~ ~ iiiGraduates ,ster, Mrs. Helen Wilson,--St. son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Ihl ,h sid'"eew buIings Marys, who recently returned old Carpenter, town, recently and iiew teachers have been ýaie fromn an extended trip to Cal.. graduated from the Eastern added in an attempt to keep sel ifornia spent the weekend ne- Pentecostal Bible College, Peter- UP with the increase. We feel [aY newing old. acquaintances in boro. Commencement exercises 1 we are forturiate in the calibre ier, Bowmanville and othen parts were held in Maesey Hall, 'of our teachers." of his beloved native County Toronto. Mn. Hutchinson wasI Nine new teachens wene in- tle of Dunham. They timed their bô'rn in Miles City, Montana. troduced by Mn. Hobbs: How- [rs. annual vîsit hereiii brder to He and bis wife are now engagedI ard Rowan who will go te kin attend the Enniskillen Chunch in Pastoral Pioneer work in Maple Grove; Mr. Thompsoni of Annîvensary. Cannington, Ontario. and Miss Young-Salem; Miss Miss Grace Preston, daughter Perrin -Shaw's; Mns. Hoar - on, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Preston, Countice; Ivan Woolley-prin- tn- Trenton, formenly of Bowman- ;k. .] cipal at Hampton; Ted Colwil1 1-ville, has been awarded the Mc- 1 L-Curic; rsrHllHap ýr'S Lean prize for outstanding work tC ton; Miss Audney Graham - during the yearnin ahl phases of (Cntinued fromn page one) Courtice. ger Teachers' College actîvîties at Libenalismn as much as 1 do you 1 Musical Program at Peterbonough Teachers' College. will work just as bard for it. I Most enjoyable musical en- ,r. The award was first donated in believe that I can make a con- tentainment was provided by ing 1856 by Mr. H. MeLean. Friends tribution to good government in Mn. Ross Metcalf, musical in- of the family here are happy to Ontario". structor of the Anea, who phy- iet hear of this honon won by Mr. Ford received an en- ed several fine piano selections. Iîy daughter Grace. thusiastic ovation fromn the gatb- Also assisting in the musical in Mr. John Maguire, 28 Brown ering at the conclusion. o!' is pnogram wene Mrs. Dorothy or St., Bowmanville,, received a acceptance speech. Van Dniel. Mrs. Gwen Black ni- telephone message on Saturday In addition tô Mr. Ford the and Mrs. Lynn Oke of Bowman- that his eldest brother, William, following prominent Libenals -ville, who sang two groups of in of Aiberni, B.C., had died in also occupied the platform:I trio vocal numbers. These wene ne accidental circumstances under Robent Kent, President of the very populariwitlthe audience. his bis own car. Mr. Maguire lef t Durham Liberal Association; Prior to Miss Reynolds' ad- in by plane from Malton Airport John M. James, M.P. for Dur- dress, the trio sang "Wishing" ,Il., Satunday afternoon to attend ham; Tom Harris, Liberal cand- and "Balai Hai," accompanied tt- the funeral which was held on idate for Ontario riding, who was at the piano by Miss Catherine Tuesday. This is the first guest speeer of the evening; Teeple. Later on, the ladies Ln- break in a family of 13, of Russell C. Honey, Secretany- favozêd with two more num- ý. whom the deceased and Mr. Treasurer of the Durham Liberal bend, unaccompanied, l'Caro- rs. John Maguire were the only Association;' Elmore Scott, lst lina Moon" and "Sleep Ken! ,Il membens residing in Canada; Vice-Pregident of the Associa- tucky Babe." ngone brother is li Australia, the tion; and'George Walton, Liberal Mr. Ken Wenry introduced kyrest o! the family in England. candidate in the last provincial Miss Reynolds, and aiso intro- election. duced the audience to her as rs: Memorial Hospital Mr. Kent acted as ch:irman of aine pope f othDalig the meeting and welcomed the ton.isRyod ogauae ý" Vveekly Report large gathering of Liberal sup- aisischRenldonevry finte D. ~~~~~~porters. "We're back i u-ali hreo h eyfn Of For the week of May 15-22: iness, and I really mean bus-pnogramn and the ides behind Of Admissions --------------------37 iness", he declared. "A week the gathering, also the beau- Birtbs, 4 male, 4 female- 8 ago we were downhearted when tîful appearance cf the Train- n, Diseharges----_ ___ 52 our nomination meeting did not ing Sehool grounds and the c-Major operations _ produce a candidate. Now we (funq4ion of the school. d, Minor operations--------g have a wonderful candidate in. In bier cbarmmng and vivac- ip Einergency treatnaents 1() Dave Ford, and I-eana sure that 'eus way, Iyiss Reynaolds to]d e These facts are published *lhen you meet himi you wiîî tell the story of a number cf young- d weekly in an effort ta acquaint your friends wbat a fine fellow sters who were sent to bier by il this community witb the ser- bie i". sebool principals as "problem vices of aur hospital. The Association President children." She elaborated on S. ~~~stressed the fact t Mn. Fr the three A's - affection, f aces a very difficuit task in acievement and acceptance. the next tbree weeks and needs Groatest Insecurity ie igua Durhamn. "If each cf youat this child," Miss Rey-nolds said. eetn otc 20 of your "The greatest insecurity a cbild d U raisfriends we can put bim over the can feel is that of net being t PIp" Mr. Kent declared. "Get loved or wanted."p Lack of We'll begin with a box, and utn talk bout idhe othrd.andidt affection will cause a bey or tal abut he the cadidte.girl te commit offences wbich the plural is boxes,Ifayn ssyuaothmlokvy d.Oegrwoe ra But the plural cf cx shouid be I neesk o bu ia ekvr a.Oegr hs T0hoen, net axes; say that yeu think hie has retir- mothen had left ber when she ox enoefw sgoe u ed, He deesn't even live in the was a baby. and who had been le two are called geese, county anymene". handed anound to s number of - Yt te pura cfmooe soul eJohn James, M.P. for Durham, unwilling relatives, was fin- ey tepral meese. sol x p r e s s e d the gratificationj ally pickedupfrvrac Yumay find a lone mouse or wbich the Durham Liberal feel because she was found sleeping aYou eltofmc in baving Mn. Fond as a candi-I in a truck. authe purl o f hmice date. "ýMn. Ford has put the show "A child likes ta feel that ho Bu he llcousesnt ie on the noad again". Mn. James . is doing well in school," the bouesne bie.declared. "A week ago we feit speaker went on, "if he can't 9 if the plural cf man is always pretty îew when we didn't have do certain subjeets, hie shuns called men a candidate. Now we have pass- them, just as aduits avoid do- v anhy shuln'ttelrlc ed the low extreme and are bal ing things they aren't good at." ' pn e pnway up the scale. Whether we She sdvised parents not ta make tThe cow in plural may~ be cows reach the high extreme cf els- the mistake cf forcing their - or kine tien by having Mn. Fend electedcidenotaesirmti- But a bew repeated is never as the provincial member for uhltion tor seior mcss calld bne.Durhama the nigbt cf June 9 de- just because they tbemselvcs And if i speak of a foot and pends on how hard yeu work believe that te be the right yeu show me your feet for him. Dave Ford is certainly thing. "There is a ight grade And I give you a boot, would a jwertb working bard for". adangtsho o vr pair be called beet? Speaker Introdued boy and girl. If one is a tootb and the whole M Sp aerteIntnduced bthe ndgulda." Cil set are teethMrJae hnitouethGudceCne Why shouldn't the plural cf speaker cf the evening, Tom Ti is where the Child booth be called beetb? Harris, a Port Penny îawyen. who Guidanice Clinic and Miss Rey- If the singular is this and thue bas two brethers in Oshswa and nolds co-openate, te see that plural is these, Uxbridge. They are also lawyens, uiswohvbem p- Slbould the plural cf kiss be' Mn. James said, and - ike him puleswho haeobecg oetpro nick-named keese?j are strong believers in Liberal blemevn nesoretig topet Tben one msy be that, and ism.-tieigadasnesm ma tbnee mnay be those, Mn. Harris ststed that in bis be placod in the type of scbool Yet bat in tbe plural would speeches in varicus part cf On- and course suited te theni. neyer be hose. tarie during the past six montbs According te Miss Reynolds' And the plural ef rat is rats, he bas found a tromendous expenience. this usualhy ends ntrose. "wave of resentment" against the problem. We pea ofbrthe an alo 'tliePrgressive Consenvative "Boys and girls also need te spao f br otherandaIseParty "This tide cf resentrnent be accepted, at home and in the cftbrthnuh en, oter wihl wash eut the evil we have community. The teen-age at- But ltbogh say mether , 'had in this province because titude is: 'I'd rather be dead The asclineproounsarehethere has been ne opposition te hndfeet w-a iTemaclprnus arhe, , the Conservative government", flow of mutual respect is nec- But imagine the femninine .she, be declared. "June 9 will mark essaryv between parents and ishis and shim.' the most important day in the 1;cbihdren te understand and Se the English, I tbink, yo polit:cal history cf Ontario. This, maintain this," Miss Reynolds will ahi agree will net be just anether election, mhszd Serladte Is te mst wndeful an-but a test cf tbe very strengtb case of a big teer-age boy who Iscfthemocracy in Ontanie". had been sent te her for carry- guae yu eer id ee. The speaker stated that ehec- ing a gun. In talking te bii, - tiens ane tbe cbeck-rein against Miss Reynolds discovered that Nothing is sO infecticus as 'abuses cf suthenity by the I is mother habituahly calhed example.-Chanles Kingsley. people's representatives. "Wben bim "boney" sand "sweetbeant" tbis check-rein cesses te func- in front cf bis pals. 'Wouldn't - tion, uvhen members are allow- jycu carry a gun toc, Miss Rey- -------ed te sali their seuls for political nolds asked, ta prove you patronage, thon domocracy bas jworon't a sissy?" sunely failed. You may- saythat ULnderlylng Trouble this is stnong talk, that things Her wonk censists in .tslking 't e d h u r u der t e Con ervat ves a e u t the ue ov n yi trol e, ndn J/te) (By Benjar tiUvs have seen fit to give the C Ahiadian Comstock Comnpany a coest-plus contnact wbereby tbey Imalce 5 per cent dlean on a con- Iversion cast a! tram $5oo-600,- 000,000", be asserted. "This 1, servative goveraimont goes ta the people. Do you wonder that 1l say June 9 is the most ina- jpotant date li the poitical bis- trofOntario". Mr HOMlarris was thanked for his address by Mn. Honey. Others who spoke bnjefly wene Mn. jWaiton, Mn. Beer, Mn. Scott, snd George Black, '-ex-Reove of jCartwright Township. Several very fine solos wene sung by Mrs. Ernest LeSage, Port Hope, accompanied by Mrs. IMarti Jantzen, also o! Port 1Hope. Area Board (Continued frona page one) Area, and supenvising principal- stated that since the Ares was rcmed, attendance bas in- croased two and a bahf times. "Thero are 40 pupils in the Ryerson Press, whiçh nor- mally gives a $1,000 prize for the best Canadian novel, was unable to select an author up to the standard last year. The Victorian Order of Nurses con- ducted a national photography contest recently and they, too, found it necessary to withhdld first and second prizes because of the below-standard of the entrJeý. As I previously said in res- pect to the literary contest, I think it is better to make no award than to give one for in- ferior work. But of aIl the ama- teur and professional. photo- graphers in Canada, I arn not convinced that one of themn could fot camne up to the V.O. If the histony teachers werE smart they'd wnite tuneful littie ballads about Champlini Etienne Brule, Henry Hudson Tecumseh and Leonard Tilley and by the time cur youngster5 got te junior high sebool tbey'd know aîl about the founding cf Acadie, tbe discovery oi Lake Ontario. the uorthwes- passage, the War of 1812, anc Confedenation. Thare's nething like a song te make a story stick in the mind. Look at that nollicking ditty called "Davy Crockett". Ever ta young Canadians ha'lh go down in bistory, witb John Pau] Jones and Daniel Boone. Everybody is singing about thej king cf the wild frontier wbc kilt a b'ar when ho was oniy tbree. Of course, thene was a Davy Croekett, just as there was a Lihi Marlone and a Johnny Ap- pleseed. Ho wss boru in Ten- nessee sud feugbt in the Wan cf 1812. It wss jokingiy sug- gested to bim that ho shouid nun for congress, and Davy teck it serieushy, se seriously, lu fact, that ho was elected and- senved for three terms. Iu 1836 the frontiensman was killed at the Alamo, bis coonskin hat boside hlm. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS. PERSONAL SERVICE >depend.nt SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE Drugg L HSWE ALL H'. WEE NEEDS NO NEDIRALIZERI " "Tokes" overy time " Woves with any plastie curlers oniy $175 FOR 29c 1 , Dental Needs.. MASSO or TEK TOOTH BRUSHES 29o LAVORIS 390 - 690 TOOTH BRUSH "Cleanor" 2 for 33e COREGA 33c, 53c, 89e Toq1h Pasie Cleans the teeth Refreshingt Ipana Tooth Faste- 33c. 59c, 85e Listerine Antizyme Tooth Paste 43c, 69e Pepsodent Tooth Paste 33C. 59c, 85e Mlaclean Tooth Paste- 43c, 69e Listerine 33c, 65c, 98e Lyon's Tooth 32c - 57c Only 89. DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSH SPECIAL! Two 2àe Nylon Brushes Only 49a Save 29e Two regular 59a tubes COLGATE DENTAL CREAM , AL-A.S.A. TABLETS 100's -300's 19e - 49e SUNBURN PROTECTION!1 Bronztan 1.50 Noxzema Lotion ln squeeze baffle- 1.00 Velvetta Suntan Cr'eam 65e Skol------- 55c, 75c, 1.00 Coppertone 011 os Cream - -1.50 I.D.A.efFa~~ AROMATIC CASCARA 3 & 6 oz., reg. 30c, 30ec. --3e, 390 Mllk of MAGNESIA TABLETS lOO's & 300's reg. 39c, 89c 290 5e WRITE EMBROCATIO)N 4 & 8 oz., reg. 29, 49c - ---23c, 39c SUN CLASSES Manufacturera' DI)scontlnued LUnes Values tram Soe ta 1.50 ---39e KIDDIES' 2e,29e 1' AVIATION SPECIAL Ladies' and men's styles in leatherette case 99e Glaremaster Clipover --_ 69C SAVE ON THESE SPECIALS $1.25 size Odo-Ro-Na Spray Deodorant -- 98c $1.20 value Woodbury Cacoanut 011 Shampoo -59e l5e Jergen's Lotion and 1 cake Woadbury Soap - 65e POLAROID Zephyr or Winsoane - 1.98 Flightllne ____2.98 Fits-On -------------- - 2.50 TONE-RAY SLIPOVER -- 4.00 OTHER TONE-RAY GLASSES 5.00 ta 10.00 M.1CLEÂMS 1P ERO0XIDEi TOOTH PASTE SPCAI OW.PRICE OFFIi ~~WItMer,- 101112 40c KLEENEX Pol&CAU or 20c IUsines6%"zi 35 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Al1e x. M cG0re g or, Drug We Delive, - 'our Local .9A Drug- Store Phone-M-315792~ ci te K CAMERAS... A camera will record the good times ycu have ou Picuics or vacation A eomplet. lino ef Film alwayu ln stock 3.50 ta 35.75 uçom -r,- . '"---77-- 1 cd with murder. Not anc a! l~ thern weut to thc gallaws. r * Ho was an agnostic and Wl, p S / e fquick ta accopt an affer to de- fend Scapes when lu 1925 it was decided tai make a test min Beveridge) case aoflahe evolution statute lu Dayton. The triai began as a Spublicity stunt. It had been ae N. standard, even if the judges nstigated by a business group il wore Kansh, Dr. A. W. True- that tbought iA wouid put i, man, of the national film their town on the map. It be- , board, and F. R. Crawley e! cameiinmuch more than that, sud' , Cnawley Films Ltd. It May the contest betweeu Darrew ,s well bave been that the lu- snd Bnyau captured the imag- il ducoment was not sufficieut te ination e! the entire woi'ld. g attract the botter comeramen, Scopes, uufcrtuuately, was just f but by evon the highest stand- a scapegoat, but, though ,be was ýt ardis photognaphers like Ken conviéted, the pnoceedings ai- 1 Bell. Louis Jacques and.Hanry tened considenabhy the papular g Rowod eau take first pnazes. attitude towand the monkey Y But these camera antists are ides. busy traveling seras, the coun- A play called "Inherit the e try-and into other lands - Wind", now in New York, is ýtaking industrial- shots, for based an that trial. Iu tho wake ) wbichthey arc oxtnomely well cf the huge success af "The 1paid, and pix for Maclean',, Caine Mutiny" this play mais Weakend Magazine, sud such, add new impotus ta a tron-d1 *slick publications as Holiday.j towand the staging of triais.1 ) It is a pity, penhaps that soeaJAnd if it doos, wo may live toE 7 cf the lesser photographers ou se dramatizations of other1 the way up are not intenested famous trials--o! Socrates be- r in the edd $100 for a pnize fore hoe drank the poison hem- ,pictune. iock, cf Louis Riel, Oscar Wilde Famnous trials anc alwsys and Dr. Cnippen. We migbt »pepular neading, sud bocks even see a modern version cf >about thena, sueha as those the trial ai Jesus, and if it.e .wrîtten by the great British will teach us how te botter 1jurist, F. E. Smith (the Earl~ keep the faith it wilbe a geodr cf Birkenhead), bave beau thing.e best-sellers, Few trials bave 1- been more famous lu court an-a ual, than the case- a! "The ZMON Winslow Boy", but if thene is eue it is the Scopes case in V which *Clarence Danrow faught Mn. sud Mn,. Ted StephenS William Jonnings Brysu an sud family, Peterboro, ait R. C. the subjeet cf whetbor ornont Stainton',. man bad descended frein mon- Mn. sud Mrs. George Souley,d keys. Tenante, Mn. Leslie Warnen,d Fow people may rememiben Whitby, af Fred Camenon's. a John Thomas Scopes, the Day- Mns. Wes Camenon visited b ton - bigh scboel teacher who hon sister, Mrs. Stanley Covor- ti taught bis biology students ly, Ebenezen. t that man had coma from the Mn. sud Mn,. Hans Geissber- louvor feras cf life, in défiance gen vîsifed the Auton Krieg's 1 cf a Tennessee law pnobibiting at thoirnenw home at Plaie 0 it. But Clarncee Danrow, Who, Point, Scugog. died in 1938, will long be ne- Mn. sud Mn,. Arthur Dant membened by s people 5s. fond sud faily, Mn, sud Mn,. Henry r of litigation as the Amenacans. Dant, sud Konnethaiat S. May- bi Danrow gave up a lucrative buny's, Scarbono. 8 law practice lu Chicago to de- Mn,. Jim Stainton bas ne- lE fend Eugoue Dabs in tbe ne- tunned home after visiting hon e tonieus Pullman stnike lu 1894, panants, Mn. sud Mrs. Loonard and in bis subsequent career Shaw. Oshawa, for a few days. 0C of defence for the "undendog" Mn. sud Mn,. Charles Mitch- 'T hae dofended 100 persans chang- ahi sud sons, Toronto, at Rus- .2, soul Perkln's. Mr. anid Mrs. H. F. Stephen, Mn. and Mms. Harny Paloz, Mid- land, at R. C. Stalnton's., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton at Albert Baison's, Sauina. Paul Sobl, Jr., gatthicellai' for bis new house poured an- Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Jui $!îainton visited their baby son, David at the Sick Cbildren's Hospital. Toronto, an Sunday. Seversi more new homes are being built around Zion. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Camenon aud family, Whitby, at Wes Cameonn's. HÂMON Mr. Don Whaite, Oakviile, spent the wekend at borne. I Mns. E. H. Colo is with - friends in Oshawa. Mn. sud Mrs. Douglas Rack- bain Lee and Linda, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ken.Pobiler and boys, Oshawa, were at S Kensey's. Mrs. K. Wintenbunn spent the week-end with ber sister in Oshawa. Miss Bertha Armour, Reg. N,. London, spent the week- end at home. Mn. and Mrs. Charhie War- ren spent the holiday week- end in Buffalo. Mr. and Mn,. Hilton Petons sud Ralph, sud Mn. and Mrs. Keith Peters, Torouto,.Mn. and Mn,. Gea. Davey, Port Penny, were Sunday visitons with the Salters. Congratulations te Mn. and rMrrs. T. Salter who ou Wednes- day cehebrated their 57tb wed- ding annivansary. Duning the aftennoon and evening a num- ber cf frîends took the epper- tunity cf calling at the home to extend best wishes. Syz¾pathy is extended te Mn. Bruce Ferguson ln the. doath of bis brother. Average size of Alberta ranches are 2,000 acres owned by the individual rancher with 8,000 additional acres unden lesse from the provincial gov-! ernment. There are an estlmated 951,- 000 herses on Clanadian fanas. T'bis compares with a pesk ai 1 32c - 57c OnIr 894 TM CANADL« STATEMUN- BOWMAkVlMLlrlt- nWTàlzm

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