Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 6

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bAt W .ad RAr South Durham Basebalil Vacuumn Bottls _____98C Piut Thermos- 1.79, 1.98 Quart Thermos- 2.95, 3.9 5 Plenle Iugs- 4.95, 6.95 Lunch Kits_____ 1.25 League 1955 Schedule let r ý7-Pont Hope Juveniles.at 23-Céverdale at Newcastle Port Hope Kinsmen 23-Port Hope Juveniles t 7-Camborne ut Garden Hil Kendal 9--Govendale'at Port Hope 233-Caniborne at Port Hope Juveniles Kinasmen 9-Port Hope Kinsmen ut 23-Garden Hill ut Newtonville Newtonville 26-Welcome ut Covendule 26--Kendal t Camborne 1i l...come a t Camborne 26--Newcastle ut Garden Hill 14-Newtonville ut Welcome 26-Newtonville at Pont Hope 14-Kendal ut Port Hope Juveniles Kiiismen 31-Pont Hope Juveniles ut 14-Pont Hope JuVeniles ut Welcome <zrden HiUl 31-Newcastle at Pont Hope 14-Covendale ut Cambonne Kinsmen 16-Cambone ut Port Hope Si-Garden Hil at Kendal . Juveniles ai-Coverdale ut Newtonville 16-Newtonville ut NewcustlE June - 16--Gunden Hill ut CovendalE June -16-Pont Hope Kinsmen ut 2-Welcome ut Garden Hill Welcome 2-Port Hope Kinismen t 21-Pont Hope Juveniles ut Covendule Newcastle 2-Newtonville ut Cumbanne 21-Kendal ut Nawtonville 2-Kendal t Newcastle 21-Garden Hil ut Port Hoibe 7-Covendale ut Kendal Kinsmen 7-Newcastle ut Welcomr. 23-Newcastle ut Cambonne H.ome Permanents Toni - 3 strengths- 1.75 Prom __ Ï.__175 Hudnut's Quik -, 1.75 Tonette for Children - 1.75 SilvèrCurl -_____1.75 White Ramn 6-12 Repellent 59e Woodbury'u Shampoo Skeeter Skatter ____59c Sêap 45e-75c-1.25 Fly-Tox Bomb - M9, 1.39 4 for 31o Summer Needs Ex-Lax -_____ 5e, 33o 100 A.S.A. Tablets - 19ô Tanel or urs ------ 5e 2 tubes 59e Colgate Faste -Noxzema for Sunburn 290 98C 1.25 - 1.69 Both for 89e Noxzema 011 - 39c, 75c Brylcreem and Comb - 69o Bathlng Caps - 69c, 79e, 98e Nivea Cream, -- 63c, 1.10 Sun Glasses 25e and 1.00 Chase's Nerve Food 79c, 1.98 Tone Ray Glasses 4.00, 5.95 First fid Kits - 2.25 CANERAS HOLIDAY BROWNIE with Flash Attachment 9.50 BROWNIE HAWKEYE with Flash- - 12.45 DUAFLEX with Flash -__ __ 22.45 FLASH BULBS 16c, 17c, 19e - FILMS, Ail Sires COWLIN*G'S PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES THE CANADIAN STATESMMA!. EOWMANMIIZ ONTAIUO_ Th e CCF believes in Good Teamwork Farmers and industrial workars are on the sume team. The furmer benefits if thera is lots of work in industry utgood wuges, because the workens and their fumilies are bis best customers. The indus- trial worker will keep hie job only if the farmer can buy plows, t rucks, rubher boots, etc. CCF policies im ut stable farni prices and good industrial wages, se thut there will be prosperity for ma of U& Look to 1Your Fut~ure. VOTE CCF NhUsb.d by Ce-OpoeuII~. <.mua.Uwu.kI, P.d.rWI.. COu.uIs Swqho), 868 Javh k., biset. i For Durham -ROY -RM Vote. ARMSTRONG il, le le 23-Newcastle at Camborne 23-Welcome ut Kçndal 25-Cuinhorne ut Welcome 28-..Coverdale ut Welcomeý 28-Camborne ut Kendal 28-Gurden Hill at Newcastle 28-Port Hope Juveniles ut Newtonville 30-Kendal ut Port Hope Juveniles 30-Port" hope Kinsmen at Camborne 30-Newtonville ut Garden Hill JUIF - 1-Newcastle ut Coverdule 5-Garden Hill ut Welcome 5-Coverdale ut Fort Hope Kinsmen 5-Cumborne ut Newtonville 5-Newcastle ut. Kendal 7-Welcome at Port Hope Juvefliles 7-Port Hope Kinsmen ut Newcastle 7-Kendul ut Garden Hili 7-Newtonville ut Covendale 12-Kandal ut Welcome 12-Port Hope Juveniles ut Coverdale i2-Newtonville ut Port Hope Kinsman, 12-Cambarne ut Newcastle 14-Kendal ut Covardale i4-Welcome ut Newcastle 14-Port Hope Kinsniàen ut Port Hope Juveniles 14-Garden Hill ut Camborne 19-Port Hope Juveniles ut Cambonne 19-Newcastleaut Newtonville 19-Covardale ut Garden Hill 19-Welcome at Port Hope Kinsman 21-Welcome ut Newtonville 21-Pont Hope Kinsmen ut Kandal 21-Gardan Hill ut Port Hope Juveniles 21-Camborne ut Coverdale 26-Newcastle ut Port H~ope Juvanilas- 26-Newtonville ut, Kendal 26-Pont Hope Kinsmen ut Garden Hill Lake'Shore, Clarke Miss Betty Clayton, Oshawa, spent Sunday, May 141h, witn Mn. and Mns. Ken Dean. Miss Nancy Lake spant the weekend with Miss Joan. Car- brey, Peterborough. Congratulations to Mr. Lloyd Martin on passing bis fourtb and final year of Electrical Enginening ut the University of Toronto with honours., Miss Joyca Martin and Miss Marilyn Bath spent the weak- end with Mn. and Mns. Gardon Martin. Mrs. Onville Osborne, Mrs. Harold Hammond and son, Murray, and Mn. Jim Bannes, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mn. and -Mns. Gordan Martin. Mn. -and Mns. Ken Dean und fumily were Sunday visitons in Hamilton with Mrs. Dean's mother. Mr' and Mns. A. Pollard, Rodney and Irane, Shaîbourne, were visitons on Sunday with Mn. and Mnfs. Bey. Jaynes. Mn. and Mns. Aif Brown and Jack spent Sunday avenin., witb Mn. and Mrs. G. Skelding. Mn. and Mns. Fred Couch and Mrs. N. Samis, Newcastle; Mr. and Mns. Reg. Woodhams and Marie. Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Les. Alldned and Joan, Orana: Mrs. Roy McKay, Miss Sbaron Engleaat and Mn. Jim McKay, Bronte, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mn. and Mns. C. Aveny and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hanld Avery, Burke- ton. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Shupak and Gary, Toronto, wene weak- end visitons with Mn. and Mr,. W. 1Aolmes. Mn. and Mns. Shu- puk, accompanied by Mn. and Mns. Holmes, visited Mn. and Mns. J. Tamblyn and Mn. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Onono. Miss Dora Taylor, Countice, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Arthun Bedwin. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Skelding and Betty and Mn. and Mrs. George Skelding, Jr., were vis- itors in Streetsville. The Lake Shore H. and S. Club beld its regulan meeting Monday, May 23, in the form of a wiener roast and f ire- wonks display. A short busi- ness meeting took place, and a veny enjoyable evenn« was spent. Mr. Robin Alldneds group--asin charge BETHANY Bethany Girls' Softball Club won their first game of the season bore on Tuesday when they defeated Newcastle 16-4.1 Children in Grades 3 of Manvers Township schools at- tended the clinic sponsored by Durham and Northumberland Health Unit in Bethany on Tuesday morning and receivcd their first mnnoculation agamnst polio. On'Thursday the child- ren in Grade 1 and 2 received their second innoculation. Local assistants were Mrs. Clarence Page, Reg. N., Mrs. Hugh De- Geer and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son, graduates. of the Red Cross Home Nursing Class. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, Peterborough, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Mrs. Winnîfred Fitzgerald, Peterborough, with Miss Annie Sisson. Delegates from Bethany who attended the East Durhami Womer's Institutes convention in Millbrook on Thursday were Mrs. T. Jennings, Mrs. Ross Carr, Mrs. Walter Price, Mrs. T. *S. Gault and Mrs. Emory Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Marks SALEMV Salem W.A. held their May meeting at the home of Mr:,. H. McClure. The president, Mrs. S. Buttery, opened the meeting and conducted the? business. Final plans were discussed for catering to. the School Board social evening at thc Boys Training School ofi Friday evening. Mrs. K. Shac-, kieton and her -group were in charge of meeting. Mrs. Shac- kleton gave the bible reading and devotional. Mrs. E. Twist favoured with a vocal solo. Mrs. Mary Cann gave a read- ing.. We were very pleased to have Mrs. Fisher, Newcastle, as our guest speaker. She gave a very interesting talk on W.A. work. Meeting closed with the benediction and a social hour was enjoyed. Our Sunday School Anniver- sary services will be held on Sunday, June 5th. Mr. Stanley Snowden will be our guest speaker. A number from here attend- ed Sunday School Anniversary services at Tyrone on Sunday. A number from this corn- munity were guests at the Area School Boarel social even- ing at the Boys Training School last Friday evening. Mr. Gerald Shackletonl at- tended the Odd Fellows church parade to Kirby Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton and family were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook, Tyrone. Miss Barbara Bathgate was a weekend visitor with Miss Grace Blackburn and accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- burn and family to Toronto to see the Toronto - Buffalo bal gaine. W.and Mrs. W. Laird and farhy were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie on the arrivai of a baby boy. spent last week at their cottage near Carnarvon. Ross Beatty, R.R. 2, Ponty- pol is reported making a atfactory recovery from an injury to bis left foot received when he caught it in the blade of a rotary iawn mower. He was treated by Dr. G. M. Long- field of Bethany, then removed to Cîvic Hospital, Peterbor- ough, where the deep cut ne'- essitated a cast. - Weekend- guests 'with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon were Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McÇzill, Mrs. John Abren and daughter,-Sandra, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. John Clark and' farnily. Niagara Falls, with bis mother, Mrs. J. J. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moulton and family, Oshawa, visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman. Mrs. Manseli Wright bas re- turned fromn visiting ber moth- er, Mrs. J. McClelland at Tara. Miss Gwen Gray, Kingston, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray. Robert Ryley, student of thc Grove Preparatory School in Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fair and family. Toronto, visited Mrs. Richard Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Manl Monk and family, Sarnia, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk. Miss Norma Thorndyke, of Mimico, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Fallis. Miss Judy Earle, Islington, also visited witb tbemn on Sunday. Peter Coburn, student at the Grove Preparatory Scbool in Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. Jobn T. Coburn. Tbe Loyal Orange Lodge JACK DROUGEI Plumbing and Heating MA 3-5615 BOWMANVELLE -Division Street S. THfURSDAY, MAT 2ftb, 1951 FAiFj . .. trying te maintain a top-flight appeurunce ou a budget? Here's the answer! Let us keep y o u r clothes sparkllng dean... smartly-pressed - new lookingl. 1 3 Values Effective at Your Dominion Store, Bowmanville, May 26, 27, 28, '51 Guaranteed Quality Meats b.5 3c BURNS - PEAMEALED Cottage Rolis 1b. 45c, MAPL LEF WIENERS ib. 43c BURNS - 6-or. Pkg. SLICED Cooked Ham . 4 7c MAPLE LEAF - SLICED -Pkg. 35C i BRIGHT'S - HALVES NSI CHOICE PEACHES 'RU? - 15-oz. tin 1 -2 For 39r. DOLE - FANCY - 15-oz. tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 26c AYLMER - CHOICE - 15-oz. tin BARTLETT PEARS 24c1 LNN VALLEY - STANDARD - 15-or. tin GREEN PEAS 2 For 25C KRAFT - 16-oz. jar SANDWICH SPREAD 51c SERVES 4 IN A JIFFY - 7½2-oz. pkg. ]KRAFT DINNER 2 For 29C SPREADS EVENLY - EASILY -8-oz. jar CHEEZ WHIZ 35c AUNT SALLY'S - WITH PECTIN - 24-or. jar STRAWDERRY JAN 43c 45C1 \FOR VOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPEN FRIDAT EVENING UNTIL 9 P.N. \SWIFT'S - HALVES - CRYOVAC Cottage Roils lb. 5c KADANA -ORANGE PEKOE - Pkg. of 100 TEA BAGS 83C CLVERHOUSE - CREAM STYLE - 20-or. tin CARK'S - WITH CHILI SAUCE -- 15-oz. tin DEANS WITH PORK 2 For 25c C heorIBow - 2ihmor c LBBY'S - IN TOMATO SAUCE - 15-or. tin COOKED SPAGHETTI2 For 25c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables FLORIDA - FANCY GRADE CORN ON COB IRIPE -SWEET - MEXICAN- CANTALOUYL 4 For 27c Sire 45's 35c FLORIDA - No. 1 FRESH GREEN PEPPERS 3/25c. FLORIDA - No. 1 MARS11 SEEDLESS- Large Size 80's GRAPEFRUIT 5 o35c CALIFORNIA - FRESH - GREEN TOP BUNCH CARR OTS 3 or29C CALIFORNIA - VALENCIA'S - Size 288's SUNKIST ORANGES 2 .DoL.tii Arriving Fresh Daily. . GREEN ONIONS - RADISHES - ASPARAGUS, ETC. DOMINION STORES LIMITED t DE VON BRAND Rindless Bacon This Weeks Specials FRESH - GREEN - PASCAL 1CRUNCHY AND CRISP Florida Celery 2,for 19c Macaroni & Cheeseloaf Salada - Orange Pekoe - Pkg. 60 Tea Bags 83C Watson's - 4-oz. pkg. Potato Chips 25c SHIBRIFF'S GOOD MORNING - 24-or. jar ;; -, ý . .. HAMPTON Recent visitors at J. D. Ho- garth's home were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hogarth, Clare, Joanne and Kathy, Pickering; ~Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Blunt, Forrest; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilcox, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blup~t and Jim, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart, Douglas and Michael, Scarboro Jet. Mrs. Everett Brown of Moose Jaw, Sask., was also a recent caller. A numnber from bere attend- ed the Christian Science lec- ture in Oshawa on Friday ev- ening. The rain showers which were prevalent on Monday evening were very welcome. From the Imperial' War Graves Commission at Ottawa cornes an inv itation to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Hogarth to attend on June 5th the unveiling of a memorial at Bayeux Miitary Cemetery, France, (where their son Stuart is resting) by the Duke of Gloucester. Attending by proxy will be Madamme Euguierr and by whom Stuurt's grave was adopted nearly il years ago, and by Mrs. Ho- gunth's cousin, Keith Spicer, ut present a university student ini Punis, Frunce. Deconution Day will be held at the Hampton Cemnetery on Sunday, June l9tb. The District Annual Conven- tion of the Womnen's Institul.e wus beld in our churcb on Fni- day and was quite well attend- ed. An interesting program of business, reports, discussions and splendid uddnesses on van- bous lines of Institute wvonk by Dept. speakers and also by Mr. G. Wilson, president of the Oshawa and District Ass'n. for Retarded Children, and Mrs. Adair, teachen of sume, which was ý7ppreciated. Music was 6 1xOI. "ROUND il CIRCLES?l PHONE MA 3-5520 ]FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY BOWMAN VILLE CLEANERS AND DYERS . LEMTED .. . ....... and also an enjoyabl dinner. Rural Life Sunday was ohý- senved in the Sunday Church service. Theme: "God, the Lord of AIl." The preparedig order of service of the Vnited*, Church, Home Missions ]Dept,, was followed. At December, 1954, there' were 181,674 pensons -workin4 for the faderai govennment and the monthly payroll was $44,- 662,660. In a year the number of persons employed increaged' by 1(r,269 and the monthiy pay-* rall rose by $5,082,031. At latest count there werê-4 ' 299,000 mink, 16,000 chinchillas unjd- 5,300' fo;ces on Canaidian fur farrns. memnbers held a successful dance in the Town Hall on Satunday avening. Mn. Leonard Cavuno. Graf- ton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Emma Cavano. Mrs. W. Wacey, Peterbono, was guest of Mn. and Mns. Guni- ner Lilliquist.1 Miss Emma Reynolds, who has bean a patient in Civie Hospital, Peterborough, raturn- ed borne Satunday.* Mn. and Mrs. John Challice, Millbnaok, with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Reynolds. LONG SAULT Deep glooma and sadness was again cast over aur commuflity Thursday when it wus learned that Mr. Gabriel Kovacs, Sr., bad passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. Kovacs bad been in ailing health for twa years when he suffered a he art uttack. Deep- est sympathy is extended ta bis wrife and son iii the deep loss of a loving busband and father. Funeral was Saturday to Bethesda Cemetery. Miss Lynn Yco and Marlene Randie, Hampton, wilh Mn. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Miss Bertha Colville, Mr. Jack Colville, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Club 50 held a successful bake sale in Bowmanville Fnî- day. Misses Joan, Kay and Joyce Davey spent the holiday with Miss Audrey Cox. Mr. Douglas Fletcher, Re- gina, Sask., made a flying visit Wednesday ta sec bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. His brother, Mr. Stanley Fiet- cher, Toronto, accompunied him. Mr. S. Fletcher also spent the long weekend with his piarents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byam, Tyrone, visited Mr. Robt. Sim on Suniday and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maur.- ice and Beverly. Bowmanville, were Monday visitors with Mr. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeen. Mrs. J. Nelson,'Oshawa, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Milîson. Mrs. J. Mc- Donald, Quebec, was a Monday guest at te Milson home. 1

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