Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 18

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PAGE EXCETEEN - nAA~A~ - - -.~-- - - - - - - *~ ~dUW~Z5LL~ UI~AU. IWUA1I~ILLN, OUTARTO IUAZ MÀY tom, f.. Turu Page for Additional Classified BERTHS BARRIE-Gordon and Doreen (nee Mitchell) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son at Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville, on Wednesday, May 18, 1955. A brother for Tommnie and Stephen. 21-1 .ROWE-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, T nl; Tpns.- nn Mmf... nth.. - Articles For Sa4 MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle. Pl MA 3-2341. 2 AIR mattress; steel bath Phone MA 3-2448. SQUARE baled wheat sti suitable for mulching; ch, Phono MA 3-2292. ONE pair drapes, electric irc with stand. Phone MA 3-,' or MA 3-3579. 18- TWO heaters, suitable for tages; dining-room table and chairs. Phone MA 3-3273. lione itub. 21-1 raw, .eap. 21-1 oner 5403 cot- 1six 21-1 Memorial Hospital, Bowman- CYIDRadnoetp1a ville. A sister for Keniny. 21-1* loader, real good; '35 Oids. _______sedan. Phane MA 3-2271. 21-.l* SHEA-Murray and Helen (nee, TOMATO, cabbage and other Hickson) are happy ta annaunce plants. Henry Ashton, Haydan. the birth of their daughter, Lor- Phono MA 3-2455. 21-1 raine Helen, April 29, 1955, at. Ross Momorial Hospital, Lind- BABY carniage, folding type, say. A sîster for Mary., 21-1 good condition. Phono MA 3- U959. 21-1 SIMPSON-Pat and Rod Simp- son aro very pleased ta announco' ONTARIO potafoos, 75 lb. bags, the birth of their second son, dlivered in Bowmanvilie. Phono Malcolm Scott, 7 lbs., 5 oz., born' MA 3-2473. 31-tf May 21sf, in Oshawa GeneralNE u,7/x2f.betil Hospital. A brother for Mark. E u,7x2f. ouiu 21* maroon pattern; new elecfric MARRIAGE 1 MADORE - ASHTON - Oni Saturday, May 21sf, at 5 p.m., in the Chapel of St. Michael's Cathedral, Marlene Vivian, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F red Ashton, Toronto, to James, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. James Madore, Toronto. 21-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs. Mervin E. Whîteside, Bowrnanville, an- riounce the engpagement of their enly daughter, Joan Mervene, to R~oss Eilwood Souch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lunnemann, ]Bowmanville. The marriage will take place Saturday, Junei 25, 1955, at 4:00 p.m., in North-1 niinster United Church, Osha- Wa. 21-1* DEATHS Brown St. 21 GURNEY kitchen range, coi bination oul and gas, also o aluminum drum, 106-gai]c Phone MA 3-3635. 21- 300 BUSHELS of feed oa I lightly weafhered but dry,4 per bushel. Phone MA 3-29 evening.21 8CEMENT building bloci p lain and rock-faced; 36" w( tile. Phone Blackstock 96 r0 VENETIAN blinds-Newest cc ours with plastic tapes.V measure ançI install. MorrisC Phone MA 3-5480. 6- SAVE on lumber, direct fr<: mill to you. Phillips Lumbg Co., KInmount, Ont. Phor 17r1l. 13- KEYS cut automatically, whi you wait, at Mason & Dale Harx ware, 36 King St. E., Bowmai ville. 46- r Articles For Sali EIGHT'storm windows. Pl MA 3-5579. THREE-section drag cultiv $45, 2-f urrow plough forJ Avery tractoi: $95, s~teel sti boats $20 and $25, rubber-1 wagon and hay rack $55. Fr Hoskmn. Phone Blackstock DRAPERIES and venetian bi custom made, or draperies by the yard. Our representa wvill cail at your home any t with a complete range of saml and suggestions without obi. tion. Fabrie Town. 59 King W. Phone MA 3-3609, Biowrr ville. 4 Singer Sewing Cen: Fer Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phono OSHAWA 5-5448 for Prompt Service ECONOMY wagons made Otaco, Timken bearings, 2½ t $115; plow shares for most mal if plows; rubber-tired wl barrow, steel tray, $3 1.50; roti Graftsmaster lawn rnowers w 1.6 h.p. engine $76.95; rubb tired wheeibarrow wheels, $9, Frank Hoskin. Phone Blai stock 2. 2 TRADE-IN washers $291 rangettes $19, combination rai and phonograph, automatic, $ Astral refrigeratôr $59, new C( goleurn squares and Congolei by the yard, chesterfieids, bE oom suites, springs, mattress good allowance for your trac i. Murphy Co., King St. We 21- SENTINEL lumlnum Solf-storing Windo, MALONEY ALUrMNUM DOORS $55.00 - Installed Free ROSS CLARK Il King St. E. Bowmanvjl Phono MA 3-3801 19. JSED farmrnachinery - Masse fai7ris Pony tractor with ploug !ltivator, scuffler and mowE ýarmail "A" tractor, Farrn ;uper "C" tractor with 2-furrc )ough, Oliver "60'l tractor, Jol )eere 2-plough tractor $4' [eury manure spreader on ru ir at Farm Equipment a: utomotive. 134 King St.1 Eawmanville. Phone MA 689. 21 ALSCO ALUIMINIUM DOORS WINDOWS and AWNINGS Now Available la BOWMANVILLE Cail MA 3-3871 LORNE ALLIN 21- s M-1b - c one ti In. F .1* s' afs, '7 45C r 997 a U-1 A~ g, Aks, b- veli r( 12. gi 'ol- We CO.-. A om er "l)e iMe ALLEN-At hem late residence, timummalla, 27 Beech Ave, Bow- IRON pomch ailings. Frayne rnavii, o Snda, M~'2d~Onamental Iron, 35 Bloor St. 1955, Clama Eliza Alenin her . saa hn -55 92nd year, eldest daughtem of 184* the late Mm. and Mms. W. F. TYPE WRITERS, adding ma- .Allon. beloved sister of Miss chines, new and usod, for sale Margaret F. Allen, Bowmanville, or ent; also Colo steel fîhing and Mrs. Robert C, Cruickshank, cabinets, office fumniture. Walter Saint John, N.B. Service was Frank, MArket 3-2403. 20-4* lield fmom the residence, 27 Beech Ave., on Wednesday, May DO your own floors - ent a 25th, at 3:30 p.rn. Intemmont sander or a floor polisher fromj Bowinazivill Cemetery. 21-1 Lander H-ardware, 7 Ring St. E.,I Bowmanvflle. Phono MA 3-5774. COOPER-At Memoial -Hos-- 3-tfj ital, Bowmanvllle, on Tuesday,I Ma 24h,1955, Laura Jane ISULATION, blowing method, the late Charles A. Cooper. guaranteed. Free estirnates. Resting at the Morris Funeral Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke Chapel, Bowrnanvilo, un til 2420. 39-tf 'Thursday at 5 p.m. Thon at the PO~sQ~tlvso e residence et hem daughter, Mms. RYSINLtlvsore Evan Quantriil, Rirby. Service pairs to any make of sot. Modemn Jn Kirby United Cbumch on Fri-oquiprnent, fast service - guar- day at 2:30 p.m. Interment anteed - Teievision Service Orono Cernetery. 21-1 Protection Co., 33 Ring Street W. Phono MA 3-3883. 21-1 GILCHRIST-In University Hos- PRINTS of photos of public pital, Edmonton, Alberta, on events appearîng in thîs paper May 17, 1955, William Giicbmist, taken by Carson Studio may be dear husband of Mary Erskine, obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch lafe of Newcastle, Ontario, and glossy prints. Carson Studio, Kirkcudbrightsbire, S c o t land. Port Hope. 8f Brothor-in-law of Mrs. John 48t .Hendry, Oono, Ontario. 21-1* SET of pots and pans $20; Coffield washing machine, $40; KOVACS-At Memorial Hos- Singer sewing machine, like pifai, Bowmanville, on Thurs- new, $55. Apply 17 Centre St., day, May 19, 1955, Gabriel Ko- upstairs. 21-1* vacs, R.R. 1, Tyrone, beloved husband of Sophie Kovacs, agedj HEARING aid service, testing 59 years. Service xvas hold at. service -and complote stock of the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-i batteries and cords at Higgon manvîlle, on Saturday, May 21sf,' Electric Limifed, 38 King St. E., at 2 o'ciock. Inferment. Beth- Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. esda Cemetery. 21-1 20-tf c SHACKELTON, Mary Agnes-j A FINE varioty of vegeftble At Bowrnanville on Tuesday, I plants for sale, some asparagus Mvay 24th, 1955, Mary Agnes crû xns, strawberry and orao Rahrne, beloved, wife of John plants. Applv fa O. P. Hertz- H. Shackeiton, in ber 63rd year. berg, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Tele-a Resting at Norfhcutt & Smith, phono MA 3-3220, noon or 6 p.m. Funeral Home, 53 Division St., 21-tf- Bownanville, until noon, Friday, May 27th, thon ta Trinitv United DECORATING Churchi for service at 2:30 p.rn.b Intermexit Hampton Cernetery. l For the Latest Papeme 21-1 _For the Finest Paints F SWINDELLS-Af Sunnybrcok *FrteBs okasi Lýcspi1-1d. -Toionto, on Suiic-ev, FoCh etWrmnhpS 2, 1I2 J, .o in H. S wi n cizil11Son b2'oved hu-S .U3on r hand off'C'a ' i iisand Cer - S G.Petn & S 11. fr-ther of c Serv;ce %v.as held Fhones V z' the Nloi7i s unerai ChaDel, MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701j Bcwnaiiville con \Vedne--da" 44ff lay 3,af 2 p.mr. Interruent Eûù,nîi~Cz'eter. 21-1 FvcjPy eî TAYLCt1 -t bis residence, Traff.c arcei*ns o. oni resuit in:Y Car1' nlitToxnsho, n Tes- ccsly hospital, doctor and aay, Maw 1r, 19m", Herbert Ta;'- lvrclessiona'î nursing bis c ]e'r. beiovedi husband of Ida Proteat yourself and your VI Malcolmn. Rosted at ChancI of Passengers no matter who is - A. L. 'MeDermott, Port Perry.! ta blame for the crash. Service was held in the Chapeli on Friday Intormaent Cadmus' For fuil details Cenmetery. '", Howard R. Foley THOMAN-Af Oshawva, Ontario,' BOWMAN VILLE on Wednesday, May 19, 1955, CO-OPEPATORS INSURANCE i Isabeila Preston Thoman, aged ASSOCIATIONb 27 years. Service was held at uoobl nsrneio the Morris Funeral Chape] on'l utCabieul Drve rBo Saturday, May 21, at 3:30 p.m.1 CrflDveso Informent Oshawa Union Cerne-, 21-1 Di tory ?i-l Fruîi Growers - Reception Mm and Mrs, Luke Hiiderley .rOiver- Iron A.ge Mist 1.iibe athometehirfens and neighbours, 141 King St. W.,i' Sprayer Demonsj ration Bowmanivilo, on Saturday, June i 4, tram 3 ta 5 pan. and 7 teoi 9 p.m., on the occasion of their'a Ro ysOrh d 45th weddine anniversary. i RbRo' Ocar 2-*May 301b ai 1:30 p.m. " Rest Homieti Sponsored byti VACACI~Sfor two ladies at Trn Mn. neara~Kwcate.Tele -_ __u Garage pEoanamaQ... 20-Z! 1l tiise DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 7y2e ecah andup, - AlI kInds Expert Instructions suppied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID H. G. HEAL ]Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmnvill 287t I F Si D A BI F'O cas Co Jul TH abi, bal mat Fal sto Cor ini ven 57, vou Can villî WA ?ri ty uLs' luct ig )n' epi [o If ýe y n v For Rent UR-roorned house, hydr< st of Newcastle. Phone New. file 3776. 21-1 TTAGE on West Beach, June y or August. Joe Cooper A3-5815. 21-1 REE-room apartment, suit. le for young married couple ioe MA 3-3624. 21-21 :ARTMENT, three mooms and I; stove, refrigerator, 4-piecE t, washing machine. Apply King St. W. 21-21 ýMMER cottage at Fenelor ls; Frigidaire, heavy duty re, bathroom, oil heated. Star rden, 14 Brown St. 21-1* 'W modemn 4-room bungalow first class condition, ail con- iences, garage. Apply Box c/o Canadian Statesman. 21-1w JR-roorn apartment, central- ]ocafed, not suif able for inger children, occupancy TY 1. Write Box 342, c/o The nadian Statesman, Bowrnan- le. 18-11 Help Wanted ýNTED: Reliable man as deal- in Bowmanvilie. Experience necessary. A fine opportun- fa step into aid profitable ness where Rawleigh pro- s have been soid for yoars. profits. Products furnished' credit. Write Rawleigh's, )t. E-140-163, Montreai, P.Q. 21-1 Caf eteria Bowmanville High Schoo Hoigh orSchoobr.lad' oho ln charge of preparfng sud SHAMPOO _______50e ervin hot lianches anid hfrlng TN~_____ 5 du «eessary help. Furiher par- . 2-15ean-u be obtanci by Custom Work 16 w, WE ayDg.A»njy BMf 1 %..dAVW1Ut %XVri y zLt Z 1 le liane 21-1 vater John tone- tired rank 2. 21-1 Linds sold itivo ime iples liga- est. nan- ire 14-tf by ton, ikes heel Lary vith2 >oer- ).95. ick-a U1-1 up, kdiod 25; n ýon- ýed-F de- s est. ie e;fc al 8w. by- ag E., S b- s. i P. se ai pi: Tr iPo Notices Cornfortable home ton eider] !o1k, convalescents welcom( %one Orono 1771. 20-2 We are now maxtufactunin *mnent blocks, bath interlockin, td standard, and would bD [eased ta serve you with a gooi )roduct at a moasonablo pnicE 7ipp Construction. Phono 392W l'rt Perry. 40-I fieeing of N-ewcasl Association f wiII ho held on IMonday, May 301h at 8 p.M. ln the LIONS ROOM, Communify Hall Ail proment and prospective mombers weleome 21-1 CHANGE 0F HOURS and PRICES for BARBER SHOPS in Bowmanville EFFECTIVE JUNE Isi, 1955 Hours of Business MOND"AYS AND TUESDAYS$ CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS heginning June lut except Juno 29th and August 3rd when shops wilI be open until 12 faon THURSDAYS - 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. FRIDAYS - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAYS - 8 a.m. te 7 p.m. Prices EAIRCUTS - Aduit -'70e SHAVES _______35e EAICUTS- AucIion Sales I have- received instructions from Mr. Robert Hicks to seil by Public Auction on Saturday, Junre 4th at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T., on Lot 16, Con. 3, Clarke Township. 3 miles East and 2 miles North of Newacstle, a quantity of househoid furniture, implements, car, dump truck, cow, tools and many other items too numerous to mention. Terms, cash. R. J. iThe Tyrone W.M.S. ladies are holding a! bake sale in the Ilydro Shop, Fmiday, May 27. Sale starts at 2:30. 21-1 To-night, May 26 - Bingo under auspices of St. Jôseph's Church, at Union Hall. Big games and jackpot. Time 8 p.m. 21-1* Sale et home baking and fancy work, June 2nd, at Hydra Shop, Bowmanville, tram 2 ta 4 p.m. Sponsored by the l8th Scout Mothers' Auxiiamy et Courtice. .21-1 The annual meeting of tbe Newtonviile Community Hall and' the Lakeview Cemetery will be beld in Newtonville Com- munity Hall, Monday, Mêayz 30, at 8 p.m. 20-2 flon't miss the annual Variety Show sponsomed by Tyrone Juv- enile Band on Friday,' June 3rd Qt 8:15 p.m. in Tyrone Hall, featuring Jeannette Montgom- ery. Admission 50c and '25c. 21-2* The Feiiowshp Circle wil present their play, "Getting Billy's Goat" at Newtônviile Community Hall, Frîday, May 27tb, at 8:15 p.n-., under the auspices et the W.A. Candy sold between acfs. Admission 50c and 25c. 21-1 Every 'elector in Durbam is invited to a reception on Tues- day, May 31st, at the Lions Corn- rnunity Centre, Bowmanville, from 7 ta 10 p.m. You will meet the Liberal candidate, David Ford and bis charming wife. Eome out and give bim yaur support! 21-1 The special anniversary serv- ices in Nestleton United Church vill be on May 29tb. Rev. R. 3. Harrison'from Wiifred (a formner pastor), will ho guest speaker at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Cbildren's choir in the morning and Mrs. Lamne Tbampson, Biackstock, will be solaist in the evenîng. Thero will ho a supper and play, June 3rd. Supper 6 ta 8.Play, put on by Goodwood people, The Western TV Show. Adn-dssion: aduits $1.00 and 60e for childmen. 21-1 You are cordially Invited ta attond Burkefon Sunday Scbool A.nniversary, May 29. Services at 2:30 p.m. ad 7:30 p.rn. The guest speaker will ho the Rev. S. J. Hilhier of Brookiin. Special music by the Cbildren's and Adult Chairs under the leader- îhp et Mr. M. C. McCay. On Konday evening, May 30, at 8:15 .m. the Seagrave cast will pro- ient their two aile-acf plays on- itled "Net a Man in The House"l and "Thursday at Home." Ad- s 4 s 5 y e F T a: E E ai p ej ï*1 21 -1 7fh Annual Sale De Wiih Real Esfie ly Peerboough190 acre farm on paved road, y I.LeUUU. 1/4 mile tram town; 100 acres FAIR GROUNDS wrabeciay-loam lad 30 acres valuable wood, large creek, g [.91~ 75'X40' bank barn with water- ig Safurduauy, M'ayJ u8Ih bowls, impiement shed, qhièken )e bouse, garage, etc.; 9 roomed )d12:30 .m. white ciaphoard bouse with e. fumnace, bardwood faonrs, 4-piece V, 3 Registered bath, hot and cold unning tf HREFRD BLLS wafer. Everytbing in good me- JIEREORD ULLS pair. Price $18,000. Terms an- AND FEMALES ranged. e bath Hamned and Polied 15 acres of land with 12-roorn- ed solid brick and comont block Animais Approved by Dominion bouse. Has hydro, heavy duty Healfh of Animais Branch and wired, spring well and srnall Ontario Livesfock Branch creek. Situatod approximately V: t, $5.0 Grat o Bule,2 miles tramn Newcastle. Price Up t $7.00Grat o Buis,$7,250. Terms. according ta 50 acre farm, Dariington Ontario Bull Premium Township, 40 acres workahle1 with creek, wells, 80'x30' bank% SALE UNDER COVER barn, implement shed; 7-moomed1 Cha. Fshe, Pes. Balleoroinsulbrick bouse with hardwood1 Cha. Fshe, Pos. Balieomofloors, heavy duty wiring. Ask- W. Mood, Sec'y, Birdsall ing $8,000. Ternis. 20-2 200 acre farm, Darlington, -wheroof 125 acres workables Chîcks For Sale land , 7 acres ot wood, creek, wells, 103'x32' and 24'x15' bank 1ORCHLAND Faria Ch i cks, barn, bon bouse, implementa - Canadian Approved. S.C. Whife shed, garage; 10 roomod insul- Leghorn, tast featbering Barredbrcboswihunae .av Rockand ew Hmpshre Xwired. Price $13,500. Ternis. Roa d RNek. Apbre X s 100 acre farm, Cartwright, 80 banded and Pullorum tostod. No acres workable ievel land, 6 Jý outside lcs l g ue acres bush, creok, weils, 53'x36'$ in flinuos areggs dused and 40'x30' L-shaped bank barn,a in au incuator are rodu en hbouse, etc.; 8 roomed solid on aur awn farm. Day old cbicks brick bouse with new fumnace, every Saturday. H. J. Brooks, wafer undor pressure, bardwood B .-w ranville, Ont. T oephone fo r, b a y w r d rc n MAnket 3-3961. 8-tf f rg e ie.Prc r 8 roomed insulated trame Seed For Sale homo on Highway No. 2, on 1 acre lot with 4-piece bath, fur- o PIONEER seed corn daesn't cost nace, hardwood floors, water a you - if pays yau. Today you pressure sysfems ton bard and can'f afford to plant anin soft wator, electnic heater, heavy but the besf. I sfill have a small duty wired. Price $9,500. Terrns supply af seed corn available. arranged. D. J. Courtice, Courtice. Phono 6 roomed insuiated trame RA 3-9903. 21-1 bause on Highway No. 2 with batbroom, fumnace. water pros- Cars For Saleý sure, electnie heater, 1 acre lot. Price $4,500. Terms arranged. '41 PLYMOUTH, goodmotor and 6 rorned 1 ½-starey shiplap 0 fines. Phono Clanke 2830. 21-2* h orne wifh 3 acres land, north ot Bawmanviile, newly buiit, with '54 PLYMOUTH~ sedan, hydrive, furnace, 3-piece bathroom, water< law mileage, new car condition. pressure, elecfnic heater, built-in Phono MA 3-5403 or MA 3-3579. Icuphoards. Prico $7,000. 3 17-ff-fi 1 4roomed insulafed frame 'house in Hampton with heavy '40 CHRYSLER in very 900d duty wining, garage, extra lot, running condition, overdrive, weli. Price $4,000. body and tires in very good 10 roomed insulated trame shape. Reasonable price. Phono bouse, 3 extra lots in Newcastle, MA 3-3890. 21-1 3 pioce bathroom, 2 fiepiaces, 195 ME EO Fodo wih unning bot and cold water, El ra,195 2 eTE or Tdor wîth builf-in cupboards, nicely and- radio and directional signais, scpdnluiuifom a 195 G..C pael ruk; 25sereens, etc. Used ta ho a rostb 1952 G .M C . ane tr ck; $25 hom e. Pnice $10,500. Term s. N down and balan~ce sproad aven eie bv mnindw 24 months ta responsible BspartiesmntoedweD an o aeaFam qupat have approximately 60 more de and Aornoe t i 34 ipn .praperties ta choase tmom in no E., Bawmanville. Phono MA Osaaeomniledoor 3-69 11and Trenton district. il 3-5689 21-1Contact 1 Wanted John F. De Wifh 19 DEAD STOCK remeved frein REALTOR vour tamm prompt.iy tor sanitary Newcastle Phone 3341 disposai. Teiephone colleet: Co- Salesman: Donald MontJoy bourg 1266 or Tomanto EM 3-836 3±a ~ M . 3950 NEW hMuse, fully complete, bath, fully landscaped, sidew, in. Very attractive h o throughout. For further in mation Phone Don Bro Bulder, MA 3-5602. Bette corne and see this home. IN Village of Orono, 7 roi centre hall plan, brick ho double lot, garage, oil hea 3-piece bath, shower, hardw floors, fireplace, substantialc Payment required. Posses August îst. Phone Orono 12, LEASK REAL . ESTATE Five-roomed fiause, 3-pi bath, 3 bedroorns, tumnace w bot water heating, good gara 1acre land with fruit, extra central. Full price $6,0Ô0.00. 4 roomed new bungalow w hardwood and tile floors,- piece tiled bath, pictume wndc largo raams, oil fumnace, li scaped beautituliy; bernies. Srr monthly payments. 5 raomed bouse, 1½-stor wafer in bouse, heavy wir.l in Hampton. Full price $5, with $500 down. We have farms, bouses,h etc. *Consuit us bofore buying. M. E. Leask, Broer' 65 Ontario St. Bowrnanvi Phono MA M~919' 2: Having sold bis tarm, I bave been insfructed ta soîl by Public auction for Mm. Fred Tabb at bis farm, Lot 21,. Con. 9 and 10 at the Village of Burkeoan, on Saturday, May 28th, at 1 o'ciock E.D.S.T., al bis farm stock and impiements. For turfher par- ticulars s00 bills. Terms cash. Lloyd Clysdale, auctioneer. Teio- phono 5 r 13 Clarke. J. Kimbal, clerk. Phono 2404 Clarke. 21-1* Auction sale of high ciass modemn and antique fumnîture, eloctric appliances, dishes, etc., tram one of Durham County's; finest estates, ta ho sold wifhout reserve at the Durham County Sale Arena, Orono, on Friday ovoning, May 27, comrnencing at 8 p.m. sharp. This sale will include such itoms as a Kroebier cbesterfieid suite in grey wool frieze, used just a few months a walnut -8-piece dining-room suite,, walnïut 4-piece bodroom suite, largo quantity of walnut antique fumnituro, kitchen and bedroom fumniture, cambination stave, electric washer, electric radio, drapes, etc. Plan' ta attend this sale. Torms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrence Har- ris, clerk. 21-1 Livestock For Sale COW and two boiter calves.S I c I REAL ESTATE' FOR 8 ALE ProPertles Sol&. Rente&. Manand and Appraised L_. M. LLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2506- Newcastle, Ont Two blocks forth of traffic signal. Newcastle. 20-tf NIXON REAL ESTATE 7 large rooms, one and half - storey frame house, hydro, bath, some lots could be sold. $4.000 down. Possession arranged. 5-roora new frame bungalow, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring, sorne hardwood and tiled floors, oil heating, aluminum storms, and soveens, modern kitchen, large lot. Possession arranged, $7,000. Large lot and cernent' blocks, hard top road, flot far from Bow- manville and Oshawa. 4 roorn new frarne bungalow, cernent foundation, heavy wlr- ing, large lot in village, $3,500. Possession arranged. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville MA 3-5682 tE s I 72 acres very productive CoI Iwith additional 8 acres of b sh and creek, on caunty road, one Imile tram a large village; 36x80 steel roof bank barn. Lovoly 6-moom trame home, with a 10- mile view, water pressure in bouse and barn, hydre through- out. Illness farces this sale at only $13,000, with large cash Maple Grave, 8 acres of ex- ,ilent gardon soil, amall barn, hicken bouse, garago, and 4 >on trame home with bath, tub only). Small fruits. Own- ýbought large famm and must Isposo of this property at only 6,900, with $1,000 down. ce mc (t ex di Ia Bowmanville, 8 raom home with attached garage, and ceiâ- traliy located, 2 minutes ta shopping centre. 4 -large bed- roorns, sitting-toom, dining- moom, living-roomn and kitchen, bardwood floors throughout. Hot Maple -Grove, 6 Oroom ranch style borne with attached garage. Lot size 84x200, on No. 2 HI'gh- way, iing-room. kitchen and bath, heavy wiring. Taxos for 1954, $35.00. Asking price $8,500. Mapie Grove, 4 roorns with spaco for additional room. Good weil, hydro. This is a new house on cornent toundation and all ready for outside flnishing. Hait acre land. Price $3,5()0 I4% moins, insul brickt cottage, )2 Hlghway near Newcastle, 100O with $700 down,,$35,00 naonth on balance. Vo have a cash customer wait- t on a nice dlean toijr roorti use, centmally located. Two acre lots availableoan thel tskimts of the town. Besson- ly piced.1 4 Ne $3, ing '1 out abl. O] 37i PHONE Alter, Homr 'EN NICROLAS - MA 3-3982 L!E GERRY - ORONO 1191 King St. W. Bowmanviie 21-1 Notice la Crediiors IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY ELIZABETI[ ALLIN, deceased. All persons having cdaims againat the estate ef Mary Eliza- beth Allia, late of the Village ef Kewcastîe, in the County of Durham, who died on the 26th ay of April, 1955, are horeby iotified-to sond full particulams )f their dlaims to the underslgn- fd executors on or before the Ath day of June, 1955. DATED this l7th day ef May, M5s. George Allun, Maud Robbins, Executors. c/o Nina E. Neads, 0 V/ King St. E., SBGWMaawlfl. O2ànt. 0 i TORONTO BTJYER Urgenily Requir e 25 fo 250 acre Fard in Durham Couniy S'el! Now while Peak Prie«Prvai Possession eau be arranged f harvestlng If de*e<d Write or Phono Colleot MR. MILLEN Leader Real Esiate 1374 Kingston Rd. Toronto ale me afor- oks, SÛRn, 21-1 OMS, ome, ated, vood cash ;sion 610. 20-tf )iece with age, lot, with 04- Iow, and- wey, ing; i,500 ots, rille 1-1r ORGANS wanted. Musti easonable. Will pay cash. St phone number and ymice. App Box No. 352, c o Canadi Statesman. 20 MSKRATS wanted-Lve poi try, goose feaýthers, feather ticl scrap iron, mags and metals. furs and deerskins. Pho~ 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 9- ALL kinds of live pou4mtrwan ed. Top Toronto prîces' your door for large or à quahtities. Wel have our,9 market. M. Flatt, Bethany R. 1. Telephone collect to Bot any 7 r 13' or Bowmanville 3-2970. i Repafrs RADIO and television repai Prompt service. Pick up a delivemy. Lorne Doreen. 85 Ki HOO0VER service man wil be aur store every Tbursday. Bn:i yours ln or Phono Htggon Ele tric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bo% manviile, MA 3-5438. 52. REPAIRS ta aU inakes et refri eatos domestic and comme cial; milking coolers. Higg Eiectric Limited. 42 King St. Phône MA 3-5438. 25. at 43 Kint St W., Phone MA 8-541 Personca HYGflNIC Supplies,- (rubb goods) mnaiied postpmld in pla seaied envelope withIlprice h Six samples 25c' 24 ýSppi $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T.2 Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91. H9 ilton. Ont 1- Turn Page for Additional Classifiedi The Canadian Statesma CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FORt SALE LIVE5TOOK FOR SALE MitR ENT . MELP WANTED CARIS FOR SALE LOB? - OUND .-ETC. Ouh bRat. -.-.le par Word wlth cg minimum ofsoc0 Must h. pedd by date oè insertion Ui charq.ed, an additional 25o A will be added. a c elisdr.'ict: ed Ubs iie. NOTICES .CMNGDT Zc a word wlth a minimum ai 81.00 for 33 words or lem. MARIA&MENCA 81.00 pet zaelc Ml MEMORIAM> 81.00 plus 10O0 a lin. fS verse COMMCIAL CASIFED Zucludes an iavrubqS - "e od mnmmclhrge 75. àashwitb order. T eua adveutiaers payable oly. DiYClas iled e Inc~Ih. amnmu tomrerat"s All Clasuli.d Ada u AIt j» te Ilili office amtg Lofr 12 oclok eoon. WednM.iy Bond Cash. stornps or moue, «rdet aad save moeey. ai, this o,* for b4y rjnuoo Il 1 m -- -it. - -- et - 1 1 VAN NEST OFFERS 5 roorned, 3 bedrooms, brick bungalow, under N.H.A., 4,%% rnortgage, oil heat, in nice con- d ition. Asking $9,300 with $4,500 cash. 8 moorn, rasonry construction, 3years old, two 4-piece baths, air conditloned, oil heat, 3 roomn- ed self-contained apartrnent, ask- ing $9,200 with $2,500 cash. Service station with 5 room aparmrent on hait acre. Good set-up for someone handy on cars. Asking $8,000 with $4,500 cash. We have building lots, also a gmocery store with gas pumps. We need listings on houses and good farrns. Cail any time. J. Van Nest, Broker 118 King E., Bowmanville MA 3-3230 21-1 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Realiors Refiring? 5-room insuI-bric bungalow, basement, bathmoom, insulatod, sun-porch, garage, beavy wired, large lot, $150.00 of shrubbery, in loveiy village, 8 milos ta Oshawa. This is an oxcoptionaiiy well cared for small homo, a definite buy at [$4,500.00 with $1,800.00 down. $600.00 down, small payments on balance of $2,200.00, Burke- ton. 5 roams, needs decorating. 2 acres, 7 room remodelled clap- board homo, greonhouse, good bank barn, garage and pouitry bouses. This attractive home bas new batbroom, buiît-in cup- boards, eiectric bot water, 1 mile from highway, 12 miles to Osha- wa. Price $8,700.00 with $3,000.00 f own. Brick home, central, 8 rooms, bath, fumnace, sunporch, voman- f ah, large lot, beautifuiliawn, with large shade trees. Priced at $8,700.00. 80 acres, carrnes 35 head of mature stock, besîdes growing cash craps. Insul-bric bouse in top condition. Bank barn 75x45, pressure system, bydro through- out, Bowmanvîile 6 miles. Ask- ing $13,900. Terms arranged. 52 King St. W. - Bowmanvllle Chas. D. Rankino, MA 3-2453 21-1 Pets For Sale ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pu pies, registered, parents goc Phono MA 3-2410. 21 Strayed 1 HEREFORD helfer, near CoU: ice. Please Phono RA 5-5069. Wat o Ren TWO funished bedrooms two aduts. Phone MA 3-37' 21- HOUSE, or ground floor apai ment urgently needed, 2 srnî children, steady ernploymeî Phone MA 3-3413. 21- PUREBRED Shorfhorn bull for sale, pnice reasanable. Phono 4131 Clarke. 21-1 SMALL saddle hanse with saddlo, six years aid and quiet. Phono MA 3-390?. 21-1 50 WHITE'Legborn bons, one yoar; 150 Barred Rock pullets, 3 montbs. John Vos, Entield. 21-1 EEAVY roasting chickerxs and eggs will ho a good pnice this F'all and Winter. O.rdor sorno rweddîe High Quality Chicks and cash in. We have 3 special iigg Breeds and 3 speciai Meat 3reeds. Send for full details and catalogue. Also Turkey Poults. Tweddie Chick Hatcb- eries Limfod, Fergus, Ont. 21-1 -Eastern Oniarlo 1- 1 am" PAM li'Miuvwin --- qua P-AwAlWAW MIUMRMMOALIW 4 PQ 1 Real atate for Scde 1 Recd Estate ýWc 1 Real Estate for Sa Farms Hereford Club Houses for Sale Conservative

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