Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 14

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~E CANA~AN STATgSMMI. EOWXAi~YK~Z C.TAEm TKUISDAY. EIAY-SItb. Ina KIÎNSMEN PROJ ECTS KInse ekFau List, Comm u nit y, Activities "Kinsmen Week" is be'in observed this week in Bowman- ville and the 44 other towns and citles in District 8 in wvhich Kinsmen Clubs are la-1 1ated. During this week thte clubs in lhese localities wijll turn aven ta the publice om project for community welfare1 which they have completed. Since the Bowmanville Kins- men Club have as their ma.iaZ project the paying off off the' indebtedness on the artificial tee installation at the Memor - !al Arena, they have na project ta hand o-er at this lime. Hoi,.- ci-or, the purpilý--thQ Elmer the Safets- Elephaîît Campaign --ý lard tbis is stilI being carnied out. Comniitted Until 1963 , The major comsnunity service projeci of the Bowmanvillc 2insmnnblas been - and will ý!ontinuc ta be until 1963 the Arena. A group off Kinsmr'r ,onceived the pra.îect off instal- ding artificial ice car]l'y in 1951,. only a -year after tho'club h2d been foundcd in Mav 1950.1 They ivent ta town council t' wvork out details off thei r plan" and found that the tw-nwoulcl -have ta issue the deben tur-is.1 but the club could undertake- ta pay them off. t %vas under- ,stood, however. that should thel .'Kinsmen Club feu la do so, th-' -debentures %vould he peid off t 'tbthe tax rate. The Kinsmen Club xery socin DURA@ Amazing new-formulo DURA-NIC 4n lob ln one cout thon two coet Y'o'll hardly believe your eyes whe èensational hiding power and bril1i ,'oui home! Just one coat of DTJRA-HIDE c klack. Hides aIl small checks and cra, Îesistant surface that lasts season aftei better job than any white house pain * Self-cleansing. non-yellowing p. keeq your home bright. lt's easy ta Moade by t he makers of famous Fo-glazo Lander Hardware 7 KINGST.. PHONE MA,3-5714 10 N i.ý This mav flot be true because the man who told us about it is a confirmed leu-puller. He told us about a concert - he went ta hear one night. The ecIbo in - the hall was unbelievable. And when the r solo violinist was due to go on, his piano accompanist was suddenly taken sick. Sa the violinist played the piece alone and then sat down at the piano and accampanied the echo of the violin part he haýl just played. GOLDEN ALE BR E WE RY LI1M 1T E D demonstrated that there wasJ Altogether. the Bowmanville' littie chance of the publia, ever; Kinsmen Club has paid out being called on ta do s0, i i $2 1,500 ta date dn the artificial the enthusiastie and energetic,1 members immediately started ice projeet, including the $4,. out 0 1ais th lage mout 000 raised by public subscrip- off maneýy that would be need- tion and the arena profits dur- ed ta launch the artificial ice ing '1953 and 1954. Should *the praject. Thraugh two, car eraws Arena fail ta show a profit in in the club's second yearsv the future, however, the Kins.. ings from projects carried out men are responsible for the en- during« the first year, and 'a tire S3,250 annual payment. house--to-house canvass of the Active In Othcr Work citizens off Bowmanville. thn Thraugh this generous cam-1 Kinsmen raised $15,000 ta . get mnunity project the BoWman- the project under way. Tha yifle Kinsmen Club have -made house-to-bouse canvass Wavs it possible for the children andi heidl in March off 1952 and the adults of Bowmanville ta en-i citizens responded very gen- ijay artificial ice at their arena lerotiîl1v. donRting $4,000 toward and ta make much fuller use the artificial ice. The equip- of the building than was pas- ment w-as 'installed in the fall sible when it depended on na- off~~~~~ 192an0heatiiia 'c tural ice. Althaugh this is the was in use in December ai major project of the ambitiaus that year. yaung club, which is now only The installation of the equip- in its sixth year off operation, ment did not mean that the re- it bas been active in ather sponsibilitics' of the Kinsmnen pha,,ies off community service Club lu connection with Lie work. On April 22 the pennants project had ended. however. off Elmer the Safety Elephant The club is responsible for were raised over Bowmanville's meeting th, annual debenture three public s-chools as the pavrments off approxiniatelv $3, ý Kinsmen launched this proven 2,50) everv xear until 1963. t safetv campaign ta prevent ha3ý alreadlv madle themn foi, traffie accidents among public 1953 and 1954-minus th-" school children, vth the co- amnount off profit ôn the arena~ operation' off tawn and schoal operations duriiîg these twoi authorities.1 \-ears which was turned over ta Shortly after its. inception Town Couricil by the Arena !the Kinsmen Club furnished a Management Committee and raorn in the new Memnorial Hcs- applied against the annual de-1pital and it has.contrîbuted ta henture payrment. other comnriunitv projeets., For the past two summers 1itlias donated sufficient funds ta th.,: Salvation Army Citadel herè - ta send 10 underprivileged children ta summer camp. ;On several occasions the Kinsmen have helped other organizatibns with ffund-raising ceanvasses and tag days. The club bas carnied out many fund- raising-prajects of its own, chief of which have been the annual carnivals and car draws. It bas also held concerts and mil- lionaire's nights ta raise the funds for it5 artificial ice pro-1 jects and, other community pro- jects. Hlgh Standing In District The Bawmanville Kinsmen Club enjays an excellent repu- tation in Zone "C" and Dis- trict 8. During the past season, Ken Nicks. a Past President off the local club, bas been Depu- ty 1,District Governor for Zone "C". In 1954 the Bawmanvillej Kinsmen won two first place awards in the District 8 Bar- bershop Quartette Competi- tion. and in February off this y'ear played hast for the Com- petition at the Club Bayview in Whitby. This wvas pronounc- ed the best Competition yet held and was attended by many national oficers off the, Association off Kinsmèi "Clubs. Indicative off the high, tegard - - -in whîch>the local club is beld -~ is the fact that the Kinsmnen Founder, "Hal" Rogers, visited DE does a whit.r, longer lest. the club at its Fifth Anniver- Ut$ of mony ordinory points 1 sary Meeting held in April. The ien you see how DUP.îD' club is nowwidnupavr successful year under Presidentj iant wbiter white can beautifr Art Hooper with a two-night j Carnival and Car Draw an June wers solid over any coor-ev 17 and 18. Kin Lionel Parker ick. Povies toghwether- 56 season and the club hapes to r season. In every way it does a continue in the future, as in nt yau've ever used. the past. ta serve the comm un- ýrperties in DURA.H-IDE help ity in wvhich it is located. Goodyear Annual Picnic at Cobourg On Sat. June 25 The annual picnic of the Goodyear Recreation Club will be held on Saturday, June 25, at the same site as last year. Victoria Park. Cobourg, it was decided at a recent meeting of the executive committee. AQuestionnaires will be distri- buted ta the plant employees in a few days to find how many will attend. These are ta be returned ta Russell Oke as soon as possible. TIC K ETS9 TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or, Steamship Consult J UR Y & LOV E L L j 3owmanvllle 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 TELZMOroE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONIL PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 E BN'E FIT Artificial Ice - A Kinsr Pictured above are some of the hundreds of happy Bowmanville and district youngsters who make use of the artificial ice surface at the Memorial Arena each winter. The Bowmanville Kinsmen Club, wvhich is observing Kinsmen Week this wéek along with the 44 other Kinsmen Cubs in District 8, bas taken as its major community service proiect the payiing off 'of the indebtedness on this $45,0000 installation. The local Kinsmen cohtributed $15,OO0 to get the artificial ice project under way and is In t he Dim and' Dis tant Past- Frold The Stateaman Files 25 EARS AGO (1930) Hiarmony Symphony Orches- tra off Toronto unden the direc-1 tion off Anthur E. Semple was, slated ta present a concert at the Boys' Training School oni May 24th.1 Clarence and Merrill Fergu- son left for the mission fields off the United Church in West- ern Canada. Bowmanville Boy Scouts planned ta go to a Scout Jam- boree. They were 'in charge of Scout Master Terry. The soitbail season opened with a Front Street team op- posing the Foundry. Pitcher far Front Street was Ron Adams, for the Foundry-Joint. W. N. Tilley, K.C., Toronto, son off Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Bow- manville, was elected treasur- en off the Law Society off Upper Canada, regarded as anc off the higbest honors which can be given a lawyer in Ontario. .Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingbam and son Mac, Port Hope, visit- ed Mrs. W. C. Washington and Mns. B. M. Warnica. Mn. Ing- bamn was a former member off the staff at Bowmanville Higii School. Newcastle-Road bcd off the C.N.R. was being reised alongi this low-lying section. Barns on the late Thos. Un- derwood homestead fanm, Ken- dal, were destroyed by fine May 7during a heavy electrical storm. 49 YEARS AGO (1906) WI. H. Willièms and A. 'Pl. Pickard were soliciting business for sharpcning lawn mowers with, new ginders' purchased from Boot Bras. Ca. in Ohio. C. H. Gardon, Dresdcn, pur- You are inviied . b meei our candidate DAVID FORD ai a rece pion in Lions Community Centre BEECH AVE., BOWMANVILLE TU ESDAY, MAY 31 7 to 10 p.m. Corne and shake hands with Mr. and Mrs. Ford YOU IVILL LIKE THEM Inserted by Durham Liberal Association 'Cal Tour MASTER PLUmUEft" * L A. PARKER & SONS PJMG * HNA11NG * OILBIJRNERS 47 KING ST. e. BOWMANVILLE- MA 3-5651 COMMU NITY men Project responsible each year until 1963 for paying $3,250 on the debenture issued ta instail the artificial ice plant. 0f the $15,000 paid ta start the projeet, $4,000 was callected by the Kinsmen in a hause-to-house canvass of Bowmanville citizens. Another current proj ect of this energetic and ambitious local service club is the Elmer the Safety Elephant Campaign now being conducted in the three Bowmanville Public Schools. chased the Port Perry Standard from S. M. Newton and will change the name of the paper ta "The Star". Durham Old Boys' Associa- tion met Friday evening at the residence off William !Washing- ton, Toronto, ta arrange for the annual excursion fnom Durham County to Niagara -_Falls ini July. Steamer Argyle was to comn- mence the season's run on May 29. Lefft Newcastle at 6.30 a.m. and Bowmanville at 7 a.m. Rev. J. H. Turnbull, Ottawa, formerly mjnister off St. Paul's Cburch, was visiting in town, guest off Mn. Thos. Paterson. John McMurtry left for Mon- treal e nroute ta England on a business and pleasune trip. Members off No. 8 Company, 46th Regiment, were requested ta meet at the Drill Shed every Tuesday evening for instruc- tion cancerning camp at Ca- bourg. Anyone wishing ta join the Company was asked ta ap- ply ta Lieuts. Lamne McLaugh- lin or Wilbert J. Hoar. Enniskillen - The Methodist; Church spire was struck by lightning during a storm. Haydan - Miss Maude Tre- wmn, organist, was presented withý an address and a galdl watch in appreciation off her services. the family beîng about ta move ta Enniskillen. HAYDON W.A. meeting was held at the home off Mrs. C. Garrard's May 12. President Mrs. Ken- neth Walken apened the meet- ing. Devotional was present"d* by Mrs. Cowling. Mrs. W. Blackburn had charge off pro- gram whicb consisted off a reading by Mrs. Ronald Rahm and Mrs. F. Jackson gave a talk on ail paintings. As the president, Mrs. Kennetb Walk- fer, is moving out off this cm munity, she was pnesented with asmall gîfft ffrom the W.A. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Blackburn's group and hostess. June W.A. meeting will bc beld at the home off Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Walken and son have moved ta Bow- manville. Practice for our Sunday School Annivensary an Sunday, June 26, will start Sunday marning at 10:30.1 Mns. Henry Ashton, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Read, Mn. Clayton Read and Miss Audrey Hay attended the Madone -Ashton wedding in Toronto on Satur- day. Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family and Mrs. T. Cawling" were at Toronto and Clarkson on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. B. Vivian and family visited Mr. and Mrs. -Vivian at Janetville. Mr. an~d Mns. Lloyd Slemon attended the Dornell - Toms wedding at Blackstock United Church an Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Frank West- o ven and family wbo have had raoms with Mn. T. Tabb have moved ta thein bouse at Bow- manville. Visitons at Mr. J. Walker's wcne Mn. and Mns. MacAlpine and Aileen, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Walker, Ronnie and Nana Lee, Hamilton; Mn. Vin- cent Wailken, Guelph; Mrs. Douglas Fairblaine and boy--, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Ron - aid Wein, Osbawa; Mn. and Mr>. Kenneth Walken and Kennev,! Bomanville. Mios Florence Werny. Hamp- tan: Mns. W. Bnownlee, Lei- side; Mn. and Mrs. W. Bow- Lod Ashton's. LMo. and Mlrs. George. Berl- rira and baby. Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. jLittle Deborab Colbany with ,Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mns. T. Cowlmng. ,'Mn. and Mrs. Pollard, Lind- say. at Mn. and Mrs. Roy Graham's. iMn. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and family, Mn. Donald Tbomp- son, Avà and Donald, Bowman- ville, aI Mrs. W. Thampson's. Mn. and Mns. Leslie 17ayl1 and family, Bunketon, at Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Gnaham'is. Mrs. W. Bnowniee. Leaside, with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ash- ton's. Mr. and Mns. Bert Ashio'i and family, Toronto. at their cottage aven the weekend. Mrs. M. Anderson, Bowman- ville, with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur [r. nd Mn. Wm. Riddell. Orono, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm,, Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Burrows' and sons, Mr. and Mrs. A. MalcoLn and family at 'Mr. and -Mr& David Malcolm's. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sheffield, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrb. Ronald Rahm. Mrs. W. Martin recelved word that her .son, Delbert Martli% had a major operation at Wel- lesville Hospital, N.Y. We wishi Delbert a speedy recovery. At December, 1954, Canadasu population was 15,410,000. The Statesman Sold Ai Following Stores. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, N'ewtonvllle C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen P. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Kelth Bradley, PontypooI C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrookc Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Sliop Jury & Loveli Goheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office COMPARE an 'd SAVE! S JOHN Tl TH ISAD WHO SHOP SAVE If youre Interested Ln savtng M ood00 - - . the. bggeet single Item lu your ludget . .. You'd better pau3e et thla paged Check the lilt of Items gyallmble at A&P-and 4ouble-checX the pricesl A&P F& GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48-oz tin 2 5 c Vigorous a-d Winey - Just Reduced BOKAR COFFEE ib93c 3.Ibbag2.73 Jewel SPECIAL ISHORTENING i625c 21lbs,55c box ef 6o079< 2 14-oz tins 3 3 16-oz jar 33C 2 30-oz bts 25 c De"et pcil LISSYS FANCY PEAS 2 15-oz lim 31C Yukon Club (Contents Only) GINGER ALE Deep-(ut Special! A &P CI4OIE TOMATOUS 2 28-oz tins 45C JANE PARKER %PUIALS 1 SAVE 6C oaci-i49C SAVE Se each 43c SAVE 4o p5p of 2 15c SIPER-Ricli N EA T rA 1Es RED or BLUE BRAND BMEF BLADE ROASI Bladie Bon. Romoved SIIOULDER ROASI Full Cut lb37 b29c lb 79c PRODUCE FEATURES lmported, Washed, Fresi, New Crop WHITE POTATOES 1O1b69t Frest, New Crop, Spanisi, - Faricy Grade - Grown in in VALFN(IA ORANGES -5-m>celle b*949c A Real Treat from Ship te Store - Duy a Bug Today F rom OaiLloria. dLlivrîrtul te, us by pasenger expresa t0 Insure freeh- Inc. and flavour. Look tGr tkhcm In our ato-reA. Tte quality la ouît-I standing and1 they are very attractivel7 Priced. Praces Effective Until Saturday , May 28th. 1955 C , oes £ ,apply. "oesnt sag. Try it! 1 e Colorizer points in 1,322 colorai Margarie MONARCH Nectar '1raràe Pekoe TEA BAGS Green Giant Ann Page SALAD DRESSING Jane Parker RHUBARB PIE Jane Parker - Zhoc. Fudge lced-Oelight LAYER CAKE Jane Parker DINNER ROLLS il Extra Lean MINCEDBDE F Son. les. Plate POT ROAST Caoked, Ready te Eat - Bonolest, by the Piece SMOKED HAMS lb 9 Tac ODAT, WATUth. leu - Tim - CARAtffl 2 STAirsum. SrAm,

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