Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1955, p. 13

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TNI7EDA'T, MAT Sth. 1959 TUB CANADIMS STATEMKAN. EWMVZL ONARtIo PG ~ Thne Orono News Mr. and Mr& Wallace Arn- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamb and old spent the weekend with daughters, Ottawa, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting et weekend with Mrs. Tborntoli Et. Wiliarn's, Ontario. Wilson, Mr-. and Mrs. H. Snell and *Mrs. Morley Brooks and Mar- Dannie, Toronto, visiting Mrs. !on, Pictan; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ken Gamsby and family. SUis and Miss Margaret Flint- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and off visited Mrs. L. Cooper and Carol, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.Mr. and 'Mrs. O. Cowan. Jlm Pattersan and Rickey,,Co-. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mill- bourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. er,- Kingsville. Mrs. Levi Half- M. Linton. yard, Robert- and Audrey Miss Bertha Cain - with Mr- Louise, Barrie, visited Mr., and and Mrs. Reg Sutton of Grimsby; Mrs. Win. Miller. Beach. Miss Eleenor Tennier, Osh- Mr. Wm. Gamsby, Kingston, awa,~ spent the weekend with Ylisted Mrs. Robert Allun for Matianie and Doreen White. the- weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Geil Ui. Chas. A. Coope is a'1 and Sandra, Lakefield, visited painti MmrilHspital, .Mr.- and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Miss Eleanar Robinson, To- Mr. and Mrs. J. Bail and ronta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. Pears, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. V. Robinson. manville, ettended the. funeral Mr-. and Mrs. M. Burns and ip Lindsay o! a former Leskard family, Peterborough, visited neighbor. Mr. Ellis Hughes, Mi-. and MIrs. E. Hamm. Who pased ewey very suddenly Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan at- in Lindsay on Saturday.. tetided the Beuchaum - Sis Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, wedding in Oshawa an Satur- with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. day. Mrs. E. Green, Leskard, visit- MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT ~HOUSHOLDFI NANMCE' 11 V2Y Sime.. St.South, second floor, phono Oshawa 5- 1130a OSIAAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHs 71 Webon St., 2nd fie.,', phono 3030 ~//!/Té,4'.g-pNONSENSE*.,-MY WIFE HAS' JUST PLUGGED IN TOO MANY APPLIANCE$S ON THE SAME 5OCKET.AGAIN/"- ,bon'# *verloed yoir wIrIng'syss.mn-. tWh.n you blld or modernix. provide ADif UATE WIRINO. HEOOON ELECTRIÇ LIMITED ELECTRJC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION MA 3-5438 38 King St. E. ALITHRIzUOBox 360 SENERAL*ELECTRIC Bowmanvili HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Ontario jThis Week - at thle Royal THURS.-FRI.-SAT. 1- MAY 26-27-28 "Her 12 (Littie) Men" (Technicolor) ýGREER GARSON - ROBERT RYAN "Rails mb toLaramie" JOHN PAYNE (Technicolor) - MARI BLANCHARD DAN DURYEA Thurs., Fi-i. - 7 and 8:30 NONDAY - TUESDAY - NAY 30-»31 "Rhapsod y" (Technicolor) Sensational Drama of Music and Romance, starring IJZ TAYLOR - VITTORIO JOHN ERIÇSON GASSMAN Tme - 7 and 9:20 WEDES. - THUIS. - URE 1:1 - 2md "Fat he r Brown Detective ALEX GUNESS (Coinedy) - JOAN GREENWOOD Time - 7 and 9:05 The Bownianvill McNulty and managed Legion Hall and an ever: McNulty's Midgets duriri Kneeling, lef t ta right:. Fairey, Jim Masterson, Dg John Mason, Don McGre front of Fowler), Bob Ma frth i armiqut w yÂUrv Jand the Ladies Auxiliary ed Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Merce on Wednesday. Mrs. Isabella Preston Thon an who lived in Qi-ana for few Years passed eway la Ost, awa lest week in her 87th yeai Rev. and Mrg. W. H. Tong and famnily, London, visite Rev. and Mi-.. John Kitche on Priday. Miss Brenda Pligg, Oshawi visited Mi-. and Mi-.. H. Boyd, Mrs. Gardon Dent, Torontc visited Mi-. and Mrs. E. Dent. Mi-. andl Mi-. Ai-chie Watson Betty Ana and Lai-iy, Toronto spent the long weekiend witl Mi-. and Mi-.. Alex Watson. Mr. and Mi-,. Herb Murraý spent the Weekend with Mr and Mi-.. Albert Randaîl, Whit. by and attended the weddine o! their nephew, Mr. Kennet] oth Coson, atGrewo Uni.îtedCi Church on Seturday. Mi. ndMi..Art Wbi te speni th weekendwith Mi-. and Mrs. Glenn LWager o! Oshawa et Red Stn ake. Heather Rebekah Lodge hcld a eysccess!ul Bake Sale on Saturday efternoon. Mi-s. Chas. K oxwn the cake. NE WTON VILLE Congratulations taoOui- senior editor, Dr. Gea. W. James on bis new tîtle. Mi-. and Mi-s. Chas. Cdwan, Newcastle, with Mi-. and Mi-.. Arthur- Redknap. Miss Berthe Thompson, wbo spent the winter in Toronto,i-e- turned to her own borne this weekend. Mi-. and Mi-.. lai-iy Lane o! Dundaik- with Mr. andi Mrs. Melville Jones. Miss Jennie Tbampson has let the Port Hope hospital and is now canvelescing et the borne o! ber niece, Mrs. Ray Hughes. Miss Alice Nesbitt o! Taranto Is spending a week with ber sister, Miss Anale Nesbitt. Miss Maxine Wood of Toron- ta, with ber parents, Mi-. and Mi-,. Wilfred Wood. Congratulations to Mi-. and Mi-,. J. Oudshoorn on the birth o! a son et Memoriel Hospital, Bowmenvile, on Seturday, May [le 21st. Mi-. E. Vierbaut wbo has i-e- turned a!ter visiting hi. rnath- er la Hollaad 1, busy building Mi-. A. Ton'. new home. . Mi-. end Mi-.. Melville Tou- signant and sans with Mr-. and Mi-.. lai-iy Wade. Next Sunday, May 29th the United Church. service will be et 9.30 a.m. as usuel, Tref!ic pi-oblems aver the holiday week-end were terrible. Motorista were desperate, Peo- pie who had made ail kinds o! arrangements that tbey wouid be home et a certain time found they cauldn't make it. It taok 21/2bours ta get fi-rn Port Hope ta Newcastle. The hold-up seerned ta be that tra!fic an No. 2 had ta be held up every few minutes ta let the hundreds of cars in from the north. And this i. just the beginning of the sum mer. Mi-.. I-ma Selway, Mr-. and iMrs. Robert Seiwey andi family and Mr-. and Mrs. Dan Smith of Toronto, with Mr-. and Mrs. Andi-ew Reichra-th. fMr-. and Mi-.. Sid Lancaster entertained Rev. and Mi-.. John Kitchen and son o!fQi-ana on TOUR EYES and Vision e.rmn ~' . copyrights C. . uck, Optometrlst Disney BIdg,. 3KigE., OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 294.. To relieve the condition o! Hyperopia, far-sightedness, that lens i. used which shoWs by the cye exarnination ta have the proper power te niake the eye sufficiently less Hypei-opic ta focus as it properly should as per the standards considereci by optical science, normal. The re- lief given permit. the eyes ta work ta normal efficiency wîth- out strain or if strianed wbile working, sufficient Power may remain in reserve to allai-c corn- £ar-t .- - le Midget hockey teanu shown above, coached %.bys Jack by Tom Gatcheli, was treated ta a turkey. dinner at the îing of bowling on May 10. Pleying under the name of tg the past two seasons, this -team has lost only two games. John OsbDrne, Bilîl Cale, Don Farder, Glenn Crossey, Ted on Prout. Standing, left ta right: Coach Jack McNulty, 'gor, Maurice Richards,' John Fowler, Lloyd Stainton (in a-j errison, Ray Preston and Manager Tom Gatchell. Turkey ided by the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion served the meal free of charge._Pob oetCruhr e n- tr. n ai ~'Canadiana: PFrom the Brant- crossing into Manitoba or B.C. fort <Ont.) Witness: Sheena, a Mayor J. D. Burnet of Co- o, heroic calle is credited with bourg, Ont., approved of raises saving the life of Joanne in pay to cauncillors but re- n, Hames, 4. by dragging the child fused it for himself; as he is 0, to safety from the flaming kit- flot taking time off. fromn any hchen of her Riverdrive Park business or profession, he home near Holland Landing. '"cansidered it a privilege ta ýy The Lloydminster (Sask) use my time on behalf of the rTimes had a good headîng for Town of Cobourg." t- the story of a successful local Trustees of the Wllkie (Sask.) 9 band concert: "Packed likfe Larger Sehool Unit decided to h Sardines, Hot and Humid, But stop ail capital expenditures on1 -stili Wonderful." an over-ail econamy drivej d Heading ta an editorial in the "due to the increased cost of( Kindersley (Sask.) Clarion: teachers salaries under the1 ý"Cruelty ta Pire Hase"l as the present schedule." *editor sought ta scathe those Old Dobbin still does his IWho crossed over hases with stint in places; St. Mary's (Ont). cars during a fire ln town. Journal Argus reports George cl Grenfell (Sask.) Sun head-- Allen, 75, rural mail couriert 1Ing on front page: "Pink Slips of the Kirkton district, stil -are fashionable for bath sex- drives bis faithful equine over1 es," but they referred ta those his 23 mile route every day, 1 necessary for Sask. motorists summer and winter; the horse J knowing the route as well as1 Sunday. bis master, stops and starts at1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- the boxes by bimself.1 son and family of Cooksville "We feel that it is impossible iwith Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ovens. ta compete with industry, in Mr. and Mrs. -Bryan J. Noble higher wages and houris" was of Taranto,- with b er- p4rentsï the concensus of members - f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Melville (Sask.) Highway For-h Mr. and Mrs. Raymond um in discussing "the 40-bour Bruce witll friends at Bancroft. week in agriculture," et theE Mr. and Mrs. Herb Heard o! session held et the home of S Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. ]R. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Seland. E Bawen of Bronte, Mrs. Patter- North Battleford News-Op- son of Orono, and Mr-. and Mrs. timist: "Too often arganizations Jim Gilmer o! Garden Hill were discuss or pass resolutions in Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. favor o! banning books or l Clinton Brown. pamphlets by government or- ai The 24th of May Anniversary der. Sucli action eats at t-he st Service o! 1955 will godown roots of aur freedom. Who is Li in history as a memorable ta judge in a free state what event. The weather was ail that ideas are good for one man M could be desired, the flawers and poor for another." vi were beautiful and the church Make the National Housing tc was well filled. The W.A. choir Act applicable ta agriculture? some twenty-five in number, in "If we can keep the boys on ar, their gawns proceeding up the the farm it may be money well Tj centre elsle ta their places in invested. In fact, there. is no the chair loft singing ail the better investment than in la: while, edded the urban touch. youth, and when egricultural Bi Rev. John Kitchen o!fQi-ana, in land is included the investmnent a simple, dawn-ta-earth dis- is multiplied four fold," says ai course on "Service" was close- the Pincher Creek (AIta.) Echo. Rc ly followed. And the W. A. Pictau (N.S.) Advocate: "The ar choir in two numbers acquitted minister of finance can justify- themselves very credtably. bis accunts when conditions PHONE TO-DAY _____________________ e pleased te SA LEAK CAM ALMOST upply you wlth ODRNVEONE MAC>,,p~. y' P' 7 11> VUCALL 1 Midget Hockey Team Entertained Congratulations ta Bruce and Jean Taylor (fee Montgomery) on the birth o! their son, Walter Bruce. The C.G.I.T. met on Saturday a!ternooa. The President, Gail Baker, conducted the opening exercises and business period. The rail cail was a gif t for the Korean arel. A picnic was pienne& -forJune il when the Explorers will jain us. A sum-I mary o! the concluding cheptersi o! the study book "Saris and Sandals" was given by Gladys Yellowlees. The Explorera jain- ed us for the pi-agram, with their President, Dianne 'tink, in the chair. The pi-agi-arnin- cluded piano solos by Patsy Knox, Patsy Davis and Dianne Tînk and reedings by Evelyn Hackaday, Mebel Huggins and Sharon Robb. Mi-.. Murray Vice Led in the worship service and t;he meeting closed with Tep. Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mi-s. S. E. Werry, Mi-,. Roy Langmeid, Mi-. E. Cryderman, Mi-.. Addie Tink, Mris. J. Yellowlees and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees attended the, W.I. District Annuel Convention ia Hiampton on Priday. Mr-. Harold Reynolds and son Paul, Toronto, were weekend visitoi-s et Mr-. Ralph Davis'. Mr-. and 'Mrs. J. yeilowlees, MIiss Gladys Yellewlees, Mi-. andi M!rs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Mr. HIarold Reynolds and Paul were Sunday tee guests et Mi-. Ernest iockaday's. Rural Life Sunday was observ- d et Sunday morning church service. Mi-. and Mrs. Har-vey Yellow- tes. Kren and Brende attended annivei-sary services et Black- tock and visiteci et Mr-. E. Larmer 's. Mr-. and Mi-.. Wrightson Wight, hi-s. Edith Anderson, Bowman- ri11e; Miss Lilien Hoei-, Toron- o, et Mi-. E. R. Taylor'. Mi-. and Mi-.. Lloyd Broome td sans et Mi-. John Broome's, lyi-one. Mr-. and Mi-.. Bruce Tlnk and mily et M. O. Jackson's, ýrooklia. Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Leangmai id deughters, Mi-. and Mm., ty Langmaid et Ennlskillen nniversaryý service and at Mr-. NEW WALL McAUTY. E STIMATE S on your Heatlnt or Plumblngr d~A'4ot- A331 PLMBN HO A RHAT N BOsMu VILE ;j c mi TERsm INT ER CQUNTY SENIOR BASEBALL GAME 3 Thursduy, May 26 8 p. Vs. OSHAWA MERCHANTS GAME 4 NOINDAY, MAY 30 - 8 p. KITCHENER PANTHERS vs. OSHAWA MERCHANTS Memorial Stadium OSHAWA Resdy-Mîxed, 10% wasbable finish ia gorgeous uatiai- colors andwhite. Dries quicklyl Cavera MOue surfàces iadtuding wall- P&Per. Here's your favorite coloIr ia beautifui uting finish.'p Quart Gallon $2.20 $7.25 ABERNETHy'S Phone MA 3-M431 ÎKIDNEYACIDSý Robi youipRest. a en.i peofle soee=22=m au ru t elmt.l E s if i-oud ot tm g amui ~M w . D M . I Ido i P l a D d l b . I i d n y s s e t h t - o c am r u boiterni ledboit'u becomne more bouyant. Meaon- wbile the tex relief on both corporations and personal in- cornes, as well as concessions ini other directions, shauld help ta create the very conditions~ whicb will enable hlm te strike a balance." Dauphin, Man., Herald: "hI- many quarters there is Uiely te be an uneesy feeling about Mi-. Harris' deficit budgeting, and evefl those who presume ta understand this cyclicel bud- fgeting business may well be in- jdlined ta several schaols of thought as td whether, it is good or bad for the national ecanomy. In elementary fash- ion we would judge that the type of spending prajects con- tained in the gavernment's pi-agi-arn of expenditures, coin- blned with the hoped-far lm- petus ta business activity as' a result of tax relief, wil deter-' ýmine the success f Mr. Iar- ris' first budget efforts." Parksville <B.C.) Progress: "The deman'a for handymen or women who have a limited working knowledge af numaer- ous tredes or skills is decreas- ing. Today's epplicant must be armed with diplomes or other ratings from high school ai, vo- cati.onal training centres, and students and parents who i-cal- ize the fact have errivcd et conclusions which cannot be denied." Hartland (N.B.) Observer: "Heering that Prince Ranier III o! Monaco is looking for an American bride, a Miss Jo Ann Stork has flown over to epply for the job. She doesn't know about the belle! thet it's bad luck for the stork ta arrive before the wedding." SOLINI Prevent Pain fui Summer Sunburn FLORI2.50 Greaseless, will not stain SHULTON'S Proteets even after swlmming "Nothing Better Under the Sun" P Iay#ex Con ourModd Fits like the heir on your head .. . and Just as conifortable No Pressure - No Binding S-T-R-E-T-C.H-E..S to fit every head size Special water-tite sealu Protect ears and hair-de Jurycand Love!! MA 8-5778 Bewman'vIlJ. a i!AMMIITIIMMÎÎeI i JET FMONTER - OR CI1IMNEY Doth face the unie fundamental problemn-thc discharge st high velocities and temperecures of the proclucts of combustion waste. Ile shme principles of wear and the sanie need for protection exists whether froni kerosene for jets or any ocher type cf fueI-coal--oil-gas...wood etc. THE STRUCTURE MUST si PROTECTED YIRIFIED CLAY FLUE LININO bas' been protectins chimncy structures safely and efficently for ycars. SPECIF? e Virifi.d CIoy Plue Lining e Foctory.gnode offsets o'nd ilttinge NATLNALSEWVER PIPE L 1M 1T ED TORONTO cANADA 1- oy McGillI'i.ton, ZMon, Misses Eue eand Jeax hMr-. and Mrs. Tommy Ander- ,Cryd.rman( Mr-. and Mrs. KCen' t- son and daughters, Toronto, et MeMien and Lynda, Oshaw% it is Mi-. John Knox's. and Mrs. E. Cryderrnan et Mr. P Misa Lois Ashton, Biradley's, et A. J. Belson's. sMr-. Chas. Lanmaid's. Mr. and Mi-.. J. W. Dyer and e Miss Irene Milton, Toroento, Elizabeth, Mi-.. A. Beevor, Mr-. et Mr-. C. Hainer'* for the week. and Mrs. Ken' McMinn and> iend. Lynda, Oshawa; Mrs. Ross Cry- Miss Irene Brag, Toronto; dernan t Mr. Ray Pascoe's. tMi-.. Ethel Couch, Misses Mar- Mr-. and Mrs. Stan Millson, "oile ancj Eieen Couch, Bow- Glenn and Grant et Mr. Iani menville; Mr-. Edwin Ormiston, Smlth's, Toranto. .Ebenezer, et Messrs. J. and Tom Miss Elme and Jean Cryder- .Baker!s. man, Oshawa, t their home fore. Master Gary Ormiston, Bew- the wcekend. Wanvllle, with his cousin, Ron- Mr-. and Mrs. GeaiucKnx nie Baker,. lly Kno Mr.Wx~. Mrrson BreklnCarol and Marilyn, Edon anit' at. M i. ze laris'. roln Rusqell Sloan, et Mr-. H. Par.... row', Starkville. . Mi-. and Mrs. Pred Hardy, New We are happy ta know Carol., Toronta; Mr. and Mii. Harvey His who bas been la the Hos- % Hardy, Mrs. A. Thampson and pital for Sick Childi-en for sev-' Dariene, Bowmanvlle, et M.ci-ai days foiiowing ber accident",~ Igaac Hardy's. . returned home on MondaY. Mr-. and Mrs. Graham Willan 'Members o! the three M's are and iamily, Port Whltby; Mi- asked te keep in mînd the date, and Mi-.. Noble Metcal!e an-d o! the next meeting, June 7. Geiald Kirk, Oshawa; Mrs. J. Shortt, Messrs. Luther and - Walter Shortt, Courtice, at the Werry's, et Roselandvale. M Miss Anne Werry and her M n Odat r4 cousin Caralyn Werry, 0 MwNWFIEL RS YOUNQÎÏ et Mrs. RassSn'. Bowman- .I vile."I~i4. ffad Do pop. But Ostrex made Mi-. and Mi-.. D. Flett, Mur- of _nd b=1dd.IhaePlit ray and Marie, with Mr. and Ote Tonlo Tablets contain tonie, berio Mrs.Jim ood nd cildien. stimulant approved by leadin doctors. lit Ms i-.o and r.E.hiren. avior, vitahty in body woaic, ai becauso Iacic- Mr. nd rs.,E. pirs' nd1 l[ni ran; maJce iou bel ".art-3ounger. .Uo childi-cit t Mr-. Ken James', men. women. Start n.w pop A T ONCE. Try W oodb ridge, an d M r. John Os trez to .e al , -i o nd f e Law'sThornill. Ouase =0pýeYy,1 Intraductory or 'qt- v FLORIDA'S SHULTON'S Saturday - 6:30 p 14 BRONZTAN DESERT TAN Liquid Tube 1.00 CAP 1,819 114

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