Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 20

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.1 PMô TWW *1 Tur P rle fn iArticles ForSaeJ Articles For Sale Notices i Âcfji lniRec1F frt Fw9,çmI1s £.uO4jI'D- a Addiffonal Ciassifieds BIRTHS CUSTOM G.M. car radia. Tele- phone Newcastle 2346. 20-j SEBAGO potatoes. Phono* MA 3-2329. 20-1 TELE VISION antenna. Ph.ne BURGESS-Art and Lamyne MA 3-3557. 20-1 happily announce the birth ai FINDLAY Oval cool and wood their son, Grant Alan, at Me- stove, also boys leather basebl monial Hospital, Bowmonvile, mitt.' Phone MA 3-5898. 20-1* on May lltb, 1955, a brother for Ken and Don. 20-1 A NEW 12-it. ail-steel boat trail- er with new 16" tires. Phono GRAHAM-Mr. andi Mns. Thas. Clarke 3902. 20-1 W. Grahamn are pleased ta an- naunce the bîrth ai a daughter ONE pair drapes, electnic ironer on May 17th, 1955, at Memoial!Iwith stand. Phone MA 3-5403 Hospital, )3owmanville. 20-1j or MA 3-3579. 18-tf-! PRESTON-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd USED wagan an rubber, $55 Preston, are happy ta announce 1ihhyrc. rn okn the binth ai their son, Robent 1 Blackstock 2. 20-1 Charles (Bobby), on Thursday, STEEL stoneboats $20 and $25 May l2th, 1955, at Memoial h ach. Frank HI-oskin, Black- Hospital, Bowmanville, a broth- stock 2. 20-1 cm for Gary George. 20-1 ALL-STEEL fire-proof office TAYLOR-Ta Bruce andi Jean desk and office chair, locks with (nec Montgomery), a son, Wa- - key. Phone MA 3-5837. 20-1 ter Bruce, in Memorial Hospital, Bawmanville, on May 17, 1955. GILSON home freezer, 19 cu. 20-1* t., 3'½ year guarantee. Apply ______________________37 Lamb's Lane. 20-1* ENGAGEMENTS ELECTRIO stave, cheap. Appiy Mn.' and Mrs. Wilbert Cnaig 5510. 20-1* wish ta announce the engage- ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. baga, ment ai thein daughten Joan delivered in Bowmanville. Phone Maie, ta Bruce Stanley Lebman, MA 3-2473. 31-tf son ai Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Lebman, Claremont, ont. Mar- MODEL A Fard convertible, 1 niage ta take place Saturday, racing runabout, mator, lufe June 18, at 3 p.m., in Salem jacket, etc. Percy Luxtan. Unitedi Church. 20-1 Phono MA 3-3720. 20-1* - WHEELBARROW wheeis with DEATHS 2-ply tires and tubes, $9.95 each. Frank Hoskin, Blackstock 2. CURTIS-At Memorial Hospital, 20-i Bawmanville, on Wednesday,8"CM T May 18, 1955, William A. Curtis, "CMN building blocks, ageci 84 yeors, Kendal, Ont.,plain and rock-faced; 36" well husband of the loto Emily Boa-tile. Phono Biackstock 96 r 12. mnan Curtig. Resting at the Mon- 20-3* ris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- DOUBLE casernent wlndow,1 ville. Service in the Chapel on each 26"x26", with stan win- Friday, at 2:30 p.m. Interment dows and screens. Phono MA 3- Omana, Cemetery. 20-1 5403. 20-1;* XNGLISH, Sophia-At Oshawa STRAWBERRY plants for sole, General Hospital, an Manday, $2 per 100 or $15 per 1,000. ApL May 16, 1955, Sophia Wbitfîeld piy R. Manning, Kondal, Ont. ot Cartwright Township, belov- Orono 2 R 8. 18-3 ed wife ai the late John H. English, dean mather ai Dalton VENETIAN blinds-Newest cal- and Hazel, in ber 9th yeor. ours with plastic tapes. We Rested at the Chapel ai A. L. measure and instail. Morris Ca. MvcDemott, Part Penny. Service Phono MA 3-5480. 6-tf a'as beld an Mednesday at 2 p.m. AEo ubr ietfo Intenment Union Cemetery, Cad- mSAVEtanyau b ireps Lume MUS. -20-1mmt O.PilpLune Ca., Kinmnount, Ont. Phone !ERGUSON, Samuel A. -At 17r11. 13-tf IPort Penny Community Hospital, KEYS cut outamatically, whie Sunday, May 15, 1955, Samuel A. you wait, ot Maon & Dole Hard- Fergusan, h'usband ai the late 7ae3 igS. . omn M'ary Knapp, dean father aifIdarle. 46igS. . Bwa- Mrs. T. Somelîs), Ella (Mrs.Ia C. e.46t %enning) af Blackstock, in bis IRON parch ailings. Frayne Pnd yean. Resteci at Chopel ai Ornomental Iran, 35 Bloor St. k. L. McDermott, Part Penny, E., Oshawa. Phone 5-0575. inUW Tuesday noon. Service was 1-*c Wqd ini Biackstock United 18-e F Zhurch at 2 p.m. Interment TYPE WRITERS, o'dding ma-S [Jon Cemetery, Cadmus. 20-1 chines, new andi used, for 'sole P' on rent; also Cale steel filing D VERRY-At the 'Hospital foi: cabinets, office furniture. Walter F ick Childrcn, Toronto, an Mon- Frank, MAnket 3-2403. 20-4* bi tay, May l6th, 1955, Barbara DO yoronfor et aB ynn, infant daughter ai Dr. asa yoaunaflor ls -rent a rs. John Werny, ageci three LadàHrwae( îg t . veeks. The baby resteci at the BodrHrwae ig t . famis Funeral Chapel, Bow- Bwmaniville. Phono MA 3-5774. C inavile. Pivate service on 3tî S uesday, May 17, with inter- PLOW shares, cast andi ductalloy Ca5 nent at Bowmanviile Cemeteny. for Most makes af plows, olso gr 20-i one used wagon on rubber with sc For hay rock, $55. Frank Haskin. m Ccus F rSale Phon Blackstack 2. 20-1 sil QUANTITY ai each: 8' 24s and l 951 HILLMAN, 15,000 miles. 12' 2x8 hemnlock lumber;also In- ehone MA 3-3361. 19-2e ternational rap e hayload er, ex-M 949 DoLUXE Chcv. coach cane- cllent condition. Phono Black- îily driven since new. Don stock 76 r 11. 20-1* ilcax. Phono MA 3-3855. 20-i SEE aur recanditioned trade-ins 4 PLYMOUTH sedan, hydniÏve, inl television. every Set guaran- V bw mileoge, new car condition. teed. Televisioni Service Ca., 33 hone MA 3-5403 or MA 3-3579. King St. W., Bawmanville. Tele- 17-tf-f phane MA 3-3883. 20-1 O 1 AUSTIN, iow mileage, ex INSULATION, blowing methoci, flent condition, mnust be sold. with rock waal. Warkmanship S hone MA 3-2943 or Apply 133 guaranteed. Froc estimotes. [gin St 20-1 Harry L. Wýade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf )49 STUDEBAIKER coach, per- ,tcondition, easy payrnents. HEARING aid service, testing- 20-1 batteries and cards at Higgon Electrîc Limited, 38 King St. E., ý53 METEOR Fordor with. Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. dia, 1952 Meteor Tudor withi 20-tf dia and directianal signasm 52 G.M.C. panel truck; $2cA ýwn and balance slpread aveni eL C 4-----',--, eD s si di Pl '54 Ph cel Ph Elg 194 f e Jof ýad rai 195 dov 241 and and E. 19 19 19 19 19 19 le 191 ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS and AWNINGS Naît Avallable in BOWMANVILLE Cail MA 3-3871 L. ALLIN 20-4 DO IT YOURSELF T IL E 7V2e each and up - Ail kinds Expert instructions supplled CUSTOM FLOORS, LAID H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Dowmanvife 28-tf COMPREHENSIVE, FIEE AND> TREFT COVERAGE Proteet youmsel against damage ta, your car tram tire and theft, flooda, windatornis, hall, glass breakage, failint abjects, flying missies, exPlosion, vanadlism, and a hast af ather hazards For fuil details Howard R. Foley BO WMAN VILLE CO-OPERATO" RS URANCE ASSOCIAIION Automobile Iniurance for Careful Diver& MAN'S C.dM. bicycle, condition. Phone MA 3-31 A FINE variety o! vegel plants for sale, some aspar cnawns and strawbermy pl Apply taO0. P. Hertzbeng, R. Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-: noan or 6 p.m. PEINTS o! photos o! pi ovents appearing in this p token by Carson Studio ma. abtained for $1.00,on 8xl0 giossy prints, Carson Sti Part Hope.4 NEW Otaco econamy wagon, tan, Timken. bearings, wheels, $115. (Same wagonN car wheels and tires $125 o plete). Frank Hoskin. Ph Blackstock 2. CHOICE tomato plants, Spar anions, cabbage. assarteci nuais, etc. Ripley's Market C dens, 2 miles East of Bowm ville, south-west af Curv mI R.R. 4. Phone MA 3!2563 SPRING cleaning? See the w~ derful value in the newe nister type vacuum on wheele Televisian Service Ca., 33 K St. W., Phone MA 3-3883 fo home demonstration at no oi gation ta you.2 TRAPE-IN: washers $29.50, el tric range $29.00, steel b, $5.00, springs $5.00, rangE with aven contrai $19.501, au matic record player and ra combination $25.00; new Ci goleum squares and by the ya Murphy Ca., King W. 20 i DRAPERIES and venetian bli custom made, or draperies s by the yard. Our representa'i wiil caîl at your home any ti with a camplete range af sainp andi suggestions without obli tion. Fabric Town, 59 Klng W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowmz ville. 48 Singer Sewing Cenfi For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5448 for Prompt Service 44 1 SENTINEL Alamlnum Self-storlng Wlndow MALONEY ATJUMINUM DOORS $55.00 - Installed Free ROSS CLARK 71 Ring St. E. Bowmanvillu Phone MA 3-3801 19-ti JSED farm macbineny - Massey- Harris Pony tractor with piough, 'ultivator, scuffien and mawer; Farmail "A" tractor, Farmall Super "C", tracton with 2-fumait ilough, Oliver "60" tractor, John Deere 2-piough tractor $475; Fleury manure spreader on rub- ber at Farm Equipment and Automotive. 134 King St. E., Bawmanvilie. Phone MA - 3- 589. 20-1 "OMPLETE snack ban equip- îent for sale including Serv-ail ;ainless steel deep fat fryers, snopv, exhaust fan, hamburger rril, bun warmen and botpiate, mop kitchen, hot cups, coffee naken. milkshake machine, triple ink, chairs, tables, dishes, cut- ery, curb trays, electmic sign. Ul in excellent condition. Phone &rket 3-32371 Bowmanville. 20-1 Fruit Growers Wateh next week's paper for DATE and TIEE o hIiver Iron Age Mist ;prayer Demonsira lion' Sponsored by Tyrane Garage__ 20-1 DECORATING For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paint. For thre Best Workmanship G. Preston & Son Phones S3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-tf Wanted AD STOCK nemoved from ir famm pnomptiy for san.itary posai. Telephone colict: Ca- irg 1266 on Toronto EM 3-3636. clan Young Llmited. 60-ti Chicks For Sale ORCHLAND Farr C h iceks Canadian Approved. S.C. Wbhite Leghorn, fast featbering Barroci Rock and New Hampshire X Barred Rock. AUl breeders banded and puilorurn tested. No outside flocks. Ail eggs used in aur incubators are produoed an aur own famm. Day old chicks every Saturday. H. J. Brooks, B-wmanville, Ont. Telephane MArket 3-3961. . 8-tf DON'T miss the boat. Yau sure will if you don't buy chicks this year. We prçdict bigh egg prices this Fal and Winter. Whon yau Purchase cbicks be sure and buy the right breeds for maimumn egg Production. We have three special breods that wiil lay more eggs on less fced than any other breeds wo offer. Send for ful details. Also three special broil- er breeds. Turkey poults. FrTee illusmated catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchories Limite,& Fer- Lus, Ouna. , 30-1 dispi bau Garc Dr. Storey's' office will closed.May l8th ta May 25th, clusive. Comfortable home for eld folk, convalescents -welcc Phone Omono 1771. 2 We are now maxnfactu cernent blackrs, bath lnterlocl and standard, and would pleased ta serve you wlth am praduct at a reasanable pi Tnipp Construction. Phone 39 Port Perry. h, In- Lerly orne. 20-2* good 92W, 40-tfi -- - 1 For Rent THREE oams. Phone MA 3- 2598. 20-1 4-ROOMED seif-contained apant- ment with private entrance. Phone MA 3-5677. 20-1 THREE roams, pantly furnished, on main street in Village ai Hay- don. Phone MA 3-2156 or MA 3-5881. 20-1 CLEAN, 17ow priced two-roomn apartrnent, city conveniences, in Newcastle. Call Oshawa RA 3-7244. 20-1* POUR ooms, bard and sait water, good garden, garage. 19 Bnadshaw St. Phone MA 3-5812.1 20-1 THREE-room apatmnent, heavy wirnng, bot andi colci water, near school, baspital. Couple with chilci welcome. 187 King E. Phone MA 3-5f48. 20-1 FOUR-roomi apartment, central- ly located, nat suitable for younger children, accupancy Juiy 1. Write Box 342, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowman- ville. 18-if Help Wanted YOUNG man. Apply in persan. Paul H-. Simpkin Cabinet Ca. Ltd. :20-1 GIRL fan general houscwork, 20 ta 40, automatic wasben and dryer, good home for night per- san. Phone MA 3-5468. 20-1* COOK andi genenal housework, sicep in preferrcd. Apply Box 353, c/a Canadian Statesmnan. 20-1* RAWLEIGH business naw open in Bowmanvifle. Trade wdll estabiished.- Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at, onkce. Rawleigh's Dept. E-140-189, Montreal, P.Q. 20-1 Chernical Engineer or Graduate in Chemlstry ApIy Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. BOWMANVILILE Caf eteria Bownianville High School Requires, for Septeniber, lady t. b. iu charge et premsing aud servina' bot lunches aud birlq.g umeesary heip. Further 'par- ticularsM97ay leobtalned bh PRICIALI.W. IFLI 79. 20 tag lai 'L -322 206 ml ly1 .udi 48- cir hor 2C- anis Gai nr ý3. 20- won coi [sa àbli 20- Dlec 'ett ai ' ,a 0-Il solÉ tivi pln iga- St ian- B-I 4-tl ,ood 20-1 Lus L4, 20, i-tf blic rer deh B-t! rth ne 0-1 ish rn- a- an- 9-1 cn- in- ,at 1C- ci. Le io 'o r. ýds t- t a. I eE c Lf iF s Business Opportunit3 THERE are a numben af "Wes. tern"~ franchises available iri Ontario and Eastern Canada foi automotive retail stores. We are offering this opportunity to responsibie people interested in openating their own business. Take advantage af twenty-five years expenience by associating with Canada's most progressive autamotive chain. Sevetity-one stores now in operatiorn. For funther information write to Western Tire and Auto Supply Limited, Head Office, London Ontario. 2- PART TIME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ENDORSED BY LOCAL SERVICE CLUB Re-flling and coilectlhg money from popular merchandise dis. pensing machines labeiled as assisting a local welfare fund. Tou are campleteiy set up ini business. You own your own business. Ail dispensers and equipaient supplled to you at no charge. Can be handied in few houri weekly and by reason of servicing, carrying on and belng mesponsible for -our OWN bus- iness a GOOD Weekly Cash Incarne can be Yours whiie helplng a good cause. A cash lnvestment for pierchandise inventory up ta $450 or more depending upon size of operation Is ail that i. requfred. Applicants must be responsible, serious-minded In- dividuals who have spare time to devote ta this work. If you can quaify, reply, givinr age, address and telephone number to Tower Fund Raising Sysfems 61 Charles St. W., Toronto, Ont. 20-1 Seed For Sale IF you thought you had good aorn last year, plant Pioncer bhis spring and discaver a truly supenior seeci corn. Cail or see ne naw. D. J. Courtice, Court- ce. Phione Oshawa RA 3-9903. 19-2 IN Village of Orono, 7' ro4 -centre bail plan, brick h( dauble lot, garage, ail hem 3-pieoe bath, sbower, hardm faonrs, fireplace, substantialg payment rcquimod. Posses August Ist. Phone Orono 12 REAL- ESTATE FOR' MAL Properties Sold. Rented. àfanaged and Appraised L. M.- A LLISO 0N Reai Estatç Broker Phone 2566 - NeweaUte," Two blocks nomth o! traff signal, Newcastle. . g 1, 1, I i i cime sted cash 2610. 20-ti ont. le .WUOru - -u Havlng solci bis farm,]I been instructeci ta soU by> 1 auction for M. Fred Ta bis iom, Lot 21, Con. 9 a at the Village o! Burketc Saturday, May 28th, at i o E.D.S.T., ail iris farrn stoc] implements. For further ticulars se bils. Teriný Lloyd Clysial, auctioùeer. phone 5 r 13 Clarkre. J. r clerk. Phono 2404 Clark Livestock For Sc CALVES. Austin Wood. J MA 3-2388. 15 PIGS six weoks nid. 1 Blockstock 72 r 3. ONE mîlking cow, 2-yeu bull roady fan service. 3-2378. Eastern Oniaric Hereford Club 7th Annual -Sale Peterborough FAIR GROUNDS Saiurday, May 2f 12:30 p.a. 35 Registered HEREFORD BULLS AND FEMALES bath Harncd and Polled Animais Approvei by Dom! Iealth ai Animais Branch Ontario Livestock Bnanc Up ta $75.00 Grant an Bi occonding ta Ontario Bull Premiumn SALE UNDER COVER Chas. Fisher, Pres., Baill W. Mood, Sec'y, Birdsal E havt PubUc bb ai tnd 1E on, ar 'loci ,k and rpar- cash, Tele. raballi ce. 20-1* :le Phone 20-1' Phone' 20-J ar-oic MA 20-1* 0 Bih Inion Sandi h -bora Ml LEAS 'K REAL ESTATEý 48' acre famm, 4 acres ha wood, trout stream through p perty, 7 moomoci bouse, 3-pi, bath, kitchen coiphoards, ba mient, garage, barri with g( stable, chicken bouse, gapd Io tion; 6 miles from. Bawmanvi' Pull price $11,500.00. Terms We have bungalows, h- hauses and farmns in Osha- 3awmanville district. Consuit us befome buying. M. 'E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. BowmQnvi Telephone MA 3-5919 VAN NES O20-1 V930AskNgEST OFERS2,0 cas,3800 . askin ricn$2ruc- cash, 38rms onry wonstruec- bt on, 3oryearsai, taba-pic batsgailrarcoei i hatbase mhehn gaesoenfinshing$for pe hdyMn. Renting at$100 prnerre Weh st.b od we t9,anserr ,500West. , r brick,$4r .00 ash,12%5mro- bageck, unde.his 4unamort gage; i l hats. Thisbungalow isfrstcas.Owedtas 25erre, romfaeqat 25 acf rut es, 6 raom fae uant- ityl airit.bAutiulshde trees, sma50lWibarn*A ood buy atms $6.500 wîtoneasnbetrs Seethi ae,$0. ihtrs 10acres, $8,0inwith e,2lrgse hersavy wirn husel2largei batrns, aterpretiailnd in 100stures owner reiriN. 15 13,00, acr e n highwy No. 115 $30.000, swith erms.irtcoas- sitonebousne antd liareconk diaine.Tisurnae and lage anli barns. This is a first ciass- Ler acdesreagda. e uca e ifderce ttonlt Wed haviess eistatons, lot ant usnsssePoe n ti. VnNsBo J1 in . an NeiBroke 118 Kin-E3B2 mn30 MA 3-0210 I PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 167 acres, 40 pasture with Streami, balance good soul, locat- cd in tobacco growing area, 2 lange barns, pigpen, implement shed, eight raom bouse with water system througbout, bydro andi telephone, mail deiiveny, anc mile from village. Askîng pnice $20>000, With good terms, ta close estate. Inspect and give us your 97 acres on Sauina Road. Good sand and gravel deposit an ane end o a fan.Bann, implement shed andi six-noorn brick hause. Two gaad wells, a gaod.propcnty for sub-dividing. Listed at $20,000, with half cash. Look this aven andi make us an ofier. Haleo es forrtr ey aM alGrae, -foun-rorn toney andl a ha emi-finished.  oo el, ane.fThr m$3,500an se1,5at doncefr$.0 n h412 rooms with garage, weil, bydmo, telephone, on No. 2 High- way near Newcastle. $3.700 with -$1.000 down, and-$35.00 monthly payments. Investigate and we Tw evel ots on No- 2 igb- way near Newcastle. eachlo 6 room ranch style bouse, Maple Grave district, campniseci ai living-room,. kitchen, thnee bedmooms, bot air ail heat, beavy wiring,ý attached -garage. Gooci wel with woter prèssure. Ask- ing price $4,000 and take aven. We have a cash custamen wait- ing for a fie dean four room bouse, centrally located. STwo acre ' lts available on the .outskirts af the' tawn. Reason- ably pnic9d. PHO NE Af 1er Houri OWEN NICHOLAS -, MA *3-8982 ORM GERRY - ORONO 1191 83 Rfi t. W. B.wmanvile - 20-1 PedwellReal Eusiais $12,000-150 acies, 1- mile off No. 2 Highway; I rçiom. house, bank barn 40'x80', .20 acre good bush, balance workable land. Will, accept as low as $2,000 down, balance spread over- i11 years. $5,000-250 acres, 1010 acres workable, brick bouse, 8.rowns, bank barn 40' x 5O', *.pi g pen 15'x30', close to sc ool. 'lerins. $7,000-12 acres, brick bouse, 12 rooms, attached garage, newly remodeiled throughout. Easy terms. $3,500-4 roams, Ibsul. stone house 20'x24', well buiit, on No. 2 Highway, garage, wiell, hydro. $ 1,000 down. $2,500-5 room house ln Newý- castie, newly remodelled:- $1,000 down. à acres, ail new buildings; bouse, 6-room, large living-room, bathroom, ail heating, on No. 2 Highway, close ta village. Large list af farms for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Clarke, 38-SSL 10. E. CARSO LTD.1 Realiors Your chance ta -be 'indeper4- dent! 100 acres, 80 under cuit- ivatian. Half this landi is top quality potato soil, about hâil, lighter land. Some gooci bush, about 165 pine andi hemlock ready ta eut. Stream across farm. Bowmanviile 15 miles. There is a bouse that needs me- pairing. on f arm. Total price $5,000.00 with $2,000.00 down . 80 acres, carrnes 35 lieaci of mature stock, besides grawing cash crops. Insul-bric hquse in top condition. Bank barn 7bx45, pressure systeni, hydro throtigh- out, Bowmanviile 6 miles. Ask- ing $13,900. Terms arrangeci. Reduced for quick sale, 220 acres, in heart a«.Christmas tree project, two trout streams, good pasture farm, $5,500.00 Brick home, central, 8 rooms, bath, furnace, sunparch, 'veran- dah, large lot, beautiful lawn, with large shade trees. Priced at $8,700.00. Many other properties. 52 King st. W. - BOWManViile Chas, D. Rankine,- MA 3-2453,I After houri MA 3-2762 ing tion rîay 'hem Ling ai 19-2 at fle- mrt- 354 -1*. mne ily ian 0-1 rn- ýce. tan .3* Contact John F. De With BEALTOR, Newcastle PhOo 38ouf Salesman: fournil Mntjor Bawmanville MA 3-39501 L20-1 LADY'S o rst *thls bet Che wit ,il v c>51 4- tween DuklceSt. and Powell ienilcal Ca. Finder please Il MA 3-3759. .20-1 EIPPY", fax terrer dog. tan th white mm .Orvile borne. Phoo - 44.m NMIXO REAL ESTAT4 5-room3, new trame buna picture window, -modernm d 4ý-jiece bath, hot air ha heavy wiring, gooci b.s stormi doors, windows screens, landscaped. Goo idential district. $5,000 o 7. large roorns, one and storey frame bouse, hydrob some %ots could be sold, gr ~berry, bushes. $4,000 d fPossession arranged'. 5 rooni new frame bunga 3-piece bath, heavy wiringso hardwood and tiieci fiair heating, aluminum storrs sereens, modern kitchen, a lot, possession arrangea.$70 4-roomni nw frame buîal cernent foundation, heavy ing, large lot in village,$35. Possession arranged.I 8-rooni frame bouse injr tonville, hydro, water, tio kitchen, basement, iarg Immedjate possession. $4,0 James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmani MA 3-5682 20. 'RealEstat W ne ITOROTO B eRI TOROeNTO BRu] Urgefo250yarequair in Durharn County Shl ekies evw Possesson can be £rrane "Write or- Phone Calicot MR. MILLE'N Leader'Real Esiafe ..Ltd. 1374 Kingston Rd. Toronto OX 9-9326 Nofice to Credilors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MR ELIZABETH ALLIN, decease Ail persans having clair agamat the- estateai Mary Elize beth Aluin, late af the Village, Newcastle, in the County( Durhami, wbo died an the 26t day af April, 1955, are hereb notifieci ta send full particulai of their dlaims ta the undersigr ed executors an or befome th llth day'of June, 1955. DATED this 17th day of Ma3 1955. George Allin, Maud Rabbins, Executons. c/o Nina E. Neads, 911 King St. E, Bawmanville, Ont. WcmtedTo 20- UJSED eiectric incubator, 200-egd capacity. Phone Newcastle 371 20-w ORGANS wanted. Must b i reasoinable. Will pay cash. Stati phone number and pnîce. Appi. Box No. 352, c/a Canadiai Statesman. 20-: MUSKRATS wanted-Live 1 trY, goose feathers, feather ' scrap iran, rags and metals. iav furs andi deerskins. Phoni 3-2043 Oshawa, coliect. 9-tý ALL kinds af live poultry want. cd. Top Toronto pnices paid ai your door for large or smafli quantities. We have aur awij market. M. Flatt, Bethany Ri' R. 1. Telephone coilect ta Beth' ý an P er 1 r Bo wmni ic M HYGIENIC supplies - (rubbez goocis) maileci pastpaid in, plair sealed envelope with pnice lis~ Six saniples 25c, 24 sampie '" $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28r Nav.-Rubber Ca., Box 91. Hamn Repairs RAIiO and television rpairsa Prompt service. Pick up Mnd delivery. Lamne Daneen. 85 King B. Phno MA 3-5713. 2-tf! *IOOVER service man will be et aUr store overy Tbursday. Bring n r Phonè Higgon. Elec- g leuLiilted. 38 King St. E.. Bow- manvile, MA 3-5438. 52-t! REPAIES ta ail makes of refrlg- eratoms, dornestic and commer- cial; Milking coolers. Hlggon PROFMBIONAL tfeviolon me- Pairs ta any maire ao set.Moi ejquipnient, fat service me ariteed - Televioie Szj c Protection Ca., 3â IZint-,StÏeet W. Pono MA 3-383. 7-Ui WATCH REAIRN MARRI JE WELLERY a3 Ki"g st.W., Phono MA 3IS BOWMAN VILLE i ddMional ClaisitÎ*d -e -c Lt O n k ci i. t, e o I. I 4. in )r ie t S r i The Canadian Statesmn CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CARS FOR S HLP A LO5TC - FOUND .ETC. Cash Rate - - 3c per Word wtth a minimum ofi 50c Muet bu paf d by date ai Insertion Il cbarq.d, an additioncil 25c wil]!b. added. NOTICES - COMING EVENTI JM CARDS 0IF TRANES 3c a word with a >nlnimum et $1,00 for 33,worcu oz fous. MARRAéAES . DEAE 81.00 per insertion IN DUMOmauMS 81.00 Eplus ioff alino for ver» COMMERCIAL CLAUUIIED Includ.m au advortfing *1oa - 'a par word. ' nimu charge. 75c cash with ozdez. To r.qil1a advurtisors payable moutlily. Dlopkv (2- - b.d ai 1.50 pet inc wih a-miium aiof eL inch. Additlonal ina.itlon cd thesaume rates Afl Clauiflad Ad@ mui ].te "thi fikenét lator th=n il oioshacon. Wedaedur. 8e»d cash. tawm or mo»Y Sade« Md gaVe mcee CIp Ibis out las bandy retpzoeoe and o' age, .at Farm Equipment and Aùtomotive, 134 King St. .EBowmanville. Phone MA 3689. 20-11 PALMER1 MOTOR SALES USED CARS 1954 PLYMOUTHj COUPE 1 l9.5 3 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 7 1951 DODGE COUPE 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN 1940 NASH SEDAN 940 CHEVROLET SEDAlN h 1989 DODGE SEDAN 1989 NASH SEDAN USED TRUJCKS C 19U CHEVROLET SEDAN- r DELIVMy t 152 FARGO 3%-ton r 149 DODGE 3-ton 19« INTERNATIONAL an %-ton PALMER MOTOR SALES Eh. t«,st FLowmuaffile 1 -'l 1 1 Notice Dog Owners All persans owning or barbai adog are mequireci ta secure cence for same. Prosecuti For failure ta bolci a licence n be institutod without furti iotice, under by-law gavcmni te keeping on harboning logs, C. S. OKE, Tax Collecta!. Rest Home 7ACANCIES for two ladies Ens. Pinnegar's, Newcastle. Tel iione 2350. 20- Wanted To Rent ýWO-bedroorn bouse an Opar cent for two aduts; unfurnis] Id prefernei. Write Box3, 'o Canadian Statesman. 20.ý LRNISHED raam with PheI Siviléges, immnediotely. App ux No. M35, c/a The CanadiE atesman. 2<ý 'OR adults, 3 or 4-rooni Opaý ,nt in Bowmanville; unfuxi ;ed, boateci, privote entranc 'rite Box 343, c/o Canadia -1 -l n, Uý ýd Ca )d - ,e 01 re, )o ph d, B( 11; st ;h - f- mi tm n SC] fu: 3 k - ;e AI ed yoi qu me R. an, 3.2 e goc sea sù ütc Prc cleL 110 Our M ou ie 1ý!a-1 RE) erai Cial Éloi Éýý pn( pair êpij ante proi W. W) . S4 -AT]& an.jal Ikdi hea ». asem > ?s ood dowr tnd 1 ro, bî gard doi, ingald, Igssa )Ors, ai $7,0 î ýngalc' vy w n Ne- triode ,ge 1 4,7K er aanvi 20- ntéi 'ER'q 9ME emAlwàw mpjLqý»ÀLqW mfýAý,uý ..- - . . N 0 W De Wifh Aeal.Estale.. Farms Houses for Sale AppI e Thinning Time lVhy thin syour appies by hand? We have reeommended mnateriais for CHEMICAL THINNING. Save time and labour Get tihe advantage af .eariy thmnnlng NUJGARA-STIK - AMID TIIIN J. F. HEYIUAND Phone MA 3-b676 R.R. 4 BOWMANVILLE 20-1 a Li bi ni I t nt I ir. 1 . - --.0- OUI uc, ig l,9 .l- ec àk se le, ie ic it 'GilReal Esiate Sec me on qiese: Two modern bungalows on Veterons Avenue. Modern bungalow on Jane St. Choice building lots on Higb Street., H. G. Gi, Braker 8 Second St. Bowmanvlie Phone MA 3-3514 - 1 I.. 1 - 1 Lb 1. 1- ov n m - 1 ýï >s 200 acre farm, 1/4 mile frai b- ighway, 140 acres workable kclay-loam, 40 acres wood,' roee i.welis, 75'x34' bank barn, drivinI shed, chicken bouse, pig pens;, raomed farne bouse with run ýning bot and cold water, 4-plecq ybathroom, furnace, electric heal er, etc. Pnice $10,500. Terms 105 acre farm, Cartwright, 101 eacres workable, level land, wit) stream, weils, 100'x36' ban'l 1barn, implement shed, benhouse miikhouse with electmic cooler milking machine; 10 moomnec fare clapoard, heavy dut; wired, partiy handwood floors Situated on higbway. Pmici $14,000. Terms. 50 acres Darlington Town. sbip, 40 acres workable, -witl cneek, weils, 80'x30l bank ban ,impiement shed; 7 moomeÉ insulbnick bouse, hardwood floors, heavy duty wimed. PricE t$8,000. Terms. 1 150 acres Cartwright, 10C acres workable, 20 acres wood, stream, wells, 81'x36' bank barn: 9 roomed £arne bouse witl basement and cistern. Make af- fer. 40 acre farm, 3 miles iran Bowmanvie, ail workable land, 50'x24' bank barn, 28'xl4' driv- ing shed, garage; 8 roomed bicki bouse, heavy wired, cellar. Close ta school, pavement, *etc. Ask- ing price $11 500.- Terms., 5 roamei (3 bedrooms) ranch style new buzgalaw . With cil fumnace, 4-piece bath, hardwoQo floors, large living-room wti dinette and picttxré window. Nie location in Boemanville. Prite $9,000. Terms. 10 roomeci insulated, frame house, 3 extra lots, in Newcastle, 3-piece bathroom, 2 firepiaces, nunning bot and cold water, built-in cupboards. nicely land- scaped, aluminum stormis andi screens, etc. Usei ta be a reit homne. Price $10,000. Terms. 6 oomed ranch style, shiplap bungaiàw with 3 acres af land, 4-piece bathroom, kitchen cup- boards, laundryà roani, wa1ter Pressure system, electnic heat- er, heavy w1red, etc. Priée $6,500. 5 roomed ranch style, insulat- cd bungalow (3 bedraoms),with 4-piece bath, ail furnace, electrie heater, built-in cupboards, pres- sure system, garage, large lot, close ta school.. Pnice. $7,500. Terms. Besides above mentionied we -have approximately 65 z±ome properties ta choose from In Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg, i c 1 . Lmd- icc :ood 'co- ilie. ots, ýwa, ,il1e 1 -- 1 à 1 1 1 1 ' 1- 1 l' 1 1 àj . 1 1- 1 1 1

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