Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1955, p. 12

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- £~ ~JI.L1*LUUU~ ~J.7ATE~MAW EOWMANVTTI2I! ON¶'AWTn' THURSDAY. MAY lOtli, Tu CANmuD- I -S-AT_____________ Part of the up-to-date equipment'viewed by the bers of the Bowmanville Nurses Association explained the miore than 150 guests present at Hospital Day is pictured [various hospital equipment to visitors as they were guided above as Mrs. E. Doyle demonstrates an infant oxygen tent to points of interest in the building by nurses. Tea was to visîtors Mayor Nelson E. -and Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. A. served by the Nurses Association in the hospital's modern Collisoni and hospital employee Marion Vanstone. Mem- cafeteria. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope High School Class *at Hospital Several of the 60 B.H.S. students considering entering the nursing profes- - sion, who took advantage of the chance. to tour Memorial Hospital on Hospital Day last Thumsday, are shown here as Mrs. L. Allison explains somne X-ray equipment to them. Gloria Brent and other students look on as Margaret Goheen has hem hand -~X-mayed. Theme were also 47 girls present from Omono High School. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hlope 7h is fatIher, Mv. C. S. McLaren Whoisn Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviliel.io~îanr a.. ~ .A.~ VV ~ Il Clrke T nsip held thei "-i-i ' Ilmeeting in the form f a picni' Iat Lakeshore School Mondaý Miss Isabel Anderson, Mil- ing in Dr. R. J. Taggart's of Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel of Beth. verton, and Mr. Ross Taylor, fice. apy, was the guest speaker a St. Catharines, spent the weekc- Mr. A. A. Drummond is a the C.*G.'I.T. Mother and Daugh- end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, patient in Toronto General e Banquet on Monday even. Taylor. Hspta.erg Mr. and Mrs. Wm. anoc Sunday, May 29th will bc and family. Warkworth, visit- NeM r nto, sited Bailey, Sunday School Anniversary ai ed Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han-.e. ooto iie Mr. and Orono United Church. Guest cock. Mrs. Heber Souch and Mrs. H. speaker, the REv. M. P. Smith, Mrs. E. Horton and Florence, Bailey and family. M.A., B.D., of Toronto, at both Mr. and Mrs. T. Baxter, Osh-1 Mrs. A. Gerry visited Mr. A. morning and evening services. awa, spent Sunday with Mr. Gerry at Sunnybrook Hospital, Mrs. Mary McDonald, Toron- and Mrs. Perey Morgan. Toronto. to, visited her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Harold Hooey iS assist- Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan Neil Smith, who has been ill. are spending this week in Miss Jessie Grace Moore, B. ~ ttawa. A., B.Paed.. age 51, teacher foi IMr. and Mrs. E. A. Byworth, the last two years at Oronc Toronto, visited Mrs. John High School, passed away very Morris. suddenly early Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hlooper May 13, 1955, at the residence spent the weekend with Mvr. f Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Duncan and Mrs. Dean Hodgson at where she made her home. iGlenverdean Lodge, Hall's Funeral was on Monday af- 'l Lake.ternoon from the Anglican -.4 Recent visitors with Mrs. Church' at Singhampton, On- ;Harvey Curtis were Mr. and tarjo. Ms. Fraser Woodruffe, Little Mr. S. B. Rutherford, Mrs. B""tain, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Chas. Tyrrell, 'Miss Mary Ann Buckley Newcastle; Mrs. Fred Armstrong, Miss Anne Stapte- Sisn and granddaughter Mary ton, Miss Gloria Lane and Mr. Loti Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lycett. attended frorn 1 J. Fisher. Toronto. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawkshaw, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ste- O IU R phens. O IU R Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, MISS M. MELITTA MO'MENT W Wf RUSHCoiborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. WHY USHR. R. Waddell and attended the The aýhes of Miss Mary Me- PRO ECTON? funeral of Mrs. Wm. Patterson, litta Moment, 79, who passed Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell on March 15, 1955. were bur- WE know, froin experlence, Visited Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Les- ied in Orono Cemetery on tiiat Uiere's reason to rush lie and Susan in Peterborough Saturday, May l4th. Miss there's no Urne to spare! on Sunday. Moment was a native of Orono, Ffre, lightning, wlnd, hall Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenfeld, being the eider daughter of explosion or smre other Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Robert Moment, a former peril rnaY be headint your and Mrs. E. H. Samuel. Postmaster of Orono around wayv right now. And. If Miss June Neilson, Toronto, the turn of the century. you're caught without pro- spent the weekend with Mr. Among the relatives who V«r insurance, you can lose and Mrs. E. Neilson. attended the burial service at plenty! Mr. anld Mrs. H. Srnell and Orono on Saturdav were R. W. Dannie. Toronto, visited Mr.s. and Mrs. John Moment and Dont delay. See us for K. Gam.sby. daughters, Mrs. Jean Douglas the insurance protection YOu Mr. and Mrs. H-. Luxton and of Plainsfield N.J., their dau- e; need NOW. familv, Bowmhanville, visited, ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and A Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mrs. Ryan, Detroit, Mich., Mr. M IR a i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, andi Mrs. Frank Moment, Cape E. JAMES mpton, called on Mr. and Cod, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Fred %MES Mrs.Chas. Wood, Sunday. Coe, (Lena Moment), Belle-i Mrs. Frank Ardron and AI- ville, N. J. Rel sat an, Toronto, visited Mr. and Deceased brother, Alfred RelFMaeArs. Madison Hall. Moment, died several years aio Office Residente Mr. Robert Sherwin is iii at in New Jersey. '4~5814A 49iis home. The above relatives who at- Klng .581et ornaillMr. Donald McLaren, Saint tended the biirial service were1 John. N.B., arrived at Maltun guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. by 'plant on Tuesday to vii T. MWfer wbüia in rQoo. Orono W.C.T.U. *HoId Silver Medal Contest Orono: A Silver Medal Con- test under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. was held ln the Sun- day Scbool auditorium of Orono United Church on Friday. Mav 13. Mr. James Rickaby assist- cd as a very capable' chairman. Precediag the elocution num- bers we sang two hymns and Miss Carol Yeo (a former medalist) spoke on the "White Ribbon." Prayer followed, the Lord's Prayer being repeated la unison. Miss Joan Alln rendered several very fine piano selections, and the Tamblyn brothers played duets. Mrs. Chapman favored with a vocal' solo. There were four girl contest- ants: Joan Vagg, June Reron,. Shirley Duncan and Linda Hughes. The boy contestants were: Vincent Bruton, Kenneth Kennedy, Norman 1ýickaby and Larry Miller. The judges wr Mrs. Have, Ms. Fisher and Miss Ferguson from Newcastle. While the judges retired for their decision Ms. Rowe "pre- sented prizes to the girls Who won the Poster Contest. Mrs. Have gave the unanimous de- cision in favor of June Heron and Larry Miler. Donald: "Did you hear that Sandy MacTavish has got tea days fer stealin a bottle o' whisky?" Dugaid: "The silly fuie! He t sbauid hae bocht it and thenc no' peyd for it."a A DURO PUMP Means Better Living!! O UR DURO Water Sys- t gives us fresh, pure water whea and where we need it ... adds to our con- venjeace and comfort ai daily lu e. DIJRO Putaps are availi- able in aIl sizes to tacet ia- dividual needs. Sec your Plunuber or DURO dealer for fuil information or write for FREE~ folder, 'Ruaningf Water, the. Farm Necessity". PIJMPS & SOFTENER2C LIMITE» PFS2 LONDON -CANADI JACK IEIG Plumbing and Ueatint M'A 3-5615 BOWNA14VILLE Division Strict S. ia i I ra e Ta n Ybsvlal Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Calgary, Alta. is visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamilton. Mrs. James Neal, Feversham, Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Neal and daughter Shirley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs,. Clarence Neal. Mrs. Reg. Edmunds, Joanne and Murray are in North Bay with Mr. and Mrs. George Sedge- wick. Mv. and Mrs. Mel. McGee and daugh.ter Debra, Raglan, visit- ed Mv. and Mrs. George Wad- deil. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neal, Feversham, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mr.landMzs. Hugh McDonald, Toronto, were with Mvs. Rich- ard Fallis. Baptismal Service A joint Sunday School and1 Church Service was held in the United Church on Sundayi morning when Rev. R. R. Bon-1 steel administered the Sacra- ment of Baptismn to three chil-1 drent: Deborab Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Kerr; Wendy Lea, daugbter of Mr. and Nfrs. Ralph Preston and David Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Creigh- ton Carm. Earl Weatherilt, Assistant SundaY School Superintendeat, led the service, witb Mrs. Aflan Beer and Mrs. Herb Coppins telling stories for the smaller childrea. The Misses Wilma and Norma Jakeman sang "The Lord Is Counting on You."1 Ia bis sermon Rev. Mr. Bon-I steel stressed the need for more famly unity, the responsibility of parents in surrounding their bhldren with wise and loving cave, teacbiag themn proper [iscipline and faith la a loving Heavenly Father. Receive Badge of Service Mrs. Edgar Beer, Reg. N., and Wrs. Lauva Morton eacb receiv- ýd a Red Cross Badge of Service )n Monday at the local Womcn's rstitute meeting. Coming from the Toronto of- ce, on recommendation from he local branch executive, the )adge is a symbol of ôutstand- ng work la tbe Manvers Town- up Branch of the Canadian cd Cross Society. The badges vere presented by Mrs. G. W. VelIs, chairman of Vôluntàry arvices Provincial Executive at 'oronto. Mrs. R. Carr, president of the ceal branch, read the citation to vrs. Beer for ber community rvices in organizing Home frsing Classes and to Mrs. Mor- Dn. who is a charter member, ast President and Secretary, id for the past two years apesenting Manvers Township r the Provincial Board. United Church W.M.S. Mvs. J. P. Headerson enter- .aned the United Church W.M. for their May meeting with îs. George Waddeil presiding. e topic was "To Live and To ive." Miss Maude 'Rodwell id the seripture lesson, witb rs. Waddell giviag its interpre- ion and leading la prayer. s. Otto Spei;cer gave a read- 9"We Must Share."1 Mrs. ervin Porteous read the min- es and correspandence. Regret was expressed at the ness of Mrs. T. J. Jackson and card of "Get Well" wlshes was ced by aIl the members, to be rwarded to ber. WIs MWrght, Ms.Hender- ,, ~ Dw rr.C.Rwa ,a Mrs. H. Cp:a tokpr n a discus- 1Mi "Funds fMison So- ties., Wro. Edgar Beer gave a chap- from study book on India, essing the need for more Lve tralned leaders, who ulad take the predominant rt in spreading the gaspel.ila dr awa country. ,Itla aur W to send missionaries toi in these leaders." Mrs. R. R. nsteel led in prayer for more wàonary, endeavour. Lunch s erved. by the hostesu and - i lu owenjoyed. or ay el at st Legion Lad An Enj oya1 One of thernost enjoyabl Annual Ladies' Nights eve staged by the Bowmanvill Branch of the Canadian Legici was held at the Legiln Ha! Saturday night with- 250 Leg iQflnairés and their ladies ià attendance. An excellent programc variety entertainment stagec by the Ben Silverton Quintette a fine turkey banquet servec by the St. John's Anglican W~ A., and an evening of, dancing were much enjoyed.by ahl pre. sent. S President Ross McKnight welcomed the Legion member. and'their ladiies and introduced the *head table guests. These were: Liotis. Presîdent James Marr. and Mrs. Mlirr, Rotary President. Keith Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, Kinsmen Presi- îdent Art Hooper and Mrs. Hooper. Legion Zone Pl Com. mander Stan Dunn and Mrs. Dunia, Mrs. McKnight, and 2nd Vic-President Jim Firth, chair- man of the committee in chargeý of the Ladies' Night. Toasito aLadies President McKnight intro- duced lst Vice-President Albert Mavin Who proposed the toast to the.- ladies. "It is alwàys a privilege to toast the ladies Who stand by and help us axs we carry out our work during the year," he declared. "I be- lieve that John Milton, when he said in the Sonnet On His Blindness, "They also serve Who only stand and wait," was referring to the ladies as wel as the blind. They do not do much standing, but tbey cer- tainly do an awful lot of wait- ing." This toast was gracious- ly responded to by Mrs. Mc- Knight. The Legion President also introduced Mrs. Jack. Knigbt, Presideat of the Ladies' Aux- iliary. of the Legion, to the gatheving. He stated that it gave him a great deal of plea- sure to preside over the Lad- ies' Night and wished everyone present an enjoyable evening. Comrade Firth thanked Com- President of Etobicoke Branch 293. of the Canadian Red Cross S9O- Lenses are finished to a par- Corne In Today ciety, a member «of the Ontario ticular surface curve and the Executive Committee and their strength of the lenses is determ- i Try The Beilvue Way present chairman of Voluntary Ined by a fovmulae made up on a Services. A graduate nurse, dur- fromi lens thickness, power of ing the war yeavs Mrs. Wells the surface cuvve on each side Pay frorn Income Plan worked, through the Etobicoke of the glass or its index of re- Branch, ovganizing one of theý fraction. Theve are many types __ first sewing gvoups and began of lenses as may be expected I tbe ovganized visiting program from the many types of errors B eigvIi at Malton Hospital. After the lan need of correction. The most war she took over the Volunteer common types of error knownnc varlous units with Child Heal Hyeropia farsightedness),dCOP Centres.Astigmatism. W ith age, how- From ber' wealth of exper- ever, a covvecting lense must hc G. H. W]ILSON, Mgr. ience, Mrs. Wells told la a mostý applied for veading and close 293/ Simeoe S. Diai 5-1121 interesting manner of Red range work even tbougb normal OSHAWA Cross Work ina general. "Red iat other times. Cross was bora on the battie- I (Copyvighted) s' w- CHERRRY PýIE «cé 39c - R.g. IMe -'SAVE lie canadianSPOA MILD CHfEESE i 39c Yukon Club (Contents Only> GINGER ALE 23-o>zbi~s2.5c A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SSALMON '/z's trn 35c Sultan a PEANUT BUTTER 16ozar3lc A Dolicious Canned Met PREM 12-az tin 3 9c r PEODUCE SpECILs rFresi, New Crop Fancy, grown in Spain, - Buy a bag todeyt ORANGES 5-16 cella bag 4 9c Cahifoinia No. 1, Large Crusp ads ICEBEG LETUCEeaa 1 7c YELLOW CORN .5 for 35Ç ÀA4P 's HOIDA y MEA TrlBoys C.ok.d Reudy te Serve SIanlc Portioun lb 53C BONELESS SOUD MEAT Iy thm Pi«ee b 69( Dun Por7gon Pa 59C Gr&"* «A» Boilm' Type 4 t. 7 lb. Averago fIYRWYS ib5l c III * A *I field of Solferina hi 1859 when 1panied Mrs. Wells and Vias welï. liesI-, nT! a Swiss bAnker, Henri Dunant,, comed by the group. with. the assistance of the Mrs.- T. Jennings presided f« roug Lorbarian easatrythe business session. Plans were roe ugh ombrdiantheasaundry.1made to attend the district con. ýble A ff ir gv ucut h one vention in Millbrook, May 19.: A and dying of both opposing leter was read fromn Miss Elean- )leashstace n el ng ithth aries Theeyears later, with or Smye, County Home Econ. leasae dlahepig itte memories of suffering human- omist, expressing her thanks for ~r details of the event, and Com- ity stili fresh in his mind, he the interest and financial sup- le rade Art Hooper for donating wrote a book which wes destin- port of the Bethaniy Branch in )n the very beautiful door prizes ed to shake the civiiized world, the Girls' 4H Club work. 0l which were drawn for. Com- bis 'Souvenir de Solferino'. Thisi Mrs. Hugh DeGeer gave a g- rade Hooper aiso engraved the modest volume camne to the at- brief report of, the Bethany in silver spoons which each lady tention of the citizens of Geneva Girls' Club work and their at- present received. and from it came the idea of tendance at the Achievement of Many Door Prize Red Cross work. As a' com- Day in Orono. Mrs. DGeeer and ýd Comrades Firth, Mavin and pliment to its Swiss founder, Mrs. Douglas Smelt have been ýe, Ed. Rundle conducted the draw the international emblemn of Red the leaders in the Girls' Worlc d4 for the handsome door prizes Cross, a red cross on a white during the past year. V. which wýere won by Mrs. Glen- ground, is the reverse of the Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Ray - 1g holme Hughes, Mrs. James Swiss fiag, a white cross on a son led in somte lively group Rickaby, Orono; Flio re n ce red ground. singing. Chartran, Mrs. Thomnas Wright, The Red Cross fiag was' first Lunch was served and a social kt Mrs. James Cully, Margaret flown in Canada in 1885 during hour enjoyed. Mrs. W. Arin- S' Perris, Mrs. William Wood- the Nortbwest Rebellion by itage, president of C a v a ni ci ward, Mrs. Don Duncan, Oro'îo, Major General G. S. Ryerson Women's Institute, expressed 'e Mrs. Leslie Finn, Mrs. Roy and in 1896 General Ryerson their pleasuve in attending the SSwlndells. Mrs. Norman John- was responsible for establish- meeting- Vson and Mrs. John Magee. ing in Canada the first overseas Fute rze dnt branch of the British Red Cross 'F"'ihe r re givaen y outciety.The purposes of the I -later in the evening for spot to furnish volunteer Soie tyareý Ldances. sick and wounded of armies in cl Comrade Firth also thanked time of wav, to carry on and4 1the St. John's' W.A. through' assist in wovkfor the improve-1 etheir convener, Mrs. Walter ment of health, the prevention of Goode, for the sumPtuous tur- disease and the mitigation of 1Ohw key banquet. suffering throughout the world. Ohw A very enjoyable, programn of The Red Cross Society is people Memorial Service ýentertaînment was presented beiping people. It is a helping tby the Ben Silverton Quintette hand which is extended where- Natural atone monuments awith the leader acting as master ever and whenever heip is need- snarkers and corner stones S of cevemonies, as well as pre- ed. It is an international bridge No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F senting seveval 'hilavious comn- of mercy veaching out to ail CITY LIMITS edy acts and -playing enjoyable corners of the world." Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 solos on his violin. Albert Inl conclusion, Mrs. Wells toid an, time and reverse charges Marson, huge bass player with 1 of the recent disaster caused by - the band, made a bit with the Hurricani Hazel in ber own audience with the songs "LuckYI district and the work that went Old Sun" and "Oid Man River," on day and night to aid the and the drummer, Ray Bel- people in this flood stricken area monte, drew generous applau se. to becomne rehabilitated. M for his imitations of such well The speaker* waà introduced M To Pay Past known vocalists as Frankie by Miss Laura Morton and Due Bis Laine and Billy Eckstine. The thanked by Mrs. H. F. Rayson, L leader of the band brought prosgam convenor. 1. down the bouse with bis imita- r.A .Bevr "sdntT osldt tion of the bagpipes on the M r . A A. ee o . r si e tT C o ol d e violin.. of Etoicoke Branch,. accom- Monthly ~Folowing thei asingvar-Payvments music for dancing during the U RE iE a d remainder of the evening. YRI YE n Behay . . ...............................................Vi.....ForHo. e-wrttenRepairs Hear History " retN ', ~copyrightsF o N w Of Red Cross Yc H. Tue, Purchases There were 68 present atOtoers Bethany Women's Institute meet- - Disney lg, ing held in; the Orange Hall oni Monday evening, to.. hear the Op'.P.. For Any Il The C)rcrnc F7-- - 1 - P-16% TWICLVIE lose qwý A 9c

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