PAGE TMN TE CANADIMI STATESMAN. EOWMANIIVLLE. ONTARIO -__________TMYSDAI Miss Betty King of Jamaica Writes Special Articles for Statesman on Princess Margaret's Visit to B. W. lé <Continued framn last week> The men were impecvably at- tired in tai coats, or black or white dinner jackets, and the ladies were ravishing in their long evenmng gowns, on wbich, obvîously. no expense bad been spared. It is surprising how well these clothes stood up ta the extremeiy exacting tempo of the dance, wbicb, happily for some, did slacken at times in favour of slawer and more graceful mavement. My rose- pink nylon witb the little opal- escent butterflies fiitting over it, and the enarmous bow in the back, came thraugb the skirmish admirabiy, and with the minimum of renovation wl be ready for the next big even:., if it cames alang. As the evening pragressed, there were three bars wbicb catered adequately for the tbirst of approximately 1,300 patrons, and provided them witb practicabhy anything frorn pink cbampagne ta Adam's Ale. Earl ef Athione At 10.20 Prîncess Alice and her husband, the Earl of Ath- lone, arrived, in time ta wel- came Princess Margaret at 10.30. The Earl is rather feeble, and often walks with the help of a cane, but bis wife, a damn- ty, sweet-faced lady, waiked regally as she was escorted ta the dais. Ten minutes later, PRINCESS MARGARET wi Princess Margaret and ber en- of the University College oft tire entourage entered the bal- he escorted her to the dais room, wbich had been cleared some minutes previously, and Bal an February 21. Besid( were met by a veritable army Chancellor of the Universitý of cameramen wbo must bave the background. came near ta blinding every- one with their aarming flash- th Dr. W.W. Grave, Princ the West Indies, shortly bef son the lawn at the Chai le Dr. Grave is Princess AI ty College. Mrs. Grave is -Cburtesy Jamaica Glea ýipal a re rity lice, ; n Eier bulbs.clicked for the second shot. a band and its vocalist, ta the ob. Now, this lis the lnteresting hand fell on his arm, and a vious delight of hier for whom part of the story. Earle, who is, harsh voice hissed in his ear, it was intended. The words and himself, an ardent camera fan, "Not so close!" Turning, lie ob- tune are indeed catcby, as most had brought along bis camera, servedi the unmistakable formn calypsos are, and on more than ]oaded with colour film. with of the Royal detective, eyeing one occasion, the Princess bas the idea of securing a couple bim %vitb stern disapproval at been reported as having tappedl of really good photographs ta bis too-close proximity to H.R. bier feet in time to tbe music. bring honour ta bis collection. H. Earle, wvbo was in the best During tbe evening, she cir- The only snag, however, was of moods at bis achievement, culated a good deal about the the fact that the press, and the grinned engagingly, and cbuc- lawns, stopping bere and there press alone, were allowed near kled, 'What did you think I for a word witb some impor- the Princess for this purpose, was goirg ta do'? Hug bier up?" tant personage, and so giving and there were ta be absolute- Tbe poor detective could aMly the rest of the dancers an ex- ly no exceptions, twist bis mouth into the semb- cellent chance of seeing hier as «'Not So Close" Earle lance of a smile and let hinm closely as possible. From a dis- Earle, however, being a very pass. tance of two to four feet, it was determined yeung man, decid- At Close Range easy for me to note many de- ed that where there is a wiil The band, which was then tails of the tiny figure in the there is a way, so, realising that on the ballroomn dais, played exquisite gown of pink satin he was dressed like most of the "The Queen", after which the and tulle. 1 do tbink that siie other pressmen, in a white din- presentations of various senior is much daintier and more ap- ner jacket, took a chance and members of tbe University fa- pealing than any of the photo- jained their ranks. He was culty and their wives took graphs of bier which I have therefore on the spot when the place. As tbe Princess proceed- seen. The blue of her eyes was Royal Party arrived, and got ed ta the dais on the lawn, the undoubtedly deepened by the two excellent closeups of the1 "Princess Margaret Calyqso" gentie tan wbich the sun had Frincess. As the camera shutter1 was played and sung by the gwven bier perfect complexion, and bier auburn bair, which was combed back from ber face and gathered into soft curîs ait1 THERE'S J<JST NO DRY liber neck, was crowned by a CLEANER WHO 0'ly You,. magnificent diamond tiara. 'Twinkling Radiance"l GETS CLOTHES /1/v (e j As sbe walked gracefully AS SOTLSS A TH rPV ~ Gqj~ny ~about the lawns, she smiled winsomely ait the many com-t SANITONE MAN! & fs OW411 Me~ pliments sbe could not help v,,r earing, and later, when shie cbatted informally with sev- eral of the red-gowned under-a graduates. sbe put them coin-I pletely at tbeir ease. It seemed clear ta us that she derives AND PVEtremendous fun and enjoyment fromn whatever is taking placea LEARNEDaround bier, and it was more than once that night that 1 TO TUST VENcaugi>t a loof of what I can onIv caîl "twinkling radiance", on MY NIEST ber lovely face. Sbe was having such an en- DRESSES....TO I joyable time discussing West Indian music witb tbe under- p grads, that the Governor had a ~ quito a job ta catch bier eye, order ta let hier know that G it xvas time for bier to take bier departure. As it was, she broke d bier usually very strict sched-t M. Yet Sanitone Costs lNo More ule by a hiaîf hour, not leaving te the Bail until midnight, like B 1-2 Th n rdiar Dr Ceanng Cinderella. R 2s T on O dinay Dr Cle ninqLike Cinderella s Undoubtedly, there weres Women everywhere agree that there is no mnany young men there that niglit wbo wisbed that, also ai other dry cleaning in the world like Sanitone. like Cinderella, she sbould at Her, fr he irt tme isa ervcethat gets out beave bier slipper for them ta e Here fo th fir: tmeis asericefind and return ta hier.c ail the dirt.. thoroughly, yet genbly. Spots Altbougb we were ail sorry HE ta see her go, the dance be- vanish! No trace of stale dry cleaning odors. came even livelier tban before, gr possibiy because we were now n: Beautiful press iasts longer. Try us today. able ta concentrate more on Mi aur dancing and bess on watch- ing wberèe the Princess went. da Earie and I left ait about a H quarter ta four, and as we drox'e down the long drive-way ta tbe road ' we iaoked back and WE saw tbat man ' of the dancers ai were stili ait it, as tbough re- me luctant ta go home ta thieir bed's before the sun showed Sf itself over the his. W r-Z On Tuesday, the Princess Pe visited the Denbigh Agricul- 1 tural Show, and then went on vis ta Mandevilie, ta a barbecue O:. there. At this, sbe wore a na- 1 tive-made skirt and blouse or' DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY wbicb bad been presented t.) Ye bier, and seemed quite enchant- ing Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES, WEAR ed with tbe brigbt coiours. b w PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 A Fond Farewell Mo She returned ta Kingston by Ion aspecîallv decorated diesel anc the For Goodyear Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. of Canada hais intraduced a line of tubeless truck tires ta cam- plement ils tubeless passenger car tires in L1954, R. C. Berkin- shaw, presî'dent and general manager, tald the annual meet- ing. "We must remain campetitive but we hope this year wil be more profitable," he added, noting an improvement in the automotive industry. Decrease in automotive production last year resulting iu lower produc- tion of original tire equipment offset other improvements in tire business. A bank overdraft and boan of $2,606,866 on the balance sheet at Dec. 31, 1954, is expected ta be cleaned up by mid-year, he said. P. W. Litchfield, chair- mani, said mare capital invest- ment will be required in Can ada because of its rapid growth. SOLINA (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery were recent tea guests at Mr. Bruce Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîsan, Glenn and Grant, were Sun- lay tea guests at Mr. Wes His. Miss Joyce Abernethy, Pe- erborough, Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, were at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. The Sundaï School anniver- sary will be Fteld an May 29. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox nd Dean, were Sunday guests t Mr. Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and bldren, visited at Mr. Chas. [amer's, Brooklin. Mr. Edwin Ormistan and randdaughter, Rosemary Or- mîston of Ebenezer, visited at \Ir. Tom Baker's. Mrs. J. Baker spent several iays at Mr. J. Smales Jr., ampton. Mr. and Mrs. Narval Wotten vere Sunday tea guests of Dr. id Mrs. L. B. Williams, Bow- nanville. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Hardy and tanley, visited at Mr. Victor rîîsan's, and Mr. W. GlaspeU's, leterboraugh. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry sited at Mr. Chas. Werry's, )sawa. The Women's Institute met n March 10 with Mrs. Wes 'llowlees, president, conduct- g the opening exercises and usiness agenda. Donations of loney were voted ta the Cey- )n project, 'the Marcb of Dimes d the Public Library and ta ie secretary and treasurer for ier services. The roll eall was ýswered with a Canadian city ýginning with the first letter Fyour name, Mrs. G. Heal. .up leader, took charge of ipragram under the heading 1Citizenship and Education. rs. Ray Langmaid read a tter - a radio broadcast ta wmemorate Human Rights ay-Decernber 10, 1953-54 and te member read one of the points of the Declaration of maxi Rights. Pearl Leach 'ared with a vocal solo and ;0 led in community singing Ih Mrs. M. Vice at the piano. s. L. Broamne commented on emottO-"-ýNever judge arny- euntil yau have walked two ýeks in bis moccasins", in an tresting manner. Lunch was red by the group in charge. Wembers of the Men's Broth- iod and their ladies w,'re ,nt gtietg of, tbe Courticç- arge Brotherhood when Rn iyable evening waS aDen. thE an bei of grc the of Mr ]eti con Dai eac 29 Hui fa absc wit, Mr, the one WeE hIte serv Mv e rh( re Cha enia door sedans and station wagons and a customn hardtap modei. Ail Ramblers retain single unit body construction, Weather Eye heating and ventilatîng and the deep coil ride. Reclining seats and twmn travel beds are avail- able in custom four door mo- dels. In addition, new manoeu- verability bas been achieved providing the shortest turning radius in the industry, accord- ing ta Nash engineers. tCH: 3Ist, 195,q wned by the Jamaica Govern. ment Raiway, and on the fa)ý lowing morning, bade Kingston a last farewell as she set afi for Marant Bay, where sii apened a new hospital, namne after ber. From there she went to, San San, near Part Antonio, on the east coast, ta îstay ata cottage there, picnic on the peacI& and go rafting down the Rio Grande, wbich is the"larip est river at that spot. It was at San San that ahe and ber party realiy let thei hair down. Everyone was dress- ed most informally, especially the men, who were attired in the loudest calypso shirts imag- inable. The detective, Sir Nor- man Gwatkin, who had pre- sented sucb a forbidding spec- tacle in bis tail suit of funeraJ black, just twa nights earlier, was the possessar of one of the loudest shirts, and ta tbe ac- campaniment of the calypso bands present on the beach, jained the rest of the party in what aur 'Daiiy Gbeaner" des- cribes as a cross between an African war dance, and a Jam- aican '"shay shay". The Princess is reported ta have beeft en- tranced witb delight at this most unexpected sight, and ta have done a few steps. herself. Princess Sailed Away On the following morning, after baving said in ber speech of farewell, "I leave yau with the greatest sadness", aur love- ly Princess sailed away out of the sparkling Port Antonio bar- bour, carrying with ber alI the love and affection of the Jam- aican people, and leaving be- bind sucb a wonderful mem- ory of lber charmn and loveli- ness as will neyer be forgotten. -Webl, Mr. James, if you are still with me after this, I can onby say that I hope you are able ta make samethmng of what I bave written. Persanally, 1 amn sbocked at the length of wbat I bad hoped ta make a short report, and pity whoever bas ta prepare this for publica- tion! -I close with my very best wishes ta you and Mrs. James, in which Mumi and Dad jain me, and send you my tbanks once more. Sincerely, Betty King. Tubeless Tire In Truck Line 1 ILegion Plans to Give 'f Pins For 25 Years a Plans for presenting ail mem- Bawmanville Branch wili re- e1 bers of the Bawmanville present Zone FI at the District eBranch of the Canadian Le- Bowling Tournament in Osh- ,gion having 25 years or more awa on April 2. membership with silver Légion Comrade Hendrjk Ferbeek, epins were discussed at the re- Concession St., was initiated Ir gular meeting on Thursday into membership by Vice-Pre- -night. sident Mavin, Comrade Bill Mit- y Comrade George Humpage chell, Sgt.-at-Arms Lloyd Pres-; nbrought ta the attention of the ton and Comrades Don Camer- *meeting that the Oshawa on and Rae Abernethy. -Branch had recently presented Poppy Chairman Pete Bath- - orne 68 members of 25 years gate reported that he had ask- -standing with such pins. Com- ed the Oshawa Branch, who . rade Rae Abernethy suggested mnake regubar visits ta Sunny- Sthat a presentation of this kind brook Hospital, ta pay a cal Ewoubd fit in well with the ta Comnrade Jack CunniAgbanm -Branch's observance of its 25t1i of Bowmanviiie, a member of a anniversary in September. A the Osbawa Branch who is a motion by Comrade Bill Bates patient there. ithat the sibver 25-year pins be Mmbraprvdteect . purchased was passed by the desion of theEecthve rCom- Brach. m et b Mai, nittee ta again sponsor the VicePreidet A MainBowmanvible AIl-Star Bantam who occupied the chair in the Basebail Team wbich will play absence of President Ross Me- in the Lakeshore Bantam Knight, reparted that Mrs. B. League this summer. This team Fogg,. 35 Ontario Street, bad was sponsored by the Legion donated a beautiful large pic- bast summer and managed by ture 'of Queen Elizabeth ta the Murray McKnight. It won the Branch. A motion was passed league championship for the that a letter of thanks be snt first time in bistory. ta Mrs. Fogg for ber thougbit- fulness. Vice-President Mavin report- ed on the recent successful cih M t r Zone Ralby sponsored by theNas IA tr Branch and tbanked Comrades Pete Batbgate, Don Cameron, Pete Tullock, Ernie Perfect, u prroduction Jim Newman and John Ma f guire for their valuable assist- O f n im le event. Trno ac 8-Pbi He, reported that the car ta ootMrc 8-Pbi be ive a a riz i th L- response ta the announcement be~~~~~~ goe sapiz iteL f the 1955 Nash Rambler bas gion's summer car draw will beens rtfigta atr memnbers tewoad an sredl-production scheduies here bave ing er ticets, o se-b een increased 40.7 per cent ac- ing ti kets.cording ta T. S. Adams, Nash Diseuss Ladies' Night general manager. There was some discussion "Unprecedented public de- on purchasîng silver spoons ta mand bas resulted in additional: be given ta the badies attend- arders from dealers in every, ing the annual Ladies' Night of province," lie said. "This na- the Brancb ta be held on May tion wide acceptance confirms 14. A motion by Comrade Bob aur new policy in affering 19Z,,5 Cale was passed giving Com- Rambler models as the bawest rade Mavin authority ta use priced two and four door se- his own judgment an the dans built in Canada. amount of funds ta be spent on Adams said the increased this event. production schedule is expect- Sports Chairman Bill Bates ed ta continue throughout the reparted that two bowling entire model run. teams, two doubles teams and This year's line of Nash Ram- one singles teami from the blers features two and four 1iq e Gift includes en Ayers15 bla et,a colored Tex-mode b and 2 Pillow Cases, 2 Cald- Towels, 3 Face Cloths. IN EXTRAS 6 ël u 11ANa. w 'bis r,;gNadseme .Vew j 15 A BARGAIN $310GIFT STAINLESS STEEL WASHER ' 64 only washer which gves y@u 5 ?wo ?ONff£i7& J *TRAIE-IN E 1fl H ICEAie UP Hve indestructible Irn wune!s, double $8 1 5 lts, impleit strongesu mechanismi mode. i TOTAL Whclothes in 6 minutes. I EXTRA$ NO0 MONEY DOWN..-..TERMS TO SUIT YOU-.COME IN AND .S99 US Mason & Dale MA 3-5408 MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E. HARDWARE 1 1 1 p 1 T, MATU Ail Woot