Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1955, p. 15

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Ail businessmnen are aware of the standards of qualitv, weighit and measure that are used in evaluating the nierchandise which they buy ai-d seil. It is also poissible to buy ne'vspaper advertisinig on the basis of definite standards, narnel ' . the information in the reports of the Atidit Bt-eau of Circulationis. The ARt'C. is a cooperative, nonprofit association of 3,575 publishers, adver- t isers and ad vertising agencies. Its punI)ose is to provide advertisers with audited informiation about the cir- This newsçaper I.a fU0Ubf of f4 k Srged W imdc'j4homl c7JA wlatiort of its publisher memnbers. At regular intervals the A.B.C., of which tbis newspaper is a meriNber, sends an experienced circulation auditor to make a thorough in- spection and audit of our circulation records. The FA('TS thus establishied are publislied ini an A.B.C. audit report which tells you: Ilo' much circulation 've have; 'vhere it goes;, how E obtained; how much people pay » for our paper:, and other FACTS 15 thatfyou'need in order to 0 KNOW what you get for 1 n7l, - your advertiting mona>. Advertiç4% re r,ô,wfed te aik for a copy ci Our feet AASC. reort. Stalesm a n THE eAKAMM iSTÂTEBMAN. New Works 15 Sou ght B Preliminary steps toward hir-i mIngof a new foreman for the' Rowmanville Public Works De-i partnient were taken by Town1 Council at its February meetingo Monday night when a motion by Xoads and Streets Chairman Sidney Little that the town ad- vertise for such a man was pass- ed. Reeve Little pointed out that lor several years the town has ]acked a man experienced in road construction to direct the ,work of the public works em- ployees - more commonly known as the roads and streets em- ployees. He stated that Town Clerk Alick Lyle, who is head of the Public Works Department, là tied up by his duties as town clerk and treasurer which pre- vent him from actual]y going out on the job and supervising the employees at work. Seek Experienced Man Reeve Little declared that he had in mind hiring a man ex- périenced in road work, capable of intelligently supervising road work, planning the work in ad- vance and filling out daily work sheets;, as wcll as reporting to the monthly council meetings on just how his department is pro- gressing. "One of our major e obs this year will be putting averly Road in shape for a GIRL Wantod for Office Clerical Work Must be able to type and take shorthand Apply in person te The R. M. j-ollingshead, Co. of Canada Llmited flowmanvle .-'Ontario Forean ;Ç[iiJ+ S. ScreecA (9w1' 'y Coun cil By Ron Turner main thoroughfare"', he declared. 1'When this starts, we'Il need a man who is familiar with road On Wednesday. Feb. 2nd, the wouldn't move - at ]east not work. We'll get better results B.H.S. bantamns basketball teain forwards! The one redeeming on ail our roads and streets work won the right to accompany the feature was that it retained an when we get such a man". juniors in to the semi-finals with admirable aptitude for travell- Coun Dae Hggo sa ths ILakefield, by defeating the Port ing in reverse. Aforementioned Cout. aveHigon aw hisHope bantains 44-18 at Port pedagogue was last seen driv- as a step in the right direction, Hope. The game started slow]y ing off fromt school trunk-end and stated that before many as the score was only 17-5 for foremost. (But with these new years it may be necessary to Bowmanville at the mid-way cars you can't tell, anyway!) hine a town engineer. "We may mark but it picked up in the also need to bring the super- latter haif with B.H.S. scorin g vision of the sewer and water 14 points in each of the two services back to the Town Hall, nemaining quarters. Smith an d o e ty a soththewilhave supervision Cramp wene neck and neck in Fr tya ove th whlething". he assert- the scoring departinent as Smith D.,, ed that Mr. Higgon's observation the latter with 16, folloNved irg Ho b about brnning the supervision close behind. Other scorers In our towns and cities of sewer dfl water services bacý: er Welsh with 6 points and hundneds o! citizens have in- to the town had 'hit the nail on wr thehea". It'eiherdo hatAlexander and Lewis who had herited or acquired land for for- 2eh.estry purposes hs ad orhadth ras nds*et may only be a few acres in size ove toth P..C to",he e- Whitby junior and bantam or may be several hundred clared. basketball teams visited Bow- acres in extent. In some cases To Survey Waverly Road nianville last Fiday to coin- the land may adjoin water and Reeve Little stated that he plete a home-and-home exhibi- be mainly desired for recrea- plans to have Waverly Road tion series between the two tional purposes but usually the surveyed in the near future as schools and the outcome proved land is mostly for forest pro- a pneliminary to work on it. "I to be the samne as last time's duction. believe when this road is hard regardless, apparently, of whe- The non-resident owner of1 surfaced and a cloverleaf put in ther the games were played forest holdings will have ad- at Highway 401 you wiîi see here or in Whitby. The juniors vantages and. disadvantages in a lot more traffic through the lost by a 60-45 score and the comparison to the woodlot own- town", the roads and streets bantams were defeatcd 38-25. er who is a resident farmer. His chairman asserted. He pointe&' i he Whitby teams belong to advantages are: (1) He can out that before Highway 401 was the "A" loop whiie Bowman- consider time spent pianting put through, the restaurants and ville is in the "B" circuit. Bow- trees or weeding his woodlot as service stations were crowded maniville's leading scorers were a hobby, the same as fishing,ý with American tourists. One Fowler with 14 points andt hunting, or golf. (2) It is un- garageman had taken in $200 in COwýllinlg with 11 for the jui-l- ikely he needs an immediate in- Amenican money over one longi lors. and Smnith and Lewis witn coi-ne fromr the property and cani wg-k-end. he said, but he hasi 8 apficce for the bantams. wait until the trees have reach- not taken in Ilhat much in the* * * e d maximum economic develop- entire period since it, was put The senior and junior girh': ment, and (3), being his major into use over two years ago. Mr. basketball' teams visited Osh- oîitdoor project, he will likely Little was hopeful that when awa Friday night to participate ax'ai himself of whatcver tech- the Waverly Road cloverleaf is in the second lap of the basket- nical information there is avail- put in some of this lost traffic baIl tournament being waged able. may be regained. aogtetoOhw eod The disadvantages the urban Council members agreed that ai-y schools, Pickering school woodlot hobbyist may have are the new foreman's duties will and Bowmanville. The seniors (1) he wiil not likely have any àlso include supervising other irnproved their position by tak- equipment such as a plough for activities which come under the ing two games as compared to planting, or tractor, horses, works 5epartment such as the a win and a tie last time but sleighs, etc. for harvesting pro- care o! the Town Hall and parks. the juniors suffered two se<- ducts; (2), he will not likely be backs earning one win as coin- able to uise products such as fuel- To y aiy nolegeofpared t o a clear sweep ] a-,t wood, fence posts, or lumber for To ry erlyknowedg oftime. The sentiors have noýý'z b is ow-n ise; (3), his absence the Bible 1 owe the best part wVon thrêe, tied one and lo' wili create a greater danger in o! my taste in literature, and two. The junioi's have wûn regard to fire and thievery, and the most previous, and on the four and lost two. (4), due to his otherwise seden- whole. the one essential part cf Taking a brief look at boYs' tary habits, jobs like cutting my education-John Ruskin. buebgehsebl efn woodor handling posts may be that the Lawyers and Plumber- Io him a gieater task than to the rural resideot ;A.ho is en- are stili undefeated (as of egdi aullbu vr Feh. 7th). Here are the stand- gagev nmna.lbu vr ings:ebOie gentleman in London Houseleague Basketbali who has made forestry his avo- cation for several years put At MA 3.3303 ]Boyi%' Standings this way:, "I have often been G P frustrated in my efforts to sc- fer Lawyers -- 3 6 complish what I should do, fe A D D enPt im b e r . . . . . .3 6 4 t a e s f o an i n t e r is t mh e p r f i t Dhess----- -----3 64teves nd ia ew nstmase trfit SI UDoctors ---- sales have 't been voi y great. SEW ECarpenters 3 Il However, I have a sense of sat- Mechanics ------------ 3 0 isfaction from having made un- * * *used land more beautiful and During the cold speli last productive froin my tree plant- week a certain undesignated ing efforts and I probabiy feel teacher discovered with great 10 years ýiounger froin having. perplexity that bis automobile done so." Council Wil Advertise lThree M's Club Hears Fine TaIk Town Sander For Salei February Meeting Solina-The Three M's met There was soul searching and will get into the sewers and. Tuesday nighit with Ray Pascoe, second thoughts aplenty on the clog the catch basins. He 'vas president, in the chair. It 'vas part o! several Bowmanville in favon o! usîng sait for ice decided to hold the next meet- Town Counicil membens at the control, and feit this could eith- ing on March 1 and that each Februany meeting Monday night er be spnead by hand or by a group would be responsîble for' as they pondered the fate of the smallipiaexpensive spreader. He one social eventing during the town sander purchased two suggested the United Counties year. The -worsbip service was yeans ago. might buy the sander. led by Gladys Yellowlees, the Chairman Sidney Little o! the Coarse Salt Said Better theme "The Heights of Christian Roads and Streets Committee Reeve Little also feit that Expenience". A niost intenest- intat fft ha dispesnt m sta ts coarse sait is better for icy ing paper 'vas very capably ntie it h s, engusedonîy streets and said it can be pur- presented by Mrs. Roy Lang- oie nclst th er and enot at al chased for $21 a ton or $600 a maid, "Achieving- a Christian onc lat wnte an no atallcarioad. He stated that there Home To-day" was the timely to date this 'vinter. He point- had been critîcism during the subject. ed out that it is the type o! last sleet storm that the town Many things have'* changed sander which shouid be per- had not done enough to sand home-making to-day froin that manentiy installed on a truck the streets. His men had beeri o! olden days, such as: (a) trans- as it is difficult to put on and out the night o! the storm, he portation, (b) mechanicai in- take off. Another disadvantage said, but their work had not ventions, (c) motion pictures, is that it nequires the sand to been effective because more (d) radio and television, (e) ap- be very fine, and in onder t s seet and ramn had falien on top smoking uMWe the present sand supply in it, o! the sand and frozen over it, proach to liquor traffic, (f) the sand wouid have to bie leaving the streets and aide- smoking, and (g) psycbology. A screencd. In view o! these facts, waîks stili slippery. mother on visiting a psychiat ist hefi1twol b ett ei Count. Higgon feIt that the regarding ber chiid's behaviour it and turn to a rock sait pro- police should inforin the rods was told that "the trouble with loaforkepnitestetsfe and streets departinent whe children is their parents". His motion that the clerk ad- i icing conditions occur duning the Overcoming inadequacies pan- vertse t fr sle ws psse bynight so tbey could get out and ents should: (1) face reaiity and 1 counicil members. do0thiW sanding or snow nemov- act maturely, (2) acknowledge ai before morning. Reeve Little errs, (3) 'plan, a course o! ac- Not The Right Type replied that such warning would tion, (4) avoid undue fatigue, Both Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid have been o! no advantage dur- (5) nîake a plan of self-study Carruthers and Count. Oddy Rob- ing the iast sleet storin because and growth. Three things to do son adrnitted that they had vot- of the conditions he had men- each day arc: (1) Sce something cd in favor of this type of sand- tioned. Deputy-Reeve Canruth- beautiful atid rcgister it, (2) er when the decîsion was made ers feit that more sand might Meniorize a verse o! poetry, and to purchase it, but feit now that have heen put on the sidewalks (3) do sontie unexpected kind.- it was flot the rigbit type for the following the last sicet storm. ncss foi' somecone. town. "Wlen we decided to buy Mi-. Carruthers reporte d for When two people heginning a it,th eateto Highways the finance committee tha t le, hheatmn !orne bave, tbcmselves achiev- was using this type of sander", would bning up before th, ed maturity a happier home life Cotin. Robsoîî declarcd. 'They budget meeting o! counicil on w'ill prevail. sold ail of them shortly after- February 21, the proposed warn- Adidifional programme inciud- 'vards, though, and there are ing signai for the C.N.R. c ross-, ed a piano solo bv vs Murray now a lot o! cheap ones on the ing on Wharf Road. He had Vice, a î-eading by Tony Ervine market. I feel that uniess we heard that the Department of and a vocal solo by Don Taylor. can get a decent price for it, we Transport might increase its An inteî-csting quiz was con- should keep one o! our trucks grants for such warning signais ducted by Ray Pascoe and lunch until it is too old to have much and wanted to consuit Durbamnwssre yth aiso h trade-in value and then instaîl M.P. John M. James on the mat- group in charge o! the meeting. the sander on it permanently. ter. __________ That is one way we might get He stated that he had not our value back out of it". been able to arrange a meeting STTT Council members agreed the with the P.U.C. in January on J..LLI . town should flot take a big loss the Liberty St. N. sewer pro- on the equipment and pointed ject due to the sickness o! Mil- The pie social and card party out that the motion was merely ton Elliott and the absence fnom sponsorcd by the Libnary was to advcrtise it for sale. town of Ross Strike caused by an enjoyable event in the hall Deputy-Reeve W. Carruthers Hydro Chairman Robert Saund- Friday onigblt. Progressive Lost stressed that the disadvantage crs' death. Such a meeting bas Heir w'as played with Wes Yei- in using sand on icy streets is now been arnanged for the nean lowlees and Mns. J. Cruickshanks that the sand must either be future, be said. His report would winning prizes for high scores swept off the streets in the be neady for the budget meet-' and Mrs. Harry Knox and Tony spring or there is a danger it ing. he said. Ervine receiving consolation ________________________________________________awards. Evenyone then retir- ed to the lower hall where the p~. Ipies were auctioned off by Stan 'i ' Il'Milîson and eaten at the tables (Ufl~tTsét up there. O/Mil Jop heilRev. Reed conducted a bap- (By Bejamintismal service on Sunday after- presntedforbaptism: Kather- ineDiaedatigbter o! Mr. and It is fashionable these dlays Graham Bell, the inventor o Mrs. Murray Vice. Ellen Marie, for weaithv men, who have the tclephonr. Bell lived inl daugbier of Mr. and Mrs. Ross reached the afternoon of their Cape Breton for about 40 yeans-, Cryderman, and Brenda Joan, lives, to look about for good off and on. And his grave is daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey things to do witb their money. there. - Yeîîowîees. The ladies' trio, Nobel left a portion o! bis for- A few years after the tele- Mrs H. Milison, Mrs. E. Cryder- tune to tbe pursuit o! peace, phone was invented in Brant- man and Mî-s. Wes Yeliowlees the remainder to culture. Fonds fond, Ont. in 1876, Mn. Bell 'vas favored witb a selection. jmoney does ahl manner of use-. in Baddeck, and lie stood by National Film Board pictures fl work, and Beaverbnook bas amuised as 'the - ditor o! the 'vill be sbown in the hall on been a keen patron o! educa- local weekly tried to fix one of Tuesday evening, Feb. 15. tion for many years. Now. the the new contraptions. Finaliy, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milson great financial 'vizard o! Cleve- Mr. Bel] took the instrument and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice land---C.ýfris Eaton - bas de- deftly apart and, removing a attended a party ai. the borne of cided to turn bis farrn residence fly from the diaphragmn, imme- Mr. and Mis. David Beath, Beath and estate at Pug'vasb, NS, diately set the telephone work- Farms, Saturday nigbt. into a vacation seminar for ing. The editor 'vas astonished. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pascoe scbolars in science, business, "How did you happen to kno'v 'ere guests at the wedding o! goverroment, literatune and the about Ibis?" he asked. And Dr. the latter's sister, Kathenîneý like. He believes that by Pool- Bell said: "Because I arn the Dyer, to Arthur Beevor, in Sim- ing their knowiedge and exper- inventon, and my name is Alex- coe Street United Cbunch, Osha- ence in an atmosphere of ne- ander Graam Bell." 'va on Saturday afternoon. laxation these intellecttials The editon w'as Mr. McCur- The CG.I.T. and Explorens might get some fresh ideas dy's father, aind fnom this meet- will meet Saturday afternoon, about hnw somne o! the Proo1 - ing there grew a close relation- Fehruaîy 12, at 2 oclock. .lems facing man'find migbt be ship between the two families, Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, solved. and an interchange o! scientific Blackstock, attended the churchý Besides thai, it 'viii be free. knowledge occurred that doubt- service on Suinday and were tea! 1 arn-,sure Mr. Eaton, who ]ess encoîîraged thait historic guests at Mn. H-arvey Yellow-ý once sgtudied i0 Nova Scotia lo first airplane fliglht in the Brit- lees'. become a Baptist minister, ish Empire, whicb took place at Master Roy Youngman, Ty-' brushed up on. somne of bis Baddeck in 1909, with Mr. Mc- none. is visîting at Mn. Douglas G.-eek before making his deci- Curdy as pilot. Flett's. sion. In old Athens, Aristotie Mrs. Bell 'vas the one who Mr. and Mns. Harry Knoan used Io teach pbilosophy in a proposed that an association o! Dean visited at Mr. Hlo gymoasium calied the Lyceum, some sort be forrned to attempt Tink's, Ehenezer. long befone the birth o! Christ. to develop a flying machine. Mn. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Later, in eanly 19th Century Dr. Bell tbougbt it 'vas an ex- Jean and Bobbie, Mrs. Mabeil Massachusetts, an organization cellent idea and the "Aenial McKessock, Oshawva; Mr. and also known as the Lyceum carne Expeniment Association" was Mî-s. R. Stainton, Zion; Mn. H. loto heing for the purpose o! born, with McCurdy and two Canîeron, Tyn vone; Mn. and Mns. disscminating information on other engineers as Memnbers. A. Potier visited at Mn. A. J. the arts. sciences, history and Another young man named Balsns. public affairs, rnuch the saine Glenn Curtiss later joined Mrs. Wm. Bromeil, Mn. and sort of thing the financier has them, and they all set out to Mrs. Jack Bromeil, Toronto, in mmnd. invent an airplane. visited at Mn. W. Pannnder's. If may be, however, that Mn. . One of the resuits o! these Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Eaton is tbnking of Brook investigations in this littie Can- Stanley visited at Mn. Roy Farm. This Utopian expenirnt1 adian town 'vas the invention Slack's, Ebenezer. in gnoup living si co(-mmenc- 1Of the aileron, a device whicb Miss Joan Ormiston. Bownsan- EOWMANYU~L3, O«TÂRIO r-'. Wow!! He was ia àtirryl1 Thés eanl't haMien IIUE .* 1«i a very good Penant0w on-Use-bel. oa-U*f-he. mou wendger service FAST .mouak te aeUwy 8emuthse Mau lu a he- lont roshi deMon e la about, here's the place *te. »Va LF RANK'S GARAGE_ MIA 8-uS m goum Wb & LovU I %me. »U 3-.57M0 »d- 1gimeWI.dM" ]Gaes IiL,iifarnIL 1-rom Tetig.homgam Neweqisnamewh om.eThno172 convenons, Mrs. G'ven. Murphy'1 Newcmen whodie in 7"9and Mrs. Grace Sim. after a lifetime o! valube Mr. and Mrs. George Van Damn work in engineering, panticuly onyooan r lary i te dvelpmnt f te!Archie McNeii, Haydon, ,vere steam engine. .Sna ct !M.adMs TheNe'comn Sciey j Gabriel Kovacs and Gabriel. not so 'veil kno'vn as smre o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caaweli,ý our other inspined groups, but Port Hopi?, and Mr. and Mrs. ail those who 'vere able to hear Orme Miller wene Sunday guests -or 'vho have nead - the ad- o! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker.! dnes mdehefre hes cetj ongratulations to Mr. and in Halifax a few yeans ago byd r Alfred Milison on the an- t he H-on. John A. D. MeCurdy, rival of a young son, in Nlemor-, will long remember it. ial Hospital. Bowmanville, Sun- Mn. McCurdy. as member niaymonii the organizat ion and as lieu- ,Mn. and Mns. Orme Milliuwt tenant-governor o! Nova Sc9- Ifriends in Bethany Saturday tîa, spoke about bis Province evening. and the men who have lived _________ Infh'vas nîe ntnsigtijH proce eret h on wa b rate nesoigtalH proce er.tt h he reminded that James Gor- gods who knows how to be don Bennett. the founden t,! sulent even when hr r; ight. The New York Herald, stamrted In what light soever we re- bis cancer in Halifax and laten! gard the Bible, whether with was the inspiration behind the reference to revelation, ta bis- founding o! the Associated, tory, or to morality, it is an in- Press. But most nteresting -if valuable and inexhaustible ail, I think, was wbat Mr. Mc-I mine of knowiedge and virtue. Csar,dv ' a ah om tAlexandir-I-John Quano'Adama. 11Look"I RITE'S NEW SPACIGUS STORE Opening Feb. 16 One Sée» OWem TOBACCOS DRUGS ICE CREAM MACAZU4ES "HWardware 15 my Business"une "To nie the satis faction of supplyinq people wit h quality merehandise and service is the ouf standing reward of running a hardwrare store. There are higfh industry standards for the tools, appliances aid supplies that 1 handie, and in .xlecting mierchandiqe for niy customners, 1 make sure that my stock mneets these rigid requirernents. T- &-Pk~en pueo ple rerninded of nîy store and services and to annourice neir merchandi.qe, I use newspaper adrertising regularly. Jt's ait effective tray to send the neurs about nîy store Iote ueo pie in this commyunity.' l1r. %me Caiaciian Wilh an Esk'atd 12/000 Weekly Readers A B C EO TS-.1 E ARS f eCT* a s AN F * - EPO Bay, visited on Sunday at . Ray Pascoe*s. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. 0. jackson, Murray and Robert, Brooklin, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Marlene and Alice visited Sat- urday night at Mr. Roy McGîll's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and daughters were Sunday visitors at Mr. Garnet Goyne's, Courtice.' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mali- colm, Bruce and Elizabeth, Brougham, visited on Sunday at Mr, John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. M. MeCarreli and Marilyn, Omemee, visited on Sunday at Mr. Wes. His'. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor attended the fianeral of a cou- sin, Mrs. Jack Sharp, at Mid- land and visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Mrs. Chas. Smith, Oshawa, were at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited at Mr. Earl Taylor'&, Orono. Mrs. S. Rundie, Miss Jean Runde, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughters, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn. E. Cry- derman were Sunday tea guesti at Mr. Ross Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and family were Sunday visitors at Mr. M. Bird's, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer, Mrs. Dell and Clifford enjoyed the Ice Follies in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlèes visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert in Bowmanville for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder and Helen vîsited at Mr. El- gin Bromell's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy visited Surxday even- ing at Mr. J. E. H. Davis', Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milion, Glenn and Grant attended the christening service for Phyllis Coates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coates at St. Thomas Anglican C h u r c h., Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spiree and children'visited at Mr. Dennis Abbott's, Oshawa. Husbands! Wives!. Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-ont, or- hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new vini, vitality, try Ostrex Tomac Tablets. SuPplieà irôn you, toc, may need for pep; supPlqleo tary doses Vita!nin Bi. Inrdetr acquamnted" iÉ»e nly ffl. At aSU BACKACHEM May beWarninq %a&ache à. olten caud by lmuykidey action. Whon lkidn.yu get eut of ordus, exceass&ci&e and wastes remam i i M system. Tben backache, disturbed regl or that tired-out and hoawy-headed feeling moy soon faJIow. Thats the lim te take Dodd's Kidney Pille. Dodd's alkmalt. te kidn.ya te normal action. Thmn ymq leel better-aleep better-work botte. Get Dodd'a Kidn.y Pilla now. e i;IQi k rffuRMAT. rEB. loth, ms

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