Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1955, p. 8

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I d Youngman's Column The Stat«sma'sGnass oots Columnat 111l bet Elsie Lunney'u story long; then ta the horse, "Get of the neg who anaffed green up ". paint off the top of a parked One day, Jack was driving car evaked plenty afi memorie8, along the road when the horàe among aur oider citizens, ef put on the bydraulics. Jack im- "horsecapades" away back mediately looked aver his shoul- when. der, said -Well, so long-Get During the latter part of 1913. up", and away they went. A 1 was delivery boy for Unser's couple of neighbours who wit- Bakery, 410 Bloor West, Toron- nessed the event, but didn't ta. One afterçoon I dropped the know the horse's history, weight oni my horse, about six spread the news that Jack was fret bebind a brand new livery goofy, stopping his borse ont'a chauffeured limousine, owned quiet country road, and bidding by the late Abe Orpen. While goodbye to some one that wasn't I was in the bakery, the plagued there. horse had broken the weight* * stràp, shuf*led forward, and Wben, on the larm we owned chewed about a foot aut of the! a crossbred colt half broncha, lancy wooden head work thatI half Suffolk Punch, whose spe- w&s an arnament on the very cialty was mischief. We had expensive cars of thase days. somne eight weeks nid pigs run- The chauffeur was lit ta be. ning around -the yard. Punch tiéd, especially as this was the gailoped inta their midst, grab- Car's tirst trip. He mentioned bed a pig by its back, gave his somnething nasty about mny an- head a shake. dropped the dying cestry which caused me te dit- pig, and grabbed another. By ta, and about five minutes ýa- the turne I got there, the viciaus ter a cop pulled us apart. M y brute had killed four pigs. bass tried ta blame me until On another occasion aur son 1 pointed out that, I had ask,ýd Art (then a littie boy of 18 for a new strap several times, months) was walking across the pointing out that the old strap' yard, whcn Punch came up be- was .dangerously worn. bind hum, grabbed the straw The ane who should have bat tram bis head--plus saine beeen most upset, (Mrs. Orpen) 1 hair. and nearly scared the kidj was the most graciaus, pointing to death. out that, the rail was made )f That saine summer, my wife wôod and could easily be re-, wondered why the dog was placed. It was, et a cost of eight barking se frantically, went out dollars. The new weight strap, to see just as the colt grabbed instantly provided, only cost a the shawl froin aur sleeping buck and a hall. The odd Part baby (Helen) and galloped cf the wholc episode was, after away, shaking it savagely, he forking out eight frog slins for left a'grass stain from'his mouth tbe car damage, and another on one of hier legs. Had he one and a hall for the new tie grabbed ber leg and shook bier shank, the boss raised mny (like he did the littie pig), there wages ane dollar per week. is no doubt he would have terr 9 eitoff. During 1924 1 bought three Shortlv after midnigbt, a nei- acres of patatoes, north af Tom ghbour buzzed our phone ta teil Trick's bouse, Burketon. As us a couple oi our horses were they needed scuffling and spray- eating seed nye out ai bis seed ing, 1 took a horse tram home, drill. Putting on saine clothes, leaving him ta feed avernigbt your scribe strolled aven, only in the portion of the f ield not ta hear the excited neighbaun In spuds. The spraying material declare, "That Punch colt can« was in a large woden barrel pick a lock, Youngman, he can1 (a strong mixture o! arsenate pick a lock. of lead, paris green and water). The seed drill bad been left Sometbing prevented me from in the yard, with more than a going ta Burketon untîl faon of bushel a! rye in it, the box lid a very hot, sultry day. The closed and fastened. and weigh-1 hense, needin.g a drink, puahed ted dawn with-stones. But tbat the weîghted lid from the bar- didn't stop Punch. He and Neli rel of poison and pollshed off bad a goree of water, which on about one third of the contents. top ai the rye should have pro-I Insteed ai killing the brute, be duced death. Il only seemed ta ueemed te scuffle a lot better. make those Iwa mischievaus1 ]Re was quite a hanse! When be scampi more iively. balked, it was goed' business 0 ta let him stand quletly for a After we had broken Punchi mnoment or twa, then, pull on ta harnest, we traded hum ta an1 the rlght hand rein, and Bay: aid hanse trader wba was liv-c "G.e, get up Hack", end awey ing in Leskard. Me got Punch,i he would go, but whipping only and we got an old bob-tailed( made himn more stubborn. He borse, a two "titted". cow (with was proaf of the adage thet, you cali), and a ten dollar bill.( can catch more flics with sugar I warned tbe other feliaw1 tiien viniegar. nlot ta use a wbip on Punch be-1 i.*cause oi bis vitriolic nature.i Jack Sheckletoni,no living One day. while driving aiongc en Liberty Street, Bowmen- the swamp road, going north ,ville, once owned a hanse thtt ta New Park, Eli decided ta had been diven by a peddlar. find out about this whip busi- The horse became se accustom- ness. Me gave the colt a sharp ed ta stappifig for bis driver ta tep witb tbe whp, and wasn't proposition cvenyTom, Dick long noting the reaction. Oun and Hanny that h e would stop friend crawled out of the ditch, on hi. own accounit, and all the found the buggy and saine ban- punishment or coexing in the ness jarnmed against a cedar world wouldn't budge hum un- tree about a mile away, and tii the driver loaked over bis caught up with Punch awayI shoulder and said: "Weli. solo ven at Burketon. iT's THE LONGEST 0F THE LOW-PRICED THREEI From bumper ta bumper Ifs 204 luches Iong-and thts ctuallysos longes motarcers costing humdreds of dollars maret! Sa why accept lem? G the size you vaut, thé beauty you vent lu à lev-cost PlynMou1h PAM lm A NEW FIRST IN COMENEC1 Plymeutli's new Filte Contrai for thé. Pawe- File autamate transmission nimrpim style on the Ineuai.etpassI. SALES Phone 'MA 3 -5487 i THE CANADUAI STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE., ONTARIO ZION (Hope Township) Discussion Groups (Intcndcd forlest week) I Dcepest sympathy is extended 0 ta ou atrRv r Hrieatu red Meeting o loving wifceand mather. Master ,Johnny Kessier was morning when he was opcrated Ion for appendicitis. Discussion groups, e populani "Reporting" led by Rev. Har- Friends and neighbours -of Meature et anc ai lest year's aid Turner; Miss D. Mann the Zion and surrounding district.s Home and Schaol Association report on "Homnework and Pu- prcsented Mn. and Mn.. John meetings, dnew a large attend-1 pil's Leisure Turne". Hutnyck. who iost thein bouse anc. agein this yer et the Mns. Buckîcy expnessed ber and contents by fine Jan. 3rd, meeting held in Ontario Street apprecietion ta those who act- with e well filled purse, et the Scbaai, Feb. 2. Mns. Wlimc scereadt h e Polsh al. M. ed rs.Mu- Buckley was prograin convenor. cretanies for their assistance, nyck will be moving very soon, Members and visitbrs were and ta Mn. A. M. Tbampson whc ta thein new home et Morrish. welcomcd by President Mrs. belped prepare tapics and ab- Wc wisb thein luck. Mcl Wiseman, who expressed, tain leaders. Woman'u Association her pleasune In seeing sa many Prior ta the division into dis- Woman's Association met et present despite the beiow zera cussion groupa, Miss Faye Rey- the home ai Mrs. Dcl. Whitney weether.1 nolds pleyed two piano selec- with 14-members and four chil- There were six tapics oaimu- tions which wene much enjoy- dren present. Devotianal was Iîn partance ta parents, those pre.- cd. Miss Margaret Allun aIso charge of Mrs. Rutbven. Mns. cnt chaasing the subject in pleased ail witb ber two vocal K. Whitney, treasuner, gave a which they wenc mast intercst- salas, "Little Brown Owl" and full repart a! the yean's work. cd. A large numben signifying "I Believe": -She was eccampan- Secnctary's report wes given by . their intereet in the topic o! led et the piano by Miss L. Mn.. C. Irwin. Verbal reports "Discipline", these parents wene Bragg. Mns. Buckley need a from Comfont and Pansonage dividcd mftQ two gralips with pocin in tnibute ta Faunder's Cammittees were beerd. Mns. Mn,. S. R. James as chairmen Night celebratcd each Febru- Ray Best nead a gond report of o! anc and Mrs. B. Milne chair- ary. Mrs. Buckley extended the the Mission Band. Prçsident ing the othen. appreciation ai the association Mrs. Meneilley thankcd ail the Groups Combine ta Miss Reynonids and Miss AI- members for thein work, spien- It was dccided ta combine lin, President Mns. Wiseman did support. and co-operetianj the two îîsted topics of lHome- also adding ber thanks. during the past year. wonk" and "Pupil's Leisure Business Period Rev! Mr. Hardipg pnesided' Time"l unden the chainmanship A short business periad was for election o! aificers. Ail if- o! Mns. H. Hughes. Another conducted by the president. ,ficers wene nc-instated exccpt- group discussed "Reporting", Mn.. I. Munday reed the Min- ing Mns. C. Irwin wha beving which included report card3, utes, and Mrs. R. Richards read !eith!ully completed two yeais persOnai interviews with par- the tneasurer's report which as secrctery, askcd ta be reliev- ents and other metbods o! coin- sbowed a bank balance o! $358.- cd ai ber duties. Mrs. Norman munication bctween teachers 66 and cash on hend nf $9.07. Gerow was elected secretery. and parents. This discussion Shields for parent-teacher'. 1 These cammittees wene !ormed: was chaired by Rev. Harold count a! attendance was won Devotional, Coinfont, Flowen Turner. for Central by Mn.. H. Phiip, and Parsoage. A gnoup discussing the topic Ontario Street-Miss M. Couch; It was decided ta punchase a o! "Primary Reading" bad as Vincent Massey-Miss D. Mann. number ai hymn books, for the its chairman Miss M. Hall, and The president repnrted that church. A pair af blankets were Mrs. D. Park was cheirman o! an invitation bad been receiv- presented ta Mrs. Hutnyck who the gnaup wbo discussed "Ex- cd main the Home and Scoonl had sufiered the loss ai home ceptional Children". Association of Brock Street and contents by fine. The groupa met in different Schaol, Whitby, ta attend their A prognain arranged by Mrs romof a the school for the per- meeting in January. This cerne Bes wa gratl ejoyd, fta id ai about bal! an hour. At toa late for the whole associa- Besth as etly enjoyed ai ter the conclusion o! this turne ail tion ta take advantage a! it, ligbtful lunch. groupa returned ta the assem- but twa carloads tram Bowman- Feb. meeting wili be bcid et blymain where the secretary ville Association attendîng the Mns. M. Inwin's. appointed for cach graup gave Whitby meeting whicb they Friends and neighbaurs ùf a repart on points discusscd and, enjnyed very much. Zion and Newtonville gathered eny conclusions reecbed. To HoId "At Home" at the Community Hall, New- Reports Given It was decided ta hoid an tonvilie, Jan. 29, ta banour Mn. Miss M. McGnegor reponted "At Home", possibly in Mercb, and Mrs. Jin Caswell, (bride for Mn.. Milne's group on "Dis- and the fallowing fomd a vol- and groom nf a few weeks>. It cipline"; Miss Vivian Bunner unteer cammittee ta make ne- was a big and happy crowd thet repanted for the othen group cessary arrangements: Mrs. Cul- !illed the hall ta wish Jim and discussing the saine subject. ley, Mrs. Gilboaley, Mrs. Mc- bis bride many happy, bcaltby Mrs. J. J. Cuddahee gave the Donald, Mrs. McFeeters. and prosperous yeans o! married report tram Miss M. Hall's Mn.. M. Symons presided et lite. group on "Primary Reading"; the piano for opening and Atten an evening ai dancing Mns. K. Hendny the report o! closing exercises. A social time the young couple werc called ta Mns. D. Park'. group on "Ex- was enjoyed et the conclusion the plattorin. Phil Gilmore read~ ceptional Children"; Miss M. when lunch was served by Mrs. the address whilst Bnian Cas- Couch the report on the tapie I Buckley and ber group. well, Rass Brown, John Men- eilly and Morris Hailoweil made the presentation o! e lovely china cabinet, table and Du rham Club of Toronto replies were made by the y nung coupe. 1 SeesFilm Taken in Manvers Lloyd Clydesdale, master o! cenemonies, called on Fred Tuf-1"The RD urj.of the ,pees ford. Harold Burley and Cecii I I~ U I ~.I lI Payne for a few ncmarks. Lunch was served and brought ta a By Aleen Aked woodsman can ruin the coun- close another jolly evening. Durhain County Club o!f'Tra- try and many grandfathers buit ronto met January 27 et I.0.D. a desert with an axe. Only E.Hadquarters. througb the practice ai refar- ëstation and the conservation of Y oung Peo pile ECooued sundfims suledthe foest cen the !arests lest by en deFo rst ornt of wenesproree nil jecteby Mon.tHudson, pblic Mn. Hudson sbowed "The Re- Holu Rally jce yM.Hdopbi relations man froin thet depent- turn af the Trees." a film taken 11ment, who said, "The early in the sandy wastclands o! Dur- Ai Lbenezer woodgmcn were first tboughit Ihem County witb Ed Young- ta be empire builders but with- man and bis son Bobby end Rev. George Bovle was speak- out vision and foresigbt the their dog taking the leding a, i I I i i l ime to Book for inthe Fail wef ab# bo mr earv moke your or*wofiowis for your au «o"@le. Se many experienced traveleis prefer to visit Europe I fer 1hMeta~ of th 90Y FOUi op.nings, Ihat we recommend you g.90 y.or UcW m a eavr o s possible. You're sure te enjoy tii relax- : ng lu.xury of a sihipboard vacation, (as Cunard says) "G.ÎsIrg :hr la bha.ï i14 fM,î" Se us naw for m'*5rvtiomi JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE 801O0ON ELECTrREC LIMTED gLECTEJO INJG, REPAIES AND LEFRIGERATION MA 3-"XN EBox*EECT60 u8 Kig st j ki 5ui' @&AM Ontaio IN BUSINESS! ... Use extra listings to show other :firm names for your business-to associate your name and residence telephone number with youx firm name -or to show after-hour nuxnbers for you anid your key employees. AT HOME!1 ... Other menibers of the family and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit frora having their names listed in the telephone directory. Pieuse b. sure ta check your direcfory right awoy. For changes and additions in the white page section -or the YELLOW PAGES - cal our Business Off ice without delavi cm on the evening of January 27 et Ebenezer United Church et a Youth Relly for Young Peo- pie o! the Oshawa Pnesbytery. Rev. Boyle is e young man who bas mcently become enchi- vist o! the United Churcb o! Canada, and is connected with Emmanuel College in Toronto. He bas becomne well-known ta, many Bey ai Quinte young peo- pie et Camp Quin-Mo--Lac and et Canierence Y.P.U. F'ollowing a live1y sing-song af bymns led by Glenna Baker, Rev. Boyle gave bis address jwhicb was. besed eroutid Faith and Evangelism. The natter ai direction in im- portant! Me wcnt on ta explein bow easy it is for us ta go the wrang direction in lufe or go in circles and not accamplish Ianything. Ask ourselves just said that in orden ta understand lite we must undcnstand God and ta understand Gad we muât use aur Bible. The Bible is aur text book. He empbasized thet there is nothing more urgent for men and womcn today than ta turn ta the Bible. - The Bible aifens e challenge inasmuch as it is sametimes dif- f icult ta understand. Knowing yaur Bible i. not only knowing the naines o! the boys. The important thing is ta undenstand the message ai it. Make it aur chart and compas.. It Ire the only bedrock thet we cen build aur lives on. As we read the Bible, we find thet it in like e mirror ne- flecting aur own lives as relat.- cd ta God. W. are dniven ta respand et wbat wc read. As we ncad we find that the Bible de- mands a response as to Yes or No ta God. Rev. Boyle relatcd in hi. ser- mous yet bumamaus manner that we cen be ennicbed and trans- fomd and this takes place in wonsbip Sundey by Sundey and in aur own deily devotions wîtb God. To conclude bis address ne said that we must relax aur ininds when we comnunicate witb God. Prayer ta the Chris- tian shauid be as naturel as breatbing. Afterwards the gnaup wes di- vided into tbnec discussion graups. Leaders wcre Miss Phyllis Parker and Rev. H. Turner bath o! Bowmenvilic and Rev. M. C. Fisher o! New- castle. The evcning concludcd witb e brie! wansbip service led by Miss Margaret Wymnan. Womcn and. ebjîdren make up nearly two-tbinds of ail im- migrants ta Canada. Samu4êI Cunerd. son ai a Haý itax dci rd carpenter, wax the ori"Mlameto regular trans- lucky - cmX Th'Iis Yeur, of &Il yearm, It pays te look et an threl For this brillant '5 Plymnouth in ell-new from the tires up! Plymouth in the langent car af the Big Thre- over eight inchea longer than one, aven 8ive inchea longer than the otheri And Plymouth'& advanced Motion-Design etyling gives a feeling of forwerd movement, even when standing stiil. Plyxnouth's New Harizon swapt-back wind- .hield is the first ta wnap fûUly eround et top as well au et the bottom-to give you extra vision where you need it most! Best of ail, Plyxnauth's imew Hy-Fir. V-8, and the utepped-up PawerFiow Six engines, all give top performance fran regular grade fuel! Get the exciting stary firsthand. Viait your Chrydlo-Plymouth-Fargo dealer nowl rôles which showed the havocOBTU R ai crasion and the plenting of O IU R trecs ta seve the land. Mn. Yaungman due ta a gerious ac- FREDERICK C. LONG cident in fclling a trce, was un-. able ta be present to Introduce There passed ewey In Van. the film and bis spankling per- couver, B.C., January 8, e pion- sonality and nemanks wenc cen business man and deeply greetly mnisscd.' esteemed citizen ai Vermilion, Other pictures showing «"wild Alberta, Frcderick C. Long, 75 Fowl in Slow Motion." and tbe years, son af the late Mr. and Tamegami Ranger fighting for- Mrs. G. M. Long, af Orono. est fires, also Eyc Witriess Films Mr. Long cstablished anc of portnaying the battie iagainst tbe iirst businesses in Vermil- the spruce budwonm through ion. He Camne frain Orono in parasite control and the lam- 1905 and that year opened a rprey cel were sbown. dnug store at aid Mennville. In Miss Anne Stevenson, a memn- 1906 be môved inta Vermil- ber of Rosedale United Church, ion and cammenced bis drug graciously sang in place a! ber business in a tent. Mn. Long friend Miss Helen Spicen who was a graduate af tbe Ontario was ill. Miss Marilyn Penkins College ai Pharmacy. Founteen accompanied ber as sbe sang ycars aga be netired leaving two negro spirituals alsa Annie this business ta be cerried on by Laurie and Danny Boy, wbicb bis 'son Carman. ber audience tboroughly cnjay- Mn. and Mns. Long lived for cd. same years in Edmonton fol- 1 After reading tbrough the lowing bis retîrement, eventu- 1first 37 years' minutes o! Dur- ally mnving ta Vancouver, B. C. hem Club meetings Miss Aleen Aked told how the naine o! the and artiats was well handled by Durbamn Club had deveioped; Mr. J. P. Lovekin. Refre.shmenls baw the first secretary, Tbos. wcre served by Graup 2 with Yeilowiees, beld that position Mrs. G. J. Spicer as hastes. for 28 yeans until bis deatb and Mrs. G. T. Wenny and Mrs. the !irst president Dr. J. L. Richardson poured cofice and Hughes for 34 years. the meeting f inished by the The eppreciation of speakers sînging o! Auld Lang Syne. TIURNE TELEPIONE 110K WILL RE - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - 0 - - - 'e- PL Cl - - * EXTRA LISTINGS, ut littie cou, mok. t « Compare for size.. style.. featuresi See why the bugl beautiful PLYMOUTH Is the Big Buy of ail three 1 Mo~an4adrd in Gan"dabu.ysLOp Gorp.raodn of GonadeLùseit Se. and drive the longet ... lowest... lvelleef PLYMOUTH ever ai your CHRVSLER- PLYMOUTH -FARGO dealer'* PALM R MOTOR 20 Kingý Street E. Bowma iville THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA whene they bave a lovely hanS. His only lengtby absence mroi Vermilion thraugh ail those years was durlng the Fint Worid War wbcn be served overseas with the Canadient forces. During his lufe in Vermillon be pnaved an active and inter- ested citizen. He served on the cou ncil and many a! the ongen- izatians ini the town, was an ardent curien and g aller and generous supporter of ail enter- prises that danate tawand.s an active and grawing commun- ity. Me wes a member ai the United Cbunch. Surviving are his wife ln Vancouver, B.C., anc son Car- man in Vermilion, Alberta, one deughter, June, Mrs. Peter Fnieson et Chiliiwack, B.C., a brother and sisten, Mrs. Peney Long and Miss Nell Long of Vermilion, and a brother Wil- liam in Califonnie. There are five grandcbiidren. Funeral ser- vices were beld in Vencoue ver an Jan. 12ht. ,e i- Loi jThe word of Gad wifl Stand a thousand readings; and ho who bas gone aven it most ire- quently is the surest ai flinding new wondens there. - James Hamilton.

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