Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 16

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THURSDAY, »JI. 7tIi. ~S8S IRE BIRTHS BISHOP-To John and Jeanette Bishop, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Friday, Jan- uary 7th, a baby daughtcr, Shelley Mae.\ 4-if ENGAGEMENT Mns. James Adams wishes ta annaunce the engagement ai hem youngest daughtcr, Mary Reta Ru-th ta Donald Gilbert Cowle, youngest son of Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Cowle, ail of Bowman- ville. The marriage ta take place quietly, Pcb. 4th. 4-1* DEATHS ANDERSON, James Elmo-On Friday aiternoan, Jan. 21, 1955, at Toronto General Hospital, James Elma Anderson, ai 46 Well ington Street, Bowmanville, bcloved hushand of Edna Pletch- em Anderson, in bis 56th year, dear father of Donald Anderson of Bowmanville, and brother of W. Gardon Anderson ai Belle- ville. Rested at the Northcutt & Smiith Funeral Home, Division st., Bowmanville, with service on Monday, January 24, 1955. at 2:30 p.m. Odd Feliows service was held at 7 p.m., Jan. 23, and Masonic service at 8:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Ccmetery. 4-1 IN MEMORIAM CULLY-Trcasured memaries of my mather, Martha Cully, who left us sa suddenly, Januamy 30, 1951. -Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten - Daisy. 4-1 CULLY-In loving memory ai my dear mother, who passed away, Jan. 30, 1951. Your loving face I cannot sec, Your hands I cannot toucb, But you are always in my heart Because I loved you s0 much. -Sadly missed and ever rc- znemhered, son Arthur. 4-1 HAYES-In loving memary ai a dear hushand and father, Nathan Hayes, wha dicd Jan. 30, 1954. He is gone but not forgatten, And, as dawns another year, In aur loncly boums ai thinking, Thoughts ai him are always near. Days of sadness will came o'cr US' SFriends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorraw That lies within the beart concealed. -Ever remembercd by the fam- lly. 4-1* RUNDLE-In proud and loving memory ai aur dean son and brotbcm, P.O. Sidney G. Rundie, rnissing over Germany, Jan. 28, 1948. Mowevem long our lives may Iast, We neyer will farget, The dearest son and brother This world cauld over have. With bis cheery smîlc and his beart ai gold For all wbo knew hîm wil know ai aur great loss ten years ago. -Ever remembered by mather, Edward, Bemnice, Edythe and John. 4-1 STEPHENS-In loving memory ai a dear father and grandiather, Upton Stephens, wbo passcd away, January 26, 1952. Years af striving, littie ai play, Loving and giving the whoic af the way; A cheished smile, a heart ai gold; To the dearcst father the wanid cauld hold. Happy memories, fond and truc, From us who thougbt thc wold ai you. -Evor rememhcrod by family. 4-1* For Rent TWO-roamcd apartmont. Apply 5 Nelson St. Phone MA 3-3321. 4-tf FOUR-rooni fiat, unfumnished, East Beach, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2875. 3-2 TWO roonis at 143 Duke St. Apply ta Brookdalo Kingsway SIX-roomed bouse with auto- matic ail heat, bathroom. 50 acres of land optional, in New- tonville. Availablè April lst. Apy Leîand Payne, Newton- vie, after 7 o'clock. 2-3* Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders for painting at the Blackstock United Church will ho received up ta Friday, February 4th. 1955., No scaffold- ing requimed. Lowest oregny tender not neressarily acep&d. Ray McGiII, Blackstock. 4-1 Cards of Thankcs £ wish to thank my kind neighbours, alsa iny family, for the lovely gifts they gave me bef are leaving for a visit to England. Mrs. J. Buttonshaw. 4-1* I, wish ta thank al who sent flowers and cards during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, and alsa thase who 'phoned. Lorna Fletcher. 4-1* I would like to take this op- portunity ta thank my friends and neighbors for their cbards and letters sent to me whiie in General Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Chris. Barchard. 4-if We would like ta th'ank our neighbours and friends for the cards and fruit sent us, and many acts of kindness shown us during Mr. Chapman's recent illness.t Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman. 4-1 We wish ta thank Mr. and Mrs. Stan Coverly and a special thanks ta Dr. Htibbard for kind- ness shown us when an emer- gency trip was necessary ta take aur baby ta hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable. 4-1 * I would hike ta take this op- partunity ta thank al of aur friends Wha were sa kind ta me ànd my family during my stay in Sunnybroak Haspital and while I was convalescing at home. Thank you kiridly. Mel Hawley. 4-1 * I wish ta express my apprec- jation and gratitude toalal my friends in. Bowmanviile for floral tributes, cards and kind- nesses during my recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife. J. W. Watson, 195 Roxbaraugh Ave., Oshawa, Ont. 4-1 1 wish ta thank ail who sent flawers, fruit and cards, Dr. C.ý W. Siemon, Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed, and ail others wha cailed ta see me after my fali, alsa ta Mrs. Tink, Evelyn and Perce Dewell far ail their kindness while I was there. Mrs. J. Chapman. 4-1 We wish ta express aur thanks and appreciatian ta Rev. Mr. Somerville, Rev. Mr. Turner, Dr. Rundie and the nurses of Memorial Haspital, Bowman- ville, far their acts of kindness, alsa messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offeriçgs receiv- ed by us in aur bereavemenit. The family of the late Joseph Gearing. 4-1 I wish ta express my thanks ta Drs. Rundie and McKenzîe, and the nurses af Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile, during my stay in haspitai, alsa speciai thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers, fruit and cards, and heip at home with my family. June Wilson, Newcastle. 4-1 * We wish ta extend aur heart- fet thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and the beautiful flor- al tributes frim aur friends and neighbors in the loss of aur be- loved mother. We especially thank Rev. F. Reed, Dr. Fer- gusan, Mrs. E. Stark and the Narthcutt & Smith Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Blanchard. 4-1* 1 would like ta thank Drs. Sturgis, Storey and Austin, the Superintendent and nursing staff of Memarial Hospital. Bowman- ville, ais>s a special thank you ta Mesdames Dilling, Martyn and Buttery, my special nurses; alsa Depts. 290l and 293, The Supervision Club at Goodyear, the Lions Club, the Orange Lodge, Masanic Lodge, St. John's Articles For Sale HEINTZMAN piano in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2680. 4-2 WOOD, in stave lenigths, $8 a' cord. Phone MA 3-3090. 4-1 ONE good used bath tub, doors and windows. Phone MA 3- 3854. 4-1* ONTARIO potataes. 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf BOY'S blue suit, size 14, in good condition. Reasonable. Phone MA 3-5796. 4-1* ONE 1949 Marris Minar car for sale, also 1941 Plymauth.ý Phone MA 3-2108. 4-1 FIVE-picce breakfast set, table opens up for 8, $20. Jv~t like new. Phone MA 3-3338. -4.1* BARNS and hen bouse for sale. Best offer. Apply tp C. Fallis, R.R. 1, Nestîcton for directions ta sec same. 3-2 SPY and Tolman Swcct apples by the bushel, delivered in Baw- manville. Phone MA 3-2365. 4-1* QUEBEC heater, gond sîze, with pipes and stove board. In gond condition. Phone MA 3-3830. 1 4-1 * SAVE an lumber, 'direct frani mili ta yau. Phiilips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rl1. 13-tf LUMBER, timbers and wood from 6-roam frame bouse. De- livery arranged. Phone MA 3- 2156. 4-1 NO. 1 mixed baled hay, suitable for dairy cattie, also baled oat straw. Write Harvey Webster, Port Perry, or 'phone 339J. 4-1 KEYS cut automatically,whe you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf INSULATION, blowing, mcthod, with rock wool. Warkmanship guarantced. Frec estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf MOUTON fur coat in excellent condition, medium size, also pactically new lady's skates, size 8. Mrs. Frank Hoar, New- castle. Phone 2666. 4-1 DO yaur own floors -rent a sander or a floar polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf ANNEX, only been used a f ew months, 2-humner coal ail stove, a rangette, bcd, sofa. Mrs. W. H. Nichols, 139 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5753. 4-1* SEVEN-inch Motorola TV, lîke new, and rabbit eams, $50; also, gray Lloyd baby carrnage, gond condition, $25. Phono MA 3- 2000. 4-1 IHEARING aid service, testing service and campîcte stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf SEEDS. Full range of clovers, grasses, permanent pasture mix- tures, naw in stock for those wishing ta buy now at cansid- erably lowcm than spring prices. Stcwart's Sceds. 4-1* PRINTS af photos ai public events appcaring in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be abtaincd for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope.' 48-tf QUAèTITY of first grade hard- wood flaoring, 7/x21/4; paint spraycm with 2-gai, tank, com- plete saund cquipment. Apply J. Watson, 195 Roxbarough Ave., Oshawa, Ont. 4-1 TRADE-INS-Automatic record player, Victor, $9.50; rangette, oven contrai, $24.50; steel bcds, $5.00; springs, $5.00; space heat- cm, medium size, $39.00. Nw- Chrome kitchen set, large table, airfoani, $89.00; chestcrficlds rcduced one-third. Murphy & Company, King W. 4-1* Singer Sewing Centre Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf ONE used I.H.C. horse-drawn spreader; anc used Case tractan spreader, usod space heaters, anc used electric refnigerator, anc new Marquette refrigerator, hangain; Cabey and George White spneaders: Swift fentiliz- or, full lino of Case machinery. W. H. Brown, Case Implement dealer, King St. W., Bownian- ville. Toiephone MA 3-5497. 4-1 PRE - INVENTORY Clearance sale-Motorola Television, 21- inch, reg. $310, reduced ta $250; International refrigeratars, 10.4 eu. it., regular $399.95, reduccd ta $275, 8.2 cu. ft., reg. $350, e- duced ta, $229; Coffield washer wîtb automnatic timer and pump, reg. $209, reduced ta $139.95 at A special invitation ta enter the ram qupmn selling field. Full or part tme ive, 134 King MA aggressive salesmen make large ville. .heeM oarnings selling household noces- D sitios. Whenever you may Iive -OI Y there's an apening for you. Write now ta Familex, 1600 Delor- TII imier, Dept. C., Montreal. 4-1,Ti work on progressive niink ranch. Expert instructi Exceptional future for hight, ambitiaus ian. Sepanate mod- CUSTOM FL( ern bouse. Good pay with bonus. G Wifc ta do 2 ta 4 bours bouse- H. G work daily. Should have own1 car. No cbildnen under scbool1 Phono MA 3-2902 age. Phono MA 3-2670. 4-1 ,E., Bowman- %3-5689. 4-1 IURSELF p- Ail kinds ions supplled )ORS LAID REAL Bowmanville 28-tf ArticlesFor Sale - 1CQMING EVENTS1 Real Estate For Sale Reai Estate For Sale DRAPERIES and venetian blinds arno made, or draperies sold %y the yard. Our representative will call at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King' St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf DECORATING " For thse Latest Papers " For thse Finest Paint. " For the Best Workmanhp S. G. Preston & Son Phones MA 3-591Z MA 3-3701 44-tf MAPLE GROVE SASH AND DOOR Bob Bothwell - Phone MA 3-2619 Storm Windows $10.00 Down - $10.00 Monthly COMBINATION DOORS Wood - Aluminum Doors Entrance Doors and Inside Doors Kitchen Cupboard, Garage Doors Windows 7-ft. Picture Windows as low as $43.00 124x24 Glass size, Check Rail $14.00 Casernent and Basemnent Windows - any size 3-2 Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone MA 3-3243.i 32-tf DUTCH girl, experîenced, wants housework Fridays. Phone MA 3-5577. 4-1* MARRIED man desires position as truck driver or machinist. Write Box 290, c/a Canadian Statesman. 4-1" DUTCH girl, caming from high school, speaks English, desires housework, capable with littie children. MA 3-3369. 4-l* PLASTERING and plastering repairs; chimney, new and re- paired. Phone MA 3-3694. 4-2* WORK wanted by middle-aged womani respectable, as cam- panian and light housekeeper for elderly couple or lady. Apply Box 295, c/a Canadian States- man. 4-1* FOR ail waodworking, sash, doors, kitchen units, etc., also welding and general repairs and mator rebuilding, see Tom Smith, Tyrone. Phone MA 3- 2243 between 12 and 1 p.m. and 5 and 6 p.m. 4-2 GENERAL CONCRETE AND MASONRY Construction or Repair Estimates Free L. TURNER P.O. BOX 177, BOWMANVIILLE 52-tf SAVE MONEY AT DÀVE'S SHO1E REPAIR Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 46-tf BULLD OZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 392W 32tf A. E. (SAMMY) COLE (Formerly Bothwell Cole) 30-tf Have Your PRUNING DONE BY Experts No Job Too Big or Small Froc Advice and Estimates FRITZ MARTI NURSERYMAN BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2563 4-2 Pets For Sale MALE CoUlic pups, while they last, $2.00. MA 3-3961. 4-1* Personal HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mailcd postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six saniples 25c, 24 sam-ples $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hami ilton. Ont. 1-52 1 Don't forget Brown's Case Show, March 4th, 1955, 8 p.m., Town Hall, Bowinanville. 4-1 Annual "500"' party at Shaw's School, Friday, February 4th, 8 o'clock. Lunch. Price 35c. 4-2* Reserve Friday, February 18 for sale of home cooking at 2:30 p.m. in Hydro Shop. Sponsored bv Catholic Wonien's League. 3-2* Sale of home baki ng on Sat- urday, February 5, starting at 9:30 a.m., at Kitson's Locker Shop, auspices of St. Andrew's Church Evening Group. 4-1* Dance, Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, Friday, Jan. 28th, 1955. Northern Ramblers, Musicians. Admission $1.00 per couple. Pro.' ceeds for the building fund. 4-1 Reserve Friddy afternoon, March llth, for the St. Patrick's tea and home baking sale in Trinity United Church, ta be rgiven by Mrs. Purdon's W.A. group. 4-1* The Scout Mothers' rummage and baking sale at St. John's Parish Hall on Friday, March 25. Donations of clathing would be appreciated. Phone Mrs. C. Weish. MA 3-5639. 4-1 Golden Mile Choir, Toronto, presentà varîety concert, Central Colegiate Auditorium, Oshawa, February 2nd, 8q15 p.m. Ad- mission by ticket only, $1.00. Phone Oshawa 3-9216. 4-1* Plan ta attend the Burns' Night, Saturday, January 29th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Hall. Supper, entertain- ment, modern and aid time dancing ta Otis Foate's Orchls- tra. Admission $2.00 per persan. 1-4 Sauina Library is sponsoring a card party and pie social in Sauina Community Hall, Friday evening, February 4th. Ladies with pies free. General admis- sion 50c. Refund ta purchasers. Mr. Stanley Milîsan, sales man- ager. 4-2 Better reserve a date ta sec the Bowmanvillc Rotary Club present the 3-act comedy "Sec How They Run", in Town Hall, Feb. l6th, 17th, 18th. Admis- sion 75c. Ail seats rcservcd. Tickets from any member of the Club or at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 3-4 B. H. S. AT HOME Came and dance ta the music of "The Sevenaires" and guest 1vocalist Mary Frances Ebbs, at 1the Bowmanville High Schaol iAuditorium, on Friday, Feb. Il. .Dancing 9 p.m. ta 1 a.m. Corsages 1will be supplied at the door. Students, $2.50 couple, others, $3.50 couple. 4-1 Scrabble, canasta, ping-pong or bridge, You can have fun, with no food in the fridgc. A stay-at-homc party has been planned, On February third, have your friends on hand. >A "Club 15,' member will give you a ring, For 50c each, your food they will bring. 4-1 Auction Sales I have r.eceived instructions from Mr. Herb Gaud, Lot 12, Con. 3, Darlington Township, first farm west of Salem Churcb, ta seil by public auctian on Fri-' day, Feb. 4 at 1:30 p.m., bis herd of Dumham and Hereford cattle, swine, hay, sawing Machine, toboggan sleighs, lumber, wood and other farm machinery. Reas- on for selling, poor health. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auc- tianeer. Lawrence Harris, clcrk. 4-2 Auction Sale Wby do more farmers every week feel it pays to seli their Livestock ai the DUyTRHAM COUrnTYlcv SOWS from registered stock. To farrow in Februamy. Strong, healthy pigs. Reasonable. Doug. Barton, Enniskillcn. 4-1 Wanted DEAD STOCK removed froni vour farm promptlyv for sanitary ldisposaI. Telephone collect* Ca. bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Lirmited. 80-ti RESIDENTIAL property with sewer and water. Apply 273 Simipson 'Avenue. -4-4* FOUR-room bungalow, ail con- veniences, also '53 Pontiac sedan, eightecn thousand miles, per- fect.*condition. Owner leaving town. -Bargains for cash. -Phone MA 3-3941. 4-1* SIX-room frame home in New- castle. Excellent corner lot lo- cation (3/5 acre). Garage, chick- en house, ample ground and garden space surounding house. Newcastle 2736. 4-1l J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE NEEDS LISTINGS Let Us SelI Vour Home, Farmâ or Business Cal l and talk it over 118 KING STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE Phone MA 3-3230 42-tf REAL EiTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented. Managed and Appraised L. M. A L L I S O N Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 ' Newcastle, Ont Two blocks nortb af traffic signal. Newcastle. 20-Hl Pedwell Real Estate k arms and al] other properties, businesses. etc., for sale. H. C. Pedwell, Broker 1Newcastle Phono 38-SSL 25-tf INCOME property, steady yeamly incame close ta $2,000. Apart- ment bouse at Newcastle, four apartments with running bot and cold water in kitchen, 3 hathrooms, with extra large ad- ditional corner building lot. Very low priced at $9,500. Own- cm maving. Will accept any reasonable cash offer or $3,000 down, est on very easy ternis. Aply Box 296, c/o Canadian Statesman. 4-1 Pedwell Real Estate 125 acres good soul, 8 room frame bouse, hank barn 35'xlOO', silo, 3 ather barns, hydra, tele- phane, lots af watcr, $12,500. $3.000 cash. Ownem etiring. 110 acres ai the hest producing soul available, last ycam's cmop in- cluded 3,000 hushels grain, 175 loads bay, besides carrying 30 bead of cattie; alI level, large fields, no stone, large ciaphoard bouse with fumnace, watem, etc. Bank barn 40'x75', pig pens, im- piement shed, all steel roofs. Owner sacmificing this famma for $12.800 as ho bas other intemests requirîng bis fulli tue. 4 five-acre fanms with gaod buildings with smail down pay- monts. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phono 38-SSL 4-1 De WITH REAL ESTATE 150 acre farm, 10 miles frai Oshawa, 100 acres wonkahle land, 3 acres good bush, creek, weils, large L-shaped hank barn, witb pig pens, hon bouse, silo; 9-maamed fanie bouse. Asking price $15,000. Tcrms. 100 acre fanm, cay loani, 70 acres workahle, 30 acres goad hamdwood bush, creek, 72'x36' bank harn, steel diving shed, water howls, pig pens, brooder bouse, etc.; 8-roomed imame bouse, heavy duty wimcd, bard- waad floors, 10 miles frai Osha- wa. Price $15,000. Consider house fon dawn payment. 175 acte fanm, 120 acres work- able boam land, 35 acres wood, remainder pasture, with creek, 90'x36' hank barn with L-shaped extension, steel stanchian, water howls, silo, pig pens, hen bouse, garage; 16 raamed brick bouse with modemn kitchen, water pressure systeni, clectric heater, bandwood floors, heavy wired. Close ta bighway and village. Asking price $24,000. Terms. 100 acre fanm, on H-ighway No. 2. 95 acres wonkahie, creek, welis, good bank barn, 8-rooni- cd brick bouse, heavy wimed. Asking price $16,000. Terms. 8 roomed brick bouse with 2 hathroonis, ail furnace, running hot and cald water. hardwood floons, garage, partiy rentcd. Lange lot. Price $9,500. Ternis. 6 roomed insul-hnick bouse, Newtonville, with bathnoam, fumnace, running hot and cold water. Price $4.500. Ternis. 5 roomed bungalow at New- castle, with hatbroom, fireplace, heavy wired, built-in cuphoards, etc. Pnice $4.750. $1,000 down. 4 naomed claphoard bungalow, 24'x26', with garage, huit-in cuphoards, beavy wired. Pnice $2,500. Ternis. 5 roomed (3 bedroom) ranch style bungalow with hathnoom, ail furnace, bardwood floors, large living-room with dinette and picture window, modemn kitchen, sewem and water. Nice location in Bowmanville. Pnice $9,500. Tennis. 5 roomod (3 bedmoonis) bun- galow in Newcastle, with 4-piece hatbroom, ail furnace, running hot and cold water, stanm win- dows and screens. built-in cup- boards, nice gardon with fruit trocs, etc. Price $8,000. 6 roomed frame home, New- castle, insulated, beavy duty wired. Pnice $4,000. 5 oomed ranch style bun- galow in Bownianville, with 4- pîcce hathroom, 3 hedrooms, ail fumnace, running bat and cold! waten. recreation 'rooni, laundry tubs. nicely landscaped. Prtcei- $10.000. Mantgagc available. Besides above mentioned we have approximately 60 more fanms and homes ta choose frai. John F. De With, Realtor Newcastle Phono 3341 4-1 0. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Port Hope vicinities. Farms-We have several of Ontario's top farms, neyer be- lare listed. Businesses - Theatres, stores, garages, factories, summer pro- perties. Chas. D. Rankine Bowmanville MA 3-2762 4-1 LEASK REAL ESTATE 6 roomed house and sun porch, freshly decorated throughout, immaculate con- dition, floar coverings, garage, hen house, double corner lot, landscaped, new sidewalks, pav- ed road. Tcrms. New 5-roomcd bungalow, 3 bedrooms, under N.H.A. $1.500 cash, plus low monthly payments and intercst at 5'h-%. We have lots, houses, farms and businesses in Bowmanvillc and surrounding district. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontaria St. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5919 _______4-1 Wanted To Rent A bouse, for twa adults. Apply Box 287, c/o The Canadian Statesman office. 4-1 PROVINCIAL Canstable re- quires apartment for lst af March; smaîl baby. Phone MA. 3-3568. 4-1* SMALL bouse with canveniences or self-cantained apartmcnt, by middlc-agcd couple. Apply Box 298, c/o Canadian Statesman. 4-1 * A fourof- five roomed bouse, near Pontypool or close ta school zone and stores, for fani- ily with well bebaved children. Will givo referonces. Apply Box 289, c/a Canadian Statesman. 3-3 Notices Dr. C. W. Slemon's office on Cburch St., will be closed from. Pcb. 5th ta about April lst, (winter halidays). 4-21 Notice ta rabbit hunters. $1.001 wiil ho paid for eacb rahhit. Please be careful when huntingi an nursery pmaperty. Brookdali Kingsway Nurseries. 51-tf We are now maitufactuning cement blocks, bath interlockîng and standard, and would ho pleased ta serve you witb at good pýoduct at a reasonable price. TiipConstruction. Phono 392W,I Part Pcmry. 40-tf Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Thonias Lymer, latte ai the Town ai Baw- manville, in the Caunty af Dur- bai, Metal Finisher, deceased, who died at the Town ai Bow- nianville, on or about the 3rd day ai November, 1954. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others baving dlaims against the ahave estate are required ta send particulars and full proaf thereof ta, the undersigned on or hefare the llth day ai March, 1955, after wbich date the assets ai the estate wil ho distributed hav- ing regard ta the Will and th4 dlaims that have thon heen ne- ceived. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, the 25th day ai January, 1955. Lawrence C. Mason, Bamisten, etc., i0 King Street West, flowîanville, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executons. 4-3 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Florence Evalena Parker, late ai the Township of Clarke, in the Caunty ai Durhami, Married Waman, deceased, who died at the Township ai Clanke, on or about the l2th day ai Septeni- ber. 1954.ï THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and athens baving dlaims against the above estate are required ta send particulars and full proof thereof ta the undersigned on on hefore the 4th day ai Mamch, 1955, aiter wbich date the assets ai the estate wil4 ho distnibuted having regard ta. the dlaims that bave thon been received. DATED at Bowmanvillc, On- tario, the l8th day ai January, 1955. Lawrence C. Mason, Bamister, etc.. 30 King Street West, Bownianville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator' 3-3 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf HOOVER service man will ho at aur store every Thunsday. Bring yours in or Phono Higgon Elec- trîc Limited, 38 King St. E., Bow- nianville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf REPAIRS ta al nakes ai refrig- erators, doniestic and commer- cial; îilking coolens. Higgon Electric Liniited, 42 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRING at M A RRH 48 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE ,i WANTED-Live paultry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phiono 3-2043"0 Oshawa. collect. 46t Business Opportunity THERE are a number ai "West- crn" franchises available in On- tario and Eastern Canada for automotive retail stores. We are offering this opportunity ta ne- sponsible people inteirested in aperating their awn business. Take advantage ai twenty-five years expenience by assaciating with Canada's most progressive automative chain. Sixty-three stores naw in operation. For funther information write ta Western Tire and Auto Supply Lîmited, Head Office, London, Ont. 4-1 Youth for Christ Hears. Excellent Message at Rally An excellent raliy was beld hy the,.Youth For Christ i4. theg' first rally af 1955. A good crowd gatbered and enjoyed thxe pro- grani. A beamty sang service wvas led by aur sang leader Archie Canmpbell. Everyone enthus- iasticàlly jained in the niany' nunihers sung. The guest.talent oi the evoning was the Calvary Maie Quartet frai Oshawa. The Quartet is coniposed of Messrs. Vern Wright, Walter Milis, Wil- liam Sargent and Willam Wit- warth. This graup Bing vcïy weii and thnilled the audience as they rendered thr» lovely numbers. This was a return trio ta Bownianville Youth for Christ and everyone is look- Mg forward ta a return frons <hem again. Ta climiax a very insplning prograni Mn. Art Bell froni Hampton hraught a tenor solo befao the message entitîci "Have You Counted the Cost'v. The guest speaker cornes t Bawmanvilie as no strange74 Rev. Donald Shepson is ironi the Avenue Road Churcb in Toronto, apd conducts the well known radio prograrn every marning aver radia statioa CHUM "Chapel Chumes.". The next nally in Bowman- ville wili feature the new film "Dead Mon On Furlougb". Se the ad in your newspaper. An Aberdeen yauth bas de- cided ta go in for a legal train- ing-sa that be niigbt be called ta the Bar. Tise Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND . ETC. Cash Rate - - 3c Peword with o minimum of 30C Muet b. paild by date ci insertion Il charged. an additioncil 25c Wîl beadd.d. A charg: of 25c will b. made toi ail repli s dîrect.d ta ibis office. NOTICES. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F ENAiIE 3c a Word with a minimum el $1.00 for 33 words or less. BIRTHS .EI<GAGEI4U«To MARRIAGES - DEATIIS- $1..00Per insertion IN MEMORIAMS 81.00 Plus foc a lins toi verso COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDI Includes all advertisinq for persone or firme sellinq services. ideas or goods of any description -3c Per Word, minimum charge 75c cash with order. Ta z.qulaî aidvertisers payable -montbly 'i-iY Classiiied a, 31.50 p., inrh with a minimum ci on* inch. Additianai insertions ci the tame rates AI] Classiied Ads moutbe te thic oifice nôt Ipter thon * 12 o'clock noua, Wednesday. gend cash, clampe or monoy order and cave moeney. Clip this out lor bandy refereace -f -r ST, j '1 Chicks For Sale ORCHLAND, FARM HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chioke S. C. WHITE LEGORN BARRED ROCK <Fast Featisering> NEW HAMPSHIRE X BARRED ROCK Our Incubators are now runnlng One hatch weekly AUl breeders Government Banda ed and Pullorum Tested AUl eggs produced on our own farrn We have the agency for POPULAR LINES 0F Poultry Equipment Write or telephone for Price LISt H. J. BROOKS- Telephone MArket 3-3961 BOWMANVILLE *ONT. 4-tf Wanted To Buy LOT wanted for nice brick home. Cash immediately. Write particulars ta Box 246, Bowman- ville. 3-2* WOULD like ta buy 1/ acre af land for bouse. Please apply to Box 288k c/a Canadian States- man, stating information and price. 3-3 BEFORE selling vour live poul- try. try us. Our prices are high- er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany. Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf -- -: 1 .. ..l - 1

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