Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 14

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PAGE PoURTEEN Sunday, Bey. Kitchen ntle LESKARDW.A. officers for 1955. The new officers as follows: Pres., A quilting bee was held at Mrs. A. Loucks; lst vice pres.,ý the hoifte of Mrs. H. Davey last Mrs. H. Davey; 2nd vice, Mrs. week. Fourteen neigbbors ar- G. Earle; recording sec., Mrs. V. rived and a pleasant day was Allen; corres. sec., and press re- spent by ail. Lunch was served porter, Mrs. E. Green; pianist, by Mrs. H. Davey and Mrs. Mrs. J. Cameron; treasurer, Mrs. Davey Sr. - R. Charter; flower cmite Sorry ta hear that little Ju- Mrs. W. Fee; sick visitors, Mrs. lie Hawke is on the sick list. Leroye Hamilton (past pres.), We wisb ber a speedy recov- Mrs. W. Fee, and Mrs. E. ery. Green; lunch convener, Mrs. Also aur popular scribe Ed Roy Thampson. There was a Youngman had an argument good attendance at the church with a log, getting the '«orst ai and the cbildren's choir sang the deal. We do hope be wilî beautifully under the direction soion be up and around again. of Mrs. H. Davey. Mrs. Harold Allen bas also Seven Dutcbmen, wearnrg been an the sick list. We are 1 clogs have just finished a five glad ta see ber getting around 1 day, 250 mile trip round the again. !Zuider Zee on children's scoot- Mr. and Ms Art Young, To- ers. Tbey each won a bet of ronto, were recent visitors with $10. Mr. and Mrs. C..Martin. Mr. and Mrs. James Camer enr were recent visitors wth Neie n Stto 'M.adMrs. E re.The eifo Sain evemlng '«as spent iookimg at MradMs 1elîl rie films and colored scenes froin Mran s.elieIvn, Miamni ed mamy other places Lindsay, visited bis mother, of itçre--t wbich MNr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Irvine. Camneron visited during their Mrs. Murray Coates and recent vacation. They also vis- Barbara, Shirley, called on ited Ne-, York State, Pennsyl- Miss Rose Mountjoy. vanta. Georgia. Florida, Mex- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber, ico Gulf, Kentucky and Tenn- Brian and Lawrence, Courtice, csse'~.vi.ited bier mother, Mrs. Ada r. andi Mrz. Robert Moffati McKee. vrd Ir. and 'Miý-. Art Robb!n3: Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, To- V..th Mr. anci Mrs:. Ross Rab-ý ronto, 9pent thc weekend '«itn binv, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. A. S. MclLean 7Tr. tKeitb Fee with bis par- and Donald.- enrts, Mr. and Mrq. W. Feeý. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maliom I\arýamrt Evereit. Toronto.! Oshawa, called on Mrs. John w I r. and Mrs. E. Green. ! Proutt and Miss Ruth on Sun- During the chuirch serv'ice' da\ . 211. and Mrs. George Bow- ________________________ers visiteti Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds an other friencis, Limdsay. U p o 200/0 en an~d Mrs. Graniitho Up to 20% son spent Sunday witb bis par- i ets ndMr. and Mrs. Russel HP* f 1Francis, Beaverton. Miss Eunice Wilso spet oreor the weekend in Toronto wt If. 1 hf er sister, Miss Gwen Wilsonî. Tour iractor %vith M&W Add-POW'R Pistons *Lrger dismeter gives Moro angine power *New higher compression ratios give amoother tracter performance Tltsse larger aluminum ailoy pistons give your tractor more engine displace- ment » yt get up to 12 more hp. Speelally *desxgned tronger seeves slip in original block - no rebormng - n machlning. Balanced higher compres- siont Gets maximum power from every drop of fuel on every piston strolce. Light-weight auminumn construction reduces piston weight by one-halE. Means lest wear on bearings# leswear on rings, less Near on crankshaft. You get 50% faster load piclcup. Cam grind- .ing end weght bslancing cuts tractor vibration - gives you a smoother run- ning tractor. Chrome rings give sealed compression on every strolce wjth no power and fuel-wasting blowby. Add- POW'R Pistons are available for over 50 different models and makes of tractors. OIer 150 thousand sets naw in use on U. S. farina. le -070 Have you heard of the Mc- Gubbin collection plate? It bas imitation half-crowns, florins and sbillings stamped on tbe bottom to encourage the congregation to give liberall.y. TIC K ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consul t JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 .5m M-S IfACRE LTOW FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT INHALANT COMPOUIND M and W Add-POW'R PISTONS QUTICK delightful relief fram the BYmnptoms of head cold. sinus, catarrh, Farm bronchitis.. athma, hay fev'er. The Shackelton Compound and the e&03,-to-use Inhaler crmplete-$5.00. At D)rug and Department Storea, or Equi ment write direct to: & Automotive 39 l rhd ov Tom Cowan, Prop. P«lemnybokgoat 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689A %£m TREATIS - DOWMAN VILLI Friday - Salurday, Mon. - Tues. - Wed., January 28 - 29 Jan. 31, feh. 1 - 2 CUIY W 4r!sý . .. - A WHOLE NEW WORLD 0F IENTERTAINMENTÉ ~ ECHNCLOR FEATURE-LENGTH I IFE ADVENTUdE Fri., 7 and 8:35; Sat., 6.,30 Thurs., Feb. 3 only - at 7 & 9 "On Moonlight Bay" Technicolor Musical Starring DORIS DAY and CORDON MacRAE The Ma n ve rs township ~1 Town's Youngest Hockey Team keady for Action 1-1H,1 Youngest organized hockey players in town are Hellam, Ralph Cole, David Gibson. Centre row,--lef t to the Atoms, boys under 10 'years of age who play in the right: Sebastian Sweep, George Kennedy, David Woolner, Atom Hockey League under the sponsorship of the Bow- Wayne Devitt, Dave Goheen, Dave Neads, Bill Crombie, manville Recreation Department every Saturday morn- Maxie Yourth, who referees the Minor Hockey League ing at the Memorial Arena. Majority of the players in the games every Saturday morning. Rear row, left to right: Atom League are shown above. Front row, left to right: Bobby James, John Phihlps, Roy Westlake, Ted Brown, Barney Hawthorne, Eric Fernlund, Brian Bradley, Bobby Dave Kerr, Donald Riekard, Scott Rudeil, Bradley Yourth. 1 -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope The Immortal Memory , Oehundred and ninety-six He muses on the fate of this yasago, on January 25th,-- sniall creature driven froi 1759, Scotland's immortal bard, horne, and compares it with his Robert Burns, was born mn the own sorry fate, humble "but and ben", at AI- 'But tbou art biest, compared loway on a stormy, blustery wli me! night. In speaking of bis birth The present only toucheth thee: circumstaxices of that night, he But, Ochl I backward cast my said, *'A blast o' Janwar wind e'e blew hansel in on Robin." On prospect drear; There were only thirty-five An' forward tho' I canna see, years wvaiting for him to 'dree I guess, and fear." his weird," yet in those few Burns was always conscious yearý lie 'as able to set down of his own sbortcomings and in the tongue of bis native Ayr- failures, and they were man-. sbire some of the loveliest and In judging him one must con- noblest limes ever '«ritten. Thc sider the times in which be warmtb of bis poets heart, in lived, and the severity of the the words of Thomas Carlyle, povertv he liad to endure. Gift- "flowed out in sympathy for ed witb rich imagination, a universal nature, and in ber young man of physical and bleakest provinces discerns a mental energy and strengtb, beauty and a meaning." there was bound to be a cer- One autumn day, for in. tain bitterrness in bis attitude stance, xvben be was piougbîng, toward those who had been bis farm-band, working with more fortunate in receivjng a bim, cbased a mouse bis plougb sbare of riches. His poetic mind, turned up, to kill it, but Burns finding ilseif crushed by the stopped bim, and the incident intolerable burden of an abject prompted later the line "To a poverty, rebeiled against ac- Mouse," cepting witbout protest the "Wee sicekit, cowrin', tim'rous conditions under whic'h be ex- beastie, , isted, but witb ail tbis spirit 0 '«bat a panic's in tby breastie! of rebeliion. there was a deep Thou need na start away sae awareness and sensitivity )if hastie bis own weaknesses, and like Wi' bickerin' brattle. ithe Scotsman be was, this gave 1 wad be laitb tae rin and chase him the ability to look at him- tbee self objectively, and evaluat- Wi' murderin' prattie." ý ing his. own nature, say.-. c . HAMPTON Tc It Mrs. Annie Petley, Toronto. '«as a vveekend visitor at Har- old Allin's and G. Adcock's W and attended tbe Kilgannon- Allin '«edding. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey Ispent tbe weekend witb bisilh, moter, Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey, m '«bo returned ta Toronto witn? h tlîern on Sunday. en Miss Ca',bie Harper, Toron- Tt ta, ivitb ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daw. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, i St Osbawa, witb Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Mr. and Mrs. T.,! W ray' . Mr. C. J. Wray, Oshawa, with I is parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Mr. and Mrs. K. Pooler,' Larry and Randy, Oshawa, Mr.j and Mrs. l\M. McCune. Cherylî:, and Katbv, Varcoe's Rd., Mr.; and Mrs. H. Asbton, Clare anîd Douglas, Enniskillen. at S. Kersey s. Mvr. auid Mms. Milton Grav.! Janetville, visited at Merwin iN-ounitjoy*s on Saturday. F/O Reg Kersey, Mrs. Ker-; se.,. Ronnie and Ricky, are, holidaying xwitb bis parents,ý Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersev..Re and familv recently returned from England '«bere be bas' been for several montbs taking!' an advanced test pilot course at Farnsborough. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kilgannon (neec Irene AllUn> '«ha 'ere married on Saturday. Cburcb services on Sundayl %vere quite well attended. Mr.1 Artbur Bell's inspiring solo ar' the morning cburcb service, w~as much appreciated and fit-! ting ta the message presented by aur pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbert attended tbe "Burns" night .n. Oshawa. on Saturday evening.1 Mrs. Harold Balson is a pa- tient in Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville. We trust she may soon be improved. Mr. Ro * Brown, Mrs. Wm.ý Rae. Toronto. Mr. J. R. Rey-i muids, London. Mr. 1 Earl andaý Mliss Editb Duthie, Wasa1aý Beach, MIr. and Mrs. Bruce Scott. Mr. and NMrs. V. Dean and Sandra. Toronto, at A. L. Blanchard's. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Cation, Mrs. Myrtle Cation and M~r. A. L. Cation, Toronto, called at N. C. Yellowlee*s on Sundav. MIr. and Mrsz. ferb NicoS" of Ebenezer. spent Monday ati K. C. Yellowlees'.-L om'.. - --- -- -

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