Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 11

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e N THURSDAY, JAN. 27th. 1955 Lindsay on Short End' 0f 6-4 Tussie Saturday Jlor Barons Third- Win The Bowmanville Barons I Dickens Notches Two hurctled over the Lindsay Mu, The home squad showed no kies Into third place in the , i11 effects from their previous Laceshore Hockey League Sa-t- night's game with Lakefield urday night by downing the as they started fast to take an 1'uskies 6-4 at the Memorial early lead over the Mfuskies. Arena. It was the third Ernie Dickens accounted for straight win for the Barons in both first-period goals, the four nights, and the winning first at 1.15 from in close when skein enabled themn to makeI he converted passes from Bill the long hop from fifth to third Berwick and Frank Hooper, place. They weflt one: point and the second on a long shot ahead of Lindsay and Lake- fromn just inside the blueline field, who were tied for at 16.22. This drive was chest- fourth spot at the start of thisihigh and picked the left saie week. of the net behind goalie Clare The Barons showed plenty of O'Connell before he could make hustie and drive in turning in his move to block it. Hamilton their best home game of the and Brabin had assists on the season and, as in the past three goal. games, were sparked by Play. Lindsay had a considerable ing Coach Ernie Dickens in edge in the first minutes of the chalking up the win. He scor- second frame, but much better cd two goals and also played backchecking by the Bowrnan- fine defensive hockey, ville forwards and sorne ex% (Advertisement) Fa mous Trichologist Will Demonstrate How To Grow Thicker Hair and Guarantees It! Demontrations To B. e ld Here -Ths new method of home treat-1 ailent for savlng and growing1 thicker hair wilbe demontrat- cd in Bowmanvllle, Ont., Friday1 ONLY, January 28. These Private Individusl demi- enstrations will b. held at the Balmnoral Hotel on FI. ONLY, Jan. 28- 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Halifax, Jan. 6-mI an inter- view here today, William L. Keele, internationally famous trichologist of the Keele Hair and Scalp Specialists, Director, said 'There are 18 different scalp disorders that cause most mnen and women to lose hair. Using common sense. a person must realize no one tbnic or so called cure-ail could correct ehl -he disorders," he explained. GUARANTEED "The Keele firm, recognizlng that n2ost people are skeptical of claims that hair can be grown on balding heads, offer a guar- antee," Keele said. Once a person avails himself iof the Keele treatment his skepticism immediately disap- pears. To insure this, we offer this guarantee, "If you are not completely satisfied with your hair progress at the ènd of 30 days your money will be return- ed . HOPELESS CASES DISCOURAGED First the Trichologlst is quick ta tell hopeless cases that. they cannot be helped. But the hope- less cases are few. Only if a man is completely, shiny bald is he in this last category. If there is fuzz, no matter how light, thin, or colorhess, the Keele treatmnent can perform w%ýonders. A complete, private examina- tion is given by a Trichologist to determine the condition o! the scalp, and cause for his hair trouble. FREE EXAMINATIONS This examination is very thor- ough and highly technical, it re- quires 20 to 30 minutès. There, le no charge for this examina- tion and no appointmeut is necessary. Aller the examina- lion the persan le toid the re- qulred length o! treatment and how xnuch It wili cot. After tarting treatmnent the persan makes reguhar .reports ta the Keele flrm lu Hallifex ta check the progresa! the home treatment. To spreati the opportuuity of normal, beethy hair _ta the thousands who are desperetely looking for behp, independent Trichalogists are vlsiting varlous cities throughout Canada ta con- duct examinations and start home treetmeut. NO CURE-ALL "We bave no cure-ail for lick shlny balduess," Keele empha- sizes. "If tbere le fuzz, the root le stili capable o! creatiug haîr and we cen perform whet scems ta be a miracle." There le one thiug Keele wants ta be certain cvcry man and woman knows. If a reces- sion eppears et the temples or e spot begins ta show on the crowu of the head, there is something wrong and it sliould be given immediate attention. HAIR FOR LIFETIME "If clients foiiow our disce- lions durlng treatment and alter they finish the course, there le na reason Why they will not have hair ail the rest of their lives" Keele said. "Our firm is de!initehy behiud this treet- meut, it ail depends on the in- dividueP cllent's faithlul obser- vation of a few simple rules." HOW'S YOUR HAIR? If l worries you eall Trichai- ogist G. O. Abbott'at the Bal. moral Hotel In Bowmanville, Ont., on Frlday ONLY, Jan. 28, 12 Noon to 9 p.m. The public is Invlted. You do flot nced an appoint- ment. The examinations are private and yau will not be em- barrassedl or obllgated In any way. Bath men and women are welcome.-Adiv.t CASHfor n CASH good reason Get $350 to $1,000 tu pay doctor bille, taxes, repaire, fuel, clothing. Single or married person. may borrow on signature. Easv-to-ineet requfremcnts. lou choose your own repayment plan. Corne in today for fast, fliendly, one.day service! .1 eed Money? Bis to Pay? Cal1 HFC today I )HOUSEHOLD FINANMCE 1 1 Yi Simce St.South,'second floor, phone Oshawa 5- 11 39 OSHAWA, ONT. PO»e NOPE &RANCH: 71 Walten S., 2nd floor, phone. 3030 cellent goaltending by Denuy Palhister kept them off the scoreboard. The Barons made it 3-0 at the six-minute mark when O'Connell came abouat eight feet out o! his citadel to make a save and Terry Mas- ters bauged the rubber into hie cage before he could get beck in. Brother Don drew an assist on the play. The Muskies got that one back fairly soon, however, as Stu Hicks drilled a long, high shot from weIl out 37 seconds later which sagged the cords behind Pahlister. Less than two, minutes leter the visitors uerrowed the gap to 3-2 when Orlie Crawford scpred on a similar, shot from left wing. The game roughened up cou- siderably midway through the second as Lindsay started bumpiug in an effort ta slow the Barons down. The Barons didn't do too badly themseives in the rough goîng, bowever, with Dickens and Hooper par- ticularhy dishing out some rug- ged checks. Buck Cowle Scores "Buck" Cowle restored the Barons' two-goai lead 53 sec- onds before the end o! the period on a ulce goal which was the resuit o! hustie and bard work. He got the puck in a scramble, took a close-in shot which O'Connell blocked, then mauaged ta get his own rebound and find a scauty op- ening under the body o! the goahie, who had gone ta the ice makiug the first save. This marker made the second-per- iod score 4-2. Fred Mortimer narrowed this down ta 4-3 a!ter 57 seconds o! the hast period wben he drilled a long, high shot past Pallister. At 5.56 while Lew Hennessy of Lindsay wes serv- ing a holding sentence Frank Hooper backhended a nice shot past O'Couneli after tak- ing a pass from Bill Berwick. Bowmanville had a big edge for about five minutes a! tes Hooper's goal and kept the puck almost continuously lu the Lindsay end. At 10.26 haw- ever, Vic Corley made the count 5-4 on a goal scored from a scramble in front of the Bowmanville net. It look- ed very much hike Corhey was in the goal crease when he put the puck in the net, and both goalle Denny Pahlister' and "Buck" Cowle vigoroushy pro- tested the tally. Cowle protest- cd sa vigorously, and with such rough languege, that Refere Ken Black gave hlm a 10-min- ute misconduct an~d then a match miscouduct. The Barons added an lueur- ance tafly at 13.45 on a nice shot by Lloyd Hamilton who was set up by a pass from Frank Hooper. George Brabin was also in on the play. Thexrc was no further scaring, and the game ended 6-4 in'favor o! the homesters. leChipe The Barons have been show- ing corne real hustle and drive lu their lest three games, wbich probably accounts for the three straight wins . . . The forwards are -,bacJc-chpcling well, and Maxie 'Yourth worked* ierti- cularly bard et this task Set- urdey night . . . The second line o! Brabin, 'Yourth and Hamil- ton turued in one of their bet- ter gemes, picking Up two goals . . . Denny Pallister star- red egein for Bowmanville ln goal. . . The crowd was better at 550, which proves thet the fans will corne out if the hoc- key served up le good-- Lindsay drew five penalties In the fairly rough game ta two for Bowmanvi le... Lindsay - Goal, O'Connell; defence, AI Burns, Smith, Hen- nessey, Green; forwards, Mor- timer.l Wyatt, Crawford, Cor- ley, Sinclair, Weddup, Hicks, Williams, Mike Burns. Bowmenville - Goal, Pal- lister; defence, Dickens, T. Masters, Marshall, McCloskey; forwards, Hooper, Giserdi, Ber- wick,1 Brabin, Yourth, Hamil- ton, Cowle, Sheridan, Burgess, D. Masters. Officials - Ken Black, re- feree; Russ Haîlmen, iuesman. St. Audrew's Presbyterlen Church W.M.S. met et the home o! Miss Flore Galbraith, King St. East, on Tuesday afteruoou, Januery 7th. The meeting opened with the cail ta worship, "Go ye into al the world and preach the gos- pel." Presideut, Miss Galbraith reed the 28th chepter o! Mat- thew and e prayer. Mintjtes were reed and reports o! com- mittees given. Mrs. A. G. .Scott gave e re- port of the Peterborough Pres- byterial Society W.M.S. annuel meeting. held in St. Paul's Church, Peterborough. The story, "Our Own Back Yard" was read tram the study book by Mrs. M. Ferguson. The World's Day of Prayer will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Feb. 2,5. Syritiath w'as exterided t M:rs. Meredith. Cobourg, on th'a cen-h of litr husband. Roei a eredi.h.-;:i inter. Luý,nch % as Žervcd and e su- cial time enj cy ed. - THE CANADIAN STATES11AN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Barons- are Victoricus Over Orono Orphans ln Newcastle Arena The Bowmeuville Barons out-fought the Orono Orphaus to dlaim a 4-1 vlctory et the Newcastle Arena on Wednes- day night of lest week bel are a good contingent of Bawrpan- ville and Orano fans. Playiug-coach Erule Dickens supplied most o! the Barons' punch bath offeusively and defensively, scoriug twao!o their goals and breaking up meny Orono thrusts et the blueline. Jack Marshall play- ed his usuel sound defensive game and contributed severai good rushes. Better back-check- ing by the Barons' forwasds also pheyed an importent part in holding the under-meunad Orphans to e single tally. Or- oua seemed under par fas this game and were flot able ta get their usuel good shart-pessing attack orgenized. Hamilton Opens Scorlng Lloyd Hamilton uotched the first Bawmanville goal on e long drive ta the corner o! the net early in the firet period and Dickens mede the caunt 2-0 an the same type a! long, high shot a few minutes later. Gerry Robinson put Osano on the board toward the end o! the Bernice Budai Wins Top Spot By One Pin Monday night Jan. l7th brought more changes in the Ladies Major Bowling Lea&ue. A!ter ahi the bragging -ast week, 1 have ta pull in my horus somewhat for this re- part. Yours truhy reeily went on the skids but had compeny there, whiie others brought their aveseges up consxdesably. Bernice Budai takes High Single, 307, aud High Triple, 789 honours, nasiug out Edith Marlow by anc pin, 306 and Emma Bromehi by five, 302. Bernice receives a merchan- dise certificate lramn Mr. Bres- lin for ber high game. Seven bow' .3 had over 600 for 3 games; Beruice Budai 789, Doris Joli 698, Emma Bromehi 678, Helen Dunn 662, Norma Gay 658, Ena Etcher 640, Elea- nor Larmnes 611 and Audrey Fletcher 602. Other bigh single games were: Mary Harrison 254, Nor- ma Hooper 239 Vi Coohe 238, Muriel Hoiroyd 237, Reve Parker and Viv Cowan 236, Helen Lockhart 235, Vel Mill- er 232, Hilda Btock 231, Olive Petfieid 2*9, Ev Sweetman 221, Lynda Moraz 219. Alyce Hadg- son 217, Mlaine Menko 213 and Jo'yce- Major 210. Aima Perfect and Kay Beau- prie were the only two unfar- tunetes ta land in the lemon league this week. Kay receives a mercheudise certificýte from Breshin for the low game. Our lucky draw winness: Olive Moffatt recelves a gi!t from Chertrans Men's Wear and Lii Hooper receives a gi!t from Joq1u's Beauty Centre, We sti need a few new bowhers ta bring the teams up ta strength. Pleese phone Ly- dia Bates at MA 3-3429 if yau are interested. High single, Bernice Budal, 307. Hlgh Triple, Bernice Budai, 789. ?eam Stan"aig Pointes Emma Bromeli- 12 Lii Phîllipe 12 Eleanor Larmes - 9 Ev Sweetmen 9 Vi Coale _----__9 f Lydia Bates -- 8 Bernice Budai 7 Doris Jodll__-__5 Dot Crombie 5 Key Beauprie 4 Onie Etcher -2 Mary Walters 2 Averages Name Ave. Ga.1 Bernice Budel 241 61 Doris Joli -- 227 61 Eleanor Larmes...- 221 6 Emma Bromehi 208 6 Anita Nickerson 204 6 « Helen Dunu -- 204 6. Helen Lockhast- 197 61 Ena BIcher -- 196 6: Sedie Buekucîl 196 61 Norma Gay 193 61 Vi Coole . 191 61 Alyce Hodgson - 189 61 Edith Marhow 187 61 Mary Waters- 186 61 Mei McNulty 185 61 Ada Richards ..184 61 Onie Etcher - 184 61 Vi O'Rourke - 184 6: Hilda' Brock 183 61 Ev Swectmen - 183 61 Vel Miller 182 61 Viv Cowan - 181 6: Hazel Davis - 179 61 Babe Brown 178 61 Norme Hooper 178 61 Lydie Bates - 178 61 Joyce, Major - 177 61 Anu Gay - 177 61 Lil Phillipe 176 61 Audrey Merlin- 176 61 Toots Wiseman- 175 61 Lii Hooper - 173 61 Dorc Mutton - 172 61 Dot Crambie - 172 61 Mary Harrison 172 61 Helen Piper ---- 171 61 Audrey Fletcher- 171 6 Jean Patrick - 170 6 Oive Patlield- 170 61 Key Beauprie 169 61 Edua DeGeer- 168 61 Greta Luxton - 167 61 Donna Walker- 167 61 Marie Yeo. 166 6 Duaine Palmes - 166 6 Mary Wilcox - 165 6 Fee Reynolds 165 6 Reva Parker'- 165 6 Jean Fairev * 165 6 W"Hsmdry 1C5 .9 So- tilt ----- 164 f6 '~'*----o-t-- 1 C4 6 Lynda Moraz 160 6 Pins 5981 5429 5536 5418 5260 5574 5536 5612 5530 5176 5390 5184 Pins 1444 1363 1326 1250 1222 1222 1184 1177 1173 1158 1146 1132 1h22 1115 1111 1105 1103 1101 1100 1100 1091 1085 1071 1070 1065 1065 1059 1059 1056 1054 1048 1037 1032 1031 1031 1028 1026 1020 1017 1012 1007 1004 1003 996 994 992 qq1 989 988 494 first freme when he wvas le!t uncovered in front o!. the Bow- menville net. The score remained 2-1 throughout the second frame, but Ernie Dickens hit again ta make the Barons' edge 3-1 et about the 14-minute mark o! the third on a sparkiing play with Frank Hooper. Hoap car- ried into Orono territary, drew the defence and passed oves te *Dickens. Ernie beat Bud Hoop- 1 er ln the Orona twines from close in. Bihl Berwick drihhed home a near-perfect shot from le! t wing for the final Bowmau- ville tahly. The beady left-wiug- or let drive from about the blueline with a shot that pick- cd the top right haud corner o! the cage bebind Hooper per- fectly. The Barons were fort- Ing the play when the bell euded the game. Ice Chips The Orono supporters lied e unique chant when the Barons gat e penalty, shouting "Dirty Oshawa" . . . Jealousy will get them nowhere . . . Speeking of Oshawa players-ahI o! themn legally imported-Denny Palîs- tes played a standout game in goal for the Barons and Jack Marshall rushed weli and p1a- ed e good defensive game. Bu11 Berwick turned lu his usuel gaad effort, and the shat which he drove to notch the hast Bow- manville goal was a haney..- The Orphans wili have ta o )l- ster their iineup. or it, looks like they wan't occupy second place toa much langer. The strein o! phaying with only 10 or il players every game is beginning ta tell. Dean West gat e bad cut under the eye early iu the third period from a high stick which weakened them even mare. The cut se- quired severai stitches. ... Barons Jump to Third Place in League Rating Lakeshore League Standing Including games of Jeu. 22. P W T L Pts. Cobourg--23 16 1 6 33 Orono------- 22 12 0 10 24 Bowmanvllle 22 10 1 11 21 Lindsay 22 10 0 12 20 Lekefield-- 23 9 2 12 20 Part Hope- 22 8 O 14 16 Bates Leads Legion Bowlers Teams Bates ____ 14 D205~ Samis- 12 9 423 McKnight 12 9291)> Fair 9 8519 Taylor 9 82561 Perfect ____ 7 8264 High Single, B. Bates, 342. High Triple, B. Bates, 799. Only anc other bawler had 700, R. McKuight, 729. Midgets Win Five Games Out' of Five McNulty Midgets increased their substantiel lead ln the Lekeshore O.M.H.A. Midget Leegue on Thursdey night ýo! lest week by de! eating the Newcastle Midgets 13-2 lu Newcastle. The wln gives the local Mldgets 10 points for five wins lu five starts. High scores for Bawmen- ville was Glen Crossey with three goals, and other stars were Farder, Marjerrisan and Osborne. Trim and McCulaough uotched the Newcastle goals. Time to Abandon i 9th Century Thinking About TB. Il i.i ouly because we are still thinking in l9th century terms that we cen listen withoul ir- ritation ta statemeuts thet tu- bercuhosis bas been conquiered, dlaims Dr. Rene Dubos lu au article appearing lu the issue o! the American Review o! Tu- bercuhosis. Dr. Dubos' article is calculai- cd ta jer some o! the compia- cency out o! those who bave been contending that the battle is nearly won. He quotes front Trudeau's presidential address lu 1905 ta the National Associa- tion for the Study and Preven- lion o! Tuberculosis ta show how broad wes the vision o! the tuberculosis pioncers and how ittie we modemns have edded ta their store o! know- ledge. By reducing the deeth rate we have simply converted a killing into a chronic disease. "'To prevent death from ltu- bercuiosis was a sufficient ideal for the begiuuing o! the antitu- berculosis mavement," says Dr. Dubos. "But cach generetion must accept uew respousibii- 1tics. Ours le ta prevent tuber- "You say you were once cast away n a desert islend, entire- hy without food. How did you live?" "Welh, I had an insurance policy lu my pocket and I found enuuh provisions lu It ta keep me ahîve till I was rescued.- The Toastmaster. Çet th4e Best with Bill Westlake -- 226 John Siemon 217 Ted McLaughlin 215 Gord Sellers ______213 Bill Smith ---- -- 219) Howard Patter ____203 Roly Combes 205 Norm Wilson --------- - - 2. High triple, George Elliott, 1819; high single, Bill Smith, 338. a e Rogers Majestic SUPER "M" TELEVISION Choose from a large selection of sizes and modela. Aluminized Tubes NEW EXCITING UIVE PERFORMANCU Il Ton Want the Bet- Buy logera Majestic Mason & Date HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 3fr King nt. E. i .0 The Most, Economiocal -Distance'Betweenrwo'Polint e' by ruck x Here's why. .. VoIv.i.-hud omomy..ë a Iow eost opemaion . blggeu' poylood 0.0.0 mnr p@woet t1he wh.. . mmor oemfc«lt" di. ohlesrvÎh. m..ded CANA AI NO* 1 TRUCK'3EE oURCHEVROIET TRUCK- DEAJIR PORTHE TUK--YUNE CT.1614 ROY Chevrolet p' ýwO0URTICE Iet' r F7 m' We . NICHOLS Olismohile Cas - Chevrolet Trucks BO WNAN VILLE PAGE cEL EVE14 culosis fromn continuing to cause lu the wat flieaddestxue4 B~ill Smithfl las wh sffrbut do not die of .LC it. In other words, it is time'ieI hIl. ISIingle in- that we Ducarehaom thLeagmit etions o!. l9th century conceptsm and give to the expressionsDu h m L a u "control" or "conqutest" of a particular discase a rneaning , Bill Smith took over ù.e consonant with the needs and high single honors and Gcoïgý possibilities o! our time. 1 Elliott the high triple in Dur-. It will be justified ta Speü.K 1harm Bowling League acioLi of the canquest of tuberculosis lest Friday night. The Bow- only when at least one o! threeI manville Foundry teamn re- goals has been reached: to1 mained et the top of the league. stop completely the spread ,)f 1Bowmenville Foundry 9392 . infection, to eredicate the bacil-1 Hampton..........9298 It1 i !rom the infected person, or' L.O.L. No. 2384 ___ 8257 14 to prevent infection from eve McNulty's Sports 8951. 12 expressing ltself in the form, nniskillen No. 2- 8759 12 of lesions and symptoms." I Maple Grove ----- 8157 Io The program of your local Ennisi<illen No. 1 7705 10 Northumberland - Durham Tu- Tyrone ------------859 8 berculosis Association Includes: A. & P -------------- 8776 7 the various methods o! conquest Palmer Mc.tor Sales - 8743 7 discussed by Dr. Dubos Iu thîs Foresters .. - 8739 71 article, and ail are made pas- Blackstock ------------ 8056 4 sible through the purchese of Top Ten Christmas Seals. Bihl Heari - ----- ____ '255 IGeorge Ellint ____-__231

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