Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1955, p. 10

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PAGE TM Local Plant Improves New Machine Produces Odorless Dry Cleaning As the result of the installa- tion of a new dry-cleaning unit recently the Bowmanville Dry Cleaners Limited are now giv- ïng odorless dry-cleaning ser- vice to their many customers. This new Spencer dry-dlean- ing unt'bas many modern fea- tures which ensure that clothes processed by it will corne out thoroughly but gently cleaned, and free from any odor. The Perchiorethylene xvhich is used as the cleaning solvent in the Spencer machine is under con- tinuai filtration so that any sol- vent sprayed on clothing dur-, ing the cleaning process is ab- solutely clean and free from Eedimerlt. In addition, any fatty acids picked up by the sol- TI1CKRET"S TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consuit JU RY & LO0V E LL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Dead Stock Removed Highest prices paid for Dead. OId aad Crippled .Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg -1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.2080 vent can be distllled out in a distillation chamber built right into the autamatic unit. Speeds Cleaning Operation The Spencer unit also speeds up the cleaning operatian stat- ed Ed and Carl Leslie, the bro-, thers who operate the Bow- manville Cleaners and Dyers. The cleaning cycle naw re- quires only one hour, they said, alpd they are prepared ta give three-hour service ta their customers at a slight ex- tra charge. Since Ed Leslie purchased the business four years ago in partnership with Jack Hawes, many improvements have been made in. the equipment. The plant is now what is known in the dry-cleaning trade as a " package unit" which means that complete service can be given. Equipment includes an adjustiform, a silk finishing unit, and two modern steama pressers. Carl Leslie baught out Mr. Hawes' interest in September, 1953 and the two brothers now operate the plant with the as- sistance of six female employ- ees wvho are ail Bowmanville girls. A free pick-up and de- livery service is available ta ail customers. The premises of the Bow- manville Dry Cleaners Ltd. at 77 King St. W. have been used for dry-cleaning for the past 15 years. William Nelson op- erated. it before Ed Leslie and Mr. Hawes purchased the busi- ness four years aga. Bath the Leslie brothers live in Bow- manville and are members of the Chamber of Commerce. 'H-M-M, Must be a New Customer! Our regular customers know that they dont have to tell us the same thing twice, or take a nose drive into the gas tank to check-up on us. They've learned that they can depend on us to get everything right the FIRST time! Frank's Garage MA 3-3231 Bowmanville 72 Scugog St. Nomination for Man of The YVear F Rhelping to improve hie own and other communsities tbrougbout tbe nation . .. for benefiting bis fellow-citizens in counilesa ways ... this Man surely deserves special honours. H e&flot a fumons personality. But, as the typical Canadian lite insur. once policyholder, h. represents millions of people. And each of these people renders very useful services ta bis commnnity. How ? By providing funds which hie life insurence compasny invests for hsm ils ways ibat belp finance new homes, public works, utilities and industriel ~~rnens.Together with othier policybolders, he puts more than à5e OeDon dollars ta work in suth projete from toast ta cosst every year!1 Moreover.be hbas taken teps ta make sure that, if anything bappens la hdm. hie family will mot need te depend on others for support. So if you are a lite insurence owaer, take a bow 1 While you're provid. ing seurity for your family and yoarself, you're also helping ta mako Canada a better lnd te liv. in 1 THE UIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Cemprisiumu mars ilion50 Canmiau Britishu mmd Unitd States Coampi. L.9S40 Cleaners Instati, Latest Type Equipment With the installation of their new Spence r dry- continuai filtration process which assures that only dlean cleaning unit shown above, the Leslie brothers, Carl, left, solvent is being sprayed at ail times on clothes undergoing and Ed, right, who operate the Bowmanville Cleaners and the cleaning process. EcI took over the cleaning plant Dyerg plant, can now assure their many customers of four years ago and Carl joined him in the business in odorless dry-cleaning. The machine iperates under a October, 1953. They employ six local girls in their plant. -Photo by Carson. Studio, Port Hope OBITUARY MRS. THOMAS MILLER Following an illness o! sev- eral months the death occur- red in the Oshawa Gçneral Hospital on Jan. 17, o! 'Winni- fred Scott, widow o! Thomas Miller, in hem 82nd yeam. Born in Toronto, the deceas- ed was a daughter of the late George J. Scott and Mary Mar- tin. Married in Oshawa in 1902, she had lived theme for 80 years. ofMrs. Miller was a member ofSimcae United Church. Predeceased by her husband in May, 1940 she leaves ta maurn hem passing one daugh- ter. Mrs. Charles T. Miller (Mary D.) o! Orono and twa sons, T. Martin Miller of Osh- awa and Weford D. Miller of Toronto. Also sllrviving are two sis- ters, Mrs. Estelle S. Alfred of Long- Beach, California, and Mrs. Katherine L. Henley of Oshawa. The funeral service was held at the Luke-Mclntosh Funeral Home Jan. 19. Rev. John K. Moffat, minister of Simcoe Street United Church, canduct- ed the services. Interment was in the Oshawa Union Cerne- Itery. BLÀCKSTOCK The LO.B.A. had a card party at their roams in the Recrea- tional Centre on Friday evening last. They were !orced ta play by candlelight as Mm. Watson af Cadmus, snapped off a hydro pale with bis car down in the swamp east o! Blackstock, plunging hall o! the village into damkness for three hours. The prize-winners were: Mrs. Ray McGill and John Archer. Last Monday evening, Mrs. George Fowler entertained the following friends at a euchre party: M. and Mms. Norman Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Cadmus; Mm. and Mrs. Ray McGill and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy. Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Edgerton won the prizes. Mm. and Mrs. George Wolfe and boys were Sunday supper guests o! Mm. and Mrs. 0. Graham and Mm. and Mrs. R. Duff, Mr. and Mms. Austin Beacock are spending a few days in Toronto with Mm. and Mrs. Jahn Mew. Mrs. Joseph Farder, Bowman- ville, with Mm. and'Mms. Howard Farder and family. Mm. and Mrs. Harald Martyn and boys with bis mather, Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Mollan, Sunder- land, on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mm. and Mrs. Charles Venning, Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Hill went ta Pickering on Sunday afternoon ta attend the funeral o! Mrs. WTm. Mumkem, formerly Queenie Brawn, wha lived in Blackstock in hem yauth. Sympathy is ex-j tended ta hem husband and sans. Miss Gertmude Henry, Toron- ta, with Mms. James Henry for the week-end. Mm. and Mrs. Ray McGill went ta Peterborough last Friday ta see Miss Barrie who is naw aut o! the bospîtal. Mr. and Mms. Shapiro and family, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson an Sun- dav. Mrs. Gardon Strong and Betb taok Mrs. Robert Bruce ta Oril- lia ta visit with the Ross Curtis family. Mr. and'lmr. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, with'Mis. ira Argue. Mm. and Mrs. Ry Bradbumn and girls with the Fred Brad- burns, Janetville. Mm. and Mms. Rupert Byems, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mms. William Farder. Mms. Harold Kyte is In Tills6fl- bumg as hiem father. Mm. Lee Butcher is having an operation., Mrs. George Fowlem is staying: with the child,-en. Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Thamnp- bon and Jean with Mia. Wm. Cobbledick. Orono. Mrs. George Nicholson was in Toronto last Tuesday ta at- tend a Diocesan Board meeting. Miss Taylor, Supt. of the 1.0. D.E. Hospital, Toronto, spent the week-end at the Rectory with the Nicholsons. Miss Taylor brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Mr. Robert Saund- ers' funeral ta place in St. John's on Sunday. The following local curlers attmnded the bonspiel at Lindsay on Saturday: Bruce Heaslip, p Roy Wermy, Neil Bailey and Wallace Marlow. George, How- ard and Bev. Black and Ken Minshall (two rinks). Woman's Auxilary The monthly meeting of the W.A. of St. John's Church was 1held in the parish hall on Thurs- day, Jan. 2Oth, at 2:15 p.m. The meeting opened with devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. Nicholson and the members' prayer in unison. Full and sat- isfactary annual reports were given by the different secre- taries. Letters of thanks were read fmom those who had receiv- ed gifts and cheer boxes at Christmas. "An Ancient People in a New Setting," the first chapter in the new Study Book, Thirst of India, was taken by Mms. Nicholson. The meeting closed wîth the beniediction by the Rector after which lunch was served by Group II with Mrs. J. Hamilton as convener. Number of members present, 12. ware settings for only $5.34. Buy a setting every week. Ideal for dining-room or kitchen! Besi Food Buys at Red & Whitel NIAGARA KIST - PURE ORANGE - SAVE Se MARMALADE 2 4-oz. MIRACLE WHIP SAVE 7c Salad Dressing '«-"44C PARD SAVE 10e DOG FOOD 6 for 65 c OGILVIE - 16-oz. Pkg. SAVE 6c CHOCOLATE 2 CAKE MIX . 27C r THE CANADIAII STATEéMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTAIO b.n't overlond your wlrlng sYstsm. Wb.n YOU bulid or modernize provide ADEQUATE WIRIPIG. HUOGprON -ELECTrRIC LIMITED ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFIUGERATIOI4 MA 3-5438 38 King St. E. GENERALO ELECTRI-C HOM APPLiANCE DEALIR BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVEC R~aple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornish Groceteria Rogular valu. ~I.6O ~ .IOHNSON'S ]PASTE WAX SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP 010 CUBES STOKELY'S - FANCY - 48-oi. TOMATO JUICE CAMPBELL'ff TOMATO SOUP SANI FLUSN B3LUE BONNET YELLOW QUIE MARGARINE ISLICED - INGERSOLL CHEESE Lb. Tin 63c 2 For 19C 1' 29c t in 31c 2 For 25c Tin 29c Lb. 43c 8-oz. Pkg. 25 NEW BRUNSWICK WASHED KATAHDIN 50-lb. bag ,Potatoos $1069 VALENTINES SWEET and TENDER GREEN DEANS GREEN CADRAGE Lb. 19C Lb. 9C NO. 1 YELLOW - 3-lb. Celio Bag CGGKING ONIONS 23c OSHAWA Box 360 Bowmanville Ontario LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria PORT HOPE Roberts Bros. Food Store Roberts Uptown Market COBOURG leffery Food Market BROOKLIN Brown's Groceteria PORT PERRY J)owson's Food Market AJAX Ajax Marketeria no'u!"r SALADA TEA SACS 2 For 37c 30 Bagi CATELLrg - COOKED - 20-09. lUn SPAGHETTI MAZOLA - 16-os, tin CORN 01L 43C 18C 39C CANADAS FINEST SHORTEMNN CRISCO SHORTENING Lb.36 FOR FLUFFIER PASTRY FLUFFO SHORTENING ,QUALITY BEEF - Standing First 51 PRIME RIB ROAST Lb. 2@c Ribe Lb. 53C WELL TRTMMED - LEAN CENTRE CUT P.ORK CHOPS Lb. 59C FRESHK YOUNG - SLICED DEEF LIVER Lb. 29c 8WIFT'S PREMUM BROWN 'N-SERVE SAUSAGE Pg.47c SWIFT'S PREMUM - SLICED BOLOGNA, FROZEN FGGDS Albatross ORANGE JUICE, 6 oz., 2 for 29e Blrdseye WAX BEANS, 10 oz.____27e TABLE QUEEN BREAD Sliced Loaf 15c THURsDAy, JAN. 27th, 1955 Except for four nionths, h. Auer~ t Y ars worked on this job steadily un- Afte 32 ears til 1951 when he was put on 'd pat-time firing duty and with Tommy Goul theriggers of Department 218a. Ail during his many years I s ensined arrive for work early in ordar is Pensioned ~~~toay aeo i ao ptime-euchre - and would j Tommy Gould, a veteran of, ls get in a game at noon 32% years of service with the', hour. In bygane years he plav- Goodyear firm here, retired on ed the f ife in the Bowmanville peso at the end of the year. Fife and Drum Band., Epoees of the Engineering Mr. Gould has a son, Percy, Departments gathered in thz working in the hase room at machine shop on his last af- Goodyear and another son, ternoon of work and presented Hector, wlbo is a corporal in him with a smoking stand, a the Ontario Provincial Police. pair of slippers and a deck of He also has one daughter. cards. The presentation was made by Emmons Crawford on behalf of the gathering. Smith: <'Twenty-five years Born in Stirling,.,Mr. ,l today since I joined the firmn joined the Goodyear firm in sir.), 1916. He, left in 1917 to work Scots Employer: "'Weel dune for the Ross Can Company. but laddie, here's a new blotter for returned In 1922 as a fireman. ye!" I McKenna's Super Market %vrg 948 Simcoç St. N. Sproule's Food Stores -kr Sly272 King St. E. and with a 458 Simcoe St. S. 5.Oord.p- LADIES: Here's your chance to lbuy six silver- D ,, ,EY "it is Good Citizenship to own Lfe Insurance" Il F/RED&J HITE 19:00D STORE. 11 . ý 1 Lb- 27c

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