Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 14

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k' PAGE OTTE Durham Ladies'League Starts Second Schedule The second schedule teams have been drawn ui the Ladies' Major Bov League, with the team aven The first league game wil on Monday nigbt, Jan. 101i 6:45 p.m. Schedule January- Alicys Date Tume 12 3-4 10 6:45 1- 2 3- 4 8:45 7- 8 9-101 17 6:45 10-11 9- 8 8:45 4- 5 7- 6 *24 6:45 3- 5 12- 2 8:45 9- 7 1-11 *31 6:45 4- 7 5- 1 8:45 2-10 12- 9 February- 7 6:45 8- 6 10-12 8:45 1- 3 2- 4 14 6:45 12- 3 4- 9 8:45 Il- 6 8- 5 21 6:45 2- 8 6-10 8:45 5- 9 11- 3 28 6:45 9- 1 7-11 and1 8:45 6-12 5- 2 4-1 tp for March- ýwling 7 6:45 Il- 4 2- 6 12-! rages. 8:45 8- 1 10- 7 3- .11 be 14 6:45 6- 9 1- 7 Il- e h, at 8:45 12- 4 3- 8 5-i( 21 6:45 8-12 Il- 5 10- 8:45 3- 7 6- 1 9- Team No. 1-Doris Joli 201 Hilda Bock 199, Jean Fairy 159 56Alice Hadgson 157, Duaine -6jPalmer 152. Dot Virtue 145 5- 6 Olive Maffatt 110-1123. 11-12 Teamn No. 2-Bernice Buda 1-12 200, Hazel Davis 181, Mei Mc. 2- 3 Nulty 176, Mary Fagan 158 8-1Joan Engley 152, Mihe Batei 6- 3 143, Shirley Brooks 112-1122. 6-11; Teamn No. 3-Lydia Bates 196 8-lHelen Dunn 178, Elaine Mank( 169, Molly Badger 166, Murie. 9-il Holroyd 154, Vi O'Rourke 140 7- 5 Lillian Brine 120-1123. 2- 7 Teamn No. 4-Vi Coole 195 10- 1 Helen Piper 178, Mary Wilco> 4- i 169, Helen Corden 160, Jear 12- 7 Firth 153, Mamg. Elliott 141, Ka: 3-10 Luxtan 126-1122. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 30OWMA!qVIL, ONTARIO Team Na. 5S-Mary Walters b 187 Eva Whitehead 180. Dorc Mutton 169, Edna Large 160, Helen Lockhart 153. Amey Win- acott 146, Rena Bathgate 127- 112 Team No. 6-Emma Brom- 8 mell 186, Anita Nickerson 180, Edna DeGeer 162, Norma Hoop- e r 163, Jean Patrick 146, Linda 5Moraz 134, Ada Richards 151- 9 1122. 2 0 Team No. 7-Onie Etcher 186, 4 Mary Harrison 170, Olive Pat- 2 field 168, Audrey Fletcher 160, Donna Walkem 154, Nancy Kelso 1150, Alma Perfect 134-1122. Team Nd. 8-Lul Phillips 183,1 ýe Reva Parker 175, Toots Wise- man 171, Marie Yeo 156, Vic Cowan 154, Edna Kerr 149, Hilda Simnick 135-1123. Tcam No. 9-Dot Crombie 183, BSadie Bucknell 174, Joyce ýS Major 170, Vel Miller 155, Betty Stutt 152, Kay Hendry 150, Bey. Disley 138-1122. '0 Team No. lO-Eleanor Larm- er 182, Lii Hooper 174, Audrey 'Martin 159, Helen Vivian 161, Dot Brooks 151, Fac Reynolds 150. Greta Luxton 145-1122. * Team No. 11-Kay Beuaprie * 182, Ena Etcher 174, Doris Pol- Y~ ley 166, Edith Marlowe 157, Dot Mutton 150, Lucille Moffatt 143, Dorothy Bond 150-1122. 6 Team No. 12-Ev. Sweetman 172, Norma Gay 168, Ann Gay 168, Babe Brown 150, Onie Courtice 136, Beth Chartran 133, Gladys Simmons 124-1051. Bethany LOBA Holds lection For Officers 1 Bethany-Members of the Bethany Ladies' Loyal Orange Benevolent Association, Lodge No. 1207, held their election and installation of officers for the year 1955 with the following ap- pointments: Worthy Mistress- Sister Oma Palmer; Immediate Past Mistress-Sister Mary Ed- wards; Deputy Mistress-Sister Violet Phillips; Junior Deputy- Sister Vera Smith: Senior Lec- tuer-Sister Bertha Ferren: Junior Deputy Lecturer-Sister *Mable Whitnall; Director of Ceremonies-Sister Ruby Reyn- olds; Chaplain-Sîster Doreen1 Clark; Treasurer-Sister Ina Palmer; Financial Secretamy- Sister Bertha McGill, Record- ing Secretary - Sister Hilda Bigelow; Guardian-Brother T. S. Gault: Inner Guard-Sister Myrtle Robinson; Outer Guard -Sister Mildred Bristow; Sick and Visiting Committee-Sisters *Bertha Ferren, Ina Palmer and Violet Phillips: Auditors-Bro. T. S. Gault, Sisters Ruby Reyn- olds and Vera Smith. Guests and assisting in the installation ceemronies were the IWorthy Grand Mistress of On- tario East, Sister Benton; Wor- thy Past Grand Mistress, Sister Freda Pilling; Worthy Mistrcss of Eastern Star, Sister Caird; Worthy Past Mistress of Vimy Ridge, Sister Nelson; DiiYector of Ceremonies, Sister Sexsmith, the Deputy Grand Mistress of Ontario East, al of Peterbor- ough. jLunch was served and a psocial boum enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Trinity Young People's Union Elect Executive for Coming Year With Dorothy Johns President . One of the most enthusiastie and aggressive organization of Trinity United Church is the Young People's Union. They have rendered excellent se:- vice in the past and are pflan- ning to keep on this splendid record in the coming year. To carry out these good intentions the following executive have been elected for 1955: Past President, Helen Ma- guire; President, Do ro th y Johns; Vice-President. Marilyn Leask; Secretary, Lamna Cocii- rane; Treasurer, Barry Cowl- ing. Convenors Missions and World Outreach -Ruth Prescott, Beverly Cowl- ing. Faith and Evangelism-Ruby Mormow, Richard Biggs. Stewamdship and Training-, Audrey Young, Marjorie Mut- tan. Citizenship and Community Service-Darothy Mann, Elea- nom Maguime. Pianist-Norma Dale. Social Convenor-Helen Ma- guire. Young people will lie made weicame at their meetings each Manday night. Presbytery of Peterborough Inducts Minister at Nestieton At a largely attended meet- ing of the Pre.sbyterian congre- gations of Janetville, Ballyduff, and Nestîcton, Thursday after- noon. December 3th. the Prf.- bytemy o! Peterborough of the Prcsbyterian Church in Cana- da, inducted Rev. A. S. McLean into the pastoral charge of the three cangregations. The service of induction was presided over by Rev. Alex. G. Scott, of St. Andrew's, Baw- manville, Maderator o! the Pmesbytemy of Peterborough, who also preached the sermon in the absence o! Rev. L. Mil- bert Smith, Coîborne. Mm. Scott, wha was intcim moderator o! the sessions of the congregations during the va- cancy narrated the steps lead- ing up ta the cail ta Mm. Mc- Lean. Rev. Gilbert Smith, minister of St. Giies, Peterborough, ad Durham Residents Leave Bequests to Oshawa Hospital Two bequcsts ta the Oshawa Genemal Hospital were announc- ed at a ecent meeting of the Hospital Board. One was a joint bcquest fram the estates of the James Rab- inson and Maria Robinson o! Newcastle, amounting ta $3,- 278.66 in ail. The board mcciv- cd $1,278.66 in cash and two debentures a! $1,000 each in payment o! this bequest. Notice was received o! a be- quest from the late Henrietta Garfat formerly of Damlington township, who was a member of tbe Abrams !amily. anc o! the pioncer families of that dis- trict. She was the iast surviv- ing member a! that family. In ber wiil, she made a pro- vision that one-.sixteenth o! the residue o! hem estate be left ta the Oshawa Genemal Haspital. The amount o! this bequest is nat known as yet. Nesileton Station Miss Gwen Wilson visited fmîends in Peterborough and attended the United Chumch Young People's bail on New Year's Eve. Miss Marilyn Gibson, Black- watem, spent the weekend with Miss Eunice Wilson. New Year's Sunday guests with Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Wil- son were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hetz and family, Fairview, Pa., Mm. and Mms. W. R. Lamb, Mm. and Mms. Lamne Lamb, Ennis- killen, and Mm. and Mrs. Ken- neth Lamb, Port Credit. Mm. and Mrs. Cecii Siemon, Haydon, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- joy. Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Pmoutt and family wcme New Year's guests o! Mrs. John Proutt and Miss Ruth Pmoutt. Mrs. Jog. Farder, Mm. and Mms. Harry McLaugblin and Lawrence were holiday guest3i o! Mm. and Mrs. George Wolfe and !amily, Blackstock. Mm. and Mrs. Jas Harris ccl- ebmated with Mm. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sonley, Port Pcrmy. Mr. Allan Irvine, Bowman- ville, and Mm. and Mms. Mel- vile Irvine and Camai. Lindsay, visitcd Mrs. J. W. Irvine an-c Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mm. and Mrs. Oliver Rohmer Warren and Douglas visited Mm. and Mms. Norman Rohmer and famiiy, Bumketan. WMr. and Mms. Francis Gist, Susan, Kathryn and Mary, Lang, were holiday guests with Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Gist and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldan McCabe, YOUR EYES and SVision from previous copyrights of C. B. Tuck. Optometrist Dlsney Bidg. 31 King E., Opp.*P?. OSHAWA -Phone 5-6143 279. Mixing and melting under a controlled even temperature asue uniform composition ese tia conform true optical characteristics. Extra care and precaution must be emphasized ta the end. In the annealing process as well preserving at al times precisian and the elimina- tion of strain. If the temperature were flot, of an even-nature the glass may sucidenlY change in texture dur- ing the nme1ting. As a means of checkipg frequent meit samples Lare taken &4tring the meltiiig. b(Copyrighted> dressed tbe minister in well- chosen womds. Rev. C. G. 1od minister o! St. Paul's, Peterbr augh, addressed the assemblcd congregations on their duty in this new relationship; and the Clerk o! Presbytery, Rev. W. Harold Heustin of Millbmaok, presided at the signing of the formula o! belief by the newly inducted minister. Present at the service. and invited ta sit and, correspond, weme Rev. R. Bontreel, of the United Chumch at Bethany; Rev. George Nicholson, rector o! the Churcb of England at Black- stock; and Rev. B. D. Arm- strong, D.D., of the Presbyter- ian Cbumch, Port Perry. A social time was enjoyed at the close of the service. Rcv. A. S. McLean had been minis- ter o! the Presbyterian Cbumch at Kirkfield and Bolsover for the past thirteen years previaus ta bis coming ta Nestieton. THURSDAYI JAN. 6- To-day Only Matinee 2 p.m. - Evening 7 and 9 "Mrs. Mike" FRIDAT - SATURDAY - JAN. 7 - 8 Two action pictures in color "The Diamond Queen" with Arlene Dahi and Irernando Lamnas "A ren a"P Story of Rodeo Life MOlIDAY - TUESDAY - JAN. 10 - 11 "On The Water front" (Aduit) 6tarring MARLON BRANDO, 1954's top actor WED. - TRURS. - JANUARY 12 - 13 "The Carnival Stor y" (Technicolore? ~Steve Cochrane- Anne Baxter Good Entertainment for the Whole Family JANUARY - EVERY THURSDAY IS BUCK-NITE NESTLETON Mr. and Mms. M. Emerson en- tertained fiends on Wednesdav evening in honor o! Mm. and Mms. Edgar Emeson's tentb wcdding annivemsary. Mm. and Mms. Robt. Prosser visited Mm. and Mrs. Keith Hooey, Port Pemry. Miss Irene Emerson visited! Miss Joan Venning, Blackstock. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola, Port Perry; Mr. 1 and Mms. Memmili Van Camp,! Biackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs L. Joblin.r, Mm. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy, Hampton, visited Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Miss Anna Samelis spent a, few days with friends in 0sha-! wa. Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton and Gardon, Malton, visited Mm.' and Mrs. H. Vine. Mr. and Mms. George Johns visited Mm. and Mrs. Percy; Preston, Lifford. Mm. and Mms. Victor Malcolm Mm. and Mms. L. Joblin spent Tuesday evening with Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Hunter. Part Permvy1 Mm. and Mms. Wilford Jackson and family, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Steele and Miss Margaret Stecie, Mm. and Mrs. M. Emerson, Miss-' es Giadys and Irene attended the Sheffield - Hutchison wed- ding in Oshawa on Tuesday evening. Somry ta report Ailan Jackson is in Part Perry Hospital e- cavering from an operatian. We ail hope he will soan be able ta came home agaîn. Mm. and Mrs. M. Emerson and Miss Irene spent Saturday even- ing with Mm. and Mrs. Frank Emerson, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. Victor Malcolm! entctained sevemal friends on *Satumday evening ta a goose supper. Mr. and Mms. Howard Ma! colmn visited Mm. and l-s Lawrence Malcolm. Dr. Bowles and Mrs. 1-iackie. entertained the Bowles family on New Year's. Mrbship in Canada's 4H jClubs bas cloubled in the pazi ten ee zl. ' -- - - - CADMUS New Year's visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stinson and girls; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Stinson and Mm. and Mms. Clarence Ginn witb Mm. and Mrs. Ronald Ginn. Mm. and Mrs. Jim Fallis Lyn- da and David, guests of Miss Crystal Fallis and Mm. Merdithi Fallis, Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Leth- angue, Diana and Johnny. Bal- lyduff, were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallis. .Mm. Flin Tbompson and Mar- low; Mr. and Mrs. Hector Thampson, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Oliver Rohmer, Warren and Douglas, Nestlcton, gucsts af Mm. and Mrs. Norman Rau- er. Mm. and Mrs. Milton Gray; Mm. and Mms. James Gray, Bri- an and Lindla; Mr. and Mr. Kennedy Gray and David with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Suttan, Or- ana. Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr and Mr. and Mans. Clifford Kerm were supper guests an Tues- day evening af Mm. and Mrs. Howard McMuillen. Mm. and Mrs. Don Edmunds and Ross, Millbrook, with Mm. and Mms. H. McMullen. Mm. and Mrs. James McMul- len are holidaying this week in Bowmanvillc with their Son and familv, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- tii McMullen. Miss Nina Jolbnston, Oshawa, spent Tuesdav with hem par- ents, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. John- stan. Mm. and Mrs. George John- stan, Mr. and Mrs. Les John- stan. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Taylor and family, Bowman- ville; Mm. and Mms. Elywn Dickcy and Mr. Reid Dickcy we re New Year guests of Mm. and Mrs. Donald Johnston'a, Yelverton. Mm. and Mrs. Norman Gibson Patsy and Marlene, Bowman- ville, were New Year guests of Mm. and Mrs. Russell Larmer The Larmer boys Don, Law- rence and Kenneth, left an Monday for Fiomida, the boys are going ta spend the next three weeks in the sunny soutlî. Mc. and Mrs. Jack Gay and fai_ ýy, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McQuade were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade. Clifford and Leah Kerr have spent ail the holidays visiting friends and Master Wayne Oke, Port Per- ry, spent the holidays with his gmandparents, Mm. and Mrs. McQuade. Mr. and Mms. James Gray, Brian and Linda, were Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrs. McMa- bon, Lotus. Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Passant, Jane, Allen and Mary, sp cnt New Year's in Oshawa with Mm. and Mrs. John McKeever. ZMON Christmas service wvas held ait the cburch Sunday, Dec. 19. There was a splendid attend- ance. Rev. Harding gave a love- ly Christmas message and ail joined beartily in singing the grand old Christmas Camais. The chumch was sa cozy and warm everyone seemed ta have the desire ta visit and were boath ta leave. Thanks ta Mrs. Chas. Raby wvho, we believe, hais been fimeman for some time. Mm. Del Whitney kindly consented ta iight fires for January. Mr. Jim Caswcll onc of aur local lads was married at Wei- came Saturday, Dec. 18. Miss Carol Caswell was home THUTRSDAY, JAN. O,- q5S ,over the week-end te .,attend her brother's wedding £and at- tended ZMon church service' Sunday momning. Mr1 and blis. C: Moore, dh awa, spent Sunday -r*ey with Mr. and Mrs. E.'RU à Arngng .tl4e dinner gùe4Waf the' Bowmàanfville LtkiWClub Rural, night, were' Mésirs. Jack Ogden, Vilbert Ogtlen and Ed- win Ruithven. SMr, uand Mrs. Brian Caswell, Part Hope. attended services Sunday .morning. Mr. and Mrs. Norman EgL~ Ida, spent Manday with .and Mrs, M. Irwmn. Among those from ZMon1- attended Crooked Creek Christ- mas tree were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Mrs. H. Caswell and Iris, Miss H. Rahy, Master David and George, Mrs. Men- eilley and John. Wednesday afternoon Dec. 22 was a happy time for Zion schaol pupils as they received their reports, celebrated Christ- mas and ciased school. A short program by. the school was given befpre unloading the tmee, whichi was eagerly await- cd. Ice cream, cookies, etc., were then served the pupils by their teacher and finally good- bye school tilI 1955. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Marven and family had Christmas din- ner wvith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby. Mr. C. Meneilley, Washago, was home for Christmas and the New Yeam. Mm. and Mms. Norman Gerow, Mrs. Ada Gerow, lcft Wednes- day for a few days' visit in New XYork. Mm. Harry Raby and family, Mr. and Mms. Merefflley and famlly, spent Cbristmas with Mr. Fred and Miss Hilda Raby. Let thcm work for you-The Statesman Classifieds.' »y Ann S hoppes iL STORE-WIDE NUARY a Lirsday, Jan-uar'y 6-th up to5O% Housecoats! A large selection of Housecoats in wool and taffetas. Plain coleurs and plaids. COl ut BIG REDUCTIONS SLACKS SLIPS Stock up your w ardrobe Gowns wia pair of theSePya s popular Slacks. ya a A mide varlety of styles, A wvide materials and colours selectiois from whlch to ehoose. ALIP Huge Savings DAUCEDL Suits -Jackets Lounging Pyjamar. Blazers - Corduroy Coats ALL GREATLY REDUCED on, &KRT ave S IT J AND Velvets - Corduroys Wools At Low Low Prices Coniplete your wardrobe with ~ one or two of these Pullovers, Cardigans, Novelty Sweaters, in a gay array of colours. BIG REDUCTIONS 'h. Yellow Sales Tags 'RY ANN imamanile A -36 k I The Glo ANNUÀA . AI Sf art.s ThL Scave BLOUSES Many styles in Nylon, OrI Cottons. Buy now and s,« nt these low, low price5 DRASTICALLY REDUCED Look Fori GLO0 57 King St. W. * ~ ~ Toronto, visited witb the Grant Thompson's. Mm. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- liams and Janice were New Yeam's gucsts witb Mm. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Port Hope. New Year's dinner gucsts witb Mm. and Mms. Marvin Nes- bitt and Elmer wcmc: Mr. Or- ton Bmadburn, Janetviile, Mm. Wm. Philp and Merlin, Mr. Loweil Failis, Mr. Robert Rid- dell and Mrs. R. Dickey. Mm. and Mrs. Wiibcmt Werry, Mm. and Mrs. Neil Wermy and Carol and Mm. Neil Bailey were New Year's visitars with the Grant Tbompson's. Mr. Douglas Gardon and Mm.j Kitchener Burton spent the holiday with Mm. and Mms. Jas. Payne and family, Burketon. Mm. Noon and Miss May Noon, Toronto, attcnded the New Year's gatheming at the home o! Mm. and Mms. Gordan Prentice. Port Perry. Miss Noon also visited hem sisters, Mrs. Gardon Collins and Mms. Char- les Emnerton. Miss Irma Hoskin, Messms. Jim Wallis, Daug Bradd, Bill Beamish and Orville Greer. al of Oshawa, and Mm. and Mrs. George Prosser and family, Burketan. spent New Ycar's with the Walter Lawrence famil. The men folk enjoyed a good hunt on the haliday, bagging several faxes and rab- bits. We wclcome Rev. and Mrs. A. S. McLean a! Kimkficld who moved ta the Pesbyterian manse this week. Mm. and Mrs. McLeod and Donald o! Toron- ta, are hciping them ta get set- tled and attended services with tbem aon the Janetvilie, Bally- duf!, Nestîcton charge this past Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld Ieft this morning, Monday, by mator for a holiday in Fiorida. Mm. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son spent Sunday in Beaverton with bis parents, Mr. and Mms. Jas. Thampson. Bowmanville Surplus Sales JAN4UARY CLEARANCE 0F THEIR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK! Everything is Reduced 10%o OUR REGULAR PRICES ARE LOWER -BUT LOOK WHAT YOU SAVE ON OUR JANUARY SALE. Stock up noiv on Men's Windbreakers, Station Wagon Coats, Underwear, Heavy Shirts, Etc. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL OUR WINTER BOYS' WEAR Corne in early and buy while the selection is at its best. Bowmanville Surplus Sales 42 King St. E. Bow~nanvilIe Phone MA 3-3211 1

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