Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1955, p. 10

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pAgQgT m THE CANIADIAK STATESMAK, BOWMAMLLE, Q.NTARIO THURSAJN t,15 LUIoungmnan s .otumn (Intended for last week) Tii.Statsma's Gass oot Colmnia ilMr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow Th-ntemW G m IoosCluns entertained the family on Sun- i j ~~day.La Dbsns Miss Mary L osni Say, don't the years slip by what ring she fancied; she chose anidaying RusseTlroowith. quickly? The only time I spent the centre one. In the store, the So, dmes. Rttee the Crisma Christmas in my wife's par- jeweller allowed us ta handieSmeatdethCrits entai home was in 1919. The it. I slipped it on the young coert atd Crooed Creeke past last time my wife hung up her lady's finger; it fitted; she kept wgeam n tenpioe dfnero-h stocking there was 1922. This it; I -paid (cash). $17;50. Butch grnbyte upsudrth year my mother-in-law had the stili treasures, it and wears it Criretn orG t aptak- ,Sun of having her four childi-en evety time she "puts on the ville was weii attended. Rev. .Y.nd their spouses, plus Gordon's dog". Pike -was chairman and a fine mother, around the festive board Gaod job she didn't, choose a operetta "Hansel and Gretal" in the aid home on Atlas Ave., dear ring, because I aniy p05 wa presented by the pupils. Toronto, where she has lived sessed20 bucks between me and Santa arrived .and merrily dis- for 50 yeai-st Guess the credit starvation. As it was that 17.50 tributed gifts from the beau- for ail the splendid arrange- ring leit me with just 2.50 ta tiful tree. Apreciation was ex- ments, inciuding a delicious get back ta Pantypoal. Maybe pressed ta miss Stewart for hier turkey dinner, should go ta my Winnie was smart enaugh taerî gpitecîlie n sister-in-law, Ciceiy. We had realize that with a 17.50 ring 'the successful evening. a reai nice time, and hope it she wauid becon& engaged, but Mr-. and Mrs. Orme Falls and wan't be 35 years before we ail if she craved a mare costiy one, famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Stan get together at some future she might end up by being an Falls, Toronta. time. * unengaged aid maid. Came ta Mi-. and Mrs. Victor Farrow think ai it. that's been oui- mai-- are enjaying television in their It was on Dec. 24, 1919, that ried philosaphy - ta try ta live home. Winnîe Sparks and I attended within aur incame, ta apprec- Mr. and Mrs. Liew Haiiow- the evening shaw at Laew's late what we can afiord. ell and Jim, Miss Beuiah Hal- Theatre, after which we enjoy- **. . loweli, were dinner guests at ed a banana spiit at Diana Among the many nice giits . .Mr. Sid Haiiowell's, Monday Sweets. Then we window received recently was a "daily shopped along Yonge Street, memo" firn Frank Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- stopping ta admire a dispiay ai tire dealer, Bowmanviiie, which I sn and sons, with Mi-. and Mrs. beautiful engagement rings. In intend ta use. Wonder what it Baughen, Newtonvilie. fun, I asked my companian will reveal a year hence? If Mr. and Mrs. Len Falls and Ikept faîthiully, shouid be inter- family with Mr. and Mrs. A. >- * * e* ng.Stewart, Peterbora. On Dec. 21, I was a guest ai Mi-. and Mrs. Morley Robin- the Men's Club ai Trinity Unit- son and daughters, with Mi-. and ed Church, Cobourg, and spent Pictured following their marriage on Dec. 4, in Mrs. Melville Samis, Newton- a very enjoyable time. During Elno United CucTrno are Mr. and Mrs. Alan vill.an r.MlWna, the lunch period, my hast, Roy Bren t Ferguso n. The bride is the former Betty Chalmers Mrs. J. Wannan and Jean, Kir- with two other chaps, bath Jenkinson, daughter of Mrs. Jenkinson of Toronto and the by, with Mi-. and Mrs. Harold strangers te me. We chatted late William Chalmers Jenkînson, and the groom is the son Souch. -~. and discavered we three had of Dr. Harold Ferguson, onil, and the late Mrs.MayLwt Mr. and Mrs.A.Dbaan Sserved in the same brigade in Clara Silversides e owman ll, Mru with i. adM * France, Belgium and Germany Frgsn. at)e ind .E.SirT- - during World War I. We had,Mi.adMsE.heTo they in Northumberland - I in Arret TreeHampton iouins .Durham, and we hacl ail shared t.p.&the same field supervisai-, Joe S S Orchard. Funny how people S s e t d o r e o b r can meet as complete strangers, then, thraugh conversation, dis- A UR P MP .caver they have much in coin- Three Hampton youths, two 30 wearing the same type ai mon. UM of whorn are believed ta be the Ku Klux Klan black sil'. masks * *same men who held up Arthur which were used in the Burke- Means Better Living 1! Each year, the business men, Ribey's store and post office in ton robbery. They held Mrs. Odd Fellaws and Rebekahs ai Burketon an December 20, were Leta Doupe and Mrs. Joy Newn- (UR DURO Water Sys- Onocmiet p-adearrseby Police Chief Ai-chie ham at pistai point while they ~./ em ive usfreh, ure Christmas party for ail the Menzies of Port Perry Dec. 23. rifled the tili. Bfr evn water when and where we yaungsters who care ta attend. The ai-iest was made following with their boot they ripped out need it ... adds te aur con- This year the Town Hall was a similar armed robbery at a the telephone and threatened ta venience aad-comfart of daily well filled with wide-eyed combined store-past office at1 kili the women if they attempt- hiie. youngsters wha enjoyed three Prince Albert, two miles south) dta fallaw. DURO Pompe are a"ai- short humorous films shown by af Port Perry earlier in the c ustamer who came Into abl in alil sies te meet in Ken Tolmie, Conservation 0f- evenrng. the post office a few minutes What a. way te start the new divdul ecs.Se yar ficer, Dept. ai Lands and For- The men: John Arnold Bouid, later fatii'd the two terrorized f vig youn îow, everyday Plunber or DURO dealer ests. Rev. John Kitchen acted 23, John Edward MacDonald, 21, tuen, tsii taaid e t yen- vr eprmn Yu i for full information or write as chairman, and welcamed and his brother, Kenneth James tr usdadtecsae vr eaietyu1 i for FREZ folder, «Rmit~ Santa Claus, who assistèd in dis- MacDonald, 20, al ai the Hamp- called Chief Constable Menzies yen know at low, deep-ciit Wate, ii.Paai ac.mit". tributing a large bag ai goodies ton area, appeared in Whitby in nearby Part Peri-y. Wtrth a «siy% ta each child. Police Court Tuesday marning As a resuit ai a tip hie went * *charged with robbery and as- ta a hause occupied by T. K. In a recent letter ta this sault in connection with the Shunk and, as he was question- paper, W. G. Bowles really Prince Albert holdup. They ing a woman there, the suspects' poured on the molasses i-e Dutch were remanded for one week car drave up. Unarmed, Chief settiers in Durham County. Officers af theBwle Constable Menzies raced out and CLARI<S Granted, they ai-e intelligent, in- O.P.P. detachment ai-e continu- arrested the yauths. dusrios ad trify. ng hei inestgaton ntothe Fifty dallai-s in bils was Mi-. Bowles is right when he Burketon holdup with a view fail fithe crs. cnece O R K warns them ta go easy an the ai laying additional charges olflA r N church separate school issue. against the men in connectian A witness had previousîy seenAN The public schooi is the finest with this crime. T-.he y's co thing an th eeir u adichA N integrating machine we have in men gat $140 atMr ie' ltngadhi u nadtc Canada. A fact whîch Rev. A. store and $80 at Prince Albert. near Seagrave. Re got the W. Schaafsma apparently a Wear Similai- Masks license number. 20-oz. tin native ai Halland) choses ta disi-egard, according ta his reply The yaung gunmen ai-e alleg -_____________ ta Mi-. Bowles, in which he ed ta have entered the Prince states that the Dutch wish ta Albei-t general stoi-e and post 2- o. 1 RÇ become anadian inall thingsoffice Thursday evenlng, Dec.St Jo nsc u h PUMIPS SOFTENERa. proiding caunter tathir (the LINITED ?yrla doesn't i-un said Canadthianisem eallawed ta do se, providmng News I. ON D ON - CANADA Dutch) reiigious views. Ap- they pay for such schooi and _________________________parently, hie believes canon iaw services out ai'their awn pockets supercedes civil law. Weil, I 100 per cent, and at the salUe ThChitaFeswso- --don't. And I don't think the time, pay their just share via ThCrita eswsob JACK ROUGH average Dutchman does either. taxes, ta the upkeep of the pub- served at St. John's Church PLUMBING AND HEATING As a resident ratepayer ai lic schoois in theii- vicinity. with ail the joyful salemnity PHON 61 BOWANVLLEDurham County, I say, if the We now have tao many custamary ta the occasion. Ca- PHOE 15 BO MAVILEDutch or any graup wish ta schoois in Ontario, teachingr- i-ais preceded the Midnight DivisionStet. teach a particular religion dur- ligion at the expense ofte uharist, the Chair under the ing schaai hurs, they- should general taxpayer, and paying direction ai Mi-. John Smart, Golden Yellow anei,-nce +o arrir~itul h j, i sang the lovely Advent Carol, Are your $ -ment $ Consult E way ta A plain $ A BeIIN a! $BELL . 29% Simi $ PTOI s too heavy to carry?* Bellvue today for an easier olighten your financial worries.$ m te suit every incarne. vue Loan is as near$ is your Phone. VlUE FINANCE$ H. Wilson, Manager icee St. S. Oshawa $ NE OSHAWA 5-11D Vigor 011 Ce Reduces the Pric Fuel 011 and St STOVE OIL 191'0 ci FUEL OIL l2 c FOR DELIVERY PH 53r7 or Osha a fai-eign counti-y.Pepei"Pollo EatRjic places whei-e the government is and be Mer-y" and "La, How i-un by religious fanatics ai-e a Rose",-while the assembling usualiy underdeveloped and cangregation jaîned in famîliar poverty-ridden, because maney cai-ais. that should be used ta alleviate. The beautiful Holy Commun- distress and-ci-culated freely in ion service ai the Church fol- trade and commerce is siphoned lawed during the midnight off ta be used in the erectian ai hour, led by the Rector, Rev. costly, useless, elegant church Warren Turner, who preiaced buildings. And it ail starts with his sermon with a war r i-et- those innocent looking church ing ta the congregatian "fi-rn schools, where the impression- ail at the Rectory"l. He used able young are taught strict his sermon ta stress the under- obedience ta their relhgîous lyrng basic facts ai Christmas, mentors under pain ai terrible speaking frorn the text, "Now retribution if they dare back- the birth ai Jesus was on this siide. wise". (Matt. 1:18) During the No persan shauid be denied communion ai the people the the right ta warship freely. On Chair sang, "In the Bleak Mid- the ather hand, no persan should Winter", "«Geisai Day" and be compelied ta warship. We "O, ittle Town ai Bethlehem". have too many hyphenated Chtstmas Day was observed Canadians naw, wîthout adding with a celebration ai the Haly ta their number. But we WILL Communion at 8 a.m. and the welcome any immigrant who Family Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. desires ta become Canadian. At the latter service the Boys The public school is the finest Choir augmented by a few machine we have for turning aduit vaices led the musical out "A" grade Canadians. Let's partions ai the service effec- ail use it. tiveiy. The chui-ch was beautifully decarated for the occasian with evergreens, poinsettias and white chi-ysanthemums. As the Christmas season continues ta the Epiphany, Jan. 6th, the decoratians wiil remain in place until that time, as far as ~. L t d . posialseevce.apae Onthe Sunday evening aiter Christmas the 4nnual Chr-ist. ah pening prayers and the :es on era apprapriate passages fi-r the Bible were read by the Rector from the pulpit. The Chair, in spite ai depleted num- bei-s due ta sickness and ab- :ove Ou sence fi-rn town of several :o v e members sang selected carols with skill and ease that drew expressions ai appreciation froin many. During the service the choir sang: The Carol ai the Advent, (Peaple, Look East) an aid Besancon Carol :ent pergai.tune, the Boys Chair singing Rase"; A Dorset Gallery Carol, '"eejoice, and be Meiry"; a beautiful Welsh carol, "Paver- ty;"Earthly Friends" ta a de- :ents per gai. lightiul carol tune by Gofe Shaw; "Gems ai Day", a lGth century Fi-en ch cai-ol; The cons, gregatian joined in the singing ai "O Came, O Came, Emman- uel", "Hai-k! the Herald An- IO N Egels Sing". "Good Christian NEMen, Rejaice"; "We hè wa 5-1109 Abidn", -WeheShpe Watched"; and "Oh! Little Town PLiBethlehem"~ TI'ree Crashes At Christmas One lnjured Thi-ee accidents in Bowman- ville and the immediate out- skirts were investigated by Bowmanville and Provincial Police over the Christmnas week- end. Only one ai these resuited in injuries i-equii-ing hospital treatn?ent, howevei-. Ronald Landi-y, 18, ai New- castle. was taken ta Memorial bridge near the Cream cof Bar- iey Park as it was travelling toward Bowmanvile. The in- investigating officer said the car must have bounoed off the heavy metal rail after the first impact, then struck it again a short distance further west, yet stili on the south side. It then swung around and knocked out a portion of the grating of the bridge. Landry was thrown fi-rn the car and landed on the pavement.# The car, which was a total wreck, was owned by Eastman S'teeves, of Emley Street, New- ,astle, and was driven by the injured man's cousin, Ralph Landry, 20, aiso ai Emley St., Hospital wIL it hU 1ijuili-Newcastle. The driver receiv-' lowing an accident on Christ- cd only minai- bruises ta' his mas Day just inside the eastern ankies. limits ai the town. . No charges were laid by A late model car, in whîch Const. C. Bradley ai the Bow- the injured man was a pas- manville Police Department, the senger, struck the railing ai a investigating afficer. The injured youth has been ranto, at Mi-. Lloyd Hailowell's. transierred ta hospital in Toron- Mr-. and Mrs. John Stark and ta. sans, with Mi-. and Mrs. Logan, Other Accidents Bethay. Robei-t King, Bowmanville, Mi-. and Mrs. Lai-ne Paeden i-eceived a iractured nib when and Jim, with Mi-. and Mrs. his car rolled aver on Christmas Thompsan, Kendal. Eve aiter leaving Na. 2 High- Mi-. and Mrs. Jim Stark and way at the curve near the farin family with iriends at Castie- ai Harvey Brooks, Maple Gi-ave: tan, Mr-. King was driving west Mi-s.- F. Stone with Mi-. and toward Whitby when the ac- Mrs. John Stone, Orano. cident taok place. Mr. Arthur McKay with Mi-. The car ai William James, and Mrs. Harold Barrowciough, Bowmanvilie, was damaged ta Wesieyville, and supper guest the extent ai $400 when invoiv- with Mi-. and Mrs. Boughen, ed in a collision at the corner Newtonviiie. ai Temperance and Wellington Mi-. and Mrs. Z. Adams and Streets Sunday rnarning, Dec sons spent the, hoiidays in Vii- 26, with a King taxicab driven ginia. by Dick Perfect. Neither driver Christmas guests at Mi-. Liew was injured. Hallowell's wei-e: Mr-. and Mrs. __________ Orme Falls and famnllY, Mrs. Thos. Falls, Mr-. and Mrs. Bri- Hugh C. Baker ai Hamilton, an Caswell, Misses Norma and Ont., was the fi-st man in the Beulah Haiioweli, Mr-. and Mrs. worid ta make use ai the tele- Sid Hailoweil and family. phane, in 1877. /R Im WT SE S 3T\4,\\\ýFOG9 0 D UY 5 ~~ at Red S.&WhiteI- LI BBY'S TOMATO. CATCHU P 11oz. bottle 19C iln thé' Editor'a -.Mail Fi-edonia Road R.FÏ). 1, Stonebora, Peîq Dear George. Thought it was time I was again writing ta yau. I had about 700 glads this p11lst sea- son and 1 sent some a0 them to shut-ins ta cheer their ianely path. You may recaîl ini 1901 when your father was agent for the Allan Line- Steamship Ca., he brought ouâ- the two girls oi my wife frian Belfast, Ireland. One af these girls is a grandmather of a lovely girl. My second son was bai-n in Bawmanville. You will be intei-ested ta know what the churches in Grave City are daing. They are starting classes ta train yaung people ta bring up childi-en in Christian homes. They feel other towns wili stai-t if it works successiully here. Give my best wishes ta any Bowmanvilie people who re- member me. There Will ot be very many for I arn now past my 8th birthday. Fi-rn your aid i-iend, Frederic J. Barnes (Editar's Note:-Pupils who attended the Centrai Publie Schoal here back in the 90's wiil recail Coi-parai Hobbs who was caretaker ai the schoial and a veteran ai the Indiani Mutiny. He was a relative af Mi-. Barnes, a native ai Eng- land.) In 1891, a scheme ta utilize the power ai Niagara Falls for gen- erating electricity was publiciy ridicuied. Sur Saniord Fleming, a Canad- ian engineel-, laid the fi-at. cablé i acrass the Pacifiein 1887. B O WMAN VILI Yea's Mai-ketei b, APLE GROI Maple Grave Gro ORONO W Cornlsh. Grocete OSHAWA I(cKenna's Super1 948 Simcoe St. Spi-oules Food S 272 King St. 458 Slmcoe St. LITTLE BRIT.1 FBullock's Grocet PORT HOPI -- oberts Brou. Fo RbrsUptown1 oeraCOBOURG Jeffery Food Ma BROOKLIN' Brown's Grocet PORT PERR' Dowson's Food N jb AJAX IL Ajax Mai-ketei p FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 5-lb. bag 33C ROSE BRAND Margarine 1 lb. reg. pack IL 26C INGERSOLL CHEESE SULCES 10 slices- 8 oz. 25c KRAFI CHEE WHI] 16-oz. 'jar 59( Swift's Boneless- Caulwra 'Veal Leg Rolis Lb. Lean Ninced Beef Park Side - Lean ai Spare Ribs Tasty Lean Pork Hult Chops Lb. Fi-esh - Sliced Pork Liver You Pay Less at Red & Whit E REGULAR OR CHUBBY KLEENEX TISSUES APPLEFORDS - Food Saver - He WAX PAPER10 DURHAM CORN STARCH 2 FOUR PAD- PACKAGE S.O.S. SCOURING PA SHIRRIFF'S - Good Morning NqARNA ÀLAÀD E JOHNSON'S - No Rub - Pint Siii BRD GLOSS WAX QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT KOUNTY KIST Zfor39c GREEN BEANSTn UNGRADED - Choice Quality mvy COLLEEN PEAS f t. roll 31 C CATELLI'S COGKED SPAGRETI pkgs. 35C CAMPBELL'S - 10 oz. tin .1 VEGETABLE SOUPd MS 14C BEE HIVE 2. CORN SYRUP1 24-or. RED AND WHITE - 16 oz. jar Reg. Jr453c PURE PEANUT BUTT 64 MORNING GLORY R- i lb. r 91c COIFFEE RatrF TABLE QUEEN - 24-og. Loaf pk.21c SLICED BREAD 20.oz. Tin Tn rER~ resh la a 59c lOc Frozen Foods Birdseye # BLUEBERRIES, il oz. pkg. - 35c Birdseye BEEF PIES, 8 or. ---- 39c iLE oceteria tria Mar-ket Stores ,. E. S. bE >d Store Market terla.- Market ria r ;à apped 57c 29C 45c 53c 25c 27C 29C 35C 008 and Meat, Lb. Lb. Orono Mb,

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