Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1954, p. 6

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TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVTLL~. ONTA~Tfl ,IqWTTDqTIAV flW~ t~ lfl* S'---a -. ---. .~-.* --w' The most ambitious program ofroad pavn ever undertaken an ealng Township has bEen earrie out during the paat year, with 10 miles of township roads being hard-sur- faced. Along with the two miles of hard-surfacing completed last year, the Township has now paved 12 miles of roeds in two years. In addition, in the four Year s since 1951 during which RyW. Nichols has been Reeve of Darlington, the United Coun- ties has paved an additional $205,00 REWARD for information as to thxe present whereabouts of one Patrick Hainey wbo forineriy resided at Burketon Junction, Ontario This reward wll be paid upon obtaining Information enabling me to locate Patrick Hainey, the Defendant ln a motor car accident ceue, who bas not appeared and against whom a Judgment han been recov- ered under the provisions of The Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. Address ail replies to A. R. WILLMOTT, Q.C, 240 Division Street Cobourg - Ontario 7% milès of county roads, mak- ing a four-year total of 19'h miles of hard-surfacing. The Township la also carry- ing out a prognamn of widening and inipioving its dirt roads, cutting the brush at the sides and deepening ditches, as well as bard-sunfacing as many stretches as its budget would allow. One of the noads which has been improved a great deal by widening, grading and ditch- ing is the noad south of the Countice corner. Last year this road was hard-surfaced as fan south as the Ebenezer church and this faîl the Township roads department unden Les Gnaham has widened it fromn the church south to Highway 401. The ditches have been deepened and the, brush cut away at the side of the road along this stretch. Hope For Cloverleaf The Township Council is anxious to get this section pre- pared for paving next year as they hope to get the Ontario Department of Highways ta in- staîl a clovenleaf on Highway 401 at this point ta give moton- ists. fromn Courtîce, Haydon, Enniskillen and fanther north a direct link through this road to the new highway. This noad is already paved from, Ebene- zen to Haydon, 12 miles north. A cold-mix asphaît has been used on this road as the Town- ship Coundil membens believe that this type of pavement will last for 15 years without re- pairs. The cold mix is put on to a depth of 2/2 inches when it is laid. The following year ai thin coat of hot asphalt is put1 on, and an additional one-haîf inch of baose crushed rock is laid down. Thîs two-year pro- cess gives a very hard and durable type of pavement which the Darlington officiaisj believe will stand up much better than hot-mix asphaît.11 This type of pavement asý been used ln the entire 12 mie of iýaad which bas been bard- surfaced in Darlington during A NEW '1955 Frigidaire Dryer THIS CHRISTMAS Fret winte drig ems - a NowI Brfng sunshine indoors .very day of the yearl Just toss clothes into a Frigidaire Electric Clothes Dryer and minutes later they're dried ail soft and fluffy. AND, with the exclusive new FILTRATOR you can dry clothes anywhere-without adding costly vents or plumbing. Porcelain finished cabinet and drum stay clean and brighti Mason & Dale HARDWARE MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E. Proclamation BOXING D AY Mon., Dec. 2 7th 1 hereby proclaim that Monday, December 27th be designated as Boxing Day in the Town of Bow- manville and request ail citizens to observe the samo. F. Morley Vanstone Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Darlington Twp. Roads Show Big Improvement Due to Hard Surfacing Mns. C. Daw and Miss Mary Lau Daw visited Mn. and Mrs., Fred Daw and family, Ashbumn, on Saturday, Dec. 4th, when thein son, Jimmie, - celebrated bis fifth birthday anniversary. Miss Alana Graham, Fenclon Falls, was a visitar with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mna. Harland TruIl last week. Mrs. S. Kersey and daughten Grace, wene necent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey, Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clarke, Toronto. visited at W. W. Horn's. Mn. and Mns. Gilbert Wilkin- son, Toronto, visitcd at Donen- go Trull's. Dr. Wallace Horn, Montreal, spent Saturday with his parents -Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, on his neturn from a business trip ta Toronto duning the wcek. Rev. and Mns. Merrill Fer- guson wene Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Billett. Mn. and Mrs. Will McLaugh- lin, Bunketon, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy, and , attendcd the morning church service. Mn. and Mns. W. W. Hornn and aon Wallace, at Mn. and Mns. C. E. Horn's, Oshawa. An event of interest was held in the church basement on Fni- day evening when church and community fniends gathered togethen ta honan anc of aur bighly respected young cou- pies who will naw be leaving aur commun ity to reside in Pickering. Rev. F. Reed was master of cenemonies and per-i fonmed tbe duties of chaîrmnan and led in community by aing- ing with Miss N. Horn at the piano. Our Men's Quartette favored with vocal selections and Mrs. T. Woodlock favoned, with a bumonous reading and nesponded with an encore, al af which wcre enjoyed. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and fam- ily were called ta the platform and were pnesented with a lovely coffee table and lamp with the best wisbes of their Hampton friends who regret thein nemoval fnom our midst, they having been active in ahl depantments of cburch and i community activities. Refnesh- ments and a social hall hour followed. Mr. and Mns. Lewis Trul and Mn. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul i attended the opening cenemon- ies of the new McLaughlin Public Library, Oshawa, on Dec. Ist and aiso the Dedica- ,lion service ol Northminster United Church on Sundev, Dec. 5th and were guests of Mn. and Darlington Improves Many Roads the past two years. We understand that the ten miles of paving completed i Darlington this year has been paid for by >a miii rate of only 8.25 for road purposes. This ia one-haif mill less than the 8.75 mills collected last year, al- tbough council did have a sur- plus left over from last year ta work with duning 1954. Many Sections Paved Stretches of road which were hard-surfaced this year by the - Township are: the Third Con- cession Road from the Oshawa Dairy Farm for several hun- dred yards west; the Preston- vale raad from No. 2 Highway south to Clarence Penfound's; the Maple Grave road fromn No. 2 Highway three-quanters of a mile forth; the Sixth. Conces- sion Road from Solina 11/4 miles west; the Eighth Conces- sion Road from Enniskilien to Haydon, including the Village of Haydon; and from the Boys Training School two miles east to the Clarke Township Boun- dary. This excellent road-bullding program has been carried out in co-operation with the De- partment of Highways, which pays 50 cents on the dollar for construction, maintenance and repaîrs of township roacis, and 80 cents on the dollar for mon- ey spent on bridges and cul- verts. Part of the equipment used on these paving projects has been Darlington's own, and the remainden has been hired from the Department of High- ways. In addition to actual paving, the Township has donc a great deal of widening, gnading, ditching and bnush removal. On the First Concession Road about two miles west of the Bowmanville town limitsaa bulldozer has been used to wi- den the cut thnough Woods' 1H11l so that the snowplows can do a better job in the winten. For a considenable stretch west of this hili, brush has been cut back from the aides 'of the road. Ditching On Boundary On the Townline Road North, which forma the boundary be- tween Darlington Township and Oshawa. the ditch on the east aide has been deepened by the township and culvents installed, while work on the west side has been done by Oshawa. It was noticeable, too that the township job has been much the better anc. ýOn the Seventh Concession Road, two miles east of Ty- rone, a bulldozer has been used to widen the cut through the Gibbs Hill and improve the road to allow better snowplow- ing in the winten months. This stepped-up road build- ing and maintenance program1 is an indication of the great !orward strides in Darlington Township In the past year. A total of 160 new hauses have been built, raising the value ofj assessed property in the town-c ship by $405,000 to a new high 1 of $4,515,615. The population of Darlington has increased , from 6,168 to 6,845 -outstrip- ping the growth of Bowman- ville-and new bouses are sprmnging up rapidly in the wlestern section. ' To handle the increasing pop- ulation, Darlington Township Counc11 has built a new two- room school at Zion and two- room additions at Maple Grove r and Courtice Schools. The cost c of these new schools was in the neighborhood of $76,000~ somewhat lowen than the orig- inal estimates submitted. HAMPTON c Mn. and'Mrs. Luther Barra- bail spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Bob Barrabali, Maple Grove. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Jones af Newtonville spent Sunday at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Ce- cil Jones. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Jean and Neil, Toronto, visited l4rs. Chas. Awde on Sunday. Miss Madeline Cowan spent the wcekend with Mr. and l!vrs. A. R. GaIi*y, Lakefield. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Saun- zlers have sold their farm, and hiave purchased a house in Bowmanville, where they will be moving soon. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barraball, Wbitby, visited in Orono on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. H. Luxton and family, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. H. Vlercer. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, New Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. J. Rickaby, Toronto, visited Mrs. D. Bailey and Mn. and Mrs. Rleber Souch. The Communîty Christmas Trec will be held in Onono Town Hall, Saturday, Dec. 18, at 3 p.rn. A short film program wiul be given and Santa Claus- will be present. Ahl the child. ren of this district arc wcl- orne. Miss Shirley Porter, Osha-- wa, spent a few days last week vith Mn. and Mrs. Neil Porter.- Miss Manion McKelvey, Ton- onto, visited Mrs. Fred Brima- ombe. Mr. and Mrs. C. Myles, Mn. and Mrs. D. Myles, Mrs. M.- Carleton, Mn. Rosa Carleton, Mr. Bruce Myles and Miss A. Cooper were dinnen guests on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Don Myles, Bowmanville. Mn. David Phasey visited Mf. and Mrs. Fred Brooks,1 Dshawa. Mrs. Gardon Cotten is assis- J Ung at the Orono Post' Officet during the Christmas rush. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman entertained Sunday at a fam- ily dinnen. Mr. and Mrs. O. Adams and Faye, Roseneath, visited Mn. and Mrs. Sid Barrabaîl and other relatives last wcek. Miss Audrey Billing, Osha- wa, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billinga. Mn. Robent Halfyand and Mn. Milton Hallett, Burling- ton, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. Wm. Miller. .Mn. and Mrs. Bill Found, London, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Dane Found and Mary. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Cnowthen of Newcastle spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wood. The newly formed Orono Group of C.G.I.T. beld their first Christmas Vespen and Candle-lighting service Sun- day evening at Orono United Church. They were welcomed by a large congregation of parents and frienda. At the morning service, Rev. John Kitchen expressed the apprea- iation of the Church Board for the donation of twa Christmas trees, also ta those responaible for the beautiful decorating of the trees. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Williams, Bowmanvîlle, visited Mrs. A. Harris on Sunday. Miss B. Kelly, Cobourg, vis- ited Mrs. J. E. Richards. Mrs. Herbent I. Tunley. Ot- I tawa, visited ber mother, Mrs. James Dickson at Newcastle, and was the guest of Mn. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph. Heather Rebekah Ladge had their Christmas Dinnen Party Tuesday evening in the new hxall. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Powens, West Hill; Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Clemence., Oshawa, were nec- ent visitons with Mrs. Cecil Powers and Mn. A, E. Clemn- ence. For a Gi FiIIed wilh Neaning . Give Flowers Flowers can express the spirit of Christmas in s50 many ways - as à friendly token or as a symbol of love, they convey a world of meaning! Delight your friends and loved ones with floral gis this Christmas, order yours from our coniplete stocks, today! Buckley's Flowers 35 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5474 C.G.I.T. Christmas Vespen Service will be held Sunday evening at 7:30. The Juniors sang at chunch on Sunday afternoon and Rev. Jackson gave a Christmas Lmessage. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Gardon 1Brown and Mrs. Mabel Brown at West Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Vivian and family at Mr. Dan Viviari's, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patta and boys spent the weekénd with Mn. and Mrs. T. Potts Colling- wood. Mrs. Ross Ashton and Shen- yl, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Miss Marie visited Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa. Mra. Bernard Houseman spent the weekend with ber husband, Cpi. Houseman, To- ronto. Mn. and Mns. CedilSlemon were tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskillen. Misses May and Winnifred Trewin and Mn. Arthur Trew- i at Mn. Cecil Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mn. Milton Slemon visited Mr. and iMna. Fred Toms, En- niskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth So- pen, Kendal; Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdey, Bobcaygean. were ne- cent visitons at Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb's. Mn. and Mrs. Stephen Lip- tay, Islington, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. Liptay. Miss Jean Griffin, Black- stock, visited at Mn. and Mrs. Charles Garnard's. Mn. and, Mrs. Cecil Slemon at Mn. and'Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mn. and Mns. George Bod- nar and baby, Hampton, at Mn. J. Liptay'a. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Young- man and baby, Pontypoal, were Sunday visitars at Mn. and Mns. D. Black's. Mr. and Mrs. Narman Avery and family at Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine's. Mr. Bert Ashton and Brad- ley, Toronto, at Mn. H. Ash- Aduit Bible Clins Aduit Bible Class meeting was held at the Trewin home on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon opened the meeting. Mrs. Charles Garrard pnesented the Devotional. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Siemon were in charge of the following "Wu Wuz RHhnbd r' TES, your Jewelry and furs maY be utoien, burned, accidentaily Joui or damaged . .. and al pour tears and Protesta won't help a bit. What wiii help, however, tu a Jewelry-Fur Policy..» ttrong Insurance ai home and away, against practicaiiy any danger you can name. STUART B. JAMES Insuance Real Estate Office Residence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 K.ing Street E. Bowmanville q programme: solo, Mr. Arthur Bell, Hampton; nmusic. Mn. Bell and Mn. Cecil Slemon; piano duet by MIra. Read and Ina Benl Read; piano instru- mental by Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Rev. F. Jackson led the dis- cussion. Meeting closed and lunch was aenved. Women's Association Christmas meeting of W.A. was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cecil Sle- mon. President, Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, opened the meeting. Devotional by Mrs. J. Patta. Mrs. Olesen had charge of the following program Christmas neadings by Mrs. Arthur Read, Mrs. Cowling and Mrs. Olesen. Several canots were sung. Mrs. Olesen and her group and the hostess served a nice Christ- mas lunch. Farewell Party Friends and neighiours met at the schoolhouse Fniday ev- ening when Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black were preserited with an end table and table lamp. Mn. and Mns. Black have sold their fanm and are moving to their new home which they have bought nonth of Countice. Mr. Don Camenon read a short address and Mn. Arthur Trewin and Mr. J. Walker pnesented the gifts. Suitable neply was made by Mn. Black. Mn. J. Walker also made a short speech. The balance of the evening was pleasantly spent playing games, conclud- ing with a delicious lunch.j Farm Forums S.S. 4 DARLINGTON FORUM The S.S. No. 4 Darlington Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bickle's with an attendance of 17. The topic was "Gettmng Started". (1) To what sources do young farmers in your area look for credit when they are establish- ing their own farm? (a) Marry a rich wife; (b) Borrow £romi an individual; (c) Farm Im- provement Loan; (d) Veteran': Loan Act; (e) Borrow from bank with their father'sinsuA port, for short terni bans; (le Credit Unions. We think that it is Impossible for a Canadian born farm son without private incoine to start farmîng in this part of Ontanii4 (2) (a) Buy a farm close to î home and share machinery; (b> Hire custom work lione; (c) Rent a farm and at with a minimum of livenock anxd equipment and build Up a e a machinery line.4 Mrs. Bickle served a very lovely lunch. The average length of time under construction of new homes built in Canada in 1953 was 6.3 months. from Goheen's Handy 77 KING ST. E. Shop BOWMANVILLE " Television Lamps * Doils " Chocolates * Electrlc Shavers *Cups and Saucera *Christmas Cards *Wrapping Paper and Seals *Books - Games - Novelties ~ *Cigarettes - Ail varieties Ail types of Groceries and Cooked Meats Bottled Drinks- Dairy Products '~0 D11 I Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror In gif t boxes - 3, 5 and 6 pieces 3 .49 m 5.95 -7.95 a 11.95 * 14.95 Shavins- BowIu -- 850, 1.50 Shavins- Brunhes 59e to, 5.00 Alter Shave- Lotion 1.00, 2.00 Shulion Oid spice sets- 1.35, 2.60, 2.85, 4.10 Men's Zlppered Fltted Cases 5.35 - 7.75 - 12.50 . 13.50 Giliette Razors -89e, 1.59 Giliette sets _______2.20 Yardiey Sets 2.00 to 4.85 Yardley Lotus 1.75 t. 3.00 Lavender - 1.25, 2.50, 3.75 Dustins- Powder Miti - 1.25 Soap Miii ___ -___ 1 50 Shandra Colos-ne 95o to 5.00 Shandra Sets - 2.25, 3.75 Brushes -___ 98e t. 3.95 Bath Salto ___-_ 50e, 1.50 Leather Fancy. Shandra Bubble Wallets Soap Perfume Bath 1.65 t. 7.50 soc to 1 .5 1.50 - 2.7.5 500 - 980 Christmas Siaiionery Fancy boxes 65c - 1.00 -1.50 -2.00 Christmas Chocolaies, Special Assortment 1.00 - 1.50 - 1.75 - 2.50 Fresh Tobacco and Cigareile: in i 50': COWLING'S ;PHONE oMA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FITà TRUSSES1 During the past year more work has been done on improving the roads in Darlington Township than at any time in its history. Ten miles of road have been been hard-surfaced and many stretches have been widened, improved and ditched. Shown above is a typical road-widening job whieh is being carried out on Gibbs' Hill, two miles east of Tyrone on the Seventh Concession Road. Two bulldozers are shown widening the road and deepening the cut so that it can be snowplowed more easily during the winter months. There are now 19% miles of paved road, including 7Y miles of county roads, in Darlington Township. Il IiiHAYDON lmait m - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bombu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ginim . TRIMDAT. nw. lmh. lui 0

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