Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1954, p. 7

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IWfUANA DI * W AT UD WA BOIKANv-& - -- - IStudents See Art Exhibition at Lions Centre1 Rebekahs HoId Successful Sale Home Cooking in Lions Centre Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols, Mrs. L. B. Williams, Temperance, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Street. las Nichais, Kingston. Mr. Fred Stuckey, Joanne Mrs. Jessie . Kentner, Acton, and Billy, Acton; Mr. Barrie lias returned home after visit- Enscoe, Ccwksville; Mr. Daniel ig ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, Victoria, B.C.; Mr. Harry Smith.1 and Mrs. Geo. Goddard, Cour- Mr. Alfred Ayre, Toronto, and tice; Mrs. McDermott, Toronto, TA4A1iceý Ayre of Paignton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. ;,i England, were vis and Mrs. Harry Smith. 4tMrs. Thos. Iamn Miss Jessie Turner, Reg. N., --isâes Eva and Hilda Sunter, bas returned to Montreal after Toronto, were visitors with their spending ber vacation with hier émusins, Misses Elizabeth and aunt and uncle, -Mr. and Mrs. Camre Painton. Wm. Roberts, Church St., also Mr. Bob Leask bas returned to visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. University of Torontofo hi George R. Roberts, now living 8eo %I.'year in the Electrical in Toronto. Engering course there. Winners in the Bowmanville Miis Dieuwke Toering arrived Frigid Locker System Special in fron iHolland last week and is the Domestic Science section at staying with hier sister. Mrs. Van Orono Fair were: For exhibitor der Byl at the Victor Manor, with most entries in Domestic King St. West. Science, lst prize, one side of Mrs. G. Talcott, Mrs. Smales bacon-Mrs. S. Moore: 2nd prize, Sr., Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mrs. haif side of bacon-Mrs. D. Hall. Some of the public school stud ents who e] Colliss, town, Mrs. G. Muttokf Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman European paintings at the Lions Commun ity Centre la. Brighton, enjoyed a two-week and three children, Burlington, too h euiu i anig nds a.Tetr holiday at Williams' cottage at were Sunday guests of Mr. and tw ofhebatulilpnigs ndspay Tetr the beach. Mrs. Gea. W. James when a fam- the Economie Association of Graphic and Plastic Arti: Mr. Alfred Johnson, Windsor, ily party was held to celebrate rters are at Vienna. The picturps were of very high ci spent last weekend with his the birthday of their son Bill a rare experience for art loyers in this area. -Ph. sîsters, Mr. »and Mrs. A. W. James. Smt adMr nd Ms.Br Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mortlock, Ottawa, wbo bad been on a Mr. Erie Aldwinckle, the G a Miss Helen McGuire flew hi motor trp to Dayton, Ohio, visît- noted adin rts whose G a t S u - Vancouver to spend a week's ing friends, stopped off at Bow- sketches and paintings madeSp d vacation, with her aunt and manville on Tuesday on their re- on a recent trip to Russia are r m H y o uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Mc- turn trip to renew acquaintances featured in the current issue*.ofFrm H y n Guire. including the Statesman staff. Maclean's Magazine, is a bro- Mrs. Mabel Bagneil and Mrs. Be sure to see the Necchi Sew- ther of Mn. Jack Aldwinckle, W. A. Edger are spending a few ing Machine demonstration at proprieton of Jack's Smoke George Tabb, Haydon, must days visiting their brother, Mr., Mason & Dale Hardware this Shop hene. The magazine de- .have Iearned the secret of rais- and Mrs. Stanley Davey, Flint, Friday, October lst. Mrs. G. votes considenable space to ing the largest potatoes in Mich. Chamberlain will be demonstrat- sketches and paintings made Durham County, judging by the Mrs. Peacock of Crook, North ing this wonderful new sewing by Mr. Aldwinckle and his size of the three monsters he England, accompanying ber sis- machine. fellow-artist Fred Varley dur- left recently at the Ontario ter, Mrs. AIf Campbell, on re- County Health Unit reports 17 ing their stay behind the Iron Department of Agriculture Of- turn to ber home in Lindsay, cases of whooping cough in Dar- Curtain. fice. The largest of the three Were recent guests of Dr. and lington Township. The report Mr. Robert King, Bowman- wihd3/ onsadma shows Bowmanville with a dlean ville nepresentative of the Lon- weiged 19 pouds nd rcmea- -sheet as far as communicable don Life Insunance Company, sure e 19 ic eohe crumfe diseases are concerned, or at was presented with the Nation_ genelthswiehe o ter1tw least none are reported. ai Quality Award of the Life gatsuswihdi t2 Amon thse fom owma- Uderrites Asocitio ofpounds and 21/ pounds. S T. JOHN'S ville attending the Essery -Mc: Canada at a negulan meeting e r o h esikvr of te OhawaBrach o th iety and no commercial fertili- Clenen eddng n St An oftheOshaa Banc ofthezen was used in gnowing them. HURCH ~drew's United Cburch, Osh- Association held at the Oshawa _________ C U Hawa. last Saturday were Mr. Golf and Conr Clb as and Mrs. R. Rombough and Fniday evennt Clbwas te (Agia)M.and Mms. D. Thompson. second year in succession that w Brothers (Anlicarrn)rer Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Davidson, Mr. King had won this awad,Tw Rev.Waren ur icao, it, eneguets f teirwhich is presented in necogni- B.A., B.D.cnerinC Mrs. Eric Colweîî, Honsey tion of quality life underwrit-In c de s St. last week. Wbile in town ing service to the public asIn A cd ts H A R VE S They also,-vsited their aunt, Mrs. evidenced by ,an excellent re- W t n i n u Stan Preston, Chunch St., and cord of maintaining in force L F E T V L ~ t~ n ~ A bert Gil ens W el ~ th ben fi~ of T w o C lark brothers, E ugene a.m.-The Brennan Construction The three Bowmanville girls and Hanold of 34 Second St., 1Company has begun the pav. who ,"went West" over a year wene involved ipi sepanate car HOLY COMMUNION ing program on Bowmanville's3 ago, have nothing but good ne- accidents within an hour of streets and the section aîong ports of their new locale in Cal- each othen between 12 and 1 a.m. - the south side of Queen St. gary, Alta., as tbey visited their p.m. on Saturday. CHORL ECHAIST whene the street was widened Parents here on vacation. Misses At 12.40 p.m. a car driven by CHORAL ECHARIST and new curbing installed bas Frances Rowe, daughter of Mr. Egn a i yacrdie alnad benpaved. and Mi-s. John Rowe, George St.; by Bh Dwe ael Rev. Roland Hill, B.A., D.D., S LtDR Margaret Nichols, daugbten of cil oner 0f Qieen PrahrMr. and Mns. John R. Nichols, Roat. a her tuveaondo Phillips who bas spent the sum- Higb St., and Mafgaret Stacey, t br tcre rudt 7 p.rn. - mer flying witb the Naval 'Air daugliter of Mr. and Mns. Alvin bcm cgg S.S h Anm at H.M.C.S. Sbearwater, Stacey, Liberty St. North, flew Dowle car was pnocéeding east EVENSONG Dartmouth, NS., spent a few home for a two-week vacation on King and Clark was coming Rev. D. R. Dewdncy, B.A., days with bis mother, Mrs. F. S. and will be returning to Cal- onto, King St. fnom Queen St. L.T.,Prachr hisecd erstudesuing îaw gary by air this Saturday. Tbe wben the collision took place. The scood eall, Tode nonto. girls ahl have good positions and oid-model Clark car ws a to- ___________Hall,__Toronto,_ are really enjoying that friendly tal wreck and the Dowle car ______________________ Amiong the out-of-town guests spirit of the West that we bean suffered about $350 damage ta who attended the Cattran - so much about. tbe left front and side. Neither Reynolds wedding on Satunday, The editor of The Statesman driver was seriously burt. A E v n tSept. 25, were Mn. and Mrs. J. is indebted to Dr. Norman Ah- charge of careless driving bas Eva geistic Blair, Detroit, Mich., uncle and lin, Centre St., for bringing bis been laid aÉainst Dowle and aunt f Mrs Chas. Cattran, Sr., son-in-law, M. G. C. Langille one of driving witout a license Centre and ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. D. (whose wife is the former Vena against Clark. Fenguson, Akon, Ohio, all of Allun) into the office for a Ealier in the hour Hanold <Pentecostal) whom wene weekend guests with friendly chat on Tuesday. Mn. was involved in a sideswipe Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Cattran, Centre St. Langille, native of Edmonton, accident on Division St. with PhoneMA 3-637-A happy family gathering was Alta., is an extnemeîy interest- K. M. Brooks of Oshawa. Clark PhneMA3-63held at the home of Mrs. Muriel ing and well informed public told police that bis brakes had -Symons last weekend. Those servant being associated with failed. Damage to both vehi. present included Mr. and Mns. the *Dept. of Extennal Affains des was ieny sligbt. HARVST HME ERVIE 1Kani Symons, Chicago; Mn. and (Latin - American Section). He BARVES HME ERVCE Mns. Paul Symons, Robent, Janet was fonmerly second secretany and Teddy, Inondale Heights; Mn. at the Canadian Embassy, Pe tecostaiBbi o lee anrdit;MssAelima Syrnons, Port Buenos Aires (1950 - 1952) and Fire Brigades PenecotaiBibe ollge, Creit;Mis Ama cosaPuer- Canadian Embassy at Caracas, Peterborough, to Rico, and Miss Lilian Bun- and Venezuela (1952 - 54). Mr. (Continued from page one) nen, town. and Mrs. Langille are home on Wbitby pumpen, which was Ail WlcomeSeveral Bowmanville mem- 'leave fnomn South Amenica also relaying waten fnom the Ai eloebers of tbe 2lst Battalion of aften four yeans abroad. He miii pond. Suda, ct 3d Wold War I attended the 36tli wîh] now be retuning to duty Huge Aerial Ladder Used in Peterbonough on Satunday. yeans. These three lines of hose 10 am. Bll aitCol.Lore T.Me-were fed into a triple connec- SUNDAYCHOOL» Laughlin, Bert Parker, Milford nE ('n flUl9he ate SUNDY SCOOL Johnson, Oliver Roberts and MAPLE unuVE itthe'Onhhoe nnng il a.rn. Jack Graham of Bownhanville, U h eillde.Te10 WORSHIP lail enjoyed the re-union, which This community extends con- foot aenial ladden on the huge was attended by about 200 gratulations to our Junior foot- Oshawa truck was extended up 7 .n pensons. In addition, Jack bail teamn on winning the cup 65 feet in the air. The water, EVANGELISTIc Parker and Ron Johnson ac- this yean. Pictune of the cham- unden 150 pounds pressure, was ____________________companied their fathers to the pion team appeared in hast sbooting 180 feet fnom the' noz-I event. week's Statesman. zle at the top of the hadder be- ---------------------______ The Institute women wiîî en- îng handhed by one of the Osh- tentain the Boy's Club on Mon- awa firemen. With portable Social. & £Personal Phone 3303 The annuai $ale of cooking, and afternoo held on Friday, Sept. 24, Beehive Regekah Locd Bowmanville was once a great success. Mns. FI Moore, District Deputy dent, officially opened 1 Mrs. W. J. Bagneil, as 1 welcomed the visitors E door af the Lions Cozn2 Centre. Tea was served. Green Rooni and in the hall, the following past Grands pouring: Mrs. M. blyn, Mrs. W. Hackney M. Moore, Mrs. C. Curti S. Morris, Mrs. T. Wrighi E. Beckett, Mrs. C. Samii Afternoon tea was cor by Mrs. R. Hlutchinson an E. Winnacott. Home i was convened by Mrs. C. lu. The sale af tickets N charge ai Mrs. L. Kerr. ""s. Mrs. Elva Leach, Grand, welcomed everyc eight o'chock, and intrc Mayor Morley Vanstone, rijoyed the exhibition of 150 made the draws, assisti ast week are shown above with District Deputy Presideni ree-day show was sponsored by Fl*orence Moore. A listg sts of Austria whose headqua wînners follows: alîb e an the e x hi itio w as P in-up ,ha rnp, Jini M eik l calbreandtheexhbiton asrone; Carving4, set, Bý loto by Carson Studio, Port Hope Gordon; Bed lamp, Mrs. S casten, Newtonvilie; Cul saucer, Mns. W. J. St of the demonstration was the Sheets, Mrs. Colville, N( speed witb which,,the finemen tic; Bon-bon dishes, Mr unrolled and coupled up thein DeVitt; Cake plate and hoses befone the stant of the cloths, Mrs. Courtney, W display and the fast action Pillow cases, Mrs. E.' sbown in uncoupling tbem, Dresden quiht, Mns. R. M rolng thern p, and getting ents, Tyrone; Chinese tbtem back into the trucks when ments, Mrs. Street; Relîsh the event was over. Miss June Quinney; 1 * Following the mutual aidj cases, Mrs. J. A. Colwell, exencise the finemen gathened Cup. d sucr r again at the Bowmanvil.e fire Hooper, Tyrone; Electric Hall whene they wene the guests Mns. W. Thentell; Bla of Bowmanville Chief L. Hoop- Miss Lonetta Kilgannon; er, Deputy Chief Walter Hack- and saucer, Mrs. Cory; ( and he owmavile fie- oie, Mrs. M. Burley, Ne, neyanth omnil ie ville; Lamp, Mrs. F. Jam: men for lunch. The Peterbor- Towell set, Don Vinkle, kaugh Fine Chief and three fine, tonvill'; Baby blankets, men, who bad heen obsenvers lise Elîott, Newtonvilhe;( at the demonstration, wene alsa e s set, Mrs. M. Etchen; C present for lunch. I roe, Ms. M. Burley; Tabl I - f Jj,ýýÏl,,i, ,ce atC t, ZO1U Plil. ---.........lul Itilaso be Communion In change. of the demonstra- Sunday. tion wene Fine Chief Keni Baird Mr. Stan Snowden will not and Fine Chief W. Elliott, ~U M NI N SU D Y show hspib e hi *Friday of Oshawa, Co-ondinator . for WOR D OM UNI N UM AY night as was announced but orthumberland and D u r- Il A.M.- in the cburcb basement. System. îhes working under Miss Mildned Snowden spent tem wene: L. Hoopen, Bow- a few days in Montreai and mnanville; Bruce Mencen, Or- The acrmen ofThe ords Tble attended the Everson-Hutchin- oflO; Frank Miller, Newcastle; son wedding. She also was a Jack- Record, Pont Hope; C. The Communion Address wilI be delivered by guest of Mi. and Mrs. E. A. Winter, Ajax; and Ralpb Cor- Everson. ner, Whitby. Mn. and Mns. Morley Flintoff Oven 60 finemen took part in B ISHOP THEOPHILUS and family visit&hd Sundav with the demonstration, hhwa Mr. and Mns. Bob Vivian, Jan- Witnessed by Instructor George of the Mar Thoîna Church of South India etviîîe. Alexander of the Ontario Fine Mr. nd Ms. . H.SnowenManshall's Office, Toronto, who # 7 PM -Mn.s arnMsCH Snowden pn temed the mutual aid exe- the weekend with the former'sc'e.a rygoshw. ,I Rer T.A.Morandaughten, Mn. and Mns. Albert takes a lot of wonk onganizing Re.T . ognBrown at Hamilton. a display of this kind, and I Mr. nd rs. ed oar erethink they did very well", he "'À osifve aith inToronto 'Satunday and at- delaned. twedding in College St. United Chiefe C. Winten of Ajax 11 A.M.- Churcb. They also visited their pointed out that by means of cousins, Mn. and Mns. Inwin the nelay pumping fnom truck Sunday School W an~fd Mns.Charlie Green. staedwatep afght fires ia j Mn. r E e Colliss. are o a mo- be bougt for long distances, Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary to tp to Pittsbung visiting when hydrants are knocked Departments Mns. Greens relatives. out, on in an area where there Mr. James Murphy, Toronto, are no bydrants. 12:15 P.M.- visited Mn. anid Mrs. Howard "A thing ike this is a boon Cryderman. TI'ey also called to any town", he asserted. It Ineredat adon Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird. makes as much fine fighting Junior, ItreiaeadMns. L. Colliss enjoyed a bol- equipment avallable as in a Senior Departments iday at Port Elgin and visited large city. It shows how much' lier son Roy at Minden. j can be accomplished by coop- -Mn. and Mns. H. Crvderman, Ienation in mutual aid, and it David and E-sther, acècompan- shows the people what can be 0rganist, Mr. Arthur Collison, 'Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M.%. ieccINIr. and Ivrs. Harrv Jose, dû hoti hd thie reest Newcastle, to Belleville on Sun-ars. 'cab% i nQueveîw ÀmpeMÂva ±eautr Hydro Shop in Bowmanville, so ticket holders may check their numbers. Prize-wmnning nuxnbers: 31, 985, 77, 1758, 264, 361, 1317, 755, 1951, 842, 808, 122, 427, 993, 381, 41, 255, 314, 1171, 1384, 171, 174, 710, 2033, 2089, 1198, 13514 34,44. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week Sept. 21-27: Admissions --- - 39 Births, 7 male, 4 female - Il Discharges 42 Maj or operations 8 Minor operations -_____13 Emergency treatments -11 Grdon Fisher, President Ashburn, Ontario Phone Brookln 14 r2U Oscar H. Downey, See.-Treas. Myrtle, Ontario ]Phone 0-rooklil 33 r à V".pendnt COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE *1k.... vSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TIIURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FGS OT E AY CHEKSBADBRA5 pAE TEi iWii I G FAST RELIEF with* GIN PNLLS FOR THE KI.DNEYS Reg. Size 5 Economy 890b SPECALSon I.D.A. BRANDS A..S. &C. TABLETS - - - 19c 1,00's- regular 23e BABY CREAM - - -39c 3 oz. reguhan 0 VITAMIN B. TABLETS 29c, 59c 1 mgm., 100's, 300's - regulan 37c, 79e "ValU" Band GILLETTE Bbr&Pce "Val-U Brand World Series Bby&Pce COTTON Record Book COMBS (Absorbent) With D ehu x e De value Rocket Razor Set Speclal $1.59 or with 40 Special One pound --69e Blue Blades in 7c - 2 for 13e Dispensers $2.00 HOT WATER BOTTLES I.D.A. "DEPENDABLE"(4-year iruarantee) 219 I I.D.A.- "UTILITY" (2-year guarantee) 1.79 "Safe Heat" HEATING PAD Sof Blanket Cover. Thnee-heat switcb. l-year guarantee. The modern way tii warmth and comfont. Special -- -4.49 Gage STUART HALL Chest of Letters STATIONERY SPECIAL 70 sheets 30 envelopes Attractive box jSpecial! WILDROOT SHAMPOO SPE( Giant 1.38 - IDASAL TABLETS 5 grain acetylsalicyhie acid for relief of headaches, neu, ralgia, pain in genenal. 300 tablets Regular 89o ___ 59C LADY ESTHERI CIAL xm%4-qurpoe1 IIAL j SPECIAL Lsize Save 31c value 1.50 value Mo 1.19 Special! IDAMALT Extnact of Malt and Cod Liver Oul. A pleasant, nu- tritious vitamin prepanation for both cbihd and adult. Childnen like it and it's goodj for them. Regulan 75c, 1.29, 2.29j 1l. 2-1b. 4-lb. Jar Jar Jar MMUUUEUMUUUMUUUUUU.U.M M a M qurchaseof : * i Giltette j DE U/XE ROOKET RAZOR SET M a* t.. I.D.A. for your Health & Home Comfort ý WNIÀStop That Cough! BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup Relieves t ight or chesty l m"coughs due ta cods 75c il- M STIT , Relieve Hay Fever Mlsery 13 n ibi i with IDAPHEDRIN Ot s Aqueous Nos Drops neomycin For nasal congestion - 75e penicllon For Health and Vfgor IDAFER Iron and B Cornplex Capsules Liquid 1.50 Capsules- - 1.50, 4.50 A1ex. 1We Deliver I.DA. SHAVE CREAM Whips into a fine-bubble, beand-softening lather 49o I.DA. TOILET TISSUE Extra stnong, extra soft and gentle. 750 sheets 2/5 I.DA. TOOTH PASTE Contains Lauryl 45, a wet- ting agent with exceptional cleansing propenties, 32c, 57e I.DA. WAX PAPER 100-ft. roll, 12 inches wide. Box with metal cutting edge. PESRUPTONS A SPECIALTY McGe re gorr Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 A Qulck ond Ecsy Way TO STOP COCCIDIOSIS I'COXINEIV l a.eriuking w@ter SulpIU 'To Mu - UcoNmgmi TASIETSW.. 2315 25 gebih,$4.85.-5o kMSato$9M0 CONCDdTRAY.Ne. 2M2 4 IL.& i. 30 - 16 fi. or- $410 U3 fi. oz. $20.00 I I E I M a j M a M M a M M a a M I I M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I Drug*s THURDAYSEPT. Sth, 1954 nament, Mrs. H. Powell; Pillow cases, Mrs. Thickson; Socks, Mrs. H. Corden; 'Set of dishes, Mrs. B. Colis; Towehs, Ray Lathangue; Writing paper and nîoney, Mrs. W. Shotter; Pl- Iow cases, Roy McDonald; Lun- cheon set, Mrs. Underwood; Bushel af apples, Mrs. DeMill, Tyrone. Door pnizes were won by the following: Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. J. Martyn, Mrs. G. Jones; Mrs. F. W. Bower, Mrs. A. Lonsberry, Mrs. W. J. Stevens. The unclaimed pnizes from the sale can be picked up at the home of Mns. W. P. Leach, 66 Wellington Street. A list', similar ta the folowing, will f DRUG STORES ýl 'l 1 baking - .Sam- ras ini South Ontario Ploughmen's Association Noble e at ,who P LWN ed by b Mrs. of the e, Ty-M AC arbara Land to be held on the farm of .S. M.~ HEBER DOWN faceby Lot 25, Concession 5 hitby;i Foey TO NHPOFjIB con- TWSI FWIB orna- Hl ie eto Boki, nN.7 iha Pillow s. L Thurs., October 7th dlock,I nkets, Banquet to be held in the Township Hall, Brooklin Cup lasse- kAUl are cordially invited IWF t"AiwAntav egmangpwuAw . . ,CM mglm*

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