Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1954, p. 4

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, Current and Con fidential By Elil Carruthers Lumney SEASON 0F COLOR AND evenings wben the mnernory FAREWELLS seems only a dream. The purpia asters and the TUE GRAGE 0F AG£ goldenrod arc running in gar- TalrIhuew stda geous riot down the siapes out- Taur tr ai Pr iinceEdwod sida aur windaw; the tracs arc County, though the hast in this alive with birds gathering for racital, waq the aid tone hanse flight ta the South, and soan in Wellington buil by Daniel Reynolds. We have mentioneýd the foliaga ai the trees wile- it befare, sa we wan't go ia flect the brilliant scana an aur datail. but aitar haaring a gond calendar ai Octobar hihîs. Wa deal about this hause, known havcn't sean sucb activity in as The Manor. it wae mast'in- the bird world sinca Spring. îcî-esting to sec it. Wbat a caming and going! And tssadahaebnbul yet îbcy do not nead ta shap abot i17$8, woha ver eerulv or pack a wardrobe for therabouitd17d68or hi pa rt i aada winhar in the south. Perhaps i i Ren orsetiedfart oan a is is just a rastlessnass ho be gona. Reanolstld an Wa onkanwicb b We are gaing ha miss the bauight from the Indians and flacks af i tIle Goldfincbes that later gave back la tbarn. The bave kapt us company aIl sumn- Indians then sold it ta Isaac mer. They ara just as mnerry as Garrett who was tbe next set- thay ever were, thaugh their t 1er to arrive an the scene, yelow plumage is naw quita coming also from the colonies dui and they canflot expect ta ta the soutth. Daniel Reynolds cut mnuch of a dasb in Char- then butilt the stane bouse of! lottesville or Miami. We won- which wvc speak. and purchas- der if Dick Sang Sparrow who ed 800 acres of land. came a ittle eaily last Spring This information. exccpt the and bad ta bave his avarsboes dat.i otie nalte air-mailed up ta him, will lu-, ae scnaic nalte tham back with biim ta Cama- writtcn bx- Mrs. V. R. Olivar's lina or stash lhcm avaýv un îis (Baryl EdrallFs) grendmolherj own reeher. Hae t tae aGarrett, and wbich she bas in awn atrhee. Have h tkeaer possession. pekAs lr bcsJohn and. n Mrs. H. G. Robinson, the pres- As fr Jon ad Jcny nt awner, bas a great love and Wren, afler using aur bird respect for the antiquihy ai the bouse for 'mosh ai the summer, bouse and wes most- kind in they just up and left withaut sbowing us ahi tbrough il. The sa mucb as a note on the door. walls. af stone brought iromn Perhaps thev'Il caîl back ta sey the nearby shore ai Lake On- good-bve. tario, are two feet lhick. It is Sa it goes. Its liard ta beliava a slorey and a balf bouse, and that this lime ai year bas raIl- upstairs the floors are ai vcrv ed around again. This weak wide pine boards (the widtb and nexl we will nead ho make gives anc some idea ai the buge1 the rnost oi the beautiful col- size ai Ibis virgin timbar) fasý-r ors ai the woods. bath hare tened wilb wooden pins, the and in the nortb, for they will heads af which are about ant soon be gdne. Those who takeincb square. calor pictures bave a great ad- The baement, wbicb cx- vantage, for tbey cen praserve1 tends the lenglh and braadth thase days an film for wintar ai the original part ai the Why flot plan for Oil Heating this Wînter!1 ECONOMICAL CLEAN AUTOMATIC Have your heating system chécked before the fali rush. SELBY GRANT 6 Mill Street MA 3-2674 Dealer for Car Wood and Peas. Heating Unils Trinity Y. P. U. Held Social Night At Lions Centre Trmîity Young Peopl&'s Un- ion held its- first meeting of the season ah the Lions Com- munity Centre on Monday night. Following e custom ai other years, the first meeting took the form of a social even- ing with dancing and rafresh- ments. About 50 inembers andl guests were present and were welcomed by President Helen Maguire. The naxt meeting will be beld on Monday et the church when Mr. Reg Hardinrg will show a Coronation film and others. Everyone who attend- ed the initial meeting is urgcd to ba present. FORI COMFORTr CON VEN IENCE, ECONOMY BUY Colormarked blue for your protection-'blue coal' assures extra comfort, convenience and economy . .. three good reasons why more and more budget-wise homq-owners are ordering Mbue coal' this year. Ineure your cold weather comfort now, fil your bin with 'blue coal' ... and watch heating costs go down. % Buying quality means saving money-start saving today ... order 'blue coal' .-. . the World's top quality hard coal. For more heat at leu. coet eau- Shoppo'd & Gnui1 Lumbser Co. L.mited 96 King St., L Rowmanville Phone MA 3-57151 Au&oiz.d'?lue coatl' dealer house, is of special i.ntere&t for here you can see the tre. fmendaus hand-hewn beams ai floor. They are 18 incheà square, and same larger, the ends embedded in the. thicii Walis. At one end is a huge fîra. place with the iran crane still in it, and there is anothar fire- place at the opposite end ni the cellar. Down here ail the cooking was donc in the sari: days. and down hera too, husk- ing bees were held. The big logs for the fires ware drawîi up outside by the horses and rald down inta the cellar. Daniel Reynolds who waç bomn in Staiord, Conn., but carne ta the wiids of Canada frorn Albany, N.Y.. was a himiter and trapper and raturn- ced eiic year ta Albany with his fîirs. His cuming, and his building ai this stone house, preciates the Loyalist "inva- sion" and so the hou.se is both in terest îng and important bis- torîcally. We are grateful ta Mrs. Oli- ver for the many facha she bas given us on the bouse, and to Mrs. Robinson for showing us tlîrough. We hed nothing but pleasant experiences in knock- irîg on the doors of old bouses and we do appreciate il. Every olil bouse has e story and as yau cross the tbreshold you step back into past lives. Where boards are hollowed wilh the stepping of nxeny feet, you can elinost see tbern pess, the men and wornen of long ega. The walnut and cherry fur- niture, made from tracs that grew on the original acreage, bas sean generetions cor-ne and go and stili delights the eye today. Sucb rooms, sucb bouses, have an atmosphere wbich cen- nat be imitalcd successfully in newer structures. It is some- tbing which only years of liv- ing can produce. Buit over and over again one is struck with the Unerring good taste whichi was respon- sible for the building ai thes3e bouses, beautifuil in lina and proportion witbotut and well planned and graciaus witbin. And today people pay many times the prîce for a cubicle which bas neitber lina, grece nor proportion. Surely there is somatbing vary wrong about an ara which bas brought 'this about.j TM eANADIAN @TATUSMA«. OWMANMLE.ONTAMO er M le ýk a- le [y - 1 ig ý n d it 'S 1 . 1 à Is h Mr. and Mrs. John register following their mai tChurch on Saturday afternooi is the former Marilyn Irene H Kari Hall, and the groom is th McCoy, ail of Bowmanville. Legion Plar For Rememi Posters in t r The possibility of the Bow- manville Branch of the Cana- dian Legion sponsoring a poster contest in Bowmanville schools in connection with Remem- brance Day was discussed at the regular meeting of the Branch held Iast Thursday night. Comrade Frank Burns re- ported at the meeting that hie and Popp y Chairman Pete Bath- gate had discussed the possibil- ity af such a contest to bring the significance of Remem- brance Day home more fully to the sehool pupils and the citi- zens of the town. He had then contacted Prin- cipal L. W. Dippeli of the Higi School and Supervising Princi- pal A. M. Thompson of the pub- lic schools on the metter, ne said, and theY hed expressed a willingness to cooperate if 1hc Legion could work out details. President Ross McKnight and other members fait this was an excellent idea. They hoped that students in the High Schoo]s and ail] public schools might take part in the contest to seý whxibh students in different classifications could prepare the best posters on the Remem- brance Day theme. Donation Toward Prizes Comrade Reg Harding offer- ed ta donate $10 toward prize money for the contest. The plan wag lait with Comrades Burns and Bathgate to study more fully and work out de- tails. Two new members: Comredes Harold O. Drake, R. R. 5, Bow- manvilla and James A. Ricka- by, Orono. were initiated into rnembership in the Branch. Treasurer Jack Rice gave al quarterly financial report for the period fromn April 1 to July 1 which showed the Branch ta be in a healthy finencial posi- tion. Sports Chairman Bill Bates reported that the Legiori Bowl- ing League is under way and that a bouse league is being formed for darts. This bouse league will take the place of the Zone Fl Darte Leagua as il has been decided flot ta join that league this winte r. President McKnight express- ed the opinion thet it would be a very nice gestura on the part of the .Branch ta, purchaseaa standard for the use oi the La- ies' Auxiliary. On motion of Comrade Jim Woodward it was declded to purchasa this item. of equipment and donate it to, the Auxiliary. Orano Remembrance Service An invitation was extended ao the members by Padra Rev.j [ohn Kitchen to attend the Re- nembranca Day service at Or- >no United Church on the evening af Novamber 7 et which Major Anderson of Lindsay will be the guast speaker. The Le- gion Pipe Band will be in at- tendanceata this service. Chairman Jim Firth of the Special Events Committea an- nounced that he would havej orne definite plans by tha next mleeting for the annual Armis- ice Supper ai the Branch. Pive thausand lapel poppias, 10 window poppias and 42 wreatbs have been orderad forI ia during the week prior ta Remembrance Day, Chairman Bathgate ai the Poppy Commit- ýee reported. President Mc- <night announced that the La- ies Auxiliary will canvass the )own in cannection with the ila of poppies, and Lagion nembars will assist in this can- ss ai wall ai selling poppias >n the streats the evaning of qovembar 5 and ail day on nRichard McCoy sign die rriage in St. Paul's United n, September 4th. The bride raîll daughter of Mr. and Mrs. he son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet rs Contes t bran ce Day 'he Schools rada Alf Sameils was axpected home from. Sunnybrook soon. Comrade Howard Croan was recently released irom. Mam- oriel Hospital, Bowmanviile. Padre Kitchen asked members ta inform him, when comrades are patients in bospitais sa that he could visit them. Following the meeting a color film ai the Royal Tour in the South Pacific and othar films were shown by Comirade Reg Harding. Refrashments whieil had been brought by the mem- bers were served. TIfl U Wed in September Ceremony 0-"W- mmW Mj,,"5e~ - ..&àb e.pdsu «»i.0 o S AS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DEAL. *SEl VOUR FORD DorLÀ !amEqulmet &Automoti»ve !?m COWAN Prop., ,34 King St. E. owmanville Phone MA 3-5689 se~~~~~- s' -- *s* ' '1, - -- 77L- i . -N OBITUARY ROBERT H& CARSCADDEN His mnany relatives and friends werc shocked ta learn oi the pasuing ai Harper Carscadden an Scptcmbcr 14, 1954. Ha had been making repairs ta bis west bouse that morninf. Ha said ta hIs helpers, "We il quit for dinner" but in a few sec- onds he passed quietly away. *He was the second son of the lite Wm. Caricadden and Ehi. zabeth McClung. He was born IAugust 3, 1891. His graat-grand- father was the first settier ta core netot the Kendal area fram the south. Me blazed the trail ia fram Crookcd Crack settling first an the sixth lina but la'- ter maving dawn ta the presant location because of the abun- dance ai running watcr. The Carscadden famiiy have livad just west ai Kendal for well over a hundred years. Hsmather came as a bride :Iromn Midiand. Sha bad four of a family. Harper neyer mar- ried but cared for bis mother wba was an invalid in ber la- ter ycars. She prcdeceased hlm in 1943. His only sister Neliîe passed an in 1928. He was a mamber ai Kendal United Churcb and served an the Board ai Stewards. Kendal Church will miss him. Ha was a membar ai Kendal Orange1 Lodga and a PasI Master. He was a mamber ai the MasoniL Ordar. Ha bad the gift af a story tall- er and was quite ready wittad. This made bimn many friands. Ha iarmed extensively emplay- ing severai belpers. On Fridax-. Septamber 17 many beautiful flowers sur- rounded the -casket in Kendai United Cburcb. The churcb and Sunday Scbool wara iilled with friands and neigbbours wbo wishad ta show bow much tbey loved and raspected ana who bad served bis family and community SO faithfully. Frienils wara there from as far avAy as Midland. Mis minister, Rev. 5. J. Pike. conductad the service assisted by Rev. J. Kitcben ai Oiono. The Masonie funemal service was under the auspices af Or- ana Lodge A.F. & A.M. Na. 325. The palîbearers werc Messrs. R. R. Waddell Q.C., Wm. Rab- inson, John Patton, L. Hoy, W.Jackson and M. Wilson. plot. Orono Cemetery. Harper wiil be missed in al cammunity activities and by bis many friands but most ai ail in bis home. Wa axtend ta bis twa brothers, John and Fletcher aur deapest sympathy. 38 King St. E. LIMITED Bowman ville Buy fie Iowapriced car:. thfwiIstwmdem . .. when Mte othprs go v d Ford as the anly car in Canada at its pnice wîtb V-8 power now, sa il will stfli be in style long ater other low-priced cars outdate their present modela. by' joining thea V-8 swing. Wbat's mare, Ford's V-8 engina has been owner-provad through millions af miles af driving . .. and it's backcd by aver 20 years' axparianca gained in building more V-8 angines than ail ather manufactumars combined! a. & nd Aord wi/f stty worlh mwore, A00 Because Fard offers you al disse important features, and bacause it bas the smoothast, quietest eutomatic, drive an the road and ail the modern, effost-saving power assists, it's worth more when you buy it and wthen you self il. That is, Ford returas a greaak portion of its cms than any oompeitiv. makel ..when the oihers gel Ihat c/e ans. modemn Iook Ford is the lawest-prioed car with styling that's up ta date in the mnodern manner. And in addition Ford affers you a range af modal choices, colaur corn- binatians, glemoraus uphaisterias and interiarftrims tbat no other car at ils price can match! a a no w Ahé Mme tb make the deol of yodlie Drap in and see your Fard Dealer now. YVeIil find the trade-in value of yaur prasent car bas neyer bm so high as it as today. 'You'Il get the biggesî amon"y- saving deal in town-on a new Ford V-8, Canada's «"worth-mora" car, with ail the fine-carfeaturms /000 wowe:~ MA 3-5438 à874/ /?OW 94Y 1 1"' mmmlw t8DAY, SET.St, e lhave a Super Market in Your Home Seven Days a Week Woad's awardcd this year's Design Award, as outstanding in their categary for Appearance, UsefuIness and Consumer Acceptabiiity hy the National Industrial Dcsign Council. 100% Canadian Manufacture Free Wholesale Food Plan Service 24 Hours a Day Available ini Chest or Upright Modal Also available in Combination Ref rigerator and Freezer For full particulars sec your dealer: HIGGON ELECTRIC

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