Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1954, p. 7

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- r- - ~ - --~.. I - qn* c s vw o" n«TMC. IiIP>.N BTATE3SMAL'. BW LAVUtJLL*- 'unJAluu PAGE SEVEN [terson and Mr. Fidier, bath of îe Downham Nurseries at Strath- Cý. of C. I I roy, attended the funeral of S oc al E k rso al Mrs. James Coyle an SaturdaV. (Continued fromn page one) S C)ct-aiMr. and Mrs. Eph. Hanna owned by the R. M. Holiings- i L and daughter Patricia, Toronto, head Company. The space at Phone 3303were weekend guests df her the Arena has already been P~oemother, Mrs. Gea. Pritchard. marked off into stalis, he said, They also favored The States- and Town Council was also Mr. anîd Mrs. Blain Elliott Mr. Clarence Alldread and Mr. man off ice with a caîl where very sympathetic toward the were vacationing in Atlantic City Alf Webb have returned froni a Mrs. Hanna was a valued other proposais rmade by his Iast week. Itrip ta Halifax and other eastern member of the staff for severali committee. Ken Cavsiy had MrH .Dwe.Okilpoints on a two-week vacation. years. been of great help ta him in Mr H J.Downy, akvilemaking thîs parking survey, he was in tawn last week calling Mr. Ross Metcalf, Maple Mrs. C. Reginald Lovekin reported. on fiends. Grave, has been appointed or- entertained at luncheon Friday The drive for new membei'5 Miss May Noan, Toronto, was ganist and choir directar of in Eaton's Georgian Rooni, js coming along very well, in town Saturday renewmng Hanmany United Church, Oâh- when plans were made for the Chairman Elmer Banting of acquaintances. w.gre e ab ie Sp. the Membership Comrnittee Mis Brbra aiey~ 25 2by Col. and Mrs. R. S. Mc- told the meeting. Individuals an rs hals sore ash in the tie-breaker of the awafo at arw d, sh as well as business cancerris jA zr iitdM.ad r.fr the Toronto Branch, are showing an ever-increasing ernezer iie M.and Mrs. r ecent contest, "Know Canada" nieEmpire Loyalists' Asso- interest in theCabr n Frandornd,Suda. i h oonoDiyStr o-ciation. - Toronto Globe and26nw em rs hd bn Dr iit r. and Mrs. . . eo0 rtlainMi. signed up in three days priar arlenisting bMr. n, MsOn.t . Miss Barbara Cryderrnan andi The dispersal sale of '1. ta the meeting. The following M.Mcenatb urTicsn, Ont. e Miss Muriel Reynolds left last Hoisteins of Lorne B. Reid of are the new members: C. A. Murs. rM a Thick trnphanre- week ta attend Macdonald Insti- Ripley held at Oakville on Carter, Ted Waadyard Applian- turndyfrom aew matrCtypan tute, Ontario Agricultural Col- Sept. 2th brought $52,7 15, ces, ."Hap" Philp, Jack Wiison's ho. lday t aeYrk Ciodt.k lege, Guelph.1 with an average of $742 and a Store, Pat Yeo, Clarence Hoc- Mr.Aler Bage, oodtok, Mr. and Mîrs N. Neiîîy of Giî- top price af $5.200 for a notedikin, 'Dot Diliing Store, Keith enasaMeeknd ust Gofhis par- ford ' Miss Carnie Neiily and Miss show cow. Ross Stevens of Billett, Osborne Spart & Cy- gensMr. anMr.GroBd- Eleanor Turnoff of Edmonton, the Glen Rae Dairy, Bowrnan- cie, J. Hunter & Ca., A. H. Stur- ge.Aberta, were guests of Mr. and ville. was the only buyer from rock, Selby Grant, Stedmnan Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rundie and Mrs. Gardon Badger. Durhamn County, purcbasing an Store Nichais Motar Sales, Mr. ia motrs.uRiep r Mrs. Roy Ellis, King St. E., 8-erod cow for $950. Gary Venning, J. A. Samis, enjayin Bill Overy. Murray Larmer, UntdSa t rtn entertained Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schon, Alex McGregar, Jack Roughley, Unte Sats.a bon voyage party for Mrs. R. with their infant daughter An- Ran Rundie, George Eliott, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm! Perfect wbo sails for a holiday na, have spent the past sum- G. E. Mann and W. A. Court- visited their daughter and son- in Scotland next week. i mer with Mr. Scbon's parents, ney. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Walker Stores and Lander's'Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Schon, Plan Corresponding Secretary Cooke, Oshawa. Hardware have an attractive1 Beech Ave. Mr. Robert Schoti Mr. Banting urged these new Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sargent new paint job on the front of lwas on the staff of Ontario memnbers ta serve on the coin- and son Johni, of London, Eng- their stores which really bright- Hospital, Whitby, as a Psycho- mittees wbîch they believed land, are visiting their cousin, ens up this section of King St.1 logist Interne, and now is re- wouid interest them most. H2 Mre. Herb Colmer. Mran Ms.C E. or turning ta Ottawa with bis stated that he believed more Sunday visitars .%ith the Miss- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey faiyt esume his work letters informing members ai es Edith and Ida Weekes, Duke Scythes, Emnerson Beach, Lake there. meetings and of the business St., were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scugog, were recent supper Miss Beveriy Cryderman,'of the chamber should be sent Weekes and George, qTrontoi, guests of Mr. and Mrs. StanleY daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Frank 1Ont. l'or this reason he believed Malcolmi.! M. Cryderman, St. Catharines, a corresponding s e c r e t a r y Second Bowmanville Scout bas been awarded the Fiavelle sbonld be obtained ta belp oui .1 .ý Troop wish ta announce that Memorial Scholarsbip for excel- the present secretary, Mr, S t. John's furcfl the winning ticket for the lence in Latin, Spanisb and Weise. His motion that the. (Anglican) sweater was No. 34. Mrs. E. French, at Victoria College, Uni- Chamber try ta get someonr- Beglev, 88 Liberty St. North, versity of Toronto. Rev. Frank 1 ta act in this capacity and thai Rev. Warren N. Turner, Bowmanville. Cryderman is a nepbew of Mr.I an'y remuneration for the posi B.A., B.D. Miss Pat Smith, daugbter of Frank Cryderman, Bowmanville. he left ta tbe discretion of thr Services at 8 - 11 a.m., 7 p.m.1 Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smnitb, bas The scbolarsbip bas a value of executive, was passed by tht f eterd Trono Tachrs'Col- $300 cash witb frce tuition for meeing. _________________Toronto___ for yearsMr. Banting also feit thatz lege where she plans ta take afades'Camiteesbul twoy ar ouse spciliZngin Almost baîf of Bowmanvillei formed in the Chamber anc Kindergarten work. Rotary Cluh's membership was that the Chairmnan of this coni jMrs. P. Cowani attended the on band Monday in Oshawa I rittee should sit on tbe execuý Evangelistic wedding of ber niece, May Mc- for their sixth annual Friend- 'tive. Sncb a committee wi] Enroe, in Montreal last Satur- sbip Day. The affair started probably be set up at a latei Ce teday and visited ber nepbew, Mr. sbortly after lunch witb visit- date. Centre and Mrs. Nanman Casey and ors from ail parts of this Ro- Cal. Breen feit there is a rea (Pneosa)family over the weekend. tary district, taking part in golf need for tbe Chamber to se 1Pneatl Mr. and Mrs. Robent Davies, and bowling tournamnetts, vis up a body ta deal witb peddler IRev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Mns. Alex McGregor and Mrs. iting9 E. P. Taylor's farm, and and canvassers for fnnd-raisini Phne63 IWalter Fletcher of Toronto, re- seeing a free show at one of campaigns. Sncb a body coul( Phone 637 tnrned Friday froma two-week the loral theatres. In the eve.-avs ecnt adohr motor trip ta the Maritimes. ing. there was a pre-dînner vis- whicb campaigns were wortbý While in Halifax Mr. and Mrs: it ta Col. R. S. McLaugblin's of donations and which pec su* , Sept. 201h Davies yisited their son Kennetb home. followed by a snperb diers were genuine. and family. dinnen witb few speeches and SeUpCarn Hass 10 a.m. - M. Walter Blackburn, asst. considerable entertainnent. Ser. Wilnadised him th SUNDAY SCHOOL snpt. Dept. of Welfare, Edmon- Chambers in other tawns oftei tovisited briefly bis mother, stu uhcern ossf ton,. rs Mark Blackburn; brothers Sc a a e stu nbcern ossf Faeeland Wlbund sister St rmr am g information and tbey also kee] aOSI r ee *Shcleo .i we in close touch with Better Bus' WORSIP rs.Gerld hacletn tis eek (Cotinued from page one) ness Bnreaus to check on ped before attendîog the Welfare dlers. Tbey serve a useful pur 7 p.m. - Convention in Ottawa. bave been serîonsly injnred or pose too in keeping a record o */ EVANGELISTIC Her many friends will be killed. This tree feil at about wbat dates are pianned fo .5ae oknwta rs .4am funictions hy varions organize To- nini - p.m.- ta now tatMirseF. Ca.m.tions. In this way organization Tongt-8-.. Cator, Manvers Road, is 00w Te issCr aeawyo1cekn oS home from bospital, making Alrecetn rei he a ottof ma n affaisea T rsa, satisfactory progress back toA lag hsntteintehtnotomny far r Thusda, ept. 23 normal bealtb and will be yard of W. W. Perry, 31 Liberty plaoned for one nigbt. If or pesdta receivea social caîl St. N., also broke off in the or twa affairs are set for on HER ro ayo br nind. heavy gales about 2 a.m. and nigbt,. a third organizatio Mrs. Frank Oke bas returned crashed in the yard. Fortunate- might then decide ta postpon Mr.,Roder 'mih ta Bowmanville after seven ly tbe tree feu ta the soutb, as its function to a free date.! converted atheist and wek in Toronto General Hos- the late model çar of Mr. Per- Mr. Banting reported that th Ialcoholic pital.* She bas sold ber home ry's sister, Mrs. Clarence Grass, Belleville Chamber issues jwiIl also show coloured and is now residiog with Mr. Detroit, was parked directly placque ta members statir i ldes of his work in and Mrs. Morley Oke, Welling- nortb of it. Also, had it fallen tbey will not do business wi! London, Ontario ton Street, wbere she will be ta the nortb, it wonld bave peddlers unless tbey bave fit pleased to see ber friends. crasbed ino the bouse. checked witb the Chamber. Don't Fail t, Hear This Story IMn. and Mrs. Jini Paterson Limbs were braken off trees There was considerable di 1of God's Redeeming Grace. and Mr. Artbur Fidier, Stratb- on Lambert St near the bospi cussiali that the Octt3hen mec roy, spent the weekend with tai, on George St. across from ing on er hrd b Mo n ýMrs. W. L. Paterson. Mn. Pa- the Sheppard & Gi plant, on metic tohde an dmmi ________________________________________________ the corner of Wellington and ity Centre. Most members weý George Sts. and at the foot of in favor of tbis plan and Wellington St. at Scugog. was left witb tbe executive The Salvation Army in spite of tese falling decide wat the pice of tic] trees and limbs, property dam- ets sbanld be and ta makea BOWMANVILLE CORPS age was very sligfft and the rangements. tawn can count itself fortunate President Hooper a g ai Lieut. and Mrs. J. Ham indeed. tbanked Mr. Wilson for beii present ta speak at the meE ing and the members for thE Harvest Home Services Rotary Club nest SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th first lub frmpage one) CCF etn 11 A.M. - 7 p. M. was the installation of a coni- fort station. Since then, tbe <Continued framn page one, BRIGADIER & M~RS. A. DIXON time and energy of Rotanians in incarne during the past tN I rinity United Lhurch Minister, Rev. T. ýrthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - The Sacrament of Infant Baptism SUNDAY SCHOOL PROMOTION SUNDAT (The children will assemble in their classrooms prior to the service). Mr. S. 6. Saywell (Lay Commissioner te General Council) "Report From General Council" Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. a 'w TUUMUAT, àZFT. ISM 1954 Lir ili rs g d -y t- 't n or si- ci- of ,a *st ;e3 Ire it o ing te li- rer -i c- aut i nt ýid e- ieF. ;ecretary Rex Walters read Sucb a defeat, in a riding pre- cee letters of considerable ;viously beld by a cabinet min- erest. One was frorn a littie ister, would have been a ser- ppled girl expressing thanks tions blow to its prestige. b er brace, another for Ro- 1 No Real Fight rv*s belp in taking a child ta 'binstead, the goverroment errywood Camp. Onono Fair chose ta nestrict the figbt ta rectors expnessed tbanks for ridings where Liberals bad e Rotary tent whicb providedj been their cbief opposition. In- )ple witb a place ta nest wbile deed, two of those nidings - sitiog the fair. Crippled C hild- Nipissing and Russell - have m's Committee Chairman been traditionally Liberal. But .ve Higgan also neported that weany and divided in leader- ght other cnippled cbildnen ship, and banknnpt in policy, 3d been pravided witb trans- the Liberals provided no real rtation ta varions camps by fight. anspontation Chainman Tom - The nesuits indicate conclu- almer. He also told of a crip- sively that the Liberal Party ld child wbo bad been belp- s a spent force in this prov- 1by Rotary and, according ta ince. In spite of the gavern- ýe af the healtb nurses, no rnent's vuinerable record, they iger needed ber crutches ta 'failed completely ta provide t ta scbool.j effective opposition. They lost A new member. E. G. "Ai" 'traditionally Liberal seats by ithenspoon, of the Higb imajonities that doubled in Nip- bhoal teaching staff, was iîn- issing and rose fromn 10 ta near- ucted ino club membership. ly, 4,000 in Russell. ast Presidents Morley Van- The CCF is a young party, tne, Walter Degeer and Dave working with lirnited resour- îggon assisted President Rab- 1 ces. As a result, there are parts n in the initiation ceremon- 'of Ontario where it is as yet a gioeeriig force. Two of the y-eectonswere heid in such On display at the club was areas, s0 that the main burden gleamiog new wbeel chair1 of opposition feli on the Liber- ,hicb will be presented ta the als. 'rebral Palsy clinic at Osh- -Witb a general election in wa. the affing. a general election in Birthday greetings were ex- whicb there is already a wide- nded ta Rex Walters during spread feeling throughout the he meeting. Visitons welcomed province tbat there must be an celnded Bruno Miller, vice effective alternative ta the Tesident of Specialty Paper Conservative party, it is naw ýroducts, Wally Wilson and dlean that the CCF is the only ric Jones of the Oshawa Club, parts' which can provide that nthuir Collison, oew organs alternative." iTninitv United Church and Mr. Von Piplis said farmiers nim. M. Coggins wbo recentl5 and 'ndustrial workers were )pened an accounting business beginning ta realize talc of atowi. their "oppond m itenas" was a COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ********U******~SPECIALS on l.D.A. BRANDS ImmCascara Tableis 5 grain, 100's, reg. 39C 33C ffl thppurcoseof Cold Cream (Evelyn Howard) -69c t 16 oz., regular 89c 0 Gmle tte0ca Idol-Agar 16 oz., 40 oz., reg. 79c, 1.59 59c, 1.19 :RÀAZOR SET Seidlijz Powders '7 sets of 2, reg. 2e 23c * z ~ ~ ~-qqr.-* 149 i 4 oz., 16 oz., reg. 75c, 1.95 Ve getable Laxative Tablets 36's, reg.45 3 7c HOT WATER BGTTLES I.D.A. "Dependable" (4-year guarantee) 2.19 I.D.A. "Utility"f (2-year guarantee) 1.79, E-Z Brand COMBINATION ATTACHMENT SET Compiete with two slip pipes,5c tubing and shut-off Special-- - - 59 "International" CLINICAL THERMOMETER Here is an efficient, guaranteed, fever thenmometer at a most unusual price. Pick one up before the unpredictable autumn weather takes hold. Special r--49c A Quick end Easy Way TO STOP COCCIDIOSIS "C OXIN E" ila the. rirsking wafter SIMPLE TO USE -ECONOMICAL TABLETS No. 2315 25 toble $4.85 - 50 tablefs $940 CONCENTRATE Ne. 2528 4 IL oz. $1.30- 16 fi. or-. 1 133 fl. oz. $20.0 Alex. We Deliver, BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup A prompt, safe, healing pre- paration to stop that cough ---------------- 5 IDAFER Iron and Vitamîn B Corn- plex for health and vigor Capsules ------ -- 1.50, 4.50 L iquid ----------------- 1.50 I.D.A. HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES With added Vitamin D 50's ---- 75e 100's ---- 1.29 IDAPHEORIN Aqueous Nase Drops For fast relief fromn nasal congestio-n--------- 65e I.DA. Brand SHAVE CREAM Whips into a thick, beard- softening, fine-bubble lather ----------------- -- 49e I.DA. Brand TOILET TISSUE Extra soft. Extra strong. 750 sheets to the rolli-- -- ----------- 2 for 25e I.DA Brand TOOTH FASTE Whitens the teeth, sweetens the breath. Contains L auryl 45 --------- 32, 57c I.D.A. Brand WAkX PAPER Heavy grade, 100 ft. roll, 12 inches wide. Box with metal cutting edge ---- 29o STATIONERY 70 sheets, 30 envelopes. In gift box. $1.50 value Special --- -- -- ---- --- 98c Lady Esther 4-Purpose FACE CREAM Save 31c by gettiog this 1.50 size. Special_------ 1.19 DOLCIN Relief from arthritic and rhenrnatic pain, 100's plus 50 fee. Special -- 2.39 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM A limited snpply of a farnaus skin cream. 6 oz. jar Special ------------ - -- 98e NOXZEMA 3-WAY SHAVE A new experience in sbav- ing comfort, 10 oz., reg. 1.15. Special ------ ---- 89e ETIQUET DEODORANT Bny tbis 98e size and save 29c. Special ------ 69 WILDROOT SHAMPOO Bny the giant size and save one-haîf. Regular 1.38. Special --- --- 69e PABLUM FULL PUICE REFUND OFFER Buy a pkge. of Oatmeal, Banley or Rîce Cereal and get the full price refflnded froni maker. RBESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store NOW! wonit sting babyk eyes 1ke other soaps and shampoosi' Sets, styles, wàves ALL AT ONE TIME NOW PIN CUR PERMAN, " NO NEUTRAIZE " No RE-SETTINriÀ " NO TIRESOME $115 ComPt j' .3 Dru -AmmawAw à%wDATi.Tv %Y'ARTé% 1 - "bunk". When te wsun- f Recreation Reviews employ ment among industrial 1.a.4 u l:m m Jwi'f wres hr a adecline I LIPJEi ui i iniiDD s Registration light for Fl in farm prices. Either both Activities wjll 'be Wednesday, prospered or they went down lT September 29, 8 p.m., atth together. i l y ~e Lions Centre. hs nomination, Mr. Armstrong offer for their prgam: di urged trade unions and feder- 7LL II~ . swimmiflg, leathercraft, dress- atosof agriculture to unite. , J ~ fI IfJJli making, smockiflg and aduit art atos h C m un t C n r class. Thére is a tozpsi against* them by governmentsbiiyoaslpcVrn asbe tied to "big interests."~ Beau tiful paintings such as1 on their way out. This exhibi- ing formed. ErnstDen o Oonoacedarq rarely seen outside the art tini1h is fprasfu If there is enough interest ini anst Dharmntof Othe mei.galleries of the world's large to wi he ich wif pevent fua aWomen's Keep Fit" class. ascar ftemin .c cities, are on exhibition at the or six jhc ileetal then the Recreatiofi Dept. will Mr. MacDonald was LinsComuit Cnte 3 b rn'ng at the same time ini sponsor this. This class will cov- ed by Otto Bragg of Bowman- day. The show is free. You1 Canadian cities and towns.1 er health and body physical con- vile.have only ta go and admire. Headquarters of the Associa- dition, walking, make-up, hair Perhaps you will buy-all tion are in Vienna, and Mr. styling, etc. Actually It would these original paintings are for Otto Sheeamme be a course in simîilarity to a Ten is lubsale-but you will flot be higli the Board and himnself an artist, smoei ours e n sced y pressured or even low pressur- has corne to Canada to be withsoonwhhataesvra ed by Major Leslie Mattyasov- the initial exhibition for a few of these courses. C oin ary szky who is in charge of the ex- wes Major Mattyasovszkyi fsfiin neetI hw C o ig P ry hibition. i tedneadi eypes by people in the Memorial Park Bomavile Teni Cub Truly, this is an experience ed to welcome ail those inter- district, then classes wvill be will close a very successful which people in centres of this ested, and tell of some of the forbm ued toopeaevem the ark season with a gala cîosing size will seldom have. The artists whose work is on dis- one must register at the Lilha party on Wednesday, October paintings, about 150 framed play. Centre. 1 6th. Featured will be champ- canvasses, are the work of con- Ail the work here represent- DANCING ionship tennis play, presenta- tempo rary European artises ed is beautîful and executed The Recreation Dept. plans to >tion of trophies, dances, games ýand there is not a '"modernis- by highly skilled and gifted êponsor dancing classes for and refreshments.' tic" or ias-ike one among artists, but among the Most children as we have in the past. them. There are landscapes, outstanding, and the most val- However, we would like to see Ail members are invited to mounitains, street scenes, Ma- uable, are the two portraits by a larger number of children par- comne and bring their husbands donna and Child, seascapes, Andreas Patzelt, considered ta ticipate. or wives. They are requested flower paintings-a great var- be the greatest portrait paint- This year Miss Marsh will be to bring refreshments, but iety, and ail beautiful. er alive to-day. His work has our instructress. The larger the there will be no admission "A picture," says Major Mat- been compared by the critics nurober of children attending lier charge. tyasovszky, who is manager of to that of the great Dutch por- classes. thon the snialler the in- _________________ the Continental Art Gallery, trait artist, Franz Hals. dix'iduial child's foc. ,~IIVienna, Austria, and now Can- Today (Thursday) is the last liwvr we aie not interest- To Cal Meeting adian manager, "is an invest- dav of the exhibition in Bow - eM in sponsoring private lsos ment. It does not depreciate manville. It may be seen at We would like to see group par- Monda , Ev ning like a car. It is worth this the Lions Centre from about ticipation in the various types much now, and in the future 11 arn. until six this pvening. of dances. We cxtend a special fFor -Town Hockey it may be worth even more." Even if you "don't know any. invitation to children 10 yaso s In the meantinieo course, it is thing about art", go. Neyer1 age and under. Lessons will be- t on your wall and you enjoy it. again will you have paintings1 gin at 4 p.m. at the Lions Centre, 1 The Town Hockey League The Economnic Association ofi such as these brought ta your i Wednesday. Se.%;t. 29.-- V will miake plans for % the Graphic and Plastic Artists of door. When you see them you 1-- - t oniing season and elect a Austria who are sponsoring will know what Major Matty-di Y new executive at a meet- these exhibitions in Canada, asovszky means by an original UOd t405 ,0 can seil these paintings at con-. painting being an investment. l at4 50 6 e ing to lie held in the can- siderably less than one would Though hackneyed through M '~ "D'~il.I t teen at the Bowmanville pay at a dealer's for them be- much use Keats' words "A Ien.uvCet N e P I4uicIk t Memorial Arena on Mon- cause the Association is made thing of beauty is a jo'y for- et rid ai thecaie a la o ae b oai t 40, 50 or f60. ust trv a ltte Pepp')ng day at 8 p.m. up of artists, 750 of them, ever" are apt. " ýit1 Osre Ti Tbics todax iFor whae wok isoffred iretly For those in the area north we-ikues, loss of euergy, lckcdp AIl foriner players and ta the public. . o oravliteehbtio tired-out, rundown feeling duc ta iack of iran of Bomanvllethe ehibiion uch yoii may cali 'gciting oldl". Rtital. a ail those interested in play- There are at present about will next be shown at Port Per- zelliergu, . .raC ud~hnits ing are asked ta turn out 500 paintings by these artists ry High School on Friday, Sat- ielis both sexes feel ycars 3 ounger. "Gt for this meeting. in Canada and 2,000 more are urday and Sunday. aqartdszoi O~ ta rsg~~ 1-

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