Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1954, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ?NW UAtoBeAWMI VffLZA .N-A-O-. fft2L A Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peck, o Pittsburg, P.A., visited Mi aid Mrs. Chas. E. Miller. Mr. aid Mrs. Wm. Riddel visited Dr. and Mrs. J. Lesl aid daughter, Peterborough on Sunday. Mrs. 1. Noden, Toronto spent weekend at her home. Mr. aid Mrs. Lycett anc Gamey. Miss M. Cawan an: Miss Joyce Joies spent thý weekend at M:nk Lake, -Mrs. J. E. Richards visitec over the weekend in St. Cath. arines and Burliigton. Mr- aid Mrs. Chas. Mor. timer and son, Toronto, visitec Mr. aid Mrs. Bruce Mcrcer. Mr. Orme Gerry returnec home fromn Memorial Hospita] Bowmanv~ille, Mr. aid Mis. Jin Major anc daughters were in Peterbor- ough Sundav. Gail and Sandra Wood, Lake- field, spent Wediesdav witir Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Visitors wvith Mr. and Mrs, I Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phione WVhitb.v 552 318 Dundas St. E.- tVhitb.v FINE QULALITY MONUMENTS AND NIA RKER S Prccîsc o. orkiîîansbip aid carclul attention ta detail arîe vour assurance when vou choose tram the wide sclectiori of iîîported aid don.îGranites aid Marbies in stock. A& P PEAS Ann Page KETCHUP Atint Jem nn PANCAKE FLOUI RITZ The Qat Cermal, Ready te Rat CHEERIOS Rose Brand MARGARINE CHERRY PIE MIdlc and MeI!ow - Custon, Grounid 8 O'CLOCK COFI Daiiy Dated! Jane Parker~ WHITE BREAD A&P trct Pekoe and Orange Peko. TEA BAGS Case af 24 20-oz tins s3.99 SP EC IA L OR FEE 1-oz bls 3 7c SPECIAL b-oz pkg i9c SPEC IA L 1-W pkg 33C SPECIAL pkg25C SPECIAL 125c SPECIAL *&ch 49C 5b 1.09 4-o loa 1~i5 C >x af 605 9C ello bag 3 9C each 23c àfor 29c fb 1 9C 6ox Profuce Speciols Fancy Rd Finest For Esting-6-qt. basket 79e McINTOSH APPLES 3-lb ce CaJfoî nia No. 1 Vine Ripenied. Size 12 kiIOlNEYDEW MELONS P.C. F n-tcy, Size 1,35 IARTLETT PEARS Gocicn R p. No. 1 SANANAS Super-Right Meuts LAMB SALE LAMB LEGS Shiort eut Shank LAMB FRONTS . Ful tut LAMB RACK ROASI BMode Sono Rbmove. LAMB BREASIS Ste-ing or Itoasing LAMB FLANKS Stewing eut. LAMB CNOPS CENTRE LOIN 16 BIc M k i 157e ~27c ed 1637c 23c PRESH MINT FRIEE - Grade "A", Ready Te *,olk BOILING FOWL Haadlest and Dmese.d SMELTS N, 29c 15 Vil£ 5.. .1 £-PliUJ. - sympathy is extended ta is A seriois line inigh t have Master Mei'rili Guaham spent aoccu rred iin Our village on Saturday with Ronnie Glass, IWcdncsday afternoan but for Kendal. sonne real finie work by aur Mnr. ai-d Mrs. Barlow and local tire brigade. The shed fainily, visîted with Mn. aid ai-d garage Of the parsonage Mrs. Wrn. Rutherford. were bunned ta the ground. Mrs. Margaret Veazey, Van- Cansiderable af the siding aid couver, spent a couple oi days roof of the summer kitchen with Mrs. Jas. Wannan aid were damnaged by tire. Beth- Jean. any Fire Brigade responded ta Tle RalIy Day service was thbceall for help but the fire held in church an Sunday. was wcll under contrai on thir Misses Shirley aid Marilyn arrivai. It is conceded that onlY Quaitrill rendered a lovely for the imniediate respanse ai vocal duet. Rex'. Harding oi aur own fire equipme it very Wetcome gave a fine address. serious damnage xvoul d h ave Misses Barbara Reid aid Er- been donc. The loss is partial- la Chapinan spent the weekend ly covered by insurance. at their respective bornes. Another tire occurred on __________ Moîday evening wý,heî, the shed aid stabling on ibe Pewar Pr-aise bas dîfferent effects, farm narth ai the village were accarding ta, the mind it meets desbroyed by lire. We uiîder- with, it inakes a wise mai stand that a qinantity ai aats modest. but a fo]mare arro- aid some poultry were des- gant-Owen Felthain. 'i Keep Healfhy - Take Extra Vifamins Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Wampole's Extract I.»5 Halibut Oh! Capsules- 75e - 1.29 - 4.79 Neo Chemical Food- Capsules" 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Liquid -- .--- 1.55, 3.35.- S." imaltievol - .2.00 AYerut IOD Cod Livor Ou 1.00, 3.35 One-A-Day Tableu-.- A &D ,1.3, 2.5# Multiple 1.25, 2.50, 4.25 A B D E C Caps 1.95, s.75 Special Enerjefs Colgate Paste with Gardol NwHeaith and Vigor 2 tubes, 59e suze 30 days' treatment only 89C 5.95 COW-LI NG'S I PHONE DRUG STORE m v lu Sý i I e m o s trayed in the bae Fie S rm ns Tobacco barvesting i rc tically ail fiiished with irast F)roRaNywDayspeeding up aperations inth y Mr. aid Mrs. Harold Tbomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boggs )f D. G. Hooper were Mr. "w United Church aid Miss Madeline Boggs left How-ian Sunday for a motor trip and r. ard E. Smnart, Beverly His, Ral Day was abserved 1 week's holiday in the U.S.A. Calif.; Mrs. A. Medland aid at the morig service in the Last year tbey made a holiday Il Mr. Ted Smart. Toronto; Mr. Orano United Church when trip tbrougb Quebec aid the le and Mrs. H. Simmons, Roches- Rev. A. W. Harding, Welcome, Maritime provinces. We bope h, ter, N.Y.; Mrs. E. Wilbur, was guest speaker. that tbey will bave an enjoy- Hampton; Mrs. W. H. Hoaper The S.S. accupied the centre able trip. and Mrs. G. Andrews, Tor- front pews and tbe miiisterl The funeral ai Mrs. Argue onto. . eld their rapt attention as he was held fram the home ai ber Mr&. Sid Barrabail is a pat- told thern a story frain the son, Mr. Earl Argue an Satur. d lent in Memorial Hositl text : -anchors of the sauf*' aid day. Rev. Bonsteel was in Le Bowmanville. then spoke ta the adult con- hreo hslreyatne Miss Lais Brooks, Picton; gregation froin the t e x t:fchearg ee ai tisarely attendec ýdMiss Margaret Flintoff, Mr, "There is a lad here." funceral etend aurhemos -Foster Rowe aid ittle Marg- The choir r en de r ed the* reaved. aret Mary Flintoti, Oshawa, a n t h e in "Green Pastures" nte udndahi h visited Mr. aid Mrs. O. Cawan. iby Sanderson. The beautiful Aesn o H aer ddn d ath te d Clarke Public Scbool teaci- flowers ini the cburch added pf ersndai HarperCascadde ders held their first meeting this greatly ta the beauty af the erable regret aid sorrow in f all at McLeai's Schaol in the service aid were doîated bica unt. eesdws Kendl dstrct.Mr.aidMrs. Stevenson, Mr. Mr. aid Mrs. Harold J. Awde aid Mrs. Boyd aidi memory well knawn bere aid bighly .aid Donald, Mr. W. H. Hooper 'ai the late Mrs. James Fowler. respected. -aid Mrs. G. Andrews, Toronto, Rev. John Kitchen was guest Mr. aid Mrs. Duncan Fow- visited Mrs. C. F. Awde. speaker at anniversary services 1 er of B. C., spent a iew days Visitox' with Mr. aid M rs. at Morrish. with tieids here. For several ~ D.M. Mleswere Mr.aidyears Duncan was employed by D. M. Ml enr mt.Rue:r.aid __1J. J.Clarke aid W. J. Boggs. Barry, Graverihurst: Mr. and urono Fair WV inners Dun n wa a pisnervin Mrs. Jack Davis, Sherryl ad ~ -SuteiIeand wsousrvn Karen. Bowmanville: MIr. aid For En silage Corn Twit h RA nWol MrsGordn Myes, ornaandPre nuptial sbower was held Dianne, Peterborougah: MîI. aid Prizewieî in Field Croia for Miss Helen Elliott wbose Mrs. How ard Myles aid tain- Coinpotitiolî f a ri -Ensilage marriage ta Mr~. Murray Logani il ' . Crn" 1954, at Orono Fair were takes place on Oct. 16. She was \Ir. and Mrs. Brooks CowAan. tLIe tallowing ini order af tendered a miscellaneous show- er d Ms. aoreciid aone ided menit: er ai-iFriday, Sept. l7th. ed 'Or. Obore ad atened 1. Garnet B. Rickard. R R. Upon the arrival at the home MIorriŽh Anniversary Services. Rnxvmanvillc: 2. Russecll Os- of the hostess, Miss Barbara Rev. John Kitchen was gucst borne, Newvcastle: 3. Ross Stev- Curtis. she was presented with speaker aid in the evciing the ens. Bowmanville; 4. Jas. T. a corsage aid escorted ta a de- Orono quartette rendered spec- Brown, Newcastle,- 5. Howard 'corated chair. Atter a half hour ial rnmusic, Aluin, Newcastle; 6. William ai contests and gaines Miss Bet- Mrs. Neil Smnith and Mr. M-c Allin. Newcastle; 7. Carias ty Lou Mitchell aid Leona Smnith, Willowdale, visýited Mrs. Tamblyn, Ono; 8. Austin Mitchell carried, in a decorated Viola Smith and Mrs. A. Saun- Turner, Newcastle, 9. Ivison claties basket with gifts. The ders an Saturday. Taînnv, .Orono: 10. Jno. Rick. bride elect xvas the recipient ai -Mr. aid Mrs. Alex Watsoiî, 'ard. Newcastle; IH. Jase Bras., a number ai lovely aid useful à1r. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. Newcastle: 12. F. LeGresley, gifts. She very* graciously and Mrs. Chas. Wood spcn' Newcastle. thanked those present for their SuWod, aktielr d. s.Nekindness. Refreshinents con- l W oo , L kefi ld.cluded the eve i g s entertain- O ron6 'W. A. ýHolds mentL 82 started the falsa son with agaod meeting. Con- cut ourfoo bils a A& Setembr M etig jsiderable business was tran- cut ourfood bils at A&P S ept mb e M ee ing isacted. It was decided to put eyou shop, because. The Septeinher meeting ai on the R.A.P. Degree as soan the Woman's Association w.s las degree tearn is available. "O U SA Y iheld ini the Sundav School Largest crawd for several ror on Tue.sdav afternoon mnh attended the L.O.L. 1with the. President, Mrs. E. nc o Saturday evening. JXAIT cr and the Lord's Prayer re- 1111V Ipeatcd together. In bbe absence of the re- Mr.and Mrs. Jack lýaymnan N Y P A Yrording secretary Miss E. Pen- aid Mr. and Mrs. Brodie found, 1\Vrs. C. Duncan read Thoinpson, Port Hope, were the~bb minutes ai the last meeting Wediesday guests with Mr. aid Araue' reor i-gieOonriitd Wednesday from W.A.Sunday, Straw- Wannan. berry Festival aid catering Mrs. Lizzie Henderson is aî-ounted ta $2 19.00 atter pay- feeling better aid is back ta 4in.- expenses. ber own home again.1 In the matter of expenses at Mrs. Neta Patterson, Orono,f tbc parsonage. ail outstanding aid Mrs. Tbornpson visited bills were ordered pahd. Un- with Mr. aid Mrs. Ken Bal]. ~ ' ~ .finsbe bsinss id cw Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham a business was deait with by the aid Merrill spent Saturday t President. evening with Mr. aid Mrs. i IMeeting clused wîth Mizpah George Glanville, Newcasfle. <AilLOTSAL I eneîctai.Mai3' tram aur camrnunity P b enedi tio n .atte d ed the fu n eral ai tbe late CAELTSL Mr. Harper Carscadden at Ken- CHOCEQULIY PlN vPnTda] on Friday. Our sincerea at .Tyrone. Ron is the son ofj Mr. aid Mrs. J. Hatherly, New- tonville, aid, as yau will note is having saine interesting ex- periences in western Canada with the RCAF. For those who might care ta write him, his address is 218482 A.C. 1 Roi Flatherly; C.E. &P.E. Det., RC AjF, Namao, Alberta, C.E.P.E., Namao, Sept 10, )ear Grandma, 1 got your letter yesteiday at noan. I was glad ta hear from you. 1 thought I'd better it down aid answer it. Well, the cald weather wil oon be setting in Up bere I uess. In fact it's getting rather 1 oo] already. I've been here oing an four months îow, aid 've seen mare rain than 1 ever id before. Pretty soon it'hl be1 îow instead af rain. J've sure seen the country ince I've been up here thaugh! 've been to Vancouver Is- and, aid Victoria. B.C. on the 'acific Ocean. I've been north ip near the Yukon, aid cdown 2uth ta Great Falls, Montana, i the States. I've seen Banff "the Rocky Mountains, aid 1asper National Park. Nat bad Dr three moîths' travel. I'm sure flot sorry I got post- d out here. It',. a chance ta e the cauntry if nothiig el.se. ve sure seen a lot ai country rom the air toa. I've been Up iplanes about 15 or 20 times, .mast six miles high ance in jet figbter plane. We were Ding almost 650 miles per our. -That's pretty fast. We've bad two aircraft ash. oie jet aid oie ather 'orld War 2 fighter plaie. either pilot was burt badly, at the planes were really ruin- I. That's the only damage e've bad in aur squadrai dur- ýg the past six manths. Looks like l'Il be going Up i ie Northerî Arctic regions ter Christmnas far a couple of onths. Cold weather experi- ents an aircraft, you kîow,,! W~e1], that's abaut ail for naw t ll Write later. Bye for io,,A. Roi Hatherly f S Si t , 9 F r si p U] in in J; ill e9 i a] a g( hi Cr N b' in th af mi mi TOU Cani qo' £IF you Fe praee.we, Wor,,more, elue u. This aimai. ~ ~ ,, nbdym aamkes physicl fine.. *arert a-harde, t. regain. Todays etnse.lvng, owered res 'etance, ~erwnk, orryany ofthe.. my affect nomlkdnr ction. Wlsen kidac e mot ai order. excesacide and waatee reman in ti&,sytem. Then bacheche, dietb.d rest, that "tired-out" ho ,7- beaeded fein off on folIow. That'e the th". tetR.k. D 'adKidney Pâle. Dodds 86"18atethi de y&te norm&l action. Ilm.,,..feel ber-gleep better.-.work b~-er Àsk fer Ddd. Kidney Pelle et uny drui counter. à ancd then you inav be sur-- there is oie rascal less i thc *AUTOMOBILE DRIYING INSTRUCTION ELECTRIC APPUIANCES *DÇPARTMENT STORES* TRAVE SERVICE* * OH ys thsy are!1 Thsy'ro Iistsd.. ithoe CDmYEUOW PAGSmv Moo -Ibrv -4à p' Uttifl LINUlU-u bGE -AUTO NUAIKINGs NURSING HM ES ANKS e TAILORS *FOR BUSINESS A N&IC1DMON5IPAfION Wu êM HM mA MASON &0BALE 36 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, BY MRS. G. CHAMBERLAIN E@EANu SI! 10W SEWS BY ITSELF!I SU M ME NCINWONDER WIIEEL ANU MAEIC LEVER IN AGIOt Sews Omonds f foncy sfitc4ýe j outomaitically limited ony y & imag.rsaton ... Makes button hales! Sews arn b.uanil Blind stitches !gmsi Em- broidorsl Monogramsil dWSews fi s*oight ond zig-zagl ,Ro... $139-00 . vumy NECCHI ii covu*uo my A tiETIMjeGuARANYH EisrbON Mokas Buttonholpi S'~wî on Butî.~-'s rnbroidere ln~tioIî Does Epibroidery -Jack Lyle Finds * I NE WTON VILLE mrs.Melvlle JoPnter ýe No Dli M m ntMt.r.'sCuri Sid Brown has purchas-1 borough, is spending this weelc In Rtrm n N w e h McKay property. at the home of lier parents, Mr. Bill Wade who hias se- iMr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown, rs ueIe et e s- ue a job with the A. V. Roe prior ta ber marriage to James Et Nearly every issue oi the New Co., Malton, started work on Stuart Gilmer which will take d Toronto Wingfoot Clan con- Sunday School Expands Monday.* place on Saturday, Sept. 25th, tarins onefor me oreitm refer Increasing enrolment and the Mr. John McCrae adhls at 3 p.m. in Newtonville Unit- ~ rngtafomerBomavileaddition of a new class for the daughiter, Miss Jessie McCrae, ed Church. citizens who moved to New three and four-year-old children1 Toronto, are making thein- iNetnvl nie Church Toot rs g Wt h as made it necessary for St. selves at home at Miss Annie neyer looked lavelier than it Goodyear Company. The issue John*s Sunday School to cOin- Nesbitt's. did on Saturday, Sept. l8th, of Sept. 14th devoted hait à pletelv re-organize its work.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, the occasion being the wedding *page of photos and story ta The School now ieets '11W udak r ndMs rceo isCao rosta Mr. Jac Lye, ousn o Ton Cerksessions. The Senior Division, *Alick Lyle, whîch will 'Dbc et t1 amte uirLeuty, Port Hope; Mr. and Arthur Bonnett af Toronto. *particular interest ta his in et a 0a.itn ui rsf Division at the saie îour as the Ms Cleland Lane and Mr. Large Grecian urns iled %ý' friends stili living in hîs native rîigcrcsevcia aiMs.CM.Jnstedd paper white baby clry o n The r tir e d Gl o odyear Thislaterh ur mkesv osib l em l n r.C ,J n s a tn e t iwTh s Taterarticlees fopossils:!the Britton - Pro ut wedding at m u is, white gladioli, Amon th reire Godyer lfor the parents of younger child- .Bowîanville on Saturday. ferns and trailing geeney pensioners visited recently was ren ta attend the service, and. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster banked the lighted chir loft Jack Lyle, who previus ta his at the saie time ta know that and daughter Dorella spent the and extended down arund theý.p retirement, served the Com- their children are being well'weekend with Mr. and Mrs.chane lawhics. asedged. J. iý pany well for 36 years -in the cared for.1 Stanley Nichais. Port Crig officiated. As the bride and Compound and Cernent De- The Senior Division includesý Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, groom came dow i par m e ts H a ig fl ll c m e classes for a l ages fr am nine 1 T oronto, are 'îi g a îe h y p s ed u ner a i la frinBwmnilewhere the years aid up. A special feature davs with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- floral arrangement carrIed out Lyls baîtup nwndefrlre faithis division is teprovisi red, ood.at the rear of the church'. Kate puainfrloyalty, dependa- af a special class for boys and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bruce and Aiken af Toronto, famousà bility, courtesy and respect a- girls who anticipate being Con- familN, Bancroft, Mrs. James broadcaster and globe trotter, bility. He bas stili some re la-. firmed at the Spring Confirma- McLean and Mr. and Mrs. was ane ai the guests. tives in the aId home town and tion. Teachers in this division Arthur Orr, Hastings, spent occasionally visits thein. i are: Mesdames Geo. Sparrow, Sundav with Mr. afid Mrs. Jack and his daughr livei W. Wonnacott, E. H. Ballantvne Raymond Bruce. at 48 Primrose Ave., M imica, and Mark Marchant, Misses! Mrs. Cecil Burley bas gaie Ontario. His daughter goes ta Myrtle Hall and Sylvia Buck-1 ta Peterborough ta look atter business and between the two neil and Mr. Murray McKnight. b ler two grandchildreî wbxle they do the chores arouîd the In the Junior Division a new 'heon, is in boMspitaleforea bouse and coak the meals. Froin class vfor childrcn on Ihe Nui' eor an the appearance of' things, they I fg o rcide fleNi-e,ý operation. do a mighty good job. agegrUp (three and four years 'r i r. .O ccl old) lias beeî inauzu.rated L u r , 1M -. ndw ws. . 0.,uilw One af Jack's jobs is prepar-1 the leadership af mi's. Fred Cale1 Cannington. visited Mr. andl iîg for the evening dinner, such and Mrs. N. J. Mulhollaîd. Oth-! as setting the table, peeling the er leacers in this Division are "D potatoes and vege tablés in ad-i Mrs. J. G. Parker. Mrs. J. H. "Deut try a 'Ia.ady*MaU'- Cal! a Neatlmg Expert" dition ta ail the other littie 'Living. Mrs. R. Hornigold. Miss thiîgs necessary for a good Christîna Lamb, Miss Norma; meal. Henîîing and Miss D. Clarke. During the day he bias man y Tbe otticers af the Sundav - things ta occupy his timc; min oo the cellar he lias a jig-saw, i Sh includ: Rex. Warren sandr, ec. herehe mkesTurner, Superintendent; Mis.ý anderletc.f urhere ahd maker Charles Betties, Superintendent 1 artisles ai ful ri-aid c. oe faithe Junior Division; Miss I artiticusefl bic-abra. j Violet McFeeters, Secretary: Mr.; lias a nice flower aid vegeiablei Keith Lamb, Secretary of the;N garden at the back af the house1 Junior Division, and Mr. Lionel wbere he grows many af the Parker, Treasurer. vegetables used for the table- much af his time is aso spent Harvest Festival Plans _______ in visiting aid talking ta bis, The Annual Harvest Festival! good neighbours ai wbom hie at St. John's Church takes place' speaks very highly. in two weeks time, Sunday, Oct. Jack declared be is greatl 3rd. It was aînounced on Sun- enjoying bis leisure time aidy day the special preacher at the w hile his à nim s ar n Il a n-. service w ould e te i Goodyear and the many fine Rev. Dr. Roland Hill, formi-erl.\-j friends he left bebind, he wul Dean af Athabasca and now neyerenjoybeingtied d Rector af St. Barnabas Cburch, ta a regular job again-he no Danforth Ave., Toronto. Efforts ÎD does what he likes when he are being made ta secure anoth- likes aid is very happy. er distinguished Churchinan foir the evening service.. Through "News", the weekl y -rý wmD MN N VOU IRIED bulletin of the church, membersi' AID THE STORE VOU GOT THF4E Airman Enjoys 1ee eds FRAC i-r Seed and Sali Service in the, FURNPC.E CONNEcTIOMS!" / Service Lire Spring and asked ta big salîples of their product for the Teis Ganmadecoraton of the churc lor AlwaIYS Caoia0R.habI Heating Contractor for England makes a great deal aoEf' okmnhpQ UIy aeil r Editor's note: Hîs friends in its Harvest Home Services which this area wîll be înterested in are attended bx warshippers readiîg the following letter from other churches. from Roi Hatherly ta bisLeA P RK R& S N 1' 1 bjýý JL . d.01 U, ILI091 PLUMBING- HEATING -OIt BURNERS 1 NyaI Creophos Guarantced to stop stubborn coughs An ideal tonie for aduits and children lge. hole 1.25 PAGE = 'M CAmAlmTAW "Awý«rAw à%qLefflAý ý 1 WM Mokes Does Einbroidery Sews on Butfýý,% '-broiders Initial% 9

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