Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1954, p. 8

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PAGE ETONT TEE ~AWA~~AN STAT~AW, U0WVANY~UU. CWA~ ?WOUSDA?. ~. ~, 1Uj Orchida te "Casey" Richards for uis splendid report, in tie Oshawa Times-Gazette, ai tie August 25. bus tour ai tic Pino- Ridge, when ho, inadvertexitiy, cenfcrred an me the title cf Chici Conservation Off icer ai Durham County, lu spite of tic tact tiat I am anly a laborer. Sametiing like callinq an Army pnîvate a general-mîghty nice, bDut not accurate. Hawever, M'Il be tickled ta deati if tic De- partment canfirms tic new rank (courtesy of Casey), and approves a salary commensur- ate witi tic ulgh falutîn title. Well! I can dream, can't I? Kidding aside, Mn. Richards did a prefessional job. He is anc young Canadian wel en- dowed by nature witi a git for newspapcr work, and if ho niaies it a cancer, wiil doubt- lois brtng honour ta his native county, Durham. Accanding ta last woek's Statesman, Ruth Malcolm wrote "thfrty" ta hon excellent Yel- verton column. Did it lu fine style too, by disciosing a talent for writing vcrse. Sa, ta you Ruth: Wicn It cames ta nhyming, you're not bad; It is a git I nover had. Tirougi ail the wccks, we've llked your stuff, It had quality-neven rougi.. You told us ai visita, sports, de- dications, xIn a manner that proved yau iad education. You realiy must be a smart yaung lady, As wchl as wife, and motion of babies. Wasnt yourDad a well knawn preacier? And now you're going to b. a teacher. Your phiiosapiy's good, sa's your heart; Witi youn breczy colunin we hate ta part. Don't say goodbye, Just au re- voir, As you trudgc along to tic sciool house door. And if tic job gets irritating Remember Ruth, The States- man's waiting; Fan more ai your stories, jakes and puns, Which prove Just living" can be reai fun. How will Yeivertexi'a homespun tribe Get along without ticir scribe? I'm not afraid ta make a bet, That quitting tic column caus- ed regret. Each day, wien you jump eut of bcd, Give thanks tiat you'no not teaching Ed. "I~PET U IRINTIUTLTD~,M aeiFAIL KEPT ME, 60 BUS"I OVER 11-E 510V E POPPING 'the preSE jPOPCORN X PORGOT WE EN/EN &V A LIVI1NG R00OM 'tion is ofth Enjoy Better Living-Electrical Living chbsen.e WihaLow-Cost ocrt Appliance f rom really fli a hymn, ad Sun' HIGOON *LECTRIKU m vote LIMITE» Boston ir were sh<, IELECTRJO WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION Old Nortl £OTftommone hung 42O IOSTLCEERALOELECTRI C a1î360l Ph" 438 EALR.SowmanVIllt% British so NO APUNC DALR, Ont"vle to march een miles RefreshigSecret 'What a wonderful drink with a rare, deicions flavor ail its own. And how refres thse bit of quick energy it gives you. How nice, then, to know that has as few caories as hall au average, juicy grapefrunit. Have a Coke!l avbuelss etkete-Cabs .. uo em uewib C..owe.d L " HAMDLY'S DEVERAGES O)SHAWA, ONTARIO PHONIS 8-3738 Ed Youngmran's Column MW .Statesinans GmurtasoColumnim vote ai thanks ifro i lcal citi- On a Frlday or Saturday lt's more than a struggle ta shop in the A. & P. store. I understand it is the policy ai the large chain stores not ta put ln a large in- stallation (supermarket) lpaa town oi leas than 10,000 popu- lation. But Bowmanville sales do net just caver thc t>wfl, they caver the existing caun- trysîde as weIll Newcastle pea- ple regularly siep lu Bowman- ville and Bowmanvillc people regularly suap lIOshawa. Oshawa lis wiene my wlle sud I are shopping for graceries to- * morraw due ta convenience. Here's haping fon a sisper- market. Yours trualy .Cuatornet" 7 ç'tl aytril ayt -ob§ ;A « hk a' at nhmef r was young, attendéd corn (six miles fukh.r on), te ci, beat up the group of civilians ver brilliant-just a fool who were defying Ris Majestyu every teacher had to blooming govcrnment. Ausoo ut, as Paul Revere saw the. Imitern, SI was a stupidd but, he forked lis hoss, sud gallop- ways squirmed upon the ed through the nlght to Lerlnab ar, ton and Concord, warnzW vedi to pull thie girliea' everybody that "the British are r, comlng". The. hritish dld came tat day the. teacher tac, but apparently didn't give led, the rebels too hard a tume, b. t Ed Youngmnan, you're cause of Revere's warning. We )lled." were sorry, lait wcek, to sec ini after forty years had the apers that the aid belfry ,vnhad been blown down in a vio- to man's estate had lent wlndstorrnâ, snd smashed ýn, ta imithereen,, [upon my teacher dear, People claim that lightntag ke a woman shed a tear. doesn't strikt twlce lin the saine i, as lier cleeks turned place. Thât rnay be so, but how e, can they explain Pete Kessier's did yau get out of jail." "fridge" and ather things being her hand, looked in her knocked eut during an electri- ýs 'cal storni, then the next week, Ys."By geai, you're aw- during another stanm every- wise; thing getting knocked cockeyed, kcd me, klcked me Out, endîng ini the barn bemng buru- 10w, ed. In between the stannis, we got mie bawling like a visited the Kessiers, and noted i. that their barn was filled frein ilks go on ta U.of T., stem to gucigeon with hay, grain her Iearning ain't for me, and str«aw. Pete was asien Mrs. SI couldn't pais eighth Kessier was sitting i the kit- de, chen, glanced out cf the wln- a laborer-u-ce a spade. dow, and saw the barn burst ild ever learn ta write, into flames. It must have been ce up screaming in the a terrific shock! Pete and is ht." wlfe are ambitiaus, industriaus .e, "you were an awk- and generous ta a fault. They've 7d cuss, had their share of tough luck boternuianc, fsssince maving ta the Starkville u fooled me for a time; area. Mrs. Kessler has had d to sec you turned out considerable hospitalization, as -.1 weil as son Johnny. Pete, tao, ýkind to the backward was operated on for varicase madandfli ~ id.veins, lost some digits frem in i at adandfli yor ld.right hand, ditto i left. ,Just yseem sullen, stupîd, after they were mnarrled their M, house was burned. Let's hope .e day,be a King, by this last bump will speli finis a! ecl oylk to their bad Iuck. L' yu tech aboy ike Say, did you folks see where jou must put across your a genlemn of 93 recently di ,too- harsh because 'he daughters, three sons, sixty-two iruti hgrandchiidren, forty-flve great er Rth may have grandchîldren, sixteen great, ,rns.great grandchildreri? That's the ýme. like everything 1 best kind ai immigrant we can procure - the fellow that is )ut like hash or ruddy born here. to go, MIh have ta duck. Irol kd-hebest of Rotary Club 0 O Weekly Meeting ofthe realiy pleasant istening on the radio, is Wvas Speechless il Tapscott singers on t9.30 every Thursday Six guests were welcomcd by .The program is well President 0. F. "Oddy" Robson 1,instrumentaliy and at the regular meeting of the We first heard Mr. Bowmanville Rotary Club ini ton the "Truli1 Funeral the Baimoral Hotel at noon on ïverai years ago, liked Friday. Four of these were zing voice then-appre-~ members of the Oshawa Rotary tili. The reason we like Club: Jack Hughes, Les Mc- sent Tapscott aggrega- Laughlin, George Shreve and their fine interpretatian Eric Jones. The other guests loveiy, simple meladies were Jim Bartlett, a Rotarian Somewhere along thc irom Scarboro, and Harry ýy sing a hymn,' and it Grooms, Toronto, a retired pos- its the spot. There are tal employee with 44 years of ce secular melodies, but service. Mr. Grooms Is a broti- iproperly interpreted er-in-iaw of Mrs. William Quick tg with conviction gets of Bowmanviîle. every time. .Birthday presentations were my wîfe and 1 visited made by President Robson ta n February, 1949, we Rotarians Pete Newell and twn the beiiry in the Frank Jamieson, and Attend- h Church, where some- ance Chairman Keith Blllett ig a iantern, dunlng the presented a 12-year perfect at- 1April 18, 1775, as a tendance pin to Rotariah Mel :Paul Revere, that the Dale. oldiers were preparing Rtra oly Vntn sita Lntn elgt-onreported that is father Fred disant an aie Cn-Vanstone, a charter member ai the club, is progressing favor- ably in Toronto General Hospi- tal foliowing two recent opera- tioris, and would be home the following week. The sing sang was led by Ro. tarian Bob Stevens, accexupan- ied by Ratarian Dave Morrison at the plana. ik Coea-Cola is... Speaker Unable Te Con,. -shingProgram Ciairman Tom Reh- shingder told members; that the speaker planned fer tie meet- ing had advised hlm ho wouid tCoke be unabie ta be present. He had secured a film ta replace the speaker and thon found tiat he couid not obtain a prajectar. Rotarian Keith Slemon, Chair- maxi af the Bulletin Commlttee, stated that ho and Rotanlans Jim Stutt, Kcith Jackson, and Ron Simpkin aoflits committee are taking turns ai a manth each at wniting the weekly bul- letins. He asked members ta conac h INy-Sndy-ac (Editor'. Note - Benjamin Bee'ridge autuor of these fea- ture articles hms been fer uev- oral weeks maktng a tour cf Canada. This article gives some of hia abservations as thcy pen- tain ta tic weckly press. It makes sunappropniate foilow up te tue Htstory of Journal- Ism, wich appeared li Tie Statesman et- Seet. 2nd. - G.WJ.) There have been times when miat of us have regarded thc weekly newspapcnu ai Canada as a simple means of reccrding for local iuterest tue social ac- tivities of tiecocmmunity. And uince no one la quit. so inter- eatcd li eanly Mayflawers and garden parties as tue country editer, tuat is ail quite truc. But there la something more ta tue weckly journal tian that, and durlng my aummer travels back sud ferth acrass this con- tinent, I have observed a tre- mendous revival li old-fashian- cd Journaiom, a kind ai menal dedication ta tic people, which la net always a fMatureofaincws- papers an this continent. The weekics ai western Can- ada scem mare outspoken in this regard, although many eastern papers, like The Cana- dian Statesman i Bowman- ville Ont, Tic Coastguard li Sheiburne, N. S., and tic Loy- aliat in Saint John, N.B., that have beon speaking eut with a clean and sincere voice for what they believo, be thcy igit ar wrong. xIn many cases, tic dai- iy newspapcr has ceased ta be thc tribune ai the people and it 18 gead ta sec a rejuvenation ai edltofial courage among the âmall papers. Tic west and tic nortiwest are new. Alberta and Saskat- chewan celebrate their 50th an- niversary next year, and the nati is even newer. Tic wcek- ly newspapcrs in this awkened negion ai prasperity arc carry- ing ail kinds ai bannera. Tiey are not hindered by amalgama- dion, like same of Canada's dai. les, and thcy* are responsible enly ta their own consciences. Evign up i Yellowknife, N.W. T,. tic cares ai the people have bccn espoused by tic ncws of tic nati, a simcere though sônictimes Impulsive medium, ai expression. Occasionally an aid weekly dies lu tic west, but a ncw one takes its place. Kitimat, B.C., has a new paper wich may aventually be a daily, and li Grande Prairie, Alta., Tic Her- ald Tribune is ta came out twice weekly li February. lI another two years, as the nortiwcst con- TEETOP SHL ghep at Fort St. John. 0o * * li Eduxnton, 1 had a chat wltii Ken Mcl&od, tue author af numerous papcr-backed nov- el&. Ken in anc of tue few Can- adians who have umade a living at freelance writlug lni Canada. Re admits that people a8k hini why he doesn't write uometlilng more laiting tian "A body for a Blonde" (with tue usuel boa- amy caver). But shart of Cas- tain, Hommingway sud others ini that league, what in b.ing wrltten today that will live anyway. Mr. McLeod ln a bread- and-butter wrlten. Se waa Bal- zac. Se in Macklnlay Kantor. A novel wrltten for saft caver publication brings anywhere fran $400 to $1000 i cash to tic autier sud royalties an every capy aften a few thous- and. "Chinese Rooni", a ratuer natorlous paper-back ai five ,years ago, sold for $10,000, and royalties startcd with thc first copy sold. Periaps Ken McLeod wants ta write anc of tho3e $10,000 navels (Avon Books alone sell marc than 20,000 000 sat covers a year!) and tlen tinues ta grow-wltu ail end gas and aluminuni sud agnicul- ture-tuls paper wiltl' i e ba dally. The eaiton la Jini Boweàý a native ai Saikatchewan sud former reporter fan tic Mon- treal Standard sud Tic London Froc Press. Tic Dawaon*Creek Stan la publtichd on green paper. 1 asked the editor wiy io did It and ho said: "lBecause lt'u easy on tic cyca." And do yau know, it la. That': wiy the biackboards in new acheols are green. It's samotiing eur grancliatiens didn't knaw. It la net; gcnerally kuawu by tic public that most ncwspapors ini recexit yeara have gene te muci expense sud trouble ta make reading casier. Tiey have baugit. new type and incneased the amount ai wite space b.- tween tue lmes <ail at a lau aif advertlsing space) sud they have conoexitrated more on make-up, usixig pictures sud headings ta break up monoton- ous calumns ai salid type. Tis has happened without tic read- or's notice. But it keeps hum irom going te tic eye doctor quite se sean. Up on tic Alaka higiway, tic editar of tic Alaska ih way News is a woman. e Margaret Murray ai Fart St. John, B.C., is anc ai tic real characters ai tic norti. One ai her cuniaus possessions la an aid Washington haxid press, co with a story. It 'w&s tic first pninting press af tic nanti, and an this arch- aie device-one suci as Ben- jamin Franklin used te launci tic Saturday Evening Post - tic newspapcrs ai tic gold rush of 1898 were run off at a dollar a capy. This aid press recorded anc ai tic mast exciting eras of tic continent. Some oi Mark Twain's stories were iirst print- cd on it. This very press print- ed Jack London's fîrst Story whcxi ho 'was in Dawson City, and when Robert W. Service'a- "Cremnation ai Sam MmGee" appeareci in tic Whitehorse Star, it was froin tus pres3. Same ai Walt Whitman'& verse came off it, toa. Bad times evcntuaily came ta thc Washington Press, and tic printer who owncd it lost it ln a poker game. Tic iirst print- ing machine ta travel ever tic Alaska iighway, it is pathetic tiat having piaycd so vital a part in suci an historie epic it now îlies brokexi and unsung autside Mrs. Murray's printing A TTEND ÇUrono lairi Friday &Saturdayî I SEPTEMBER 10 -11 0* BIGGER AND BETTER THAN E'VEK - MHORSE wAmoeG Saturday,_Sept. llth DRAMATIC CONTEST : Openi te ail Dramatic Clubs in Durham aund MM* adjacent counties. Cash 1rizes. *This competitien of Que Act Phays will be held li theI ITown Hall, Orono-On Friday Evening I' iSept. lOth anid Saturday, Sept. llthI *ADMISSION - 50ce under ail opomut:: 9conditions I ROBSON MOTORS ITE hPI.u5 PONTKC A i ICECAlS G-.ILC. T mImJCKS IIXEfEL Prechse worknianshlp and caretul attention to détail ane your assurance when you choose frcm thc wlde selection ofIlmported and damestte Granites and Marbies tu stock. he'fl write the great Canadias novel. Let us hope he wil o. more successful in t" ambi- tion than Balza wu la hi. great endeavor. Lord Ronald. . . flung hime self upon his horse asd rode madly off li ail directions Stephen B. Leacock. Stafford Bros. Nomumenfal Worku Pb»e eWhtbv SEm 318 Dndas St. 9.. WWII,< FINE QUALnT MONUMENTS ANDJ MARKUE k- Il- 10 -, i - = 1-no MAT. awr. olk, M4 PACZ VONT Àdw& m m

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