~aa~aw ~*~am ~ - -- - - - UIURIDAT, ~r. 90,, 190< 5U~~W5 A~U~U * ~ &2~Ai~EUg JW JqyYrJ~,5, ON'1A~O - - to63btth"Y bounoed none out, but Jones- got the next Average $Sa.ni% R o etihOe e eir hall of the sveth oop- ej aflad an rkeu ...Babe BrownHap Palmer P o e i p e rsingled and Gaflagher alo1 Bowmianville had two men runCotie Del Vmnson,' Beth punched a single through te_ onbtenbssl the Chran Cowl etweed WasesiSeconds D e ea il on 8 - oule nt eep is ascn cild wbitiig Jfourth inning. Cox wuaa :pped Ie D f aM it n 8 -4Maxie Yourth cracked a nice between third and home and dobeit ee etefel ih téiCwewsrn dqwn btenAly d to cash bath Hooper and Gal-___ third and second immediately Date Turne 1-2 3-4 5-6i gso lu he toanmk the nlnt 8-th.aalter Cox was nailed . .. Rager September- < "apPlmr'oc utad GnoodetCro w dthon H an wih aO0 S E S tothe Bowmanviflebatter'sth? 8:45 7- 8 9-10 11-12 raclfgetuls h o w The Bowmanville Eraokdale went through the Milton second single run which camne off a trne out, although noue af the 27 6:*45 10-11 9- 8 11 e Roses got off on the right foot baseman, and Buck Cowle foi- walk to Rusk and sinigles by (B I, M <>ornm> Rosos got more than one hit off 8:45 4 -6 2- 3 Kingnr gatonaorDy I their best-of-thrce O.B.A. Ig- lowcd with a drive into centre Toletzka aud Art Mélanson. his deliveries . . . He gave up O)ctober- willlsbetknpatuth terniediate "B" playoff sertes field which cashed hlm. Cowle Tuhlnt AU les seven safeties altogether. . . 4 6-45 3-. 5 12- 2 8-10 spee tras tPotFrya with' Milton Red Sox et the went ta second on the throw George Joues kept the Reda Harrison reiieved hum lu the 8:45 9- 7 1-11 6- 4 Satura ihhsba Krl Xigh Schoool grounids Labor ta home plate and taok third Sox batters, except Toietzka, seventh aud held the Roses bit- 11 6:45 4- 7 5- 1 6- 3 Anu" IDa atenoon by downing the when Frank Hooper groundcd pretty well at bay and the 10 Your Braokdale Roses final- nive ball. RHE8:45 2-10 12- 9 8-11 tors 3-4. One oi the best out ta the shortâtop. Tim Cox hits he gave up were fairly l'y ousted the Part Hoe e.of- Part Hope 000 010 011-3 10 5 la 8:45 B-10-2-11 e d ml uStra ilb af the sesson saw the brought him across wlth a sharp scattered. . . Toletzka was the flaires from the O.B.A. piayoffs Jones handcd out six free Bowville 301 001 1 lx-7 7 3 5 8:45 12- 3 2 4 7 - 5 unehtofca scdtil o feavy hittlng by bath teams. Marshall went way Up lu the side, laghing out three singles seven game series by a score of pastesix t aPcBrtanvilpeTam, 8:45;1- 6 8- 510- 1 ýhBruce Marshall startcd on air and issued three straight ini addition ta his two-run 7-4.OuSI oon Bwm vil ahan, 2b; Wakely, as, Evansou8b4ardllasses-hav b-c1 out te mound for Milton and the walks ta Gallagher, Yourth anId h<mer ... Tiu Cox aud Maxie * S Splayer went dOwn 'iath rf Bxtr, alet (6) c; sh November- iu nt. i.Tetii ilb Itoses lait no time lu teelng off Butch Cale ta. force Cox across Yaurth bath poled long doubles- Now the Roses are ancg e strike-out route. by, If; Ruttan, lb; D. Ashton, 1 6:45 2-. 8 6-10 4- 1 hcld neih upcsa h pnhlm. Lloyd Hamilto eah ith the third run. The Red for the Roses, and Tim aiso up ou Milton in the est two * S 3b; Lee, Harrison (7) P; M. Ash-84 -91- 31-7 andan oang Fdrin clfirst when bis ground bail Sox sent Nip Gervais lu ta re- had a single.. Buck Cowlc Out ai thrce gaines. The first Wthoth aForton o terow t) ston (batted for a l-n n8:45 9- 1 7-11 31 n posrdb2hePr er lieve Marshallllat this point and and Bob Gallagher bath had gaine was played here on Mon- WthteadiotaheBw 8h)RAsou(tedfrBl-:4 612 52 4- 8 YachClb hefècd h Bwmniletw snle.an Lod a15 0:45 Il.. 4 2- 6 12- 5 e ras 1bguatsn he orcd te Bwmavil tw sigie, sd LoydHail- day aud the local boys won by manville iligh Schooi drawing lett lu th). i 2 8:45 8- 1 10-' rsead7at fooaifecin hurler George "Generai" Joncs tan, Frank Hooper sud Butch 8-4. The second gaine wifl be nearer sud nearer what about Bownianville - Gilhooly, 2b 22 3-5 - 17 1 ri Otrowilb akn at 1'ta fly out ta the ahortatop ta Cale ail had safeties. P. our pîayed niMiltn on Saturday,Hth futu ronbseblStterHmo, c ; Youghr, lb: orp 8q :455 1 . 7- 10-2 retire the side. errors by the vîsitors hurt their Sept. llth ait 5.00 p HghScoolgrune,; Galge,b; o, P 2.:5 -21- 0 Roses Add Two More cause. .. On Monday's showing * ** . *Cwc f ae u oep :5 8 -i 9 > ~~( GIL x. Bowmanville added two more the Roses appear ta have the wnavleostetasfr Erythrow luheak runs inithe third on a double better team and shouid wnd Bthe third sud e tng aneore eaguteh ts owIn t ae84U-7 .1 9 by Tim Cox a single by Galla- it up lu the second gamin thud t il e an ed l ilto ar k.hr Wahy shoiuts w bahl hier, abad throw ta first by Milton on Saturday lt5 s n t wiif ne e r y.Te dt i iltbe Park. Durham Ladies weh ItImpossible ta enjoy idl- aeMlo hrso n Yourth's If they fail ta do sa, the tird i eesr.Tedtpwl eD r a a is inty ior k ta donJersone a igrunedan agraunder by and dcciding gaine wiil also be announced aiter the second A committec should be, tarin- eI' K. rtodoJerome. Cale. Iu the bottain ai the in Milton as the Roses lait the game, should Milton win. cd ta ineet with tawn counicil Ë. J ow ig eco m paebe.o h faurth, the Rases miade t 6-0 toss for the odd gaine on Moan- * 0 * ta discuss the possibihity ofai a r B wln admyec ll i King ta have thîngs donc as -- -the first baseman dropped the Milton 000 010 201-4 10 4 ning pitcher going ail the way the service clubs ta mnake n cIVa asiyfl tme.-Siruel l F U Lbail, stole second, took third on Bow'ville 302 100 20x-8 10 1 sud aliowing the Milton crew town Park for caruivals, base-________________________________________ Cawle's grounder, and scored Milton: Rusk, as; Heipel, 2b- 10 hits whiie bis teammates had bail gaines snd cauimunity the sixth run when the second Vaughan, lb, Toletzka, cf; Mei. the saine number ai hits. Cowic events. The fallawing schedule sud 1Lb a s e mi a n juggled Haoper's auson, 3b; Gervais, il; Grenke, sud Cox bad two bits for the * * tennis have been drawu up for grounder. c; Marshall, p, If (1); N. Gr oe hl oezawa h e' l hn hsover sud teBwmthleLdes ao Iu the top ai the f ifth Milton vais, If.,P (1). big gun for the lasers having if you bave auy suggestion or Bowling League, with ce earn FIL UP N0O! gat their first run. Don Rusk Bowmanvilie., Gihool b he ige sdactornies e utuhwt ny avrage figured ou the first six wake ad onsaio aledHmito, f;Col, f;iiop'homer. This was the ouly home meuiber ai the Bownviile olr ny a ahtan PROMPT SERVICE Heipel who was farced ait sec- er, c; Cox, rf; Gailagher, lb; run fla the gaine. Basebaîl Club. There wili be a generai nmeet- oud. A clean single into centre Yourth, 3b; Cole, os; Joues, p. ing oflu aiail bowlcrs lu the league haie 897 or 410 fedb reTltktebst Uprs ans lt;adou Monday, Sept. l3th at 7 p.m. m)a H fildbyer in eza the b a eust Upies Brus, plat;esu Milton had four errors while This praject should be start- in the bowling alieys. bitterlu thegame, iatcdRusk Hbbs, bses. ur boys oniy had anceniiscue. cd this fail as this la a trenien- .m1Avrg 7 tamake the score 6-1. Iu the The Roses played gaad dci en- doua job. Tei Coole, c aMNltg e anCh9er7A2ontn SS eventh Toîetzka drove in two h ith l, H elMn ivin, JeainCatre 0 3borne's s'mare us for Milton. Heiple Durharn Bowling 'itHln VvaIem gat on with a bit sud Tolctzka MillermAi -'a' Bates.Ka Col& Fuel Co. lascd n e t h co e epl aeOf Starts Sept. 'l7th R ~oses W Vi e gu itl Team 2-Average 972 hisn. we teRoSerieWihTw lv eaBernice Budai, Joyce Major, Thi nara ed he Rass nar *~~ '~ I I PfD ,~Ruth Barclay, Mary Wicox, Dot anu The Durharn Bowling Lee In S ve G m e S eJe Edmoudson, Betty Fogg, Alma 1r gets underway on Steptember Perfect. 17th ait 7pm wt 2 e Team 3-Average 972 Rado -TV Ser ice~ iThe ed. u it or195455Beat Port Hope 7 - 3 Doris Joli, Eva Whitehead, the. opening cf an office for tecuutn TV 4s iv c b season is as follows: President Duas ineae, Ma ri ht, Backed by 18 years' experience -Aldin Hoar, Tyrone; Vice- Dan amr ajreSae President - Murray Larmer, Aiter a tough series wbich the Roses, hit a sharp single Kay Dodds. PickuP - Delivery - Latest Equipment Bawmanvilîe; Treasurer, Jim weut the full seven gaines, the through short and. then stale Teain 4-Average 972 his profession a Thompson, Bowianvîlle; Sec- Bowmauvilie Brookdaie Rases second base. Lloyd Hamilton Lil Philips, Norma Hooper, retary-Ralph Kelly, Bowmau- won the Intermediate "B" laid dowu a perfect bunt along Alyce Hodgson, Doris Pafley, Ce Je LSTO Nville. Chamionship af the Lakeshore the first base liue, sud when Doris Akcy, Viv. Coas, Lynda Bowlers arc rcquested ta cut Basebali League on Weduesday the catcher made a miýd throw Mrz 73 CocsinStetEaut the followiug list ta evening of last wcek by elin- ta first, Giihooiy s!ored sud oa.6 RigSn tE s ConcessionStreet E.and sehedules: ean inatiug the Part Hope Legion- Hamilton weni ahi Uic way ta Teamt 5-Average 972 6 igSre a o m m il East cf Liberty on Training School Road 1. C.O.F.; 2. Foundry; 3. Pal- naires 7-3. third. Maxic Yourth singled Kay Beauprie, Reva Parker, mer Motor Sales; 4. Maple It was the second Lakeshore through short ta cash Hanii- Emma Brommeil, Dot Fair, An- Grave; 5. Tyrone; 6. Enuiski- "B" Championship in a row ton. na Strike, Joan Eugley, Mary (Above Garton's Bus Sain len 1; 7. Enniskiilen 11; 8. for the Roses, sud earned thein With Frank Hooper at bat, Fisher. Blackstock; 9. L.O.L. No. 2384; the rlght ta meet Milton in the Maxie stole second sud adVanc- Teain 6-Average 973 - -* -10. Hampton; il. A. &P.; 12. O.B.A. provincial playdaowus. cd to third when Hoop graund- Eleanor Laruier, Anita Nick- Tlpoe3. * à' i 1' McNulty's Sparts. The pesky Port Hope squad cd out ta second. Bob Gailagher erson, Moliy Badger, Edlth Tlpoe31 First Sehedule providcd uncxpectcdiy atiff iollawed with a grounder ta the Marlowe, Audrey Martin, Gre- Aleys competition for the Roses iu the pitcher, but Lec threw wlld ta ta Luxton, Mary Waltcrs. Date Tirne 1-2 3-4 5-6 playafis, sud the lacais wcre iirst and Yourth scared the Ta -frg 7 September- neyer more than one game up third run ai the inniug. Cox y aBtesut -Aerae 9per2 d 17 7:00 11-12 3- 4 1- 2 throughout the best-of-scven flied ta right fid sud CowicL ydaBtseee ie d -______________________________ 9:00 5- 6 9-10 7- 8 series. Even on Wednesday grouiided out ta short ta eud na DeGeer, Jean Luxton, Lena' 24 7:00 1-12 9- 8 10-11 night the Roses werc aut-hit 10 the frame. Geddcs, Mille Bates, Mary Pa- 9:00 2- 3 7- 6 4- à ta 7, but bunchcd theirs better Bowmanviile addcd a single gan. October- to clinch the gaine and the niarker in the third whcn Ham- Teaut 8-Average 974 M ore for your m o e 1 7:00 8-10 12- 2 3- 5 championship. ilton. hit a texas leaguer inta Onie Etcher, Ena Etcher, Ma- 9:00 6- 4 1-11 9- 7 Start Hlttlng Early centre field sud later pracccd- ry Harrison, Edua Kerr, Jean 8 7:00 6- 3 12- 9 4- 7~ They bast no turne going ta cd ta steal second sud third. He Fairey, Amy Winuacott, Audrey t 9:00 8-11 5- 1 2-101 scored on a yice sacrifice bunt Burns. t an ever b fo! 15 7:0 9-1 10-1 8- 6work on Rager Lee, the ytoung by Hooper.Teu9Aeae92 OWT U O E9:00 7- 5 2- 4 1- 3 dIp- ort Hope hurleronothae bo-aPa 22 7:00T2- U 4-09N12-'3 en them considerabie trouble in tHp o o h o rd elen Dunu, Sadie Bucknell, -WHITE has 29% mare 9:00 10- 1 8- 5 Il- 6 previaus garnes in the series. lI u thenîiîth w ben Bobey ta- JanParik, sr Eiitt A- J ' id:n strngtheventha 29 :00 - i -10 - 8Don Gihooly, first man Up for igeunahtsbBo drey Fletcher, Olive Moffat,rgda e 76 cu . hiigsrnt vnta 9 70 -1 61 -8win, Carl Lenahainansd RayINancyKlo atlclrhieli before. 1, costs le,, because 9:00 12- 7 Il- 3 5- 9 Wakely. 1 c es.P it goes farther. Takes less November- 3.0 7 1 EK R Add Single Run Team 1lO-Average 973 F UIt an.ls okTR.5 7:00 3-0 7-1 D-1LiK R With the score 4-1 lu the bat- Hazel Davis, Dore Mutton, Fl-wdh reerlet ITE ,leswrk RJ 9:00 4- 8 5- 2 6-12 tam ai the sixth, the Roses add- elen Moore, Edua Large, Ada ~Fui-lt hiiDae >TONE WHITE sheds 12 7:00 12- 5 2- 6 il- 4 Mr. snd Mrs. B. Spry reoeutly ed another singleton. Cox ra Holc rd Marie Yeo, Muriel - -SFl-lt yrtu gie. calyea, 9:00 3- 9 10- 7 8- 1 visited C.N.E., Toronto. ed first on au error ta the Port itself. For Jasting white. 19 7:00 Il-~ 2 1- 7 6- 9 A sbowcr was beld ait Leskard Hope shortstop sud advanced Teaut li-Average 973 *Nei Pnr-oo msadlong-run economny, 2 9:00 5-10 3- 8 12- 4 Schooi for Miss Audrey Masters, ta second an Cowlc's grounder Olive Patiieid, Lii Hooper, el utrsstn lle pain wit TRTONI 26 7:00 10- 4 Il- 5 8-12 who wss the recipient af many ta the pitcher. Butch Cale walk. Dot Crombie, Helen Lockhart, pan wt RUOE9:00 9- 2 6- 1 3- 7 useful gifts. cd sud George "Gencral" Jones Helen Corden, Vî O'Rourke, ButeIopatnu WHITE., December.-- Mr. sud Mrs. E. Green werc aided his own cause with a long Hilda Sininick. 3 7:00 Playofis Playoffs the guests ai Mr. sud Mrs. Frank double into right centre field Teaut 12-Cfourtce) *QuIkbl. ay 9:00 Playolfs Playofis Godfrcy, Kecue. which plated Cox. This smash L a c e - a c ~ a e 10 7:00 Playoffs PlayoffsluMr. Moore spent the holidays by Joncs was the longent hit ai *i 7 KIN ST. . BOW ANyU~ PHON 774Second Schedule daughter. Inl the scveuth the Roses add- $ 9 5 7__KING____ST ____E.____________________PHONE ate774,.. Alicys Miss Hilda Loucks, Pickering, cd anather uiarker whcn Hamu- ________________________Date____Mine___1_____3-4 5-6 with ber parents, Mr. sud Mrs. ilton waiked, stole second base, January- W. Loucks. went ta third on a passed bail 7 7:00 7- 8 9-10 11-12 Mr. sud Mrs. E. Green sud sud scarcd on Hooper's long flyMoeST-6 9:00 1- 2 3- 4 5- 61famiiy spent Saturday ait the ta centre field. 14 7:00 4- 5 7- 6 2- 3 Ehibion, Tront. Bwm.vil ..atther-fna w asa ----------- -- - - - - - - - * Re-writteu ANNOUNCING THEa previaus 0 PM a copyrghts aUU E of a f the new M S.pTetuli Durham County ]Disney ]BIdg. a3 L L OSAA li. P.0. ans OSAW *PhONO "la8 OPEN MARKET NO. 265 Situated balf mile west ai the Provincial Forestry Station ato. 26o The value oi any correction : la noticeably apprecisted sud a saine ouiy nccd ta iay aside their Correction for a short tiine ta realize ita reai value. Many glassea; but is it not rathr c AT 7 P.M. value af the advice ai the T*w esudumnts and your atteudanS wlib. OPtamcetrist and his examination greatty appreciated that the correction or glaise î camne into existence. Have your j gales every Mondgiy at 7 p.rn. eyes examined regularl' sund glasses changed when neI JACK REID, Auctioneer. 1949 Dodge Sedan, Special Doluxo One owner car 1933 Dodge Sedan Cheap, runs good TRUCKS 1946 G.N.C. 3ltom ulake 1946 Ford 1Mom pickup PUMPS & SOFTENER&ç 1947 Fargo Y2-toa pickup LINITEn Pym .ONDN -CANAD) .ONDON .Blackstock Motors <YACK NEOUGE Phone 70 or )Port Perry 196W PLUMMMO GANDEATINO AH-TAEO EM PHONWE 415 BOWMANVMlLE CS nTAEO EM ----------- --- si------reet î g. r i "J qmm LWAVAlWAW MmAqqmwwaw lmdfflw»&ýqpffl ý.- 1 a