?RMSDAY. TUNE 2ncl. 1954 THE CAIfADIAN STATESMANl, BOV;?4AvLLE, ONTAXjO Brookdale Roses Win Third Straight Game The Bowmanville Brookda!e as a sacrifice, and Hamilton itiss reniained oui top cf the! came in wlth the f irjt run. hieap in theé *:.eào-.,eBa&éb'all 1xs.tors Score Two ~egue by pasting a 7-5 Nin 11 In the Wbitby balf o! the' OVer Wihitay Larny's B.-A. in a founth the visitons scored two heavy hittinj gane at the Higilruns on a s-inglé by Ken Mac-_ Ëchool grounds Saturday after-iDonald. a double by Bidgoad, mlon. The locals have won &i an error by Tins Cox on Hanna's threé af the*r sar.s in the long fly, and a single by Johnnv 1:e, t io dgLe . Straz. Tii. Whitby lcad was b b Rases wene out-hit il ta short-lived, howevér, as tLie 9 b-'Witby but bunched their, Rosa came back wîth two runs hits betier tao take the verdict,.lin their bal! af the f ounth. Both. témrs played rather 10ae- Yourth got an with a bit and ly in the field, with Wlitby ha- IHooper eingled juto righit field. ing five errors and the Roses1 The bail went thnough the righit COMmmtting four iniscues. John- fielder and Maxie came all the ny Sta*nvon went the route for way around to score on the er- BUwiiavile but Gond Brown non, whihe Hooper pulied up at e flthlr"mound for Whitby need- third. Tim Cox hit a long sacri- Ur édh 1eP in the sixth inningf fice fly into centre f ield and 7'frons Paul Michael. Hooper scored aftcr the catch. Ini the first inning the Roses The visitons came back wi.tb Fu sbed across a run witbout two more runs ln the top of the enefit af a safe bit. Gilbooiy f ifth ta forge ahead 4-3 on onie drew a walk, Lloyd Hamilton bit by Gond Hanna and errais laid down a sacrifice bunt, and by Younth and Hamilton. . was safe at finut an the pitcber'a The Roses put the gamne on ice bad throw. After Maxie Yourth in their bai! af thé fifth with had knocked 0i4 a sacrifice four runs. Butch Cale walked grounider, another Whitby enrrn d Johnny Staintan smashed let -Hamsilton advance ta third la Texas leaguen back o! second. wbile Maxié was safe at second. 1Cale was out sliding inta third, Prank Hooper sent a gnound'but Stainton toak second. Don bull down ta second which xvcnt Gilhoaly slngled, advancing HIOGON ELECTRIC LIMITED )LECTRIC WIRING. REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION 42 KING ST.LGENERAL 0ELECTR IC Box 360 PIi@iW438 OEAPUNsPIIf owmanvili@, Your Heating (omfort G UA RA N TE ED with a 1119OOOOO COMFORT BOND ISSU!D WITH §ACH ILIND-AIR HEATING INSTALLATION IN ANY NIW OR 0WD HOME YOU'RE MORE COMPORTAILE wvith freshly warmed air clreulated by Cole- man' s exclusive Magie Blenders. YOU SAVE ON INSTALLATION with 8%~-ineh air tubes that fit any home. YOU SAVE PACE with à furnaoe that takes as little a 6 square feet cf floor space in basemest, clcset, uility room. YOU'RE COOL IN SUMMERwîth Cotl.- man' s new coolint unit. Add it whea Weready. Cutu.Lot u xli how you con have 8onded Comfort lai >Our home.. S. Blai"n EIIi"ott "".a 3348 HEATING and PLUMBING 55 King St. W. cel~ean Stainton ta third. Hamilton flied out but Yourth bit a grounder ta second, and was safe at finst when the fimît base- man dropped the throw. Stuin- ton scored on the ernor. Fmank m l n Hoaper, whoaia a good day utaml g the plate, singled into centre with the. fied o icre ilooy.Big Bob Gallagher stroked a grounder ta second and another bad throw allowed X ountb and Hooprt O S E S cross the plate, muking t.-ne i count 7-4. I -<a AI OsboriAo> 1vv hitby added a single mun ln the eigth ta niake tihe final score 7 -5. Touchin.- AilBases 1 s Frank Hoopen led the Roses The Bowmanvillie "Brookdule Junior Be 1at the plate with tlsree nicé its, Roses" made it three wins and ai-d witiî t iDon Gilhaoly bad twa, in- no langes on Saturday when they that went cludig the longest bit of the took Whltby into camp 7-5. Thé aiea à men day-a triple. Johnny Stainton Roses ane thé only unidefetd won the li aided bis own cause with a dou- téum in the Lake Shore League. 1951. ble and single and Maxie *CCHe is a1 Yourth and Buck Cawle ecd Manager Cramble ha been' havirig pi had anc safe bingle . . . Alan thnowing bis young players ut Juniors in 1and Ken MacDonald and John- the cppositién and se ferý it bas the finals ny Stroz, witb two bits each, been puying dividendi. Thé mv- This yean - counieu for six af thé Whitby érige mue of thé players used ta wu Truckr safeties . . . Altbough in trou- date is 2 hc strtt on rn h blé several timés, Jahnny Stain- for i whmeich su petty yone nOs h e 'ton tigbténed dawn in the intommdiatbaeli eOswa ovral ge of thé club is 25. rough spots and pitcbed goad, Bruce Cale is thé baby o! the Frank E heady bail ýta preserve bis win teajn, being 17 yeans of age. in Bowmui Fastballer Paul Michael ne- eecthng placed starter Gord Brown for Crmlca nle h on atéd no.f Whitby ln the slxth . . . Buck rmi a odd h on ae o Cowle had a good day in thse playens Into a smooth wonidng leigue. C field, making seitenal nice catch- machine and as they gain more short-stop es at bis le! t field post . .. The experience are going ta be le! t, throw Rases play hast ta Cobourg this awfully hard ta beat. Th lay- a billiant Satudayat the High Schaaler are gettlng all theé signais ed Junior groundsa .0pm whicb is a big heip. Crorabie 1951, gainj gnouds t 230 .m.should have one more signal, befone bow R H E amd this sbould be used when hie Juiorsm.1 Whitby --- 000 220 010-5 Il 5 wants one af thé pitchers lu the thé Rases Bow'ville 100 240 00x-7 9 4 bull peu ta stant wurming up. A titie. He Whitby-Beil, 3h; A. MacDon- ***to tumu pr, ald, ni; K. MacDonald, f; Bid- Thé pitching staff has been Indiana o!, good, lb; Hanna, c; Yuill, 2b; giving a good accaunt of itucîf Inl hockt Stroz, ss; Wand, cf, Brown, Mi- with each starting pitcher goîng champions] chael (6) p., Millen, cf; (6). thé route and helping ta take a Red Raidi Bowmanville - Gilhooly, 2b; lot cf wonry away from. thé cîmus. He Hamilton, cf; Yourth, 3b; Hoop- manager. Crédit Jeî er, c; Galâghen, lb; Cox, r!;*** winning t Cowle, 1f; Cale, as; Stainton, p. Frank Hoopen was thé big 1951 and1 Umpires -Ab Bannes, plate; hitting hero on Saturday with scorers lu t Lave Mitchell, bases. three hits, whilé Gilhooly and Hé was wa ________________ St ainton had two each. Cale the Boston Bantams Win Game Against Cobourg in Lakeshore League Bowmanville Bantam Legion- naines won their first home game in the Lalceshore O.B.A. L.eague at Memonial Park Fni- day night by defeating Cobourg Bantams 5-4. It was the first time a Bowmanville Bantam 1 team had beaten a Cobourg t eam in two years. Bih .Bates pitched the entire seven-inning gante for Bow- manville, striking out nine and issuing only one walk. 1 The Bantams had played three games up until Monday, includ- ing their 5-4 win aven Cobaurg. They dawned Newcastle 4.2 and Kendal 11-5 in exhibition games. The Bantam Legionnaires will be playing their home games in Memorial Park an Manday and Wednesday evenings at 6.45 p. m., and local fans are asked ta support this good team of Bow- manville youngsters. The Lake. shore O.B.A. League is made up of Bowmanvilie, Port Hope, ICabourg, Kendal, Newcastle and Orono. The first three teams are pliayning in "B" classification adthe hast three ini "D"y. The winning team in the "B' section will advance into the Ontario Bantam playdawns. Murray McKnight is manager of the team, Jim Richards is coach and Bob Kennett. secre- tary-treasurer. The team's caps, crests and T-shirts were donat- ed by the Bawmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion. Players are: Joe Kennett, Glen Crossey, Bob Abbott, Bob, Mari errison, Curtis Vanstone, Maurice Richards, Rau Mutton, Jim Masterson, Bill Bates, John Mason, Ted Cnamp, Gary Bag- neli and Bob Milne. the letters start. lien frot ail over the free world corne such tom-* ment& as these from readers et THE. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: '*The Monitor us must rend. ing for stroight.thinking "I returned *0 sehool aller à lapse Of 18 yemrs. 1i wiil ge# my degree from the COlege, bus my education comase from the Monitor .. "The Monitor gives me idea for my work. *V truly an joy iL coin. 'You. too. wilI find the Moufter informative. wiîh coniplete world news. You will discover a construc- tive viewpoint in every news etory. Use the coupon below. The Christian Science Mlonitor One. Norway Street Boston 15, Mass., U. S. X. Please send me The Christian Science Monitor for eue year. 1 enclose 815 Q(3 moé. 33.75)-Q3 (flmi and Gilhooly looked gaod around the keystone sack and Buck Cowle camne up with another stellar performance. The teamn is now hitting at a .253 clip while the fielding per- centage dropped ta .939. Gil- hooly is top batter with .625, Stainton and Ferguson .500, Moaper, Falls and Girandi .333, Cox, Cale and Bird .200, Yourth .167, Cowle and Hamilton .143 and Gallagher .125. Gilhooly ia tops ini nearly every department, with the moist stolen bases, 3; most runs, 5, and malst walks, 5. * * 0 The standing of the Lakse Shore League is as follows: W L Pcf. Bowynanville - 3 0 1,000 Port Hope - 2 1 .667 Whitby - i 2 .333 Caîborne - .0 1 .000 Coburg - -- --- 02 .000 Max1e Yaurth was vôted Cap- tain a! the teamm by the players, with Frank flooper and Bob Gallaghen being made player representatives ta the exocutive. Wbo's Who With thse Roses Maxie Ycurth, Captain-Bom in Oshawa 34 years mgo, plays third base, bats and throws night. Maxie's basebaîl cureer hais been with Oshawa and Bawmnanvilhe. Re was on the Oshawa Jr. team in 1939 that won the Ontario Goodyear Rod and Gun Club HoId Annual Outing Goodyear Rod and Gun Club wîth a membership of 98 plant and 28 assaciate members has been quite active this season. On the May 24 weekend 23 Club members made their an- nual fishing trip ta Kenisis Lake and brought home over, 60 fine lake traut. The trip was armng- ed by Fishing Chairman Elgin Brummel and the meals were prepared by Chef Jack Goodali. At a draw held recently at the plant, Art Bell won the first prize o! a fishing pale, reel and line, and Mel Hawley won sec- ond prize of a minnow box and lures. The third pnize, a min- now pail, went ta Jean Belîman. W. - WIrJ-AwAK ma15deartmcota MY MMb.etwmd'out in a muV bat.remtlngmilt built on the moml Ihm. orthé aid- fathioo.d Wnitown. Madeof "&ecd" muiims foil, this ou*Shus tie hook-and-ladder àadsklt Mmtoprotection from miuehait. Ctaim an em.have the ame idua weAn thy build their bornaof aminumushéet. Not ouly is aluinimuz fire-resistAnt but if mso kefpu bains 90hin rmmmerbecause It réflects the béat cf tlw dh; and in winter reflects bick into the baun heut that would othmwise escape. ln feét yoa mlht amy that in the products of Cânada's aluminum industry art refiectid countesis aids to botter living - on thé farmn, in thé city, in your ewn home. Alumninum iComspany 01 *Canada, Ltd. (Alcmn). Maple Lea offered prc organlzatici Oshawa7 when they title. At schoo ons of the field fornB. ing and specialty. We'l1 bri thé playens .ach week. This Sat bourg Legq ta do batil thé High S time, 2:30 ] Ont. Di Not M To Thei Oven 100 and creani called upoi of June ta 1 ng progni: organizatioi Canada. BE butterfat ceîm, thé the adveri was $207,4C was actuall -mi iseball Chîmpionship the same team in 1940) ta the finals. He was mber of thé Roses who tntermedlate A titîs in hockey player of note, layed with Oshawa 1937, going through to against St. Boniface. he played with Osha- :men and helped themn eSenior B title to * 0 * "00 e, age 23.-Born envifle. HRoop does thé for the Roses and is .1 neceiver in the Can ulsa be used at eor first base. Bats ws right. He has hid career ta date. Play- .bail with Oshawa mn g right ta the finals ving out to the London rjie same year heiped Win the Intermediate ewas offered a chance o wlth the Cleveland the American League. çey the won his first hip with Ma Breslin's Jes in the Juvenile ,was with People's ýellers in the T.H.L., the championship in being one of the top the Mercantile League. tched by scouts fnom in Bruins and Toronto ifs hockey clubs and ao contracts with bath mun. He was with the rruckmen this year ywon the Senior B )ol Frank Hooper was istars of track and B.H.S. with high jump]- palo vaulting his 0 * * Sing you more about rs on the Roses' router k. e kurday, June Sth, Ca- ginnaires will be here tle with the Roses ut School grounds. Game p.m. )airy Farmers Aeasuring Up ir Obligations 0,000 Ontario milk aproducers are being on during the nionth Dsupport the advertis- .m of their national on, Dairy Farmers cf Based cri the sale of in either milk or eOntario potential for *ising fund last year~ 404, of which $137,00 0 ly colhected. Dairy 'onganizatian afficials are auxiaus ta incrense thé June Advemtluing Set-aside, as Ait l calied, lu bath Ontarioanmd Quebec ince these are thé two major producing ameus cf the country. Pencentagéwise bath Onturioanmd Quebe have Lasguud behind thé nést of Canada in suppontlng thé June Set-aside. Sevénul western provinces are ulneady asklng th ut thé busis of thé Set-aside hé widened ta include a period longer thun one mouth. Parm organization officiais poit out thît thé Set-mid. la more important this yean than even before because ai the pa- fential surplus situation. While thé per capita cansumption af dairy foods lu Canada increus- éd last yean, some surpluses stîll ezéiat. Wltb a good posture séason and a shontage o! export markets thé surplus situation couid bé émbanrassing. For this neason dairy officiais féel It lu impérative that their stnong ad- vertising and merchandising prognarn bé lnsured and fhey are looking fon heip panticulan- ly from Ontario and Quebe dairy farmenu. YELVERTON So many people warned Ted Spenceley mot ta ait in thé front pew on baptismal Sunday us that shining pinIs pate would be a temptution toauny mear-aigh^.- éd minister thut we just can't resist lnsertimg t his one: 'Babici haven't amy bain, Old mnen's hçads are juat as banc, Bctween thé cradle and the grave Lieu just a haincut and a chave." Mr-. Vance Wilson, Tononto, with Mr. and Mr#. George Wil- son. Mr. Lloyd Heasllp, Trentoni, spent May 24th weexcend ut hia home. Mr. and Mn,. Harvey Malcolm and Mitai were Sunciay upper guests cf Mr. and «Mns. Victar Malcolm, Nestîcton. Mr..and Mmi. Ray Robinson ententained necently ln honor af thé 2lot bintlsday of Mn. John Henderson o! Buckingham,I Que. Présent were Mns. Ernest- lac Henderson and Murray,~ Bethany. Mm.. and Mme. Gerden Hender;»,a.md Jimrnle, Toron- -ondMe anmd Mr&. 1lp Malcolm and fumihy. Mn. and Mrs; Balfour Mocro and family vlultcd Mn. and Mns. Sans Sedmmn, Whitby. Miss Em Hendérg amd Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Malcolm spent thé weekend at Lake Catchaý coma witb Dr. and Mrm. C. αénaémn, 'I ononto. Mn. and Mrs. George HeasUlp accmpaniéd by Mn. amd Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt, motored ta Hillhead on Saturdayevening& te visit with Mr. Mrold and Mrs. Elizabeth Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Sheckleton entertained Mr. Bill Whittaker and Don4,d, Miss Betty Whit- toier, Tbrontc, Mrs. Frank Creamer and baby Kathy, Ot- tawa, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Malcolm and Terry on Sun- day. Mr. anid M.rs. Hugrh McGill were guests at tLie weddîng of Mvr. Arnold Arnott-in Ail Saint's Anglican Church, Peiert orougli. Mr. Reg. Ruusin, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mmi,. George Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson anid Bruce accompanied by Mr. Pnd Mrs. Marwood McKee mnotored to Thornhill ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findlay. *Mr.1 ad Mr&, G. Heaslip visited Mr. and Mns. Clare Cornish fil Orillia. Miss Truus 13con, Cookoville, with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MalI- colm. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill visited John and Jean McCabe on Sunday avening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson 'vrlst- ed Mr and Mrs. William Wan- nan Ekirby. 1r. and Mrs. Hugh Gilcrest and Bob Oshawa and Mr. anid Mns. }arold lfIowbray and Grant Brooklln, vlsited Mr. and Mr&. Àrt Rowan. A number from Yelverton attended the piano recital of Mrs. Dive Wilson at Blackstoclc on Friday evèning. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson, ICenny and Deborah visited Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe on Friday, night. John and Jean spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs.i Arnold Hickson, Janetville. Poverty bas its advuntages. We ofteu womden how much sin there would hé ln the wonld if everybody could afford it.- Arkansas Deruocrut. Unemployment insurance ben- dit payments at $7,603,667 ln Octoben. 1953, were oné-third more than in the previous Oc- t aber. 'NE WONILLE Mmm. William Milligan &pont a few dmya with frienda in Toron- to. Mm. Jacks Elliott was tuken iii on Saturday and went ta Pont Hope hospital fon a check-up. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Ci!- mer, Buffalo, with his paeens, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilirer. Mr. Sld Bnowbh had the mir- fortune ta cilocate his* shoul- dem duringY bail practice. Two new houses for aur emet end. Mr. Leland Payne la build- Ing one Jugt west of whére hé! leliving and Mr. and Mlrs. Roy Hall (net Jean Milligmn) have commenced operations for a newi home on tihe Milligan property,1 lust eust of Mr. Roy Smlth's. 1 Mn. and Mrs. William Erwnvi and- daugbter Karen, Willow- dahe, with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wade.1 Mis* Inez Gordon underwent, an appendix opération et Mes-' criai Hoapitul Bawmanvle on Thumsday. Mrs. Frqd f- derson la reliéving for Miss Gar- donî jt the Jones Central. Mrs. Raymond Bruce opentl the weekend with hem aistem, Mns. Florence McGee, Toronto. Mr. lHamry Worrall réturusd home from Memonial Hospital, Bôwmanville on~ Sunday. Mrà.' Beedham o!f!bltimort who has been staying wifh hen daugh- ter, Mrs. Worrali, while Iliry was in the hospitul, neturned ta her home. Mns. Annie Roy and Mns. Mam- janie Watson, Toranto, spent Sunday with Miss Bertha Thompacu. Mns. George Ovéns and Mrs. Frank Ovens anid Barbara u'- tcnded the church wedding of Miss Pat Wure ta Mn. Rod Gil- mour at Taronto, on Saturday. A packed hous attended the play, "Business Pumely Business" put on by the local W.A. ladies in thé Community Hall, Wed- nesday evening. The parts were well taken and the play drove home the fact thut it la not béat te, worry wliat yau are gaing ta do with $50,000 before you really possesa it. Mr. and Mms A. Ton and fam-. ily spent -Sunday with friends at Stouffville. The railway caboose you tee on the tag end of all Canadian freight trains costs close to $20,- 000 to build. Rave thai 0*a* DOGE GLASS 4 OR WINDSHIELD Iauialled Now While You Wait AlSO Glass Table Tops Mirrors Bathroom Cabinets wsith 3Mirrors JOE COOPEI'S Service Station BOWMANVILLE S218 King St. ~ PHONE 3432 'J _____________________________________________________ i r PE4S Esso J- -Mll-ý-PI-ý7 nom" 1 il PAGE 112VM 1