Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1954, p. 6

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PAOE Mx TM C~A1ADIAN STATESMA!i, BOWMANVELLE. ONTARIO TMAT, MAT 0*1 us HAVE YOU HEARD? The Bowmanville Choral Se- ciety, sponsored by the Bow- inanville Recreational Depart- ment ia presenting its f irst char- al concert in the Town Hall an May 13 and 14, starting at 8:15 P.m. The advanced ticket sale is an now and tickets are availabie irait the Choir membens. In case you do not kfhow a Chair niember you maypumchase yQur ticket at Buck'Tey's Flowers, iormerly the Bawmanville Flow- er Shop, at 50e each. There are no reserved seats. Under the direction ai Mr. Hagh Martin, Toronto, the Chair will present a varied programme along with special guest artists. This programme ai choal music will undoubtably maintai the high calibre of entertain- mient which has been presented In the Town Hall this past seas- an. This concert is another finst with home town people in action. Give younself and the choir a lift by attending the Bow- nianville Choral Society Concert on May 13th or l4th. ORA. CONFERENCE Eleven delegates from Bow- mnanville in the persans ai Mrs. F. Dilling, Miss Dora Purdor, Mr. Ralph Mclntyre, Miss Bett: Carruthers, Miss Lillian Cole, Miss Muriel Reynolds, Miss lileen Spicer, Jim Hooper, Joe Mankie, Alvin Stacey and Direct- or of Recreation attended the ninth annual Ontario Recreatiox Conference held in Peterbor- ouh, Apnil 30, May lst and 2nd. UCmet Dan Sullivan at the conference. He was represent- Ing the magazine "«Civic Admin- Istration". You remember Dan was reporter on The Statesman a couple ai years back and we had a great conflab over Bow- nianville's hlstory and happen- ings and who was dolng this and Hors is a Wonderful Opportunlty for You to Be«ome a Nurse TE you want a fascinating caeer sud a background ta eahance your whole life, mnring pro- lents a great oppu(rtuasty. Classes for îhree-year nursing courses at Ontario Hospital Schools art Dow formuing for September. entrance Roquirements: Ag-17 or *ver. Secondory School Graduation Diploma. Good Heahth. &T ONTARIO HOJIPITAL WSOOOL 0F NURSING TOU RECEIVE WHILE TRAINING: " FREE Room and Board " FREE Uniforma and laundry " HONORARIUM WhilI Train- lng-$30 a month durlng lut yearl $25 a manth during 20d ye r (while on affliation in a General Hospital); $50 a montb during 3rd year. " VACATION - Tluce weeks cach year, plus ail statutory holiday.. " RECRIATION - Excellent facilitiez at eacb Schaol for after.duty social mnd sparts actilvties. A" furme., lemmteoion opply fm SUPURINTINDINT 0F NURSING Sdseoi of Noring, Ontario Hospital Sr.kviIle, Kinston, Whtby, or New Teignis ONTARIO DIPARTMENT OF IALTN mlorurbi.Miine hHIa &..CM., Minltr uo fou, Amy. ,n ý5 in le' n ir ir ir n that and it. He was quite in- pressed with the Bowmanville for the future. PLAYGROUND LEADERS Application iorms are still available for those wishing toi apply for summer playground positions. These forms are evailable at the Recreation Office, Lions Centre, Beech Ave. LEATHER CRAFT CLASI The Leather Craft Class' wound up its season's activity last week and the class present- ed Mrs. Lillian Dîlling, the in- structor, with a set ai beautîful corn flower vases: (Ycqu pro- nounce the 'a" as in "ah'). Mms. Dilling was vemy pleesed with the presentatian made by Mns»a Kerr on behali ai the class and aiter closing ut, shop. the group -enjoyed a sniac~k at a restaurant up tawn. gt nI e Nesileton Sfation 1 7t Mm. and Mms. Albert Gmeig and Sandra, Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.- The Junior Choir of Hrmis who retumned with them loft and led in the service of r- ta Toronto fan a short visit. Anniversary, Sunday morniný S. Recent visitons with Miss Rose direction of Miss Ruth Bragg 1, Mauntjoy wene: Mn. and Mrs. olwn h srie hya ,Y Kenneth SameUs, Mr. and Mns. floigtesrie hya tTennyson Samelîs, Mns. Mur- David Williams, David Werr- ,S nay Coates and Barbera and e Mrs. Sandy Moore, Evelyn and - LoisePumle Hli.Steel. Mrs. Steel is enjdying a e Mr. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip moa n etti ot. n and Mme. Irvine, spent Sunday Mrs. Htrace Kester s on Bob -with Mr. and Mns. Rupert By- and daughter Beulah have mov- c rs, Bowmanvillc. ed from Whitby ta the Edwand b- Mrs. Jos. Terrien, Perth, Armstrong farm. - ,spent the past week with hatr Mn. and Mrs. Hermanus Van- n parents, Mr. and Mme. N. S. der Heul have bought the An- n, Marlow. thur Bailey farmn east of Bleck- re Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Philp, De. stock and moved with their -trait, Mrs. John Wermy, alid 1 chiltiren, Peter andi Dlanne f rom i- Mme. Vertil McMullen, Bowmen- 1Narval on May lst. The Va- d ville, andi Mr. Fred Philp, dem Heul's spent several years Mankhem, were necent visitors with Mn. W. G. Bowles. with the Grant Thompsan's. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson open- Mr. anti Mms. B. R. Knight eti her home for the Annuel retumneti Satumdey from a visit Executive meeting of West wîth relatives in Toronto. Durham Women's Institutes on Pet, Jane andi Denny Payne Friday afternoon. Plans wcre stayeti a few tiays with their made for the District Annuel ta cousins, Mr. Kitchener Burton be heid in June andi sevenal and Douglas Gardon while their othen items of district business parents were in Toronto. were dispenseti. Mme. Emenson's Mn. and Mns. Frank Bishop graup campriseti of Mrs. Mac- (nee Marilyn Metcalf), Toron- kie, Mrs. Hoayem and Mms. Law- ta, visiteti hem ncle, Mr. K. rence Malcolm assisteti by Mrs. Burton; and Mr. Jack Bediford Bailey and Miss R. Proutt serv- Sm., Toronto, calleti also et the cd a delicious lunch. GQrdon home. The grader is workir~ east ai Mm. anti Mns. George Bowens the village so we do 'hpe. for visited Mm. and Mme. Arnolti an impnaved highway soon. Williams, Pont Penny. Mns. Ada McKee ie spending Mm. andi Mms. Grant Thomp- a few days with hem deughten, son spent Wednestiey in Bea- Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, verton, the occasion of Mr. Jas. Thompson's 83mti birthday. Mme. Wm. Hooey is nelieving this week et the office af Cen- adian National Telegmaph, To- onta, where she was employeti for some yeams piar ta hem eý mariage. Mr. and Mns. Albert Black Ï eturnedti t thein home in Miti- lanti after having spent the past week with Mn. andi Mrs. Lewis Fitze. Mms. Fitze is recovering niccly. The managen'e boarti ai the Pnesbytemian chunch helti their regulan meeting in the churcli I basement.Mondey evening. Fi- day evening practice was helti HA [ E for a Mothen's Chair on May 9th. Sunday was Communion ser- vice with Rev. Tueston o! Miil-I brook officieting. Mm. MeComb >",B FO Et took the services on the Mill- brook change. Beautiful baskets of flowers were placeti in bath United and Pesbyterîan chun. _____ ches by the family of the latp Mn. anti Mms. J. J. Bruce. _____ On Fritiay evening a shower was helti in Nestleton Fonesters' Hall for Mn. anti Mrs. John Veele when an evening of cartis, dancing anti bountiful lunch was enjoyeti.q Mm. Bill Westan bas secured a position with the Tripp Con- struction Company, Port Permy Mme. Lawrence Malcolm bas offereti hem home for the Wom- en's Instiitute meeting o! May 12th which was ta have beer. helti et the home o! Mns. Wm. " Pastel-colo, jnterior " FulI-width Freezer*Cihest " FuI-width Chili Drawer " FulI-width Hydrator " New Pantry-Door " Ruit-resistant SIselves 0 butter Camportment " Quickube Ice Trays " Lifetimne Porceoin interior $319,9ý Model STD-76C D ALE HARDWARE Phone. 408 36 King St. E. Bovmanville St. PauI's Junior Choir et Anniversary- Service St. Paul's United Church occupied the éhoir Lunney, Sharon Hull, Roberta Hetherington, Lynn Litnney. Second row:j fsong on the occasian of the Striday School Connie Niddery, Margie Bond, Mairva Abernethy, Lnria Brown, Paul ig, May 2nd. The 27 voice chair is under the Hancock, David Woolner, Bobby Smith, Lorne Thompson, Norris Turner.; and Miss Janet McGmegor. Pictured above, Rack row: Miss Ruth Bragg Beatrice Hodgson, Barbara Graham, Allan! re, front row: John Hancock, Neil McGregor, Smith, Larmy Hancock, Wayne Purdy, Lomna Abemnethy, Marion ry, Elaine MéPherson, Jeanette Boe, Lorece Abernethy, Gloria Smith, Miss Janet McGregor. -Photo by Carson. Studio, Pont Hope r ti f a L d e ti il 9 ti p KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Therteil, Toronto, spent the weekend at their summer homes here. Saturday and Sunday were beautiful warmn days for the opening of the trout season and every creek was well supplied with cars and fishers. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Collett, Janey and Susan, Port Credit with Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1Lennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and family, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couraux. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Gar- butt, Toronto, were -at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blencowe and Judy, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Chas. Thompson and Arthur. Mrs. Hattie Martineil is with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Colan at Hlamilton. Miss Frances Foster, nurse- in-training at Ottawa, and Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N., Ot- tawa, are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Mrs. Lamne Martineli and Betty visited Mrs. Mary Luxon and Marlon. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. N. Kennedy and Mrs. E. Couroux are canvassing this section for the T.B. X-Ray in Orono Mon- day, May 10. They found sa rnany wishing to take it that they ran short of cards. Mesdames G. Cathcart, Mary Luxon, F. Stoker, J. Stapleton and N. Kennedy were in Bow- manville Apri1 27 attending the Oshawa Presbytery Women's Association. Thursday aiternoon a num- ber of local ladies packed a bale of useci clothing to be sent to Korea. Friday afternoori Mme. N. Ken- nedy, Mrs. J. Stapleton, Mme. F. Stoker, Mrs. E. Couroux and Mns. Wm. Mercer attended tha District Executive meeting at the home of the District Presi- dent, Mrs. M. Emerson, Nestie- ton. Kendal W.I. is sponsoring two Homemaking Clubs this year. Their Achievement Day is lleing held ini Orono on Sat- urday, May 8. Everyone inter- ýested in girls' work in welcome to attend. iMr. and Mme. Joe Gordon have purchased a house in Port Hope and have sold their resid- ence here to Wm. Mercer. Miss N. Breretan has me- ýtumned ta Toranto alter visiting Mme. F. Stoker. Mrs. A. Low visited with hem rnothem in Taronto last week. Miss Dommene Powell visited Miss Hilda Bell and Mr. Bell in Orono. We are pleased ta learn Mr. Bell is feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Moore- eraft and her father, Mr. Ras- enhorne, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Suteliffe and iam- ily were with Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon. Mrs. Cecil Glass visited with Mrs. Neya Little Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gdorge Byers and Marion, Toronto, spent the Areek at their aurnmer home here. A specially interesting group of National Film Board pic- tunes was shown in the sehool Thursda evening by Miss Inch, Fundy Holiday gave a colour- ful view of pleasant vacation playgrounds in New Bruns- wrick with comfortable cottages and sait water swimming pols. J.N. Screen Magazine Noa. 6 depicted the work being done by medical science. Theme were reat fields ai poppies tram which opium is made and it showed the extreme precautions aken to bmlng it here safely for the benefît of hurnan wel- lare. The utary of Koula, an mported U.S. donkey made us glad we live ini Canada by show- ing the backward way farming is done in Greece. Melodies of Stephen Foater proved an in- tenesting musical interlude. Power to grow, in colour, show- ed how fertilizer is made and ts value Io the farmers while Stmuggle for ail depicts bming- rag 1n-ail -1l. - a.vut.4w- Bowmanville Women's Institute Elects Officers for Coming Year, Bowmenville Women's Insti- tute met Apnil 29th with Mns. T. Butteny in the chair. After the usuel business session Mrs. S. Grant gave e report on Jun- ior Girls' trip ta Toronto. $10,00 was votedti t the In- stitute for the Blindi and $10.00 ta the Hospital Bazear. Coloneti slities an Homticulture by Mr. Carveth, was voteti the best pnogmam. Annuel eonts of the stand- ing commîttees wene eeti and. approveti. Mrs. L. Dumas presented.this alate ai officers for 1954-1955: Past President, Mme. C. Joncs; President, ..Mns. T. Buttemy; lst vice, Mns. E. Passent; 2nti vice, Mns. S. Grant; Sec'y Trees., Mrv R. Cantiler; District Dinecto:, Mme. Chas. Mutton; Dilrector3, ENNISKILLEN On Apnil 28th the Hampton Service Club ladies was enter- teineti in the church basement by the Enniskillen Service Club. During the evening gemes anti conteste wemc enjoyeti by aIl, aiten which a tiainty lunch was' senveti. Mme. George Fenguson, Mme. Max Johnston, Davidi anti Sher- ry, Mn. anti Mms. Cameron Olce, anti Master Alpha Bentier, Osh- awa, Mr. anti Mrs. George Lutes anti Gary. Mn. anti Mme. Invine Cook, Mm. Joc Break. Scarbomo, Mr. anti Mms. Norman Avery,: anti girls Ha ydon, Mr. anti Mm.' Frank Donlanti, Mme. Tony Smith, Mr. anti Mme. Jim Me- Laughlin anti Ralph, Mr. anti Mme. Haroldi Avery anti Ronald, Bunketon, calleti on Mme. Clan- ence Avery anti baby at Mr. anti Mme. Albert Oke's. Mn. anti Mrs. D. J. Napier, Toronto, with Mn. anti Mmm. O. C. Ashton. Mm. anti Mme. Walter Ormis- ton anti !amily. visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. W. Vivien, Haytion. Mr. anti Mme. S, Johnson, Den- nie, Mark anti Miles, Whitby, visiteti Mn. anti Mme. R. MeNeil. Mn. anti Mme, D. Yeo, anti Lor- Market 'more and botter fruit keeps apples free of cab inlurv - keos Mesdames, F. Jackman, J. Ii. Abernethy, H. Richard, G. Cowling; Visiting Cammlttee, Mesdames, W. Comtien, A. H. Clernene. M. Colwell; Auditorr, Mesdames, N. Neatis, E. Mit- chell; Sang Leader, Mme. G. Gat- cheil; Pianists, Mesdames, G. McCoy, S. Butteny; Rest Room, Mme. R. Centilen; Gnaup Leader,1 Mesdames C. Gatcheli, G. Rich- ard, J. Shackleton, C. Mason, M. Weissman. Mme. T. Buttemy thanked Mme. R. Cantiler anti the membeme for thein ca-openation during: the past year. The winner af the Kenwooti blanket was Mme. G. Richard andi Mns. A. Dumas the cup andi saucer. Refreshmcnts were served by membens o! the executive. na, Oshawa, at Mn. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Mn. anti Mme. Haroldi Patter andi family, with Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Rev. and Mrs. R. Seymour, weme recent visitons of Mr. andi Mns. Norman Wright's. Mn. and Mme. Herb Stainton, anti Breen, Hampton, wene Set- urtiey evening visitons af Mr. anti Mme. L. Stainton. Mn. Osweld Pethick, Barrie, Mn. Floydi Pethick, Toronto, visited their parents, Mm. antd Mme. S. R. Pethick. Miss Betty Jane Wermy with Misses Laura and Muriel Grif- f in. Mr. and Mme. Norman Wilson and Kenny with Mr. anti Mrs Rose Wright, Newcastle. Mn. anti Mme. Benwln Adams. anti Wayne, Mn. and Mme. Don- aid Lee, Wayne anti Tenny. Osh- awa, with Mn. anti Mns. Walter Fergusan. Miss Doreen Tnewin with he' grantiparents, Mn. antiMns. Fred Toms. Mr. anti Mms. Leonard Stain- tin and femily, vîsiteti Mr. andi Mrs. Henry Steinton, Tyrone. Mr. anti Mms. Haroldi Ashton, anti boys, with Mm. and Mme. Jack Lyons, Hampton. Mm. anti Mms. Orr Jcffeny, Mn. anti Mme. Clcm Jeffery anti fam- ily, Pont Penny et Mn. anti Mme. Arthur Brunt. Mn. anti Mrs. Gingemich, Mr. anti Mme. A. Flintoff, Oshawa, with Mr. anti Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. anti Mme. Bey Veale, anti family ai Muntiochvilie, Quebec, are epentiing a few days with hem parents, Mr. andi Mns. F. W. Wemry. Mn, anti Mme. Gerald Bull anti farnily, Oshawa, weme Sun- day visitons of Mr. anti Mme. W. Howell's. Corporel N. G. Spry, Centra- lia, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Edigar Wripht anti femiiy befome leav- ling for Gerrneny. Master Teddy Yeo, with Master Keith Ellis. Mme. Frank Spry anti Roy, Rochester, with Mn. anti Mme. Edigar Wright. The Women's Association met YOUR EYES and '~\Vision, -r- ~ jRo-written sweet and sour cherries, previauE peaches, plums, prunes coyigt fresof bown ot.C. 0. Tuck. Dimney Blds For crop. perfection Op - %1614VO a ~OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 74--% 53. A two-fold reason for the cor-' rection being as a mieans of pro- - a, tection as well as correction, PR protecting and conserving what we have in many cases and in We SERVICE out progroms. others correcting and making Sce ourNiagra eale ~ perfect through the wearing of Seo our iagra duleror the correction. write The persan who ret;ponds ta the correction reaps a two-fold NIAGA A RAND SPRAY 00. MT benefit, that of comnf rtan Bwhnsion, Onit. vision aiea; but the ane whose x vision is so long neglected that P40W - Niaom ora ndam it will flot respond should be Gardon Grand for home gardonsI sufficiently anxioua tg save what 1they have. at the homne ai Mme. John Grif- fin Tuesday evening, April 27th wlth 28 present. Devotional was in charge af Mme. J. Siemon and Bible reading by Mrs. F. McLaughlin. Mrs. Wm. Howells was in change of the program. Piano solo by Phyllis Howells. Reading by Mrs. Wmi.,Ashton. Reading an the United-Nations by Mms. M. Hobbs. Meeting closed with Theme sang and 7 prayer. Graup IV served lunch. Mr. Gardon Wermy, Toronto,. called at Mr. and Mmm. R. J. Or-L miston. Hawkeye Camiera Flash Outfit Dextri Mal tose 95C - 1.90 S.M.A. Food Poe Dee Tee Math Killer 590 Larvox spray 93e - 1.43 Fn irth to a&0 la iamx italoansepaftat out $1. for every Canadian child. Stafford Bros. Non- menallWorlu Phono Wfflby 552 $18 Dandat &L E., Wbltby tfl EQUALIT? MONUMENTS AND j fred.. workmanship and careful attention to détail are ybur assurance wheq_. y'ou choose from the w141 sélection ai lmportedW d<>mestlc Granites and Marbie in stock. MORE THAN 50% Yard Hand lets you sit down and .,zip through doxens af difficult gardon chores. An), member of your family Can casily aponate the ruggedly versatile Yard Hand as it mowi, sweeps, hauls, saws, sortis, fertilizes, spikes or rals! Let us demnonstrate thiu low caut power gardener ta you coday I Lander Hardware 7 King st. 1E. Phone 774 a m a , th r @r oo f p r od u c t àimi THEN HERE'B YOUR CHANCE, TO WINA NEW «.OIare BOtcher 30" RANGE..FRE By purchasing a n.w Clare Brothers Hecla Purnacebtw.r now and' July 3lst. yoea may win «a famoua Clare Brothers .jew.l 30' Rangs'for nothingt To take advantags of Clare Brothers 1OOth Anniversary off«r: Soe us. Duy the Clare Brothers Furnace Most suited ta your needs. Thon, before Deebr 31, 1954 write and tell Clae Brother.> what you likcd beai about it. If your letter is. the best received you wilI win a nor Clare Brothers 30' Range... gas or electric . .. absolutely fret. sEE us FOR COMPLETE FURNACE CONTEBT DETAILS and remember: this is an unusual contest because 1. There is a teparate pia for .very Province. 2. You compote only with tWfoee peopi. w"ô have bought a Clare Brothers Hocla Furnace between nov eod Juby 31 i your Province! Le A. Parker & Sois King Street East Phone 651 New Low Prices KODAK FILMS No. 120V and 620V 47c - Duo-Pak 89C ýpasîtorles 300 àilldren's lkspirin S-I ut Absorbino Jr. 1.19-2.39 Doili Tablets 2.39 - 39 Geriiol - Fast acting iron Ionic j I liquid or tablet8 $------ Nouaema Cream Baby Scales for- Rent COWLI NG'S itlWE 'li PHONIE 693 No. 127V 42C Dua-Pak 79c For AhaiBaby Twln Tips 29c, 49e, 95e Aqua Seal Pants - -39c, 59e Bottle Warmer - ------- le J. & J1. Powder ----33e, 39c Z.B.T. Pawder .--- Si, 60e0 Mennen 011 Ose5, 1.20 J. & J. 011*.65c' 1.15: Baby Lotion 065 e Baby Cream 60e Dlaperash --------oe, 1.95 Castorla-- ..- 45e, 75e Baby's Own Tableta 39e, 85e Steedman Powders - ---29e NiaI Creophos 1.25 DRUG STORE Gi sup] Chi F NeV Bemember Mother with a beautiful floral tnihute of our fragrant FLOWERS or POTTED PLANTS. Biuckley's Flowers 3King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 474 1 %90 ý - l

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