Gi thi pri re; OE ro a r-o idi Seeing by last week's Statesman that the newly organized Choral Society was to have a rehearsal in the Town Hall, Saturday afternoon, in preparation for their concerts next week, Ma y 13-14. we took thé liberty of crashing t he gate. go to speak, ta se@ how the choristers weti getting along. We quietly tip-toed imta a back tient and fur haif an hour enjoyâd watthing* Mr. Hugh Martin, the instructor f rom Toronto, putt*nghis choir of around tlhirty-five maie amd fem'ale voices throu h their pâelea. Not being too famillar with musical terms mnaybe that's nom thé correct word ta une, but anyway, yau knaw what Wè, mnean W. hadn4t been sitting thére long, fascitiâted In watwhing and llsténung to the directot and his enthuiatie singers, 'be- Pir-e we were iinpresaec with the thora ugh- neas Mr. Martin lnirsaed on I repeating il fferent pasgages limé and again, ini the s-lectiong boing suh9. The thought went throu gh Otin d. that moni demands noth- iîi~ s ortf perfection ftom his choir. W'Ith the persigtence af thé leader and the Mwlling ca-opération of hl s inigeraâ we feel this objective will bè reached et their concerts next week. Trhe Bawmanvîlîe Recreationi Detiart- ment la ta b. coligratulated on ma king l o ur reading this week w. were greatly impressed with the leading editor- ial ln "'The Labour Review", the oqfficial org an di Thé Canadian Federation of Labour. The article, headed "Who Killèd Cock Robin?" ihouid bu equally interest- ing ta ernplayera 'and employees for their thoughtful considération, whlch follows: Nothing is easier than ta accuse workérs af priclng themselvea out of jobs by their wage demanda. It has become a popular trick of the trade among the amateur economists, bath ln the press and in politics. Their line is that wage boosta Jincroase thé cost ai doing business; the-se enhanced casta reie the prices of the goods or serviceâ that are sold; then, when the high prices make buyers shy, thé out- put has ta be curtailed and less labour is requiréd; hermcé, fewer jobs. In thia glib deductian there is same truth, but flot thé whole truth. The part of the truth that is left'out is quite import- ant: the fact that workers don't décide their own terms of hire, ail by themselves. It takes two parties tcd make a bergain,, and onie party to a wage bargain always rnust be the fellow who undertakes, to pay the wages. 14e la calied the employer, and if he makes what seéms ta hlm a poar deài, consoling himmelf that hé cari pesa thé check to his customers; ho sannat évade responsibility for thé slackéniftg af efféot- Ive démand thît ensues1 Europeans' Flabbergasted this wonderful service ai Sang àvallabie ta thé young people of aur community, as Weil as for ifilka who are flot so young. The surprisiaug part, and a disappoinîrnént ta the writer, wmo the tact there weré ual murs Young people in thé' chorus. With mneboin#8 taughi, in aur public and high schuoasand thé hall dozén or mare churclh ohoirp ini town une naturally éex- pected ai lo*st a hund'red local singera would hikve elamn.d to take advantagé of improvlng tlieir God-glven talents by attenidhng this frée course of shnging dur- un ge thé winter monthà under uuch a cap- abl Instructor. Maybé w. should n4t expoct too much remponge the f Irai year, ao we'Illooek for a mnuch lrger attotidance At Iheué clisses next wlnter. Bowrivilié ha& always béen lookéd up te as an outâtanding musical commun- Ity mnce thé days, ovér 90 vearsaega, when thée Dominion Organ & Piano Co. tarted te malté their worid famous mnusicîl instrumenta here and aI one timne had a band afiInternational lame. tecausé this Industry has passed inb history je no reason 'for the town iosing its réputation ab muule-lovinq faiks. Vou cari eîeh do your part by giving encouragement. mor- ally and financlaliy, tô the Choral gotlety by ettending théir concerté next week. A lot ai thf wage bargaining in th lastfew yéarg has beenpérfunctory an hali-hearted, Employers have goné throug thé motions, resigued froni the start t au iflcréase iu theîr labour cashg an haggling auiy ata how nimuch. From 1h vlwoint ai each grbup oi organize o, this was an excellent framé c mmnd for th. employer. ta be In. Tb unions naturelly took fuit advautago c thé clear fact thal they had tao oiiteîi with mereiy token résistance. But fo th. workmrs lu général, and for thé corn munit y t large, thé uearly autamatii annuel ncreaoeà of wage rates havé beei seIf-defeaîlug. Whéu évérybody gelsj ralse, nobody gela a ralné. Thé employer& as wéll as ihe workeri have played their fulp art in pushinj inflation. They knew, ?ettçi- than Mas! workéra couid bé expecîéd ta know, thai they wére pricing Canadien goada ouI ol thé expart Market, and upon exparî Itrade almost a third ai our industriel mctivity dépends. mhus we may faliy concludE that when amateur écorlomists -attribute logo ai employmnenî toeéxtortionaeéwage demnands, thy are iaokiug et thé situation with oue eyé ciosed. If neariy full employment le ta be mairiîained, seli-restraint is as much need- éd in thé bidding af employers against ones arxoher for the limited labour supply as il is ln the biddiug of workers for* good wages. Must Showy More Restraint If Canediaus wish ta curtail unneces- sary spénding, to, have mnore money 10 spénd ou ésseutials, there is one place théy cen do il without gréat sacrifice. That is iu their expenditurés an alcoholic bevér- ages. The amount speut by thé people ai Canada on elcohoiic bevéreges is a hugé ane. Il is incréasiug et an alarming raté. iMany who drink are driuklng more, and more people are drinklng. If a proportion ai this greet outlay were uséd for essentiel purposés, many people would be living much bétter. Thé increaeéinuthé amount s peut iu Canada Isince 1946 is $275,000,000. This wouid build a lot ai homes; keep othérs in bélIer répair or betIer furuished, or buy plénty of food and ciothing. The éxpensé ai thé liquor traific ta the Canadian people realiy is much mare than $791,000,000 spént iu 1952. Thére is thé loss sustained in traiiic accidenta ta which liquor contnibutes. Théré are thé crimes resulting frai- thé abuse ai liquor, thé cost ai trials and kéépiug people in prison. There are thé éxpénsés ai broken hornes, ai trealment ai alcoholics and the maintenance ai thosé who havé bécomé indigents as e result of excessive use ai alcohol. Wé do ual suggesî prohibition is thé enswer ta this problem. But certainly il is lime for Canadiens ta, show more self- restraint--or for goverumeuts ta éxércisé a gréater contrai ovér thé liquor trafiic. The effécîs ai spéuding so much ou alcaholic beveraes arcn't juat économic. Thé social conséquences are évén more seniaus. We are too prodigal in aur expeuditurés ou béer, winé and liquor. Wé are payiug a héavy pricé for il, flot just in mouey but in the iucréasing nuniber af aicoholies and in mnany other ways. Yét there are thosé who edvocate al driuking spots, in Ontario bé kept open unlil two a.m. They are doing a dis-d service. Thé aboyé atatistics surély in- I dicaté people are drinking too much naw, if flot too llitle.-Wmndsor Star. Observations and Opinions What many husbands kuow: ,Many womeun go fromn saying "I do" ta "Xou'd better".--Smniths F'alla Record-News. Timès must sure b. changiug, we thoughî, as wé spied a dancing beauty in attractive costumé fetured on the front page ai thig imonth's United Church Observer. Brought up in thé straight- iaced Méîhodist fmith, we recaîl as a lad back in thé 90's, gétting the customary kitchen puuistunent ai that era for cam- mittiug thé "sn" ai watching the yowng folks step thé light fantastie in thé li town hall where tlié post office now stands. Anyway, our congratulations go ta Editar A. J. Wilson and him capable staff for thé greatly impraved Observer in recettmannths which has résuited in a treméendous ancreise in circulation. In the Dim Distant, Past iFti.l'm the Stbuat ea f- $à VEAU8 AGO (1919> TendeP for the addition 10te th Consftrutucto aiofMihiloa a *86,000u. làtadofai Tommà oas itat âa aIog ing i IlanitatIomteker oat e atcarlvited melitmbers ta a & ipetriaiPrésirent aI àhehy Isohetre Psedntel ,appeto 01a expesedth apreiaio a n ]etBowinr Cu hd t anloweln gâClub hd ti ahénoa meng te gt rH.dy oi thé eeot. AreierI . Wi loctd Crudthâwo h lfiedglCfurutihrst Wondthu inl thedunior hgent t ndti Ain Ibm unir1 yoe t1C AgicuE.turals Colae.ïdtrd M1f TE. S. tesayc, avéatrae on "Thlngats mn, gave a puyer a on ehna Mney annomeeting' et omensinstituni etng. Clubezwlerti Musoricpetud Osawubub nnetabanPort field in hawaitClus a a banquet hel ly 0 wr TrinîtySAnda col ear'l lent0 r prileson. A x Mre . t prorafoloe, Welrw wecMr. F. J ItçSn. eWe er a aelabsen cktafur Klng duae am isnes. fu onh u Ta Blhs. 1hro a dets T.i B. lhreeist was afortmo- in g hopes ed, gate",foramn ansdesa ruped, hogreen, gonge the purpe. Thoughnt forwa ony htome h êt o ak las! okOe 0 re lanekhstock-Ove 2a0 rienu bride r brde Magrom, Mrand Mwrsof u8d.u iftrs. Mwith a shtow ev- iseful gifla. Mhrmaregton. v It einte a lohair boyatoo thaplm-.t f oalbroynservice -Clencel for atonoondserice *-Claeneof Vtria Colmd WII Toronto. icai Clee Maille to. eAot 0m Mber Graougve-Aout lO mmm- >ues a ouNgeasle's ere uhests of ewcaste pLeage henr ple rae preseted heir play "Take My Advieé". t: bai-ses aut ai sight. Th edflito i kAG (1the8> n h edtnéior ¶whicatd p th,i T orcati o w h a ittding Beitb, -ex-M. P., of Bowman « Ville was th@ riginalor of tii a grhil sho* and. mooUred a grnm d a 2,000 fi-rn thé Dominio: i GeV't fer it. 1906 Was the 1itl antnuel show.1 Statistica f-rn m eRegistrar Ctanersl'o office for ortarl( 9 howmd thât out of overy 1 00 rbibleS bain, 111 died bei;rt roachlng the ae c i aone yei<. J. R. Finkîs of the BoWfmar1 ville XEvapôratar wes iu Mich 11i ibUyin glPotatoeo at lot an< 120oA bUshetao vaporate. P'artý mn weie emplaYed at the loal *eVitporator. Miusion Cirole ai the Meth. odiât Chureh bai a plea.ant AI e lonie et 'the residene ai Mr& 1T. E. Higginbotham, Lavera Lîne j ad Liberty St. Obeding was juit about fin. -ished In this district. I was announcied that Mno. Wý 9E. Tillay wauld flot recelve until - all. 5h. wat staying at box son ?fiôrtman'a home, Toronto, whlle ha and his wifc wera or a trip to England. An old-iahioned Love Peuti iwag held ini the Methodilat uchool roam an Thursdey e vetng. Thoee musI have gana aut of fathion. Auyone knaw what a Love Feast was? GréaI preparalions worm be- lng made for célebratian of May 241h at the Drill Shed grounds. In the Russno-Japandse war, the Russians wcre about ta enter Korea. Thé Mason Ca. was baving a big sale of dry goodsanmd adver- tised grocera' due bills woutd b. tikeft as cash. Orono-4]arrnero are in seventh heaven an itemn readà. Hogé aver $ëpar cwt., cattle ai goad qualitY f-rn $5 te $6, and Young Belgian Who Worked In Cartwright, Thinks Well 0f Canada After His Short Stay e.Canada ha. an unofficial and bis work. e unpaid affbassador ln Belgium Fi-rn Nestleton, Paul went te rI Who thinki even botter of us Minnedaua, Man., where hé than we do o0urselves. worked fer two montha on a e LasI spring, Paul Emba, 22, miecbanized wheat farn, earn- had completcd bis Ibird yeari- ng $100 a manîh. Alter sevenel aI the Rijslandbouwhageichoal weeks spent vislting Belg Ian (Apricultural Schaol) in Obent. familles Who bad settled in C an. IHi. iaîbei, was well-to-d;a; Paul ada, hé réturned ta Belgium. Idecided hé wauld like ta Spend Early Ibis yea- he wraîe an thé summer ln Canda. But, al- article an bi& Canadien experi.. tbaugbhé was studying agricul- onces ion the Ghenl agricultur- lui-e, he had hai ne practical al scbaol's paper. experiente on a tanm. He déscn¶bed Canadiens as The. Canadian Federal ]De. "Joyous, good-bumared people." partment ai Agriculture passcd Héencaountered "continuous op- R.l' ambitions on ta the C.N. timism." Csanadian childi-en, he R.immigration départment. wrole, ln mlld surprise, l'are Paul could undersîand basic quite Open wiîh Ibeir parnts; eEnglisb altbotigh hé could nlot tbéy ai-e willing ta discuss spéak thé lenguagé iluéntîy. tbings togethér, and thé men Hawcvér, des p le bis Inexper.: t-set lbem as aduits, wlth much icrice ln faim life and bis han- mOre patience (than Belgian dicap in Englisb, Ran Pym aiheoaffmlepebp). thé Toronto office placed hlmn Althougb moat people Wbo wîth W. G. Bowles a Nesîlélon. ai-e fond ai eating regard Eui- The Bowles' famriuns ta 700()rapean cooking as superiar to acres mixe croplbth American variety, Paul P acres, i e ci-oa i-found Canadien food mucb loo Paul was quiet rich and highly fiavored for présséd by thé peace andque him. Hé beceme used ta il, al- of Toronto (hé arrived an a tbough hé Ihinka Canadians 'Saturday marning) and w-16 lose the savor af théi- méat by soan put at easé by Mr-. Pym. deép-breezing It. Ho faund Cen- Thé airangement with Mi-. adian homes moi-e camfortable Bowles waa that Paul sbould than those af the Belgian fm- work for bis keep. For Ibm first eris~ n only criticism ai Cana- week, b. admils hé didn't eai-f dian ways was that Canadians bis keep; bhis unused muscles wreraterlés. thrifty thon pi-atested vigai-ausly against thé bis own p opie, possibly bécauae strain af farm wark. îhey had rqre land an wbicb But Paul hed plénty ai spuril la pi-oduLe théi- craps. and in thé second week ai thé In concluding a letter te bis month hé spent wltb thé Toranto friend, Mi-. Pym, Paul Bowlés family, he, gaI thé knack said eltbaugh ho had returnéd ta oi handling a hay foi-k, and was Belgium, ha' felt bis béai-t was soon holding bis own with bis stillinl Canada, and hé would hasts at unskillléd ferm opera- like ta corne back again as soon' lions. Wben hé léft Nesîléton, as he could-Toronto Globe and Mr. Bowlés paid Peul $50 for Mail. Law Society Gives Assistance To Total of 3,131 Needy People Thé Ontario Légal Aid Plan ai Thé Law SocictY ai Upper Canada had a ttalioa 3,131 neédy People camé ta il in 1953 foi- help on matters ranging tram murder charges to minai- iandlard-lenant disputes. Since ils formation lite in 1951, the Plan bas given fre légal aid la same 7,000 peopié wbo weré uneble ta pay for a lawyei-'s services. W. EarI Smith, Q.C., PÉovin- ciel Director ai the Plan, saud i bis annuel report thal In ad- dition ta the 3,131 report- éd applications a "considérable amaunt" af legal aid work had béen dorme during the year far wbick there was nto record. He noted that counsel sup- plied bY thé plan acted fon thé defence in 16 murder trials and n 221 othér séniaus criminel charges. Thé Legmi Aid Plan is operaI- ed by The Law Society ai Upe Canada ta pi-avide fi-elégal services ta People erning $900 i yem r anlésa Plus $200 for eîcb dependant, with wide discretion to County Directors ta cansider othen facti-s. Mr-. Smith i-éported tbat in ix Ontario counties-Carleton, Essex, Onaa-l, 8tormont, Went-i worth and Yrk-rcgular "ci- ýc" were held for people séek- Ing legai aid. In aroîben il aunties, cllnics were held wben lecesary. A total of 221 legal1 fid clinics were conduct.d dur-t ng the yeir.1 Anothen 24 countiea werm Lble ta mike complele provision1 on legal aid wlthot holdingt "Some af Iheae ai-e cxcep- aenanly well. il sinipw, «8". I- v p d c r4 a il ic tr Lized, and légal aid may be ob- Iained in proper cases by epply- ing to thé County Diréctai-, any membér ai thée rafession, or ta thé Countv, Juîneé, Magistraes or Caurt Officiais," Mr. Smith jsaid. Ia 24 caunties, mll lawyérs la thé county had volunteéréd for legal aid work, In York Counîy -which bed nearly two-thlnds ai ail thé applications fan legal aid-344 lawyera, plus the Comn- Plète staffs ai 19 1mw fi-ms, bad volunteered ta assist Shenifi J. Douglas Canover, the York County Légal Aid Directar. Théne wène 158 volunteer lawYérs in Essex Caunty, 120 in Wcntwortb, 66 la Sudbury and 55 lu Carleton. The 3 131 applications foi- le- gal mld lncluded 2,234 civil and 897 criminel cases. Légal aid wau given lu 1,531 civil and 770 crimninel mattens. Mr-. Smith rePorted that qO applications were receivéd fi-arn. inmates ai fédéra el utentian- ies aI Kingston andCllins Bay. Ail wére found ta b. éligible, and Wero givén legal aid. Most ai thé civil cases werc settled without court actions. As An example Of the Plan'e 'wark, Mr-. Smitb cited thcse cases: (1) An eldcnly man came tô a Legal Aid Cl laie for assist- Cance 1952, miter bclag stnuck by a car and sustainiag a frac- tured skull and brokea leg. Au a result 0i the injuries, he spenft 12 weeki la hospitliand wa unable ta obtaun pctmanént eimPlayrent. Thé driver aiof~ car hmd since left thé countrj, I and tbe cvidcnce indlcatcd lhl the injurcd -à- wasaiti r-1 Nothing Short of Perfection Service lu thé Ùniîed Churich o n BUndy was very witll ttnd- Lt bd. Thé famrily oi thelate Mrs.. 1.1ruce placed thiCe lovmly bask- e ets ai flowerà in the cburcb ln memaory ai their moîber. Next -Sunday wili be Ibe Mother's ]Day service, Mr..and MIs. PX. Vine vigited iMr. and Mnà. L. Jeblin an fun- r day mvêhing. Mr. and Mr&. Victor Malcolm and cblîdren were oupper guésts with Mi-. àd Mrs. Maurice N'eâ- Sbiît on Saturday evening. Jimmny Heath who bas been in Paî Pr-y Hopital with ifc- t ionl his hand, rèturned ta his home with Mr. and Mrs. Adel- bért Beacock on Sundey. F Mr. and Mrs. William Steele and their daugbter Miss Mar-- gai-et Steele and- ivlm. George Nesbitt lef t Saturday moiring for a tbreée weeks' holidey trip ta Dakota and as far west as Calgary. We wish themn an en- iJayable trip and scie return. Mrs. Jas. fleyenga and baby 1daughtei-. Shirley Ann, relurri- éd framn Port Péri-y Hospital on 1Friday. Mrs. M. Emerson, ]District Présuident of West Durham WI. entertained several members af the difierent Institutes on pFiI. day aiternoani. Thert werm about 48 ladies prescit. The May meeting willtesb t Mra. Lawrence Macolni's an May 121h. Meeting lu charge ai Mns, L. Joblin's group. Mr. and Mr$. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanville, vlsitcd Mr. and Mn.. Lawrence Malcolm on Sunday. .1 Mr..and Mn.. Wm. Vaudén-1 bosch and famly rnoved la their new home at Pontypool on Sat-. urday. We will Miss tbem in oui- cburch and community. Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. The presentatian for Mn. and Mn.. John Veale was ln the C.G. P. ball on Fridîy night. They i flothiirà WB WONDaa bow Much finer yon uni gel than the aliun wire uscd ini delicete apparatus which records thé earth's tremors. Drewn Out almost la the vanisb. ing Point, it is about one-twelfîh thé diameter of a humnan hair. On. Pound of alumlnum wouid Malte enaugb of Ibis unbelievabîy fine wire ta stretch 20,000 miles! W. know nM more striking exemple of Ibe way people make use of thé ligbtness and strenglb' af eluminum for all sorts of jobs. Our- roesarcb and tecbnicai mcon are constantly tackling new ques- tions broughîta them by Cana- dian manufacturers wha look ta alumunmijedeveloping nMW pro. ducts, or botter products, or pro- ductsat cbît le ms.Aluminure Company of Canada, Ltd. (Mca~ *f 1 liie-* sponsible for thé iodintt. The gllalO ri-dthebm§ane toaa rlégal firài, Whicb lotated the driver in Enaland anid obtairied à deitlement 0i $4,260 for th. lijUrtd nn (2) An 88'year-old man was referrcd ta the Légal Ald Plan by the police,jaftpr a traffic ac- cidéflt In wIffch he had been fitruck by a car. A Legal Aid Plan lawyer obteinéd a scttle- ment of $68 5for th@ mon, es tOMP@enhition for his injuries. (à) An elderly war pensioner teported ta a Légal Aid Clinic that bis wiié bad dled, leaving a sIMellsuffifmofièy. Th@ inah'é dhildtell bcd ltold hlmi that, they wauld nat permit him ta shire in th.e etate, although he wîs entitled by 11w to a Uhare. The Case Was ifêrrcd te i lawyer who made sure the hmin received hi§ rightful share ai thm wifc's ecuIdé. Mr. Sffiith -noted thet all these cases had been handled by Well- knowri snd expenenced iîw- yers. theON'EumTWt for apple scab trouble u ra tized' Agricultural Spray oulcIc action lI Preventingscafb Infection end pie- vantlngsthe d.volopment and spreod of estoblished $cab spores. "Proven suri-st and safesî ln action-through yeersa ofuse", COU your imamoivce mm.s. 5*yeu Niagara dealer, or write. NIAOARA BRAND SPRAY COMPANY, LIMlI lufinste., Outode _____ q.â Mode Reg'd Conedlu, Pofuat N.. SW43~ 14 - 's P.ITTSBUROfl HOUSE PAINT If your bouse is painted white, you don't want It to look a dingy gray. Sun-Proof Mildew and Fume Resistant Outside White looks whiter, is whiter and stays white longer. To effectively com- bat milIdew a spécial mildéw inhibitor has been built into Sun-Proof Outside White. It's extra Learn how the two-coat Pittsburgh Sun-Proof Housé Paint system offers extra protection at mod- erate cost. Corne in and let us éxplain thé supériority of Sun-Proof House Paints. 00 your FREco "CO[Or DYnaqmjce for the Home booL J. H ADERNETHY Paint and Wallpaper Store PHONE 431 85 KING ST. W. '03» na Soaitj 't 'I d y PAON ?WO -rceived everul very usefulj Bobeygeon, on Sunday. «iitf including a set of dishes Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williamsj and blankt. . spent Sunday evening with Mr. Misa Oladys Èmerson, nurse- and Mrs. George Johns. in-trainiing, Oshawa, is spending her houlayà With ber parAnts Mr. anld Mrs. M. Emerson. G Mrs. Victor Malcolmn and Mr. Age is a matter of feeling, flot and Mrs. L. Joblin spent an ev- af years.-George William Curt- ening with Mrs. W. Bateman, is. Caesarea. Age is a quality afi mmd; M r. and M rs. Douglas M ackie I o 'e l f o r d e m âtd Mr.. tnd Mrs. Victor Malvlohi youeit ou dean attended the Farmers' Union bend meeting In Lindsay on Friday if hope ila<old. night. lf you no longer look aheact, W@ are glad-ta welcorne Mr. If you.r ambition's fires are d.d anld MI-§. H. Vandérheul and 'hèii yoU Ëre old. r faniilY bÉck ta pur communîty, They have bought Mr. Arthur 1%ut-if from life you take the Bailey'so farm. best _I Mr. anid MM~ Victor Malcolmi And If In hie You keep '-5S Ahd i&niilY were Bunday supPer Il love yau hôld, guests with Mr. and Mrs. George No matter how the years go by, Blnek, Cadmu,. No rnatter how the birthdays Mr, mtd Mro. David Johns, flY, Mi, and Mrs. George Johns visit. 'V'ou are flot aid. TZ5AAII T £EM". EOIWMAÇV= EONTAM IMMAY A O,~ EfllTORIALS~ -Labour and Management Both Guilty -d id Df Ld r et t y t1 ti a b the G;reatest Value in Ginger Aies m L 18Ç 2 for 35Ç do nÀR9 AGO (1908) 1 A group of w~orkers from Germany on a vrisit tea'a Michigan paper miii did nlot find the mechinery they1 were séeing much different from their own. After aIl thé Germans are superb designers and buildérs af machines, and they readily absorbéd the méchanies of rnost things théy saw. So they wére asked what had thus fer Impressed thém most in America. They had flown in ta New 'York and it was supposéd that thé Néw York skyline would bé close ta thé top in théir interest. "What astonishés us most is your auto- mobiles," they said.. "Aimait ail thé way froni Idiewid ta Times Square, we saw acres af land ful af what we were told wvere used cars. Even though they are several ytears- aid, they look much béttér than aimost anything we have in Europe. Ytwe are told that you Amnericans were already tired ai them and had turned theni tI for something néwer. 'Then as we go about the country, we see even more acres af cars used by your workmen ta drive ta work. You sav .vou emplay about 2,200 people here 'n vour plant, and there must be close ta a thous- and automobiles ta bring them ta work. We sée as good cars in the parking lots whýlich you say your workmen own (and ,wc know nowv that they do) as we see your plant managers driving. "In aur city, aur bigg-est factory employs 600 people. Only twva af these p cop1e, the owners, drive ta work. Every- b -dy élse cames an a bicycle, or walks. WTe have taken dozens ai picturés af your car lots just te prove what we wili tel the folks back home, fer atherwise, they wili not believe us. This is the most astonishing thing we have found in Amer- Ptabzh.d 1854 w'it which lteuaaorporet.d n». Sowmeayii. iNowa, t" 96=9Ke liU adpend.atd and The Orono i<e*a !0» hYomr oiCostinuous Service fa the Town ai Eawuaavlle and Durbam Couaty AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ausocamio i RATE $400a *= etitl i * tme BI AE UBWO RATE fiE JAMMES ISli G oMPAN Iwo OALLON ý -NESTLETON