' "~V"~. ____________ TECANADIAN STATESMANW EOWMANVMLL. NTrARIO h A I~W ~? ~~??mI, .rtMa~ J.L..E, Y ~ *$ proficiency in agricultural en- gineering. '$1,OOoCOMP RT OND Mr. Leask of the junior cla:ss was awarded the Year '41 Pub- 10001COM ORT OND lic Speaking Trophy presented annually ta the winner of the BACKS EACHpubli speaking contest. SACKSEACHDurham Liberals Endorse Oliver as '@2ênL- ~ kOntario Leader Liberals from ail parts of Durham County gathered at the SYSTEMCommunity Hall in Orono on mittee o! the Durham County Liberal Association to hear re- ports o! the delegates and ai- ternates who Lad represented the Durham County Liberal As- sociation at the Annual Meeting and Leadership Convention o! the Ontario Liberal Association in Toronto on April 8th and 9th at which Mr. Farquar Oliveri ou ~was elected leader of the On-. JOR tario Liberal Party. 1 ~Reporting members empha-c COL sized the large mai ority given RLEÀVJÏ- aMr. Oliver by the voting dele-1 '--ont gaies and the unprecedentedJ enthusiasm shown by the dele-( gates from ail parts of Ontario1 wbo attended the Convention. 1 NEW^ KIND OF COMFORT with Coleman BIenci. The Durham County Associa- tion enthusiastically endorsed1 Air and exclusive Magie Blenders. Mr. Oliver's election and made1 preliminary plans to have at EASY TO INSTALL with 314.i-nch air tubes that fit candidate in the field at un any home. early date. Mr. John James, Federal A SPACE SA VER wfth compact furnace in basement, member for Durham was in at-t closet or uifity room. tendance at the meeting as the1 House of Commons was recess- SUMMER COOLING cm b. added when yo r ed for the Easter vacation. Mr.r jready. James reported on the legisla- tion cniee by the Federalr Onl Blnd-ir as he olean omfrt ond govermetdinthis session and OnlyBlod-Ai ha th ColmanComfrt ond deait with the many local prob- lems which be bas handled *sic O tt returning to Ottawa as Federel member alter the August elec- tion of last year. HEAIN an PUofNGbthelDuramAssociation wiil BEATNG ad PUMBIG b hel inOron onJune l4th, Phono 3M1 55 King St. W. 1954, at -which time it is ex- pected the date of a Nomination Meeting will be set.2 c d p a i t ai h r il C Make This. Beautiful 9.5 Cu. ft. C p] fo C] te tE H th- in) se at Se ul. si TheHeurt of Her Kitchen! m Par ish of St. Joseph's Church Holds Communion Breakfast Attended by FatFiers and Sons 1About 80 fathers and sons, he knéw the names of ail the -rmembers of the Parish of St. littie fellows too, who obvious- j .oseph's Roman C a t holi c ly enjoyed chatting with Fath- Church, Bowmanville, attended er. à Communion breakfast after Sékn from the head ta- nine o'clock Mass last Sundy bleFather Malane said that St. 'the affair was held at theBa-J'hsw nol prià moral Hotel, the f Bal- Jciof sephs a nodpas f lts, which txisted when Bowman- which were strained ta satisf y ville wsaÈgecoach stop b,ý- theyune mpeiembors o the arytween Toronto and Kingston. the ouner mmbès ofthe"But," he sald, 1'it was flot until congregation. 1931 that Bowmanville had a At the head table were Leon- resident Prie.st, so that it was ard "Paddy" Dolan, presideAt comparatlvely young in this re- of the Holy Name Society; Rev. gard." Hie pointed out that ut F. K. Malane, Spiritual Direc- that time only about 25 people tor; Bernard Kitney, Secretary; attended Mass. Now the Church Norman Hannan, treasurer. Be- is packed for two Masses eacn fore the new officers were Sunday. In 1947 a Rectory bad elected it was unanimouslY ap- been bought for $7,000. The proved that the Society present Churth has been kept in repair $150 ta the Church. and recently been dedecorated These officers were elected: at the cost of $600, and the Par- President - Paddy Dolan, vice- ish does flot owe a cent. president-Gerald Wilson- Se- FAther Malane also said cretary-Roy Secord; Treasur- er-Norman Hannan; Marshail that this waà a vigorous, grow- -Paul LaPrade, Board of Con- ing parish. that fifty-six' babies sultors: Joe Cooper, past presi- had been baptized in the Church dent, chairman; Joe Cuddahee; last year, which was an enviablc Frank Bottrell,' Lea Goulah. figure. "To continue ta growv Also elected were the delegates we must ail work together. Suchi to the Diocesan meetings, Nor- organizations as the men's Holy man O'Rourke and C. Dick Name Society, and the Cath- Leddy. olic Women's League were es- Father Malane, Parish Priest sential." Up until recently these of St. Joseph's, looking like a had been the only two organi- cheerful Churchill, cigar, in zations in the Parish. Now mouth, walked up and down the1 there was the Altar Boys' Sa- long dining roam greeting1jciety, and there would soon be everyone present by name. Anri a children's club. Lawyers and Doctors From United Coun fies Discuss Joint Problems On Wednesday evenlng, April 28th, members of the Law Asso- ciation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- ham met with the Medical As- sociation of the Counties, for a joint dinner meeting at the On- tario Hospital in Cobourg. After a fine meal was enjoy- ed by both bodies, the meeting adjourned to another part of the premises, where a panel discussion was held on toplcs of oint interest to both the Medical and Legal Associations. The panel was chalred by Mr. Harry Deyman of Cobourg and consisted of Drs. Schmidt and Hunt of Cobourg and Port Hope, respectively, and Mr. Erdrnan Fniesen and Mr. John P. Fun- neli of Port Hope. The topics discussed were of a practical nature in problems which arise every day in both f ields, and it was generally feit by those ini attendance that it was of value. This is the second Joint meet- lng held by these two profes- sions and it Is hoped that in the future more liaison will be fos- tered for the general benefit of bath Associations. Lawyers and Doctors from ail aven the Counties were in at- tendance. Miss A. I. Hodgins of Bowmanville and Mr~. R. R. Waddell of Orono represented the Western end of the Coun- ties, and Mn. Ed. Howeil o! Col- borne from the Eastern end. -HAMPTON (!ntended for Iast ýweek) HRome and School Association met at the school and was con- ducted by the president, Mrs. Jack Macnab. Mns. Clifford Terril presided for the pro- g ram and called on Mr. Earl Luke wha tavored wlth a piano accordion selections. Mns. Lewis Truil gave a humorous reading, "Sunrise Serenade," which was much enjoyed. Foilowing the very lntenesting address by the guest speaker, Mn. Ed. Suni- mens, Earl played another en- joyable number. Mrs. Farrow cbnducted several contests fol- ]owed by refneshments. OBITUARY ELLIS WALTON PASCOE After a very short illness El- lis Walton PaÉcoe passed to rest in Oshawa Hospital on April 20, after an emergency opera- tion from which he failed ta rally. Deceased was born at Enfield in 1878, the son of Rich- ard and Sarah Pascoe. ln 190.( hè married Sarah Jane Ashton and resided on the homesteal1 until 1918, when he moved to Brooklin where ho ha.s. livei until his death. lewas a member of the United Church and waà close- ly and actively associated in al its branches of work through his entire life. He was also a member of the Independent Or- der of Oddfellows. He was highly esteemed among bis relatives and manv friends for his kindness and unfailing optimism under ail circumstances. He was also highly respected among the gen- eral public, for his generosity and willingness ta help in anyr worthy cause. He leaves to mourn their las;ý his wiaow, one sister, Mrs. Char- les Mackey of Oshawa and bis brother, lier man, of Colunm- bus. Two children, Howard and Grace, predeceased bsma some years ago. The funeral was beld fromn the Robinson Funeral Chapel at Brooklin. Brethren of tht! I.O.O.F. held a service at thP Chapel on Wednesday evenlnp, April 21, and the following af- ternoon Rev. Fisher of Brook- lin United Church conductezi the final service from where he was taken to Groveside cemetery for bis last resting place. There were many beautiful flowers ta show the esteem and affection of ail who knew hini. Palîbearers were six nephewr', Howard Mackey, Gardon White-, NValton Pascoe, Harvey Pascoe, Godfrey Bowman and Wallace Pascae. Two out af three Canadian households have an automobile. 1<e" There's nothlng Mother, would Mek better for Mother's Day than a gift of a Permanent. Cornte ini and arrange a permanent for your mother to-day. This la one sure way to make her happy. Joan's Beauty Centre 38 King St. W., Bowmanville Phone 4U5, e&..SM CLOSE!) ALI. DAY M ÔNDAY OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOI1NTM ENT home ropairsalterationsthe economical way DO IT,,YOURSELFI1 FENC~INI] G 1! OÂLS] : SHING[cS -SS DOs No Job too Large or too SmaJI SheppardîljR an d Gi!! Lumber Co. Eimited 96 King St. East Bowmanville Teleph-one 715 - > .1- 1p,,T# i - Give Mom Glamour . i In A rir VT.V"V-%? r 'I